HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fire Damage Report 1990-3-27 .. RESID~T1AL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division ?26-3753 . .. Job Loaation: ~ t i?J. /'1O..in-sf. \ "D f~544-'1- AsceS80rs Map # Subdivision: Rcce:.pt .'1- ..--... I ( O() / .c:\ T"", Lot # c,:..i.. .1'/9 O\~ - d _...t l:Rn \).~ CAJner: \~J'l\\ n \-Q "- ~{\J\UJ-\4 / PAq - \ ~ \ \ '_, Address:\Q\OV\ \'\'{\"t ~& ()r"",e:"'A\_E,LQlV_, City: cc<y~-(~) \.~ Zip: C\\4\~ Q"M., n Additien n R~odel UJ\~~~ ':;e :;:::l:::ion 611 z 1 q 6 ContractoIl!''"\ . ~ . Arjclress General\. J.\. Jt.LX\ Q..\C-/ . , Plumbing i~~:~~;~:ti.\l"l J\.UQ~rA y 00 rr\\ \'" I Suoe.li'\ldn.;::l1g Electr;i.cian Va lue VSCD.cD , (})xct\ Lisd II f '* ~. Siw.eMiYV _ -) Date: . . (~ .6l...1') -L-f( Bldrs Board Reg. Phnnp t\JI' lNSULATIONIVAPOR BARRIF:R INSPECTION: ~ To be m.7de after all insul:;.ti:m tr".d . .' required vapor barr'ie1'B are in place . .: but before any lath~ gypswn board 01' wZ-Z covering is apptied, trnd before '~y insulation 'is concealed. ,'. 1'\71 DRYWALL INSPE:CTION: To be made ~ after au' d.rywu, is in pZace~ but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel. location~ boiu1 beam3~ grouting or verticals in accordance wi th U. 8. C. Section 241E. O WOODSTOve: After installation is ccmpletsd. o CURB & APPROACH AP80N: After forms are erected but prior to pouring ooncrete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For aZZ con- crete paving within stpeet right- of-LX:.Y~ to be made afte1' aZZ exca- vating currplete & forn'! lJOrk & sub- lxIse material in p~e. ) Exti~..ces It is the roesporuribiUty of ths permit holder to Bee that all. inopections are made at 'the proper tim8~ tr.at ~a(Jh ~eB8 is readab1.e from ths streBt~ and that the permit aard is located at the front of the prcperty. ABuitding Divicior: approved plan shalt. remain on thE Building Sits at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE.:QUEST;CALL 726-3769 (recordePJ state your City designated job nzm:ber~ job address~ type of i11.3pea~icn roequcstcd ar.d. when you f.Jiz:L be ready for inspection~ Contractors or OI.mers name and phone number. Requests received before 7:00 a-:1 .>in be lltlde th< eame day, requeets mcde..ar..tszo 7:00 ~!.lin ~e rmde the nczt :x;rking day:'qDf'\r\ Q.-\ Your C1.ty Des1.gr.ated Job Number 10: \. )~C '-J Reaui'1"P-d Tn.s'OP-cticn.q _. O SITE INSPECTION: To be 11rIae alter' excavation~ but prior to Set up of forms. O . UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is aovcred. ~ POOTING & FOUNDATION: To be nrule after trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but prior to pouring concret.e. D. UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING" SEWER. W,1TE,t DRAInAGE: To be nr:ui.e prior to fil- .lir.g trenches. :"V'I' UNDERFLOO~ & MECHANICAL: ~'To be ~to installation of f1.oor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of floor ins~z.ation or decking. ~ ROUGH PUfHBIlIG, Ef,ECTRICAL & MECH- ~ ANICAL: No :.JOrk is to be covered .until- these inspections have beer. made and approved. D FI.~E:PLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materiaZs and before framing inspec- tion. ~ FRAJ!ING: Must be requeoted after approval of rough plwrhing~ electri- cal & mechanical. AU roOfing bracing & chimncys~ eta. nr.lst be . completcd. !lo work is to be con- --=- cealed until this inspection has . be~n made and approved. o o PENCE: When compl.ete -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E:. I DEMOLITION OR ?fOVEr; BUILDIiIGS ~ Sani -:ary sewer capped at p~ope.rt'~ tir:e ~ Septia tank p-.;r,:ped and filZ-e~ lJ1ith gra~eZ --, Pinal - ffhen above ite.7fs al"e comp!eted ~ and when demolition is compl.ete or stru~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. I Nobile Hcmes ':::J Blocking and Set-up :::J Plumbing connections -- 8::t.Jer and Wa-:er :::J Electrical Connection - Blocking~ set-up and plumbing conr:ections nr.lst be approved before requesting elec-:rical ins?ec~ion ~ AccesGol"'.i Bui ld::,ng --, Final. - After F::Jrc1:es~ 8k"~rting~ decks~ .--J etc. are cample-:~d. o AU ppoject conditions~ such as the i.nstallation of stl'eet trees~ co::-rpl-eti..Jn of tite required la.n.dsccpir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied before the BUILDING FIlIAL can be requestad. .. ...., ~ FIIlAr. PLUl.!BIl/~ ~ FIliAL f.1E[;HANICAL ~ FINAL E:LE:CTRICAL [] 'fi9 PINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final PZwnbing Electriaal~ and Mechar:iaal Inspectiono have been made and approved. o 'ALL NANHOLE:S AND CLE:ANOUTS MUST BE: ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!rEIIT TO .~E:"f.t~DE:.AT 110 COST TO ::::.J Page 1 of 2 I JOB NO. I Zona: SOLAR ACCESS Oooupanc" G. LOTTYFE Lot Sq. Ftg. S ::;f 'lot CJVerag~ .'1 of Stories Total Height Topography I lITEM I Main I Cc:toace I Carr>ort I AcceSBoru SQ.FTG 240 TOTAL VAWE S.D.C. (vct..ueJ 1.5 :r: Building Permit State Surcharge Total Cha..."""gea lITEM Fi:rtures IResidentiaZ (1 bath) I Sani tary SezJeI' I Water /10. I FEE I 3 I '7 S"o I I I I I I I I I I I I I PZwnbing pem t State Surcharge TotaZ Charoes ITEM I NO'1 I z-I I I I I Res. Sa. fto. NetJ/Extend Cil'c:u.its Temporary Service Ele~trical p~t State Suraharqe Total Charc:es ITEM I Furnace ETU' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Pan IWOodstOiJB NC. / Permit Issuance Mechanical Permit lJ1,v. State Surcharae Total Charae[l -- ElICROACHl.fENT -- I SeC'.iM.ttl DZP03it I Storage I Maint~e I Pemrit I I CUrbouo Tota l ChaNea SidOLJaZk Fence I Electrical Label I Mobile Home Fi~L ~* x '2-5' FEE I I I . I I I I I 22.50 I I /./3 I I ;2.3.4-5 ,.* NffT" JNc/.u(6) JV w7lrL eef,t;w, Mechanical Permit I I I I I I . I I I I I I. I I I I PeRMIT, wtttcti I 81/ 71-f-5 e~t. Ct:N~. : 3~.731 '/fJetP-rz!J//~_~iL /} /27/PVJ /3CCl.'l4 ,. ~~2d fut~ - y. Interior Comer Panhandle eu!-de-sac I Value (PCJ(JO~ I I I I I I h.:?6'~1 I NJA I. I I I I. I 5t?5P 2. ~.3 51.03 CHARGE 'P'2.~.o 2.2. ~f) / /~ 23 .~.3 FEE CHARGE ;z.z..~O I I I CHARCE 3t:!:!!- j5()() .75 /5".7S t';;:.ge <:; REQ.- . . L-COC"l' Ti-ipe/Cor...st: BedI'ooms: I Enerau So~U"ces I Heat 1 Watep .4l?atp.p I I RaY'.ge II I Fireplace Wood:; tOL'e II TU(l1] t. I Lot Faces - I I P.L. North Setbacks House Carage l Access. I i i ,-- \ East South IWest -- Fees Building Value & Pe r m i t This pe1'1'1f':t ia gmnted on the express condition that the said construction shall~ in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of I Springfield, in.c!uding the Zoning (;lrdinance~ regul.ating the conotructicn . and use of buitdings~ and m~y be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upon vic- I lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. Iplan Check Fee: Date Paid: IReceipt #: ISi!l"ed: ~c:.. ,7 ~ Plumbing Pe r m i t No person shaZl construct, inBtalt~ atter or change any new or ex~8ting plumbing 01' drainage system in whole or in part~ unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license~ except that a pe:-son may do plumbing work to property which is OLJned~ leased or operated by the appLi- cant. Electrical Permit Where State LalJ requires tr.at the electrical lJOrk be done by an Electrical I Cantractor~ the elect-rical portion of this permit shall roOt be va!id until the label has been signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. ~}~~/7 :l>M_ L. ... ~ PLarilExamt-ner . 0.. - ~/2b~D I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for permit~ and do hereby certify that aU inform:ztion hereon is true and corrcct~ and I f'.trthel' certify that any am all lJOrk perfo~ed shall b9 do~e in accor- dance :vith the Ol'din:1nces of the City of SpringfictdJ and th;: La'..:s of tha State of Oreg::m pertaining to the wol'k desc1'ibcd herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY wilt be mlde of any structure witho:.t.t parmission of the Building Di- vision. I fUl'ther certify that (7.1.ly contractol'S ar.d e.-npZ..;Jye~8 who al"e in compliance with ORS 701.05E will. be used on this pl'oject ;#E:-i<: ~es NoT J Nd,..Lf[)E=- E./..i:t:mCAl- s~ W ~-v!f:i> . . . '<1 Permit No: q()n'2~ ] ~ ) , Address: G!b J C\ r Y)O J 11 Issued b(?11})tJ "') Date: 3-~8 -90 STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES ,. Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 2B: nN.. . ./ \NY L,K-J V '2. A. L-J I own. reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. . - , My general con.tractor is Contractor registration number , I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. , . ~dR ' J,/ ,: B. W I will be my own general contractor. "" If I hire subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractors registered with the Construction Contractorll Board. If I change my mind and ao hire a general contractor, I will contract with a contractor who is registered with the Construction Contractors Board and I will immediately notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contractor. I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the Information Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse :' of this ~orm,{ f?,0,.;; 1'u ( rlP' A--t/h f /, 3. d. X- -90 -8ignailfre of Pedilit APPlfcan7 Date CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD 0244J 10/24189 DU\.U . Y. WHffE COPY TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE \ "'\r .....P.lNK COPY TO APPLICANT \.J.-A\ ctu ~. ~~ .\" . DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE _I \J ~ CONTROL ~. EXP. NO. NO. S~I(.{L~-n.-ld I MO l DAY I YEAR I. DAVOF 0 Sun rlC? WEEK ;;:::z ;2'6 . 6 10M" INCIDENT ADDRESS District of Incident " L 'n ST ATE OF OREGON FIRE REPORT_ ST ATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE DEPT. ALARM NO. La..... _ o Sawr County o Tu~ 12tTh" o Fri o W.d 0/f- / --::>..., t'\,.f d2' ;)\ 3 OCCUPANT NAME (Lasl, Finit, MI) ~ t!14> /r, T BUSINESS OWNER NAME (Last, Fint, MI) s,( ::S6<?([~,r ADDRESS 5 OWNER NAME (Last, First, Ml) Ao7-7=.r/, ,qCO<~II':P 6 FIRE REPORT~ BY (Last, First. MI) ADDRESS t'c:(?/-? ADDRESS 4 nr) 2).~ I sr- '61 30';)g' Dept. Responding .c::::::,-onr-;k5t--Ri? Id ALARMTIME l ARRI\'ALTIME I TIMl:BACKIN J SERVICE 6'7 "3 fo {'J /7 ~ '7' C '644. ZIP r /CESNS,US(;TRA,CT I ~~LASS ,9''/'~f'J/) ......... DOB (optional) TELEPHONE /l44,~A METHOD or ALARM o Telephone Direc\ 0 Radio o Municipal Alarm System 0 Verbal o Private Alarm System 0 No Alarm Rec'd lor ENGINES RESPONDED @--9rnTieLine) o \'okeSignalMuniAlarm o Not Classified Above 8 IOFrlRESER\'ICEPE~ONNEL RESPONDED ~ 9 TYPE OF SITUATION FOUND ~ructureFire o OtherProp.w/value 10 METHOD OF EXTINGUiSHMENT 11 FIXED PROPERTY USE . 4,rfr';0X M Mm(iLE .1 YEAR PROPERTY 12 ROOM/AREAOFFlREORlGIN eed/''''~ E EQUIPMENT I YEAR INVOLVED IN IGNITION 13 IGNITION FACTOR 50 o Vf.V:t.f/J,-r 0 l.f. FORMOFHEATOFIGNITlON ?L~C rfA'(. 15 LEVELOFFIREORIGIN ~rfIdele\'elto9f~t /e;---1.:;J ...~:-:: ~ 008 (optional) TELEPHONE DOB(optional) TELEPHONE sf. S-/,,'5':-~ ?~/-~9<1 , DOB (opt~MI) I TELEPHONE Mutual Aid (extinguish or investiJatto only) o Received 0 Given f] ./,,, ;2 l'OF AERIAL APPARATUS RESPONDED o Other (List) I ' OTHER VEHICLES RESPONDED (donotindudePA's) I o VehidrFire o Brush, Grflu.uave$ o Trash,Rubbish I TYPE OF ACTION TAKEN ~guish 0 Removed Hazard o In\'estigation 0 SLandB)' o Hand.laid hose/hydrant, sLandpipe o Master Stream Device o Nol Cll\$$ified Abcwe o Automatic Ext. System o Prr.connKt hose/tank only ~.connecthose/hydrant, standpipe I PROPERTY COMPLEX (Uawlieable) o Self.Extinguished o Make-shiftaids o Portable Extinguishrr :.jl I MAKE I MODEL EQUIPMENT INVOL\'ED IN IGNITION (Completto Line E) I MAKE MODEL ~x.H-rUiorl .r /)R..D ii7Pcz..opf;(Z. I MATERIAL FIRST IGNITED WAS MADE OF (' L.t) IN o 10to19fH't b 30to.f.9fH't o 20to29fH't 0 SOto70reet J I Contentl .00 LJ. ,('is I~ .00 .; 16 VALUE 3n, i ~. BOi~in6 o Q\'er 70 r~t o ObjectlinF'light Vehicle and Contentl 000.00 ;::). (JOD .9" 17 N~EROFSfoRIES B 2stories j B 5to6stories :2:\. J story 3 to.f. stories 7to 12 stories 18 BUILDlNG AGE (In Years) I BUILDlNGSIZElGrndFlrOnlr) ...& lOOO-4999sqft ~ fJ 0 0.999 IlQ ft 0 5000.9999 SQ ft 19 CONSTRljcTION TYPE 0 Hea\'Y Timber U Unprotect. Steel Bldg o Skel & Concrele, 3-4 hr. prot. 0 Protect. Stet'1 Bldg 0 Protect. Masonry Ell. & Wood Int. EXTENT OF DAMAGE CONFINED TO: Flame Smoke DETECTOR PERFORMANCE LOSS o MOBILE PROPERTY (Complete line M) SERIAL' I LICENSE, '" ::to 00:: en'" -It'' F~ "'''' ..,,,, -0 ::C::c t:5> t" t" '" ::to 01; en . -It'' F~ ",,,, ..,.., -0 ::C::c t:5> t" t" .00 '" o 0:: '" t" '" -l '" .., o ::c > t" t" ::t o en -l F '" .., ;a '" en 1 SERIAL' I VOLTAGE / POfl..iAiJ((:- fJeA-n.(~ D..J U...sE: P'6~T t",f,"(."J, (.,,~i) liTEM FIRST IGI'"ITED: L-/J1IrlOflY o Brlo....grd.level o NotClassified 00" o Undet.ennined .00 .00 ''7. ; TOTAL L)4, ~t!'.l" B 13to2.f.5tories 2Sto 495tories o IO.OOO.19,999IlQft 0 SO.OOO.99,999&qft o 20.000-.f.9.9995Qft 0 100,OOO-499.999IlQft o Unprotect. MllSOfllY Ell. & Wood InL ~nproU'Cted Wood Fram~ o Protl:>cted Wood Frame 0 Not Classified Above SPRIr>:KLER PERFORMANCE , Theobjectoforifin 1 0 , 2 Part of roorn or area of origin 2 0 2 20 3 Room of origin 3 0 3 . Fire.ratedcomp.oforifin . 0 . S F'loor or origin S II.l--'s 6 Structure of origin 6 0 6 7 Ext.endrd be)'ond structure of origin 0 o o o o ~~. o o 90 01 02 03 o . Os o 6 o 7 In room of origin-no toper. dead battery o 8.-Not in room of origin-not oper. dead battery !IJ-9 Nodetectorpres.ent 0 10 Undettonnined No damage of the type IN/A) In room oforigin-oper. Not in roomoforigin-oper. In rm of origin-not oper-firetoo small I'ot in rmoforigin-not oper. fire too TomaU In room of origin-not oper. polO.'rr diKonn~t I'"ot in rm of origin-not oper. povo'er discon. .00 .00 .- ,~ .:><!l() .00 en -l ::c C '" -l C ::c '" .., ;a '" en o Z t" -< 21 REMARKS Weathrr Conditions (optionall: T,~^ Vt)~/L US <? rrI 22 Folio Up Inve. igalion Requested / I Y-.!.L Zl~ NY () ( ...d /?....+G.1.G., ~I.edv:<-H~ 0 root."O"'" CDII'<V I S' ~. f) ,:..(..~ '.x-; ....Q /", ~,.. '" 0-0 If}'es.whnwillim.AO''~~'a J 23 Numheroflnjuries Fire Sel'.ice -b- Otl",.B- 24 MrmberMakingRrporl ~_Q.~~ .-P,;!--e>7~~ 25 AdditionallnfonnationbY-:e. ? U{ N(O f"J I Numberofratalities Fire Sel'.ire Title ______ ~ .~--=<~t Tit'. D~.(!'. f';<lf, o SO stories or more o SOQ,OOOsqft 10 20 3D 9 0 o 0 Undetermined or not reporWd 8 ~equipmrntpresenlIN/A) Equipment operated Equip. should have oper.-did not Equip. prrsent fire too small tooper. I'"otclassifirdabo,.e Sprinklers Controlled Fire: 10fHeadsOpened YES 0 NOD ~ Other /'7".. ---.J D.~ ......;2- ,;:z >i".- 1\ <? " D.~ . I,D tl/J::JfJAlfJl. I L-?('-r 7 . . I N T E R 0 F F ICE M E M 0 RAN DUM Date: From: 28-Dec-1989 08:45am GMT Fire Station no. 2 FIRE2 Fire Dept: Tel Nc.: Subject: DUPLEX FIRE 5513 MAIN 12-28-88 0735 HRS. ENGINE 821 CAPT. SPEAR ENG. STURGES F.F. BURWELL UPON ARRIVAL 821 LAYED 350' OF 2 1/2 HOSE FROM THE HYDRANT AT 55TH & MAIN. PACKED UP, SET UP P.P. FAN, VENTLIATED REAR WINDOWS. ATTACED FIRE WITH AN 1 3/4 PRE CONNECT. ASSISTED 841 WITH PRIMARY & SECONDARY SEARCH. SEARCHED ATTIC FOR EXTENSION. . /' ,--.' .-' ~,--r,;.....:...._ . . 841 WAS FIRST ON THE SCENE. I OBSERVED SMOKE WITH NO FLAME. A BYSTANDER WAS USING A GARDEN HOSE IN A WINDOW. I ASSUMED COMMAND AND ORDERED 821 TO LAY IN A 2 1/2 SUPPLY LINE. I ORDERED MY INGINEER TO PULL AND CHARGE R 1 3/4 . 803 RRRIVED RND I PRSSED COMMRND. WHEN 821 RRRIVED I PRCKED UP AND ASSISTED IN PRIMARY SEARCH RND MOP UP. , , . . . NARRATl VE HOUSE FIRE 6613 MAIN STREET Battalion Chief Highfill and Battalion Chief Stucky responded to a house fire on the 28th of December 1989 at 6613 Mainn Street. The first arriving officer, Captain Christiansen gave a report, assumed command and called for Engine 821 to lay a supply line. The supply line was laid across Main street to the south side, where the fire was. I stopped 803 in the middle of the road and called for traffic control immediately. Battalion Chief Stucky directed traffic until the arrival of the police. I assumed command from Captain Christiansen and called for the PIO, and SUB. A short time later I called for an investigator from the Fire Prevention Bureau. Forcible entry was made through the front door of the duplex, and the attack line was advanced through the front door. Positive pressure was used in conjunction with the interior attack. A primary search was made and nothing was found. A short time later a se~ondary search was made, nothinQ was found. A black dog exited from the interior of the house when forcible entry was made. The fire was controlled with very little difficulty and was under control in s short time. The attic area was checked for extension but was found to be clear of any fire progress. The electrical meter was pulled from this residence by Springfield ut il Hy Board. PIO Gartiz arrived and took charge of the media and assisted in the gathering of information about the this incident. Due to shift change, "CO Shift crew from Station four relieved the crew on Engine 841. Command was passed to Acting Captain Esselstyn. ~ ~ "llkfA/ Gene H. Hig Battalion ief