HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Sewer Connection Record 1964-10-8 . . S~WE~ LI~N AND CONNEr.rIQN AGRF.EMENT KNOW ALL MEN DY THESE PRESENTS: That for and In cnnslderatlon of the pro- vIsion of a publIc sewer facltllty constructed by the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation In Lane County, Oregon, fOI' the benefit of the real property hereIn described, we. I!l ..Il..-..!i!'''f)...." ~"d Vlo!lf\lo 14~ Royburn. husband Clld wi fo do hereby agree to tile phcement of, benefited and descrIbed as foll(Wls: , the legal owners of the property and grant to said c~ty a ilen upon our property 6610 Main Street Springfield, Oregon * lot 2, Block 2, 1wlllght Pork Addition /.'~\ \J3)/~ to ,SPr-tftgVleld;'--Li/;\e Coucty, . (," r>"-'" ',/, ./ ... l Ii' , . '1.', I:" . ~~ I _I :.. ", .1 . I," :_...:~.'.:S~ ,-\ Orogon , . \~..,,:., . . . .. I" .". "., Amcunt of LI en: $ ~C4.)S ',.:/} I " " "', 1\" __ Said real property descrIbed shall be held as security for the re-payment of the above sum In ten ~quaJ senli-annual In5tallments, plus accured Interest at the rate of 6% from the date hereof on the balance of the unpaid assessment. The Initial payment of principal and Interest will be made by the propel'i:y owner six (6) months from the date of this agreement. it 15 further provided that this lien may be fo/'eclosed as other cIty liena in accordance wIth the provisions of t~e Ordinances and Charter of tbe City of SpringfIeld In the event that Installment paymen~3 Including !nterPost, are not paid with sIx (5) m:lnths of their due date. TMs Ulen has been computed ail being one- half (!) of the equivalent cost of an eight. (8") Incl1 lateral sanitary sewer at the rata of $3./10 per abutting front feot for 143.4.3 'reet and does not Include the cost of a house connection to saId trunk sewar, sewer user charges, plumbing permits or other such costs to be assumed by the property owner. This lien and agreemant to pay the same shall be blo~lng upon the undersigned who a.e the o~mers of the real pr~perty herein described ahd shall bind their heirs, e:tecutors, admInistrators, ass!gnc and successors In Ir:terest, and until paid, shall be construed to be a cove:lant running with the land Dated at Springfield, C.egon, this 8th day of %~1iurl~ (f/4/-Al"o'. .{/'>>!. f/?+A~ Octo!xlr , 19 64 . (SEAL) ( SEAL) SlATE OF OREGON ) ) ss County ~f.~ane ) ath On this day of me~~a Notary'publlc In and for said County and L14lyb,urn and 'flOlJslo ". Rayburn Identical persons described In and who executed ledged to me that .they executed the same freely purposes therein named. . October 64 ,19 , personally ceme before State, the within named H. E. , to me personally known to be the within Instru~~nt, and acknow- and volnntarlly for the uses and W0111ESS W hand and seal this day and year last above written. ~~~./x. ~ NOTft~l~~'LIC My Commission Expires