HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PLANNER 5/27/2007 .' Page I of I , L1MBIRD Andrew From: L1MSIRD Andrew Sent:, Tuesday,May 29,20072:09 PM ' To: 'tina CROPPER' Subject: 'RE: sub2007 -00023 Ms, Cropper: Thank you for providing a comment on this subdivision proposal. Your written comment will be kept in the Planning case file and included in the, staff report on this application. You will be maiied a copy of the 'subdivision decision when it is issued, ' , . There are full-size subdivision plans available for review at the Development Services office in City Hall if you are interested ~ please contact me at 726-3784 if you wish to make an appointment to view the plans. I will be away from the office tomorrow and Thursday on a training course, so either Friday afternqon or a convenient time next, week wouid be preferable. Subject to meeting scheduies and other obligations, my hours of availability are. generally 8 am - 5 pm, Monday to Friday, If you want to submit another written comment after reviewing the plans, it will be accepted even if the M~y 31 response deadline has'passed. ,." . In accordance'with the existing Low Density Residential zoning for the proposed subdivision area and provisions. of the Springfield Development Code, either stick-built or manufactured homes could be placed on the proposed lots, Manufactured homes (but not "mobile homes") are allowable on Low Density Resld~entiallots within , Springfield unless there special.restiictions placed on the property by a private developer. You could contact the landowner/subdivision applicant, Don Horton (who is a homebuiider) and inquire about the type ,o(homes that are 'planned for the lots. His contacfnumber is 517-3059. ' Regards, Andy Limbird City of Springfield ',' ,i. " "<'. ",I., -7~f.;' ... "';;-'--":.-"- c;,;.;.__,_~ . ':j :...-.' '. From:'tina CROPPER [mailto:.mtjcropper@yahoo,comj Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 9:33 AM ' To: UMBIRD Andrew' ' Subject: sub2007-00023 , . . - , . . , ' .~"':J_"_{:;;:~"""'=~...'-'=--=--:"::';':;C-;:;:"~;:;-C-:;-~=--~---;;:-":;:::- .;.1',." ,." . .....' '::."''-'' .' ~. - #~. " -, ~:; '.~ ......"" "- '", ' \.;;.~. . . ~~ " . "1 received a public notice regarding 809 south 57th..1 would like to know' more ab!>ui the plans, Are they . putting manufactured homes or stick built?I do not approve of the pf.oposal of a .~,16i' s!Jb?ivisi?n:, . ." :..:., ~ . .....<, ':, ::i_::-::-. . j.~... ~_..,;~r.-'~:.' .- I.... ., "~_.~:,.~;'~~',.... ,'.".. "~IF., .-' . :';;t~.~:.: .. , ., " " . Fussy? Opinionated? Impossible to pleasei Perfect. Join Yahoo!'s:user n'~nel'and;r;;y'itonu~." " . ,~ , ,," ..'" . .' '. ..,' 1,1 ..,1 " ; r . " Date Received: " Plan~)er: AL", "t'. . iP?/Jo07 I ,..', . ,'. " ','_ '"0 ~ , 5/29/2007 ';.,.,': ".