HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-12-4 .. RESID_T1AL" APPLICATION/PER/tIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Loc::ztion: (P/i" g 5 /J1 u:,J /1 0 z.. 3 <-f tj t/ T= wt # /7/ (01) A8Ge8D'Ol'~ Map N Subdivision: (l.mer: /) frldL I~~ :?51r /l~h Address: City: I I I "I rim., Addi tic" Remodel ,'!o'!Ji ls Boma Il~ ~-f(P Data of AppZi~aticn ';onr:rc.c;ors General Pl.U1T'.bir..q Electrica! I I-te:har.id !JAu11 e'b.. / Const~ctiO"11 Lender , Phone: 1t-// - ;7'U)(} .. Reee"t' /~ (. f) q 9S . j ifVI U ~O tv i ~t Zip: Describe fl'orlc: Value Add.....es3 ~16V ~~.~~~ 1/ .~ , ~ ) , Siar.cd: w- 17 -J{-V(", Data: Lisc.# E=r;ircs Pi:or::; [t is the l'esponaibility of the permit hoLder to see that aZ.! inapections are made at the propel' tim€~ tr.at each ~e8s is l'e~:c ~ioom the street, and that the permit card is 'Located at the f;ront of the praperry. +Bui!.di,:",.g Ir~T.Jicio~ approl,'ed pLan shell. remain on the Building Sits at aU times. "J!?OCEDURE Fon INSPECTIOll REQUE'ST:CAll 726-3769 (:recorder) state your City designated job number, job adi:rcss, type of ir.~pec:icn 'equcstcd a~~ w~en you wiLL be ready for ir~pcction, Contractcrs or OWners name end phone n~cr. Reques;s recei~ed cefcre 7:00 ~ .'ill. be made the same dc.y, requests mGde afta' 7:00 am will b:2 made the nt;:rt :JOrking day. ~(?q1J7:'rp.n T"~rl"~1;i(';n.r: ] SITE IllSPEC'J'IO.'.': To be TTKlde after excavation, but prior to se-: up of forms. ] . UllDERSLAE PLWBING. ELECTRICAL & . J.!ECHA,',1IC~L: To be made before any ~rk is covered. ] FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trencnes are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncrete:.. U.'lDERGROUHD P~UgEING. SBlER. r.~1TER. DRAIllAGE: To be ma::ie prior to fil- Zir.g trenchee. ] ] U/1DE.9.FLOOR PLu:.~ING & MECHANICAL: To bc made prio:r "to inst:aLla"tion of 1100r insulation or decking. POST ArlD BEAM: To be made prio:r to instalLaticn of floor ins~lation or deeki~. ROUGh.' PLU!::3I!.lC. PT.ECTP.TCA"[. !. MECH- AllICAL: i..'o work is to be covered ur.ti~ these inspectiOr.s r~ve beer. made ar.d approve::. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materiaLs and before framing inspec- tior:. FRA.'~nIG: f.tu.~t be requeated afte:r approv~l of :rough plumbing, elect~i- cal & mechan.ical. AlZ. :roOfing bracing ~ chimneys, et~. nr~st be . completed. No work is to be con- "' ceGled un.til. thia inspection has 'b€~n made and app:roved. ] ] ] ] .Your City Desigr.ated Job Number Ia: o INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IHS?ECTIOU: To be made afte:r all insul.::ti::m cr".d required vapor barriers are in place but J:;efo:re any lath, !!ypswn board or liJaZZ aove:ring is applied, and before . any insulation is concealed. g~()O~ ::J.. . DENaLITION OR ;~:Ot'E] E!.:ILDI::CS ~ Sanitary S6"..un' :!apped ::t p:..oP;:l't':; lir:e ~ Sept1.:) tank p-...~ed and fiZZ2~ uith ~a:;ez. I Final - r.rhen above items are cC::r::Jletca ~ a~d when d~olitior. is ca~Zete or 8t~~- ture moved ani! p:rer:rises cleaned U? . Nobile Hcmes ~ Blocking and Set-up ~ Plumbing connections s;:wer ard water ---, Electric~l Ccnr.ectjon - Blocking, set-u~ .-.J and pl.umbing conr:ections ",~st !;e appr:n:ec bafo:rc :requesting eZectrical inspectio~ :=J Accessol"d Build.ing --, Fin::z.l - After p:J1"cr.es, ~ etc. are campleted. skirting, decks, o DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after all dPywaLZ is in place, but p:rior to any taping. MASONRY: Stae l location, bona beams, grouting or ve:rticals in accordance LJi th U. B. C. Section 241~. WOODSTOVE: After instaLlation is completed. o All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, cc.~LctiDn. of the required "Land.scc.pir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDII,'C FI.'lAL can be r:tquest:zd. ] FI/IAL PLU/.fBIl.'G ~ FIliAL I1EoHA:iICAL ~q o FINAL BUILDING: The FinaZ BuiLding Inspection must be requeated clter the Fina.l Plumbing ELect:rical, and Meahar:icaL Inspection.rJ have been made and approved. ] ] FINAL EL~~--:C~L o o o CURB & APPROACH APRON: After> forms are erected but prior to pouring co~rete. SIDEWALK & DRIt'EWAY: Fo:r all con- crete paving within st:rect right- of-liK:.Y, to be made afte:r aU exca- vating complete & for.m work & zub- base material in p~e. "ALL UANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS ItUST BE ACCES$IBLE, ADJUST!!2.'/'!' TO BE /.~1DE 1'.7' /,'0 C:JST TO CITY I P:Zf'e ! of 2 o o PENCE: When c:ompL;;te -- P:rovide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. ' o JOB NO. &M2M1~o::a~~"RG:~"9 s Zone>: Lot Sq. Ft;;. : ::;f let C:rvarc.g;:. # of Stories Total Height Topography LeT TYPE Ir:tcricr Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac !'!'~.'.! SQ.F'I'C x ~/aluc ,'.fc:.~r: pa.=c Car:-=-:-;: ..kccss.?r;J TOTAr. {'ALUE" S.D,C. I UC.l.:4C) 1,5= I Buil.=ir.g Permit Stc.te Surch:rl'ge ToteZ Cha.~ge3 .."":-,'.' li.!;),l Ci-:AP.lJE ?'i==:a-es ~esiCznticL rl bath) Sc:r.:i.-::.::r:J Se-....C'1' :~.cte!' PZu.'7:b:.r:g Perd- t Eta-:;e Surcr..:zrge T~+-~1 cr.c.rocs "':"1 ~es. Sa. ft::. I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I )5.00 I I . /,,01 I /S-. (pol, I..'J" ,,;;.....:.....:.... :~/E=ter~ Cir~~its ~~$rCT~ S2~Jice EZe~trical Permit St::.te SlO'~ha.rae TotaZ O.a:rces --;-::;".' ,'.'c. I FE CH;'R~!:; urr..::!~~ ETU'S =haust Hoo.:. ! 'ent Fan '::;odsto:;e Pe~;t Issuance P.e::;..::.r.i~:::Z Permit Btete Surcncrac Tot~I cr.::.rol'l:; -- Ei:CRQACH1..'E,','T CC".i't"'":' tu D':'::J03i t ;orape :inter.ar.::.."": -:~t Tete! C/:cr>ncs ~"'!JC'..: ~dl!".J.2Zk 'r.:!~ :ec:tric:::zl Labd. ~bile H::Jme '~L AN:')V:::- : I I /5 (PO REQ.- L-COC->:r e T!!pe/Cor.s t: Eeiroor.:s: Lot Faces - I' 1 Enern:.J So:~r~":; I I Hear; I I.cceSB. I I Wate!' .11m:,..... I t Hanpe I I Firenlacf? 1 I Wc;oa.:;::oz.:e II T:r:,c P.&. !fIore;l lEast ISouth IWont Setback!: I House ! Caraoe I I I I FOles Building Value & Permit This perrrr~t ia granted an the express condition that the said. construction sl~ll, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinar.ce ~dopted by the City of Springfie1.d, inc!uding the Zoning Cl>d-:.nance, regulcting the ccnstr...:ticn and use of buiZdings, and ~y be suspenaed or revoked at cr.y time upon uie. 7..ation of any pravisior.s of said Ordir.ances. I I , . I P1.an Chec k Cate Paid: IRecdpt g, ISigr.ed, Fe~: Plumbing Permit No per~on shall construct, instaZZ, aZ::er or change any n~~.c!'~~~i=t~~~~ . plumbir~ or drainage systen in whoZe or in part, unless s~_n F~'~or. ~~ ~r.~ legal possessor of a ualid plumber's license, excq:: tr.at: a pe:oson r.:a;.- cio plumbing work to property which is o~~ed, leased or opera::ed by tr.e a~pZi- cant. I I I I, Electrical Permi t Where State Law reauires tr.at the electrical work be done b:.J an El~:!tric~: Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit sr~ll r.otVce v~Zid u1:tii the ~el has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit y PLall Exam_ner uate , I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.'.JINED the completed application for perr.:it, end do hereby certify that all i:-:fO:'r.'.ation hereon is true and ccrrcc~, c:n.3. I further certify that any ar~ all work perfo~ed slull be do~e in aeeor. danae :..n.th the Ordin:2nces of the City of SpringfieLd, and tn.;: L(;''';3 of the State of Oreg~n pcrtJining to the work described hcre~n, and :r.at NO OCCV- PANCY will be made of any structure without p2rmis3io~ of the Building ~- uision. I further certify that only contractors m:d c~lQyecs ~ho are in c~pliance with ORS 701.('.'-5 lJU7. r.(' ~I~,-"'d on this project (! f1g 01 '-" ' () Sign2a /2 - t(- ff, Date