HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/15/1994 Regular ~ . . . -~. City of Springfield Regular Council Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1994 The City of Springfield Council met in Regular Session in the Springfield City Council Chamber, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, August 15, 1994, at 7:15 p.m., with Council President Stu Burge presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Councilors Beyer, Shaver, Walters, Burge, Maine and Schanz. Mayor Morrisette was absent (excused). Also present were Acting City Manager/Assistant City Manager/City Recorder Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, Communications Manager Mike Moskovitz, Administrative Aide Julie Wilson and members of the staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilor Burge. SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT 1. Mr. Rodney Harrison, Police Department, was scheduled to be recognized for 15 years of service to the City of Springfield but was on duty and unable to attend the meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR SCHANZ, TO ADOPT THE CONSENT CALENDAR. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 1. Claims a. Approval of the June, 1994 Disbursements for Approval. b. Approval of the July, 1994 Disbursements for Approval. 2. Minutes a. b. c. d. July 5, 1994 July 5, 1994 July 11, 1994 July 11, 1994 - Work Session Meeting - Regular Session Meeting - Work Session Meeting - Continued Regular Meeting of July 5, 1994 3. Resolutions a. RESOLUTION NO. 94-40 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PERMIT PROJECT 3-760: 42ND STREET STORM SEWER (WOOD PRODUCTS CREDIT UNION) . b. RESOLUTION NO. 94-41 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PROJECT 1-805: 28TH - 31ST STREET CONNECTOR, MARCOLA ROAD TO U STREET, FROM WILDISH PAVING CO.. IN THE AMOUNT OF $520,737.63. ~ . . . ..'Augvst 15, 1994 Regular Session Meeting Minutes Page 2 c. RESOLUTION NO. 94-42 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PERMIT PROJECT 3-812: ASH CREEK ESTATES SUBDIVISION. d. RESOLUTION NO. 94-43 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PERMIT PROJECT 3-862: OAKDALE STREET IMPROVEMENTS; GRANADA SUBDIVISION TO PHEASANT STREET. e. RESOLUTION NO. 94-44 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PERMIT PROJECT 3-869: STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS IN GATEWAY STREET AT SMITH'S HOME FURNISHINGS. f. RESOLUTION NO. 94-45 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PERMIT PROJECT 3-884: 56TH STREET SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS; A STREET TO 250 FEET NORTH. g. RESOLUTION NO. 94-46 - A RESOLUTION REPRESENTING THAT THE CITY DOES NOT PLAN TO ISSUE MORE THAN $10,000,000 OF QUALIFIED TAX EXEMPT DEBT DURING CALENDAR YEAR 1994. 4. . Other Routine Matters a. Approval of the June, 1994 Quarterly Updated Financial Reports. b. Approve Endorsement of OLCC Liquor License for Grocery Carts #4, Located at 456 Harlow Road. c. Approve Endorsement of OLCC Liquor License for Mazatlan Mexican Restaurant, Located at 1507 Centennial Blvd. d. Approve Endorsement of OLCC Liquor License for Round Table Pizza, Located at 5547 Main Street. e. Approve Endorsement of OLCC Liquor License for Scotty's Tavern, Located at 1714 Main Street. f. Approve Bid Award for Project 1-857: Harlow/Pheasant Sanitary Sewage Collection System, to Dan D. Allsup Contractor, Inc., in the Amount of $549,286. g. Grant permission for Walt's Concrete to Perform Construction Work at Night During their Concrete Paving Operations on International Way and Deadmond Ferry/Game Farm Road. h. Approve the Payment of $31,037 to the Willamalane Park and Recreation District to be Used for the Purchase of Park Land in the South Thurston Hills. i. Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Quality Bowling, Inc., to Lease 12,340 Sq. Ft., Part E - East, at Booth Kelly Center. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR None. . . . .' . Augl,lst 15, 1994 Regular Session Meeting Minutes Page 3 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Amendments to Article 2, 18, 20 and 21 of the Springfield Development Code - City of Springfield, Applicant Jo. No. 94-06-133. ORDINANCE NO. 5753 - AN ORDINANCE REVISING THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE BY AMENDING ARTICLE 2 DEFINITIONS, ARTICLE 18 COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICTS, ARTICLE 20 LMI, HI AND SHI INDUSTRIAL ZONING DISTRICTS, AND ARTICLE 21 SLI SPECIAL LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Planning Manager Greg Mott presented the staff report on this issue. The amendments contained in the ordinance have been recommended by the Planning Commission to bring the Development Code into Compliance with the Metropolitan Area General Plan and as a means to implement several top priority Council goals intended to streamline the development process and diversify the economic base of Springfield. The following summarizes the proposed Code amendments: 1. Definitions will be provided for Industrial Parks and Business Parks. 2. Temporary sales or display will be allowed to occupy excess parking spaces in commercial zones. 3. A single dwelling unit will be allowed on commercial property. 4. Some uses allowed in commercial zones will be allowed in the Light Medium Industrial (LMI) zone. 5. The Special Light Industrial (SLI) designation will be changed to Campus Industrial (CI) to comply with the amended Metro Plan designation. Mr. Mott provided Council with a handout. The handout included a specific list of uses to be allowed in the LMI zone. Councilor Burge opened the public hearing. 1. Art West, 1006 Lochaven, representing Child Fitness Center, stated he was available to answer any questions for Council and was in support of the proposal. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR MAINE, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 5753 AND REVISE THE WORDS SHOOTING RANGE TO SHOOTING AREA. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Sale of Property Along Quarry Road. Mr. Moskovitz announced this public hearing was postponed. . . . .' . Aug~st 15, 1994 Regular Session Meeting Minutes Page 4 BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE 1. Jesse Waymire, 1663 Kings, Eugene, property owner of 1217 R Street, discussed a proposed development near his property and problems associated with parking. The proposed parking for the development was 1-1/2 spaces per unit and he felt this was inadequate. He also stated two parking spaces per unit, at a minimum, were needed. He explained the proposed development would provide 13 spaces and one handicap visitor space for the nine units. Mr. Waymire thought 18 parking spaces were needed and he urged Council to consider changing the Development Code parking requirements to two spaces per unit. 2. Jack Waymire, 339 Cainbridge, support comments made by Jesse Waymire. Planning Manager Greg Mott explained the proposed nine unit development did meet current parking allocations and was in compliance with the current development Code. 3. Al Kinq, 36890 Edgehill Road, President of the United Soccer Association, presented Council with an update on the soccer field project and also requested additional Room Tax funding for the project. Mr. King explained the United Soccer Association raised approximately $120,000 in in-kind services. He also stated the Association was scheduled to mark grain lines for the facility on August 27th. They would like to have the site completed by October 1, prior to the rainy season. The project will take about 9,000 tons of sand. Bob McDonald explained the the design goal was to build a high-quality facility. Mr. McDonald discussed the design aspect of the project, ground drainage, soil, material layering to support the grass and roots, maintenance for the proper amount of ground moisture and nutrients. Mr. King stated the Association still needed $45,000 to construct the high-quality facility. The Association was requesting an additional $20,000 from Room Tax funds if available and a formal request would be presented to Council in the future. Lee Beyer, 1439 Lawnridge, representing the United Soccer Association, felt the facility would be maintained well and would be a draw for tournaments. He felt this project was supported by hospitality providers. He also explained the United Soccer Association wants to plant grass by October so the fields are ready for next season. COUNCIL RESPONSE CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS 1. Correspondence from Wildish Land Co., PO Box 7428, Eugene, Requesting Removal of Their Request for Council Support For Amending the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary to Incorporate Land Owned by Wildish Land Co., Adjacent to Mt. Pisgah. ". . AugJlst 15, 1994 Regular Session Meeting Minutes Page 5 . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR MAINE, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BEYER, TO ACCEPT AND FILE THE CORRESPONDENCE. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Correspondence from Bruce Berg, Filbert Festival Chairman, PO Box 480, Commending Council for Holding Fast to the Gateway Low-Density Upscale Home Vision and Also Provided Council with an Update Regarding the Filbert Festival Request for Proposal (RFP) Process and Duke's Sound and Lights. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR WALTERS, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR MAINE, TO ACCEPT AND FILE THE CORRESPONDENCE. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 3. Correspondence from Joe Leahy, Springfield Chamber of Commerce President and Jean DeYoung, Springfield Chamber of Commerce Executive Vice President, PO Box 155, Transmitting the Report Regarding the Joint Vision for Transportation in the Metropolitan Area. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR MAINE, TO ACCEPT AND FILE THE CORRESPONDENCE. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BIDS None. ORDINANCES . 1. An Ordinance Levying Assessments for project 1-847. ORDINANCE NO. 5754 - AN ORDINANCE LEVYING ASSESSMENTS FOR STREET AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ON ASTER STREET, EAST OF 58TH STREET AND VICINITY (1-847, IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Finance Manager Bob Duey presented the staff report on this issue. The City has completed a local improvement project including street and sewer improvements on Aster Street, East of 58th Street and vicinity (project 1-847). The Council is requested to adopt the ordinance assessing the properties for this project in the amount of $39,492.77. The ordinance contains an emergency clause which makes it effective immediately upon adoption. The emergency clause is being used so staff can enter the liens on the City of Springfield docket as soon as possible. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR MAINE, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BEYER, TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 5754. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. RESOLUTIONS 1. Initiate Annexation of Territory to the City. RESOLUTION NO. 94-47 - A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REOUESTING A DELAYED EFFECTIVE DATE AND EXTRATERRITORIAL EXTENSION OF SANITARY SEWER AND WATER. . . . . ~. Aug~st 15, 1994 Regular Session Meeting Minutes Page 6 City Planner Mel Oberst presented the staff report on this issue. The property owner requested annexation in order to develop property in north Springfield for single family residential use and a consent to annex was signed by the owner. An extension of sanitary sewer and water and a fire protection contract will allow development of the property. The City Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(2) (B) to initiate annexation upon receiving consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory proposed to be annexed and written consent from owners of more than half the land in the territory proposed to be annexed. The subject property owners, Dennis Wartenbee et. al., signed a consent to annex. The property is proposed to be improved with approximately 16 estate lots. The fully improved value of the property will not be on the Lane County Assessment and Tax Role for a number of years. Delaying the effective date until January 2, 1998 assures the City of capturing the full improvement value in the tax base for a majority of the lots in the development. The Springfield Development Code requires that dry line sewers be installed in the development in anticipation of connection to public sewers in the future. The City intends to install a sewer trunk on North 19th Street and extend it to Yolanda Street in 1997, when Lane County improves the street. This request petitions the Commission to allow the extension of sewer and connection to the sewer lines serving the subject lots. Councilor Shaver discussed the streets being annexed prior to annexing the lot. Mr. Oberst further answered questions of Council and discussed the long-range plans for annexation. Councilor Burge discussed the street being annexed prior to the lots. He felt the City would be annexing the streets for maintenance and repair for patrol prior to annexing the lot abutting the property. He discussed the fact that the City would not receive any revenue but would be providing police protection to the curb and the City would also be taking on the responsibility of maintaining the streets prior to those lots and improved lots being annexed. Council further discussed this issue in detail. Council also discussed the need to further review the issue of annexation during a work session. 1. Tim Hanley, representing Rainbow Water District, PO Box 8, spoke in support of Resolution No. 94-47 with one exception. He explained the Rainbow Water District is an urban service provider in the urban fringe area and north and west Springfield. He raised concerns regarding fire protection services. He recommended this property be annexed to the Rainbow Water District for the interim period until the effective annexation date, then the responsibility be transferred to the City. He stated all 15 lots would be covered under fire protection upon annexation to Rainbow Water District. . . . Augyst 15, 1994 Regular Session Meeting Minutes Page 7 Development Services Director Susan Daluddung provided additional information regarding the annexation\partitioning process and placement of property in a special districts. City Attorney Joe Leahy explained the process by which the City would execute fire service contract with each of the homeowners/residents, is provided under the law. Mr. Leahy stated if Council had concerns in terms of departure from past practice, this item should be rescheduled and receive additional staff response. Ms. Daluddung explained the developer was trying to resolve the issue for some time and wanted to begin development. She stated if Council takes action this evening, a Boundary Commission hearing can be held on October 4, 1994. If Council does not take action this evening, the developer will not be scheduled for a Boundary Commission hearing until December. Council discussed service areas, SDC charges and Springfield Utility Board concerns. Mr. Hanley responded to comments made by Council. Councilor Shaver suggested annexation issues be discussed during the Joint meetings with both Rainbow Water District and Springfield Utility Board. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WALTERS, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 94-47. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Councilor Walters discussed the wildish Company proposal. He stated he was surprised about comments printed in the paper stating Council was opposed to annexation. He explained this comment was made by Mayor Morrisette, representing the City. Councilor Walters stated he did not recall the Council going on record regarding the Wildish Land development proposal. Councilor Burge discussed the Mayor making decisions about what the Council will or will not do. He stated the Council represents the community and the Council has voting authority and the Mayor does not. He did not want the Mayor making decisions for him and he explained the article stated Wildish was told there was no chance of development occurring. Councilor Burge explained a presentation has not been made to the Council. Councilor Walters would like wildish to discuss this issue with the Council at a future meeting. Ms. Daluddung stated she could arrange a meeting. She also explained City staff was not invited to previous the meetings. Council President Burge requested a letter be drafted for his signature to Wildish from the Council. He requested that the letter explain Council has not taken any formal action regarding the proposal, no conclusions have been made and the Mayor's response to the meeting did not necessarily represent the majority of the Council. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER August 15, 1994 Regular Session Meeting Minutes Page 8 1. Purchase of Additional Land for Maintenance Shop. . Maintenance Manager Ed Black presented the staff report on this issue. This issue was discussed during an executive session earlier this evening. The City Council authorized staff to negotiate for the purchase of real property to be used by the Maintenance Division. The negotiations have led to a tentative agreement between City staff and the seller. Council approval of the tentative agreement is required if the City is to purchase property. In an April 1994 executive session, the Council reviewed an opportunity for the City to purchase real property which is needed by the Maintenance Division and provided guidelines for staff to negotiate for the property. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR MAINE, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR WALTERS, TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE DOCUMENTS PURSUANT TO PURCHASING REAL PROPERTY FOR USE BY THE MAINTENANCE DIVISION. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Budget Transfer Resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 94-48 - A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING AND REAPPROPRIATING FUNDS IN THE STREET AND SEWER OPERATIONS FUNDS. Finance Director Bob Duey presented the staff report on this issue. Several times throughout the fiscal year the Council is requested to make adjustments to the budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities, to recognize new revenues such as grants or to make other required adjustments. . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR MAINE, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BEYER, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 94-48. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 3. Request by Servistar/Coast-to-Coast for Approval by Springfield Enterprise Zone Sponsors to Extend Property Tax Benefits for Additional Two Years. RESOLUTION NO. 94-49 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN AGREEMENTS WITH LANE COUNTY AND SERVISTAR/COAST-TO-COAST TO EXTEND THE PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION TWO YEARS FOR A EXPANSION OF HARDWARE DISTRIBUTION FACILITY ON OLYMPIC STREET. Economic Development Director John Tamulonis presented the staff report on this issue. ServiStar/Coast to Coast has requested that both sponsors (Lane County and the City of Springfield) of the Springfield Enterprise Zone approve extending enterprise zone benefits. In its decision to build a $6.4 million expansion of its distribution center on Olympic Street, ServiStar/Coast to Coast needs to know if it will have an additional two years (five years total) of enterprise zone benefits. . . . . ~u9.ust 15, 1994 Regular Session Meeting Minutes Page 9 Councilor Maine discussed wages and the need to provide full-time family wage positions. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR MAINE, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BEYER, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 94-49. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 6 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY 1. Resolution NO. 94-47. City Attorney Joe Leahy discussed Resolution No. 94-47, initiating annexation of territory to the City of Springfield and testimony presented by Mr. Tim Hanley. He explained significant issues were raised regarding Springfield Utility Board and Rainbow. He stated both Mike Kelly and Steve Loveland have been working diligently to resolve problems and Mr. Leahy encouraged Council to explore the issue before reaching any decisions. ADJOURNMENT THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT 8:45. Minutes Recorder - Julie Wilson 8i~P ~~ AT~~ City Record r