HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments WILLAMALANE 5/21/2007 ;'.... , '.' '. ,<, ~ , "', " '.:'. Page 1 of 1 , ' ,_.- ", '.,.' ,"" " ',". , L1MBIRDAndrew '. " '. From: Pat French [PatF@wiliamalane.org] '. ' Sent:' Monday, May 21,20079:1-2 AM' . To: L1MSIRD Andrew Subject: Willamalane Comments Jo..No. SUS2007-00023 - HORTON ..' -.'" -'" , l' Hi Andy, , DRC date: Application:, Location: ..' T.L. #: , May 29, 2007 Subdivision Tentative 809 S. 57th Street' 18-02-04~1l TL 5300' '" ,.... ,.: '-. ..... <;' '.,. ~,' '~. ., . ~ , " .. .' ..... EstimatedSDC: . . ~. ." .,' - .' " -'"> ' .' . , The informatiol) in~he development issues packet indicates that, the applicant proposes.to subdivide one.lot into a 9-lot SFR subdivision. Pu~suant,to Wi!ldmalane's current SDC policy, each ,'., new single-fatnilydetached dwellingunit would besubjed to a system development charge (SDC) . .,. ,of$2,303 forpar~ and recr:ation:'!'provements:, ',... ,. " ,:" , , '~.-' '. ~./: ~:'''''''' ;:'" - '. " : ' -~' '.: ....,. :.,.': .... ' - ":,, -:.' ~, . ",. ~ .".' ': /.} ,:-.' . .- "". 'SDCswouldbe collected at 'the time cit'building permit issuance,and will be based on theSDC " . policy in effect af. that time, Please refer the applicant to Willamalane's SDC fact sheet or.to me, .. , ' - . - . -'" .' '~'- . . .for f.urther information: :. .',.,., .'... '. '.. :" .. . ,...' . ,. j ..'.'. .., -'.f ..... '. " .:'" '. '. ~. II 'Th~nks'" ....;.,.. ,~. : .,0 '-' ...... .: ~'o., .,~ ...< ", 0 ,0'0_ ,,". '.' ~~, ....." ,- ., ' ,.J " '. pati " .-", . ",' " .~ .'. 1".'- ',:1,". . ' Y,.. ,.. ~ r. ~ : ~ '. .' ..' "'., . . -" '.. .. - . . . .. ' '. "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''^''''^''''''''''^''''''''''''''''^''''",,,,.'''^'''''''''''''^'''' -' .- .~. 0 ,t',>' , , . . . .... . .' '..j .', -, Pat French, Parks Planner:' ~..: ".,0,.;\ ... /, ". ", ,- - -"- ": 1 ',' - , . Willamalan~Park& Recr:eati~nDistrict' ',,' ' ' 250 S. 32rid Street, Springfield,OR ,97~78, ' ..,' "patf@willcunalatie:org";';" :,'" , .' 0< 541-736-4055 .. Fax:, 541-.736:'4025 ,": ",,"," .,~ ;.;. ,., . ,: ,~', ;.-. :;~, ~\" . . \' , ~-.::;- .~., ". 'j ~; ;, ~".;~ : + ,'" ~. :~,' " ." ; . ,'.' "i> ....... -',.' ;.., .....',... ,.,',-.' -'. /" '. ~; . "-', , , ,'-" , ~ .":;. " . \'; ~ . ..." -'.' - "'. '. ..' , . ~~ <.': C\ ...'."'-,; -,-,.,' ;'. f-?'" " ."..' , ". ."', ~i :-: ',' ; . .' .~<" h,... ,,'. ,\ -:t,. "," '." ~, " , . ,.,.' ~ . 'c," :\ '.'; .:5 :'. . . -~.. '" ' ."...... . ~".- ,'. . ,~ F" ',. , .'P...', -'._". J' '.;;:.::",;t' ..''': " ".' ",' . ,"" ',,'.; , ~- .." .. , ~ ".', .,C,. '"ciat~I;'~~~eiv1~',:;,; /);!tJO~7':";''':' 'planner::'AL:~,:,J ',: ' ' > . ~ t " -.~ ' , I '. <<. . :~, . <, ' .__ . tt'::W':" ". ," , -c.:?',: ~, '. .: :~.;.' ".'- . '., "t ';' .";<' , 5/21/2007 .}.'. ". -'. ".~. '. . ':1 :~',: 0.0.' ',J