HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2009-5-7 8Ftl Page 1 of 1 Ill'llm';.Jf~':.'a'Ulmllltn" GeotedlnicaJ & Cons1ruclion Services Daily Field Report Client: Mr. Joe McCormack Lane Transit District PO Box 7070 Eugene, Oregon Project: L TD Gateway Mall Station 3000 Gateway Street Springfield, Oregon Date: Project No.: Report No.: Inspector: 10 No.: 05-07 -Og 2087170 E-22938 A. Fenstermacher 5258882-49 ICC Inspection of: Reinforced Concrete Contractor: Brown Contracting Weather: Partly Cloudy ,-BP'No::-COM2008=00440' ~. '. Continuous Inspection: 0 Periodic Insp~ction: 0 Performed inspection on the reinforcing steel for north and south sections' of crosswalk betweBn pedestrian walkway and station. Reinforcing steel was checked for grade, size, laps, quantities, locations, ties, clearance and supports. Observed the placement of first load of Eugene Sand and .Gravel 4000 psi concrete (mix 396850) into areas noted above. Concrete was placed directly from truck arid was manually consolidated. Cast one (1) set of four (4) 4" x 8" compressive strBngth cylinders. Notified Adam Hughes (Brown Contracting) of the on-site results. Slump - 4"; concrete temperature - 66F; air temperature - 51 F; air content - 4.5%. Mr. Hughes was asked to notify our office when additional services are needed. To the best of our knowledge, the work inspected was in accordance with plans dated 07-25-08 and applicable workmanship provisionsof the I.B.C., except if noted above. Reviewed By: ;JJ.~~ Michael L. Miler Technical Manager c: Rowell Brokaw- Mark Young (em ail) Ang Engineering- Jok Ang (email) Balzhiser Hubbard- Tina Guard (email) Brown Contracting- Adam Hughes (em all) City of Springfield- Denny Wright (emall) MLM:sc This report and/or enclosed test data is the confidential property. of the client to 'Nhom it is addressed and pertains 10 the specific process andlor material evaluated. As such, information contained herein shall not he reproduced in" part or full and/or any part thereof be disclosed without FEI Testing & Inspection, Inc.'s Written authorization. 7~ rwv CcmeIIAvenue. CorvatfIS, Oegon 97330, phooe(541) 7574698. fax (541) 757-2991 29540 BAirpatRoad. Eugene, Oegon 97402. phooe (541) 684-3849 .fax(541)684-J851 63050 Corporate Place, Suite 2. Bend, Oregon 97701 . phone (541) 382-4844. fax (541) 382-4846