HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 5/11/2007 CI1Y OF SPRINGFIELD - DEVf' "PMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DISTRIBUTION DATE: May 15, 2007 TO: . Current Planning Staff:G. Karp, J. Donovan, Liz Miller, M. Metzger, KittI Gale, L. Pauly, Tara Jones,r$l~itd, Dave Reesor, Steve Hopkins . "Mall Stouder, Engineering - Public Wor1<s Department "Les Benoy, Engineer Group, EngineeringlPublic Works "Chuck Gottfried, Environmental SelVices Brian Barnett, Traffic EngineerlPE, Public Wor1<s Department (agenda only 2102) "Gary McKenney, TransPu'_~"" Planning Engineer, Public Wor1<s Department "Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Fire Marshall, Rre & Life Safety Department Melissa Fechlel, Rre Agenda only "Ed Black, Mai..;.. ~..~ Manager, Public Wor1<s Dept. OPat French, Planner, Willamalane Pari< and Re-.. GQ~"" District or amara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (ElectJic) "Bart McKee, Springfield Utility Board (Water) Jack Foster, Springfield Utility Board (Energy Conservation) Amy Chinitz, Springfield Utility Board (Drinking Water) Jim Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 (Subdivisions, Street name changes) Dave Whne, U.S.P .S. (Growth Mgrnt. Coordinator) Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas (needs full packets for PartitionslSubdlvlslons) oCelia Barry, Lane County Tran.".w, :"~w.. Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald People's Utility District (EPUD) Jim Mann, Lane County Land Ma..Qo......,t (Urban Transition Zone] George Ehlers, Lane County Sannarian (Urban Transition Zone] (d applicable) Tim Hanely, Rainbow Water Districtr only if in the North Spfld area) (d applicable) Ralph Johnston, Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority (d applicable) Dale Ledyard, Operations Chief, McKenzie Rre DistJict (d applicable) Joe Chavez, Corneast Cablevision (d applicable) Debbie Crampton, EWEB (electric) r If In G:.., ..:) Dick HelgesonlMel Damewood, EWEB (water) (Olf In Glenwcod) Steve Moe, Glenwood Water DistJict rlf in Glenwcod) Bill Grile - Development Services Director (agenda) John Tamulonis, Economic & Community Deve:.. .: Manager (agenda) Cindie Molt, Code Enforcement Inspector (agenda) ODave Puen~ Building Official (agenda) Usa Hopper, Building Services Representative (agenda) o Greg Ferschweiler, Kenh Miyata, Brian Conlon, Gene Butterfield, PW Dept (agenda) OCraig Fitzgerald, Maintenance PW Dept Deanna Buckern, Engineering Assistant Public Works Depl. (agenda) Police Chief, Jerry Smith, Police Department (agenda) o John Pearson, Building Plans Review Engineer "Will Mueller, L TD Norm Palmer, Quest Co,~w,Q~"" (agenda Mike Wilbur, ODOT, State Highway Division (agenda) Steve Barrett, Assl. Superin. of O~<'Q~""s, Springfield School District (agenda) William Lewis, Financial Services, Springfield School DistJict ( agenda) Jack Moran, Reporter. Eugene Register-Guard (agenda) INCLUDE WEEKLY LAND USE INFO Springfield Beacon (agenda) Joe Leahy, City Attorney Dennis Em~ City Surveyor A request for land use action, as described on the attached agenda. has been received by the Development Services Office. Specific concerns of your division/department/agency should be addressed. If you have ~......<....; or requirements of this proposal, please send them in writing to the assigned planner @ Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477. If your written comments are not received by Friday, May 25, 2007 specific concerns of your division/department/agency will no! be addressed unless you attend the meeting on May 29, 2007. The Development Review Committee holds staff review meetings on Tuesday@ 8:00 -10:00 a.m. You should also plan to attend the staff meeting on Tuesday if you have specific concerns so that the Planning M... ~~~, ~ representative can discuss them prior to meeting with the applicant If the Planning Manager feels n is necessary for you to participate in the public meetings he/she willie! you know on Tuesday. * will receive a full packet Date Received: S/I';M7 Planner: AL ..;' ",;<:~:- "'A.'; 'G' E" N' D'A" ..,:,.:;;~;:;,/i):>_" <::,';~~:~,~.~ ..:~: ", _ ' ' , ":-;':~"::'~';-:-;'''1,~'~:.i~i.:. '" -,'~... ~',.:l"~~'-r :"1:' " ',: ,_ ~ ':",( , . DEVELOPMENT-:REVIEW',::, ";, :',;',l: ~,.'" " ,"J. ;'. ~i~. , --'-.' , . ',.4 ~'~,,: . ' " .." ~ ~. .' -'COMMITT'EE:',:t;; '.~. ."!C' ~- .'\ ' ,~. 'j ': ,\-:,,'" " , .. ',- " . _ "'" \,'.f~,'i''''::':: ,."DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT },.J i.'," ";'.". ,.'.", '225 FIFTH STREET ,i' , .,' ;', . ,<V; , '. ''<'''', _ ",) , ", ';.' t- , Conference Room 615,: . c. ::':,'q " "i 'c'-' ,', .;,'-:'.. /. ',;'-, '~:\\' :~~'r"~"':j-. " .t. , " ';~:;~>';~.' ~'~;";.I;;:: :-i', ~ c ",' ',' ":,-'. ",,' '~i. ' :t..; . ~:,,;: . , }~.~. . """'; "" \,."-,..:' ;' ',',' '~. . , 1. ." {-- staff. ~ev;ew:'Ma~ 29,2~".@8:00;"::io:oo a:m. .' ~,~, ' ,.,'" "" t. :~' .". . J,'-, ,: )_ , 0" , " SUBDIVISION 'TENTATIVE' #SUB2007 -00023 . HORTON' 8:00 a.m."."', ,,'~':. Assessor's Map:' 18-02-04-11TL5300 ' Address: 809 S 57"'StreeL' . \, '. .~ ',' . Existing Use: Residential , ' .' , ". .. '. ", , Applicant 'submitted 'plaris to' create a. 9-lotsingle-tamily residential. subdivision: Jon's Landing 'Planner:' Andy Lim~ird' ' '., p"'" ' ':i.'. :.:r"" ,,:' "",' Co' .. ..' ct. :.' "" '0', '.' 'r" ti.., '.' ~ ~". ,', ..... .,,' :',' t' ." c. ,', " ;. " ",..' 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Partition Tentat'ive: "". ..0'.' . .,.... . Partition Replat Te~tative:". O. ~r.;m~~~ ApplicantName:'. ....D"'.;...' \+;h\,,,, ., .... ..~~:;j '.~ '. . co~,pany:; ....'. fln.j..\: fj<.ili:,c ,,1Fax: !: I I " Address:" ],180 <:;" r;,{l... <:'1:y..IT- '.~ 'Q.l'-f!8:: , ~~ . C9.,....,~i$f:1-;."1l.\'$'k:'I~....;:IJlJ",5"'.'\(,y.,,:::.;;... i...:.' ,.,' .:'-,'.:, :.,.; .-.': ',. -~"<,-,:".' ~";.'" .~",,'';':I:~{;. ". ';';. Applicant's Rep.: ,.. 'M~"~\',,,~~k"" Phon~: l'&l/i'111 ':'; ." ~:;:e:::' '>: ',;:.VZ:;~;;C~;~S<~L'*S .~,~< ~Fa;~l{;~~ 4'& ~~ <1l,1 I 1." ", ..;;;::;~6:~:;:"r.""~:"Ir:tkj2~> ....; ." '~:';""."';~~;;~T;;'~,;:i:2~C'1 "". cc)~pa~Y'::',":1 . DM'1+ ~L<::dv:~,,:, . Fax:"f,I,.; ...... ,'. Address: 7'6() s,. r;1-0'\. ~~ "1lYlg .'. '" - -':,' ,)~ . ~. .' \ .~ ',' .. ,.:"",.' .,.. .- ".: ,:i' -' "r_' .'.' " . ,'-,1 .'. ASSESSOR'S MAP NO:' - CJ"A. - DW ~ II . TAX LOT NO(S):; ~ ~t>i:s '. property.Address:Go'1' 'S. Slih s-\: ", ..' i~ :\ '" . Size of Pr~perty:.. J, '-If) Acresl;2lSquare Feet 0 Proposed Name of Subdivision: ..' }m~'<, LAt-ibl ~(,-.~. .' .~::;~;;;r:;':;'''''''''~':''~'~'~'~i~ C)'-L l~ )~+'l+' col I<J.r)7~~L~!oti; Proposal:" . I" n....... ,1 Ex sting Use: K<..~.b\ll..\.. . . , " ;~,~~W~~~~~!"~l%"",:1""",,,~~~t~?U,~~r~~t;~!~;~},,.~,.~.~}.'..~!:"J?"~~,~,!1ri,,,,~~~2o",,~~h,~~J I'" ,,' 1 ,:" ;".. '.::..,;-,:,,:';' :,..-">;t:-.'::': :'-:""":':;:,:,'-~,..-'-, -.,;.'C." "','-<, , 't.,' . ,.. ., . - . .. - Overlay District: . Plan Designation: . Urban Growth Bound~ry 0 Zoning: .. Applicable Refinement plan: Location: .' City Limits 0 ~~~~~~::~f~;R~g~~i~i~g.~~,~",;"-;,, .,',',_ .'. _". .,-,'..,_..... ....- .:,~.i'-"."-":'i.\ ".,-""...-,. .~..i.'_'.,,('..;.'f".' Pre-Submittal 0''/ . '. .' . / . . I '. Revlew~d by: . .. Case No.: I 'Rt tOD~- tD/fi1f' Date: 1/- l'i cD7 (initials) " .. ~;~~~~~r"t~L~HFU.O~~e~:~' 1~~JI:~i~~~;'l&tiUf(. f~J J{O~~ aa.o I ".,. . f :. ~ ",' ,':": " .D~tel.t~eceiV~d:~ sf!,J;;t!l . : Planner: AL,,' ' . f"'.... ., , ,'i Z .0 .(f) 0> Zo o . ZO ::iZ ::i (f) -w Z> Of- J <(. f- ., Z W f- I . ,. t r.~:--._-__.J".LU.__._._-~tJj. .,1" fZ{'/ yf':f . . 8! 'U'os'un- :JI," . '" ~', .- ~! e 10l ./1( ~ ~.,// " l !I:' ,j ._____~~;:~~----J~ ! I (~ ~'. if".! r-----"""',.-.. I: ,- - ,. .~ n= ~: ~ ------:~ 1 '1 ~~ ill ; : ~~.: II~ 8 I' I! ~i : ~ . :11' ~ t! .g L___"""".:-____~h ~ I' ii~1 r----- '):: I . , . . ----,--- ---- -, I' ' " t: ll".--J . ~: IDa !' I I . ;;, 98"" >IV:' --- I - . ~ ~~ ! wi' ," :1 II . L.-'--'-Mi~-.--._J Ii' ' . .--:-~ r-;.-----~--------l ~ '-4 .' ~ . ~l ' I:: Ii I ~ 6 d,.. ."....''''''''. ;1- 1 I' n I 01'1 i c; lO'l .! ~;;' ;. Of I' . 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