HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Sewer Connection Record 1965-6-15
KNOW ALL MEN DY THESE PRESENTS: That for and In consideration of the pro-
vision of a publIc sewer facltllty constructed by the City of Springfield, a
municipal corporatIon In Lane County, Oregon, fOl' the benefIt of the real property
herein described, we. Robert~. Corrina cnd laah ~_ [orrico. hu~band and wIfe
, the legal owners of the property
do hereby agree to tile pl~cement of, and grant to said c1ty a ilen upon our property
benefited and described as follow~:
6576 MaIn Street.
The 50ut_ 150.0 feet 01 tho roll~ln9 descrlbod property:
. / .
BeginnIng 8t a paInt on th3 North rI9ht.of.~~y llno of tho McKenzie HI~y
7.23 chains SOllth 89" 44' crost or 0 point 0.97 chains South of tho Nort~ost
corner or tho T~s J. Kaynlrd Donation Lend Clolm HI. 44, Township 17 50uth,
Renge 2 West of the \;I111~ll1Gtte t::erldlon, ond running thence tlorth 7.14 chains;
thence South a90 44' ~Gsn I.~O chains; thenco South 7.14 chains to tho Bold
highway rluht.of~y Ilno; thenco ~orth 890 44' Host 1.40 chains to th~ ploco
of beginning In Section 34, TOKnShlp 17 South, Rango 2 ~est, MIIlamatto
Meridian:, In the County of Lane end Stote of Oregon.
Amount of Lien:
$ 314.16
Said real property described shall be held as security for the re-payment of
the above sum In ten equal senll~annual In5tallments, plus accured Interest at the
rate of 6% from the date hereof on the balance of the unpaid assessment. The Initial
payment of prlncl:;>al and Interest will be made by the proper'ty owner six (6) months
from the date of this agreement.
it Is further provided that this lien may be fo,'eclosed as other city liena In
accordance with the provIsions of the Ordinances and Charter of the City of
Sp.'lngfleld In the event that installment payme~ts Including Inter~st, are not paid
with six (5) months of their due date. Tills lien has been computed ai; being one-
half H-l of the equivalent cost t)f an eight. (8") Incll lateral sanitary sewer at the
rata of $3./10 per ab'Jttlng front feot for 92.4 feet and does not Include
the cost of a house connection to sa!d trunk sewer, sewer user charges, plu~blng
permits or other such CO!ts to be assumed by the property owner.
This lIen and agreement to pay the same shall be bln~lng upon the undersIgned
who are the owners of the real property hereIn de3c.!bed a~d shall bind their heirs,
executors, administrators, assIgns and successors In Interest, and until paid, shall
be construed to be a cove:lant running with the land
Dated at Springfield, Oregon, this
Itth M~y
day of nu .
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County of Lane )
On thIs -4tctl/~ day of Iiav ~ , 19 65 , personal Iv. c.,me before
rneL a Notary LPubl Ie I.n and for said lI'eUnty and State, the within named HObert Ib
tOrrteS ana elh pr. torrteo
, to me personatly known to be
the within Instrument, and acknow-
and voluntarily for the uses and
identical persons described In and who executed
ledged to me that they executed the same freely
purposes therein named.
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wnwEss,i;Fj hand and seal thIs day and year last above written.
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