HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/03/1993 Regular . . . j City of Springfield Regular Council Meeting MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COuNCIL HELD MONDAY, MAY 3, 1993 I The city of Springfield Council met in Regular Session in the Springfield City Council Chamber, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, onlMonday, May 3, 1993, at 7:45 p.m., with Mayor Morrisette presiding. ATTENDANCE Present Shaver. Manager Harold, were Mayor Morrisette, Councilors Adams, Burge, Schanz, Maine and Councilor Walters was (excused) absent. Also pre~ent were City Michael Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney City Recorder Eileen Stein, and members of the staff. Tim PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Morrisette. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Pastor Tim Taylor, Watchman Ministry. SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Committee Appointments. a. Appointment of Ward 2 Council Position. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR ADAMS, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BURGE, TO APPOINT GREG SHAVER TO THE WARD 2 COUNCIL POSITION. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. City Attorney Tim Harold administered the oath of office to Councilor Shaver. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE I 1. Larry Reese, 1213-1/2 Centennial Blvd., requested an amendment to the home occupation section of the Springfield Code. He provid~d a handout to the Council. I Planning Manager Greg Mott provided Council with infor~ation related to the process and time frame to review the requested amendmebt to the code. This included specific issues addressed by Mr. Reese, forwarding the information to Council for a work session and then to the Planning I Commission and back to Council for action. He would follow-up with Mr. Reese to process his request. . . . J . City Council Regular Session May 3, 1993 Page 2 2. Robert P. Wells, PO Box 916, spoke regarding a news arlticle in the Register Guard. He referenced comments made by Councilor Walters regarding ballot - I measure 109. ' CONSENT CALENDAR IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR MAINE, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILO~ ADAMS, TO ADOPT THE CONSENT CALENDAR. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 1. Minutes a. b. April 19, 1993 - Work Session April 19, 1993 - Regular Session a. I i I I RESOLUTION NO. 93-17 - A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY TO SURRENDER WEST D STREET AND A PORTION OF GARDEN WAY. i RESOLUTION NO. 93-18 - A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PRo1ECT 1-775: SOUTH 17TH STREET, MAIN TO SOUTH A STREET, FROM WILDISHI PAVING CO. IN THE AMOUNT OF $43,525.56. I RESOLUTION NO. 93-19 - A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PROJECT 1-807: TRAFFIC SIGNAL RECONSTRUCTION, MAIN STREET AND 21ST STREET, FROM LANTZ ELECTRIC, INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF $74,083. I RESOLUTION NO. 93-20 - A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PERMIT PROJECT 3-801: OAK TREE ESTATES SUBDIVISION, CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD AND ASPEN STREET. 2. Resolutions b. c. d. 3. Ordinances a. Request for a Vacation of a Portion of a Public Utility Easement; John Elmenhurst, Applicant; Jo. No. 93-03-38. I ORDINANCE NO. 5686 - AN ORDINANCE VACATING THE SOUTHERLY 2-1/2 FEET OF A 20-FOOT WIDE SEWER TRUNK EASEMENT, AS RECORDED IN REEL 201, INSTRUMENT NUMBER 79968, LANE COUNTY, OREGON DEED I RECORDS; AND THE SAME PORTION OF A COTERMINOUS 20-FOOT WIDE PUBLICI UTILITY EASEMENT THAT IS CENTERED ON THE BOUNDARY LINE COMMON TO L0TS 2 AND 3, AND ON THE BOUNDARY LINE COMMON TO LOTS 7 AND 8, MICHELLE EAST SUBDIVISION, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN FILE 73, SLIDE 212, LANE COUNTY, OREGON PLAT RECORDS (2ND READING). 4. Other Routine Matters a. Approve Labor Agreement With Oregon Public Employees Union (OPEU) Local 995. I Declare City-Owned Downtown Holiday Decorations as Surplus and of No Value. b. . . . , City Council Regular Session May 3, 1993 Page 3 c. Award Contract for Project 1-831: Q Street Overlay, Repair, Lane Striping & Loop Detection to Eugene Sand & Gravel~ Inc., in the Amount of $65,565.50. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS 1. Correspondence From Todd Appling, 2220-B North 5th Street, Regarding His Vehicle Being Towed From North 28th Street. I IT VAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR MAINE, VITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, TO ACCEPT AND FILE THE CORRESPONDENCE. THE MOTION PASSED VITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Correspondence From Helen Boyd, 1121 Darlene, Forwarding a Letter to the Editor Vritten by Ingrid Olson, Regarding the Need for a Stop Sign on Vater Street at Vest K Street. IT VAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR MAINE, VITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR SHAVER, TO ACCEPT AND FILE THE CORRESPONDENCE. THE MOTION PASSED VITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 3. Correspondence From Darrell Neet, 2472 North 37th Street, Encouraging Council to Appoint Greg Shaver to the Current Vacancy bn the City Council. I IT VAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR MAINE, VITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BURGE, TO ACCEPT AND FILE THE CORRESPONDENCE. THE MOTION PASSED VITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 4. Correspondence From Gerald Oar, 569 South 51st Place, Expressing Concern Regarding Problems Related to Cats and the Need for Cat Control Regulations. I City Recorder Eileen Stein provided a staff presentation on this issue. Ms. Stein summarized information received from Spokane~ Multnomah County and the city of Salem. Ms. Stein explained that she also spoke with the League of Cities (LOC). She noted that the LOC provid~d a packet of information which addressed the pros and cons of cat cOntrol and licensing programs. Sample ordinances were also provided by thelLeague. Ms. Stein explained that the information would be provided to Council through their weekly communication packet. i IT VAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR MAINE, VITH A SECOND BY COUN€ILOR SCHANZ, TO ACCEPT AND FILE THE CORRESPONDENCE. THE MOTION PASSEDIVITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. I Correspondence from Larry Reese, 1213-1/2 Centennial Blvd., requesting an amendment to the home occupation section of the Springfield City Code. I IT VAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR MAINE, VITH A SECOND BY COUN~ILOR BURGE, TO ACCEPT AND FILE THE CORRESPONDENCE. THE MOTION PASSED VITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 5. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL . . . , City Council Regular Session May 3, 1993 Page 4 1. Other Business. a. Councilor Rob Adams read his letter of resignation. He indicated resignation would be effective on May 3, 1993 at ~idnight. I I I his BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. I I Resolution Initiating Project 1-836, Street Improvements for 13th Street, Centennial Boulevard to L Street. I RESOLUTION NO. 93-21 - A RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO CONSTRUCT 13TH STREET FROM CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD TO L STREET. I I City Engineer Al Peroutka presented a staff report on this issue. A petition for the improvement of this one block sectionlof gravel road north of Centennial Boulevard was received from the owners of 1 of the 4 properties benefited by this project. One other property has a recorded improvement agreement for improvement of this section 9f 13th Street. Thus, 50% of the property owners representing 50% of the properties have signed the petition or have an improvement agreement fOr the project. The project meets assessment financing guidelines to allow bancroft financing of the project. The Springfield Charter requires either a petition of ~ majority of the property owners benefited or a motion of the Council to initiate an assessable improvement project. Thus, this project woJld require Council action to go forward. If the project is initiated by the Council, staff would begin design work, hold a neighborhood meeting, ~nd then hold a public hearing for a final decision on whether to go fqrward with the project. Staff would propose using remaining county unpaved road funding, which is budgeted in next year's capital budget to subsidize assessments in accordance with the city's assessment subsidy program. I a. Rickey Rose, 1271 L Street, spoke in support of ttle street improvements. I Mr. Peroutka explained staff would recommend that this limprovement be subsidized in accordance with the city subsidy program land county funding was still available to assist with this project. I City Manager Mike Kelly discussed the process followed'lwhen a street improvement project was initiated. , I i IT VAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR MAINE, VITH A SECOND BY COUNqILOR BURGE, TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 93-21. THE MOTION PASSED VITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 2. Lease Agreement. Property Manager Jim Douglas was available to answer qJestions of Council. I 1 IT VAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR MAINE, VITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR BURGE, TO I AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT VITHI J.T.B. CORPORATION TO LEASE 12,320 SQ. FT. AT BOOTH KELLY CENTER. THE MOTION PASSED VITH A . . . ; City Council Regular Session May 3, 1993 Page 5 VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. 3. Calendar Reminders. I City Manager Mike Kelly reminded Council of the upcomihg Joint Elected Officials Meeting scheduled for May 6, 1993. Mayor Morrisette had a scheduling conflict and would not be able to attend. I Mr. Kelly provided a memo to Council regarding the scheduling of an upcoming session to discuss Council roles and relationShips. May 19, 1993 was a possible date for this session. I I Mr. Kelly also reminded Council that a summer recess ik usually scheduled for the Council and indicated his staff would follow-up with individual Councilors to coordinate their summer plans. I Council would be contacted regarding their availability for the team building session and a preference for summer recess schedule. ADJOURNMENT THE MEETING VAS CONTINUED AT 8:20 P.M. TO MAY 10, 1993 FOR THE PURPOSE OF APPOINTING A COUNCILOR TO THE VARD 1 COUNCIL POSITION. Minutes Recorder - Julie Vilson g~ . Mayor I I ATTEST: .~ . ~ ~LUe~~ Ci ty Recorder [ #4033