HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-6-23 .. RESIDItITlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 Nopth 5th Stpeet SppingfieZd, Opegon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD ~ Job Location: C. 5?9 3 /Jt2.,t} i'w ~ c.- ADDeBDor: Map N 1 7 - 0 7- 3.'5"'-:<; ...... Taz l<>t N . tJ c: ;;;< ~ 1 Subdiv'ioion: Q.mer: \ .4<- J( ("/;';-9 ~ <JJ"J<lCoU- ~ ?,?b -:D 17' ~ Ph'l'(f;d,,7?<;;- '77":<<-/ AddreDS: /Y),a ,lrV City: ~r" ,\ wf ~,' eJ-/. QNPr" ~dditicn n n Remodel .'.Job~ Ie l10ma ~/dr9 Data of Applicaticn {;ontractor..s . General 1 U~ L""'n\ 0 t" ~ : Plumbing i Hechanical I El.~ccrical ('7i 1 )\\O~~ I Supe-cvj.sing Elec t r.i t: ian <:::\\ 0'<' ~_ Zip: 9/L,'7:;J-- q .: . Raoe":pt .f IA'o-UFJ DssoPibc 'l'O1"l~: :< 7 ~ (/ X / Y LD ~~C-.. Value 15, tttJ-t) ~./ .. .*...~ . . . .... ..... . ./" .. ;,~1JUJ~ _ (() 'C/ -3' X'-1 !l:zte: Arlrlrp~s LiHC.. II .Bldrs Board Ke~. Phnnp. EXD1r.es ,.,- it ill the t"BDponoibility of ehs pormit holder to 860 that all. inopoatioi18" cu-s mads at th. propel' tim~, that Cfaoh .::dJ:b-tlBII is re~::a:;.:e [room tha tJtrcot, and that the PC1'nri t oard is located at the [!"Ont of the propSJ'lty. ABui?di.'lg cnui::ior: approl,,'od pZan shell remain on tha Bu~Zdin!1 Sits at an times. PROCEDURE FOn IIISPECTION R~OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rcco.,.del') state y~ur City dosf.911ated Job nwr.b01".. Job adtbocos.. typo of in3pec~icll 'roqucstcd ar:d "'.':en you ",in be ready foro inspeotion.. Conuaot01"S or GUners name and phone, nwnbcr. Request. recBiuGd befo"B. 7:00 c:'I :..'iU be made the Bame dcy, ~equeBts made after 7:00 em LJiH be made the nC%t t.)O,.ki~:day. R~ml1:~pr T.".<:npl"t:{r..".q o o SI'l'e INSpeC'J'ION: To be made after excavation, but prior to se~ up of for'm.s. UNDERSLAB PLl.'MBINC. ELECTRIC,1L & MECHANICAL: To be rnade before any work is aovc1"ed. ~ FOOTING ~ FOUNDIITION:. To be maca after trencheD ara excauated and forma are erected.. but prio1" to pouring CCnC1"et~. U,A.'DSRC.WWW P!'UMlJINC. SEWER. W.1TE.~. DRAINAGE: To be m:l.:ie prior to fil.- 7.ir.g trenchee. i,x I UNDSRFLOOR PW/.!BINC /L7.fEC!lANICAL;) , To bo made prior to inatatl(iCion of 1100r inoutation or decking. o ~ POST AND BEAM: To be made pnor to installation of floor ino~tation 01" decking. ROUClI pr.U.'!BI!JC. Rr.F:C7'R'!CAr. ,~ MF:ClI- ANICAL: No work. is to be co/..'ol'ed ur.tii these inspectior.a have beer. made and approved_ FIR'f:P!.ACE: Prior to plc.cir.g facing mc.terial.s and before framing inspec- tior.. FR;'~~JNr.: ~m~t be requooted afte1" approu~l of rouah pluwbina, alcetri_ eal. & machani.zal. An roofing bracing & chimneyo. et~. nr~st be : completed. !lo IX'rk is to be CDn- . cachd until tllia inspection has 'b€~n made and approved. o D ~ YOUl" Ci.ty Deoigr.ated Job Nwnber 10: o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be m:lde afte1" all insulati:m and requ~red vap01" barrio1"s are in ptaoe but boforo. any lath, gypsum booN or . wtz. cove'1'inu. is applied, cmd befora emy insulation is concealed. ~q()~5'() DEI!OLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS ~ Sani~y s~~l' a~~ at ~~opcrty l.ir:e ::::J soP.tiD tank p""pea, and,litlBd lJith .ra,.l ::J Pinat.. .;. When abov". items are ecmpletcd . . and whet" dsmotitior. i.. oomplet8 01" stru-'- tur~ mov,d ~ ~~B's.cZeaned up. Mobile Hemss :=] Bl<>oking and Sot-up. :=] Plwnbing connect~ons ~.. sQJor and lJa~er ::J E'Lsotnoal. Conn.otion .... Blooking, set-u;: and p'Lumbing oonneotion, 1lT'~8t 1;0 approved before requesting elBo~rical i"8pec~io~ , . \' ~ 'Aaoe8soJWJ Bui~i~, , . , ] Fina'L ... lift,!r p:Jrohes.. eta. arB oarrpletcd.. ski1"tinU.. deoks, rY1 DRY!IA~L INSPECTION: To ba mads ~ aj"ter atz. dr!fLXltz. is in plaoe.. but prior to any taping. ,. O MASONRY: Steel location.. bond beam:J.. grouting or vertioals in acoordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: Afte1"' installation is ccmpl.etcd. D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Aftel" forms are o'1'sated but prior to pouring oX'nore te, SIDF:f'A~X .( DRIV8f/AY: For all con- crete paving within st'1'ect right... of-way.. to be made after all e%oa- ,vating complete & fo~ work & cub- ba:Je tMtena7.in pZa::te. r,-,' U :All p'roject conditions, ouch a8 tIle 1:nstallat~on of street t1"""S. co::rplation of the" . required landocapi.r.g.. etc., nrus~ be satisfiad bolor" the BUILDING FINAl. ~~n.:be 1'squost:zd. fINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspeotion must be l'equeotsd aftel' the Final PZwnbing, Eleotrical, and Mechar:.ical Inspectipr:w have bBen mad. and approu,d. . ! o FIllA{. PLUNDIlIG o FIliAL NE~IIA.'IICA[' [Z] FIliAL ELECT,UCI.L o <D D D !'ENCE: WIler. complzte -- Pl"ovic!e . gateo 01' movabZe sootions through P.U.E..' D 'Af.{, I1ANIICLES AND CLF.IINOUT!1 /lUST DF: ACCESSIDLF:, ADJUST/fEN'!' TO BE IL1DE AT NO COST TO CI~Y I Pa,,, of ~ i JOB NO'~V,:>bO IZono: t-.D~ Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ of lot C""erag. ,! of Sto"':ee TotaL Height Topography SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- L-COG'~ Oc,CUl'<VtCO .:, R-"'3' T;;oelcor..t:.:I"9" . Bedroom.: . . . LOT '1. .' . ,::': I Lot Faces... I f'nRr!tu So;a'r.(!o T;,,'Cl . . . \ .... I Setbacks !leat Int.rlpt' \::~:'.:i' . ';.!;.";:: " I P.L. lIou811 GararlR ACCC38. l Watm' .'/f!at,.,. Com,r ;" .r. INorth I Rat/(jr? PanJumdls IEf1tl'(; I Fircnlflca ..;- " Is~th I I Wood:; tot:1J CUt-de-sao I"'e.t I, I / .' H.chanioaZ P","""t "M/,<(. 1 . '/4;_ ...... I. /5 ...L/~/s- . I I I 'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED t,'" compLeted appHcation for permit. ar.d do I. hereby CBl"tify that a1.l i:-:fo;omation hSl'ooll is CrUll and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d atz. work porfor:nad shalt. be 00:'1(1 in ac~or- I dancB :.riCh the Ordinanceo of tho City of $pl'in(Jficld, and th~ [g.JO of tho .4 State of Orea"" psrtainin!] to tho L]OZ'k deocribcd hGl'o::n, ~'1d :1Iat NO occu- PANCY witl be made of any otl'UotUl'B witho~t p3rmio3ion of tho Euilding Oi- I vision. I furthor certifii that o~ly contra.:torG a;;d c:npl.:1yo'B w}:o a..re in I compl~nce with ons ?Ol.OSE will bo usod on this projsct I V.f'lW/"7' /r:: ~-?E~ p.d1//.n:7 ~...y C'LE':'T. .;U )1'/ #!,p /r ~ #,P)P c< c-=7. ~j?.Ec . I I TTFJ.f I Main I c,....1"nr.a I Carnort ISq.FTG I1cc6880r" k/rAS/V I Is D 1. r:. .... tual.ucJ . .C. . ~ :!?8 TOTAL VAWE . :" BuiUing P","""t . .' ,.' .Sta t. Surcharg. . TotaZ Cha:l'g.... lITEM I Futuros I ReeidontioZ (1 bath) I Sani ttJ.ry S6JJer I Water . . I NO. I I I I II I 1 PLumbing P.nm: t Stat. Sura~.a1-ue '. Totat CM",.. I ITEN I Ran. S(J. rta. I Nou/lZtena Circuit. I Temporary Se~ice I NO. ~o.:~ I I. j Eleatrioat P.mrlt State Suro""""e . . . Total Chaztce8 lITEM I f\att1.1ca I!TU' S / I &hauo t Hood I Vcmt Fan .1 W~OdB tave NO. FEE ~r;~;P I' . ' l'"rm1.t 1.8uanoa', .' Stato Surchiponc." -... Pt1tl8 I I I I I I L~~~.- i' I X Valuo ,,' /..&::?9:> ,<;: 5'3 .//6 .cJ~ I, FEE C/lARGE I I I L I I I I I. , CHARGE I I . FEE "2 ::?!\O I ,I " I '2:2 .$'Z.') /,/7 I -::T? .~'Ji' , . C/lARGE . I . '., Total ch,;;'a~n' ' -- ENCROACHMENT -- IsoC'04ritl, D:looOJlt. ':'1,' ,:: 11. .", ',1':1' i' ,I I 1" "",~';ii'+"'M"", 11ilW'.\\' "I'r"';:'"'''''''a'I'~'II'-''''''''' ~r:ln... Storago Maintp.na~a Pcnni t I I eurbcut ISidmoJaLk Total CharoaDs I,r;'cnaa "EZ<<ctri.cal lAb~l , I Hobite Hem. ., I I TOTAL ANOIIN7' DUll;" 0'; I I I I . . '. j 1(~S.ID( Building Value & Permit Thio. pgnm.t 1.0 aranted on the azproon condition that tho 1J.'lid con,-:tJ'Ud.ion shall, in all ronpccta, conform to tho o,'dillw:cc :ldopt>1.1 Ji!J die Ci.ty of Spl'in(1field, inc!uding the Zonina Crd:'llallcc, 1'"(!!1ulat.ill!l Llw cClIat";I.:ticll and uaD of buildinaD, and m.:::.y bo Duopcmdad' or revoked at m:y t:.mr. upon vie- lation of any prolJiDior.o of oaid 'Ordir.a,tccG. L IPlan Chack Fae: 'f'~ /..lI."5 I Datc Paid: Cid 51if9 I Rec.;.pt n: I <1t> .3 <+ ISianed: 7 Au Plumbing Permit No porcon Dhall COllDtJ'UCt, inotaU, atter 01' clu1lt!]c Gny noW OJ' c=':"otina :plwnbing.ol' dl'aina(]Q oyotc:1/ in iI1holo or in pal't, w:lCG8 D~ch pCI'GOJl iG the legal poDOOSDOl'. of 'a valid pLwnbcr'8 liccn:;c) except t1:at a parsoll may do plumbing 1J01'k to propc!f.ty which iD olJnod, taaoed or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t 111161"6 Sb:r.ts (,azJ requiros that tho clactrical work be dona by an Sl.eatrical Contractor, the' eLectrical. portion of ~hi3 permit ahaLl root be lJalid Utlti! tho. label hao beGn Dianed by the Electrical. ~ontractoro " Mechanical Permit ~'?_- .~ . /~ll0r' p" r ..6-'2'2'-& "7 uac.a # - 0.:7 ~/""8q_ ~~e6 / - ~l ~I:i~ . %Cft7 '7) ~~ . . ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION RECORD Job Address: b:?7'34J.#J.:p-v Property Owner: Tenant: Owner's Address: . E1E!ctrical Contractor: ~.....""~..../ &c0abel 1/ 7"?</?I'?/ c:;. . ';' - .- Address: <jiLtS ~..PP"".A~""\/"\~Jdl ()~ Q'74/'7 Q , ....., . ~ ~~.e~^,/ /C-A-Y-'7 ,:>uperY1 Sl ng l:.fectrl ci an uate - Description of Work: . <;'"' ,-.-Pc:0 d~...e> ? ( Inspection Results .~~t7~~~ Total $ 37..s0 /. ~ ff' $ ~'Z~~L d /~~/.~ !nspe19'F s ~~tu~ El ectri ca 1 Fee Surcharge .~ 1/451 ~ n. i"A 11' fSIf.7:\ ....'... \:....".:;, ~/.,1f9:'_"~1 ~ ':-. '.. I '-. .