HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 4/29/2009 ,.i, RLLD Property keport Page 1 of I ACC9unt # 0320620 PROPERTY REPORT. lANE COUNTY Map, Tax lot, & SIC # lHI3.36.12.o3100 Site Address: 1936.H ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 OWner Name & Address: Wafford Chartes F 1936 H Street Springfield, OR 97477 IMultiple Owners? No. IAdditional Accol,l-".t Numbers for this Tax Lot & SIC: Taxpayer Name & Address Wafford Charles F 1936 H Street Springfield, OR 97477 IAPprOXimate Tax 0.16 I Sl:/bdivision ISChOOI Springfield Lot Acres 6,970' Name: District line City: Springfield I Phase: IElem Maple IUGB: Springfield ILot# TL 03100 IMiddle Springfield ICensus Tr/BlkGrp: 3400/2 Recording # IHigh Springfield I I I Zoning: Parent/Overlay LO I Statistical Class: 130 I Land Use: 1111 I Property Class; 101 Class 3 Single Family.Home Single,Family Housing Residential, Improved Property Value and Taxes Land Value RE;!2H,.tar~m $64,700 $53,920 Improvement Value Real_Markej $93,020 $108,870 Total Value R~al Mar:KeJ Asse~:Lsed $157,720 $97,385 $162,790 $94,549' 2008 2007 2008 J:n:able Value $ 97,385 2008 taxe$. $1,703.57 Tax Code Area 01900 Two Most Recent Sales Date Price Grantor Grantee Instrument # Residential Building # 1 (of 1 ) C_haracter~jic.s 31 slat 130 Square feet Base Finished IYear Built: '1955 I Basement lBsmt Garage Sqft IBedrooms 3 IFirst 1008 1008 All Garage Sqfi IFulI Balhs 1 I Second I Det Garage Sqfi I Half Baths IAttic ru Carport Sqfi 216 1% Improvmt Complete 100 ITotal 1008 1008 I Comments: .This report extr~cts commonly used information from the Oetalled Property Report. C:;licl0!e~.lQ~JM: !1.JI1 Det~ilet!Propen:y-'~ePilrt. hUD:/lwww.rlid.ore:/OnePaeePronertvRenortlOnePapePronertvRenort.cfm?taxlot id=4921.. 4/27/2009 Date Received: APR 2 9. 2009 Original Submittal ~..::'--...-- ki '~,\\1f:~.! },;. --,~ ..', -..\' '~r'..o' JI. ..\ " :~ '"' (' :.:. f. WARRANTY DZED 7'1':1~f1~,'7 ....j,.i\Ci!j~;~ V~i" . 't::.~: ~~ '.'iP/ t,;! ~.' FOr. VALUE RECEIVED '/ ~ "I., ~ :.1 i (,.lrd ,," .., I Jo>'", __,,,; "," lIenr;. :.;" ~ I c"'~, ,:'J~ """",.! , .:", :i,,~''('.ill:. ":"'~ ;'" 1:~r(:il1 r~,,!..rl.~l tn:u; 1rI'1lntoD, hereb)' 1:-rllIlL, h:lr(min, sell ll11d callI.,,)' UlIto .' '~i:,: r.! .,., l'. ~i'l ;..:..:1 r.: h~Nia referred to IlS grnnteel, thll lollllWinl:' r1ucri!red relit l'rllPllft)', wiUI tel1~ment$, h~(QdiL'lIt,mh anu 1 .IIppurt~naneU, to wit~ Lot d, 'j]ER!:Y ,IDU11IO:;. .n ~la:,il'! ;mJ l"uCClro.lu.l in !:u.'<; 12, !'''-!'<! I ~, L..lU": (U'l!nty 1l'l!:l"Ll P 1.1t l:<!~"r,l~ in l".no C,'''nc~' I tlrCI\on. TO H_-\ VE AND TO nOLO th. !ald premises unto laid Granteu, their hell'll lllld aulps lorner. And tho said GrO\nton hereby coveDlnt that they uo IawfllUy .wiled in fee limple of said pl'llmlsQ; thatthIYLlI'<!freICromnilincumbr:ull:e" . . . < " . ~nd that they will W,:irfnnt :!.nd defend the Ilba'ilO ,ranted pl'llml~u IIgllinlt all lawful tlnim. what- !o.v..r,exccpt"a.ahOvest:!.t~. ~ Dmd . ...........:~.~:~.~~..~.~.~_.~~.....,_ l' 6; . w > w . ..(S,.1l ....Q:.{.-,.';.:f'.~. ."y':,,,,p-~_.._._-(s..J) ....._.;:;_.._.._..._::..._.._...._~."._._." (SNi) . (Sui) ST.ATE OF OREGON. County ot Lane.,u. Penonally npp,o.red the Abon Darned ,.,:~",-~. .!.f;pla l,aifonl, 'I widlJ\:. an6 th.:= surviving 'I'Oll'O of llanry WDffofd, .....- ...."(du.d. ....,> . 'all? ~;ckiio~j~~ed th,foregoing llUtrument to be .hilL ~vo1l.1ntu'y act IIl1d derd. Befof' mo: ;.. ...~~t~ :..:./.;.~Q!o/.~r.lb!:I.L.~.... ...... .A.D. 19 ...Ui......,..,..>.!1.dc:...~::..::~~!-:.r!:::f._..- ...)IJ.Co~nuulO/lE..ir.. Juty 21.,1161 NotaIyf'Ubl!cforOnpn (' ~ ': < , . . - o ' ul .< ;' ~ , , .i_ -, -.... ;; II " ~s ~ ~ u .., - - ~ ; ~ ~ -":, , .. , ~ .~, " :~ 8.~' o ~ w .>oro J. ~.. ..... p ~ ai-:G G ~~: E 3~ ~ ~ ~.;; -; <> ~ '" ~ .0.;; i...J u ..~ j t: n ; " ." ~ \': ~ ".; . , ., ,: , Q ~ ~ Q ".. .... :z "'" '" '" "'" ". ':: on 11: ..:: ~ '\ ~ " i-- c l'- ~'k ~ ~ ;; u ~~ -. <, u lCO.'1> " . " o ill [; ; ~\ '- .~. - CJ\SCAOE 1flLE COMPANY L Doscription: Lana,OR Document - raar.OOcID [-1993J 1974.39137 Page: .1 of 1 Orde:r: ddddd Comment: Date Received: APR 2 9 2009 Original Submittal RLID Property Report AJ;C:Quntt;t 0320646 Page I of 1 PROPERTY REPORT - LANE COUNTY Map, Tax Lot, & SIC # 17.03-36-12-03300 Site Address: 960 20TH ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 OWner Name & Address: Gesh Brett G & laura K 960 20th St Springfield, OR 97477 Multiple Owners? No. Additional Account Numbers for this Tax Lot & SIC: IAPprOXimate Tax Lot Acres line City: UGB: JCensus :rr/BlkGrp: 0,17 7,405' Springfield Springfield 3400/2 Zoning: ParenVOverlay Statistical Class: 120 Land Use: 1111 Property Class: 101 Property Valu~ and Taxe.s Land Value R~~l Marke.! $65,646 $54,692 2008 2007 2008 TaMb~_Yalu_e $ 65,194 Two Most Recent Sales Dale Price 04-12.2007 $0 09.10-2004 $43,888 Ta~p.~y.m Name & Address: Gash Brett G'& Laura K 960 20th St Springfield t OR 97477 I Subdivision Name: I Phase: ILot# ~ I Recording # -\SChOOI District IElem IMiddle ,IHigh Maple Springfield Springfield Springfield TL 03300 LD Class 2 Single.Family Home Single Family Housing Residential, Improved Improvement Value B~al Market $74,400 $75,370 Total Value 13.831 Market Assess~d $140,046 $65,194 $130.062 $63,295 2008 Taxe.s $1,140.45 Tax Code Area . 01900 Grantor Gesh.Srett Gordon Mike Elmina Grantee Gash Brett G & Laura K Gesh Brett Gordon Instrument # 20-07-026154 20-04-070976 Residential Building # 1 (Of 1 ) Char_~t~t!!~istlcs 21 stat 110 or 120 Square feet Base Finished I Basement IFirst ISecond IAllic ITotal Year Built: Bedrooms Full Baths Half Baths % Improvmt Complete I Comments: I Bsmt Garage Sqfi IAtt Garage Sqfi 240 I Det Garage Sqfi IAll Carport Sqfi I 1955 2 1 672 672 100 672 672 .ThIS report extracts commonly used informat;on From the Detailed Property Report. Click !).~re for the full Detailed p.rope~ R~11Q!:l:. htto;/Iwww.rlid.orQ/OnePallcPronertv RenortJOnePaflePronertv Reoort.cfm?taxlot id=4921... 4/27/2009 Date Received: APR 2 9 2009 Original Submittal \0/ 0/ \/ II - ;' Divl.lon o( Chi.' Depuly Cle~k lane Counly D.eds and Record. ~~~1.~16l54\ $31.00 " After RccordiDi RetumTo First AmcricanTitle .PO Box -10146 Eugene., OR 97440 ' 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 00900817200100261540020029 04/1912007 10:33:04 All RPR-DEED Cnl:l Sln=S CASHIER 07 , S10.00 $11.00 S10.00 .i ~M It., ~ After reo>rding return to: Brett G. Gesh'and Laura K. Gesh 960 N 20th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Until a change is requested all tax statements sh~11 be sent to lhe folloWIng address: No change File No.: 7195,1020759-7195 (RDP) Date: April!1, 2007 Map/Tax Lot 1703361203300 Property 1D 0320646 STATUTORY BARGAIN AND SALE DEED Brett Gordon Gesh , Grantor, conveys to Brett G. Gesh and Laura K. Gesh, as tenants by the ,entirety, Grantee, the following described real property: LOT 10, SPERRY ADDmON, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 22, PAGE 12, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. The true consideration for this conveyance is $0.00 to change vesting. (Here ~ wtth requirements or ORS 93.030) BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, niE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE A80UT niE PERSON'S RIGHTS. IF ANY. UNDER ORS 197.352. niIS INSTRUMENT OOEsNOT AllOW USE OF niE PROPERlY DESOUBED IN niIs INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCA8LE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING niIS INSTRUMENT, niE PERsoN ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO niE PROPERlY SHOULD CHECK WITH niE APPROPRIATE 01Y OR COUrrrY PLANNING DEPARlMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRAcnCEs /lS DEANED IN ORS 30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT niE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERlY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORs 197.352. Dated this ~ day of ktz , l.- . 20ll. Pagelof2 Date Received: APR 2 9 2009 Original Submittal . e . ~ \' A?N: 0320646 (k$ L~ JL Brett Gordon Gesh Bargain and 5aleDeed .conllilUed Ale No.: 7195-1020159-7195 (lOP) Date: 04/11/2007 STATE OF Oregon ) )55. County of Lane ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on this liL. day Of.~/L 20-2J by Brett Gordon Gesh. +~ !h ~~ _ LYNNe"MC'lOUS! Notary Public for Oregon ~ NOTAfn'fIUBUC.QREOCM My commIssion explnas: ~.... r -d 7 '.. (XlIAl15SlONNO.A3QIl!iI lItCONlolISSIOHEXP\1IES"",,,t.lft11 J P~l!20f2 Date Received: APR 2 9 2009 Original Submittal " ;. ,~ ..~: OR~f1 DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED Brett G. & Laura K. Gesh, being the record owner of Property 1, and Charles F. Wafford, being the record owner of Property 2, in the City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon, are setting forth this declaration to set an adjusted property line between Property I and Property 2 described below, to comply with the City of Springfield Code and the provisions ofORS 92.190(4). Property 1: That property described on Bargain and Sale Deed recorded 19 April 2007 Document Number 2007- 026154, Lane County Oregon Deed Records being more particularly described as follows: Lot 10, Sperry Addition, asplatted and recorded in Book 22, Page 12, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Property 2: That property described on Warranty Deed recorded 10 September 1974 Reel 707 Reception Number 7439137, Lane County Oregon Deed Records being more particularly described as follows: Lot 8, Sperry Addition, as platted and recorded in Book 22, Page 12, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. Property Line Adjustment: Following this property line adjustment, the description of Property I is described as "New Property 1," and the description of Property 2 is described as "New Property 2." The adjusted line between Property 1 and Property 2, is described as "Adjusted Line." The adjustment is depicted on CSF filed in the office of the Lane County Surveyor, a reduced copy is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". New Property 1: " Lot 10, Sperry Addition, as platted and recorded in Book 22, Page 12, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF LOT 10 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Beginning at a 5/8" rod on the South line of Lot 10, Sperry Addition, said point is S89050'00"W 57.31 feet from the Southeast comer of Lot 1 0; thence NOo 13 '30"W 58.49 feet to a 5/8" rod; thence S89046'30"W 5.46 feet to the line between Lots 8 and I 0 Sperry Addition said point being referenced by a 5/8" rod; thence Soo11 '22"E 58.48 feet along the line between Lots 8 and 10 to the. Southwest comer of Lot 10; thence along the South line of Lot 10 N89050'00" E 5.50 feet to the Point of Beginning. ( : New Property 2: Lot 8, Sperry Addition, as platted and recorded in Book 22, Page 12, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO THAT PORTION OF LOT 10 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Beginning at a 518" rod on the South line of Lot 10, Sperry Addition, said point is S89050'00"W 57.31 feet from the Southeast comer of Lot I 0; thence Nool3 '30"W 58.49 feet to a 5/8" rod; thence ,'. S89046'30"W 5.46 feello the line between Lots 8 and I O.Sperry Addition said point being referenced by a 5/8" rod; thence Soo11 '22"E 58.48 feet along the line between Lots 8 and 10 to the Southwest comer of Lot 10; thence along the South line of Lot 10 N89050;00" E 5.50 feet to the Point of Beginning. Couveyauce: By acknowledging this document Brett G. and Laura K. Gesh, Grantors, do hereby convey all rights, title and interest to Charles F. Wafford, Grantee, to that property described as follows located in the City of Springfield, County of Lane, State of Oregon, free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein, to wit: Date Received: After Recording Return To: EGR & Associates, Inc. 2535 B Prairie Rd. Eugene, OR 97402 APR 2 9 2009 Until a change is requested, all tax statements are to be sent to: Property 1 - No Change Property 2 - No Change Original Submittal Consideration is Other PLA 6153.09"0056 Page 1 of1. . 'lo... , THAT PORTION OF LOT 10 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Beginning at a 5/8" rod on the South line of Lot 10, Sperry Addition, said point is S89050'00"W 57.31 feet from the Southeast corner of Lot 10; thence NooI3'30"W 58.49 feet to a 5/8" rod; thence S89046'30"W 5.46 feet to the line between Lots 8 and 10 Sperry Addition said point being referenced by a 5/8" rod; thence Soo11 '22"E 58.48 feet along the line between Lots 8 and 1 0 to the Southwest corner of Lot 1 0; thence along the South line of Lot 10 N89050'00" E 5.50 feet to the Point of Beginning. Adjusted Line: Beginning at a 5/8" rod on the South line of Lot 10, Sperry Addition, said point is S89050'00"W 57.31 feet from the southeast corner of Lot 10; thence Noo13'30"W 58.49 feet to a 5/8" rod; thence S89046'30"W 5.46 feet to the line between Lots 8 and 10 Sperry Addition said point being referenced by a 5/8" rod. Said Line is as surveyed in CSF filed in the office ofthe Lane County Surveyor. In witness whereof, the undersigned has caused this instrument to be executed this _ day of 2009. Brett G. Gesh Charles F . Wafford Laura K. Gesh This adjustment is subject to and excepts any rights of the public in' streets, roads and highways. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED INORS 92.010 OR 215.010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LA WSUITS AGAINST FARMiNG OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY,UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007. State of Oregon) County of Lane) This instrument was acknowledged before me on this and Laura K: Gesh. day of . 2009, by Brett G. .. ~~ Q~ Notary Public My commission expires: State of Oregon) County of Lane) This instrument was acknowledged before me on this Wafford. day of ,2009, by Charles F. Notary Public My commission expires: Date Received: APR 2 9 2009 Original Submittal PLA 611;.08.01;8 Page 2 of2