HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Miscellaneous 2008-6-24 = -===----------:~-=- COVENj\NT _' --"--_ . ~ · scb eD19 5~ l "" -,.'""," Tamara Maahs (Please Prine) BEING THE RECORD OWNER(S) of all of the following described property located In the CitY of Springfield, or its urbanizable area, in the County of Lane, State of Oregon: See Attachment A . IN CONSIDERATION FOR the issuance of a Building Permit by the City of Springfield which allows . the owner(s) to construct. a wOl:ksho1) , hereafter, an accessory structure, on a lot . without a manufactured_ or site built home, hereafter a primary structure, if the primary structure is iocated on an abutting lot under the same ownership, record owner(s) do hereby make the fallowing . coven<lnts (for the good and safety of the public, in compliance with the Springfield Development Code ,and the building regulations of the City of Springfield), covering the above described real property, : specifying that this covenant shall constitute a limitation to.run with the land and shall be binding on : aU persons claiming under them, and that the covenants s,hall be for the benefit of present and future , owners of said real property. . BE IT HEREAFTER KNOWN and agreed that: .1. The land described 'in Attachment A which Includes 2 lots, must either hereafter be sold together without separation of the lots or portions thereof as a single unit of land so long as the accessory structure is constructed on'one lot and the primary structure is constructed .on the other lot; or 12. Prior to the .sale of the lor!; individually, the accessory structure shall be removed, or a, primary struLture shall be construct~d on the lot containing the accessory structure. ... :IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused thisi.nstrument to be executed this~L ~~ ,.. \1) n t ~ 20flf1.. .,- DiV-i~i;~-~f-Chi-ef Depuly Ci:.rk '2nno.M~Aln--- --rn n'l r>-..r 0.._ H tA.L1.1I5 Lane Counly Deeds and Records VVO V~v' V UCun~n~'-D-- 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $36,00 011058;2200800354100130037 06/24/2008 03 :31: 18 PM CASHIER 05 Owner : STATE OF OREGON) : ) ss. ! County of. Lane ) ! ON THIS .m.. day of (J I~ . 201%... personally appeared before me, a Notary ~ Public, the within named '--1/ , A l' . J7.iM o.ArPu Nt fA fL ~ S i i acknowledged the foregoing to be their voluntary act and deed. RPR-REST Cnl=l Sln=15 $15.00 $10.00 $11.00 I WITNESS my hand and seal this day and year last l~~-r~. I t Notary Public for Oregon My Commission Expires: r.t,L1. I y~ , A copy of this recorded document must be returned to the City of Sprfngfield, Development' . Services Departme1!~,_2:z!SJifth Street,_~pring~ld, OR!J74ZZ,---,_ _ ___ deed rest. ace .st/'. ~ '.- .N~~~~i~!g~gON COMMISSION NO. 425914 Mf COMMISSION EXPIRES FEB, 14, 2012 A"'TER RECORDING RETURN TO: . -rQ:,m OJ' C\.. tvt ~ 5 ,30 5511-) 7lQ[L ~p';n.')h'eld, OR C(7478 . W'.'_'''.~ ;,:',~: .' :;:./" r EL T - 48072 Page 1 of 1 Legal Description , VO-ruA If I J f\CHME;N\ It ,. I . A parcel ofland located in the Northeast Y. of Section 33,Township 17 South, Range 2 West ~f the Willamette Meridian, and being a portion of Lot 6, JOHN WAY, as platted and recorded in File 73, Slide 233, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast comer of Lot 6, JOHN WAY, as platted and recorded in File 73, Slide 233, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence South 00 12' 34" West 273.99 to the Southeast comer of said Lot 6; thence South 890 59' 34" West 50.60 feet to the Southwest comer of said Lot 6; thence Northwesterly 115.18 feet along the West line of said Lot 6 along the arc of a 1999.86 foot radius curve left (the chord of which bears North 250 01' 08" West 115.17) to the most Westerly comer of said Lot 6; thence South 890 47' 26" East 79.69 feet to the Southeast comer of Lot 5, JOHN WAY, as platted and recorded in File 73, Slide 233, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence South 890 47' 26" East 7.00 feet; thence North 00 12' 34" East 170.00 feet to a point on,the North line of said Lot 6; thence South 890 47' 26" East 13.00 feet to the.Point of Beginning, all in Lime County, Oregon. t' I/evl Cv'I' :A WARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM . . (INDIVIDUAL GRANTOR) .. . Tamara M~ah2 ~ ~ho acg:&~,g~Lrl!1.~L-'HL~g.mqn___.egg.I:!L~nIL -...----..-. --,......".-- "'-0:-.-..,..- ,~..~....' '. ", ----..,----7-:""' .." .;" " ," ..... conveys and wariants to -'l'-a.mal:'a-Maahs":'--,- . .;.-----_. ~_______________...,___, Grantee,. I the following described real property free of.encumbrances, except as specifically set forth herein, situated in ---.Lal"":' County. Oregon, to-wit:. Lot 41, First .Addition to Picanut, as platted and recorded in file 72, slide 47, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon; which has the address of 730 55th Place, Springfield; OR 97478. ~---_____. Grantor, ,I (IF SPACE INSUFFICIENT. CONTINUE CeSCRIPTION ON REVERSE) The propeny is free from encumbrances, except (if none, so state): The true consideration for this conv~yance is $t{Jes~W----' (Here, comply with the requirements of ORS 93.030.) --. .---- DATED --".::!.:..lD_=-0.5._ -.. ----. .. ~ ...rr\ ^ '" '^ _ THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT AlLOW, USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN __ _ ~.__J"l_Ju..(,Cl_lJ.' THIS INSTRUMENIIN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND US.E LAWS AND REGU:bBahs, who a cgu ired tit 1 e as LATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THI.S INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON Tamara Beramann ACOUlRING FEE TITlE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD eHECK WITH THE APPRO- ___~_""_,,~___________ PRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES . AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930. _________ _____________ STATE OF OREGON, County of _L.ll::ll.f______ . ;,-IJ }s./ _ ~ tJ?)~ ' This instrument was acknowledged before me on --Q---t-.!e-" ______________. by I4 ~ '"'t&..e- .h1.l8:_'E-_!::t...:5 tL". ________--,._____. I.4iIil&UiI4:If!t.._: '.,- '~/l4~~A./f1IU~/ . .--------------------------------------------- '" .'U.,~~~> .:.' \\ e H.M4."'I!._ 0.,..". .. 'd.'. I~ .,.... 1 i15JO ~1529. , . .~ E 2 7 or: l"l11AL. POINt'" .. SI."' - I'" .,'~:',p .;g' ., fl ~ .; ../'tf" " 040...... -: ~ ~ 53 .?J't.: . 1 ,. ~! 52 tl "., D I ., ,...'V ~ . ~ ."',. . .,1.2<11 .~. . P"" .., "- ~ ~ lr( ~/' _, . . . P I'~.'f/. (...of; 2."'9.~~. It"" ".{h,:,"'l ;~ . .. <o.1/'L.Q-.. ...:"'..'-1 ..,'''/. ,,".<T ~ ~ 827 II>..., ~ ~.cr~1 :s:.~~ 'Ii a . .~. .'" I ~ ,~. ..1 ~ ~ ., "j', ~ .." ~ . I . ~ 51 ...1:: 1/ -11.0"..... I..: 9!*'S4' ,,:I;"; ~/;I' ., IN,'" - . e l~ .. I....'" .' . 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