HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 9/5/2006 -< ~ $P~GFIEL.D' ~:~ity;ot Springfield DevelopinenPSerVices:Departrnent. ,?25'Fifth street SJlri~gfield,OR,~74?a' ~hoiJe,,(5'4.1) 726-3759' Fax: (5A1) 726c3689 tree FellingApplication ~ypell Address -z. 0 -S"7 AJ W i-a-.CL W"J ' Property Ovmer )\lain'e "5o-vt~ e...'> o..~'- cor-Wll". Bhone: ()yl) 7';3-7"-2,7. oR. "'77'l,30 Appli~antNaU1e, 6-d~w"1 II"1'Jto.l/~ "L L L. , II AdOress: :.; l' Phone:: ,~""""~~'~.". _ .- " ~;- > Pr6perty,Add~ess ~ ':)'S 0 c,..,..-h..~ 4:: " / <iOf'v'f/hdd ,of< '71.~77 Taxl..()FNo, (~OO ~ 1'=>.60. AssesS()J~s Map No, (7 - 03:' 1<'",-7, '"$ :Spe"ific pescripiion ofPt6~osa'1::9) /)/lP (If~/<.,.l of b<Z.i n--.. <;4, "1 t'E.,tA.'-1M"'j ., rr~ .,.,~>~k.,,,~ , u" I U o~ ..;.rv-o-l~ -,-y,r!LI.A< u J ,s<.>:ks 1+.1-...(~/f1.. I (L I ,i1,/)t-~( <;CJ:~ ~A <;. wi s 0-..( (~./:.-/ ~_~~.t- ll~ G_:v<..{ S -4....(( ~ ~-.+d-~.h~ . H ..' Applicarit:Sj~"ture' ,'Date" ~ -1.- blO 0c.. ~:~::J~? is oth~J~~~~77tY~re . ermisslon for the applicanttoaclio:lil,lherbehalfo O.,.S'_ 'F ~M~ - ;o~,~;(h\ job /,Iv' \ ..... ""'- -<? I ForOffice,Use: Oi!l~: i6urnalNo. DtRr'~- ,~6<l? Keceived B.Y. MapNo;Jj~()\::ICj~~~ T"'!''Lot'No, Date' Ac~epted'as,(;;onipl('te , ~..,_. . I Soo.)ftJoiX , ..',1 ~:~n~~~~ed: rI7;~/;~ " .'., 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax Description . CTY 6-10 Base +$50 Per TREE. + 5% Technology Fee Postage Fee Type II - $150 s:\tidemark\forms\casefees I ,flit '"" "Trans Code 2215 2299 1299 Fees Associatl',lWith <;:ase #: DRC20, ~J006~ 3530 GATEWAY ST" GATEWAY HOSPITALITY LLC .. Revenue Account Number 100-00000-425002' ' 100-00000-425605 100-00000-425505 Page 1 of 1 Date Calculated Calculate~ By Original Amount , 9/1/2006 9/1/2006 9/1/2006 TAl 1.324,00 TAl 66,20 TAl ,15.0,00 Total Due: ' Date Received: . O/i-/JoOb Planner: At ~ 9/5/2006 2:04:0IPM Amount Doe 0,00 0,00 0:00 $0.00. Charles Mangum & Associates Landscape Architecture 5144 36th Av. S.E. Salem;Oregon 97301 (503) 364-1240 DATE: 9-1-2006 TREE FELLING APPLICATION (SDC 38.040) RESPONSE TO QUESTIONS 1-8 1. NO 2. N/A 3. YES 4. N/A 5. YES, SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN SHEET #Ll.l 6. NO 7. N/A 8. YES r Date Received:Jj!;!JtlJb Planner: AL \. ..., N2~'S~'32".1 " '\.LC:.20.60' . '\ '.... R",t _ , ~",. ",;, ~----- ". \'" ~<. . ... J'~'" \ \\..., ""?1> ~~{. '\. \'... ''''P ....'V... . CI Y Of S" 1~F.,tELD. 17 -0 -15-~3 '1: T~o." 1600 {V " . '\, 0 ~<;-,_ I>. I "', -~ ;\ \, '\', /1" " , " \' ... J' l" 'Co. 'vV N. '\ \ L~ /..) "'",'C.. V\ ",If. .Iv. JJ,'__ ", cl'~.:-,._ '\--~~~"\-_2T\ <"c'\ \ <?.:;'e-'C.."j " I '\ J'\ . . ,I \. ("'"_....~ . 1" " ~ I \. ,~ I '\ 'Yo". 1- _ : '\~r \)$1. I '\ "'..;>- '<." ~ 700 , ",' c.o'- a.54-AC. \., '\. "',' " I~' r;; ~, , "' \ ,"\ " ..........rz. ... I', -" \1-.., S ", Y. \:~I ....1> ", / '\.. 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I: -""I ___! 1__68.6' U' 1700 1,64 AC, INT. ELL D.L.C. " :~ " ~ " =" , . .~os. c.j7. (0) . '>0)0. 1((1) . .~~ " .~. .... " 2360+7J.2 {SPA) "'.6-;.-~4.;i.6-;5.o~LT"".. ... .."...,.. , "'.... , " - -:-- - - - ,- - ~ DatE, Received:~k /o2oPb Planner: AL . . . '0' 0,,' . ()-." >i- If ~@ ~~ \y/ (~~ / I / I / / ~ " ~ . :.. I i~ 'M ,\ \\ I . I.' \rV~ I \ "9~ ~ ~"J- ("'("l1J ",\ ~.P "9p~'J- SITE ~,\ 7./- 0~:~.:'p..l ~ \ ~"~ ~ r -- iJ;\ ....-e. .P_~ l'" ....~ \ o \ i.')~:1'O'" \ ~ ~ \\\~I... l50' ~ N89'S;;"SS'V \ :I J \ " , ISO' I 1400 . \ 0,70 AC, ,\ \, \ \ \ I', 1.1'{> '"r "r. . " .' \"'. ' , ~\;;: ~\ ~\ ~-\ '0 ~.: -. ~ ~ ~ '" .. /11.22' , <:l ~",~D'C.I '" eJ ". TS>:JI,'20' ,09' ," .5'6'0'-19'35'[ 77' ,,0.: " ~ :g 75.93 S8'3'5S'~ ^' ::; ~ , r ; S,87'S7'SO'[ ,~----c------- -------------~--------J~N-!- ,.//~ . . ~.,,~ ' ~>/'1' / /'~(I)EX1STINC'lr'<:O'In:RTOBERI:M(JVED , PSElFllOSTIlGA MENlUSll OOIlCIAS Flli / ./ ./ .I ! ! ! i i ! ! ! ! ! i ! L..- ffi~ L1.2 TREE REMOVAL PLAN SCALE: 1"~20'-O; ____u,....--______________,.- --:"'-r "ll ~ =t " "0 Q) _>....J '(ii<( o Q).... Q::Q) \DC +,C m.!ll 00.. D ~ L S "" s;: 0:: "" ~' . ,. ",' . . '" 0;: ;0 0:: PROPOSED HOTEL ." SEE UN"'"'" PO., LLI I '/ HJR PROPOSIW PLANTlNGS .. . _ I ' ~ 1{I)EllISTL".","'m.NIFE'~.6EIIEMO"" II '.. I'f"llI"SPF.l"'Es FINE, . . , III ;0 CO "'- 'OJ I , I , ! I 1 ~~h ~ '/ ! / -Y ) / / JI (' \ C'~ "':::1' --.:. ,I, "-~ (I)ElllSTlNG 10' CON1FEIlTO BE REMOVED f''''''~ ~..~,..,~~ PINE I Ulllljl,,~ ----- -----~ ,\\ ----- ---- ----:. i ! i i i.~\)\ ~l \' Ii \ (4)EllISTING '-DECIDUOUSTItE~:ST(l fU:RI:I\10\r.ii 1_' PVRlISSPE(US ORNAMENTALFl:AR ~ -'--:- NOTE: EXI~lING TREE REMOVAL BY CIIAIN SAW AND BACK 1I0E. IlAVUNC ROUTE TO DE PERIMETER GATEWAY STREET_ (NO RESIDENTIAL STREETI;), BY TRUCK AND TRAILOlt TO WOOD RECYCLING FACILITY. ~. \ ~ ~. ./ ""\t .:..--:,..;--:::::=: ~ .... -- ~ llEW5i(l'/ . """'''''''''''~ :>fy"Tf:1Iea .~"'!ik: i/g~"'"":>t 7 %.OUI:.1;O:-i--}? UC:t"e h'f,."'.s- ~~ "".-..- ::'~-~-:.""--~ ~..t.~-=. .. ~~~_........ . ! i i ~ ~ i <( Ii ,i. "" ~ ~ E" , ::l'~ ~ ~~ j :E ~ ~ j! =: ~ ". < . , ~ , u , , ~ , ~t;~ '5 ~R rnV>L:l ,>- ~~ ~@d .-<<ti: ",ao '~ ~~ DESIGN, CEM DRAWN, SAT DATE 3-2-2006 ....... \if 10" ~ \, 5/10/2006 1;35 PAGE 002/004 Fax Server :- - ,~' <"J- r'\-,. .1- , . ~. "' Dlvlalon, o( Chlof Deputy Clerk 200s-~715~6 Lanoo County O..ds a.,d Record!' \\ \\\ \ \ I\l\ 1\ ij II \\\\,,\,\\\1\\ \\\1\\ \ \ \1 n\\ . .. $36,00,- ll.;741~4&21le..Mrn460030 139 09/2912005 03:32:59 P!\ RPR-oEEDCnt=l Stn=6 CllSHIER 07 $15.00 $11.00 $10.00 , " . '( :L "'.... I '~"' ~4 ~p . ..,. - .' ~ After recording return to: Gateway Hospitality, LLC P.OBOX 2678 AlBANY, OREGON 97321 Un~1 a change ;5,",,"esteO all tax "'_ shall bO """ to the ft:J1.,.,.;r.; adcnss: Gateway Hospitanty, LLC P,O. BOX 2678 ALBANY, OREGON 97311 File No.: 7l94-519398 (SMJ) Date; September 17, 2005 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED JonsonyKlm and sOora 10";', husband and wife/as tenants bY the entlrllty, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Gateway H05pil:alltY,lLC, an Oreg'on L1mlte<lLiability Comp,my, Grante<::, tJ:le following described real property free of liens and encumbrances, except as specifically set forth herein: See legal Description at".ached hereto as Exhibit A and by this reference Inco~porate<l herein: This property Is free from liens and enarmbrances, EXCEPT: 1. The 2005..2006 Taxes, a lien not yet payable. 2.. Covenant:s,conditicns, rest.'1ctions and/or easements, if "ny, affecting title, which may appear in the public recercl, Including those shown on any recorde<l piat or survey: THIS INSTRUMENT WIU NOT mow USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN TrlIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. EEi'ORE S:GNING OR ACCE?TJNG nns INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO TI-JE PROPER'" SHouLD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR couNTi' PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIfY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY lL'1ITS ON LAWSUITS AGAlNSI FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. The true consideration ror this conveyanc~ is $2,755,000.00. (Hece complywitll requiremeJlts of ORS 93,030) Dated this 1) g day all ~ . ,20Q,L' Page lof 3 Date Received: fils- /;-006 Planner: AL -Lf7 After Recording R.c::um To First American Title PO Bo. J 0146 Eugcn.. OR 97LlO " 5/10/2006 1:35 PAGE 0031004 Fax Server .;Ai .: .(- ,.. , -. Al'N: WsoS14 Statut:>r< w.rraft:( Deed - amtinued File No.; 7194-519391 (SMJ] Oa~ 09/27/:2005 ~ . ~~/~ Jonsony J4, . . ' , . ~, Soora Kim ) )ss. County of lane ) This Instrument was ad:nowf~ before me on this m day o~\.r~ '. 20~ by Jonsony Kim and Soora Kim. ~ . . OFF;CW. S~ . 1'-. \ Q'\-,- SOIlORAM.JOHHSOH /) , . , NOTARY PUBlIC. OllEGON ' '. ,,'. , . j COMMISSIOll JsO. 371263 Notary he for oij9o.n ,( ..) . lIfClilllliS&OflElJ' AOOlI5129.2OO1 , '1 <,.G",,,,.lsSlon exl\res: . '29 0'"1- STATE OF Oregon -- Page 2cf 3 Dat~ Received: ~/s-/Jca5 Planner: AL . 0/10/2000 1:"" "'''''1:. UU'>/OO'> r ax ;;,erveI" .. J ,/ rr '."' , " ' .r " , " 'PN: 098051.4 SI30JtDry W"'T3nty Deed - continued' , RI. No.: 71M-Sll>398 (SMJ) D.O!,09/27/7QJS .. ,., EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESauPTION: PARCELL: Beginning at ine Northwest aimer cif lf1e William Stevens DDnation Land Oaim No. 46, in Township 17 South, Range 3 west of the Willi;lmette Meridian; thence North a90 40' 25' East 239.9 f=l to . point on ,the Westerly,right of way line of Gateway street; thence along the arc of a 682.75 foot radius curoe right (the chord of which bears South 290 49' 59" fast 290.81 feet) 293.35 feet to the Northeast comer of a , certain tract; thence North a90 59' 50 West along the North line of said certain tract 150.0 teet to the, Northwest ",mer thereof; thence South 09" 00' 25" East along the Westeriy line thereof'19D.Ol feet to ' the Southwest corner lf1erecf and a ~int on the Northerly right of way line of Bettl!ne . 1-5 Interchan.e; thence along said Northeriy right of way line North SO" 49' 35', West 111.22 feet to a point 100.0 feet Northerly frorn, whe!1 measured at right angles, Engineer's center line station 445+14.19 E.C.; thence along the arc of a 186.48 foot radius aJrve right (the chord of which bears North sao 48' 15" West 134.84 feet) 137.9Sfeel: to a point 100.0 feet No, ~k..-,,,-,;y from, when measured at right angies. Engineer's center I,ine station 443+02.25 B.C.; thence North 470 36' 35" west along' said rlght of waynne 38.39 teet to a point on the West line of said Stevens Donation Land Oalm No. 46; thence North 00 04' 25' West along said West line 346.21 feetto the point of beginning, Springfield, Lane County, Or"9on. ' PARCEL II: , . 8eginning at me Northwest comer of the William Stevens Donation Land Oaim No. 46, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wiilamette Meridian; thence North 890 40' 25' East 239.9.: feet to a point on the Westerly right of way line of Gateway Street; thence al009 said right of way line aiong the arc of 682.75 foot radius curve right (~chord of which bears South 290 49' 5~" East 2.~O,al feel) an arc distance at 293.35 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence North 890 59' 55" West 150,0.feet; thence South go 00' 25' East 15.19 feet; thence South 89059' 55' East to the Westerly right of woy line of Gateway Street; thence Northerly along said Westerly right of way line to the True Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, ' Poge lot 1 Date, Received:J/s;6006 Planner: AL .' ,-, -- "I: ... 1I(.t., .' < ~' .~ ~ ~ -~ First American First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon 600 Country Oub ROad - . Eugene, OR 97401, Phn - (541)484-2900 Fax - (541)484-7321 LANE COUNTY TITLE UNIT FAX (541)484-7321 TItle Officer: Ronald Denton (541)484-2900 lOT BOOK SERVICE Pac West Engineering 1530 Ninth Avenue SE Albany, OR 97322 Order No.: 7199-780716 July 21, 2006 Attn: Jamey Montoya Phone No.: (541)926-7634 - Fax No.: (541)926-7539 Email: Re: Fee: $200.00 We have searched our Tract Indices as to the following described property: The land referred to in this report is described in Exhibit A attached hereto. and as of July 12, 2006 at 8:00 a.m. We find that the last deed of record runs to Gateway Hospitality, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company We also find, the following apparent encumbrances within ten (10) years prior to.the effective date hereof: . 1. Taxes for the year 2005-2006 Tax Amount Unpaid Balance: Code No,: Map & Tax Lot No,: Property 10 No.: $ $ 00478 1703153301500 0188092 10,155.95 10,155.95, plus Interest and penalties, if any Date Received:*I;>>Ob Planner: AL first Amedcan Title !' " ,.- Lot Book Service Guarantee No:;"7199-780716 '. Page2of4 2. Taxes for the year 2005-2006 Tax Amount Unpaid Balance: Code No.: Map & Tax Lot No.: Property ID No.: 2,796.11 .' 2,796.11, plus interest and penalties, if any. $ $ 00478 1703153301500901 1350899 3. Taxes for the year 2005-2006 Tax Amount Unpaid Baiance: Code No.: , Map & Tax Lot No.: Property ID No.: 36,840.10 36;840.10, plus interest and penalties, if any. $ $ 00478 1703153301600 0980514 4. The rights of the public in and to that portion of the premises herein described lying witl1lnthe limits of streets, roads and highways,' 5. Transmission line easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, acquired by the United States of America by Judgment entered in the United States District Court for the District of Oregon, Civil Case No. 61-145, as recorded May 26,1961, Reception No. 33411 6. Relinquishment of Access as contained in Deed Recorded: November 23, 1966 Recording No.: 67530 From: A. R. Cockerline, et al To: The State of Oregon, by and through its State Highway, Commission 7. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: September 29, 1967, Reception No. 55 In Favor of: City of Eugene For: Electric distribution line 8. Lease and the terms and conditions thereof: Lessor: Puerta De Oro, Incorporated Lessee: Humble Oil & Refining Company As disciosed by: Memorandum of Lease Recorded: August 14, 1967 Recording No.: 94857 (Affects Pa reel 1I) The present ownership of the leasehold created by said lease and other matters affecting the interest of the lessee are not shown herein. 9. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: July 01, 1974, Reception No. 74-28195 In Favor of: Pacific Power & Light Company For: Electric transmission and distribution Datel Received: Planner: AL CJ/JhlJot I / first American ntle / .(- Lot Book Service Guarantee No..: 7igg..780716 , Page.3 of 4 :. 10. Broadband EasementjRight.of Entry Agreement and the terms and conditions, thereof: Between: Jonsony and Soora Kim And: TCl Cablevision of Oregon, Inc. Recording Information: September 27, 1996,Reception No. 96-65646 11. Deed of Trust and the terms and conditions thereof. Loan No. : Grantor(Trustor: Grantee/Beneficiary: Trustee: Amount: Dated: Recorded: Recording Information: 7102623 Gateway Hospitality, LLC Oregon Pacific Banking Company . First American Title Insurance Company $2,205,000.00 September 29, 2005 September 30, 2005 2005-077547 12. Assignment of leases and/or rents for security purposes, including the terms and conditions Assignor: Gateway Hospitality LLC Assignee: Oregon 'Pacific Banking Company Dated: September 30, 2005 Recorded: September 29, 2005 Recording Information: 2005-077548 . 13. Financing Statement, indicating a Security Agreement Debtor: Gateway Hospitality LLC Secured Party: Oregon Pacific Banking Company Recorded: October 18, 2005 . Recording Information: 2005-082833 We have also searched our General Index for Judgments and State and Federal Liens against the Grantee(s) named above and find: NONE We also find the following paid taxes and city liens: THIS IS NOT a title report since no examination has been made of the title to the above described property. Our search for apparent encumbrances was limited to our Tract Indices, and therefore above listings do not include additional matters which might have been disclosed by an examination of the record title. We assume no liability in connection with this Lot Book Service and will not be responsibie for errors or omissions therein. The charge for this service will not include supplementai reports, rechecks or other services. . . Date ReceiV~d:~!s- /,;)006 Planner: AL First American TItle . ,- .....~.. Lot Book Service Gu-arantee No.: 7199-780716 Page 4 of4 Exhibit "A" Real property in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, described as follows: . PARCEL I: Beginning at the Northwest comer of the William Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the. Willamette Meridian; thence North 890 40' 25" East 239.9 feet to a point on the Westerly right of way iine of Gateway Street; thence along the arc of a 682.75 footradius curve right (the chord of which bears South 290 49' 59" East 290.81 feet) 293.35 feet to the Northeast corner ora certain tract; thence North 89059' 55" West along the North line of said certain tract 150.0 feet to the Northwest corner thereof; thence South 090 00' 25" East along the Westerly line thereof 190.01 feet to . the Southwest corner thereof and a point on the Northerly right of way line of Beltline - I-5 Interchange; thence along said Northerly right of way line North 800 49' 35" West.ll1.22 feet to a point 100.0 feet. Northerly from, when measured at right angles, Engineer's center line station 445+14.19 E.C.; thence along the arc of a 186.48 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears North 680 48' 15" West 134.84 feet) 137.96 feet to a point 100.0 feet Northeasterly from, when measured at right angles, Engineer's center line station 443+02.25 B.C.; thence North 470 36' 35" West along said right of way line 38.39 feet to a point on the West line of said Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46; thence North 00 04' 25" West aiong said West line 346.21 feet to the point of beginning, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL II: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the William Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Meridian; thence North 890 40' 25" East 239.9 feet to a point on the Westerly right of way line of Gateway Street; thence along said right of way line along the arc of 682.75 foot radius curve right (the chord of which bears South 29649' 59" East 290.81 feet) an arc distance of 293.35 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence North 890 59' 55" West 150.0 feet; thence South 90 00' 25" East 15.19 feet; thence South 890 59' 55" East to the Westerly right of way line of ' Gateway Street; thence Northerly along said Westerly right of way line to the True Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Tax Parcel Number: 0188092, 1350899 and 0980514 . Date Received:-$l/;)INJb Planner: AL Arst American TltJe