HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Field Test & Inspection Report 2009-5-8 5/o,/D9- B~I<li;'gyennil # Dale' h \ ,""... .~~ {j~H KI+1L r/ 0;J ~'-i.... Project Title ._ .;' '4/.11 H . '.de; 1> J 1 .J1.,f vO +I'*W '- /.J L . d. Project Address City of Springfteld Community Services Division 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Telephone: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 '" A "- '" '" "- '" '" '" '" (!C(-47><... Silt,J ~ w ~ ~ Special Inspection and Tesling -.J '" '" w '" -.J '" To llppli-caflls of projects requiring spechd inspe:[;tion or testillg as per Section 1704 oflh.e Oregon StructurnlSpeciaJt)' Code. Please revrew Ihe jnformnlion below. When you {mve finished, acknowlcdge3nllnder~tartding of the information by sigl1ing below, and retum this form 10 IhcClty. BEFORE A PERMIT CAN BE ISSUED: -rhe owner or owner's Icprcsenlnlive. on Ihe'advtceoflf1e respon.5ible Projec.t Engiru:er or Architect, shall complele, sign. and submit 10 Ihe City ror r<:vie\~ 3!1d approval this form completed on butl1 the front ilndba<:k. The-owner al1d Oeiterol Contrac.tor, where applicable, .shall also llckllo\....ledge the following condilions applieable.o Speciallnspedion and/or Testing_ L Conlrnc:tor is responsiblt: for proper nolitica(lOn ror tile Inspection or Testing ofit~ms listed. 2. Testing.lnboralory shall lake appropriate sElmplcs nnd transport I}l(:m (0 their labordtory for proper eva.ILla.ion or tt':sting_ · Copies orall laboratory repods and inspeclions are to be sent [0 the City by tile Testing-Agency_ 3. Spccillllnspeclion Agency is to submit names and qualifiealions of on.site Sptdallnspectors to (he City lornpproval. o H --< -< o .., Ul " ;0 H Z Gl .., H '" r '" 4. SpeciaJ Inspector shall provide inspection reports to the building offil::iaJ of all inspection a<:'ivities: 5. Contracror i:s responsible: to review rhe Cily ~pproved plans for additional inspectio.n o~ tesling r~quin:men(s (hat may be noted. BEFORE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL BE ISSUED: The Sp,cial Impeclion Agency ,hall submit 10 the Building Ollicial a S1al'menl Ihalall ilem, ",quiring inspection have been fulfilled and reported and \llere to the bestofthe inspector's knowledge, in confOmlar1Ce.with rile opprovt:d plalls, specifications Dnd applicahle workmanship provisions. Those items nollesled W1d1or ioopccted shall De noloo jn the sln!ement. The r,eporl jg to be stJbmiUed to the City prior_to a request for final inspections. ~OW1fEDGEI\'IENTS '~/J I ( /J. i-I1--!Je-KJ9/11 ~ ~ ~er Name (. Pr~nt~d) .'. O,vner Sign...'l- .a~~! / ~:~4Ec:. 5. i3 'IF':Ee' -.t<w.'7PC~~ '" / .. . 1 ~or Architect Firm (prinred) ~r$f~ ~e. Testing Laboratory Name (Prinfed) T~ti~titorafol)' Rep. Signature Kci/ J4o(j}~2, LLt.. Gen. Co"rractor FIrm N.~e (prinled), ~~nir~t~Si~lt,,':. \ 17 tl~aJAL 5fi.J!lelZ Z;J'f:iT1!t-e<: fur., 1..JaM) -t,. _ . ~ Speeiallnspeclion Agency Name (Prinled) Special Insp. Agency Rep SIgn. Building Official Name (Prinled) " l> Gl '" Bl1ilding Official Signa\me '" w I I I I I I I I I I .J . Precast/Pre-stressed Concrete: I Pile, P",,[-Tens I. Pre-Tens i Reinrorccd Concrt:le. Gunilc. Groul and Mortar: Concrete Gunile Grout I Morrar Claddin2 SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SCHEDULE A~l!fe!!'ate Test arMi-x De.siIlR Reinforcing Test I Mix DesjJ!:n~ Weiehmaster Cerl." i Reintorcine Placemcl11 j Continuous Batch Planllflspecl. I fnsvccl Placim~ I Cast Samole.s I Sam~les (PjeklllJlDelivercd) I Comorcs.5ion Test' A2y.ref,ale T (:"Iots ReinfDrtin~ Tesls I Tendon Test I Mi~ Oesi.l!:ns. I Rejnforcin!! Placement I roserl Placement Concrete BatchinJ! Conc.r.eb: Plac:em-.:nt . Installation fnsDc<:lion eml Sanm les ~Ck.llIJSamDre.! Coml)(css1fln Tests I SMOKE CONTROL: Leakage lesting Conlrol Verifj~;alioll ROOli"lNG: Insuhuion insf~llnljonlR~Vnh,e. Test strips/seAms FIREPROOFING: PJm:emen.l.inspection Density tests Thi4;;!o;ncsstests Inspect balching ADDITIONAL INSRUCTJONS, OTlIf:R TEST, & INSPECTIONS: -*~#L3.€.ZJL)~7J#Jffi'-e :)!5.L, 75 J .I GRADING, EXCAVATION,AND FILL Acceptance tests" PSF Establish fmal gmcJe Fill placement inspccti[1ll/cofltinuous Soil. Density J J j 1 I J STRUCTUIL\L STEEL/WELOlNG, Si:lmpJe and tesf (lisl specific members helm..") Shop mntcrial idl:nlHicalio!}-(mill ct=rt) Weld inspeclion ~Shop_Field UltrD.SQnic inspection _Sht)p-----'-Field High S[reng.l. Bolling_Shop _field ...\J25 _N _X A490 _N _X Melallleck weJdillg inspection Reinlarcing Sled welding inspection Reinforcing st.eel mill cerli ti..:ale Melal3tud \V1':l<.ling.in3pt:dion Concrele inst:r1 welding. inspection .....I<<Jment resislrng steel tiaml':::I STRUCTURAL WOOD: Shear wall nailing inspection SheW" wall anchors Inspection ofGtu.lam fab. . TIC psi rnsp-eclion of trussjoisf fab. SwnpJe and te:.n cortlponents Fabrication welding.of ~l1eeJ "<lC(essOlies Fonn Completed DY' 'PROVIDE STRENGTH REQUIRED 8Y ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OR CONTRACT DOCU~'IENT LOCATION OF VALUES '" A '" IV '" '" IV , '" '" o.D ~ W P' ~ "" IV '" W '" "" '" ~F _F Cl ~ -< < o ." lJ) "ll ;0 ~ Z Gl ." ~ '" c- o Dale "ll l> Gl '" '" A