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Permit Correction Notice 2009-4-29
'~"'-~lM>ji~~~m~~'l'J'v"",,"-~ ~ ''-'-'''-'--"l''I''/;/'+'~''''~"","'' ~rrlo.~l""'tf~~~~~"""'':'~~l{~''~'''''.r'f':'-''"'';o..t-v...-'' . City of Springfield 1 Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Date: L-J I 2 '11 0 9_ Job# r:. q - () /1..-/65" Address:_ ? <7 2 c;- (1)/-1;1-\ ?u'__ Inspection Type: Fr,_, A-I . \::',1 ,,=prt~, TO: '[5U:r:.Wf;1L!::J EUE.-Cfl~L It-Mf'?()f/J>r-.-'/ I::"IAJ~L I rh-AJT:C,l.I qL(')'t'n Pdo<;r__ , ,. , ~L^J /,I...{ . FAk..f . ()ft. ,)W .. AvO (")/C;::- u /; ~ /-Jq-r; i-( . TrihV c~ j-v>-c '~ If .,' t ;'.' ::" ~.'.:\:' ." .' {j ,,' . I' . . _ ;', .<,c" <'-I, '. . , :':'CO~~~cti~~S:~d' ~E!ins~~~"~;:~:~1~stih~li:'j,e:m~de ~thi~'?}';o.~"~;e;,J~r ci~Ys, '. ~' .': '):.". ' · .. '; . ~ .....Call fo'rJeit.spection mye:snNo~ i",'>Iris'pect.or.( L ,.:'\\1 .'fi)T:;':,(/1i/);"": ..' ..,' ,~Diite: '; I-l'-2 '7:-0 '1 r.:. :" . - '-' . .., .... --'~ - -,' ~ -'. ". . - - . ., ;." ~~";";~"'~~NivNNNCall'for'inspection '726-3769NNNNNN~NN~":;Questioi1s 726-3759,vNNivNNNNN ~ . .'.. .. - ".),. ;:' .;.,' /. ~ . . ,,'- -. ('. .', . '. , ", .:,". '.". .-:: ' - . ,," '. .. . ,.' "t '~"''- I ~,_'. , " 'f. . , .. ,I~'\; ~.. :,;~ _ "." ", .'1.,.. - ,,:..~ ',: '" '.;-,'..~.. ",~;.:._. ~;;,. '" .d ~_ ~:.. -'. ~~"",,"'. 1.,- ,.-' f ",i...J;,,~~:.. "...".-'..t..:. " . ':~ ",: ,,".-J' ",..~t,~' ',. .-.:. 'f -','~ ,,___P ~ ..~.;.,-.-_. :j::.;.;:..;.'.... ',.,;..).