HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Notice 1998-4-8 . . ~~ . Request for Partition- Tentative Plan Application NOTICE OF DECISION Date Submitted: April 8, 1998 Applicant: Surveyor: *".' ." ...- .Journal Number: 98-04-076 Pat Harrison 7050 Main Street Springfield, OR 97478 (541)741-3133 Marvin Krush Krush and Associates 54 Centennial Loop Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 686-9211 Subiect Pronertv Lot Size Map# 17-02-35-3-1 Tax Lot 1000 Parent lot: 21,831 sq.ft. Street Address: 7050 Main Street Springfield, OR 97478 Resulting Parcels: Parcell: 10,850 sq.ft. Parcel 2: 1O,98Isq.ft Plan and Zone Desilmation Metro Plan LOR Springfield Zone LOR Overview of the Pronosal The applicant has submitted a request to the City of Springfield to partition a single lot at 7050 Main Street into two (2) parcels. Each parcel shall have vehicle access from Main Street. City services (water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer,. etc.) shall be provided to each parcel. The existing house on the site shall remain as part of Parcel I. DECISION: The Partition Tentative Plan is APPROVED with the conditions stipulated in this report (page 8). I. Executive Summary The applicant is requesting to partition a property at 7050 Main Street. The original application called for the creation of three parcels from the parent lot. Subsequent to consideration be the Development Review Committee, the applicant amended the submission, to create just two parcels instead of three originally requested. Issues of concern raised concerning the revised proposal were minimal. A neighbor expressed concern that stonnwater run-off from development on the newly created parcel Harrison Partition Tentative Plan Review I JournallVo.98-04-076 . . might exacerbate a problem with standing water in the backyards of properties bordering the subject property to the north. Having reviewed the applicant's request and considering comments received from various departments and agencies during the development review process, the Director APPROVES the proposal with the following conditions: I) The designs of the driveways are not shown on the site plan. The design of each driveway shall meet the requirements set out in SDC 32.080, Table 32.2 for traditional lots. 2) A lO-foot vision clearance triangle shall be maintained on both sides of the two approved driveways as per SDC 32.070. 3) Stormwater from structure roofs on Parcel 2 be collected and directed to Main Street. Site drainage measures to accomplish this shall be designed, approved, and installed at the time of development on the parcel. II. Procedural Requirements Article 34.020 (1) of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) stipulates that Partition Tentative Plans shall be reviewed under a Type II procedure. Under a Type II procedure, mailed notice shall be provided to property owners and occupants within 100 feet of the subject property and to the appropriate neighborhood association. There shall be a 14- day period, beginning from the date of the notice for those notified to provide written comments to the Director (SDC 3.080) (4). The decision of the Director under a Type II procedure shall be based on compliance with applicable criteria for approval, as specified in the SDC, and taking into account any written comments as specified in sub-section (4) above. The Director may condition any approval when such conditions are required to comply with the applicable provisions of the Code (3.080) (6). If the Director determines that the Tentative Plan satisfies the requirements of the SDC, then the applicant shall be so notified in writing and may proceed with preparation of the Partition Plat (SDC 34.060)(1). If the Director determines that the Tentative Plan cannot be conditioned so as to be consistent with the provisions of this Code, then the partition shall be denied imd the applicant so notified in writing (SDC 34.060)(2). Notification of the Director's decision shall be mailed to the applicant, property owner (if different from applicant) and those persons or neighborhood associations who submitted written comments. Appeal of the Director's decision must be made in writing within 10 days of the notice of decision. (SDC 3.080) (8). Harrison Partition Tentative Plan Review 2 JournallVo. 98-04-076 J . . findings: 1) Notification of the applicant's proposal was mailed to property owners and occupants within 100 feet of the subject site as per SDC 3.080 (4) for a Type II procedure. 2) The decision criteria applied to the proposal (outlined below) conform to that specified for a Request for Partition Tentative Plan by SDC 34.050. 3) Notification of the Director's decision regarding this Tentative Plan has been mailed to interested parties as per SC 34.060 (I), (2). Appeal procedures for those wishing to oppose the Director's decision have been enclosed with notification materials. Conclusion: Procedural requirements for notification and processing of the applicant's request have been met. III. Criteria for Approval The Director shall approve, approve with conditions or deny a Partition Tentative Plan based upon the following criteria (SDC 34.050): (1) The request as conditionedjUlly conforms to the requirements of this code pertaining to: lot size and dimensions, the efficient provision of public facilities and services, street improvements and consideration of natural features. Development standards and conditions for approval of Partition Tentative Plans are described in SDC 34.070. (2) The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and or applicable refinement plan diagrams. (3) Development of any remainder of the property under the same ownership can be accomplished in accordance with the provisions of this Code. (4) Adjacent land can be developed or is provided access that will allow its development in accordance with the provisions of this Code. . IV. Findings and Conclusion (1) The request as conditionedfully conforms to the requirements of this code pertaining to: (a) lot size and dimensions, (b) the efficient provision of public facilities and services, (c) street improvements and consideration of (d) natura' features. Development standards and conditions for approval of Partition Tentative Plans are described in SDC 34.070. Harrison Partition Tentative Plan Review 3 JournallVo.98-04-076 . . (a) Lot Size and Dimensions Findings: I) SDC 16.030 (2) states, "lots on east-west streets shall have a minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet and a minimum lot frontage of 45 feet." Parcels 1, and 2 each have frontage on Main Street, an east-west street. Parcell is I 0,850 square feet with 62.00 feet of frontage. Parcel 2 is 10,981 square feet with 62.75 feet of frontage. Parcels 1 and 2 exceed the minimal lot size and frontage standards cited in SDC 16.030 (2). 2) The applicant plans two driveways accessing Main Street. Parcell will take access from the existing driveway. Parcels 2 will have its own driveway on the west side of the property. 3) The designs of the driveways are not shown on the site plan. The design of each driveway shall meet the requirements set out in SDC 32.080, Table 32.2 for traditional lots. 4) A 10- foot vision clearance triangle shall be maintained on both sides of the two approved driveways as per SDC 32.070. Conclusion: The applicant's proposal is able to meet the Criteria for Approval under the conditions/recommendations stated with the findings above. (b) Efficient Provision of Public Facilities and Services Water SDC 32.120 (3) states: "Each development area shall be provided with a water system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to fUrnish adequate supply to the development. Fire hydrants and mains shall be installed by the developer as required by the Fire Marshall and the utility provider. " Findings: I) The proposed partition is within the city limits of Springfield and will receive water service from the Springfield Utility Board (SUB). Water service will be provided from an 8-inch main located in Main Street. 2) SUB requires each parcel to have its own water service, with water meters for each placed in the right of way. Harrison Partition Tentative Plan Review 4 JournallVo. 98-04-076 ) . . I' 3) Customary development fees for hookup and service shall apply to Parcel 2. Conclusion: The applicant's proposal is able to meet the Criteria for Approval under the conditions/recommendations stated with the findings above. Electricity SDC 32.120 (I)(b.) states "The developer shall be responsible for the design, installation and cost of utility lines andfacilities to the satisfaction of the utility provider." SDC 32.120 (5) states "An applicant proposing a development shall make arrangements with the City and each utility provider for the dedication of utility easements necessary to fully service the development. The standard width for all other public utility easements adjacent to street rights of way shall be 7 feet. The minimum width for all other public easements shall be 10 feet unless otherwise specified by the utility provider or the City Engineer. Where feasible, utility easements shall be centered on a lot line. " Finding: I) SUB will provide electrical service to Parcel 2 via underground service available along the north side of the property line. 2) Customary development fees for new electrical hookup and service shall apply to Parcel 2. Conclusion: The applicant's proposal is able to meet the Criteria for Approval under the conditions/recommendations stated with the findings above. Sanitary Sewer SDC 32.100 (1) states" ...sanitary sewers shall be installed to serve each new development and to connect developments to new mains. 1nstallation of sanitary sewers shall comply with the provisions of this Code, the Standard Construction Specifications, Chapter 2 of the City Code, and Department of Environmental . Quality (DEQ) regulations. " Findings: I) A public sanitary sewer exists in a PUE along the north boundary of the site. The existing house on Parcel I is connected to this sewer. Harrison Partition Tentative Plan Review 5 JournallVo. 98-04-076 . . " 2) The applicant proposes connecting Parcel 2 to the public sanitary sewer located in the PUE on the north boundary of the site. Conclusion: The applicant's proposal is able to meet the Criteria for Approval under the conditions/recommendations stated with the findings above. Storm Sewer SDC 32.110 (I) states "The approval authority shall grant development approval only where adequate provisions for storm and flood water run-off to the City's storm water drainage system have been made as determined by the City Engineer. The storm water drainage system shall be separated from any sanitary sewer system. Surface water drainage patterns shall be shown on every Site Plan and Final Plat." SDC 32.110 (4) adds "a development shall be required to employ drainage management practices approved by the City Engineer and consistent with Metro Plan policies which minimize the amount and rate of surface water run-off into receiving streams. Run-off from impervious surfaces shall be directed to an approved drainage way or drainage system with sufficient capacity to accept discharge... " Findings: 1) Site Plan notes state that drainage will be directed to an existing catchbasin on west property line of Parcel 2. 2) Based on the contours shown on the applicant's site plan, drainage from Parcels 2 will drain away from Main Street and the referenced catchbasin. 3) Public Works Engineering recommends requiring stormwater draining from structure roofs on Parcel 2 be collected and directed to Main Street. Site drainage measures to accomplish this shall be designed, approved, and installed at the time of development on the parcel. 4) On-site stormwater treatment measures will not be required given paving on the lots is not expected to exceed 5,000 square feet. Conclusion: The applicant's proposal is able to meet the Criteria for Approval under the conditions/recommendations stated with the [mdings above. Harrison Partition Tentative Plan Review 6 Journal No. 98-04-076 p . . .' (c) Street 1mprovements SDC 32.020 (2)(b) states "All lots shall have approved access to a public street unless a joint use/access agreement has been approved by the City Attorney. This agreement shall provide that it cannot be revoked or amended without the express consent of the City. All streets and alleys shall be dedicated and approved in accordance with this Article. " SDC 32.020(1 O)(b) states" Whenever a proposed land division or development will increase traffic on the City street system and that development has any unimproved street frontage abutting a fUlly improved street, that street frontage shall be fUlly improved to meet City specifications... " Findings: Main Street is a fully improved street. No Improvement Agreement will be required. (d) Natural Features Findings: I) Staff has consulted relevant planning documents including the following: the Eugene-Springfield Metro Area General Plan, Natural Resources Special Study, Washburne Historic District and Historic Landmark Sites Listing, the National Wetlands Inventory Map, the Draft Springfield Wetlands Inventory Map, the Hydric Soils Map and the FEMA Flood Zone Map. No significant natural or cultural features have been identified on this site. 2) Drainage from the subject property flows north and east as shown by the contours on the site plan. Concerns were raised by a property owner to the north that additional impervious surface on the subject site would exacerbate a problem with water pooling in the backyards of neighbors to the north. 3) Public Works Engineering has recommended a requirement that stormwater from Parcel 2 be captured on the subject property and directed south to Main Street to avoid development impacts on neighbors to the north. Conclusion: The applicant's proposal is able to meet the Criteria for Approval under the conditions/recommendations stated with the findings above. Harrison Partition Tentative Plan Review 7 JournaIAfo.98-04-076 . . <, '. (2) The zoning is consistent witll tile Metro Plan diagram and or applicable refinement plan diagrams. Finding: The Metro Plan and Springfield Zoning Map designation for the subject property is Low Density Residential (LDR). The proposed partition is consistent with the LDR designations. (3) Development of any remainder of the property under the same ownership can be accomplished in accordance with the provisions of this Code. Finding: Each of the parcels to be created by the partition meet minimum lot size and frontage standards. No fragmentary parcel will be created that does not meet minimum dimensional standards. All key urban services are available to each created parcel. (4) Adjacent land can be developed or is provided access that will allow its development in accordance with the provisions of this Code. Finding: Inspection of adjacent properties and a review of the proposed partition boundaries show neighboring properties shall not be denied access or other development rights through the granting of this partition. V. Conclusions The applicant's proposal to partition the property at 7050 Main Street is able to meet the Criteria for Approval under the conditions/recommendations stated with the findings above. VI. Decision The Director approves the proposed partition with the following conditions: I) The designs of the driveways are not shown on the site plan. The design of .each driveway shall meet the requirements set out in SDC 32.080, Table 32.2 for traditional lots. 2) A 10-foot vision clearance triangle shall be maintained on both sides of the two approved driveways as per SDC 32.070. Harrison Partition Tentative Plan Review 8 Journal No. 98-04-076 :> . . .' 3) Stormwater from structure roofs on Parcel 2 be collected and directed to Main Street. Site drainage measures to accomplish this shall be designed, approved, and installed at the time of development on the parcel. VII. Appeal If you wish to appeal the decision in this matter, you must do so within 10 days of the date of this letter. Your appeal must be in accordance with the Springfield Development Code, Article 15, "Appeals." Note: Appeals must be made on a City form and a fee of $100.00 must be paid to the City at the time of submittal. The fee will be returned to the appellant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application. Additional Information The application, all documents and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and the applicable criteria of approval, are available for a free inspection. Copies will be available at a cost of$.75 for the first page and $.25 for each additional page at the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. Future development of the property may require the payment of Systems Development Charges (SDC's) to support citywide development of transportation, storm sewer and sanitary sewer facilities. For additional information on the calculation ofSDC's please call Don Branch at 726-3725. Questions If you questions about this request, the decision, or your rights to appeal, please call the Development Services Department at 726-3759. Prepared By Mark Metzger, Planner III Development Services Department City of Springfield Harrison Partition Tentative Plan Review 9 Journal No. 98-04-076