HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1983-7-14 . .. RESIDENTIAL.. AF?!:C~~!ON/P&~YIT 225 1or~h 5th S:reet r:: " ...... ("; ""Pr""...r:g;:.ei.-c, -.J''!'~~cn Eui!c~ng Di~i3icn 726-3753 :J7~77 .:ob :.oa.::i~7'I: {o~'Xq l mo q'\ ~A Vol- ,.lS.7escor= .\!ap ; ~CE:""';3icr:: 'I'c;:; ~t ii .,.'. "-"e~ Y\ ~ ~ .. (~80\1 V J1 /lnf ./ Add.-m: (() >Sf< q l~f) -<:n~ P~.one: Ci~: .IJf1) A11fQJ~ (()f~p: Q7L/tJ 7 n n n n 'l~J Addi :icn Rt':o.:eL ,'!cE,.;!.1 .~cnr3 Z'c:~a at AppU.::a:icn ~:::::=J I .') k , <=j P1umbi:h !l8'~t"";~,::lj . "..'- .: _,I .,.tI_,..=r._c_~ CO"~:~~c~i~ L~nder Desc!"'";oe !\'ork: , Va!ue i n: Q~1. Q 't", . . _::c::e~::-; i ~o *...,.,C' '. Siqr.~ Ij)~ . Date~J '} 't-/t.I,..~ <- ~ [.iac. P. E:;::,ir~s Ph.on;; / l: 1.8 :hB :-etJFcmtJibiti:y of erA ;;e,-".(.; ;'J')Zdsr :.0 see :ha: aL! incpections are ~.a.da at :he prop~r tim€'~ t!-.at ~h ;:.:idres3 is rea:::a.7:. ;~ t~ s:z:e~:,. ar.:i ;nat the PCJ"l:r:t ~.:L.-..d i~ 1..:ca:~d at .~~~ f~t of. t.i1s ~perty. "=ut.!.d:.~..g .):.:11.=:'0,'": zp::r~;n:~d ;:!cr. Sf".:.:L.. I'Cl':'la:.n on tr.e Eu:."a~Tt? S:.;~ a't" all tunes. P.'?OC!rJf..J.!:!g .=-')(? J:;S?~C":'!~!1 .:::'!'''l!~STo'CALL 726-3769 (rccorc.e:rJ state your City desigr.:lted J'oi:; n:.a::bel', job adircss, tYFe of' ir.3:;lec::icn 1'~q-..ccs~cd a~..d w.o:erz yeu ;,.i'i~Z. ::e :-ecdy for ir.spccdon, Cor.tractcrs 0'1' Cl,.o'ne:-s r..t::me c:r.d ~kme number. Requests recei;;.d c~fcrtl. 7:90 c:: ~'ill DB tr~cie :hc scr.:e c.c.y, l'iI(j'.leSt3 r::c.de alta' 7o'()O ct';'l /Jill b.z ITflde the m:::t :.JOrkiTl.3 day. " y;"'" City. Desigr.c.tcd Job l/umba' to: 83 \ ~ "77 \ ~~~r:"'~1 -",;:,,,"'~"':r."')~ SI~!' !:;S?~':":'~:;'!: to be r.r:c.'e e.:cav.:ti,:;:n. ,;u-: prier tc 3Q.: forms. o o a:':~1' u? 0/ (J:l'=.~S[';3 ?!.:':.'.g:::c. ?[2C"':'.:::'I<:'.l!: X~:;.~'.:":.:J.~<:':.:.: To be tradi! be:cr~ ar.y wr,i( is :tJ:Jc:oea. o :Y"....'l"....r. . -'~ -. .'" ~ :~!.'::DA'!':':::l: "1:0 ;;e ::-ede Cf:iil' ;:'e~cr.as =re ~cxJeted ar~ f~~3 ere Bl'€c:ea, ,;ut prier eo P<'".l:oir.g c:nc::oe t~. CJ L'."!!)2?t;.:::''':'I.'.'' ?:.r..?!2!::c, S2'.J:P. ::.:,r~-.=.~. C.~A,;...'.'A,:;2: :0 oe r.n.:e prier :0 /~~- lir..g :rer:cr.ilZ. o u.'1:JtP:-:::aR ?r:...}.'..'ST:IC ~ :.'~':.':!.J..v:C:'~o' 1'0 :;e ,,;-ce 'pr-:cr :0 "':"~:cLi.J:;-::on ~~l f1oo~ ~n8U~~~cn o~ de~Kin~. o P1S; .4,.,D 3E:t.!1: To.:.e r..cdc ='~O!' :0 ir.s:cLi...:-:~cn at Jrtcor ir.3t.oz..Q:'icr. cr deoki"". o P/)fr/).:': ?!..'J~'~!:.''J. :::..:~_~!.:;,~ J, .'t?:,-:::!- ~g::.~::. ~o ~~:~ ::~:~~;~_~o~er~c ~__~ ~~C~4 Ir~~e.~~vr.~ ~~p. :;€€r. tr'..2de =r.d =?pr?".J2:!.. F'~"~::?!';";E:: ~~or ~ :-'i..=.dr.a :=C":.r:~ n:c:..r"~a~s er.d !J~fc1'e lrzr-;r..g in3:)(IC. ~ior.. o D PP.j}~!:Ir:: .'~.l3t ~EI' reC:.le:Jt:2C cf':2r C??~~').;i ~l r:7t.:qh ;:~u.':"':''';r4, a- :l""';- caL ~ :~ecr..::ni::lr.. AZ: :"'?o{::.; brccirq 3 chi,~~ys, et~. ~.l3~ =e ,cc~Z.€:cd. .'10 -";":::1'< i3 ~c ="l ~cr.- 4 cea-:.td ;,m:iZ :h';3 ';r..:'l':;"cc:-ien ;.:13 . b.en :::ad.: end -=?pr?I.'2d. o I;lSVLAT!ON/VAP().~ 2.A.RRI23 INSF::C':'!CNo' To ae ,-na..:1e after aU insuL.::t:u,n a:-.c. re~~~red V~or b~ers are in oZace Cut !;ej"ore any z.ath~ gypsum bcQI.c or wLZ covering is cppZied~ c::r.d before any insulation is conceaLed. I DFUOLITIOH OR ;~:Ov::; 3!:ILDJ::CS ~ Scni:m-.:f seJer ca-p?ed ::t ;;:::::t?oi:!"-:-".. Ur.a ~ Septi: tank p~~ed ~.d f~ZZe~ ~th ;r::~er. --, F~nc~ - (lhen cXue {.,t:.e.~s a:re cc.~let:i:d ---l ar.d ~hen =e~Z~tior. is c~ie:a or st:.~~~- tu!'2 r.:auea ar.c ?1'~~32S :Le,:::ne.d tt? I NooiZ.~ Ec~es :::J :::J BZockir~ ar-a Set-up PZumbir~ ctJnnec:i~r.s sc::tJ03r c:r.d lJa-:el' o iJ.l?Y'..IAL[' INS?:.'CTC.'I: Tc b6 r:'.a.C.e ::fter aU ar-dwaLZ is in place~ bu.t prior to an.y tapir.g. :::J SZec~ce~ Ccnr.ec:~on - BLocking, set-up ani ?~!lJTlbin!i ctJnr.ections n<...si; =03 a'?P'!"::JI.'ed. before request"':ng eZec:ri~aZ. ins?ec:~~ ~ AC':-2S3C~':,' 3uiz.::~r.g ~ fir..:::.L - l.'t<:1' :,~~ci:es, et:. are ;~Za:~d. 3i<-::!';-::~, dec;'..3, o ,'ofASO:1RY: Steel 'Z.oc:ztior., 001".d beam:;, grou't.ing 01" verticaZs in accordance with v.a.c. Section 241$. o AZZ projac: ~or.ci:~onsJ J~C~ GS ~r2 ins:aLZa~:c" ,/ s:reet :r~es, :~.~!e;~~~ ~f :ne required 'Zcr.c3cC?ir..g, ctc., ':'!Use ~e sa~~sf~a:i oc;'~l'e ti:e 3f..'I;i)I.',":; ?!.'::.L .zen ::e !'~r;-.l3s:.zd. ~. :-1.'/~!. PLV':.!5I:;C .=J. i'::,'AL .~!S~.:t:'.'IIC:'[. ;=:J ?I:IAL Z:'ZC':'R!C';'; .~ o ~':'!,'iAL 3UIUJI.'IC: Ti-.e E'i.ncl ~~:ld:~-?... !~s;:'i'cti~n .-:-::":8t at,? requi'sted =l":er ti:e ::r..:Z '?Z:.J.!::!Jir-; ZZiic:r-i:aZ, cr.::: :fec;..c,v;:::.:i. .;.r:~?e...........,I1.... ;~uc aeen :~ace ::r.c ::;prclu::,. o iiOCDS':'Q'IE: ccmp~e:i:d. After installation is ",U,l; NA.'.'HC[,rS AN;) CLE::"I'lC'J':'S .'!US';' 3E .~C::2S:;!Br.Z. .-iCJ~'S7:S.':'!' ':0 EZ ".~1CE .'~': !.'O ::57 :-? CT:'! I ?='-:d o CUPS ,!I APPROACH .4?P.':JN: Aj.:.e:, forms .=re ere~"Ced but F;1""';or to pcr.l.rf,"'.g ';07'...::re te. S!iJ::fIALX 4 DRI"/'Cfv'A'1o' For all CC71- crt,?~~ paving ~~h-::n s;~e~t right- of-we" ttJ be mc:de a;"-;er aU e::::::;:,- vatina comvtete & form ~rk d zub- base ,;'.cter-':al in ?l..:::.:e. o o 0/ ~ I i JOB NO. ::~/!: ILot Sq. F:';. I~ ~f ,~. ~~cr--~ r .... ..,. : j. at Stor;ss ! :'c::a ~ H.ri.ci1: ; . ':C?og~r.y !,:~'1 I.,,,,,:" 1,:,-.=-.-.:Co1 i I ':.=r==r~ i. I :tC~::S3~!"J I ~. 0-' -..... ..., I i i I i ~.g Z~':l;r Is..?c. I 1.5 '" I:.:C:';4<:J Zuit..iin.g ?2~;: Stats 5:aoci-::c-ge ::o~t ~}-.a;"ge3 I !~~:.I I FL-::-.;.res I E83i.:"cmtiaL fl ba::h) I 5",,': t.;,r" s"",<~ I :lc:J..... I ,::0. i I I I I I I I I Plumbing Pem f: Stct:Q SW'e;..ar-;~ T~t.:! Ci-.l:'!'ces II:'E..., l.'iO. , .f?es. Sa. f:3. l.v~/E:ttand Cil'C".n.ts '!'empCl'cry Sa:f"'t.n.cB Ele~:ric~l ?~~~: St:;te SUl'::;..ar~Q T~~al Ci-~':es I ::';.~~ I'" I ....I i I I I : I ~",:c.q ?TU'S E::haus t Hood l;tent ?=n I ' I ;/:)ocSt07;(J Pede I3::u::::r.ca -'1e::;..an'ic.:l Perm{.:: St.::ta Surciu:...""!1C ...,,~,~! ':""rC'!"7iJ!J ~:lCR:;AC!:.:tE:!': I.. . l_e~~!".:u '2~C3~~ IStor~qe 1.'~~r::('7'.cr""'J Pcmt '!'~t,=! ,~.u:l"':"CS i CW-:'C'.: Is" ,. I :..:.:.e.u"..: , ?<!'1't=e E:ZolC-:l""':.c2 ~ ~C:;(l L .\fobiZ.. H:r.re :'QTA~ ),YOU.'lT DU!::" . SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- ~C=-..(=':".c:J -:;~.J=: r''''''' -'.r.l:' ...... ..... Ir.~e~cl" Corner i'cnitar.d la c-",t.-al!-sac x i'aZue Cr..4..~G! .;.;/t~G2 CH,JJiGS " I I I I I I I I I , I I II )(') r.::c.> I ~ ?=;~ 2 - L-COC;:' '-:.....-:JeICvr.3c: E<l:::-:or.:s: I I ?'I",e!''r~ SO'.J.r-:~3 I I ."C: I ;;"ct.;>!"::~~-:.:!'!' I .~an;;e I I .::'-:.:"eoic.c:e I I :,,==:0"' :".J:-e ::'0; .::':::::es 5~~~'2~,:':S ?:.. i ,=!C:A.3.:3 I ~c;raoe I I I 1.-i.,.:ce33. i I ItJor':ft IEas~ ISC'.:h I;{es' F~es I I I I I I I I. , I I 1 Building Value & Permit This permit ia grcnted em the e--press :zondi.et:Jn that ths said. aon3~T"""c:ion shaLL, in ~ll resFccts, conf::~ ~o the Jrdinar.ce 2dOp~ed cy the :~t? .;)f Spri.,..a:".~eZd, ";1ZC!ud~n.q titB Zoni,..a Crd~r..ar.C6, rea-.tl.c.t:'l:a ;i:i :::CT:S;;:"":l,:;....:.:r: ar.d ~;~ of buildir4S, and m=y C~~ 3u=p27'ned or r~vcked ;t c.r.y :";~e ~;cr: vie.' la:icn of ~y pr~vi3ior.3 of sc";c Ord{..,.~ce8. I P!.an Check Cct~ ?aid: IR,o<':pt #: 15':"""00: Fee: Plumbing Permit No pereon shall construct, ins::al!, aZter or change c;ny r.e1J cr e~s:u..g p!umbir4 .;)r drainage syste~ in. ~hole 01' in. ~t, unless such ;erson is :}~ legal possessor of a vaZid pLumber's license, e:cept tr~t a pe~son ~~~ dO~ pl~bing :':01'.< ta propel't-; which is Ot..'T:ed, Was8d or cperctad by the c.ppu.....- ~t. ://: I I. I I I Electrical Permit Where State [.cJJ) requi.res tr.at the el.actr-:.cal lJOrk be dens by an El2.::t:-i.cat. Cantr::ctor, the elect1"":.cal por;ion of :hia pemit shaLL r.ct ba vat.iC w:ti~ the tabel has b~en signed !;y the ELectrical. ~ontrc:ctor. I I. I I I , I I I I I. I I Mechanical Permit Pian. Z=Z1.ner ,Jar" -, I. j I I r HAVE CAREFULLZ EXA.'.fI:IED t.r..s ~orr.platBd ~pticatio7! .-~r perm-:.t. t::nd do hereby certify that at: ir.;o~~~~~n. ~ereon is :rue ar~ ccr~~::=, =r-= ; f.lrther ae~~:..jy that any am all ',.:ork, ;erlom:ed shall. bs do:7.e i:o: cc::.;)r. dance :.n:;:::~ :he Ordin.::ncas of' tits Ci.~ 0; Springfidd, ar..:! =nz r.C'~3 of :r.3 State I)f Orec~n :Jzrt.Iininc to ';1:e oor.( desr::--:.bcc iuJr!Jin, c:r..d :;.~: ....0 '.XC:.1- PI..'IC? wil: b~ rrcd.e oj c:n.'J" 3t'2""'~C-:Ul'a wieh.o'J.: ?~rmia..r;ul': of tha ;:,t{.Zdir.g t)'-;- vision. I furti:er ~e~tiJ~ e;.~t o:7.ly ::c~:ra::t.;)rs ~.a ~l~ye.s ~~~ ~g in co:::p~ianc2 IJith CRS 701.iJS! win be used en titi3 projzct -- Sign.:!d. D.J:a