HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Miscellaneous 1987-10-12 ., c. o ,....~ .'" ATTACHMENT F . .':'~. -~ .".j .' . CITY OF SPRINGFIEL~ i AMBULANCE VEHICLE INSPECTION REPonT I. VEHICLE HOUSIlIG ANa CRE':I OUARTEitS STMIOAROS I. " AMSULANCE CC~1P ANY: DATE: 10-12-87 Business Name: Springfield Fire & Life Safety Phone: * " . ,...; . ." . ~:.. Mailing Add~ess: 225 N. 5th Street (Street/Apt.d) Sprin9fieid, OR (Cit$/State/lip) o. 97477 I. VEH!C!..lO HOUSr~IG: 726-3737 726-3737 (Phone) Any ambulance service licensed with the City of Springfield is required to house 1tj amb~lance vehicles in a heated and sec~~e c~rage. Please cc~olete the 1nfor:::ation in sec":.ions A~0 and indic;lte cc~pi janc~ wfth the requirement by filling out section E (OECISIC:I). . A. LOCAnml OF GARAGE: (,,~S\ rYJ~ ~.I-:f (Street);'pt.,,) . S'>lA~i1i '.U n/\ (Clty/StQte/ .~) B. NU~SER OF AMP1ILA.NCE VE,.,!CllO$ HOUSECl AT THIS lOCAnC:I: C. IDENTITY OF .AMS~" AIlCE VEHICllOS HOUSECl AT THIS lCCATiml: 1. MAKE/MODEL/YEAR OF VEHICLE: 1985 Ford Fraun - Type III lICENSE PLATE NUMSEit: E158258 . Z. MAKE/MODEL/YEAR OF VEHICLE: LICENSE PLATE NU:1BER: 3. MAKE/MODEL/YEAR OF VEHICLE: LICENSE PLATE NUMBER: 3/86. 726-3744 (Phone) Page 1 of 3 ". . .; e . C!TV OF S~~I'NGF I ELOe AMBULANCE VEHICLE INSPECTION REPORT DATE: IO!I~\'61 AMBULANCE COMPANY: 4. MAKE/MODEL/YEAR OF VEHICLE: lICENSE PLATE NUI'lBER: S. MAKE/MODEL/YEAR OF VEHICLE: lICENSE PLATE NU:'lBE~: C. CD~1PLIA/ICE: ~ VEHICLE HOUSIIIG 1. Are the amouianc2 venlcles housea in a heatad garage? 2. Are the amouianc2 venic:es nausea in a secure garage? D. DEC!SIml: D D [g] Acceptable. YES v" V' NO CC:':MENT I . "& .. " o.kJ. ~ ~ , ..:1 -~ Acceptable. with minor discrepancies to be corrected and Inspected by this date: Not acceptable. with discrepancies to be corrected and Inspected by this date: J07:J.:J/'Xi f . AODrrrm/AL COMMENTS: 1(p~_" ~-t~ Mn--;:t;;-A"L. ~ "",,,._d -1 ri JL. }j~1() 0_"".k\~ Person\9onOucting the Inspection 3/86 n,..J- I;), , ~I Date of Inspection ; i I I . Page Z of 3 .. .. "'~ "~ .' . . . . . .. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. , AMBULANCE VEHICLE INSPECTION iMPORT CATE: AMBULANCE COMPANY: II. CR~~ QUARTERS STANDARDS: " Any ambulance service licensed by the :City of Springfield is required to pro- vide crew quarters that conform to the standards set forth in the current Uniform Building Code for residential occupancies (c'r/en ings). Please complete the information in section A and indic3te complianc~ with the requirement by filling out section B (DECISION). Please attach copies of any inspection forms used by the Building Division to determine com- pliance. - . A. lOCA nD:1 OF CRE'," OUARTE;tS: (Street/Apt.;;) (City/State/Zip) B. DECISION: o o [1;J Acceptable. (Phone) .' Acceptable, with minor discrepancies to. be corrected and inspected by this date: Not acc;otable, with discrepancies to be corrected and inspected by this date: ICi/3ol'l;l , ADDITIONAL CC~MENTS: ..R~.~""..e In r'~--J. ~..J:w.~ r -1 . ~ J~u QA~_ "'"^. ,2<w-.A ~ I_"'~ ,.ill '- A:lg"iru,;J vul~ ...:.1P ~D Is """.Nu.T~h<l..::'i .f'r.7.., -t-J-h._ (~' 'V1 l' J j IY).%' rl... ,.rrntd. ) I - Va i""'O / ;{?~ ~:MAU Pe'rson Cor.::Juc"tlng the'lnspectlon J(')/t,g.,./fl Oat~ or Inspection 3/86 Page 3 of 3 r(- ~ " , ! , J 1 , , I , I , . I ~ ; . .. " . , ~ " . . ~ . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMBULANCE VEHICLE INSPECTION REPORT DATE: AMBULANCE COMPANY: 4. MAKE/MODEL/YEAR OF VEHICLE: LICENSE PLATE NU:'lBE~: 5. MAKE/MODEL/YEAR OF VEHICLE: LICENSE PLATE NW'1BE~: C. CO:1PLINICE: / -;. VEHICLE HOUSnlG YES NO CC;.lMENT 1. Are the amouiance venicles housea in a heated garage? .;--- ELc"-f ;:v'At:E A'':;'''I~ 2. Are the amouiance venicies nousea in a secure garage? ..-- o. DEe! S ION: D ~ o Acceptable. Acceptable, with minor discrepancies to be corrected and inspected by this date: s~r '?/:I, !.9..f+:,C; Not acceptable. with discrepancies to be corrected and inspected by this date: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: ~i:ipLAi'lh /iFf'.- I ~~J7tt'/ k ~T'V;ruP+ ~J13<?//1>t? --1t!J.kI...! J'lP:Y'" 1<"" JI(J.A-A.''A/>7~ .AVo .r:)(JlIV/A~ IAJ~a'JF JJh'rJ 77"'f!.. -n n,l ") . JJ~./~/f7N. Person Conaucd n'9' the Inspect 1 on 1/2. <7 ~.s- Datef of {n~pectlon 2/85 Page 2 of 3. - . .. ~. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~ AMBULANCE VEHICLE INSPECTION REPORT DATE: AMBULANCE COMPANY: II. CRE',~ QUARTERS STANDARDS; Any ambulance service licensed by the :City of Springfield is required to pro- vide crew quarters that conform to the standards set forth in the current Uniform Building Code for residential occupancies (dwellings). Please complete the information in section A and indicate compliance with the requirement by filling out section B (DECISION). Please attach copies of any inspection forms used by the Building Division to determine com- pliance. <. A. LOCA nml OF CREH QUARTERS: (Street/Apt.#) (City/State/Zip) (Phone) B. DECISION: ~ D D Acceptable. Acceptable, with minor discrepancies to be corrected and inspected by this date: Not acceptable. with discrepancies to be corrected and inspected by this date: ADDITIONAL CO~MENTS: . /w.~;;'p,--, Person Conducting the Inspection 1/.7.1/t;5 Dat~ of l'nspection 2/85 Page 3 of 3 - , ~ ., ..... CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~ AMBULANCE VEHICLE INSPECTION REPORT DATE: AMBULANCE COMPANY: II. eRE'''! OUARTERS STANDARDS: Any ambulance service licensed by the :City of Springfield is required to pro- vide crew quarters that conform to the standards set forth in the current Uniform Building Code for residential occupancies (d.tlellings). Please complete the information in section A and indicate compliance with the requirement by filling out sectioh B (DECISION). Please attach copies of any inspection forms used by the Building Division to determine com- pliance. <. A. lOCA TIml OF CRE','/ OUARTERS: (Street/Apt.lI) (City/State/Zip) (Phone) B. DECISION: f2r o D Acceptable. Acceptable, with minor discrepancies to be corrected and inspected by this date: Not acceptable, with discrepancies to be corrected and inspected by this date: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: /~/:h~ Person Conducting the Inspection 11:.1' /~ '" Dat~of inspection 2/85 Page 3 of 3 I '.. ;", ;; - ATTACHMENT F . .::IP t5G'CJ'7aO ~4d CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMBUl.ANC~ VEHICLE INSPECTION REPORT VEH!CLE HOUSIIiG AND CRE':1 OUARTERS ST,\NOAROS DATE: A:~CUlJl/1C~ Cc:~oPIY: 8u~ir.ess Name:~nrinafield Deot of Fire & Life Safety Phone: 726-3737 Mailing Add~ess: 225 North 5th Street (St~eet/';p:;.it) / Springfield. OR 97477 (C;tj/Stat2/lip) 726-3737 (Phone) 1. VE:!IC,-E HO!JSr:IG: Any ambulance service licensed with the City of Springfield is required to house 1t= arn=~lance vehi:1es in a he~:2~ and .sec~~e garage. Please c=~oleta t~e 1nfor:::a-:~on in sec-:icns A-Q anc inc~::.!t~ cc~piian:.:~ wft:-: t.he requirer.1en~ by flllin; out section E (CE::S:C~). A. LC(:..~iIC~l CF G;"KAG~: fi853 Main Street (St.~eet./';p...ii') Sorinafield. OR 97478 (City/State/lip) 726-3737 lPhone) 8. ~<U:~~E2 OF ;.~eUL~NC~ VE"!CL~S HO!JS::D AT THIS LOC,\TIC:I: C. ID::NTITY OF .AMeUlJI:~CE VEHICLES HOUSED AT THIS LOCATiO:!: 1. MAKE/~ODEL/YEAR OF VEHICLE: 1985 Braun #849 LICENSE PLATE NUMBER: E158258 2. MAKE/~ODEL/YS;R OF VEHICLE: LICENSE PLATE NU:1SER: 3. MAKE/PoOOEL/YEAR OF VEHICLE: LICENSE PLATE NU~BER: 3/86 , Page 1 of 3 '0 'l~V : i ;~ .." . ,'- .:...'; .~-~ .", - - CITY OF SPRINGFIELD A.'1BULANCE VEHICLE INSPECTION REPORT DATE: A~BULANCE COMPANY: Springfield Department of Fire & Life Safety. 4. MAKE/;~O[)EUYEAR OF VEHICLE: LICE:NSE PLATE NU1.:BE:t: S. MAKE/l~OOEUYEAR OF VEHICLE: LICENSE: PLATE NU:'lBE~: C. CC:1PLINiCE:: /' : VE:iICLE HOUS I1:G YES NO CC:':.'1ENT 1. Are the d~o~janc~ venlcles nausea in a heateQ garage? ~ eJ.-fi;:::(.' ~ f/G?f,~ . 2. Are the amouianC2 venicles nousec in a secure garage? ~ D. DEC!SIC:I: 8' D o Acceptable. Acceotable, with minor discrepancies to be corrected and inspected by this date: . Not acceptable, with 'discrepancies' .to be corrected and inspected by this date: ADDITIO:IAL CC:~.'o1;:NTS: J, Wd)7) ~s~ WIJ.JMiV~ -MG 'l>F[f'i?/~rJl~ -./21) ""(1'11;, ~LtM (fI-~VJ/~ AD/) TlJV1AnrJ. TJH=.y SJfflul.1\ 111;:; /fJ1?lalrl#i'3'I (~n<.Jil.u/ 1'- T fJA./~ "l T /.W h1~TJ{'_ )~~ ~Ql/.A"f e4)... JJ. /J1/l1)(1./E./.J, J11roqlt::t:tJt..,J it "~ Person ConJu~tlng the Ins~ectlon 3/:J...b/~td Date of Inspectlon ~ 3/86 . / Page 2 0'( 3 'J~f'~ .~./ AMBULANCE COMPANY: .~, . .'o-_~ ....0'. ..~_...:.. ._........ . '..... ". ,- "" .--'......... - ".-- -~-_.,. '~_--,. ..., .. c' -.-~ .__ __"_ ." ~:. ~- ',/..F":'" ~~:=C':";-;:". '-.._'~.__~_-.,., ......_ ....:;;--::-.;::.",,- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD .. A.'o1BULANCE VEHICLE INSPECTION REPORT- ,':.: .' DATE: . .. ':~~~~\::;..~;. ~'~~-;~~~~,~;~.7. .;,~ Springfield Department of Fire. & Life Safety I I. eRE',,' QUARTERS STAUOARDS: Any ambulance service licen$ed by the :City of Springfield is required to pro- vide crew quarters that conform to the standard$ set forth in the current Uniform Building Code for residential occupancies (c.....ellings). Please complete the information in section A and indicaee compliance with the requirement by filling out section B (OECISIDU). Please attach copies of any inspection forms used by the Building ~ivision to determine com- pliance. /' - - LOCA TIO~1 OF CRE':! QU;'RERS: A. (Street/Ap,..i') (Ci,Y/Sta,e/Zip) B. DEC!SIO~I: ~ o o Acceptable. (Phone) Acceptable, with minor discrepancies to be corrected and inspected by this date: Not acceotable, with discrepancies to be corrected and inspected by this date: ADDITIONAL CC~MENTS: -1). H1~MG/..J,II1..~JM. S/I;fu) Person COC~uctlng tne Ins~ec,ion 3/86 . - Date or InspectIon /' Page 3 of.3