HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 96-32 08/19/1996 . . . RESOLUTION NO. 96-32 Intention to Improve WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council has authority to initiate the construction of public improvements in the City of Springfield pursuant to the provisions of Sections 2.1.2 through 2.2.9 of the Springfield City Code, and WHEREAS, the Council has deemed that the construction of Street Improvements "along South 41st Street, from Main Street to 450 Feet South, and Vicinity (Project 1-995), will be of future benefit and fulfills the public need for a complete, integrated, fully improved public, improvements system in the City of Springfield and a necessary, convenient and publicly beneficial addition to such system in the City, and will also provide a particular and specific benefit to certain properties in that said improvements will directly serve, broaden the use of, and increase the value of such properties. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of Springfield hereby declares its intention to initiate the construction of Street Improvements along South 41st Street, ~rom Main Street to 450 Feet South, and Vicinity (Project 1-995), and to assess all property to be benefited by said construction of this improvement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution is a declaration of intent under United States Treasury Regulation Section 1.103-18. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Springfield reasonably expects to reimburse the expenditures incurred to construct the aforementioned improvement with the proceeds of a future debt issue to be incurred by the City. The maximum amount of debt expected to be issued for the purpose of reimbursing expenditures for this project is $200,000. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Engineer of the City of Springfield is hereby directed to prepare and submit to the City Council a report to include the plans, specifications, estimated total cost and assessments of the above-named public improvement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Recorder of the City of Springfield is hereby directed to cause the posting and publication-of the notice of public hearing to be made as required by law. Adopted by the Common Council and approved by the Mayor of the City of Springfield, Oregon, this 19th day of AUQust 1996 Adopted by a vote of 6 for and ~ptzzl\U ~~ ~MaYOr . , AT~~ City Recorder' ~~\lt~ L,r,TE: =_ ~ ;'\ \ ~, - ~_~ OFFICE OF CITV ATTOfU\!EY CfTY: t~r~~Lu'~(~~::IEL.D Resolution No. 96-32 Page 2 PETITION FOR IMPROVEMENT . Sponsor: Miles Investments L. L. C. 'P.O. Box 237 Address: Florence, OR 97439 Phone: (541) 997-3882 . Date:' June 12, 1996 To the Mayor and Common Council City of Springfield, Oregon Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, being owners of property to be benefitted, do hereby petition the Common . Council to initiate the following local )lJ1provement: Petition to improve SOUTH 41ST SI'REET BEGINNING 30 FEET SCXJl'H OF THE CENTERLINE OFl1AIN STREET AND ~vrrENDING SOUl'H A DISTANCE OF 219.66 FEET. . By constructing new sidewalks, concrete driveway approaches between property line and back df curb, concrete curbs and gutters, crushed rock base, asphalt concrete pavement, streetlights and .other work incidental thereto, all to plan and design as will be recommended by the City Engineer 'and approved by the Common Council. ~osts for the above, work will be charged as follows: 1, Sidewalks and driveway approaches, sanitary sewer extensions (laterals or service lines), 100% of the project ~ost will be assessed to the' benefitted property, except as modified by Federal, State, or County Financial Assistance Programs, I I 2. All other costs incidental to the street improvement work will be shared by the benefitted property and the City at the ,current City policy of participation in effect at the time the petition is submitted. It is further understood that this project will not be accomplished until each and every affected abutting property owner has properly, completely, and legally deeded to the City that portion of his property, regardless' of position and quantity, to result in providing for street right-of-way of sufficient width for the necessary facilities. \ It is, understood by the petitioners that the .costs of the improvement shall be borne by the ,benefitted properties in accordance with State Law(s) and the Charter and Ordinances of Springfield. . CIS ED #73-2 ATTACHMENT B-1 Resolution No. 96-32 Page 3 ' . ., . NAME SLOG/ VACANT ADDRESS STATUS OWNERSHIP FRONTAGE Miles Investments L.L.C. 4095 Main St. V Springfield, OR 97478 (Assessor's Map # 17-02-32-32 TL 4500) Deed 209.66 ~ ( MILES INVESTMENTS L. L . C. ,. ,- A . By G~~/e~fj~ \ ~vet'e ~. ~ s, r., Me _______ *David A. Tentinger and Janet R. Tent~nger, husband and 'wife 4105 ,Main Street B Spr~ng!~eld, OR 9/4/B . (Assessor's Map # 17 02 ~2-~2 TL 2900) , Deed 209.66 . ~See the attached copy ot Improvement Agreement recorded ~n the Lane County Records on.March 22, 1989, Reception No. 8912333, pursuant to which O. B. 5i\.:j\.:jo, Jr.. am] Chr: lotiIle 51S9Bd\.:jreed cu che improvements soughc herein and waived the right to r~monstrate against the tmprovements. That document speci!~cally prov~des cnac tne covenancs conca~nea cnere~n run Wlcn tne land . and are binding on the Biggs' successors in interest. David and Janet ~ent~nger, as successors ~n ~nterest ~o O. B. B~ggs, Jr. and Chrlst~ne B~ggs, are bound by the'terms of the Improvement Agreement and that agreement serves as the~r pet~t2on and consent to the ~mprovements sought here~n. CIS ED #73-3 ATTACfiMENT B-2 Kesol.uti on -:Page 4,. N~1.~333 'I ATTACHMENT ,A . Begi nni ng at a poi nt on the South 1 i ne of the McKenzi e Hi ghway 18.'5 feet South and 86.625 feet West of the Northeast corner of Lot 4, of FREDERIC, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 67, Lane County Oregon Pl at RecordS, in Lane County, Oregon; thence Squth 211.16 feet to the South line of said Lot 4; thence ,West 86.6'25 feet to the Southwest corner'of said Lot 4; thence North along the West line. of said Lot 4, 211.16 feet to the Southline of said _highway thence East along said highway 86.625' feet to the place"of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT ,THEREFROM: A parcel of 1 and lyi ng in Lot 4, of FREDERIC, Lane County, Oregon; the said parcel being, described as follows: Beginning at the inte.rsection of the East line of 41st Street with the South line of the existing McKenzie Highway; thence East along s"aid South line 25 feet; thence' Southwesterly ina stralght line to said East line ata point 25 feet South of- ,the point of beginning; thence North along said East line, 25,feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. . . ~ n ~. '.,~ c: ,,:2 0;.-:: _ III :> '" QI ;-0' =..c: 0 ...-", ~-;~ "':0 c: >...... ~=-o . c:t:CJ ::l .'-:' ~,~ ..". ,I ~>'''' ~ ~ ~ t ~ .,..1 co~ LJ~:g ., ~.J ~.c::: 0'0 5.gc g) "'" 0 CJ o~ u>'e 0: l\IC GJc:l ~ ~g':6~ Vi U -:LJ.S ~, .. Cot c:: a: ~ CO 10 ~ en " ... '0 '" Cot C:::' ..J -< Q...: Uo ... UoOl 00 >.>. cc ::l ::l 88 GJ,OI c:, c: jj ,~ A1'TACHMENT ~B;:3 ,-' -,' -. .-' 0.1'. ". . ,,- Resolution NO. Page 5 .' .' . Yb-jL or I 891.2333, IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ' IN CONSIDERATION of the covenants herein red ted, the Ci ty ~of Springfield, hereinafter referred to as City, and 0.0. oiqqs dr, and Christine Diggs he'reinaf ter re ferred to as Applican t, do covenan t and agree as follows: III1EREAS Applicant desires Development Approval from City; and III1EREAS, cause both an City; any future immediate development within City or its Urban Growth Boundary will and long-term demand on the various public facilities of NOli THEREFORE, 'Applicant and Ci ty agree to the following schedule of public facility improvements and respectiv~ cost assumption policy: STREET IMPROVEMErrrS along th~ frontage' of South 41st Street to include: P<J surface paving; !XI stor'm sewers; [>I sanitary, sewers; V<I curbs; I'l gutters; VI planter strips; W street trees; l>I street 'lights; ,M sidewalks. TRAFFIC SIGNALS at the intersection of OTHER IMPROVEMENTS: 'LEGAL DESCRIPTION, (Place here or see Attachment A) ~AR.22'B9HOSREC ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 17-02-32-32 Assessor's Mapll 02900 Tax Lotll 10.00 4105 Main Street Property Address' IT IS PURTHER, UNDERSTOOD that Applicant agrees to sign any and ,all waivers, petitions, consents and all other documents necessary to obtain the above listed improvements under any improvement act or proceeding of the State of Oregon, Lane County, or City as may be proposed or adopted and to waive all right to remonstrate against such improvements, but not the right to protest the amount or manner of spreading the assessment thereof, if the same shall appear to Applicant to bear, i,nequi tably or unfairly upo,n said property of Applicant; NOli THEREFORE, City, agrees that Applicant's execution and performance of the terms of this Agreement will be deemed to be in compliance with City's policy pertaining to improvement requirements, and if Applicant complies in every respect with all other applicable laws of the State, of Oregon, Lane County, and City, the said Applicant shall be entitled to Development Approval; and IN ADDITION, it is the intention of the parties hereto that the covenants herein' contained shall run with the land herein described, and shall be binding upon the heirs, executors; assigns, administrators, and successors of, the parties hereto; and ,shall be construed to be a benefi t and 'a burden upon' the property herein described. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Lane,qounty Deed Records. IIHEREFORE, /'111'(2 C 11 the' parties have set their hand and seal this I~'~day of 19~. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 Fifth Street ,Springfield, Oregon 97477 , By l Q~ . ~,~~K... Director f Public 1I0rks .,~ APplcan', ' ' By ~rL~i...., it 7) ..tJ.'-'}r Appl ant STATE OF OREGON ) , , ) ss. COUNTY OF LANE ) 1371!...dayof '/"f/frZCI/ and sl n d the above document. :.....~ l\.~j ~'J . personally,:"'ap~e;Il"ed' ,.,~" , , ,; I".' ",- " , ':' oJ If; '" ; i -/~. .... /) I- . 1"1.. . ~ ,. \,).' '-) \'2:" v~ . ...;p.-.., ON ,.',( . .... ~f;'........:~...' :""'" ,~ill;. t, 198'] , there e:. My Commission Expires: 3 - 'T - 9' L # 148 ( ATTACHMENT C