HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments COUNTY 5/25/2007 .r '\ . ,;-~..: L1MBIRD Andrew . " . . , , ~: :P~'~,",.. " It ., . c.., ,-11-'" ,J' . '. ..... "j' ..,.~? -,.. ,'- . .. , .~.!.>. .' .'i", ",J, ,.:;! '.' .~ .' ,",: Froin: . Sent: To: Cc: Subject: . . BAjRACHA~Y A Sh~shi [Shashi.BAJRACHARY A@co.lane:or.us] , Friday. May25, 2007 2:40PM' . ',' ...'.. .il L1MBIRD.Andrew . '., . I BARRY Celia; FIELDS Phil; LEMHOUSE Brad; PETSCH John S; MCKENNEY Gary ..SUB2007-0023.Jon's Landing.Krush. S 57th .' ' ':.' ,. \~ . . .~. RE: TP File # 9038 for SUB2007-00023 . . Subdivision Name: Jon's Landing' Address: 809 S 57th St. Springfieid Assessors Map: 18-02-04-11 Tax Lot 5300 1'- ':, Proposal: Create a 9-lot re~idential:subdivision . .. . ! ,~ . jl .....1; . ". Comments from Lane County Transportation Planning . . , I" . . '. .T' . -, .. .' . .." ." <.';! ."". ~ . ' "" . '~ The subject property is inside the Urban Growth Boundary of the City ofSp'ringfield. The property is proposed for". '.' . ". development into a 9"lot subdivision. The property abuts S 57th sl to the west. S 58th St termin'ates at the eastern edge of . the property. S 57th St is a county road atthis location; functionally classified as an Urban Major Collector road in"he Lane . County Transportation System Plan. It is a' 32_foot wide. fully developed road built to urban standards with curb. .' ,'. gutter,bike lanes and sidewalks. The Assessors map shows a right-of-way width of 50 feet at this location: The road is postedforaspeedlimitof40mph. '.' ,; ..... .:. ,,',,-". ':. .:: ..,.... .' .- " .' . ., ..". .. ..~:...;..,.., . Th'e subdivision plai1'~ to'e~tend S58ih with matching road standards for ihe north 2/3 width of the new citystreei section. It is understood that property to the south at the eastern-most 225' portion of the subject.propertyis also proposing a' subdivision proposal. The future subdivision. plans to share the new extension of S. 58th street; and complement the' . ' , ref!laining 1/3 rd of the right-of-way width imd road improvement for a 225 feet from the eastern edge. The extension will. prqvidenew connectivity between S: 57th Street and Mt. Vernon.road for numerous residential lots,:' ". :'. '.:....:.. .....: . "'_ .::.....,.,..:. '" _: '< ,-:,..",".:_:._..---~." .......... --~-:/. ':_:.'^ "-f""~- ",."",' ~. .' Pursuant to LC 15.205 (3). a facility permit is required for any work within a County Road right_of-way including road .',' . . improvements, sidewalks, new or reconstructed driveway or road approach intersections, storrn facilities, utility.', , '. ". ," . placements. excavation, clearing, grading. culvert placement; or any other facility, thing. or appurtenances, ,:. '.' . .' ~< .,. -. _ - - . ,. . . ~_ ".: .':, _ ~ ""';_' _; '. '_" . :_~_,.', ..:" .;__ ;..0. '. '. .,.'.... " 0,' \" ; .' ':. . : , '. ' ',':' ,.' ,:. -.-., .' . . 'I"~ LarleManuaI15.515-Drainage-.J', .';;'" ~;.' .'h. ..',,; - .::", "." ..~, _': .' ".' ", ,_ . . .,.1. Roadside ditches and other drai'nage facilities s'hall be designed solely to promote dfainage of the County Road' . .lfIiithout interfering with natural waterways. Whenever a road crosses a natural channel or wat~riNay. culverts shall be . installed to maintain the natural. water flow. Such natural waterway shall be identified by survey of the topography and/or .aerialphotographyo(surroundingterrain......-:...... .c-, _<,/--:..." '.. ""'>:',.';. ".Il~' c. : . .,.~ " , II. Water s~all not be diverted from a ~atural channel or,otherwise from private property down a County. or public .,' roadside ditch. . ::' . " . ....... , ',' ," ..... " , ;. ..... " ,J." , ',', . " .~ ':, " .. ," ,,' ~. :'" ., :' /", , ...... . , ;. ". " . '. '~ I' ," "'V. i .' It appears stormwater will be directed to a City of Springfield-maintained facjlity.. ,.. ""j":" . ... ...... ',' . "., ;_., ,",. ,j:". "~" "".:, ,_,," ..".::!.,::;,-;..... :: .~'..,~'.' ;'.',':_ ,.,".il.~.._.",:...,..,<\: ,;:i:~.',.',_.~~'.- ..<..,--"'. ", .' It is' pres'umed that the subject propertY will be requ~,ed to annex prior to subdivision developrn~nt. Pursuant to the '. ::' :i".:, ';',.. .:., '. .' City/County roadpartne~ship agreement. and to pro'mote orderly extension .of services and development. the City of '.;;,'. , Springfield should annex and initiate jurisdictional transfer of S. 57th Street within the city limits.. . , . -. - '. ,.,,'. - , . ',t' "",. .' ..;': . .' , '. ... .'.." .. if S. 57th Street is not surrendered to the city at the time a subdivision application is submitted. the 'County requests the following be required lfIIith regard to the new proposed intersection with S. 57th Street:. .'. ''., ...,' . , , .." .': '<i":', , .."': .- '..,~;;",_\',"," '.~': . ,~.,:< ",,~,~,i.:'....,'.: ^~,i" ':':"'~ .... ',~... Submit a traffic impact analysis to be approved by'Lane County Transportaiion Pla'nning'and ihe City of Springfi!M " analyzing:.; ..' . .', . ." ... .' . . "', ". ....1. . the operation' of the new proposed intersection of S 58th St ana S 57th st:;.., ....: .... ,,':, .:,' . '.. ,. , :" <. .. ,1. Spacing of the new. intersection relative to other,~earby'intersections on S. 57th Street, addressing sight distance and ..driver expectation issues for both streets; ". '., . . - " .... . ,'. :l.. . .,':: . :2. Traffic queuing on the new street for traffic turning ontoS"57th Street;. ,.....: .: ':' ,'. ....~ '<:. ,'. . .... .... ..' 3.Traffic turning mov!,ments frOm S. 57th'Street onto the new street; .. ',..,,' .:' :'~" '.:i .:. . . ... . . : 4. The level, of traffic entering S. 57th St~ee! from th~. new street. that will resulffrom the new.str~et extension. . ',' ?: .....:\:'.' ., . . " ':'-;'i:: .,;.<~;;~:,:;:::p~:'..<'\~;iJatf;i~{~9~iyed:"(~~idbh. .,,: : .,...,":::;;:.:::.:'.>;~;.;,;p,.I~nn~r:~L..;... ...... ,"'~< ..' ; ~, " c, ,. : ~ '. . . ,"," "\ .,.... ") 5.'Recommend apriropriate intersection'improvements based upon the analysis.. . ...-' . . '. > ;,~: -. , ". ' . . . ' -"'.' 'f' Upon revi~wand approval of the TIAby Lane County Transportation Planning and the CitY-of Springfield, the i'ntersection' . . should be required to be improved as' a condition of subdivision approval, as per recommend'ations from the TIA. ' A county facility permit shall be required to construct the new intersection atS 57th St. The following requirements'shall be met as part of the facility permit process. . , ' . 1.. The City of Springfield shall be a party to the facility permit.. . " .' . '. ;. , . . , 2. The facility permit shall.not be issued if the above requirements'regarding a county-approved TIA 3. All requirements of the facility permits shall be met, constructed, inspected, and approved as specified in the issued facility permit. Facility permit requirements are in LC 15.200-210.,' , . 4. The facility permit application shall be accompanied by a copy of the approved tentative plan and conditions of approval. 5, Improvements shall include a smooth transition of sidewalks and curbs on both sides of th~ street as per the ..... applicabie road design standards of LC 15.702. . ,... ., Tha'nks forprovidin'g us the opportunity to comment on the proposal. Please contact 682-6902,or' visit. htlpJlwww I;mp.r.rll mtv nra/RinhtOfV\la'l for information about facility permits and associated fees.. , , ." " . - ._ , i', '" PLEASE NOTE: faciliiY p~rmij,fees will be increasing as of July 1, 2007. Shashi Bajracharya,P.E. ~ Sr. Engineering Assoc.iate, Transportation Planning Division Lane County PWD, . 3040 North Delta Highway Eugene, OR 97408 ,(541) 682 6932 ", " .',,,' .... !.~ ",". " .' it ,l;". 'II ,,,- . ~ :,' " , ...\t .'1: " '.'1 .,..,' J. '. ~ '., '", .. : ,':' 't. ," " ..; ~ . ,..... -, ' '. .- .,., ,. ',. ,. ,.' '. -'.;" ~, " ...-- ",--".-' <: ';'. "'-,' , . ".~ j. - ~ , ':' ,~. ",,/"' ;' If"-'-' ':'", . . ,: 1', ~ . ~. <':';;':-;" '~".. ~'.. " " ...' ,~',: " (,,::,,,_: . . ...,. ..";,cl.,,,' ....;., '. ...t." , .. ~ .." """. ,.r., '~" . .t, .".. ",' ,,', '.. I'.' \,' > "'" ::'''''': ~ '.;. ' ,'''." .",-. ,. '; " '" . L , ~ "'.. , .,'. <l"',. .'. f. : 'u'. .:i.. \'.: "'" ,.. , , . f..... " ,-,,:.-,., ; , " ',' . ,. -'"l't .' :.- ,. ,,'. ...--,...' }. .;. '. ',,' ~ '.)~ ,::' . '~;.'~ -. .~ i ,,- . ":,:i' :'~':~;\".": :,~:/ .:- /" '..' .i:-'~ ^: -,.....'" ;"." ,',.~ A';"' , "., ,~:f'~:';,;':..': . ":',.A ',:',. . .' "';, ',', """ ~ ,...... , . . .. (~ ,.~, '.~' " .,,,' .~, ' ;'," ,I,. ..,' . ',' ,', ',' ~ " i'.' , . 'l' -. , ." .",. , "', ,", . 'f t: ". .,. J", . \;.. ..... '.~; .--, -,' .,.:-....,- " ..:. " ,.... ',,'\' "'", ..;; .- " ~.' 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