HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 5/11/2007 .~ .' ..' ;"':", '<~'. ~>):' , ":..,it'{~!":A~;;.~;j,'", " ,:,A'-:~-'4{1'~:"':~' '.r :.t~.: ~.~ ~.:" .~. . "";~:: ;~,:~'-( "'. '!t-' .: r .: . :~i:;:~r .:jt' "'1; >t'~;.: - .' . ;~. . ~~" , " T:,.:-.,..... ,:);. "-', ":-. '".,":,' . . , .~ " . ,', " .;. 'AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE, ':...., '. " ," , '," .'1' ,..",,-.. , ... .,-".. :;(..., C' srATE OF OREGON), , '} ss. , ) . ;' '.< 4 }\ ',',"\ 'j' .' ...:': -:::" ';",' .' " " ~". . .' " Cou!'ty of Lane ,', .. I' " iJ'- :::;''.If:':.. .;....,.. ,;; ..,';; ",0'. .'.:, , , '.' .~ "'~: ." ,,:. e' " .' '. .... " . '1: .. , '. ..' .., . .' I.KarenLaFleur.being firstdulysworn. do hereby, depose and. say as follows: , ' . " -. " ,." ..' '.' ..,;', ....'- .~ . <:~~' ,;,.,. '.:'_,:',).' ,.,"..,; <:~:. ~ . "'-:" ,..':'.,~ ':, " '. _,"'"... . ".,',:i},. . ;;, . "':Istate'that I amaProgr~mTechnidai1for the, planning Division. of the Development Services Department. City of Springfield:.Oregon: !i.. . '.' . ,- . . ., .' . . .' '.': ,;,;.' ~~," ,,-'2. I state thatinmy,capadty as. Pr~gra";; T~thnidan. I prep~red 'ari'd caused to be '.. ,'.: '." ~, . mailed'copie~ ~fSDBZD"ij-tW2,." '2iJij }11'ffl&~ )/I~ '.-'Jiw..9,t.d-:: ~, :'. (See, . attachment >.."A-::) on '.sllt. c. '20 7a-ddressed to (see "f': .....':,:;.;'...:.: '.:Attachment B"). by causing said' .' letters to be placed in aU,s. mail box with' , . .," postag.e fully. prepaid thereon, ' '. ,.' '". "i~ '. . ,. . .." ".:::;:)". ...> ;'" " '.'-:(' , ':-;" -;. l , .' .' ;,~ :I,'~ ~ '~', .-:', ,0, . r,' ...../ ..,' ~ .' .,'.' J ~ . 'f.".' " . ~ . "~..{ ~'A.;.': ,..' ....' ,," .'.., >" '. "\,,,., ..' - ....,.:", ~."'" " . ,. " . . ., . .,~ KA~E LaFLEUR., Aott~~~ ~1\1 ->~ " . . :~. .'. .' ,ir' ;-.: i........ : '. .;..~.. ;'",:", ~:' .- .' STATE OF OREGON. County of Lane', .~. _.1 " ,"\ '.' . ~.,/.t' ,,\ " '... i.R . 2007. Personally appeared the above named KareM'LaFleur. . . Technician; who acknowledged the foregoing instrulJ1e~tto be i:~eir voluntary act. e: . ':1 /&~~ Cf: . My, Commission. Expires: ~ :J1if&( .r-------------------~ . . OFFICIAL SEAL 7 .' . i , i ' . BRENDA JONES . I . j" NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON I J .COMMISSION NO. 379218' " ~ . MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAY 27, 2008 J --~---~~-----------~ ',j' " .OStE1 i';0c~iv,ed,:~/ 20(77 ,Planner:' AL '.t . ' ,I" I; -. .~, . .,1' 300..FOOT PUBLIC NOTICE - PENDING SUBDIVISION TENTATIVE PLAN APPLICATION Date of Notice: May 16,2007 Case Number: SOO2007-00023 ' Aoolicant: Don Horton 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE (541)726-3753 FAX (541)726,3689 . www.ci.springfield.or.us Nature of, the Aoolication: The applicant is proposing to create a 9-lot single-family residential subdivision, Jon's Landing Subdivision. Location: The property involved in this request is located at809 South 57tb Street m Springfield, Assessor's Map No. 18-02-04-11, Tax Lot(s) 5300. Aoolicable Criteria: The criteria of approval found at Section 35,050 of the Springfi!lld Development Code (SDC) apply to this application. The criteria are available at Springfield City Hall weekdays between 8:00 a,m. and 5:00 p.m, at the Development Services Department or on the City's website at www.ci.sorin\!field.oLusunderSpringfield Development Code.' , Your Ril!ht to Provide Written Comment: Prior to the City making any decision oq the application, you are provided a foUrteen (14) day period for the submission of written comments, Your written comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on May 31, 2007, Send comments to the attention of the staff contact listed below. You may review the record of this application at City Hall and purchase copies at a reasonable cost.' : Failure to Raise Issue: Issues which may provide the basis for an appeal to, the Land Use Board of Appeals shall be raised in writing prior to the expiration of the comment period: Issues shall be raised with sufficient specificity to enable the decision maker to respond to the issue. Staff Contact: Andy Limbird City of Springfield Urban Planning Division E-mail: alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us Phone: (541) 726-3784 " I/you would like to meet directly with the planner, please call and make an aDDoiirtinent. Date Received:~ll.)o07' Planner: AL ~I 1, (( 1q~V= ill ,;14 ,,))U~' "-vii' ~I' .: Lr:Y ~ ~ '1 - - - tvC , ' "I ...;~~- . J~;:~~' ',,,. ~--: l'J f400 :~ ,li.. z (', r,~"_~ ..' '''''is' 4;500" ~ /o...r.... ., . ~r -:-.~ ~ ".~: ; ....,_.-..,. i .~.r... ':1 _,.,: 7 .~ ,...~~:.-:.,. . ",,=:...:,:"~.,.. ".' ,...,. ..., - ~ '1 ~ - : ) () ( ) 3800 " 1 '8\ "- 1. x \ . ~ j..lJ':""__' _.rd.JU'_ . N' " ~ ::~"~W':5:-:~:'; 0::12 ,- IYP?'J.r'/~;"'/""/T~ ' .f:.E.c..""fiLA AF' It I #a"-r .It-".<:.:-:....;.. I ~ ,'t'I(1 " .... .' .0 . . :<.:.:,.'\~e_~'\',":1.:~:1 ~r " .' 3700 9 .' f"' "I , I ~I'.Z-:" )0 AC, ' ~.,_ l',L' - ...-' ,I : ~I; . ".' 16- 02 .03" 23 . CITY OF ~' ,. ,,;~~~\~;-~~'~?:' .':::,'<' 4600 ,,I f,t' ,-P}~~/tJ' - . }~~t,o :11, ,'Q :' \,..~; ",\.~\ , ~~\. .' "Ul..>- :~ ,\,,' -<1/ .. '. :\~'.' \. \ ' ~~ fr~"~'lf{~( , ~~ I I) l~~ =- 'f \ I} J. ' '. ;"!'~ "~ \~_: " ',I ~,.., , ' j ...~ . 'I . I "''' ..' , '".. ! J; . ' - :~" g,;'})~~~::H!....,;~/f;;I\~U' -;:,L '~ ,,' ; -5400 ~ ; 102: 5103 . l ~~g..:'fr 1: OS1AC. ,~ ;t1 I'-CL 2 ~ .....,.mH ~.."""~ 1: '-'HT ,~~~~ s.3'iIJ32 PCL J . . 2' -i . . ?f.'I'i.~VT'!..?!~' -"'.'~ "'- f7f: 154-0~\~~.>' 11 ..:\-',... -':'0+,,:'" c.' ",',' ",Q,'(-G ' "";~~t~Jl0'", "0,,, ....., ("~, '..~.,\V'" (!; .....~: \ .' "!,, _Jf~,+4' ~ l.~~-:-~~~.oo<>, r;<>T 'r1OO T.L.'S 6200-8000 i. , " " SEE DETAIL, mooc ~~ F) /. .'." NO:'1 ..MAP '":" <f",' t'l.,~1.." \-' .,..,'. ....- ~~. ~ '" 5101 , ... O. \~ 1<C. ....""rl POL 1 8~-'lCl' 1~_OO' .' 5300 ,SITE (t:\\"wr'; ,"1J',;c ,~\\)} U'4)' '"J' /0 .If'\'~v '. -"'. .... ~) u' J O..l~6.oo'" f''''"T 'ET"K'e. ~I \ SEE MAP 18 02 04 1 ,4 :f~'-' Date Received: Planner: AL "." -. ~ ;~//~07 '. )' ..' _./:::.".:.._. '" ,"--, ~ ,'!' ..':."'.': ,..'. .:.... ~~:\:~;-.r-~=:L:_-I~~,::: " . ..='-+----:-JfE--.~- .:....:Wt. i. ,- , , h! t' ..:::::- --- " -=--=r :=;,~:j . m ..:..L' .~""'.)-I ~1~11;;='lJi 1'~(<-12~ sr'""'"",, .l: ';l'." ~l~:~J:!.I" : ~i~; .~;~'~., 11 ' ".', g"" ' I " a , I .', ~ ,Jj ).':"::_;c,~:___ " .' ",: ' -i'" ~l\~ ,'I ~;lf-17~~'I:!~li:: " '.',l~ . i;' ~I ~ . t--~-~>.--~--~-~ " I' 0, ~ ~ , 0 U 'I' i ~ Ii ". ~. I ~.'-s:: r' " 'r I I!" ~l s,oiQlIQ.tf < :I!: ' ' z)> ,"'!'L.J>-olJo,iI ".:' 05 ," "'_ '~~I!+'II :'~rL==.=~;::::,:_,~J ..2z " '. 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OR 97478 " 1802041401600 PRENTISS WILLIAM H 1097 S 58TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041402000 COLLEY ROBERT & EVELYN 1020 S 58TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041402200 MOLNAR WILLIAM L 1090 S 58TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 l"r\ax\)( h t(V'Lt'Sh ~o1 t:fw'1 qq No Jtt, I;~/OR. Q7'foz- Date,I";ecsived' -01.;7,007 Planner: AL C1tto~ "511 j~: gS 1802032200500 GILBERT CORA M TE 962 S 59TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041103700 BENHAM LONNIE P & JACQUELINE 903 S 56TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041105000 I ~ 300 HORTON DONALD M & LAUREN E 780 S 57TH ST SPRlNGFIELD,OR97478 1802041 105 103 PRICE JOHN P & KATHERINE E 775 S 57TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 18020411 05400 MONfEL DONALD R & GINGER A 10 I3 S 58TH, ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 180204\ I 06000 FARLEY FRANCES R 950 S 59TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 180204 \I 06600 FELKL MANUELA 5716 RIDGE CRT SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041 106800 CROPPER MIKE & TINA 5703 RIDGE CRT SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041107600,7100 BENSON VERN 5752 RIDGE CRT SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 \802032200500 GILBERT LI TRUST 962 S ST NGFlELD, OR 97478 I;' \802032307700 OREGON STATE HWY DIVISION STATE HWY BLDG RM \ 10 SALEM, OR 97310 , 1802041103800 PErrY STEPHb"N E & FRANCES C 901 S 56TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041 104800 CHARLENE LOUISE CURRY REVOCABLE TRUST 758 S 5TfH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041105101, ~IU2- HAGEMAN KAREN 773 S 57TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR '97478 180204\ 105102 HAGEMA N 773 ST GFIELD, OR 97478 1802041 105200 NELSON RONALD C & PATRICIA A 806 S 57TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 18020411 05300 HORTON D M & LAUREN E 780 ST GFIELD,OR97478 1802041 105800 STAPLES HOWARD D & B MAE 926 S 59TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041 105900 HAUGEN C L'& BILLIE L 938 S 59TH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041 106200 TEMPLE EMILY R 729 S 5TfH ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041106500 WILSON KYLE WILLIAM 5728 RIDGE CRT SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 180204 \I 06600 FELKL SONJA 5716 RIDGE CRT SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 1802041106700,I/OD PROCK LNING TRUST 930 Q ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 , ' \8020411 06900 BRACKEN STUART 5715 RIDGE CRT SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 18020411 07000 THOMPSON DARRELL L & LINDA F 5727 RIDGE CRT SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 \802041 107200' MARSH DARLENE J 5751 RIDGE CRT SPRINGFIELD. OR 97478 1802041107500 PARRY DENISE M 5756 RIDGE CRT SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 \802041107600 BRONSON RICHARD A & REBECCA S 5752 RIDGE CRT SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 180204\ 10770 BENSO RN 5 DGE CRT PRlNGFIELD, OR 97478 Date Received:----4/;!,}a77 Planner: AL 1802tl32200500 1802032200500 1802032307700 Resident Resident Resident 914 S 59TH ST 962 S 59TH ST 2035 S 60TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1802041103700 1802041103800 180204.1 104800 Resident Resident Resident 903 S 56TH ST 901 S 56TH ST 758 S 57THST Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1802041105000 1802041105102 1802041105103 Resident Resident Resident 780 S 57TH ST 773 S 57TH ST 775 S 57TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1802041105200 1802041105300 1802041105400 ' Resident Resident Resident 806 S 57TH ST 809 S 57TH ST 1013 S 58TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1802041105800 1802041105900 1802041106000 Resident Resident Resident 926 S 59TH ST 938 S 59TH ST 950 S 59TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1802041106200 1802041106500 1802041106600 Resident Resident Resident 729 S 57TH ST 5728 RIDGE CT 5716 RIDGE CT Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 ~ 1802041106700 1802041106800 1802041106900 Resident Resident Resident 5704 RIDGE CT . 5703 RIDGE CT 5715 RIDGE CT Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1802041107000 1802041107100 1802041107200 Resident Resident Resident 5727 RIDGE CT 5739 RIDGE CT 5751 RIDGE CT Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1802041107500 1802041107600 . 1802041107700 Resident Resident Resident 5756 RIDGE CT 5752 RIDGE CT 5740 RIDGE CT Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1802041107800 1802041107900 1802041400100 Resident Resident Resident 5760 RIDGE CT 5764 RIDGE CT 827 S 57TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 > Date i'1eceived' s/I.;;o() 7 Planner: AL " ' 1802D41400200 1802041400300 1802041400500 Resident Resident Resident 855 S 57TH ST 883 S 57TH ST 812 S.57TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1802041400600 1802041400700 1802041400800 Resident Resident Resident 840 S 57TH ST 850 S 57TH ST 880 Si57TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1802041401400 ' 1802041401500 1802041401600 Resident Resident Resident 1025 S 58TH ST 1053 S 58TH ST 1097 S 58TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 1802041402000 1802041402100 1802Q41402200 Resident Resident Resident 1020 S 58TH ST 1052 S 58TH ST 1090 S 58TH ST Springfil?ld, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 Springfield, OR 97478 ~ Date Received' 's)j~o7 Planner: AL '. SUB2007 -00023 Subdivision Tentative - Horton 18-02-04-11 TL 5300 . - Streets It Springfield Streets - Tooltip is Street Name Buffer layer Tax Lots - Tooltip is Maplot .-. Snringfield City limits - - !...""'J,PR FffiiI Euoene City limits -'- _,;:;.fI' !l!lEUG Springfield UGB 1-' -- !illi] !illi"~ SCALE 1 : 5,317 - -- 200 0 200 400 FEET 600 http://spintranetlmg_mwf/spr_main_tide_83,mwf N /, Date Received: S//j;ZM7 Planner: AL Tuesday, May 15, 2007 7:34 AM