HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-9-2 k"'6CflS'" - .. RESIDENTIAL" SPRINGFIELD APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Loc~tio": to'.>! q I (}1 a ; III A83e800r. :'ap N \.., - 6? - "b':)-~ ~ StdJdi:Jisicn: C"...mer: R. A. (' """Thp ) I Addr.s", ~ l<' q I V'Vl ... ; '" City: S~.(\ J. I"lRF . n r7=l n n ,'lrY'.J : T= Lot .f 0 to? ("') ~ Pr.one: 7'1ft, - 3!'i 7 <) Zi?: if Describe [lark: c..uooJ 511,,) 10 A rH, J' e... Addi ticn Rome"o! ,'.!obi te ,':lama Data of Application CCn:rac=ors 1"\1..", p\l"" GeneraL Plwnbing ElectncaL ,'1e::har.ic.::l Const~~ctian Gcnd~r " flacJ....) i .e!.- Value 3.t'")oC). F~ Add....es3~'jip91 "'-'Q,,'&/\ ( . (n/(J)L// .=:cce-:.p: ~ Siqr.ed: U- q-?/-?~ Date: Liac.# E::iir~s Phone ..---. '701- J7/9~ ~ , J(.{ a.A-o.. -- !t is the 1'6spcn.aibiZity of ths permit holder to see :hat aZ~ i7'lDpectio1'lS are r;".aae at the proper time, that ~h =ddress is l'e....,.:..,.~:o? ,IT-om the stl'eet, end 'that the permit card is l."eated at the frant of the property. .tEui!.di!"'.g :>i.vi::wr":. CZPPl"OT,,'ed plan sr.c.Z1. l'enain on th;;. BuiUii.n.p ~.;,t.= at aU times. ?'?OCEDUP.E FOR INSPECTION RE'''lJEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state yota' City desifT".a.ted job nw;;ber~ job adC:rc8s~ type of in:;peo-;icn requested w.d wh.en you :Jizz. be ready far ir.spection, Contractors or Ol...'ne:"S nc:me end phone number. Reques;;s recei.:ed ce;cl'1J 7:00 c: :..'iZZ be IOO.tie tht; 8aJr.6 dc:J, requests .-ncd2 c.ftc:r 7:00 a:n 1JiZl ba made the n:;.:::t :.l:7l'king d.a:J.. OB!!'n:...pt} T"',~'":...~~':r.n.". O SITE' IN~P!C:!ON: ~o be nr;c.e e.rcav,::t:.on, ",ut: pM-cr :c sst jorms. o alter up of Ull1)!::.~S['A3 f)~l.'.'J3I/lG, ST.;2C':,T:?IC,1! 2 j'.!ECHl:JI::),[,: 'i'o be matie .;e:o'are cny WOI'K is ~ovcred. . '~TINC ~ F'OU:!DATIO.'l: To be ,mce ~ ~f~er ;renches are e:oavated c.r~ ferms are erected~ but pri,,,r to poul"ir.g ccncreto-. D U.~'DtRG.=?OU.~'D p~~'''''3nJG, DRAINAGE: To oe Tirlde 1.i.r.g :rer.chils. Su"'ER, il.l~!R. ;Jri.or =0 /il.- o UUDE.~FWC.1:i Pr.i},'.Sr::G ~ XEC!!M1IC:.L: To be :r;cuie prier ~ in.naLz.at~on oj" [tOOl' ~n8UZa::icn. or decking. POST AIVD B8A.....f: To be ",.aM p1"";"r to instali:.::tion of [1.001' i7'..8uLatior. or deckins. o o .9.0'JGE nlr.f8I.".'G. ?~E[:':',l?:C:'!. 1 .'.f2C.9- ANIOL: ;'/0 '..iO::-k is :-0 ,;,C aot.'e!'eci ur.:iZ thcs~ ~7'~~ec=ior.s ~~v~ =eer. made and :::ppr?Ve.:. Fr::~EP[,A.CE: Prior to pl.c.d.r.g fc.dng met '. Ld tJ7'.d before frar.ring in spec- 'or.. o ~~3= be re~~e:;ted af=er approv~~ of rough p~~~ing~ aZecrri- cal & r::echa:ni.:a.L. Al! 'l'Oof~ng bl'a~r.g ~ chimn~ys~ et~. .~~St be comol.etcd. :10 wri( is to oe can- . c8C.'Led until this inspecticn r.as 'been made ani G.;Jproved. lour City.DeGigr~ted Job .Yumb~ fa: D I!lSUL)''!'IO.v/VAPO.l? BM?RIZR n!SP~CTION: To be rr.ade after al.l. ir.su~twn cr-.d raquired vapor c~~ers are in placs Cut before any Zath~ gyp:r.Ar.t baard or" U::ZU covering :.S c.pp1.ied~ and oefor9 any i1"'..suZa<::ion ~s conceaLed. ~:;rlALL nlS?:.'CTION: Tc be r.rade ~ c:iter an d.:r.i'..JaZl. is ~n place3 but prior to c:ny taping. o MASONRY: Stile 1. beam:;, grou-:ing accordance ...n. th 2415. 'Zacation, bo1uI. or verticc l.s in a.B.C. Section <(~I qLj;J DEl:.oLITIO!! OR :.:Ov::; 3UIUJ!:"ir;S :=J Sc:n.itary Se".Jer" oapped ::::.t p~opo;rt"i Line' .=J Septi::: tcnk p..i.,,?ed ar.d fiLZed lJith ~::eZ :J FinaL - ;{hen cbcve ite.":'!s are c.::.'rol.eto:c ar~ ~hen i~lition is complete or st~~:::- ture moved anC pr~~ses clean.e:l up. Nobile Hc:r:es ~ 3Zocking ar~ SJt-~p ~ Plumbing connec:~cns s~er ar~ wctJr ~ Electrical Conr.ection - B~cki1"'4~ se=.u? ~ and ?lumbing c.:;nneations rrr..;st be Q?r~:;;1.;~c before reques=:ng electricaL ir.spec=io~ ~ Accesso1"",i 3uil.:::ng :J Fina.~ - Aft~r :~rcr.es. skirting~ dec~~3 etc. are c~Ze~.d. o ALL project cor.di:ions~ JUch. as ~he {ns~aiZc.tion.of street :rees. :~~Zez~~~ of the ~. l'e ired Zandsccpi1"'.q~ -:::tc. ~ :nust; :;e satisfied before :.:'.e 3L'IL~I.':C Pl:tAL ::ar. .;e ::'3q-~9S<::.::d. . PINAL 3:JIr.DnlG: The Final Building Insr;8ction ,~t be l"eaueoted ::::....~t2r <::he P~n.al PZ~bin; EZ2C~M.~al~ and Necnar.ia:::.'i Ir:spec<::iornJ ;'uwa been mc.dil and. c:.PP!'olJ2::i. o FINAl. PLU.'.:SL'IG o FINAL ,'.fE=HA:1IC),[. o FINAL ELEC:RIC~L i:=J D iJOODSTOYF:: After installation is ccrrrpl.zt.zd. ... .tAU NAllHCLES I..ND CLE),NOUTS ,'!US'!' aE ACC::SSI3l3. .J..E.n}S'I':!2.~'T :0 3! .~!.1EE .,!T .':0 ,-~-:ST :0 CITY I ?-='~2 of 2 D CURB & APP.9CACF! AP.r~ON: Afte:o forms are erected au t priOl' to pouring ~ncrete . SIDEWALK & DRI"TfE:'If'A'!o' For all. con- crete paving !.lith;.n street right- of-wc.y~ to be !."'.ade aj"-;ilr aU exca- vating ccmp~et2 j .....or:.-r !.XJ!'k & 3uO- base :naterial. in place. o D .":'ENCE: Wher. compl.;te -- ?rovide gates or movable sections th~ough P.U.E. o I JOB NQ.~~)0~z" ~ :~a: l.:at Sq. F<;.;. J.: '1 L:;: C.:J'J9r~~. !.# of 5t"r'i.es I... ... . :J . h ! .o..c:. ...r..g.:: i :'CpO~"'h...:, hy I I :':'~.\! ,~f:::n I '^ ,-r ~.... .'-' I I i I\(...~ " ~.-=ce : ;..:r:'cr~ I. 1...C::CSiljt"J I I I 13.D.c. ( :,Q7.~!; VAU./E i :.:c:;.;.oC) 1.5 = Euil.dir.g p~t St.:.:a Su.."'::f:.:rrge 'Z'otcL cr.a..---ges I I:I.~ j E'i....-:ures ResidentiaL (1 ba:hJ Sanit.:%r'.-! SeT.Xll" :.t:t~!" Pl:unbi,..g Perr.':'";t Stat# Surer.a.r-;e T~taZ. cr.c.~':1BS I ::I.'.I l.=!es. Sa. f<l;a. I.VCJ.J/E--tomd Ci.rc-"",i.c,s j temporary Serncs l.'iO'1 I I I r!8::trical Pemt St..:ts Sur::;..a;rce Tot.::zZ O.crces I rEV I ~..::co? E7U'S I E:::'ht:zust Hood I'" , "0', I I I I Vent F::r. ihodsto-;e ?e..""m'it 13su:::nca .\fe:;"..an.::c=L P~~t Sea:" Sur::ht:r!1c ~..,~.-=:l C}L:'1'"~&!t1 -- ~,';c.'~'JAC.i':':E.'!:' -- ! SeC'".l.]'9";t"'.J DZ::C3i.t Stcr~e .'1::in-e-.;m......,....::>3' I p",,.,,,,;: I Tc=al cr.c.'!"'1CS i I C"P':'C'.l: Is" " ! U:e.1a "I( 1.<;Oe"..::oB I nec:ric~! ] .'r'obi.!.a Hor.:e E...=.:UtZ I-""".r. "!CU'~ DU'" . "'~rt... ...... .,.: ... SQLARtlESS ?::.qa 2 - L-COG~ ~, \. REQ-~ r_._. "NI. \ J. ~...-,. ,,""'\.- C"ly_ Cc::o..c::t:1'!C"J LeT '::!P! ~r.-:eM.C'1" ';'Or?'!e:" Pc:nr.cndl-a CUL-de-sac x ~'~Zue ~~ I I. 'l,-\.U,", .~~ 'Vol. ~<- ,':0. FIT CE..4P;G;: C.::';_=-GE :"1;':' CH~='::E :.:;~e/C~"'.s:: ':\ \.'\ E.aC:roor.:.s: -- r I ~."'.era'.J SOUI''.:!es I I .;'ea: Acaess. i I ~'~"I: \\ ~ I \ -;"\. I I Lot Paces _' . ~et=ac/{s I ? [,. I House Itlorth I lEon 'ioO I IS",,:n I\)? I ltf Ir'e8: ~ Tur;B I ':c::!'cae ;';C1;2'!' t.:t:1-::~J.'H" Range ::reolc.ce ;.100(1:;;01:6 F''!l.:'~ Building Value & Permit This De~t i:; Granted on the express condition that the said construc~ion Sh4lt~ ~n a!l respcats3 cor.;c~ to the Ordinance =CoFted by the C~ty of Spr';r~field, ~n~!ud~ng ;r.e :or.ir~ Crd~r~ce, re~~lc;ir.g the ccr.sc~~=ticn end uae of ~ui~dings, ~d ~=y ~~ au:;?er~ed or revoked at any ti~e u~cr. vio- lation of any pr~vi3ior.s of 3a~d Cr~i~~nces. IPlan Chea.~ Fee: I rate Fa::':!.: Plumbing '7 ~() R-q.P,2, in I ~rl(o G:nrL.Ju Permit IRea."pt #, I Sigo:ed, I I I I I I I I I. I I I i l\.Jo\e.... ~'->... ~,~o~~\, '\,~'r\\o 4 I ~ w"'~ ~,\ ~eo...\)'^~ ~ " ~O'6~"o.-.n.'\. ~~'T- - ~()\- \......u-.)o.-eO.. \'-J ~~ ~li.ANv\ \"\ Mechanical Permit No person ehaU Consn>tAct, instaL!, aZter 01' chango cn.y ro.BlJ cr e-.-istir.g plumaing 01' ~~nage SY8t~ in ~hoZe 01' in part, unless such person is tr~ ~gal possessor oj a vatid plumber's license, e:cept tr~t a pe~son ma~ do plumbing work to proper~:f lJhicn is oli."ned, leased 01' operated ~y the appl.i- cant. Electrica I Permit Where State La:,) requires tr.at ehs electl"'i.cal lJOrk be dene by an ~ctrical Ccmtroctcr, the electr:.cal Fortion of thi3 pe~t s;..aLZ. r.at be valid until the 'labeL has b&en signed by :he EZectr"~caZ ~ontractor. ~ I I I. -- \.~J~_~<\ "'.,:)',)~'r Pl.an E:cr.n.ner \. 8-70-ca~ !1a;6 I HAVE CAREFULl.Y SXA..'1.L'IED t.~ compZ.zt.ed application lor pemi;. r::nd do hereby certify thee all i",:fo:-.a;-ion hereon is true ar-d CClTcct, and I t.aotr.er cerd;";; that .:::n.y c.r..:i aZZ <:opk peplomzed ahaZZ b6 Co:-:6 in ac::'op- . dance :Jith the! OPdin::r.ces of tr.e City of SpM.7Tf!ficUi, and th.; U::.;S oj" ti:a .. State of Oreg.:m pzr:.::ining =" the wopi( c.esC'!""';bad herein, cr.d that SO OCC!J- P.~!ICY :Jill bB :I'tlda of any st:"Uct"..ll'a wi tho:..: ~armi8Jio:1 ~f the 3uiZding Di. vision. I .tUr~her ::'e1',::.j";; ::r..::t o:-:Zy :.:!ontrac::ol'S ar.d g:r:pt..;yee3 r..:r.D c:rs in aampZ~nce ~=h CRS 701.05~ wiZZ oe used on this projact 'tj ~'\. 0. c.. I...... d?~ 6 [;'f2- 7/f/-O