HomeMy WebLinkAboutHome Occupation Application 1989-7-24 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 PHONE: (503) 726-3759 * HOKE OCCUPATION APPLICATION LOCATION OF PROPERTY ::- N 1o'5~g fd,,1 N 5t/CCET '" 0 '" Z t'l H '" Z ;( ESI})om4t-- D/Sr,eiLT '" C'l 0 :>0 " .. '" :x ::- /)8A. 105/ (!~E&'< - 'l:J / /C,..,lJee5 z 0 . EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL {)ull COHPA/lIY P/..,A/:5 --u> ;tlQllJE. 13(..( .4/1 (! IT4 c:.t'J/)E''".i . / / AAIt\ O/<j).II;';.4N~E'5. OuR ?/2iHJ1Ry 13"~/NG6S AfY/r/nE-<;, /~(' lubr: 2:>;/Zf'!Ct #/I/L. N,tI"ks.4/,c //zc:Tfi/L 70 ...... - .....\ '" BUC;/NFS~{;'$ .4'.NL> /.NlJ/v/bU.4I.:; - /H€'~ wi// BE ;V0..YAk?:. ~ ~ ON' ?...eC/f-t/<f.r5. ()u~ (!IJ/,/P/1f1/l/ 4150 PiAN'S /0 ~ ~ II /. W ~ MAN'I/~Jt('Iuj('E //8 5t'..4/E NIJi)EI D,e/IT /3oI1TS /0 -c.. Z /gE 50/.1) T/!,I2lJtl6# LJ/RFCT "'M-IL. (t...IPs..-~' ;:;"Ft" PI ~ J:0R SN"lJII 4fi.1IJIIArr:5 t'JF R.4vJ N/!/ TEK/41.::; oFlltJ,J:;R,cfJ) ..1./;4 t.J..ES AIo AbDI'TIofl/~ ,r::h{)t //2Ar,clc.- IS c:'>CP€cn:/). , J f J. . 700/5 Lt:ttJII..L&1Ff\lT - HOBBU Scl-l-l€' - Nor l/IIbL/ST72/14L. , ,- APPLICANT NAME ~/-1'a<:::.1 . :::T ~/2AN ADDRESS (,5(;Yf( #,4/.v $1 deer SP,e//'YfjPBj). OR :77//70 611/5,c;eT L3'Ro5, .2/..70 5cJ JCI'-/'tic:5aN' ST, ~RT/RNj) t2Ra~N PHONE: 0-3 '" ~ ~ C"l :>0 o ..., 0-3 C t'l t"" H .~~ ~: t"" o 7(,/7-(, 7~ o OII'NER NAME ( S ) ADDRESS 97;;o,.-t- 77C;S PHONE: C%(3~ 7376 OVER ..., '- t'l 0 t'l c: 'l:J Sl ::- ::- H t"" C Z 0 Sb~ CV'I6 '<a~ ~ - c c ::; ::- 0-3 t'l t'l ::- '" C"l c: C"l '" t'l :x 'l:J H 0-3 0-3 t'l 0-3 C t'l C -J -.II ~ ~ ~ ~~ - "B :3 ~t ~ t'l C '" 0< :>>- C"l C"l t'l 'l:J 0-3 t'l C '" 0< rr Z :>0 t'l C"l _ t'l ...c: ~ ..c::.0-3 If\ Z ~? . . HOKE OCCUPATION AGREEMENT THE APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE OF THIS AGREEMENT CERTIFIES ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS OF OPERATION: 1. EXCEPT FOR THE ONE NON-ILLUMINATED 1 1/2 SQUARE FOOT WALL SIGN PERMITTED IN SECTION 16.080(1) OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE, THERE SHALL BE NO DISPLAY WHICH WOULD INDICATE FROM THE EXTERIOR THAT THE BUILDING IS USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING. 2. THERE SHALL BE NO OUTSIDE STORAGE OF MATERIALS. 3. NO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PERMITTED EXCEPT THAT WHICH IS COMPATIBLE WITH RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES. 4. THERE SHALL BE NO OFFENSIVE NOISE, VIBRATION, SMOKE, DUST, ODORS, HEAT OR GLARE NOTICEABLE AT OR BEYOND THE PROPERTY LINE RESULTING FROM THE OPERATION. 5. A MAXIMUM OF 2 WORKERS MAY BE EMPLOYED AT ANY GIVEN TIME BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 7 A,M. AND 8 P.M. IN ADDITION TO FAMILY MEMBERS WHO RESIDE AT THE DWELLING. 6. THE OPERATION SHALL NOT CREATE HAZARDOUS TRAFFIC CONDITIONS OR UNDULY BURDEN ON-STREET PARKING AREAS. 7. IF THE PROPOSED USE REQUIRES A MODIFICATION TO THE DWELLING OR ACCESSORY STRUCTURE OF A NATURE THAT IS NOT TYPICALLY FOUND IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, THE PROPOSED USE SHALL BE CONSIDERED INAPPROPRIATE AND THEREFORE INELIGIBLE AS A HOME OCCUPATION. B. COMMERCIAL AUTO REPAIR, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO TUNE-UPS, ALIGNMENTS, BODY-FENDER WORK, PAINTING AND DETAILING, AND UPHOLSTERING SHALL NOT BE PERMITTED. 9. NO MERCHANDISE OTHER THAN WHAT IS PRODUCED ON-SITE SHALL BE SOLD TO THE PUBLIC FROM THE PREMISES. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT IF NEIGHBORHOOD COMPLAINTS ARE RECEIVED, THE NATURE OF THIS tlOHE OCCUPATION WILL BE RE-INVESTIGATED. IF THIS HOME OCCUPATION IS FOUND IN VIOLATION OF THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE, THE USE SHALL BE TERMINATED UPON NOTIFICATION IN WRITING BY THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD THAT APPROVAL OF THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT EXEMPT THE "~~.~~ .., '""" '"" COO" 0' 0'0'''''''. ;;rj' APPLICANT's SIG~RE ~ -TJ,/'?V?,4/1 ).. )~J// ;//9/8'9 APPLICANT'S S.IGNATORE / - DATE ~IN /) /~, ~tu/y!'ftr7( ) '-1-dl/1f1 AU ZED SIGNA URE - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE . , ~ SEWE~ LIEN AND CONNEr.rION AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PReSENTS: That for and In consideration of tha pre- vision of a publlr. sewer faclt,lIty constructed b'l the City of Springfield, a mun I cl (la I corporat I on L1 I.an::: Count,!, Oregun, hI' the benefl t of the rea I pl"operty herein described, wd. Freeman W. Sowards dOhereby benefl ted 11, ' ,~ '-~~7)kh56B !WIn Street !II~~\ I' Boglnnlng at tho Southwest corner of that property conveyed by that deed filed July 9, 1949 ot pogos 305 & 7, Book 398 of the Lane County Oregon Doed Rac~rds In Lane County, Oregon; tha said Southwest cornor bolng on the North right-of-way line of tho McKenzie Highway South 8go 44' East 4.43 chains of a point which Is 0.97 chains South of the N~rt est corner of tho Thomas J. Maynard Donation Land .. . Claim No. 44, Township 17 , Rango 2 West, Wlllacotte Herlalan; thence South 8go ,44' East along the Gald right-of-way line 60.0 feet to tho true point of be- ginning; thence North 145.0 feet; thence SODth GgO 44' East 124.8 feat to tho Eest line of tho grantors property; end thence South 145.0 faot to the north Ilna of the highway; and thence Norbh 8g0 44' Hest 124.8 feet to the point of beginning, all ~lng In tho sold Maynard Donation Lond Claim and In Springfield, Lene County, Oregon. Amount of Lien: ,. the legal ~~neraof the property agree to-i:'ile'PI~c;ment of, aiidgrant to said cIty a i!en llpon our property and described ~s follows: $ 424.32 Said real property described shall be held as security for the re-payment of the above sum In ter. ~qual ser.li~annllal Installments, plus aecured Interest at the rate of 6% f,'om the date hereof ;1;; the balance of the unpaid assessment. The Inltlol payment of pr!ncl:-al and Intel'est will be made by the property owner six (5) months from the date 0;- this gg~eement. I tis furthe&' ~'r'ov I ded that t:' Is ii en may be forec I osed as other city Ii ena in accordance ~llth the provIsions of the Ordinances and Charter of the City of S(lI'lngfleld In the event that l~si:aI1ment payme~i:s Including Interest, are not paid with six (6) mcnths of their due date. r:'ls lien has been computed a:li being nne- half H.) (If the equIvalent cost of an eight (B") Ineil lateral !lanltary sewer at the rata of $3.40 per abutting front fect for 124.8 'leet and does not Include the cost of a house connactlon t:> said trunk sel'ler, sewer user charges, plumbing permits or other such co!ts to be assumed by the property owner. This lien and agreement to pay the same shall be bln~lng upon the underslsned who a.e the owners of the real property herein desciibe~ and sha!1 bind their heirs, e:tec1Jtors, administrAtors, assign.... and successors In Interest, and until paid, shall be construed to be a covenant rUlli'd ;19 wi th the land Dated at SPI'I:h9f?l!l~'~gOn, this 12th :::- ~ "tCmJ\.~"<-\l?~ '" 11 ',I..' ... '" \_ ~- y\,. - r' - JUl'Il'?, ~'f,; =- L;.. em OF l' '2 S"iATE OF OREG ) SPRlllGFlElO .... " \(;, ssRECQRDER ,........... ''< ,U' County of Lane ICJ]/ I \ 1:>' \ On this 12~h - day of June me",a Notary Public In and for said County and Freeman ~. Sowo!d~ identical person! described In and who executed ledged to me ,that they executed the same freely purpOSes therein named. day of Juno . 1964 . I ~...J,,~~.v~A~ (SEAL) (SEAL) ,19 64, personally came before State, the within named , to me personally knOI~ to be the within Instrument, and acknow- and voluntarily for the uses and WHi1ESS r;r.1 hand al,d seal this day and year last above written. '3J( ti - / ~ ~-b-- ~ J NOTARY PUBLIC 8-10-67 My Commission Expires