HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 2/3/2009 ifLf1tf GUANO PUBLISHING COMP\NY &3oo~)(-{~-&'?>soo P.O. BOX 10188 PHONE (541) 485.1234 EUGENE, OREGON 97440 Leg~1 4020285 NotIce Legal Notice Advertising ~~1D CITY.OF SPRINGFIELD LESLIE WILSON 225 N 5TH SPRINGFIELD; OR 97477 RECE\i>JEO' n -, '1~'~';):, '~',l U t ;"'U':;I<.; qNANCE, .~.#,- ,- . ._~" <<')J\.v,.....-:"'<t.C- ,,,...,:,...~,,,~ ~t..; 'i -", "r.;i '.~. ~"'bVr,_!,,-..-..;J... Account #: INVOICE Case: Amt Due: 1000218 4020285 ZON2008-00038 $187.06 Oat€> ~{eceived: Planner: AL /~hj;;,f . I I -.;'.;'....BUC ti>'Ailitlil Ailfltt'" ~.,~~~~. lANECOUNlY'-~- '. r . 'HI'ARlNGSom:lAJ."d : - 1,1~,CASENUMBER: ..,' t ;.'_~ON2008-000~ f' . .<:.~H~.;'APPUCANT::.'" .--;<~ Law Office af Bm Kloos,' pC, ,on bebatf of Dean & Gayle Helfrich .., NATURE OF THE APPUCATION: 5"Appial' 'Of 'a~ Type 'II Dh'ector'$ DedsJ_OJ1.., AppDcant is appealing seven".appnaval.'eondltlons (Nos. 1,'2, 7,8, 10,12 and 26) of a Type II ' Putition...._Declsillll.~:'lssued October 7, 2008.l1te'staffrepOrt arnk:,.Direttor's.o:"necision; is available-,lnCltj"HaJI'or:onllne a.t ~,e Sprfn~~lfe~~,t~g ,~~lon Webpa.ge'.. ",.,."...'-.,.;,' ,_,' ,i:f.lrttp:/tWwW:d.Sp-n'ngfleld.or ::~Y~Us,IdsdIP1annlng/index.htm. ;;;,The-,:property is outslde,the SllFlngfieldCIty Umits, but inslde t:hE!:~U~-' GroWth Boundary. In accordaIice,:',with springfield I;)evelopment Code (SOC) section 53~qO.A.2'-::appe~' Inside th~ Cnn:~:;,urban1zable, area are eonducted';by"the lane County f1eiuuigsOfflcial':::':";':~' ~-', 'J:,~'AtmlORlZED usEs:"UsiS'in:the I.ow';~'n;ay ResldentW';(LDRl DistrIc:t'w'-~':'!':;regulated,':;"'by i Spi:iriQfle!~:'~,~~eJopment .:,:Cride (SDCY~n~'3.2-200.:: available l[1:.~HafLOr'~liJleat:,:i,,~,~;'::'i;~,;< ,'h;,:::,':~:;r/qcUde.US/CtlCIes",""" ,~:>f,~'trspringfleld-d1!velopmentl.J~ ,~~::;AP.P'UCABlEp~lA:':'1' ~~~,=n~'~~;"~~?4 frt,Soc,~n"S.lH25.:iUid ~ ,aYiilible,Tn,CItyHaIJoronllneat ': '~se?f..;,~.bttP~rqcodeW.., __CfJde5:!;:: ,I ;;;~;Y.sPrlltgflel~eVelopment/'''\':1 ~Z~~!:'~~YIlJE.CT ,PROPE~I.'f.~;i:~: \ ~':f~3:,;t'i;"~10CATION~t',.,."":,,,~ " :~28i3'?2othJS~(~'~essllr's' _n.:o3.;.2.f-OO..TaXlirt500.:~:,.. ;:;,.i...;;':~:;'DATE. TlME,AND ',.- ~-':,lOCATlON OFTHE HEARING: ~::'Heiuings-' Official: On Monday Mev 14. ZOO8 at the hCJUl'of 9: -"at 22S'rrtth"StTeeHn ',Clty',Hall\:,ClMlncil C ' "."""';"'~;;V';' .0;..... 1 ,~AD~f1l0NAlINFORMJ\TlON: ~ The'aplllkatlon,'all documents and evidence submitted by~ofOn behalfofth,ap,n_,aridth' appliCation criteria are' ariUable fo...lnsPectIoa,at'.Ctty'HaJI:at'no 'tostand will be 'ProVtded,at_a teasailab1ecost. 5eYen days' prior !Oth.e,Rea., ring a copyof,the sta. ff 'reportvilnbe s1mllarlyaYaIIahle. ~:-\'~;'i I'/CONTACT PERSON: ;' ~:: , rAndy Umbinl at (541) ~~31~ . brel1\a.ll;,~' , .~. . ',' ", ..>.~."" (, j [,"rmbfhj~,::;,:,':',:.s:,' end"wdtten.testimooY.C/o DS~ .tQ~'rlflO-,.~,striet'-'sDdftilfi ; \lregon~,97"1l,or. atteftil,~,eId" rneetlng-'Ind;St4te":" ~","'~O the The:h~ will be yu'!5:1!!....~ attnrdanQ!' ..con_..u:q/R; F--iFAll'..... With S,DC UilaG; :"Fa<<ure",IU:,JG at the.n:,art. , fetter, ;or{;~ 'or by _ statemeirts'or' rovide to afforit:the-dechl '. em opportunity.. on'maker an' ;tAl.. SEAL . ".respond to.'th ~:Jrr:c'Udes appeal to the c~ 5 FORD JIppeaJs' m:'''''d:"". ",,",'of '!BUC.OREGON : ,;';:~H~~:'!,';;;~i.ij':" IN NO. 407232 . _,"",':!'8l!CHEARING: . OOWS JULY 24. 2010 ,,","11_ ,neanngs" 'Offjdal: conducting a Public Hearl Is , this...... d' ".n. flnaf deem_r an WID be IsSUIng- a .,,' onon~ ~41l.-'ffil~4 . AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF OREGON, } COUNTY OF LANE, } ss. I, Kelly Gant , being first duly' affirmed, depose and say that I am the Advertising Manager, or his principal clerk, of The Register-Guard, a newspaper of general circulation as defined in ORS 193.010 and 193.020; published at Eugene in the aforesaid county and state; that the Notice of Public Meeting/Hearing printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in the entire issue of said newspaper for one successive and consecutive Day(s} in the following, issues: November 04, 2008 <6 1\~l'YO r~ / \IA."~ i,JIYJ ' ~ ~ .. h \/"" 'f;- l / // ../ /)./ . j../ ' v. ' , , , ! I /" ' . /" !! l~ Subscribed ar,1~ affirmed to befor:\'e this November 04, 2008 ~~~\~J~l ' Notary Public of Oregon r ( My commission expires: July 24, 2010