HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1986-8-26 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD--BUILDING DIVISION 346 MAIN ST. 726-3753 (BUSINESS) 726-3769 (INSPECTIONS) APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL LABEL(S) BY A BUILDING OWNER The Electrical Safety Law of the State of Oregon does not require a person to obtain a license as an electrician and/or electrical contractor to make an electrician in- stallation on property which is owned by himself or a member of his immediate family which is not intended for sale, lease, or rent. (PLEASE PRINT) APPLICANT'S NAME // / /' / '/'// /}~J ~///9A1/ , ADDRESS 7.>;>/ l'K...,,f,, ,0-<- ({ J ,?.f- h.rl',:" .---- .rl PHONE 7# ~.?O d ADDRESS FOR PROPOSED WORK r: ~ OJ ,/-,/",,': - J./ ADDRESS -- PHONE t ,','\ ~' //)\( V ~ BUILDING OWNER (IF OTHER THAN APPLICANT) I certify that all of the above information is true and correct, and that no portion of any wiring system requiring a label as applied for herein and intended to be con- cealed by any permanent portion of the building or structure shall be concealed until inspected and approved. When the installation of the system is complete, an additional and final inspection shall be made. Inspections are generally required for at least the following conditions and or stages of construction: 1. Temporary Service 4. Rough Electric 7. Mobile Home 2. Underground Service 5. Cable Heat Connections 3. Service 6. New Circuits or 8. . Signs Extensions 9. Swinnning Pools I further certify that I will notify the Building Division when any of the above ELEC- TRICAL INSPECTIONS are ready, that all work will be done in accordance with the Electri- cal Safety Law of the State of Oregon, and that if not the building owner, I am a member ::g:::~: her immedidL~ &1 ~~- Date Y /;2{ /r( j;'AA. / / INSPECTION REQUESTS SHOULD BE MADE ON THE LINE. THE INSPECTION NUMBER IS 726-3769. FOR 7 A.M. WILL BE MADE ON THE SAME DAY. BUILDING DIVISION'S 24 HOUR A DAY INSPECTION INSPECTION REQUESTS WHICH ARE CALLED IN BE- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR OFFICE USE ONLY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------11--1E--- LABEL NUMBERS J)gQ'3PD , ' I LABEL ISSpANCE FEE ,zcl KQ.c..: 'tIJ'/1bt. RECEIVED BY l~ li. )U 1\ l ~ Jet DATE '3/21 310 '-" " /\ -----r--- I I I,J-----' I .;," . Jr A, ..;;;..r ~ ~,4 ~~ ~'" ~ / oT ~:/ ( -0'~<7'- -tt: \ g / / .'. ~ / 2.? rf' yJ __LdA' ~ /Jrt~, . ~. ~ ~~'. " :.~ .... - . "~- -".-.. ; 9'1477 ~ .- ..... Job Location: ~S-2S- mt~ · /?-l)2-~ "/-1/0/" 2'= Lot .O}/~ ABOeSDOl"C Map S1Jx:liuisitm.: Q.me..: /:)1'1.)1,1:;, RJRIJA/VT Address: "?'~ '7 / (!./~ CiaJ: 5/-",rd- . '. Deacribe "'ork: ;'-A/>/7Ip<::.:;r #~t..s.7/4"~>:l:7~;.:;.;:,;; /yt:EPY ~..;r. ~Y/C~ 7 /.I/~ '/~ ~~~,....?-::>~ 4JL c::iZ'~~~~~ ~.~.ot:>" Value .')~ n n ~...u Addi. ticn ~er.ro.:eZ n ,"fob{'le Hom3 ,Date of Appl icatien 7-/ J- Bt;;; t.:on1;1'act"ors General ~0F..~ Pl"",bing ~ RJlf~~ '. Elect..ical 1".7) M~' . . I.Je~har.ic.: I ConBt"-,ction Ll:nder ~ Phone: 7#/-;f( ;;UJ C) Zip: q7q 77 AcidreS3 Rcce:ot " i!Y ~ 7/0 ~ o' d~ .4' . ..,1.qr.e:/L.L; Date: ' //-&::::". Liac." Exvires 1-....0'11;: [~ is th. reBponaibility of the permit holder to see tha:- aU inDpections a:t'e r.-.ade at ~ propel" ti.m&~ tJ-.at =ch :ddresB i. rea.::!a:D:e from ths street, an::l that the permit ca:rod is k1cated a.t the fl"Ont of the proper1:y. -43ui!.ding O-;tJi=ion. appraz:ed pLan sht=lZ. remain on tha Bu:.Zdinfl Sit.; at aU times. ?t~Ocs'D~,.'.'I:!E FOR I!lSPZC1'IOll RE"OUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccoroderJ state your City desi!}7".:zr;ed job numbere, job aaarcss, tFpe of 'ir..3pec::icn ...~qucs;;cQ. Q.~d lJ.':en you wiU be ready jor ir.spcction, Contractors or OIJners ncme cr.d pnor.6 n:w:rbcr. RequEs-:s received ce;cre 7:!HJ t::: -,'ill. De made thE same day, requests made afta' 7:00 am rJil.l. b3 rm.de the nat :JOrkir.:; da:J'. ,:)eaui.,.p.i Tr.~r;>"(J+iC1'!!'f ._. O C;O"'7'~ I'lc:"~=---""'.I. T ' t . ...J;._ ....._J.""""'... ooemaaea!er ! e.rcavatt.?n, but prier to Bet up of f01"m8. ;\7l T(!!PER~r.A~ PLU~'BI~1G" Er.Et:TR~C,1L ~ ~ ..LCH.L.IC....L: .0 De maae oelore any LJOrk. is aovered. RI FOOT.me ~ FOUND,1TION: To be nrz.de afte;.... trencnes are eXcavated and terma are erected, but prior to ~r.g cencret;. UND~C.qoU!.'D' P!.lP..f1JING. SEWE.~. W.1TER, . 'DRAIllAGE: To be rrruie prior to fi~- l.ir.g trenches. '. ~ ~ UllDE.'?FWOR PLW-$ING & MECHANICAL.: To ba made prior to in3ta~lation of fl.oo~ insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be madc prior to instalZ.aticn of floo'1' insula-tier. 01' decki,," . ROUCH PUP.!8I!1G. Et..ECTt?ICAt & MECH- ANICAL: NO:.J01"k is to be cOL'el'ed . ur.ti~ thcBe inspectior.s have beer. made and ~1"Ove:!. FI.~EPLACEi Prio.. to pk:cir.g facing mt:teriaLs and before framing inepec- tior.. "Vl FRA.'!INC: Must be reque3ted aftere ,L:J appl'ot1al of rough plurr.bing, electri- cal & mechanical.. Az.z. roofing braeing t chimneys, etc. m:.tst bs . complstcd. !Io L'JOl'k is to be con- . "flaled Wltil thill inspection has ". . b",:" made and approved. ~ EJ :J .Your City Delligr.ated -.Job Nwnbao Ill" I vi ItlSr.'LATIONIVAPO.'? E.4RRIE:R I.'.'SP~C'!'IG:!: 1A-J To be ma:ie after aU wuZati.::Jn a:'".d required vapO'1' barriers are in p 14ce but before any lath, flYpsum board 01' w:l.Z. cove-ring is appHed, and before any inauZatwn is concealed. ~ DRYWALL nlSPECTION: To be made J,.6....J after aLZ dryuaU is in place, but prior to cny taping. O MASONRY: Stee I location, bona beam:;, f!l'OU~ing 01' vertica1.s in accordance rJith U. B. C. Section 241~. O WOODSTO'lF..: Aftere installation is ccmp let~d. O CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afttr:' forms are erected but priOl' to poUring oon....""1'ete. O SIDF:WALK 8 DRI1'EWAY: Fer all con- crete paving ~thin st'l'ect right- of-lJC.y, to be made after all ezca- vating ccmpLete d! fOr::! r.mok & sub. base 11CtenaL in p~e. O !'ENCE: When co:rrpute -- Provid. g;;tiii or movable sections through P.U.E. o ~a:?:?8 ;)E.~:~:'ITIOt! CR .~:::;v::; BUILV:::;GS =:J Sani tarj seuel' ~apped ::t ~OP&'1'1;":i Lir.e ~ SEJpti.:: tank p"...""?ed and Ii ~ ~.o!d ui th ~a""B ~ :J Final. - flhen ~"Ve itCts are cc::rpLetc.:: . ~ -..". . . . ~ ar~ when ~~Ot~~~r. ~s c~te~e or s~~~- ture moved and premiaes cL~anei up. }.fabi1.e Hames ::J BLocking and Sat-:lp ::J Plumbing connections -- s::t.Jer ar.d lJC:er ::J Electrical. Connection - Bl.ocki~, set-u;: ~ and pLumbing connections nr...st te appl'::n:ei before requesting electrical. inspec:io:-: :=J Accessol"i Sui t.ding '. :J Final. - After- p::1rcr.es, s1drting, deckS, etc. are carrple-;~. o All pl'oject conditions, 3UC.1: as the installation of stzoeet tl'ees. d~loti.:m ot tile required Landsccpir.g, etc.. must be satisfied before tr.s BUILDINC FI!IAL can be rsquestsd. Xl FrflAL PWI-$Il1G =:J Fr/lAL 1.fE!:HANrCAL )G URAL ELECTRICAL -:J (2) FINAL BUILDING: The FinaL Building Inspection must btl 1"equeated eftsI' ths FiruL PlUlr'bina ELectncaZ. and Mtlchar:icaL InsPQctiono iuiua belm 11tt2iU and appl'ovild. , 'ALL IIANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESErBLE. AD.lUST!r:::1T TO BE f.~~DE I.T /10 = TO Cr.-Y I !'~r.:. -I. of 2 JOB NO~B :50LAR A.55 REQ.- OCCZll7aJ'ZCt( Crou%:): LOT TYPE , :toPlt!: il.ot Sq. Ftg. ;: ,:,f lotC:nJlIMg= ~.. of Stories 'Totat Height !Topogra;:hy IPlttlJ'"imt Comer I'a11Jra7Idle CIlI-de-sac ':':'E.'.I SQ.FTG .~hi" I I I I I I I =?'~ CO'" I I I !. -=?g ,5Z' I . ;'5'1 I '1O.CiI ,. I NO'1 FEE I CHARGE i I~~/rl 14B#~'2. I 'i-I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I 2?S~1 I :-/~~ I -=37_,~o I /,So ~~. :; /. 1 C.r;;.RC5 I I I x Val.ue ;~ac~ jC~CJ"'t ;Accessoru ~~ .~~ff. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. tVCI.UC) 2.5", Building Permit " State Surch~e Total ~ea ITEN Yi...-r..aoes Res{.dzntiaZ (1 bath) Sar:i.t.:1.T":! Stl1.JBl' W'ater Pl:c'~i.r.g Perr.:i t ~ Sta:e Surcr.aroge Tota! C'r.=raes -7'~., . _._.'. I"V' i . -- I 7r1 '5EJlf//kF ?#-A'.#:Of~ I ....."l.....-;.......:. .~es. So. Ft::. /':...,/E:--'tena ~il"f:".dts T.....:'......... d Service E!e~tJ"'ica! Permit 5t:zte Sta'::harae Total Cr.a:r>ces :-':"'=-" /';e. I FE=: ?urr..::ce ETU r S E".::haust Hood. :tent Fan :J3OdStO:JB Pel"rrTi t Issuance Me::hanic:zl Perrrri t State Surchc:rae 'rotal Char('t~UJ -- ENCROACHMENT -- :~~~ritu DZD03it I I I I j I I I I I I I .,If I~cy, O?_ :tor-aDS ''7i"tena7''~1'! ;crmi t Tota I Cha'Pacs .'UJO~cu~ :ideu2tk "f91I:B "Zectroica I Labe I ~obi.le Hame "-'1.U:, ANOWJT DUE:" I I I I '.r,.y"*-"-,<,......,,""~=._ _,: .... _ T-1'1pe/Cor.JJt: 1 Access. I - L-COC", B__ ....._: ;.... ....'...:;.... Lot Face. - P.L. North ,lEast lSouth IWest Setbacks House I Caraae I ennorrJ SO'".I.roces !:leaf; WateY" .I.{~at~.,. Ranpe Fircalace Wooa.::tOt;e 2"-oJ;,. II II II FaeB . . ' .' Building Value & ".Permit i , This permit is granted on the upress condition tha.t the said construction shall, in all respects, confol"m to the Ordinar.ce adopted by the City of I Spr-ingfie"Ld, inc?uding the Zoning ~irum.cBJ regul.cting the ccnstM.l,zticn. I and UGB of bwitdings, and ~ be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upon Ute.; tation of any pl"OVisicr.s of said Ordinances. I "~.. IPlan Check Fee: 2,')."'~3 I Cate Paid: 7-/).8'G :." IRec<ipt #: ISigr.ed:~~l' .P.__ - -- -,...._...~ , Plumbing Permit .No pereen shaH construct, instal!, aUer or change any 1'.etJ cr e:istin.? plUmbing or drainage system in whole or in part~ unless such perGon is the. I legal possessor of a valid plumber's licen8e~ except tr~ta pe~8cn ma~ de I plumbing work to property which is OLJned~ leased or operated by the appi..i- cant. ",''': C-.~~. ~ere State ~ r;~:e~ ~~~ ~f? ~tec~:~ ~<i Ie done by an Etectric~Z , Contractor, the elec,:rica~ portion of :his pemit shall roOt be valid w::il. I' the label has been. signed by the Elecr:rical ::cntrcctor. Mechanical Permit . ~~-!?~ '?-//~&'b L,'ate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for permit~ end de hereby certify that all. i'!':fo:rma.tion hereon is tl'Ue and corrcct~ cm.:i I f'.J.t"ther certif~ an!! ar.d alt IJOrk performed 'Jhall bo do:1e in ac~or- da...:!Y:JI ~th theTardiiUrzaes 01 'tnB GUY 01 ~pl"L7l!Jjtdd, and t:n: [Ar..:a of tha"') .4 (State of (Jrteg':Jn Dcr1:."7""M';M ..... ...:&4. uork described hereirl";) end :.11.:: tiO OC~!:- YANCY ;;;';l made of any' structure Ln.tho.t p.rnr..aa<on ':l tho 9Uildin~ vision I further C~4:"J~ ~nat: on,y cont:raetors ~~ enp~yeeB LJho are ~ .p umce "'th ORS ?Ol.05~ ",II be used . '. ~~~' Sig1l3d - ( , ?-/I- fb ll:lte ~_..-- .... . ,',a.t." ~I ~ I ~ ; ~j ) I & 7 ''b ~ I I ~ ' I ~I ! - - -lij' ~ I I",: ~ I ' ~ ~ I ~ ~ I I,~' 'v. 'I "i' ~ ~~, 'I!.l !' "..... '. I I -..:;: ::1'. ';"1 ~I ::1 ~' ""I I I \(\1 ,,"' "< '1 I ~' 'I ~ 'v-! 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I I I I I II . I I I! I I I 1 1 I I 1____1 1 I I- I I I I : .-L1--------tJ- .1---- --- I I I I I I j-- I I I I I I I I I I ,'-'- I I I I I-I I I I 1 +--, I I i I I I. I I I I I I I I I 1 -I I I I I . I I I ,I I,' LI I -+-I~ '-~ ----tf I I I I I' I I I I I , I I I 1.__1 I ' 1-: I 1 I 1 I -I , . i i' 1 I I I I q