HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-9-22 , .. RESID.IAL" APPLICATION/PER/fIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, O!'egon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 'ob Locatio": 7tP 76 M/9T// :;;;7": 48ae8Dora Nap # /7."2- '31;'.'3/ Subdivision: ):.mer: m-n./u,e 1/141/ 7o?u H#/N ;{LJLj~ ;:/ek/ . , ~ddress: ;ity: ~~, I Additicr: I RcnodcZ I :~h~ia 2c~a T= Lot # tP <I ::?~C> Phone: 9Y'?- ~q' (p 9?'/') <g' Zip: Describe 11'01'1<: ~'Ix 2'/ G/I-/tl4ge 1/2 z J~1b Dc:.t~ of Applic~ticr. .::::r.:-1"'::=;-O:',;; ;cncr.::? (/)(./..J/JII'R '::Zu'Tibir-:.'7 ::lc~trical .~c: p ,'c::::r~i.c.::Z _ons:r~ction L~ncier Value 0-0 .?.aQ&1, - ,~ Ld (017 ::J ()3, ~ccc:"t . (L JV l utCJ l( \ qqe; '~~ vfr- JJ-o/U *' Siar.ed: CC-- 10-;;2 -'((,....., Acc.....c::;:; Date: u";'3C.= l:.:::Jir:;!s r,-.or:.; :: is tn,' res=or.dbiZitu of' the permit haUler' to see that alZ ir.:::pc::::tions are r::aae at tJ:c ;:roper tim;;~ tJ-:at ;;:;ch -":";"'e33 is 1'c",':,.,..:.; :"O.~ tho street, and that the pcMm:t ca1"d is Located ~t .~n.o: frc.,,,:= of the _prc:pert'~. :;u::'?.':::i~=G v:.u:.:::i.o!': a;rp1'oved ;:Lan sr..:;:.Zl. }'e~:::.r. 0:-: :;;;": .c;:.::.u::.n;;- .:..:.:;,;; a:: aLl. .tun,zs. '~;~.:':';.:J; PC':? !?.'~?2~IO!J P!':'~'!'ST:CALL 726-3769 (rc~order) state !Jour City .iesigr.a::ed ,10:; ~~~~s:ca a~~ ~~en YOw ~iL~ oe peady for ir.s~~ction. Cor.trac~crs O~ O~~e~s r~~e end =r~r.e ~:Z be made the same day. requests ~ade af:c~ ?:DO ~ ~~ZL O~ ~~ie the r.~t ~rkir~' i=~'. Y~.l~",..J T".;....,.""-~:r."'.~ ] E:-:E r:$'!~';~::J:.': To be r..ade af:er ezca,.:o:t'i"r.. but prier to set up of forms. ] U::D~RSL/'= PI..U.'.9I.':C. ELE~':'.f?!C,i!. t ,'.:ECH.~:.';::;.:..: ';'0 be made veforO! any wor~ is ~ov=red. ~ r F!)DT.n:C !l rC!J:.'D,1TIO:.': To be rrade af:e;~ trencnes are excavated and ferm;J are erecr;ed, but prior to pou~r~ ccncre:~. ] U!.'D:RCRQ~!:.~' ?:ru.\?n:{J. D;:?;.IiJ/,CE: ']'0 ve ma.:::e hr.g trer.che=. ] U!m~.r?F'LOC.~ ?LU.'SE.'G & ,'.!ECHA.':ICA!.: To ba m~e prier to in~:aiZation of /1001' insuZc:ion or decking. SEI/2.=!. U.1T~R. prior ~o fi i- ] POST AND BEAM: To be made prior in3talZ~=ion of floor ins~~:ior. d.ecki1'l{;. ] RO'-,Gil ?UF.'E!:.'[J. Er.E~!:!'CjE. .': !!ECH- AI:TCAL: ;.0 :JOri: is ro be coverea until these insocctior.s ~ve beer. made and approv~.:!.. ] FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facina materiaZs and before framing inspec- tior.. ~ FRA!!IflC: I~~t be reque~ted after approv~l of rough plumbing. ~Lectri- cal & meciunical. An roofing bracing t chimney~. etc. r.r~~t be . completed. !Jo work in to be con- e ceaLed until thin inspection has . been made and approved. Your City Deaigr.atcd Job Numbtzr I::;: o :;':SI...'L;'':'IO,'l/I'Jl:C/'l.~ F,F?.r!I?~ I.'.~S?::,"'"'Tr:'.:: To be Tr~.ie after- aLl. insui.::::i.:m tZ:"':/i rcqu~red vapor barriers are in place Cut cefcre any ~th~ gypsu7I beard or wall. covering is cpplied~ ard Delore ar.y ir~uZation is concealed. .. DRYi~';"LL n,'SPECT!ON: Te be made after all c:rYWQI.I. 1.S in place, but prior to any tapir~. nur.:ber. n:.u:'lbcr. JOG a~css. t:~~e 0: ~r.=?e~;icr. Rcqu~s=s recei~~~ ~e~cra ?r,~ -- ~toD 10 7/5 I :JE::~Z,I'I':C.'.: c.~ :.:J~'~: E:"I:"D:::~5 ~ Sa:ni:ar:t sC'..Jer ::c;ppea :::t p~op.cr::-:, lir:~ ---, Septic tank P:"7.cd CI:"'.d f.;..ZZed t.."ith ~:::....:.:!; J ---' i :J Find. - I{nen ab~ve ite:~s are cc.,,?letci i ar:.d when :ier.lo'ii.tior. is co.~ie~e or s::-..~- i "tu.....e moved ar.c pr~3es cLf::::.n~:i U? ! IN~bile ficr.:e$ ~ Blocking and Set-~p ~ Plumbir~ connectiQns 6~ep ar~ wc~er ~ EZectrical Connection - Bloekir~. 6et-u~ --.-J and plumbing connections rr...;st t~ C:P?r~:"e:: befopc request~ng eZec~rical ir.spec;io~ =:J Acces=ory Bui lc~ng ~ Final - I.ftcr F~rcr.es~ etc. are comple~cd. skipting. de~ks, o o o MASONRY: Steel D<;a;r::;. aroutina accorcU::Uzce r.r:"t;h 241t. WOODSTot'E: After installation is ccmp Le t~d. o All project conditions. auc~ as the {nstalLa~i.on of street trees. co~le:ion 0; the required landscapir:g, ctc., must be satisfied before the BU!Wn..C FI!.'AL can be raquestcd. ] FIliAL PLWBlJIG ] FINAL UE:HA.'lICAL ] FINAL EL!:CTRICI.L ] o FINAL BUILDINC: The' Final Building Inspection must be requeDted aftcr the Final Pl~bir~ Electrical. and Mechar.icaZ Inspectio7W have been madc and approvO!d. location, bond or vertic::ls in U.B.C. Section -ALL U,u,'HCLrS AND C!.EANOrns !rUST BE ACCES$IBLE, ADJL'S'7!~,.JT TO BE '.!.1DE I.'!' 1.'0 ["~ST TO C1':'Y I ::t""....c ! of 2 to or o CURB & APPROACH AP.f?ON: Aftc,:" forms (IJ'C erected OUt prior to pouring .:!on.::rete. D SIDF;WALK t DRIl'Ef/!.Y: For aU con- crete paving within street right_ of-~y, to be made after all e~~a- vating complete & fo~ work & ~ub~ base material in ?~e. o ?ENCE: M~er. compl~te -- Provide gates or movabLe' sections through P.U.E. o ...- JOB NO. 8(PD (p 15 ~cmc: :at Sq. Ft;;. :Jf lot; C;nJcT'ag~ of Stories 'ota Z Height :'opography ~':'~.'.! I SQ. FTC ~=il'1 aae>'! ~7t:' 'c:r=crt .cccssoru '.D.C. TOTAL VALUE Il)Cl,UC) 1.5= Bu.ilding Permit State S:a'cna:rge Totel Cha.....ges SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Oecur;ancu croue LeT TYPE In.terior Corner Panhandle CllZ-de-sac x I "aluc I I <)ctz?-J I I I I I I I I I }j.~. ,. I ,<;'&7. 5" t> J 2.PZ/ I 5"'2'~$21 FE~ -=-=::-..:res ~sid~tial rl beth) ::7':~~=1"! Sew.;!' .:-;c'!' PZU'7:=-=-r:; Perr::"~ t Sta:e S:ffcr..aI'ge T~t='!. cr..::.:occs ;.'D, I C;':.AF:C:: I 1 I I I 1 i I j;...h i .oJ, ~::. ftt:. ~/E=ter~ Cir~~its ~~rcrp SC:-Jice Elc::triccl Pe~t St::te SIC'::r.a:rae Total Cr..::,yoces "7", ... ~r..:!cc !!TU' S "r.aust Hoo.: rot Fan ocstO:JC PerT':':"~t Issuance Me::iuzr.ic::l Permit State Surcharae Total Cr.arat"..., -- E.'.'CRQACHJ..'E!!T ::-..l'l"'i. tu D;:po:;:.. t )rc.oc ':r.tp.rtar.~r ~t Tota I c;l'lGT'ac<. ':'C"'.lt ie'..J3lk :::e 'c'!:T'ical Label iIe H:xne .~L ANOU,','1' DUE:. I;:C.W I I I I 1/1 I I I I ..23. DO .~ - - 7"1- Q' I I , I. -'-1 - I I I I I , I I j I I I J i I I , I J1;~-,~7LV i 'i';.,.peICor.st: . ) I J I II II I: L-COC"l' , be::..roor.:s,' I Lot Faces I I P.~. /North lEast IS~th IWeD't - C,.oc..>T# ScthacL:~ I House I Caraac I //. I I fr.2rl7:J Sauro.-':: hcai; T!-I~(' ll.cces::;. I Water' Yra!r>r' kanpr: Fireolace Wcoa::tOl,;e Fees Building Value & Permit I This pe1'mi.t ia granted on the express condition that the sflid. construction j shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of , Springfield. incZuding the Zoning erdinancc. regulating the ccnstr~=ticn and 14G6 of buildings, and may be sUGpended or revoked at cr.y time upor. UiC-1 lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. I Plan Chec k I Date Paid,' IRec::ipt N: ISig~ed: Plumbing "3Q . r; '3 l(-22.-'U) Af,.,'713! C/ Permit Fee: No percon ahall construct, instal!, aLter or change any new cr c=i:;ti~~ pLU~Dir~ or drainage syste~ in ~hoZe or in par;. unless sucn per50n is~ tr.c legal possessor of a valid plumber's license. except tr~t a pc~son ~a~ de plu~oing work to property which is o~~ci. Zaased or operG~ed by tr.e a~?~i. cant. Electrical Perm it h~ere State Law reau~res tr~z tne electrical wor~ De Qo~e =~ an E~c~:r~~=i Conzl"Gc:cr, tne eZec::ricc.'i ;;ol":ior: o.~. zhis per:7:i: si-~Z.l r.o: be :.:.::.Z:..= :..:1::::: tne ~oel has Dcen zigne~ by the Elcc~ical ~on;r~~:Ql". - - - .- - Mechanical Permit ~~ P J/tDyt:.:r:cmt.ner , '7-Z?,-&::; I/O::C -- I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the compZeted application for perr.:i~. end de hereby certify that alZ i~jo~~:ion hereon is true and correc:. and I further certify that any ar.d all work pel'for;ncd ahall be do':1p. '~'!"I n~:!or- dance :.nth the Ordin:znces of tne City of Springfictd. and th:: Lc..:s of tr.e State of OregDn p::rt~ining to the work described herein. ar~ :i~: NO OCC~- PlUey will be made of any structure without p~~is3io':1 of the 5uilding Di- vision. I further certif;; that o':1ly contractors a::d C7lpZ:;yecs who are i;-: c~pliance with ORS 701.05~ will be used on this proj$ct j~~J~ f /..{ 2/81, Qlite Sign3d