HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5689 05/17/1993 :. ORDINANCE NO. 5689 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE EUGENE-SPRINGFIELD METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM TO PROVIDE FOR EXPANSION OF FACILITIES AT THE EUGENE AIRPORT ACCORDING TO THE ADOPTED EUGENE AIRPORT,MASTER PLAN; AND ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. The City Council of the City of Springfield finds as follows: 1. The Cities of Springfield, Eugene and Lane County initiated an update amendment to the Eugene-Springfield Metropoli tan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) pertaining to the plan designation for 20 acres (;hf land adjacent to the Eugene Airport (City of Eugene: Eugene Airport/Kokkeler Property). 2. I Adoption of this proposed amendment has been recommended by the Springfield, Eugene and Lane County Planning Commissions following their joint public hearing on March 16, 1993. 3. Notice of the public hearings 'before the Planning Commission and Ci ty Council were published in a local newspaper of general circulation in conformance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code Section 14.030. " 4. The proposed plan amendment is consistent with relevant Statewide Planning Goals except where an exception to those Goals is necessary; the criteria required for taking an exception to the Statewide Planning Goals; applicable policies of the Metro Plan; and the procedure required to effect a Metro Plan . update amendment, as reflected in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. ' NOll, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOllS: Section 1. The findings set forth above and incorporated herein by reference and the findings contained in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein are adopted. Section 2. The Metro Plan diagram is amended adjacent to the Eugene Airport at the western end of Airport Road' to change the designation of 20 acres from "Airport Reserve" to "Government & Education" as shown more graphically in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Section 3. This Metro Plan amendment shall become effective when identical amen~ments have been adopted by Lane County and the City of Eugene. Section 4. If any section, subsection" sentence, clause, phrase or portion of the Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconsti tutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. .,' ATTACHMENT 3' . Ordinance No. 5689 Page 2 . 17th day of ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this May, 1993, by a vote of :6:',:1 in favor and 0 against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 17th day of May 1993. Mayor .g~~.4~~ ATTEST: .~.. ,,~ City~er ' . . Ef:ViEWFD B, Af'f'FlOVE:U /',S "ZO FOF1I\J1 ~.--lQ~_~'~-~~ '--=~~L LJA-fE: ~~,~~~~.;2~~.3.~t3~==._"_ or-nel:. Crt:: CITY ATTnni',\(V ..c~:rY\} c.~~ ~~.~>~;"~rr".J~~:~F~::.:~ JJ . v ~-, . . . EXHIBIT A Findings in Support of the Ordinance Amending the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan Diagram to Conform with the Eugene Airport Master Plan. Criteria #1: The amendment must be consistent with the relevant statewide planning goals adopted by the Land Conservation and Development Commission. Goal 1 - Citizen Involvement To develop a citizen involvement program that ensures the opportunity for citizens to be involved in all phases of the planning process. This amendment is being processed according to the adopted Metropolitan Plan amend- ment procedure. The current procedure for an update amendment requires public hearings before the Eugene, Springfield and Lane County Planning Commissions as well as the Eugene and Springfield city councils and the Lane County Board of Commissioners. , The adopted amendment process requires that hearing notices be sent to property owners and residents within 300 feet of the site and to other interested parties including affected community organizations, special districts and other service providers. In addition, legal notices announcing the public hearing must appear in local newspapers and be posted in the general vicinity of the request. This request has been processed consistent with the adopted process. Opportunities for oral and written public testimony will be provided at all public hearings on this request. Goal 2 - Land Use Planning To establish a land use planning process and policy framework as a basis for all decisions and action related to use of land and to assure an adequate factual base for such decisions and actions. This amendment is being processed according to the government-initiated process specified in Chapter N of the Metro Plan, as implemented through the codes of each jurisdiction. An exception to Goal 3, Agricultural Lands, is being taken according to the exceptions process stipulated in this goal, applicable Oregon Administrative Rules, and the Metro Plan. The exception is detailed below under the Goal 3 discussion. Goal 3 - Agricultural Lands To preserve and maintain agricultural lands. Exhibit A - Findings - 1 . . . This proposed amendment will re-designate a 20 acre site immediately adjacent to the airport from "Airport Reserve" to "Government and Education" on the Metro Plan diagram. About two-thirds of the site is characterized by Coburg Silty Clay Loam Class II soils. The other one-third is characterized by Malabon Silty Clay Loam Class I soils. Since these soils are Class I and II soils and the site is presently designated Airport Reserve and zoned for agricultural uses, Oregon's Statewide Planning Goals require that an exception to Goal 3 must be taken according to the provisions in Goal 2, Land Use Planning, Part II -- Exceptions, and applicable Administrative Rules. An exception for this site to Goal 3, Agricultural Lands, is consistent with the four standards for this type of exception found in Goal 2, (Part II-c) as detailed below. In summary, the exception is justified because the land (1) is needed for airport use; (2) is located in the most appropriate area; (3) would positively impact the social and economic environments while causing relatively minor losses to environmental quality; and (4) is compatible with adjacent uses. Standard 1 - Reasons justify why the state policy as embodied in the applicable goals should not apply. The state policy embodied in Goal 3, Agricultural Lands, is to preserve and maintain agricultural lands. In the case of this site, an exception is justified because the existing airport facility is already located in this area. The existing airport location and the need for future land acquisition and expansion of facilities was acknowledged through adoption of the Metro Plan. As noted previously, an exception to Goal 3 for the existing airport site has already been acknowledged by LCDC. The Airport Master Plan, completed in 1990, identified facilities required to accommo- date aviation demand during the next 20 years. These needs were identified through an analysis of the airport's capacity and the projected future demand. The Master Plan identified needs in the following areas: (1) airfield capacity, (2) airfield facility require- ments, (3) terminal facility requirements, (4) surface transportation and auto parking, (5) air cargo facilities, (6) general aviation facilities, and (7) support facilities such as fuel farms and airport maintenance. The need for air cargo facilities is supported by a projected increase in mail and freight from 2,988,903 pounds in 1989 to 5,029,500 pounds in 2009. Standard 2 . Areas which do not require a new exception cannot reasonable accommodate the use. The air cargo facility proposed for this site includes the air cargo building, connector taxiway, apron, and parking at the southwest end of Airport Road. This operation is directly related to the airport and must be located in close proximity since it involves Exhibit A - Findings - 2 . loading and unloading freight from airplanes. All other sites located in the area surrounding the airport would also require an exception to Goal 3. During the development of the Master Plan, several sites were considered for the cargo facility. Most of the area in the airport vicinity is in the Class I-IV soil range. No other available site would be directly accessible by road and also offer direct connection to the main runway as well as direct access to nearby related terminal facilities. Both airplanes and freight trucks need access to the cargo facility. The Airport Master Plan adopted by the Eugene City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners in October, 1990, identifies the site in this request as the preferred location for the air cargo facility due to its accessibility to both the airfield and roads and because it provides the opportunity for expansion in the future if needed. Standard 3 - The long-term environmental, economic, social and energy consequences resulting from the use at the proposed site with measures designed to reduce adverse impacts are not significantly more adverse than would typically result from the same proposal being located in areas requiring a goal exception other than the proposed site. . The long-term consequences of locating the air cargo facility on the proposed site would be less significant than locating the facility in another area. The Airport Master Plan noted that current air cargo activity is dispersed throughout the airport resulting in traffic congestion, safety concerns, limited storage area and inefficiencies in operations. The proposed site is the best suited to provide for safe and efficient air cargo operations in terms of both cost savings and energy conservation. Existing roads provide access to this site for freight trucks. Other sites would likely require new roads or realignment of existing roads. Construction of an air cargo facility on this site will allow air cargo operations at the airport to continue to expand and will provide the opportunity for creation of new jobs for the community. Standard 4 - The proposed uses are compatible with other adjacent uses or will be so rendered through measures designed to reduce adverse impacts. The proposed air cargo facility is compatible and will be linked operationally with the adjacent airport facility. Expansion of the airport facility on to this site was anticipated and planned for at the time the Metro Plan was adopted. The proposed air cargo facility is also compatible with the surrounding agricultural uses. Agricultural uses currently surround most of the airport facility and provide the necessary buffer zone between the airport and urban levels of development. . Related to this Goal 3 exception, the Metro Plan also establishes criteria for exceptions. Exhibit A - Findings - 3 . . . These additional exception criteria are found on page II-E-ll of the Metro Plan and are addressed under criterion two on pages 8 and 9 of these findings. Goal 4 - Forest Lands To conserve forest lands for forest uses. There are no forest lands or areas designated or zoned for forest use that are affected by this amendment. Goal 5 - Open Spaces. Scenic and Historic Areas. and Natural Resources To conserve open space and protect natural and scenic resources. Prior to construction of the cargo facility, this site will be screened for hydric soils. If necessary, a survey will be conducted to determine if wetlands are present. If so, State of Oregon and federal wetland rules and regulations will be satisfied before construction occurs. There is adequate undeveloped land within the airport and its environs to mitigate wetlands successfully. According to the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office, based on a preliminary review, there are no significant historic or archeological sites that would be affected by this amendment. Goal 6 - Air. Water and Land Resources Quality To maintain and improve the quality of the air, water, and land resources of the state. Construction of the air cargo facility on this site will be required to comply with all applicable local, State and federal emission discharge and process regulations. The airport is served by the metropolitan sanitary sewer system which has the capacity to serve a new facility on this site. Goal 7 - Areas Subject to Natural Disasters and Hazards To protect life and property from natural disasters and hazards. Expansion of airport facilities on to this site will comply with all applicable local, State and federal regulations pertaining to the 100 year flood plain. No other conditions in the area indicate that unusual precaution is needed to prevent damage from a natural disaster or hazard. Exhibit A - Findings - 4 . Goal 8 - Recreational Needs To satisfy the recreational needs of the citizens of the state and visitors and, where appropriate to provide for the siting of necessary recreational facilities, including destination resorts. There are no recreation facilities located on or adjacent to the site in this request. A softball complex is located on the north side of Airport Road approximately three-quarters of a mile northeast of the location of the proposed air cargo facility. That facility will not be affected by this amendment. Goal 9 - Economic Development To diversify and improve the economy of the state. This Metro Plan amendment is required to allow the airport to expand based on existing and forecasted demand to meet the needs of the growing metropolitan area. Goal 10 - Housing To provide for the housing needs of citizens of the state. . This amendment will not change the status or designation of any areas presently designated or zoned for residential use. Goal 11 - Public Facilities and Services To plan and develop timely, orderly, and efficient arrangement of public facilities and services to serve as a framework for urban and rural develop- ment. Eugene provides urban services including storm and sanitary facilities, and fire and police protection to the airport. Fire protection is also provided by the Lane Rural Fire Protection District. Other services including electric service, natural gas, water, and telephone service are provided by local and regional utilities. Based on the referral responses received from various service providers, these services can be extended to the proposed air cargo facility by existing service providers consistent with adopted policies. Goal 12 - Transportation To provide and encourage a safe, convenient, and economic transportation system. . Exhibit A - Findings - 5 . The adopted transportation plan for the metro area is TransPlan. It includes no specific recommendations in the vicinity of this proposed amendment. Based on the Airport Master Plan, future changes to Airport Road and Greenhill Road are likely to accommodate future airport expansion. Maintaining efficient access to the proposed air cargo site will be a priority in the re-design of any roads in this area. If future road changes are of metropolitan-wide significance, they will be incorporated into a TransPlan update. Goal 13 - Energy Conservation To conserve energy. This goal requires that land uses maximize conservation of all forms of energy based on sound economic principles. As with previous airport improvements, the air cargo facility will be constructed according to contemporary conservation techniques. Expanding airport facilities at the proposed location is the most energy-effective way to respond to the current and future needs of the air cargo operations at the airport. Goal 14 - Urbanization To provide for an orderly and efficient transition from rural to urban land use. . This goal requires that urban growth boundaries be established to identify and separate urbanizable land from rural land. The airport is outside the Metro Plan's urban growth boundary (UGB) but within the plan boundary. This proposed Plan diagram amendment is limited to the area planned for immediate airport expansion. Approval of this amendment will not change the existing location of the urban growth boundary or the Plan boundary. In addition, this amendment will not change the current relationship between the airport facility and the urban growth boundary. The amendment to allow expansion of the airport on to this site was anticipated in the Metro Plan resulting in the designation of this site as Airport Reserve. Goal 15 - Willamette River Greenway To protect, conserve, enhance, and maintain the natural, scenic, historical, agricultural, economic, and recreational qualities of land along the Willamette River Greenway. No portion of the Willamette River Greenway is within or adjacent to the airport and the area subject to this amendments. . Goals 16 through 19: All these goals address coastal lands and features or ocean resources. They are not applicable to the airport and this amendment. Exhibit A - Findings - 6 . Criteria #2 - Adoption of Metro Plan amendments must not make the Plan internally inconsistent. The Metro Plan includes 8 policies that address the airport. They are in the Transpor- tation Element beginning on page III-F-6. The proposed amendment is consistent with these 8 policies and the overall principles in the Metro Plan. The Metro Plan recognizes the airport at its present location and anticipates future land acquisition and expansion of the facility. Policy 8 -- This policy states that the Airport Plan is to be the guide for facility and service improvements at the airport. The adopted Airport Master Plan identifies facilities that projections indicate will be needed at the airport through 2009. The proposed air cargo facility is identified in the Airport Master Plan as an improvement that is needed at the present time. Policy 9 -- This policy states that the airport shall be served with urban services so that it can operate as an urban facility. In accordance with adopted policies, Eugene provides urban services including storm and sanitary sewers, fire and police protection to the airport. Additional services are provided by utilities and special districts. Services can be extended to serve the proposed air cargo facility by existing service providers. . Policy 10: This policy states that urban services cannot be extended to development that is near the airport, outside the UGB, and is not located on airport (city owned) property. The site for the proposed air cargo facility is in the City's possession and will remain under City ownership and part of the overall airport facility after development. The Airport Master Plan does not identify any facilities requiring urban services that would be developed on private land outside the airport. In fact, the Plan calls for additional land to be acquired by the City to provide protection from future incompatible urban develop- ment. Policy 11 -- This policy states that airport-related commercial and industrial development is to locate on airport-owned property or on private property within the UGB. The air cargo facility is an airport related use and will be located on airport-owned property. Policy 12 -- This policy states that the airport environs that are not within the jurisdiction of the Metro Plan are to be protected through the Lane County General Plan (now called the Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan) and supporting ordinances and regulations. Portions within the jurisdiction of the Metro Plan are to be protected by the Plan's supporting ordinances and regulations. . In its off-airport component, the Airport Master Plan recognizes the importance of protecting the airport from incompatible land uses. It acknowledges that so far local Exhibit A - Findings - 7 . . . efforts have successfully coordinated the planning of the airport and its environs to minimize compatibility problems. The Plan specifically recommends against an increase of noise sensitive uses such as additional residential construction near the airport. It also states that local ordinances containing airport protection provisions controlling land uses that otherwise might encroach into airport airspace will need to be updated in light of expanded facilities and increased air traffic. Policy 13 -- This policy closely relates to Policy 12. It stipulates that local governments are to control development within the airport environs to ensure that incompatible situations are not created. Drawing on the unfortunate and costly experience of a number of other airports, the Airport Master Plan recognizes the need to protect the Airport from such occurrences through public acquisition of environmental buffers, update of approach zone regulations, and careful planning regarding noise-sensitive developments. The use proposed for the site in this request requires location on the airport site and is compatible with existing airport uses. Policy 14 -- This policy states that land in the airport environs and inside the UGB is to be protected from premature development so it can be used for airport-related development that can not locate elsewhere inside the UGB. The air cargo facility is an example of the airport-related development referred to in this policy. Policy 15 -- This policy requires Eugene and Lane County to maintain up to date safety ordinances which regulate structure height, electro-magnetic and/or visual interference, and other hazards to airport safety. The Airport Master Plan includes an off-airport land use component calling for update of local height regulations to reflect the control surfaces related to the airport's approaches. The air cargo site will be developed consistent with safety regulations to ensure that no interference with airport operations will occur. In addition to the eight policies addressed above, the Metro Plan also includes the following criteria that need to be addressed for all new exceptions and for expansion of existing exceptions. a. Compatibility with existing development pattern and density. The requested amendment will allow development of this site in a manner that is compatible with existing development as well as future uses planned for this general vicinity. The area to the north and west of the site in this request is designated "Government and Education" on the Metro Plan diagram and is part of the airport. The air cargo facility proposed for this site will be integrated with the airport based on the adopted Airport Master Plan. The area to the south and east is designated Airport Reserve on the Metro Plan diagram. It is in agricultural use although the Metro Plan acknowledges that at some time it may be needed for airport expansion. The closest houses are at least 1,500 feet away. Exhibit A - Findings - 8 . During construction of the proposed air cargo facility, drainage improvements will be designed and constructed to ensure that natural drainage patterns in the area are not disrupted. All lighting will be directed inward. Noise will be minimal, certainly less than that generated by aircraft in the immediate area. b. Adequacy of on-site sewage disposal suitability or community sewage. The airport is served by the metropolitan sanitary sewer system. The existing system has adequate capacity to handle demand that will be generated by the planned air cargo facility. c. Domestic water supply availability. The airport receives water from the Eugene Water and Electric Board consistent with adopted policies. There is adequate capacity in the system to serve the proposed air cargo facility. d. Adequate access. . Airport Road is adjacent to this site and has sufficient capacity to serve anticipated needs of the air cargo facility. Taxiways will be constructed to provide direct connection for aircraft to existing runways. e. Availability of rural level services. The Metro Plan provides for urban services to serve the airport and related uses on city owned land. In addition, existing utilities and special districts serve this vicinity and will continue to do so. This proposed amendment will not result in any change in current service delivery boundaries or agreements. f. Lack of natural hazards. There are no identified natural hazards on this site. g. Compatibility with resource lands adjacent to the exception area. Lands adjacent to this exception area to the south and east are in agricultural use but are designated Airport Reserve. Construction of the air cargo facility will be limited to the exception area and will not create any compatibility problems for adjacent agricultural uses. Criteria #3 - Amendments classified as update amendments must be initiated by the governing bodies of all three jurisdictions. . Exhibit A - Findings - 9 . . . .. .. .>>?l'" This amendment is classified as an update amendment because it requires that an exception be taken to Oregon Statewide Planning Goal 3, Agricultural Lands. This amendment was initiated by the Eugene, Springfield and Lane County elected officials as a government-initiated amendment. Exhibit A - Findings - 10