HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-9-15 I I I I I I .. RESlrt~HIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfie Zd, Oregon 974 7? BuiZding Division 726-3753 ~ CoS~S ~ $-(. \10~. 2444 Ta: wt # (Yo "'. l-!'V~l1dd Ct,Sb~ ()~~ s1. Phone: ~ p,utd. Zip: <=;7'177 Describe rl'ork: C1~k -S~) J- . '. 0 .-.t- l.s...;".. 0 JJ ~ ~ \):..QJ. .Job Location: Assessors Map # Subdivision: Ot.meJ" : AddreS3: City: n n n Npt,) Addi ticn Re.'t/odeZ r><J .'.!obit.a Home Date of Application q -/S-1S"Z..- (;ontractors ~.!h1" It, A, ~ General PLumbing I electrica l I Me~har.ic.::.l I. Constructi011 r.ender '$ ~~t cfl tlflm -4 Value l.fS o. Addre8s _ y.,nj1riJ. , Rcceoot. ~h S9'f.n 98' \.)J-o () J) sf o-ue (?~ y t>--/o ----- ill <;, G:, 0 4/5.00 ,fo6 r-- Siqr.ed: Date: '\ ~ CiJI- 9- 1,,- S<-- Lise. II E:::wil*8S Phone It is the responsibiUty of the pernrit holder t;() see that aH i1U1peetions are !:'lade at ths ;roper tUn,;, that ;u:ch .::zddress is 2"eada..O!.e fJ."Om ths street, and that tM permit ~ is t..xated at the f1"Ont of the property. "Bui!di'!".g r>i.vi::io'!': CIp?:M1.'ed Flan sr.c:tl l'e;o:-.ain on thz Buitdin{! Sits at all times. PROCEDUP.E FOR INSPECTION RE)?lIEST:CALL 726-3769 (I'ccorderJ state your City designated job number, J'ob adCrcss, type of in3pec~icn l"aquestcd ar.d W.':en you LJiU be ready fel" inspcotion~ Contractors or Ot.me::-s nane and phone number. Requests received befcrB 7:00 C':'l .....iZ.Z be made the same dcy, requests mc:de ~ft~ 7:00 a1t wiZL be trrlde the m:rt :.JOl'kin.g day. q~Ji~y~~r~~~~~tir,~q O SITE INSPECTION: To be m::zde after ucavation, .;ut pl"iOl' to set up of forms. O UNDFRS[,AB PLL'r,fFJING. ELECTRIC.IL .-1 I.fECHANICAL: To be made before any work is ,;:overed. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be r.rz.d.e after trencnes are ucavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccnaret~. UND~GROUND Pr.lJMBING. ~.JER. W.1TE'R, DRAINAGe.' To be rrr:zd.e prior to fU- 7.i1".t} trenches. o o UNDERPLOOR P[,UUBI.'IG & !.fF:C,qANICAL,- To be rr.ad.s prier to in3tallation of noor insula;:;ion or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be mad~ prior to install.atwn of floor inst;lation 01' deckin:; . ROPGR P['UMEIHG. Er.ECTHICAL ,~ }.fEC8- ANICAL: No ~ork is to be covered until these insvectior.s hevl] beer. :r.ade c:nd appr?Ve.:. FIREPLACE: Prior to pt.a.ci1".g facing mcteriais and before framing inspec- tio,-:. o D D o ?RA.~~ING-' Must be requested after approval of rough pLwr.bin.g, eZectri- aaZ ,{ mechanical. AU roojin.g bracing ~ chimneys, et,;:. m*~st be . compLeted. .'10 work is to be con- "cealed until. this inspection has . be~ made and approved. lour City Desigr.ated Job Number Is: o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be IMde after all insuktw-n a"".d required vapor barriers are in place but bej'"ore any lath, gypswn board or wU covering is appZied, and before any insulation is concealed. ~:<I 60s I DEftOLITION OR ,etOV!':: 3UILDIiiGS ~ Sani tal"';;/ se-'e2' ~apped ::t ~op~r-'::1' line =:J Septic tank p:<',?ed a:--.d fi.Zl..ed with G7'a':J.e!. =:J ". I '~-". . . " ~!.na - .\r><;:n c.?v"Ve 'l,.....e~s are cc"~,?!.et(;,- ar~ when d~clitior. is c~Zete or st~~- tul"e moved ar.d prc::riaes cZeaned up. J Mobire Hcmes o pR'f'''ALL IllSPEcrIOJV: Tc be r.:ade after all.. drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. :::J aZocking and Set-~p :::J Plumbir~ conne~~icns ~- sc.wer ar~ water :::J Electrical Connection - BZocking, set-u~ and pZwnbing connections nr...st !;e C??!"oved befor(; request~n.g e!ect~;cal ins?ectio~ .=J Accessor".l Buik!.ing J Fir.::r.l - Aft.:r p:;rc,r.es, s:':'-f.rtinq, decka, ~ etc. are ccmple~ea. D All project c01"~itions, $uch as ;r~ instatZation of s~reet trees, c~~Zetion of the required 7.andscapir..g, etc., must be satisfied before tr.e BlJILDINC FINAL ~an be raq-o.lest.zd. o PINAL PLU!.fBIlIG D FINAL J\fE':HANICAL o FINAL E[,ECTraCA[, o o FINAL BUILDING: The FinaZ Building Ins~ection ;71USt be requested c.fter the Final PZwnbirg EZectrical, and Mechar.ical Inspection::; have been made and approved. O MASONRY: Steel beama, grou tin.g accordance r.r~ th 2415. location, txmd or verticals in V.E.C. Section "'ALL MANHC[ES AND CLEANQUTS HUST BE ACCESSIB['E, A.DJVSTHE,'/T TO BE t:.1DE fiT 1:0 C')ST TO CITY I P~ge 1 of 2 fJ D WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleted. CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte.... forms are erected but ?rior :0 pCUZ"";ng .zoncrete. SIDEWALK ,{ DRJT/EWAY: For all. con- crete paving within street right- of-way, to be made after aU exaa~ vating ocmplete & tOr:if work & aub- base materiaZ in pZa.:::e. o D :'ENCE: Wher. comp l6te -- Provide gates 01" movabte secticns through P.U.E. o I JOB NO, B2-I~o( I Zone: wt Sq. Ftg. S or wt C.:JlJera.< ;II of StoM,6S To~Z Height Tv~vt1,,-""':,hy SOLAR A_ESS QCC'UZ1ancll Grou,,: lITEM I Main SQ.FTG Gc:Pac;~ CaI":JOl't Accesso1'U TOTAL VALUE Is.D.c. 1,5 = (vaI.UC) Buildir.g Permit State Surcharge Total r:ha.-ge3 lITEM I Fi:r:tures I Residential (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer I Water NO. Plumbing Perm t State Surar.a:rog6 Tota Z C't1C.raes i ITEM I Res. Sa. fta. I Naw/E--tend Cil'cui ts I Temporary Service I I NO'1 I I I EZe~tricaZ Permit State Surcharae TotaL C'tl!lI'ces IIT"1 I F'urna.ce ETU' S I E:haust Hood I Vent Fan I ' I Woodsto-:;e I I NO. i I pe:rr:ri,t Issuance Mecr..an.icaZ Permit State Surchaoae ",,,,tn.1- r:haro".M -- EllCiWACHNE:/T -- lse~~~~ Deposit I Storage I f.faintenar.ce I Permit I TotaZ Charaos I Cur;,cut I Sidewalk ! J'en::e IElectricaZ LebeL ! Mobile BomB I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:" LOT TYPE Interior Coroner Panhandle Cut-de-sac x VaLue FEE CHARGE FEE CHA.RGE -co '"" CHARCE I I I I I~.O 0/ I I I . G:. 0 I IS'. 1001. 1~,I.9D Pegs 2 . L-COG~ REQ,- T;.;oe/Cor.st: 3edroor.:s: I wt Face. - I I P.L. INOl'th lEast ISouth IWest I I Enero:J Sources I l Heat II II II Ii II Tuoe Setbacks I House I Caraqe I I I I Acee... Water' .'!p.t1tp.1' Range Pire'DLace Wood:; tove Fees Building Value & Permit This peI'mi t ia granted on the express corldi tion that tJw sdid constr'.lction shall, in aU respects, conforrm to the Ol'dinar.ce :zdopted o'y the City of Springfield, inc!udir~ the Zonip~ ~d~nance, ~~gulatinq the ccnst~,,(cticn c:r.d use of buildings, and m=::y be suspended 01' reVOKed at c:r:y t~:~:e upon uic- Lation of any provisions of said Ordir~ces. I I I. /Plan CheCK Fee: Date Paid: IRecdpt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person ohall cOrtStruct, install, alter 01' ehar~e czny r.elJ C1' e-.-isting pLumbing or drainage systen in :Jhole or in part, unless such person is t1-.e legaL possessor of a valid plumber's license, except t1-~t a person may do plur.:bing !Jork to propert'od which is owned, Lea3ed or operated by the appU- cant. I I I I. Electrical Permit Where State Lau requires 1;,..at the eLectr>ical work be done by an SLectricaL Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall. roOt be valid until the label has been signed by the Electr>ical :ontraator. I I. Mechanical Permit Plan Examiner vaoe I HAVE CAREFULLY !XA."fIllED the completed appl.ication for ;>err.rit, and de hereby certify that aU i~fo:'r."ation hereon is true and CClTcct, c:r.d. I f'.I.1'ther certify that any ani all work pe1'lo~ed ahaLL be da:7.e in ac~or- dance :Jith the Ordinances of tr.4 City of SpringfieLd, and th~ La:.;s of tha ~ State of Oreg~n p~rtaining to the WOrK described he~ein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY wiZl be rrnde of cny structure withou.t permissio:1 of the BuiZding Di- vision. I fwother ~ertil:j tha.t O:11.y con~tors ar.d e::rp~yees wr.tJ are in ~l~e with ORS 701.05S wiLL be used on this proj~ct /:;;;~;2/A ;;;?~ //~ . f./sign,a;1 /' ~-/$'-?~ Date