HomeMy WebLinkAboutAIS PWT 4/23/2009 . , .\ j Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: : Staff Contact: StaffPbone No: Estimated TIme: AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: JulY2,,1'200if(8 , Regular Meetin Public Wor Ken V oge 736-7124 ' COIlSent Calendar CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF LANDS FOR PUBLIC ROADWAYS: MARTIN LUTHER KING,.JR; P ARKWA Y, PROJECT P20208 The Council is requested to consider and adopt/not adopt the following resolution: A RESOLUUON INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE cm OF SPRINGFIELD PURSUANT TO SECTION 5.7 OF 'mE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE. Annexation of lands associated with the Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway, is one of the firm! steps in completing the new arterial link and assuming responsibility from Lane County: This includes all future maintenance and legal jurisdiction within the rights of way. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: Council Briefing Memorandum DISCUSSION! , FINANCIAL IMPACT: Attachment B: Resolution I , Annexation transfers legal jurisdiction within the rights of way and public property to the City of Springfield and allows the City of Springfield Police Department to investigate and track accident reports. Also, any citations issued would be processed , . through MuniciPal Court rather than Lane County Court. The annexation of the rights-of-way for this project may create islands of un- annC>led County land within the City limits. Tne City has no recent history of unilateral annexations and there are no plaIIS for unilaterally annexing any of that territory, but State law gives the CitY the authority to do so. " With the exception of public staff time dedicated to the annexation process, there are no other significant financial impacts associated with the initiation by Council ' Resolution. ' If initialed, the proposed annexation ordinance would be scheduled to come before the City Council at a public hearing on or abont October 6, 2008. A second' reading and adoption of a proposed ordinance annexing the subject area could occur on or abont November 3, 2008. Date Received: APR 2 3 2009 Original Submittal ,) MEMORANDUM Tn: Gino Grimaldi, City Manager From: Susie Smith, Public Works Director Ken Vogeney, City Engineer V.... Jeff Paschall, Supervising Civil Engineer Date:' July 15,2008 Subject: Annexation of Lands for Public Roads: Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway City ofSprinefield COUNCll. BRllit< ll'iG MEMORANDUM ISSUE The City Manager requests City Council authority to sign the application for annexation for. lands associated with the Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway, as a part of completing the new arterial link and assuming responsibility from Lane County, 'BACKGROUND In Febrwuy 2003, the City of Springfield and Lane County executed an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) for the use of Lane County Community Develvl'=~a; Road Improvement Assistance Program (CAP) funds to design and Constrnctthe Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway. In this agreement, it is sta1ed that the project roadways Will be City streets and that the City \1oill be responsible for maintenance. In order for the City to assume maintenance responsibility the City and Coumy agreed the ,streets would become City right-of-way and be annexed into the City limits. Much of the MLK Jr. Parkway right of way is within City limits, through annexations associated with the PeaceHealth RiverBend project; however, over half still needs annexation. In addition, there are segments of Pioneer Parkway East and West, Hayden Bridge Way at the J;(lundabout and a small portion of the Beltline!Game Farm Road intei-section that the City Engineer and County Engineer have ,agreed should also be transferred, for a total annexation of 11.34 acres. , pISCUSSION Properties l',vl'V~ed for annexation are limited to street right-of-way and City-owned lands only. There are no privately owned lands proposed for annexation with this action. A..u...~"",";on of these lands may create islands of un-annexed County lands within City limits. State law gives the City the authority to forcibly annex lands in islilnd within the city limits . without the request or <;onsent of the affected l"Vl'~';) owners. The City of Springfield has no plans at this time to forcibly annex these islaDd areas, and has not exercised the authority to do so in the recent past. It is likely the creation of these islands may cause some concem among l"Vl'P';)' owners within the islands. City staff intends to send letters to property Ann=ticm qfLandsj'" Publtdloads: MtzrtJn Luther King. Jr. PtIT....'" Attaclunent A . Page 1 of 4 foge 1 0/4 Date Received: APR 2 3 2009 Original submittal owners within the new islands to explain the City's intention not to anneX these, lands without a request from property owners, or to comply with statutory requirements concerning development of land or providing public wastewater service in the event off ailed septic systems. The letter would also confirm for these property owners that this annexation action is strictly to create ownership and maintenance consistency with the neW City 'streets. Figure I shows the islands that will be created by the proposed annexation. Attachment A Page 2 of 4 Page 2 014 Date Received: AnnaatiDn ofiANlsfor Pub/it: Roods: Martin Lull..- King. Jr, Parkway APR 2 3 2009 Original Submitte>1 " Figure 1 - Map of proposed annexation and islands created .--'~-"'-" --:---!["\ ~~~';..:l ,.....;...:.=;;;;':.:.;::-:-:::: .....{"' ~ 'c . f..,.f->'~. ' 'lj\\l,\l,'\'__ ~ ._~---~\ . l' ~~~~ "'l , .-....,"t- ru" \ \ i\ ~ . '\r...........'. --'-_...._____"'... ~ W'I_...~ , \ - ....-~! ~..,.. _[:,~J..,_r~.' ,. ..,~\.\ , ,." ~' , 'L I J-:U~ ~ '\' ~---_w -.! _ -i~ ,. . I I -, ,;",', ,- ..-..., "'-r'~' _l<.~~ \~., " ) I t"'~1~._"::'"".-.}..1-'~.....,~. ! "', .. ~4.~Zr.~1 ~,., J .<; .~ " ...,,'~~,...:.:~,. 1."r-.., : j' \ ...J.......~_~_ . ~.r'litF.~''1 ~--1 '. '~i, 1 '. --.. ~ I i ! t' Martin Luther Kin! :v", Ir,_" " ~. ;1 iI'" .~l'.. , '-fi '1' rlt , .li'; -- " 'I! f ; .', : ! ;i \\.:~ .. ~ .{~ :.,:~.J :,-~..t lJ!J-c;r~ ! ~,~,...tt:.: . -tV"':,:",,- ;;:"ti.~': v Oc. J -"i.~\.J A",/'" ~ ..:,., 'p,i(::f - ~~,_',,~ . 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'-;' f'. ~ Pitmccr Parkway ;< ! ~-~;.t-f'I""',..i .-.--..1<-"> I ;/!.:.-< I ,""""'-'~ ',--I~ :....JI" fN....,..~' ~..-r..:::::::i.7': oJ. ':.:!J"f'"' l~~ :-"'- _. t .'.," ':,:,',-_~"",',~~,,-,,,"'~',lC_:;,,,,.' ,,...=--'!,;'.....;-..,;....-1', t. -......,""... ':"' ~ ~. i-:~f::~ f --; ~ . r If..oj......,.;, .-..".....~ :":?..... ..,;.,."-.,...,,......J-:1L!:"'? . i ! ......01- .!.l....L.lj~!.;' ~J.i.!.TI1:mn~11T-r'.~ ......,... ~ J.~~. '1 I '~-V:==- . ..n -~ Arm=1ion r!f Londsjm Public Roads: Mqrlin W!u:r .lUng, Jr. pam.., Attachment A Page j of 4 Proposed - Am\exation Aoea - Island Creation he3 '~ Pagd qf 4 Date Received: APR 2 3 2009 Original Submittal FINANCIAL IMPACT " With the exception of public staff time dedicated to the annexation process, there are no other significant financial impacts associated with the initiation by Council Resolution. COUNCIL ACTION REOUESTED The City COlIDcil is requested to grant the City Manager authority to sign the annexation application. A_ion of l.DniJsfrN Public Roods: Marlin Luther King, Jr, P"''''''''J' Attachment A ' Page 4 of 4 PDg< 40f4 Date Received: APR 2. 3 2009 Original Submittal RESOLUTION NO . A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CI1Y OF SPRINGFIELD PURSUAN,T TO SECTION 5.7 OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE. WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by Sec!ion 5.7-125 of the Springfield Development Code to initiate annexation of contiguous property to the City Limits of Springfield, and WHEREAS, the property to be annexed is publicly owned property and rights of way of the State of Oregon, and WHEREAS, the territory to be annexed is within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, is contiguous to the City of Springfield arid can be provided with a full range of key urban services including sanitary sewer, water, stonn drainage, polica and fire protection, electrical service, land use contr9ls, street lights ,and paved streets, recreational facilities arid library. WHEREAS, annexation procedures shall be initiated and followed in accordance with the public notica and hearing process, criteria of approval and ordinance adoption procedures contained in Springfield Development Code Section 5.7- Annexations." " NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: . Section 1:: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby announce its intention to conduct public hearings to consider annexation of territory generally described as publicly owned rights of way and pUblic property located between existing City limits at the projected intersection of "T' Street with Pioneer Parkway to the intersection of Game Fann Road with Mallard Avenue as generally depicted on the attachments Exhibits 1 and,2. Section 2. This Resolution sliall become effective upon ,its adoption by the Coundl and approval by' the Mayor. ' . ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this _ day of 2008, by a vote of _for and, _against ' APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this _ day of July, 2008. Mayor ATTEST: City Recorder i!E\llEWHl & APPROVED AS TO fOf1M. . \_""..) \..1!p.'I."'"1 DATE: -, \,~ 1 !"\~ OFFICE OF CI'rY AnbRNEY Date Received: APR2 3 2009 Original Submittal .;;;~:23B~dJnO ORIGINAl MLK Annexation Description Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot II' of Buena Vista, FIrst Addition, filed and recorded in Book 20, Page, 25, Plat Records of Lane County Oregon. 'Thence South Sso 06' 40" East a distance of 26.54 feet along the Northerly line of said Buena Vista to the current Easterly right of way line of Martin LUther King Jr. Parkway. Thence along the said Easterly right of way the following 5 courses; I) South 120 13' 50" East a distance of 1745.70 feet, more or less to a poi'nt of curvature; 2) Thence with a non tangent curve turning to the left, with an arc length of 259.S9 feet, with a radius of 1487.00 feet, willi a chord bearing of South 190 20' 20" East, with a' chord length of 259.56 feet, to a point; 3) Thence South 43022' 54" East a distance of 21.03 feet; 4) Thence South 270 53' 20~' East a distance of 68.54 feet; 5) Thence North 720 39' 32" East a distance of 22.45 feet to'a point on tbe Westerly right of way of Wayside Lane; . Thence South Sso 06' 50" East a distance of 60.00 feet across Wayside Lane to a point on the Easterly right of way; Thence South 01 ~ 53' 10" West a distance of 100.08 feet along the said Westerly right of way to a point of curvature; Thence with a non tangent curve turning to the left, with an arc length of3 1.22 feet, with a radius of 61.00 feet, with a chord bearing of South 63034' 32' East, with a chord length Of 30.88 feet to a point on the Northerly right of way of Hayden Bridge Way; Thence along the Northerly right of way of Hayden Bridge Way South 880 OS' 23" East a distance of 12.06 feet; , Thence leaving the Northerly rightof way along the match line of the concret~-asphalt joint in Hayden Bridge Way South 01054' 37" West a distance of 83,78 feet to a point on the Southerly right of way of Hayden Bridge Way; Thence along the Southerly right of way of Hayden Bridge Way North 890 40' 34" West a distance of 7.96 feet; , .Il.A.l:1U>lT A Legal Description Page 1 of 4 Date Received: APR 2 3 2009 Original Submittal ORIGINAL ~r"~~iJtif~"L()li1l1l Thence Leaving the Southerly Hayden Bridge Way right of way and along the Easterly right of way of Pioneer Parkway, which is also the Westerly line of Grovedale, as platted' and Recorded in Book 18, Page 25, plat records of Lane County, Oregon, South 020OQ'35" West a distance of 317.93 Feet; Thence leaving plat boundary and continuing along the Easterly right of way of Pioneer Parkway South 120 13' 50" East a distance of79.47 feet; to the intersection with the North line of Lot 6 of above said Grovedale which is the current City Limits line, Thence along the existing city limits line the following courses: l) Thence along the now vacated North line of Lot 6 of Grovedale North 880 05' 23" West a distance .of 19.55 feet to the .former Northwest corner thereof, , ' ' 2) Thence along thellQW vacated Westerly boundaiy of ',said Grovedate SoutJ;1 020 ()()' 35" West a distance of 166.84 feet to a point of interseCtion with the now vacated Westerly right of way of Third Street which is was also the Easterly right of Vfay ofthe now vacated SoutherIi Pacific Railroad line; 3) Thence continuing along the last said right of way South 12. I 3'50" East a distance of 935.87 feet}o a angle point in the city limits; 4)Thence leaving the laSt said right of way and across Pioneer Parl::way rightiof way along the city limits line, North 880 IS' 24" West a distance of 113.35 feet to a point on the Westerly right of way of Pioneer Parkway; Thence along the Westerly right of way of Pio~eer Parkway North 120 13' 50':' weSt a distance of 1404,46 feet to a point that intersects a comer the current city limits; , , Thence along the current city limits line the following 5 courses: 1) Thence North 1Z. 18' 23"'West a distance of 8Z.70Jeet; 2) Thence North 49' 32' 14" West a distance of 48.31 feet; 3) Thence North 88' 05' 23" West a distance of 7.50 feet; 4) Thence North 01.54' 37" East a distance of 81.50 feet; , 5) Thence North 88' 05' 35" West a distance of Z12.64 feet to a point of intersection with the Northerly right of way of Hayden Bridge Way; Thence leaving the Northerly right of way of Hayden Bridge Way along the Westerly right of way of Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway the following 16 cours,es: I) Thence North 83' 09' 10" East a distance of 39.46 feet; Date Received: EXIUBIT A Legal Description Page 2 of 4 APR 2 3 2009 Original Submittal. ~DI~;23Br~l;: 0412 ORIGINAL 2) Thence South 880 06' 03" East a distance of 24.02 feet; 3) Thence North 820 41' 38" East a distance of 37.46 feet; 4) Thence North 77. :43' 02" East a distanCe of 61.99 feet; 5) Thence North 530 34' 34" East a distance of 20.58 feet: 6) Thence with a curve turning to the left, with an arc length of 48.77 feet, with a radius of 71.00 feet, with a chord bearing of North 520 47' 02" East, with a chord length of 48,77 feet; 7) Thence with a curve turning to the left, with an arc length of 49.56 feet, with a radius of 88.00 feet, with a chord bearing of North 160 36' 04" East: with a chord length of 48.90 feet; . 8) Thence North 00. 19' 55" East a distance of 52.87 feet; 9) Thence North 12. 13' 50" West a distance of 202.00 feet; !O) Thence f"orth ]70 18' 37" West a distance of 45.18 feet; 11) Thence North 14.55' 32" West a distance of 32.04 feet; 12) Thence North 01. 13' 58" East a distance of 23.65 feet; 13) Thence North 120 13' 50" West a distance of 1601.16 feet; 14) Thence North 14008' 23" West a distance of 90.05 feet; 15) Thence North 210 18' 09" West a distance of 12.11 feet; 16) Thence North 1303 l' 25" West a distance of 9.98 feet to a point of intersection with the Southwesterly boundary of the ahandoned Southern Pacific Railroad right of way; Thence leaving the Westerly right of way of Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway and along the said abandon railroad right' of way, with a curve turning to the left, with an arc length of 274.32 feet, with a radius of 925.04 feet, with a chord bearing of North 31034' 37" West, with a chord length of 273.31 feet; Thence North 400 07' 36" weSt a distance of i 75.36 feet to a point on the Easterly right of way of Game Farm Road; Thence North 020 25'01" West a distance of 98.28 feet along the Easterly right of way of Game Farm Road to a point where the right of way makes a jog; EXHIBIT A Legal.Description Page 3 of 4 Date Received: APR 2 3 2009 Original submittal ~m;238f~.i0413 ORIGINAL Thence continuing along the Easterly Game Farm Road Right of way South 390 51' 38" East a distance of 24.10 feel to a point where the right of way intersect the Northerly line of the above said abandoned railroad right of way; Thence leaving the Easterly line of Game Farm Road and along the Northerly line of the above said abandon rail road right of way, South 400 07' 36" East a distance of 229.01 foot; , Thence with a curVe turning to the right, with an arc length of 330.43 foot, with a radius of 985.04 foot, with a chord bearing of South 300 27' 57" East, with a chord length,of 328.88 feet to the point of beginning. And also including: Beginning at a point on the easterly right-of-way line of Game Farm Road whjch bears North 88052'20" East a distance of 65.00 foot, North 1007'40" West a distance of 28.99 feet and North 2024'44" West a distance of 286.56 feet from the northeast comer of Lot II of ZachlU)'Place as platted and recorded in Book 75 at Pages 852 thru 854 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence northerly along said right-of-way line, ohilrying width, a distance of 172 feet, more or less, to the projection of the north right,.of-way line of Beltline Road; thence, leaving said risht-of-way along said projected line westerly a distance of 55 feet, more or less, to the westerly right-of-way of Game Farm Road; , thence, leaving said projected line along said westerly right-of-way southerly a distance of 176 feet, more or less, to a point which lays on the same line, when measured perpendicular to the centerline of Game Farm Road, as the point of beginning; thence, leaving said westerly right-of-way North 87"35' 16" East a distance of 50 feet, ,more or less, to the point of beginning. " P:'ll3OCHlOHI7'S\JRVEY'MLKAmeool1ion Descripllon.<llc Date Received: EXHIBIT A Legal Description Page <I of <I APR 2 3 2009 Original Submittal ,- ORIGINAL CitY of Springfield MLK ParkwavAnnexatlon o",..2:lo~...nlllJll Dtit::\ .Un."'~l.~ ~ April 6, 2007 r-...... .. -----.-- ,. ' -.'.,\1': /', '_I .C.L:....... ~ . \v.... '( , (' , t.. ;. ~. ......;.... ",.:1'1 '~ \~ \ ,,;Qt, Annexation Area I----....J.y I ' I ~ I ! i_ i~ 1S , i r ~ VOUTH "" -tLO\'IlIU.lI'.l. ""'\,.-IL r ... \(. '~~ AD 5 -c;i ft J ~~'d' "ll'l ~_ I; i.......' ...... UH!W.l -.~ 1;, \.. ICO""I~DI\ ;-. I Jl.AtIt...,.. Date Received: EXHIBIT B ANNEXA710N MAP APR 2 3 2009 . Original Submittal ~ BAlZHISER & HUBBARD ENGINEERS PAGE 3 ;-tC;,?-::l~ .;t.:04G~ p,...,N_.D.... BEFORE THE BOARD OF CVlm 1 i COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON ORIGINAL IN THE MAmR OF ACCEPTING A DEED OF LAND TO ) BE USED AS PUBUC AND COUNTY ROAD EASEMENT ) (CO. RD. NO. 2151, THIRD ST., AKA PIONEER PARKWAY ) EAST) AND AUTHORIZING COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S ) CONSENT TO ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY TO THE CITY ) OF SPRINGFIELD (MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. . ) PARKWAY AND THIRD ST.) (17-03-22 & 27) ) ORDER NO. ' 07..6"z7~lO THIS MATTER now coming before the Board of, County Commissioners of Lane County, and the Board deeming it to be in the best interest of Lane County and the ,public to dedicate a porOon of that certain tract of land conveyed to Lane County by warranty deed recorded November 5', 1973 on Reel 663, Recorder's Reception Number 7350074, Lane County, Oregon Deed Records; and . .' I ) . WHEREAS, the Lane County Board of Commissioners have been provided a good and sufficient deed forever dedicating a porOon, of the land for public road purposes and expressly as a portion of , County Road Number 2151 (Pioneer Parkway East, originally established as Third Street), and the Board of County Commissioners of Lane County deeming it proper, as a convenience 'for property owners in the area and as a benefilto the general public, to accept said deed for a public road easement; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Lane County also deem it to be in the best interest of Lane County and the pubic to authorize Lane County Administrator's consent to the annexation of property described in the petition for annexation attached hereto and made a part hereof by this Order; and NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the said deed shall be and is hereby accepted by the Board of County Commissioners of Lane County as a public road easement; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the right of way described in said deed is expressly accepted as a porOon of County Road Number 2151 (Pioneer Parkway East, originally established as Third Street) by this Order; and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that authorization is hereby given to the County Administrator to sign said petition for annexation on behalf of Lane County; and . IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Order shall be entered in the records of the Board of County Commissioners' Journal of Administration and in the corresponding road records files of the County Surveyor's Office: and IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the deed and the petition for annexation be recorded In the Deed Records of the County and the Document Numbers be noted on this Order. APR 2 3 2009 ....L~U JUlU 2007 ~_eLIRK .. ' .j DATED this 27th day of June ,2007. Date Received: ORDER ACCEPTING DEED FOR COUNTY ROAD NO 2151 (Th'Qrs~etrpl~~;.E"lll AND AUTHORIZING CONSENT TO ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY (MBI1ln Luther King. Jr, Per1tw.>y and Thlnl Slreet) , _ H:\SurveylAGENDAIDEDICATNICORDIThinlSlreet-ord.cloc fjrr) BM~238f~i:t 0405, BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMlSSIONERS ,OF LANE COUNTY, OREGON '; ORIGINAl. Approved ,1.wlO I ..2007. LANE COUNTY BOARD OF ' COMMISSIONERS By ~.. 2r J- Chair ' , DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVfSlON APPROVED AS TO FORM , Pale {' - /Y-<1' 7/ane<ounty ~.$~ OFfICE OF LEGAL COlINSa. (Deed), Lane County, Oregon Deed Records. (Petition for Annexation). Lane County, Oregon Deed Records. Document Number ;?dd 1-l(t;"?v(, Document NU~ber ;;00 1- %31((, Attavt"I,Ql'~':'. Dedication with Dedication Map Attachment "A" Petition for Annexation including legal description and Annexation Map Exhibit "a" Date Received: APR 2 3 2009 Original Submittal ORDER ACCEPTING DEED FOR COUNTY ROAD NO 2151 (ThIrd stroat [PIon.... parkwaY East]) AND AUTIiORlZlNG CONSENT TO ANNEXATION OF PR......<=, , (MarlIn LulherKing, Jr, Parkway and Thinl ~t) , , H:\Survey\AGENOA\DEDICA TNlCORD\ThIrdstreet-Ord.doe (jrr) ... .,,')i8,,~,-0.405 ~1....\',.,.;U ~-",,:. lrf: ORIGINAL After Recording Return to, and Send tax statements to: Lane County Public Works Right of Way Management Section 3040 N. Delta Highway Eugene, Oreg,?n 97408 Division of Chief Deputy Cle~k Lane County Deeds and Rec....ds 2001-040345 ,IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ 1111111111111111111 ~I $10.00 00921850200700453460090090071021200703:17:02 PM RPR-ESPlTCO Cnt:1 Sln::5 CASHIEROa $10.00 DEDICATION OF A PUBUC ROAD EASEMENT LANE COUNTY, a poHtical subdivision of the State of Oregon, GRANTOR, grants and dedicates to the PUBLIC for public and County Road purposes, and expressly as a ,M ~v,' of County Road Number 2151 (Pioneer Parkway East, originally estabfished as Third SITeet), a public road easement on and over the following described properly: . A parcel of land lying in the Southeast one-quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 22 and the Northeast one- quarter (NE JI4) of Section 27, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, of the WilIamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, and being a portion of that tract of land conveyed to LANE COUNTY, a political subdivision ofthe State of Oregon, by that certain deed recorded November 5, 1973, on Reel 663, ~rder's Reception Number 7350074, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS, said parcel being described as follows: 'Beginning at a point Which is the intersection of the Easterly right of way of the Southem Pacific Company's Harrisburg Branch and the North line of 1I1e Jacob Halstead Donation land Claim No. 47 in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian and running thence South 89'SO' East 150,0 feet along said North line; thence South 0'11' West 591.3 feet to a point in the Easterly right 'of way of said Railroad; thence Noith 13'56' West 609.65 feet to the point of beginning, said point of beginning being 3187.95 feet North and 3102.8 feet West of the Southeast.,comer of said Donation Land Claim, containing 1.0 acres, more of less, in Lane County, Oregon", except that portion lying within the right of way of County Road Number 667 (Hayden Bridge Way), also except that portion lying within the right of way of County Road Number 2151 (Pioneer Parkway East, which was established as Third Street). The bearings used herein are based on that certain deed recorded November 5, 1973, on Reel 663, Recorder's Reception Number 7350074, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS. It is the intent of the GRANTOR to dedicate all of the above tract of land lying outside the existing right of way lines of County Road Number 667 (Hayden Bridge Way) and County Road Number 2151 (Pioneer Parkway East, which was established as ThifdStreel). Said parcel being forever dedicated to the use of the public for road pui-poses, and granting a public road easement, and expressly as a portion of County Road Number 2151 (Pioneer Parkway East, originany established as Third Street). ' There is no consideration for this dedication.. Dated this ;; 7 -fh day of :1U\.L- ;f;/ d_ Commissioner - ;'- -4" ..it)' Cori1mi~sioner Date Received: DEDICAllON: Thin! Street(Pioiteer Parltw3yEast) (Co.Rd, No. 2151) Page' 012 H:\SurveylAGENDAIOEDICA TNlCORD\Thin!StreeHlad,doc (Jrr) APR 2 3 2009 Original Submittal Id./t~ Commissioner tr")(23Sr~c(0407 , , ORIGINAL Commissioner Commissioner STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Lane ) ,On ~?-'"1 ~ (/~JI-II..;:{ , 2007 ,personaUyappeared the abo~medf1ttt<f.. ,', '. , 6ru ~f:./V , 'Mt.LI/f)rj ;:-1Xe.A..../J!L I and , County Commissioners of Lane County, Oregon who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be a voluntary ael before me. . O^';-IC!ALSEAl.. ' W-W$SA fit ZIMMER ..~,. N&~M~~~N MY COI,lMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 8, 2010 1mtJ/':1::W I t1':)/1 : Notar!~~rOreg6n '0 My Commission Expires: QL//J'. q, 2?J f 0 I DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION ' ,. . , Approved, Jt.loll> r , 20.2:L By/t. A~~. ~staip'~ Division Manager , The Board of Commissioners hereby accepts this dedication as described herein and approves it for recording. LANE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS B)": --P Y.:t::.J- '""'f Faye Stewart, Chair ' Lane County Board of Commissioners Date Received: APR 2 3 2009 J DEDICATION: ThIrd Street (pioneer Parkway East) (Co.Rd. No.2151) Page 2 of 2 H;\S1Jrvey.AGENOA\DEDICATN\COROm~,.;;,."...oed.doc Off) Original Submittal " ."];rlO,,..OA08 .... ..."..,:t1:.J:-...~:;. ":t ~,. DEDICATION MAP-ATTACHMENT A ORIGINAL SE Yo SECTlON 22, NE Yo SECTION 77, TI7S, R3W, W.M, LANE COUNTY, OREGON . ]{ . ,\ \ \ \ I \ \ I I \\ '?~JZ-4I4~ ':r~... i r I'~-lt.""" .-~..""'-..." "'~........ . r----- . ~ , ~ I ~ ~.,.._,iI).f4"~, i '?~Jl:1*>> -.- --- Clxmtr 0wMdl.c1t<h 10 btI ~t~<<rd~1d n(f~1Iood, , "~II__ _L...........I.'+- --- , VICINITY MAP \ \ \ \ ])]j;~~~::]j;/) \ \ (~~"'Jt_ _.I. 4' d..-""""'- --- \ I \ Page 3 of 3 DEDICATION 1196-010 Third Street (Co Rd No 215 I) - jes . 512112007 17'{)3-22-4 ' Date Received: - APR 2 3 2009 Onginal Submitt"" t{)-;:~238f~.;[0409 ORIGINAL FORM tti PETITION ANNEXATION TO 1HE CITY OF SPRINGRELD TO: LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION' We, the unders,igned, constitute the owners of at least one-half of the land area of the ~'''t'Q,;i described in the attachment marked "Exhibn A" l!!:!Q , , Larie CoUnty hereby consents to the annexation of the property descnbed in the attachment marked "Exhlbn A" to ihe City of Springfield. A map is attached marked "Exhibit a", showing the a1fected territory and its relationship to the present city limn boundaries. The annexation constitutes a: minor boundary change under the Boundary Commission Act and should therefore be considered by the Boundary Commission and, after study, a Final Order should be entered by the Boundary Commission. Lane County, b~ and through its Board 01 C_..... .:"..;_ners ay r , (t!~//~J' . ' William A. Van Vactor, County Administrator Date , 7/:;2?.0 7 By Date By. Date " By . Date MAP# 17-03-22-41 LOT#' x 17-03-27-11 Tl=X MAP# __j?~-22-M LOT# x 17-O3-2$-22 TI.=X MAP#' ' 17-03-22-00 LOT#' 3200 & 3300 " With the above signature, I am verifylngthat I have the authority to Consent to the annexation on . my own behalf or on behalf of my firm, agency or trust. " ..' " Date Received: APR 2 3 2009 Original Submittal '~r.GK2..1BI'~;;rJ}1l0 ORIGINAl. MLK Annexation Description Beginning at the Nortbwest comer of Lot 11 of Buena Vista, First Addition, filed and recorded in Book 20, Page 25, Plat Records of Lane County Oregon. Thence South 880 06' 40" East a distance of 26.54 feet along the Northerly line of said Buena Vista to the current Easterly right of way line of Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway. Thence along the said Easterlyrigbt of way the following 5 courses: I) South 120 13' 50" East a distance of 1745.70 feet, more or less to a point of curvature; 2) Thence with a non tangent CUrve turning lathe left, with an arc length of 259.89 feet, with a radius of 1487.00 feet, witha chord bearing of South 19020' 20" East"with a' chord length of259.56 feet, to a point; 3) Thence South 430 22' 54" East a distance of 21.03 feet; . 4) Thence South 27" 53' 20" East a distance of 68.54 feet; - 5) Thence North 720 39'32" East a distance of 22.45 feet to a point on the Westerly right of waYof Wayside Lane; Thence South 88" 06' 50" East a distance of 60.00 feet across Wayside Lane to a point on the Easterly right of way; ThenCe South Ol~ 53' 10" West a distance of 100.08 feet along the said Westerly right of way to a point of curvature; .. Thence with a non tangent curve. turning to the left, with an arc length of 3 1.22 feet, with a radius of 61.00 feet, with a chord bearing of South 630 34' 32" East, with a chord length , , Of 30.88 feet to a point on the Northerly right of way of Hayden Bridge Way; Thence along the Northerly right of way of Hayden Bridge Way South 88" 05' 23" East a distance of 12.06 feet; , Thence leaving the Northerly right of way along the match line of the concrete-asphalt joint in Hayden Bridge Way South 01054' 37" West a distance of 83.78 feet to a point on the Southerly right of way of Hayden Bridge Way; Thence along the Southerly right of way of Hayden Bridge Way North 89" 40' 34" West a'distance of 7.96 feet; .l!.Al:1WIT A Legal Description Page 1 of 4 . Date Received: '_ APR 2 32009 . Original submittal ORIGINAl ~r",~iJ~F~;,(}~ll1l Thence Leaving the Southerly Hayden Bridge Way right of way and along the Easterly right of way of Pioneer Parkway, which is also the Westerly line of GrovedaJe, as platted ' and Recorded in Book 18, Page 25, plat records of Lane County, Oregon, SOUth 02"OQ'35" West a distance of 317.93 Feet; Thence leaving plat boundary and continuing along the Easterly right of way of Pioneer Parkway South 12" 13' 50" East a distance of 79.47 feet; to the intersection with the North line of Lot 6 of above said Grovedale which is the 'current City Limits line, . Thence along the existing city limits line the following courses: I) Thence along the now vl1Cilted North line of Lot 6 of Grovedale North 88" OS' 23" West a distance ,of 19.55 feet to the former NorthweSt corner thereof, 2) Thence along the, now vacated Westerly boundary' of ',said Grovedale South 02" 00' 35" West a distance of 166.84 feet to a pOint of interseCtion with the now vacated Westerly right of way of Third Street which is was also the Easterly right of way of the now vacated Southern Pacific Railroad line; 3) Thence continuing along the Jast said right of way South 12" 13'50" East adistaDCe of 935.87 feet ~o a angle point in the city limits; 4) Thence leaving the laSt said right of way and across Pioneer Parkway right of way along the city limits line, North 88" IS' 24" West a distance of 113.35 feet,to a point on the Westerly right of way of Pioneer Parkway; Thence along the Westerly right of way of Pioneer Parkway Norrh 12" 13' 50" West a distance of 1404.46 feet to a point that intersects a comer the current city limits; Thence along the current city limits line the following 5 courses: 1) Thence North 12" 18' 23" West a distance of 82.70 feet; 2) Thence North 49032' 14" West a distanceof48.31 feet: 3) Thence North 88" 05' 23" West a distance of7.50 feet; 4) Thence North 01" 54' 37" East a distance of 81.50 feet; '5) Thence North 88" 05' 35" West a distance of 212.64 feet to a point of intersection with the Northerly right of way of Hayden Bridge Way; . Thence leaving the Northerly right of way of Hayden Bridge Way along the Westerly right of way of Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway the following 16 courses: I) Thence North 830 09' 10" East a distance of 39.46 feet; , EXHIBIT A Legal Description Page 2 of 4 Date Received: APR 2 3 2009 Original SubmittaL..._......,...._. ~nG!~238F~d}412 ORIGINAL 2) Thence South 880 06' 03" East a distance of 24.02 feet; . 3) Thence North 820 41' 38" East a distance of 37.46 feet; 4) Thence North 77' 23' 02" East a distance of 61.99 feet; 5) Thence North 530 34' 34" East a distance of 20:58 feet: 6) Thence with a curve turning to the left, with an arc length of 48.77 feet, with a radius of 71.00 feet, with a chord bearing of North 520 47' 02" East, with a chord length of 48,77 feet; 7) Thence with a curve turning to the left, with an arc length of 49.56 feet, with a radius of 88.00 feet; with a chord bearing of North 16' 36' 04" East,' with a chord length of , 48.90 feet; , 8) Thence North 00' 19' :55" East a dis'tance of:52.87 feet; 9) Thence North 120 13' 50" West a distance of 202.00 feet; 10) Thence !'Iorth 170 18' 37" West a distance of 45.18 feet; 11) Thence North 14055' 32" West a distance of 32.04 feet; 12) Thence North 01' 13' 58" East a distance of 23.65 feet; 13) Thence North 12' 13' 50" West a distallce of 1601.16 feet; 14) Thence North 14' 08'23" West a distance of 90.05 feet; 15) Thence North 21' 18' 09" West a distance of 12.1 I feet; 16) Thence North 13' 31' 25" West a distance of 9.98 feet to a point of intersection with the Southwesterly boundary of the abandoned Southern Pacific Railroad rightof way; Thence leaving the Westerly right of way of Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway and along the said abandon railroad right of way, with a curve turning to the left, with an arc length of 274.32 feet; with a radius of 925.04 feet, with a chord bearing of North 31 '.34' 37" West; with a chord length of 273.31 feet; Thence North 40' 07' 36" West a distance of 175.36 feet te a point on the Easterly right of way of Game Farm Road; , Thence North 020 25'01" West a distance of 98.28 feet along the Easterly right of way of Game Farm Road to a point where the right of way makes a jog; . EXHIBIT A Legal Description Page 3 of 4 Date Received: APR 2 3 2009 Original Submittal 'in",,,238p;G,0413 ORIGINAL Thence continuing along the Easterly Game Farm Road Right of way South 39' 51' 38", East a distance of 24. 10 feet to a point where the right of way intersect the Northerly line of the above said abandoned railroad right of way; Thence leaving the Easterly line of Game Farm Road and along the Northerlyline of the above said abandon rail road right of way, South 40' 07' 36" East a distance of 229.01 feet; Thence with a curVe turning to the right, with an an: length ,of 330.43 feet, with a radius of 985.04 feet, with a chord bearing of South 30" 27' 57" East, with a chord length of 328.88 feet to the point of beginning. And also including: ) , ' ' , " .' .' . ," Begimiing at a point on the easterly right-of-way line of Game Farm Road which bears North 88052'20" East a distance of 65.00 feet, North 1007'40" West a distance of 28.99 feet and North 2024'44" West a distance of 286.56 feet from the, northeast comer of Let 11 of Zachary Place as platted and recorded in Book 75 at Pages 852 thru 854 of the Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence northerly along said right-of-way line, of varying width, a distance of 172 feet, more or less, to the projection of the north right;of-wayIine of Beltline Road; thence, leaving said right-of-way along said projected line westerly a distance of 55 feet, more or less, to the westerly right-of-way of Game Farm Road; thence, leaving said projected line along said westerly right-of-way southerly a distance of 176 feet, more or less. to a point which lays on the same line, when measured perpendicular to the centerline of Game Farm Road, as the point of beginning; thence, leaving said westerly right-of-way North 87'35' 16" East a distance of 50 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. P:lB3OO-OO1.o7lSUR~lJ(_tion Descripllon.rloc Date Received: EXHIBIT A Legal Description Page 4 of 4 APR 23 2009 Original Submittal ORlGlltAl CitY of Springfield ' MLK Parkwav'Annexation , ~~::238f!.;;l0414 April 6, 2007 --.....1..' \ :jl ~1 ~ c:~;;.--~ ~ ~., ~ ' I __,I t;' ""1m, w~, ~<nnl\'-_1. I ~! I I ~ I OlllAUCT I ~i l'---"'-_.\-~w;-~t j l!~ ~'\,.X" l I I!'! , , 1L' q~ --f'. . ,6 ~ It, ' , ! i &. '_i .'\.~' ~ -\ -- ~ < " . . \~~~ C '\ "..._1 l~1.' ~' """- Annexation Area --.l Ii ~-' e.toIll """'" llR - .~ , 115 EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION MAP Date Received: APR 2 3 2009 ~ BAlZHISER & HUBBARD ENGINEERS ".;.:_:_...t CII_~~itt~' - -- PAGE 3