HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 95-29 04/03/1995 ~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. 95-29 . A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING, RATIFYING, AND ESTABLISHING UNIFORM POLICIES DEVELOPMENT REVIEW GUIDELINES, KEY URBAN SERVICES DELIVER, AND ANNEXATION FOR THE URBAN TRANSITION AREA. REGULATING METHODS OF WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Springfield is concerned about the efficient and logical development of the urban transition area within Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary; and, WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Springfield recognizes annexation as a demonstrably effective tool in guiding and managing growth in the urban transition area; and, WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Springfield recognizes consolidation of key urban services is in the best economic interests of and future residents of Springfield; and, that the present . WHEREAS, on March 13, 1995, at the Regular Work Session the Common Council of the City of Springfield reviewed and discussed a variety of issues which arise and interact when urban transition area land is proposed for urban levels of development. Such issues include but are not limited to: development which may not occur without annexation; methods of annexation: expedited, double majority, delayed effective date; extension of sewer and water: contiguous, extraterritorial; relationships and responsibilities of special service districts; Rainbow, SUB, Willamalane, School Districts, other water providers and fire districts, MWMD; contractual services for City Police and Fire protection; withdrawal from duplicative service districts; collection of systems development fees and MWMD in lieu of bond payment; application of City development standards; timing and sequencing of land.use application processing, issuance of building permits, construction of public improvements and annexation approvals; Oregon Revised Statutes, Oregon Administrative Rules and Eugene/Springfield Metro Area General Plan policy regarding annexation and growth management; and, development in the urban transition area which may occur without annexation. WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Springfield is committed to the implementation of Policies 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20 and 21 of Chapter II, Section B Growth Management and the Urban Service Area of the Metropolitan Area General Plan when considering land use applications in the urban transition area; and, WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Springfield wishes to provide consistent review, processing and decisions on development proposals in the urban transition area; and, WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Springfield has thoroughly discussed the benefits and burdens of delayed effective date annexations; and, WHEREAS, the long-term provision of services in a fiscally responsible manner is a prime objective of the City's annexation policy; and, Page 1 Resolution No. 95-29 . WHEREAS, increases in assessed value alone, which may reduce the tax rate, do not provide more financial resources to the city for delivering basic services; and, 4It WHEREAS, increases in the tax base provide resources for maintaining service at existing or enhanced levels; and, WHEREAS, one method of increasing the tax base is to ensure that the fully developed value of the land and improvements is included in the tax base at the time of annexation through the use of delayed effective date annexation process as provided under the laws of the State of Oregon. WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Springfield adopted Resolution Number 92-35, as amended, authorizing the use of delayed effective date annexations as provided in ORS 222.180; and, NOW THEREFORE, the following policies are hereby confirmed, ratified, and established: Section 1: The following policies shall apply to all subdivisions with four or more lots, including series partitions, and all multi-family, commercial and industrial developments in the urban transition area within Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary: a. Except where a specific exception, and the reasons therefore, is determined by the City, all development proposals identified in Section 1 of this Resolution shall be annexed using the delayed effective date method. . b. Where the property is contiguous to the City limits and sewer and water is adjacent, Boundary Commission approval of the delayed effective date request shall constitute approval to extend sewer and water within the property subject to the Boundary Commission action. c. Where the property is not contiguous to the City limits and sewer and water must be extended outside the City limits to become adjacent to the property, an extraterritorial extension of sewer and water must be approved by the Boundary Commission under a separate action. This requirement may be processed using the expedited procedure. d. The extension of all public facilities, including streets, storm and sanitary sewer and water, shall be consistent with City technical reports, Capital Improvement Plans, the Springfield Development Code, the Regional Public Facilities Plan and TransPlan. e. The extension and improvement of all public facilities shall be provided to the site at the developer's expense. f. All applications pertaining to annexation, including extraterritorial extension of sewer and water, and contracts with the City for fire and police protection at a charge established by the Springfield City Council, shall be submitted by the applicant: Page 2 Resolution No. 95-29 . . 1) At the time all development approval applications are submitted; or 2) After Tentative/Preliminary Approval is granted but prior to Final Approval. * *The decision discretion of result in a provides the annexation. to select option 1 or 2 above is at the sole the applicant. It is understood that option 1 will more expedient permitting process while option 2 applicant with more certainty prior to committing to g. The City shall coordinate service provision with affected special service districts and City Departments. h. The City shall notify Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation, state Department of Revenue and affected special service providers with notice of the Boundary Commission hearing to consider the annexation request. i. The City shall require all deeds for property subject to delayed effective date annexation to be annotated with information explaining this method and how services are provided and with the date of actual incorporation. . j. The City shall notify Lane County Assessment and Taxation, state Department of Revenue, special service districts, and the property owner 60 days prior to actual incorporation unless such notice must be received at an earlier date. When applicable, the City shall initiate "withdrawal" from special service districts. k. Until approval by the Boundary Commission on all annexation applications, no public or private construction, except preliminary grading, excavation and fill on private property, which is subject to Boundary Commission approval, may commence. Section 2: Single lots eligible for siting a single dwelling unit shall be annexed as a condition of building permit approval if sewer and water are available. The expedited procedure should be utilized whenever possible. Where sewer is not available, as defined in ORB, the issuance of building permits will be subject to a signed consent to annex form and a petition for annexation. Remodeling and building additions, including new accessory structures, which place no further demand on on-site sewage systems shall be exempt from the provisions of this Resolution. Section 3: The Common Council of the City of Springfield declares determines that the policies contained in this Resolution are consistent applicable Oregon Revised Statutes, Metropolitan Plan policies and Council and with Page 3 Resolution No. 95-29 ~) .\ . . . _,J . . Goals concerning economic diversification, housing opportunities and streamlining the development review process and therefore shall become effective immediately upon adoption. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 3rd day of April, 1995. Adopted by a vote of ATTEST: d/l f ,-'tU?t~;Jt~ city Recorder 6 for and Jjqai~/Ji ~ ~ Mayor ~.~.<:,'; ,^ ~'.,' ; i'\;~~~i c.>.-::::.) ~,;~ '~'~:~,~; J l ==_'"=== ~ A \..1.. I -"...,,~ L~'TE; _ ~t:l~!:!iliJ~~_'!( L '1 ~\--' Oi'r-~0. ,'" ,...._,. ,_ ' = '\.0., ',.' '-', ~ ': A I TO:'"~:\r::Y ell'\-' t,' ': ,_, "",> ~ .Ii '- ,-. l.. i _ ~H ~R~,J,J.J Page 4 Resolution No. <::is "a.C\