HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 6/13/2007 .. , I 1 ,/ , , City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone: (541) 726.3759 Fax: (541)726-3689 SPRINGFIELD Waiver and Request for Extension Planning Journal # ::SlAa '2orr)-ooo2.3 .:::ruNE '+ J 2001 (Today's Dilte) , VWe understand that state law (ORS 227,178) requires the City to take fmal action 'on the above referenced Application, including resolution of all appeals, within 120 days after the application is deemed complete, ' , VWe understand that our application described above was deemed complete by the city of Springfield Planning Division on MA'f J I , '200"1 Accordingly, the f20-day period will elapse on ' SG?'T. ~ ,"2..DV1 ' Springfield staff has explained that the additional time is needed for the following co~sideration: I. SVBD\\"~'tJ.v PJ.ArJ<J i:.o' Nt> r C'fJA)T:A.I!J INF.-fi!MT+71o,J !?El;/v,{<F'b 1,., ~F ' -:'5P12.'NG F, I'CLD D~vF'l oP/lIIF}.}'T" C'DhE' 2,. Jf>AA."'-Il::_IPA-rJD~ OF At-o~I'.J:"JV-T- l"oJhbo.J~ 1-10'1<;; NoT EJ,."",,} :5VF"!'<'IC,If:'Nr,-'1 _~/'_t~/V].lSJ...)~ 3.'PLA1'l~ l-IA\J1O'"Nn""''BF:~<:-r''A~l''1''<. R'1 A PRnFB<;Jpt.,JAL. ~JlJ/...~ . . I In order to allow Springfield Planning Staff more time to address those consideration?, we hereby waive that 120.day requirement and request an extension until OCT, B : 2<7<'"'7' .. This extension is given freely and without compulsion by the City, and is not a condition of the City for the taking of any action on the above referenced application. ' , Sincerely,. , " Date: ?f)1Y"'.\fV'. Owners -~-::~- Date: ''Ie) !o 7 I / ' I ACC~~ryD ~ I~ /r/~ City of ~~gfiJd Planninyivision THE EXTENDED PERIOD GRANTED BY tHIs REQUEST AND WAIVER WILL ELAPSE ON Date: 6/13/'07 I I Oc.ioBE:R.. 8 ,2007 Dated'<sceive& 0~joo7 Planner: AL J ~" NOTICE OF INCOMPLETE APPLICATION , " 225 FIFTH STREET, SPRINGFIELD, 01'1'97417 (541) 726,3753 FAX (541) 726'3689 w~w. ~i.springfiefd. or. us Date of Letter: ' June 4, 2007 Plannin!! Journal Number: SUB2007-00023, .,,'- -.......... SurveYOr: Marvin Krush Krush & Assaciates 607 Hwy 99 North Eugene, OR 97402 Ph: (541) 616-9211 Owner! Aoolicant: Dan Hartan DMH Electric th' 780 Sauth 57 Street Springfield, OR 97478 ';, Ii 'Reauest: An ap~]icatian far a nine~lat subdivisian ~as submitted, to. th~ Springfield Flaiming Divisian an May 11,2007 far property lacated at 809 Sauth 57th 'Street in Springfield, The applicatian propases to. subdivide an existing 1.40 acre p,arcel into. nine tesidegtial ,lats, ..' I~ - , Status of the ADDlication: The applicant was pravided a list af items required far campleteness after the pre-submittal meeting held an Navember 14, 2006, The tentat{Ve subdivisian plan applicatian was submitted an May 11,2007, Since the pre-submittal meeting, the applicant has made chaJ,lges to. the tentative plan that requires the participatian and cancurrence of an adjacent landawner (specifically, the prapased right-af-way qedicatian affecting Titx Lat 100 that is shown on the tentative plan), The applicant has nat pravided evidence af the adjacent landawner's cansent to. thisright-af-way dedicatian. Because the City is nat'prepared to. impase a canditian af approval abligating an adjacent property awner to. dedicate tne right-af-way, the applicatian cannat be aDoraved as submitted, To. be cansidered camPlete, the fallawing ..infarmatian is required: L lt is the respansibility afthe' applicant to. secure the adjacent landawner's signature an the subdivisian applicatian ar their written cancurrence far the propasedl"Sauth 58th Street" right.af-way dedicatian, 2. The tentative subdivisian plan shaws a cambinatian af proposed utilities and lat lines, and therefore must be stamped and signed by a surveyar and a prOfessianal engineer. Alternatively, a separate utility plan sheet can be provided that is starhped and signed by the, professional engineer af recard. L 3. Cantauf infarmatian was shaWn an the plans provided far pre-submittal review, but is absent from the submitted tentative plans, The applicant must provide cantour lines at a ane-faat interval.an the Site Assessment Plan and Tentative Subdivisian Plan, The Springfield Develapment Cade (SDC) requires that submittal requirements af SDC 3,050 be fully met priar to. applicatian acceptance far review. A decision based ,on the incomplete' information submitted would result in a denial. The state-mandated 120-day processing time far this land, use decisian was initiated May 11, 2007 when the applicant submitted the applicatian farm and fees, To. ensure this decisian peri ad daes nat lapse, a Waiver and Request far Extensian form is attached far yaur cansideratian, The Request for Exte)lsian wauld extend " Date Receiv~d' 6//3/.JaJ7 Planner: ALl '. } L , ' ..~ the period for rendering a decision on thi's matter by an additional 30 days, The applicant must submit a ,written response by June II; 2007 that confirms receipt of this letter and the applicant's intentions regarding the provision of the additional informatior.. All materials required for this application to be considered complete' must be submitted by June 18, 2007, including the attached Request for Extension, ' If the applicant is silent regarding this letter, the City will deem the application complete for the purpose of processing a decision, IJ,l this case, the City will begin processing the ,application on June 19,2007 and issue a denial of the application, Additional Information: Although not "coI1]pleteness" it,ems, the Site Asse'ssment Plan and ' Tentative Subdivision Plan submitted with the original application are missing information that would facilitate timely review of this application, ' The City has responded to written and verbal 'inquiries about the proposed subdivision from adjacent'landowners, However, in'the absence of topographic, property line and tax lot information, it is ,difficult to establish a context for the subdivision proposaL and respond appropriately to 'inquiries, To,aadress this situation, it,is strongly recommended that ihe following revisions are inade on the tentative subdivision plans to be submitted for completeness '(as requested above): . The proposed east-west street serving the subdivision has grades that exceed 10%, Please provide street cross-sections for the east-west segment of "South 58th Street" proposed within the subdivision area. ' . Show the property lines and tax lot nwnbers for all parcels that snare common property lines (or comer points) with the subject site on the Site Assessment Plan and the Tentative Subdivision Plan, '! If you have any questions please call Andy Limbird in the Planning Division at (541) 726-3784, cc: Don Mogslad, Poage Engineering Eocl. ," " '.. .