HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-12-5 (2) .. RESI~TIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ' , , " SPRINGFIELD ~ Job Loca.tion: fo IJ q d I/J cuM .J ! I( 0 d.. 3 L/ Li/ (J f!; fo f '3 AS06SGOl"S Nap /I Subdivision: Ta Lot # ~ Rcce~vt ~ /<, (,?~~ ./ jMcll-NG tl.mer: P..-dtr Jf1A r/ J-~A' A/1/f'./k ?, I(c;~ rl7 c~d / Phone: 12?:, -5 'i 'Id-... Address: City: n n f)q n Nm,' Addition Remodel Zip: Describe ~\'ol'k: ~ }:i()A(LC;- v40 &cV'L.oD ,-......J .'fobi le Homa 1\- \ '2 -'('& Value # 5200 Date of Application (;onrractors Address ~ <1 S ~LL/y.,.. <Lv'> l Plumbing (21.'11--.1)/,_~' 'F'{u,'>--n.bt"-{ Electrical lli.JLL;; fb..{' Jf;/L}- J \.j Mechar.ic~l ViM cu~~<J-.I-&Lf JAL--' General ~q22(,., S? 1f3 (fC) R?<loo (JJll t[11 ~J I")-'~ ~ Siar.ed: /d~h Date: Lisc.ii Pr.orl:: ff-tl.5 c;( Y /S 3iJtf-Nh'1-- Ex;;ir:JS tj-:2s - f "7 ~-;2.'i: -'() I-.;:l. </-'ii' IJ COPltBtruetion tende,. If; is tits responuibility of the permit holder to see that alt inapeations are made at :;he proper timf:, that each ~eB8 is readah:e froonr ths street, and that the permit card is Located at the front of the proper'ty. 4Bui!dirlfJ rr;vi:;ior: apprcn;ed plan shatz. remain on t~ Building Sit~ at all times. PROCEDu.r!E FOR INSPECTION RE"QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) st;ate your city design..'lted job number, job adC:Pess, type of in:;pec-=icn requested a~.d when you waz. be ready for ir.spcction, Contractors or Owners ncme end phone nwnbcr. Requests received hefere 7:00 ~ ~"i'L'L be made the same dcy, requests made afta' 7:00 am lJiZZ bi] made the next :.JOrkin.; day. A~~ project conditions, 3uch as the insta~~ation of s:reet trees, c~~lati~n of the required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be rzquestzd. Rnavi~~1 Trr~n~1tir.~R O SITE IllSPEC':"ION: To be rrade after e.xcavati~n, but prior to set up of forms. O UNDERSL~B PW!-fBING. ELECTRIC,1L & . NECHAN/CAL: To be made before any work is ~ovared. O FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TION: To be m:zde after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ~encretG. ?M :x I UND'ERG.WUHD P!-W.BING.. Sgr.fEF!rW.1TE.~ DRAINAGE.: To be rrn::ie prior tOj"t!'- Z. ir.g trenches. ~' 'UNDE.I?Ft50~ PLur.$ING & MECHANICAL: ~ To be rr.ade prior to in3tallation of floor inaulation OT' decking. .. , 0,/ I POST~ BEAM: To be "..ade prior tc ~ insta~~tion of f!oor ins~Zation or decki"ii. T2. 4::>- :2, 1 ',:-xl ROUGH PLWBP'UC. ET,ECTRICAL ;; UECH- ~ AlIrCAL: No :.Jork is to be cOL'ered .ur.ti~ these inspectior.s have beer. made and approved. !I Fr.r~EPLACE: Prior to pZacir.g faeing :--' mar;el"ia~s and before framing inspec- tion. I \71 FRA'~I!lCt' Must be l'equeated after ~ approval of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mechaniaal. AU roofing bracing ~ chimneys, et~. nr~st be . completed. No wark is to be can- ... cealed until this inspection has .b6~n made and approved. :KJ :!J Ll ~ FIf!;.Cj1PWI,'BIIIG 1,"'; FIliAL UE(;HANICAL 6-\'9 FINAL ELECTHICAL lej ~ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final P~un:bi7t3 Electrica~, and Mechanical Inspection3 have been made and approved. " .rOW' Cit:Y Desigr.ated Job Nwnber IG: C;; I }-I INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IHS?ECTIO!l: I' To be made after an insulati::m a:".d . required vap01' barriers are in place but before any lath, gypswn board or LXlU covering is applied, and befol'c any inaulation is concealed. II ' DRyWALL IllSP~CTION: Tc be made after' aU drywaU is in place, but prior to any tapi7'lf. O /~EONRY: S:~el locatio~, bo~ beam:;, grouv~ng or vert~~alH ~n accoT'aance with V.B.C. Section 2415. D WDODSTOVE: After installation is ccrrrpleted. [LJ D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte=, forms are are~ted but prior to pouring aoncre te. SIDEWALK & DRII'Er/AY: For all, con- crete paving within street right- of-way, to bc made after all exca- vating ccmplete & fom work & sub~ base material in pla::e. 8'fo 0 'lO 0 I DEUOLITIOl! OR gOVE:; EUILDI:1GS :=J Sani tary se'..Jer capped ~t p:..opc:rt"d Zir:.e ~ Septi~ tank v~~ed and fiZI~~ with ~~eZ f PinaL - tlhen above ite:':'ls a:re cc:miLetea ~ and when d~li:ior. is complete or st~~- ture moved and pr~ses cleaned up. I NobUe Hemes :::J Blocking and Set-up :::J Plumbing conne~tions s~er and Water :::J Electrical Ccnr:ection - Blockina, set-u:; and plwnbing connections rtr...st b~ appr::Jve.: before requesting elec:ricaL inspec:ion ~ Accessory Builc!.-:.ng I Final - Aft:::r F:Jrcr..es, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are campZet:::d. D *ALL JfANHCLE5- AND CLEANOUTS }/UST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST.'!EllT TO BE }.~1DE I'.T' NO C:JST TO CITY' I Paqe 1 of 2 D D FENCE: When complG.te -- Provide gates or movable seotians through P.U.E. D I JOB NO.~Otoo IzOtl., l.OP? Lot Sq. FtG. : ~f lot Caverag& Ii of Stories Total Height Topography I:;>., """ I I Vent Fan I l I I Woodsto"e I I ~7jC'....m .~~k' I I I I I I Me=hanicaL Permit IY7/H. I /5: 6t> .- State surchc:roc ~ 160 -'_/560 . I lITo," Main I Gerace IC~c1't I Aceessoru I F~~LTAL Is.D.c. fVC.LUC) 1.5 ;: Building Permit State Su:rchCU'~e Total Cha....gea lITEM I Fi=tures t ResidentiaL (1 bath) 1 Sani tary SetJel' I Wat';?, C:;er1vn;.c I I PZ:".J'nbing Perrr:i t State Sw>cr..apge Total C1u::ra~!I 11TEJ.1 I Res. Sa. ft,. jYGW/Ertend Circuits I- I SCnJice Ele~t1'icaZ Permit St::::te Surcharae Total Cha:rces 1<--" . ~':"::lCe ETU'S ! E=1UIUOt Hoed Permit I:;suanc2 . - Total cr.a-nl'n SOLAR .SS REQ,- Occuoancu Grouo: Z<- '"3 I Lot Faces - I I P.L. North SQ. FTC VAWE ; NO'1 FEE ""'-1 I 1:/0. , I%.q ~." 'oJ"" ~-E , ~ I I -- EllCROACHNENT -- iSe~dritu DGPo:;it i Storage : ,'1aintrmar~e Pcmri t Total C'ha:l'ocs Curbcut SidetJaZk .t'cnce Electrical Labet ,"'obile Home ~aTAL ANOU,'IT DUE:" I I I I ~5'<aa-1 I I 1#.4. ,. I 5"6. S"e> I--- ~ '2:~61 15B.7~" I I. I I 1,1). 6>P I I 15:"-- ~r- .6~1 /,~6C> I . I. I '2'2.1).:> I t 57 e:>e:> I I I I ,1'7. 5'"01-- ~ /./501 ~?~l. I I WT TYPE Interior Corner PanhandLe Cut-de-saa x Value CHARGE FE:: \;'n.'ARG2 CHARGE if. SO ;t:;.- I I I I I I I I I I I' c# /'2~. 76 . -Z. - T:.;'Oe/Cor.st: .. L-COCil', ., /~~ Bedro"",s',ft,_~ I I r Enerau SO:..t.raes T;;i:l6 I i Heat I I Water Ytult(>r Ii IRa"!'. Fireplace I I Wood.:; cot:e II East South West Pees Setbaaks 1 House Caraos I i I I Access. Building Value & Permit This perrrr;t itJ granted on the express condition that the s!2id. construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstruccicn and UGe of buildings, (Utd m::.y be sUl1pended 01' revoked. at cr:y t;.me upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordir4nces. ) Inan Check Fee, ~'=.?3 IVate Paid, il-/Z-''i(b jRec"ipt #: G/;,73t:Q I Sigr.ed, Ce- Pe r m it Plumbing No pereon Ghall construct, install, aZter 01' change any r~w or e=isting plumbing 01' drainage system in ~hole or in part, unless such Ferson is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son ~~y do plumbing lJork to property which is OLmed, leased or operated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permi t Where State LCILJ requires tr.a.t the electricaL work be done by an SLe~trical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shalL r~t be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit ~ I I f I I. I ~ - ~~-.,. ~~~ ,,<-:; -/-!;it<' I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAl1INED thE completed application for permit, c:nd do hEreby certify that all i'!";.fo:'TTlation hereon is tl'Ue and corrcct, and I f'~l'thel' certify that any ar.d all work perfomled shall be do~e in ac=or- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of Sprinaficld, and th~ Lc~s of tha State of Oreg~n p=rtainina to the work described hcre~n, and =r~t NO OCCU- PANCY will b~ made of any~stl'uctU1'a without p~rmi83ion of the Building Di- . vision. I further certify that o:1ly contl'a=tol'S and e:npl~ye€s lJho are in c~pliance uith ORS 701.05~ uill be used on this project , 'i ~-;,.yj~/iffi-#~J ./ , Sign2d~ /', . ;;' ttT' / .;2...s-~ ~~ Date