HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1999-1-11 zOning, and doas not require specific land use apprOvaL )...1) f2- ZonlnA Dale - ,1-l1-ct.'1\'Orl(i"g::, . s 4<AJHIR Pl:Q'''TSHA 22~tfIfTII .I.I:I:t.,h .. LL EXPIRE IFTHE ~~LECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477\UTHORIZED UNDE URK CfOJ INSPECTION REQUEST: 726i'37\6~,~W' RTH/SPERMITI~Gl~Y Job Number ,,000 'f OFFICE: 726-3759 >V,II/\IC/ e,En OR IS ABANDONl=n 1:" . '" A M'V 1::" I1IW PI"Rlnn 3. COKP&E FEE SCHEDULE BELOII ~'.'.'_' 1. LOCATION OF IN~ALLATION .. I~~'-{o n-...A..-I . A. New Residential-Single or-" Multi-Family per dwelling unit. Service Included: . LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1Pt7,9~"t1 ) It ems Cost Sum JOB DESCRIPTION 1000 sq. ft. or less $ 85.00 A(f..- f-I~tJO~ IIClQ.7! f)'L.j:~,,,,,,,,,, . ,E.ac~additional 500 ~-\\, ."N,u. ~"o.I'sq.L'ft"or,'portion Permi ts are non-transferable JR\lO't!~~Ipr;Eiidopled byiH-efg81l0n Utility $ 15.00 if work is not started wi thiklct~~8li1l9fenter. Th<EilWI%li'lU!f.&Ql fffi!lite. or of issuance or if work is suYp~1l5:f19@1.0010thrRi:lil'iiUfl.RlJlle-])]JiIng 180 days. 0090. You may obtain ~~L';"il!c\l1fdtlllRe~:der $ 40.00 calling the center. (Note: the telephone 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONI\lll1berforthe CBego5eH~1\CllIstifuatReeders Center is 1tl~Ol$8ltt~,tion, Alterations Electrical Contractortl.s U(c]72u f#.O{~ Relocation: Address f. D f., () l' if-<( e; ~ ~ Ci ty (.~ Phone--".Pb-I~A--'), {" Supervisor License Number "511'17 S . Expiration Date /~- / - /')/ Constr Contr. Number 7'O~"J Expiration Date /~.?,(l_/)a Signature of Supervising Electrician ,-<-~ AJ-k- Owners Name ~.~ Ac::L~ Address '~'E'\J '" t.--;A,,.., City~ Phone 11/)'-'/"101 OIlNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale. lease or rent. . Owners Signature: ------------~------------------------- DATE: lit, /'7? RECEIPT 11: oArz,Y l...q RECEIVED 'BY: cJ/ r...v--V 200 amps or less $ 50.00 201'amps to 400 amps $ 60.00 401 amps to 600 amps $100.00 601 amps to 1000 amps $130.00 Over 1000 amps/volts $300.00 Reconnect Only $ 40~00 C. Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps' 'or less 201 amps to 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 volts D. Branch Circuits $ 40.00 $ 55.00 $ 80.00 see "B" above .' New, Alteration or Extension Per Panel 3s~ ---L $ 35.00 One Circuit Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit -I-- $ E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited Energy/Res Limited Energy/Comm 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge 3% Administrative Fee TOTAL 2.00 ~ ~ not included) $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 $ 36.00 37 C<> !. (:> I. " :3 'i.."il. '. RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections: 726.3769 Olllce: 726.3759 . SpnlNGFIELD LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK: ~ffio..L.r1 ASSESSORS MAP: / 7 ~ 'J- 3 f'3 z.. OWNER: \:"t\chOJd ~'r\l~J 1__1. ADDRESS: ~P>L\.O .f'(ln ~() 0trf1::C CITY: ~')v- \ 'no\-' ie 10 STATE: t )y--p ef-O-- ZIP DESCRIBE WORK: o (lir, f'\~ "' I D ? NEW REMODEL QDITI~N LOT' BLOCK: DEMOLISH OTHEIl . '!1ooolf JOB NUMUEIl '___._. 225 Fillh Sllcel Spllnylleld, OIl!UOIl 97477 ~~ ~C- "'J PHONE:--5L\I''l~1.1Lta..L TAX LOT: 05'"'3/ Y SUBDIVISION: Q\Lll~ CONST 11 <1 ^' kre ~DDRES~ ~J CONTnACTOR N,..., 1 EXPIIlES ~'.o"U'I'HONE O+Iro ~ If' \12l..nI0f.p~P .ot':[Efliq' 4LiI:2JDI - O~ CONTRACTOR'a~ME GENERAL: .rYIPS PLUMBING' MECHANICAl' ELECTRICAL' o on law requllt:j;:) YVI.A t3 ATTENTION: reg h OregontltfillflCE USE l\lFl?IIf\~. f \I rules adopted by t e , rth I~Y I "':S;. QUAD AREA: 0 OW _, Those rlJll..6lfiltlr€l~t 0 _ fi" f'lnQRl.Pflf)iHE..wDRK NotltlcaUUl1 "<inter.- hOAR 952-0U1- 1 nlSffRMlT SHAl!L ,,=,..., , N OF BLDGS: ,- r\~Q Q<;?Q01-0010 thrO~9,! OftH"'LT""~ h" .' '_I 'C'~I~ED UNDIC"'NIN'G ~dfijE!US....NOT_ ...".,...". obtain copies \) I;TUT~-, nu, 'VH ~ _l'"', ".. OCCY GROUP: 0090. You may (Note:(loNs\ElP.l1fVJ%: _ -~'J"-"('ED OR Itl05/Eli5i'iMS:O FOR cat\lngttlt::t,,;\:"JIHI:OI. 'r Notification \.I\.IIV'........,;;./ . N OF STORIES:" :11::~"odnrthe Oregon UtI!JIYI.\T. SOURCE: ""';01\ "!IV PFRlsEcONDArIY HEAT:_.. ,.. enter is 1-600-332'-'2':;441. "'" ,- d WATER HEATER: C R^NGE: _ SOUAnL' FOOIACE: ...__ To m'1uest SJ' InsplJo:tlon, you musl call 726.3769. This Is a 24 hour recording. Alllnspcctlons rcuucstcd before 7:00 a.m. will be made'the same working day. Inspections requested aHer 7:00 a.m. will be made lhe following work day. D Temporary Electric D SlIe Inspection - To be mado after excavation, but prior to setting forms. o Underslab Plumbing/Electrical/ Mechanical - Prior to cover. o Fooling - After trenches are excavated. o Masonry - Sleel locallon, bond beams, grouting. D Foundation - AHer (orms are erected but prior to concrete placement. o Undorground PlumbIng - Prior 10 filling Irench, o Underlloor Plumbing/Mechanical - Prior to Insulation or decking. D Post and B08m - Prior to 1I00r Insulation or decking. o Floor l"sulaUo" - Prior to decking, o Sanllary Sewer - Prior 10 IIl1lng trench, D Storm Sawer - prior to IIIl1ng trench. D Water Line - Prior 10 filling trench, D Rough Plumbing - Prior 10 cover. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS o Rough Mechanical - Prior to cover. o Rough Electrical - Prior to cover. o Electrical Service - Must be approved to obtain permanent electrical power. o Fireplace - Prior to facing materials and framing Insp. o Framing - P~lor to cover. o Wall/e'olllng Insulation - Prlor'to cover. D Drywall - Prior to laplng., o Wood Stovo - After Installation. o Insert - After fireplace approvel and Installation of unit. D Curbcul & Approach - AHer forms are erected but prior to placement 01 concrete. o Sidewalk & Drlvew"I' - Aller excavation Is complete, rOllllS and sub.basc material In place. o Fence - When cOi"l!pletcd. o 81rool Treos - Whon all required trees are planted. D Final Plumbing - When nil plumbing warlt Is complete. ~ Final Electrical - WI1cn all electrical wotl~ Is complete. ~ Final MeclHllllcal - When all mechanical worl( Is complelo. o Final Building - When all required Inspections have been approved and buildIng Is completed. DOlher MOBILE HOME INSPECfIONS D nlocking and Sol.Up - When all blocking Is complele. o Plumbing Connections - Wilen home IlilS been connected to water and sewer. o Elechical Connection - When blocking. sel-up, and plumbIng Inspcclions hnve been npproved and the home Is connected 10 the servIce panel. o Final - Alter all required Inspections are apploved and porches, sh:.lrling, decks, and venting have been Installed. Lot (aces '--- LOI sq fig, Lol Coverage li')pography T(.)lal height. . Lot Type Inler/or Corner Panhanclle 1 CUI.de.sac BUILDING PERMIT ITEM sa, FT, x $/SO. FT. Milln Garage Cilrport TOl", Value Building Permil Fcc Slale SUrCharge :rolnl Fcc (A) PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtures Residential Balh(s) N' Sanll ary S~wer Waler FT, FT. Slorm Sewer FT. Mobile Home Plumbing Pormll Slalo Surchargo Tolal Charge (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnaco Exhaust Hoorl Vent Fan N' Wood Stoye/lnsert/Flreplace Unit D'W-t ~ ~--- Mechanical Permit Issuance Slato Surcharge Tolal Permit (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home State Issuance Slate Surcharge Sidewalk II Curbcul II Demolition Stale Surcharge Tolal MIscellaneous Permits OUNT DUE (oxcludlng clcclrleal) TOTAL AM A B CD and E Comblncd) ( , , , , (E) . Sell achs .--------. IS THE PflOPOSED WORI\ ,;1 THE . HISTOfllCAL DISTRICT, on (,N THE HISTORICAL REGISTErI? If yes, Ihls apnllcallon rnu:;1 1'0 slgnC:d find npplQVcd by the I "starlcal Coorulnat6/ prior 10 permit i:;3uance. ~~-~~ N ------ ~_._-- _V:!_ _ ___ ___ L__ VALUE "---- FEE /5':otJ /J, CI.J '([Y-Zl~. ~W --"- APpnOVED: SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) BUILDING VALUE, PLAN.CHECI< AND .BUILDING PERMIT - ThiS pcrmi! is granted on lho'express condillon Ih,lllhc 5rll,J conslruction shall, In all rc::;pccIs, conform 10 IIle Old/nance adopled by the City of Sprinyfjeld, including the Development Code, rcgul~lIng Ihe construction a/HI use of bUildings, and may be suspended or rcvokod (II ilny limo upon Yiolalion of any provblons of said ordinances. Plan Check Fcc: Dalc Paid: -..---- 'R'eceipt Number: neceived Oy: Plans nCV~CWQd-riy- -"---.-- Dale Systems Development Chargo Is due on all 1II1tlcvolopCd properllcs withIn Iho Cily IilTllls Which are beIng Improved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ;::. s ~ ~ t:Lec 1'17 1-<:' By signature, I alalc and Doroo, thot I have carofully oxnllllnOd Iho comploted application and do horeby certify Ihnl all Informallon hereon Is Irue and correct, and I further corllfy that ony and all work pcdormod oholl bo done In BCCOHIf\ncQ with tho Ordlnancus of Iho Clly of Sprlngflold, and tho Lows of Iho Stoto 01 Oregon pertnlnlng to tho worl( doar.rlbocJ horoln, and that NO OCCUPANCY will bo modo of any 8truclure without permission of Ihe Bulldlll(J Snfoty DivIsion. I further certlfy thai only contractors and employoes who aro In compliance wllh ORS 701.055 will 1.>0 used 0/1 thIs prolect. I further agroo to ensuro that all required lnsr>ocllona. oro requostod at lhe propor tlmo. that oach oddroen /s rOBunblo from Iho stroet, that the pormlt cord Is locoted alOlo Ifonl Ihe roved sot 0' plans will rernsln of tho properly. on on th~e all; al ,Imc. d IO~UCtlOn, Signature. '_.~ IY Oato I) VALIDATION: o ? i if ~7 RECEIPT NUMBER "" "'" ':j,fu A AMOUNT RECEIVED ~vv-IJ RECEIVED BY _____