HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 11/22/2006 '; "PRE-SUBMITTAL.. DISTRIBUTION LIST: Date Distributed: 11-22-00 / Dave Puent ~ Building ~ Gilbert GordonlMelissa Fechtel- Fire ~Gary McKenney - Traffic ~ Matt Stouder -'-Public Works/Engineering ~ Les Benoy -Public. Works/Engineering Dennis ErnstlJon.Driscoll, Surveying Planner, c::4rt iliA /. . Date t{~ceived: 1/J-~/POl . Planner: AL . . .' . ", , City of Springfield " . ' '. Development Services DepartIIlent 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477. 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax GF'AINGFIELO,,, ' 1': 't - ~*".r~'~"~ " Pre-Submitta,l Meeting . Case Number Assigned:. PRE2006-00099 . Date Submitted:' 11/21/2006 " "" ProiectName: . 4~CPaA.Jz-. ,^pL Project Description: Pre-Submittal Meeting for 6 lot Tentative Subdivision .,' ." Application Type: Job Address~ Subdivision' Tentative 232 S 42ND ST Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1702323302100 DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may oc~ur between the time of the Pre-Submittal Meeting and Submittal of the Application for Development Review. 'Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 with any questions or concerns. A Planner will be assigned'theroliowing business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting'date and time. J PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'D v _ Date Received: lI/LfJ-oO( Planner: AL 'f . :_.~_=;.; - ;-:7:"=. PlanJobPrint.rpt 11/21/2006 2:49:44PM " '. I' " ";' " t.' . . . " .' .. " Pre-Submittal Meeting. . Development Services Departinent . Room 615/616 ". PRE-SUBIvntTAL MEETING DATE:' Tuesday" December 5, 2006 , '1. . PRE-suBMITTAL MTG #PRE2006-00099 (SUB TENT) HAASE $325 . ,Assessor's Map: 17-02~32..33 TL 2100, 2101 Existing Use: Residential " Address: 232 S. 42nd Street . , ~ . . . Applicant submitted plans to create a 6-1ot MDR subdivision, SkychiefPark Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, December 5, 2006 DSD 616 10:00 -11:00 a.m~ Planner: Andy Limbird. ... . ~ 2.' PRE-SuBMITTALMTG #PRE2006-00098 (SITE TENT) EAST & WEST $325 . Assessor's Map: 17-02-32~32 TL 300 Existing Use: Vacant. . , Address: SF: corner of 42nd and Smith Applicant submitted plans to construct a used car lot on site Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, December 5, 2006DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner: Andy Limbird , f;- ..PR~.SUBMITTAL REC'O v ~ ~___:;i.~ .... .--=:::'_ _ _ . ~ A. _ , ,Date Heceived: t/;.L/J-oo({ Planner: AL , . , , ',". City of Springfield , . Development Services Department 225 'Fifth Street. Springfield, OR' 97477 land Division Applicatiorl~ Type II Subdivision Tentative: Partition Tentative: '. . Subdivision Replat Tentative: . , Partition Replat Tentative: . ." . , - APPlicantName:lI.<.>.~\1w~' Company: .' I.. 1'1i' :~Jl",,= ~n ,\ '. . IFax: I ~i~~~'~~'~:""'TT . . ),..: :,i~1._~-o. C_..~l,~",,~ ~~;,j,/':~~l C-(,-:.., 4J'{~t. ,',' " ,', Applicant's Rep.: 'Mwr\l"~ \&....&L '. Iphone:' I bxb-92-1I Company: . \(,........'-ku,,~L ,A-::";"r'h~ !Fax: I It'6'{-t{b3\ Address: I --'1' ,:::;',~-- I I, Property Owner: Company: , . Address: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: \,-ti"2.-32-o;) TAX LOT NO(S): '21~~ 'i: 21DI Property Address: 2~ 2.- . <S, Y z..rJ-- <;-\nut I. I Size of Property: { ,,/7 . _.' Acres,gl Square Feet D .~Iege~~~i;N~T~()f Subdivisio~: "?6;b'~~i:lf~...,rlC Description of To~v;11... 2- +o..y Lo-t<; (1.- l~\.,*) l^'tbG~<J \P~/S . Proposal: ' 'of 'V~~ "",J\ \Ac."",- ~~~5 cc"ltr_~~ '-VX'\-'~. " Existing Use: Ilu::L.d;';"J, 0 .,elf., Cl, b-z,. 1!"g! ~~t~1, ~.~X2.~I.~:;- .~i;>...,-c~~~;,~e~{j~~,~~,~.I..~.i,~,~;;~,. ...;fc ,.;~;~~.~:~X:;~,>,~.~~,~;;;~.;, '/ ' '::--.;,.~ ,;s, ufft: 0.....-t , . . Zoning: ' Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: City Um,its 0 Associated Applications: :c'';':'';/.;, <~:<:;,:,.,~>v:::,\~::-:(' ',,,:':} -,' C~~"::;:':'::;'.;~;,i,~1:'-::-,,:,. ',',: ::'.;::'~?;:~,>"~.j;.?,~;::';:,~' '~:-::\f .. ',. . ~~~~S~~~ittal Po JtJnfl-(){ff1 q, Overlay District: Plan Designation: Urban Growth Boundary 0 Date: "".1".'.",.,...".,""',. .'...'...7."'..'. it 'L/ Dq; " ;'-':-;.-":';';,,,:: .. ;"..,',,':.--. ;'-":",<"-',;',.".' -;,:;:--.,',,<,;:;,', """;,-"~,,,;,,,. ..~--, ....,.:.(.,-' . ~ Pt1{~ I I Case No.: e.~.~li~~.~~,~~.~~,~:.,..,.,.... Date: Reviewed by: (initials) Reviewed by: (initials) " T ()!a I:~~~.:.",.. '",.-,-".",:;.:",:,".'''-''-;''''-;'1 ;"'c-.:'-,.-,-";:".' ',""- '''',' '.-c'.-,-,;:.,---. i:Dnlt:t.WlffltOO:REC'f) ,,)-~" -:'.,'.'_.,-..';.--d' ...,.....,,,,.,.-...,,,. . -- -,' ,.-', . " f ~j Jf10- aXfl2,'" v ~-~_:=: -- :-:-:--:": , . . Date Received:---4/;.;lh>:76 . . Planner: AL . " '. '",:', ' I represent this application to be complete for'submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information 'identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided here,in or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement , . serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227,178 pertaining to a complete . application ' '"' ' Owner: /J~o/ A~lj,'" ..:,.. g/gnatu~~:'~ ( Date: .. //--' / -j ~i:J6 ..i "C 0 'N 'l././.HtP~['2 <; P' , , Print PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D .~.:.-:--:=.;.;.:. -. -' . -. - Date Received: Iftf.N~(' , , Planner: AL . ,.," " , ... . ~ . , i . ." ,[J3. The 100-year floodplain clpd flood~ay Boundaries on the site, as 'specified in the latest , ' adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of f';1ap, Revision ' " ",," ' , ,'" ,','",' -G(J' The Time of Travel Zones} as specified in' Article 17 of the Springfield Development , Code and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in tt)e Development, Services Department" , ;, ' 'gJ Physicai features including,' but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when , ' , measured 4 V2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock.'outcroppings , " 1;81 Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County, A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted ' concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development areat)as unstable soils and/or a high water,table ' ' ' . . , ~r b. Tentative Land Divisior,t Plan "" , 'g] Prepared by 'an Oregon Licensed Land Surveyor in acco~dance with ORS 92 iiSJ Location of all existing and proposed easements ',,','" "" " , , ,ba Dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building', ,'site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale ' ~ Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting" ' ; " , , ' 'fiQ Location, widths and names of all existing and proposed streets; alleys, dedications or " other right-of-ways withi80r adjacent to the proposed land division , ' , ,'lEI Location of eXisting,and, required traffic control devices, fi're hydrants, power poles, , transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar publi,c facilities, ' ,,',,' , txI Location and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, 'sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails , ' KJ Location, size and type ofplantings and street trees in any required planter strip iiU Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV:" ' Indicate the proposed connection points , ' '., Phased Development plan required if redivision is proposed. The plan must include the boundaries and sequencing of each proposed redivision, Any redivision must . progress in a sequence promoting street connectivity between the various phases of the development and accommodating other required public improvements, c. Grading and Paving Plim' ~ Prepared by an Oregon' Licensed Civil' Engin~er, " , , g] Planting plan prepared by an Oregon Licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the storm water management system, ~ Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations 5SI Pervious and impervious,area drainage patterns ," " ~ The,size and location of storm water management systems components, including but not limited ta: 'drain lines,catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; storm water , quality 'measures; 'and natural drainageways to be retained , ' 5:1 Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at lfaot .intervals (for . land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot .intervals) tfI Amount of proposed cut and fill , ,',,' ' ',.',' , :'PRE~SU8MlrrAL REC'D ' . "._'- - _ ..--.. -----=.~ .~=--;:: Date, i<<eceived: IliJ-bcol Planner: AL f / . .~, , \', w 1/4'SYV 11 ~ SECTION~2 T. 1" 'S. 'LANE COUNTY SCALE 1" = (tClJl Y OF SPRINGFIELD SEE MAP 17' 02 *7~D2-32-3,3'TL 2ioo, 2101' R.2W. W.M. e5' w' 103.50' s: 89'~6'OO'" " ~" 2101 - 0.' '1J'o~ 0.... ~:l:,O.19 ~IT~~ SITE" ,~';~tp'~~~ S ~\ ~\0 " m8f f' 2000" ~~ \~, N 8"2600'\.-\ ~I ' , ~ . 0,:::: ~~'b\:!) .'. .. ,I 0,06 AC, \S ' " \ I 2L,r' / ~~o' ,2~I~o' ~5'":1 75//,/1 /11182,11/'- //1/ , - 77.5' "77.5,"/1. Ge'"rr "- [;' 2408 ~ ~ 2407 .. 2406 2405 2404'~ TO' l~- L-________~_----.:-5~~.::_::':~'-----------m g ,'-"i-f" ~ ~ ~ ~ G ~ ' ' ~ t ! I, 1900 ' " ' " " ~'I>or:. 1 2 3 4. Q1 5 Q1.~ : - (:/ \',04' 82' 77,5' 68": ' ',' 8 . 'Date ~;;;ce, i'ved.' II /~fX>~6 ~ ,"r.:;:,~7~,5" J ~ - o:r '" . I, 'I 1111 C /I /I "', : Planner: AL " , ' " E'WAY ~~ - ~~~~ ,,' ,r;; ;' ,83.5" rs~" ': '~~' ) , 2417 83.5" CI 83.5" : "-r. vEST - 2'5' . -, , 2418 2419 2402 ---1if-E~~;:-;;~~--m--~",-------;'--~-------' ! 5'~ ~ '~~ ~ ~I-- r--~-;;-1--~---:-:-"":'~___><' . , 4:1.3 cIl 6 l;tl 7 m..z cIl h )"'f>" IE,?,?', / 83.5" 835' ~M ,iW". 9",20 ~'3;/ '-II( U 1'~:(: "' 1'1' - 1311 /~' NOTE,' . . ~ 52', I " ---7'3,8' 109'.- 35-' -- [ [ , '20 PO NT $ 420.9' - NORTH OF .... ) I 31 00 . " f- THE THQH"D.EDVARDS DLC No. 55 .... ~ ! 3200' ~ 3301 ~ 3300 : /I "" 1 : ~ ~ "",f 1~S ~:,' ,II '621' EAST - 322.1' '~' I :;. c I I - ~ ao' it. ' 60' : '~ ,~ : 1600 , ' ----------- ------. 1 ~ ): ;., ~ .-- 14<1' I ~ 900 800 I ~ a.. ~ S8-3"2<;J'32'( . ~-i--:;oo, ..a : f\: ~ &l sa9.c9'~'E ~ 2L7.B' ~ 3'1' , ~ II"" ~:~ 'UN _J.__, \ I . ~..6I~S':l'2!l.' "E ui~.aa"'~--""" 120~ r ' - i' 3401 :f '3"'3 i rGi--"~---":-------------~~' ~ ~ I'l. '"tV . ,., ltlc.!' ..7, ~ 3402 ~O.HAC , , 150' - , i)! ~~~ ~,~'~2",Aft~~~T, ~i ~"q " ~\, !!!;;;~ PCL 1~ ~~_ -: .^~, ~ . ~k ~ " VJ ~,/) ;, q~ ,. 80' z..~ ~ $,39210 J r-tS ,P62R"E.SUBMlm,. l ~.ec'Q I " . "IF! \' ,~p,., tp ~rj / ''is.Z I Z .... T~I\ CAMEL~;!~RE.ET ~j _ L.. ',"m""_ i<:~, ,1400 :::.-=:~;- ':-:1~qoo _-I-__~_ S:89.3Q.:1!.5~E 98.104' ,~ .' J - . C::. . R ~ I ,,-orrrr 7777~--------------r----'------- . ("! :c ~f' '1-- &.~j.L07~~~~ rill i NR;~.~'.40".,I T-----~0~~----~-l.30' 1.~ 11 12 1413 '- 2100. 0.99 AC. S89-26'E'(PLAD 12 395' ---11 3 <" >1 " ,I , " ~ 25' ~ '" ~ 80 ~ 701 70a "162.1' I i I' i I ", j" I i. I . I I <>1.'\'1' I I ' ",~IC1< ' .,."........ """ MX:<SS. I: t I TAX U1I' 12600. . 'tOfl~ 1rNrIT.. NC) lJl'I.Jf'l' r.ASfWEHT- 12 I' I I I 'IzfB-, , TAX L01' 13200 ' : I , I , ~.._,_' ....,..J., ,,~.. ~ ~~,..:..l '=:- -*+~' __, ' -~/.%; .' r~'~-~~"-' - i r, . ~I' -'< ~8 ~ ~ ~ ~ ii' i~ i:i.'S~/r::.. -,~' '..,." ~l,~ll;-; --- i ~ ~ II Z tY'ffi L".':'.' // 'g , 1 ci- - l~-' ~~ ~ p=~: !:~ll~ ;J~J~ 814' . ~.~~-~ ~{;~'Z)~,. 4 f'a; !h~ J,i!~lJ~l~' -~ ~~/ 6 ~ I::I'/~;/rf/, ~~~ '~,~j -=,"coi:.=_.', "::-I J,,' ~ ,_...b ____~ ' '// · Ao'/I'/~ ....- fIR --- II: ~ fpt il v! ...... -- - - - - - ~ ~ ,..... ;,'/, - "_";"~.,)... .' to., ,_' ri I"',-r&.il 1 ~--/,j ( l.-"""'LH:' ........... ,,~.. ""'"'" II " ' ' ,; is /" III's, f~1>tfl.lC1< f1.'\'1' TLY L01' f2OOO' ' IS it. " SKYCHIEF PARK TENTATIVE LAND DIVISION PLAN --- -- I I I I I I !, i I I CUNT, """HM'" tll<<l CiII.JW,I RCW) t:lJOOI[, 0Am0N UIOt 17-02-32-33 , 2100 . ~101 kJtI>>t Nm ASSOCIATES N~LOOP . WOOIL 0RflXlN 0140t (MIl eae-e111 """"""'" " ....... t. ALL c# TtE lOTS ~ AN AOJUS1WDf1' 10 THE: S(lI.AR I)[:SaCN srNIWlO Ioi su:noN J&...0100xd)l..b., DUE to 11<< Dm* RlQH1'-a:'- 'MI"S PAlWfT TlIE-~'fRC\l'bDG ClRIDaED fOR SOl.Nt ACCESS. 1.NOaJf(lRfU.ISPROPCJIS(D. 3. lM7E IS M) DllS7WC SJREEI' l.JCHf$ ADJiIa)lf 10 lHIE sm: NI) HONE I/lIS.. PROPOSm. . . . . 4. 1HERE ME. ND D15DG STREET TREES NlD HONE NilE.. PROf'OS[D. IS.PRDfIIRtYISZONEI),.,..:..DDcStIY~ e.P'IlCf'(Jm'I$ltflA1Ml.'(flATwmlAttwa:NElLVAllOHorl.fSi ." ntM 2.0 fEET. " . ....'~ , I '. I I. I """- ..- -..... "1:10 iil ,lll ' ::l~ ::l' , CD;:l3 , :"!m o ~!!!. r< CD c. """".... """"'.... SE'MJt:CflYtE~ trOID&R 7. 20CIe -=~ , 14TtwA TMl~ ~FOcrr_il:i...~ 7_IIU .....-!Vl.AA:- IJ.>>I i<<W-~ ~ __stUll ~ __!iOI.AIf a,a __StUR fin __!DAle , , . , . "- -, ~ , \;' '. t' ",' 17-02-32-33 I 2100 & 2101 PAGE 2 Of 4 .;, .- a. _ 0lEJlt€ID f'OIMlt CK'H _ <MJtHDO PHllh!: CHC .. CllIO:H[.IO'CA8lL oc__ _..WllS1[WJER SlY .. STORW IIATER. PWR _ PROPOSED ELECllIW. SDMCE ~--. ",- /' I -@- , Nt I ' ,-- ',- L..-::"l '. f , I _"'l1"'_ I _L_ ~ UP, .... a- ,.. ~- --- ,. .,\, 11 '.; . ".. .' '.! '-, OREGON TITLE ~ ~~, Insurance Company, , " .11, , " :' State of Oregon County of Lane - !ilS. I,the County Clerk, In and for the "said County, do hereby certify Ilia! the within, lnslrumej,tl.llai received lor re-cord al ,99076337 : After I<ecor<Iirg, Petum to: ........~. Title :tnsurarce u...ol~'.I, an , 450 O::>.Jntry Club floa1, Ste 150 Eugere, Oreg:n 97401' 'jSStP 2587R 1Anl1:32 o Reel ,Until a charY;Je is requested, tax sta~.~.;"" ,shall be, sent to tOO fa1l00rq ...:;..;.~: Twin-Butte .UJ,..~, Ire. 143 Madison St. I:::guene, UK 9/4U1 Llne County OFRCIALRecords Lane County Clerk ,{].,;P--! ~j;.y By: County Clerk ,. <{'- ID- e?--- Michael G. S'l'AT{11'CRi ~..~..;, DEED (Irdividual ) ;". (N:,;.;,,' Sp8Ca.~Qert~:alf1 copy of oriei ByOre~, ct I, ns'. CO. Hussey am C=~~ D. ce.ey "c:x:nveys"cUd ~_.._~ to . Twin 8.Jtt:e. lcA,.Llo. ~~, Ire.. an' U.J..~. \...oU.L~u""';'al .' 1:be following clesc:dbed real .--r-~' in 1:be state of 0regCn and .cJunty of Lane free of~,..."-:'--~. ......~:. as specifically set forth hereln: . "". 'The t>Jrth cr>e-half of IDt 13. r~<<cIC" as platted and .~..;.J in Bcd< 4, Page 67: Lane O::>.Jnty 0regCn Plat Feo:Jrds, in Lane O::>.Jnty, 0regCn. , , EXCEPl' tOO SCuth ,100 feet thereof. , " AlSIJ EXCEPl' tOO west 25 feet' ':'~~f a:nveyed to tOO City of Springfield by deed .~Jb] . A1:qust 12, 1968" Pa:epticnNo. 34906, Lane OJunty oregcn D?ed Records, in Lane OJunty, Oreg:n. ' S77~P.OI'99"04REC 5.00 S77N:P.OI'99"04PFUND, 10.00, alZ!SEP.Ol'99"04A&T FUNO 20.00 Tax Pa:xJunt Nunber( s): 127835 'Ibis ~~:"..1 is free of ~c...-..::>. DCEPl': . . 1. Ta><eS for tOO fiscal year 1999-00, a lien in an 'em:>mt yet to..be det:ernrlred, but rot yet payable. ' 2, The rights of tre public, gc>Io=..,~,tal lxd1es, am public utilities, in am to that 'porticn of tOOrerein describe1 ......,.."..;:y 1yirq within tOO limits of public.roads am higlw.>ys. . The true cx:nsideratloo for, this o:::nveyarce is $150,000.00 'IHIS ~ WILL mr AU.J:1N l:5E OF 'IHE Ct\IJ1&~.... 1J~ IN nns INS'I'RlI'fENl' IN VIOIA- TIm OF APPLICABLE lANO' USE Ll\WS l\Nll m;x;urATICflS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ",-,-=.~~. 'IHIS INSTIlIl-' MENT. '!HE PE1tSCf{ ACUJlRD'C FEE TITLE TO 'IHE c.:'......;.;..c..... 'Ea:XJI.D QIED{ wrm 'IHE Ar-rl\UcrtlATE CITY OR CWI'tlY Pi..l\NNn<<) DEPAR1MENI' 1U vm:rF'Y API'IliJVED = l\Nll 1U DE:1'EIlMINE l\N'i LIMJ:'ffi m LAW- SUITS AGAINST F1\RM:nG OR run,c..."')"- PRACTICES AS uU..uu:..aJ IN..ORS 30.930. ~Jt~(t~~:~' 1999, ~ ~_ Michael G. Hussey " \j Barbara D. i:ewey 0 '. STATE OF 00=, roJNIY OF Lare)ss, ''2I.V ~ing ij1strurent was ~le:lged before roo this 2m day of August, 1999, by Mill:l-1~ijuS.<ley am Barbera D, I:a;ey, ' <~ I ~ DateIKeceiv~d:-4'h2./.?VI"6 \ \ I, Planner: AL c ' 0regCI1 , My Carmissicn Expires:_ ><).- --, ,.. -OF~'C~'~SEAL--' - - ~l VICKIE L BAUGHMAN ; NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON '_, ..: COMMISSION NO. 316600 '..... __=~S.""",'Dl:","Dl..j' PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D Order No.: 430275a ~,==':.i.-:: - "~~:'ii , ';1 WESTERN TITLE & ESCROW COMPANY OF LANE COUNTY E;:UGENE OffiCE. 497 QAI\."W A Y ROAD, SUITE J4() - PO BOX 1 rnllil- Eugene, Orellun 91440- (541) 4115-35RII - FAX (541 )4115~3591 FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE" , , TWIN B UITE MORTGAGE ATIN: DON HAASE 1960 GILHAM ROAD EUGENE, OR '97401 Report No: 50-0589205 Your No: n Subdivider: DON HAASE SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE GOVERNMENT SERVICE FEE $200,00 " '$25,00 . ' " , Western Title & Escrow Company or Lane County , Guarantees- , , The Oregon Real Estate Commissioner, and any County or City within which said subdivision or proposed' , subdivision is located,' .' , " That, according to the public records which impart constructive notice of matters affecting title to the premises hereinafter referred to,.:~e firid:' , Dated as or November 6, 2006 at 5:00' p,ro" title is vested in: DONALD HAASE We also find the following apparent encumbrances, which includes "Blanket Encumbrances" as defi~ed by ORS 92.305 (I) and also easements, restrictive covenant'i and rights of way within a' period of ten years prior to the effective date hereof:' L Unp'aid taxes for the year 2006'2007 Original Amount: ., $1,104, 13 DUE Tax Lot No,: 1702.323302101 Account No,: , 1744299, Code 19-00 Unpaid taxes ror the year 2005-2006 Original Amount: .. $1,079,81 Unpaid Balance: $4~O.l5 DUE, plus interest 2. The rights of the public in and to that portion of the herein described propeny lying within the limits of roads and highways. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O =~=~,:.:: -. .-:-=-~'= ~ Date Received:~/L;I.>co. Planner: AL ,'. .' , , < J ", 3, " ~, Trust Deed to secure an'indebtedness in the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby: ' ' Amount: $100,000,00 Dated: , _ January 25, 2000 Recorded: January 27, 2000 " DocumentNo,: 2ooo.Q04919, Official Records Grantor: Don Haase Trustee: ' Oregon Title Insurance Co: Bimeficiary: Register Guard Federal,C",dit Union r.o .... ,Order No, 50-0589205 .' " Page No, 2 '" . " '.I . . 4:. Tenns, provisions and conditions of easement, including but not limited to maintenance provisions . , .' 1 contained in instrument. .' ~ '. . .' . . : .< . Recorded: February 21, 2002 Document No,: 2002.Q13998, Official Records , NOTE:, ,:The guarantee does notprovide affirmative assur,ances as to'the p";visions of ORS 92,012. ' , ' 92.190 which requires that any division of an existing parcel is a partition requiring governmental approval. ' , . We have also searched'our General Index for judgments and'~tate and F~defaI liens against the grantees named above and find: ' - NONE t: . 'The premises are in Lane Couniy, and are described as rollows: !lEE ATIACHEDEXHIBIT"A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. i This is not a report issued preliminary to the issuance of a Title Insurance Policy, Our search is limited to the time specified in this Guarantee and the use hereof is intended as an informational report only, to be used in conjunction with the development or real property, " , , Liability hereunder is limited to an aggregate sum of not'to exceed $200,00, , Any questions concerning this Subdivision Guarantee should be directed to Jerrilyn Egger, at (541) 431.3710, ' cc: KRUSH & ASSOCIATES ' kanda@willamctte,nct NOTE: For copies of exceptions please call our Customer Service Department at (541) 284-8011 or email yourr~uestto.euQ:ene@.westerntitle.com PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O v :._:;::... :=:-:'i. ,Date Received' /fYh?t!, Planner: AL " ,'~ Order No, 50-0589205 ." Page No" 3 EXHIBIT "A" . Beginning at the North~ast corn~'r of Lot 13, FREDERIC, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 67, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; 'thence along the Northerly line-or said Lot 13, FREDERIC, North 890 26' 00" West 15,00 reet; thence leaving said Northerly line South 00 19' 00" West 11,7,50 reet to the true point of beginning; thence North 890 26' 00" West 47,08 reet; thence North 500 00' 00" West 82,65 feet; thence North 890 26' 00" West 76.26 reel; thence North 00 19' 00" East 65,00 reet to the Northerly line or Lot 13, FREDERIC; thence along said Northerly line South 890 26' 00" East 103.50 reet; thence leaving said 'Northerly line South 00 19' 00" West 71,24 reet; thence South 500 00' 00" East 53.15 reet; thence South 890 26' 00" East 42,60 feet; thence South 00 19' 00" West 12.50 reet !o the true point or bcginning, in Lane County, Oregon, ' ' ' .. EXCEPT thaI portion conveyed to the City of Springfield by Instrument recorded June 20, 2006, Document " : No, 2006-042859, Official Records, ' . ---'I. " I' .-,< " \' J ~f ' '\ ;'> " PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D .. , --=----:::.: - Date I'teceived' Planner: AL l:h0tJ/ c <> '~ c 's i a:; a; C I- ~ ~,' L i , , \ -, ','8/t '':'Z.6DlD-GIo Tax LotN,o, 17-(}2-32-33-02101 , BARGAIN AND SALE DEED KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that DONALD HAASE, Grantor, In consldera<<on of the ac<:eplance by the City of Springfield, Oregon, Grantee, and the, use or holdIng of said property for present or futuf'8 public use by Grantee. Grantor hereby grants, bargains, .sells and conveys unto the said Grantee, Its aucceslKlf'S and assigns, all the following real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, situated in the County of Lane. an~ State of Oregon. bounded and described as .follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A", ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE . .' . , THE SAME IS, HEREBY and forever dedicat~ to the pUbUc to be used as PU~C ROAD. .- " TO HAVE AND HOLD, the above descrlbedand granted premises unto the said Grantee, Its'sucCes8ors and assigns forever.- ,THE MONETARY CONStDERATION for this conveyance Is: Two Hundred Dollars, IN WITNES~HEREOF. the Grantor above named has hereunto set his hand this of, ,/ r..{,;'I..P 2006,,', , ' , ' 2C> Q(~ 0_ iJIO,D E' , ,'I, SrATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF Lane } SS , '~ BE IT REMEMBERED that on this ;=:J ~ day of June, 2006, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said-County and State, personally appeared the within named DONALD' HAASE whose Identity was proved to me on the basis of satisfactory eVidence and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily. . IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I,have hereunto 'set my hand and affixed 'my official seal the day and year last above written. . . . . I','"'"':"',","" "'6rli1JAL';u<' ,', '''" MAL L OAllE8 j 1J1IMY~ " , ~1Il384n1 ____'12l1!1'! .=.......................................................~"'":.._-ll.1..u_.'-. ?/Jd. _ Notary Public for Orego My Commission Expires 2/11/ THE CONVEYANCE set forth In this Instrument conveying title or Interest to the CIty of Springfield, a Munlclpal Corporation of the State of Oregon,"ls hereby approved, and the title or Interest conveyed therein is hereby accepted, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BY~>i-' ," Dennis p, Ernst - City oi'SpMngfleld Surveyor ]VAlI" Z 0" ZLJoG. Date DjYl.Jon 0' Chlof Deputy Cl.~k u". Caunty D_ and _..-do loos.a42859 ~Wl~WII~~'~~1~JII"I" III $31.00 06/20/ZOOi 01 :4a:48 PIl CASHIER 04 1II'R-llEED CntolSl..e 510,00 511,00 510,00 ......:"....... . .;' day ,'PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D " :.==~=:- ~;:"=.~ Date Received' I~ /n~, p, Planner: AL F RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. PUBUC WORKS DEPT.. 225 FIFTl-I STREET. SPRINGAELO, OREGON 97477 SEND TAX STATEMENT TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - FINANCE DEPT. . 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREQON 97477 1:\Mioo:loI'-~DoooI.doc QVtSED:J.Iy,2OD'I ,. . " , ,I. I III - - . '. EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION . '" A par'cel of land lying in the Southwest one-quartet of th~ Southwestime-quarter (SW \4 SW \4) of Section 32:Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, and being a portion of that tiact of land conveyed to DONALD HAASE, by that certain deed recorded January 27,2000, Recorder's Reception Number 2000004918, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS, included ina strip of . land variable feet in width lying on the westerly side of the centerline of South 42nd .' ',Street as surVeyed by Lane County in 2006; the centerline and widths in feet being' described as follows: . , , Beginning at Enginee~s'Centerline Station L 37+50:19 PT, Said station being 6.00 feet, , North and 0,20 feet East of the West Southwest Corner of Donation Land Claim Number 55, in,Section 32, Township 17 South, Range 2 West 'of the Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon; run thence North 1054' 39" East, 1,149.81 feet to Engineers' Centerline Station L 49+00,00 POT and there ,ending,.,all in Lane County, Oregon. " " The widths in feet oflhe strip ofland herein described are as follows: , , STATION TO STATION' WIDTH ON WEST'L Y SIDE OF ClUNE L 44+33.33 POT L48+86,18 POT' 35ft tapering on a ' straight line to 32 ft, , ' , The westerly line of the above described strip of land crosses GRANTOR'S southerly and northerly t'.vt'~'~i lines opposite approximate Engineers' Centerline Stations L 45+45 POT and L 45+58 POT,' respectively, , ' . The parcel of land to which this description applies contains 178 square feet, more or less, The bearings used herein are based on a bearing of South 00 44' 12" EaSt between L.CC.M. 1226 and L.CC,M. 18-02-50 ELL, said bearing based on the Oregon Coordinate System (NAD 83191), South Zone, ' , PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D ' v :===;:: - :':'7:'i " , Page 1 of 1 Ll394-45 BS LEGAL DESCRIPTION South 42'" Street - rr/jes " 06/06/2006 17-02-32-33 2101 ' Date Received: /00.0tJ6 Planner: ' AL , DECLARATION 'OF JOINT USE' ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAINTE}IANCE AGREEMENT RECITALS: 1, ,Declarant: This, Declaration of Join't Use Access Easement ar,d, ~;aintenance Agreement is, declared and granted by TWIN BUTTE MOR}'GAGE, INC" an Oregon Corpor,ation ("Granti)!,"), in favor of 11ccc"be'Investments Limited 'Partnership" and' Twin Butte'Mortage Inc, McCabe Investments L'i'mited Partnership is, the ."ownei" ,of' F.arc~~l 1./ as, deseri.bed,. on E~r~ibi.t ,nAil. Twin Butte ,t1ortgage, Inc, is the owl1er'(jf'Parcels;2 'and, ),' as described on Exhibit ".\11. 2~ Subject ~roperty: Grantor is the owner of fee ,the'real propelC,ty,desclOibed,on',Exhibit "B"," title to' .' '. . , 3 :.- 'Pufnose: This Declaration-' establishes' a.!..oi':ivate easement. "foe ac.cess and, inaintenance, 'Said easem~nt':,-is 'described on Exhihi t lien. 4, Lonsideration:', The' consideratio;; ,for this' easement is other than monetary. WITNESSETH: NOW, THEREFORE, in consider~tiori of ~he foieg~{ng recitais, which are excressiy ~ade a part of this Declaration of Joint Use ];cceS3 - . Easem~nt. . and Haintenance Ag'reement',. the undersigned hereby declares as ,follows: (1) Declaration of Access Ease~ent: d.eclared / 'Jranted I l conveyed anQ. created a eXGl~sive eaSBlnent as a means of 'ingress, fr6m Parcels '1: ~; and 3: as desc~ibed on There is hereby perpetual and non~' and egress to and Exhibit "A", (2) The prope,rty,c'r'ossed ('ibvrdenedr!) by said easement is desc:c'iped on Exhibit !lBt!. ~3) T~~propert~~:.ser~ed Qesc:::2.De0.. OT~ EX~ll..::).lt "All. ("benefitted") by,said ea'sernent is (4) Extent: The easement persorial or in gross but cne flropecty benefitted, created by this declaration are not are appurtena~t to e~ery portil)ri of PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O ~ :=...:=;- '- _._~.-. --..--=: ~~:: Date. t'~eceived' l;hrt76 Planner: AL Division of Chief D,epuly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and Records ~~~~.~m~~ . After rsc6r:iirlg ret~l~n to: Twin TIlltte Mortaage. INC. / t./3 J11fL/' <; (;>" N ,') r 1I1111111r11""".1II1111111111111111111111111 $46,00 0026487;20020113998005005; 02/21/2002 01:57:00 PM RPR-ESMT Cnl=1 Sln=7 CRSHIER 08 $25.00 $10,00 $11,00 " , , , " ','.. J (5) Exclusive: Said easements shall run with ,the properties herin described, and' shall be binding on and inure to', the, benefit, of the' parties hereto, their heirs, successors; or assigns .' ,(6) ,Haintenance: Any party may cause the Access Easement right of way or any portion ,thereof "'to be maintained or repaired, The party causing said maintenance or 'repair to be dODe shall pay for SllCh work, and other ,persons using' the Access, Easement, 'shall be liable for contribution based on thatpartyis reiative use proportionai to the.'total~oadw~y use, This payment, shall be made' in '3" tiinely,', nHnner," not" to. exceed 30 days, 'from, the date of. ,receipt' of "pro~f' of' expense. . (7) Taxes: Real, property taxes shall.:be paidby:the _owne~s ,of the, property ,upon ,which the easement .islocated, ' , . '(8) ,Indemnification: Each party shall indemnify-and save any 'other of the,p.i..rties hacmless' from any, liability, loss ':'or "'lxpenses resuLting from that part'ies 'agents" and employees , any ,illdepend,ent contractor hired. by;, that 'party, and, that part,ies pennitees; invitees, licensees and guests un,less that injury is ,caused in part'by any oIthe other parties' failure to contribute 'to the expenses of maintenance cif the:, Access Easement,. (9) The 8as'ements, crea"ced hereby' shall _ manner consistent with applicable local, regulations and' permits and with all easements, and restrictions of record, be exercised' in a state, and federal other, conditions, ,ltcaJ ~ A ^ f) -e~ ~~a~;t of , " Twin ButteMortgage~ Inc" an Or~gon Corpor~~ion :L'J. ( - 6 :2... Date state of Oregon)ss County of Lane-) ~'e~ son~lly appeared before me' Don H:3-8.,se " pre~,iden.t oJ,'! T....,in b;ttp tJo~tgage, Ine" an Oregon Corporatlon, on thl~~ day C~ ':4::.I/r1..v~ ,2002, and acknowledged the fOregolng instrument t~ be hi~ vol~ntary act and deed, ' PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D #A ,# ' 1:3\~:l~: 1'ly Corr.mission E:,pires: J !).?? pi ,~:=~'":.": - :':-:-:'~ '~.i- :~~;~t~~~~~~f~N'" r ...", ',,/ COMMISSION NO, 336781 ~'~~""' n",' '!_~",-J. Date i~eceived: /0i.~o6, Planner: AL E:.:hibit "All Falncel' 1 ': 'Begim1lnci at the Soutl-,west cornel- of 1:;ot 12, Frederic" as '9.ia-tt!3d ',and 'r8co(ded 'in .,Book' 4/' Page 67 ,Lane ~ County 'oregon Flat recoc"ds; thence ,'h,st220,00,feet; thence North 116,83 feet';-,.,. thence :Ea:3t',:'220. 00 feet; thenc'e Sou'~h 11-6..,33 feet.t,? the Point bf ~eg~nning' in La~e County, 'Oregori~ :0 Beg-lnnin"g at ,the No'rtheast corner-. of~.- Lot. 13, FREDE'HIe, as platted 'and,.recorded in"Book 4,'Page','67, 'Lan,e Co"u.ni;:y Oregon ,P 1a t'Pecords ,: thence along' the Norther ly " line of, Lot, 13 . North 890 261 .09;1:, .West' 35,09 teet to, the' True ~oini:: of 3eginn:i.ng; thence .leaving' said ',ortherly line South 00 19' 00,/1 West 1,5.00 feE:t',: thence -North 890,' 26' DOl! rries-c, 5.0,QO. f':let; "th'erl.c::e South SOo DO! CO" West 76:88. feet.; t.hence Nort,b, 89"-' 26' 00" West'8F.:38 feet; 'thence No,cth 0'" 19','00" Ea'st' 65.00 f'2et. to the "aforementioned, No:ctherly line 'of 'Lot'.J3; therlce ,alop-g ,sa~id Nor--therly liES' South 39') 26' 00" East 19Q,O'O feet to the True POillt of Beginning. Parcel 3: 13eqil::r:ing, at the.'Nr.jJ:.'thea.s-t corner of Lot 13, FREDERIC" a-s' o'at.+-~d an:~ rp.co~~de"l 'ir,' -:J,O_l., t. ,.;. J. _ 1_ _ . _u _ .~ J.. 1.... _ __ _ u.r:. _, Plat. Reco.cr.l:::; -c-henc8 alof:g the' 'Litle ~.r.JU;:'~-l' . p 1 ~ ' - ? page 57, Lane County Oregon NcJrt.he:cly lirle of. Lot 13 feet.: '::.hence. l~aving ,said West 1'5.00 feet to the True NOi~th 8g " 26' ""'r" U') ~iest" .3.5.00 No:;:'i:i'lei:.ly 00" ::?Oi'fl-S o:C :2;:'~(Jinnirlg; 't,:H;r:.(>~ Sout,b or. 191" 00" Wesl:. 115.00 feet.,: -::-h:-=0.(~':~ ~'T()r't:'l e,-9" !..i)' GOI" ~I{es-'c: 'lS0.00 Eee-t; thence (J (,\ _r.' :', t'. C:'~ ~,:y! OJ" '~~L-;L::t (~5,OO fe~:t: ther:(~'2 SI)uth 8'90 261 00" .i?'.:1~;'C ;:,l.}S 'u:.:eL~,; f:!18'i1Ce No,>:--ch 50000' 00" E:3.:3t, 76,83 f'2et,: ~:~:,"~,l-: (~:; E,() 1.l t. L I.:,. j 26". 00:" Z7iSC ':;.0.00 '~e>8t to the ' TruPRE~SttBMlrrAL REC'O ~ ~ . . ':-' !:.:J -.:':'; 1) .:.. ,~'!'.~~ J.n 9' ' ----. ' ~~~- '--- Dat~ Received:. //A~&,r; Planner: AL . /' :.. ,\ ,,~ EXt-iibit. "BI! ". '. The Nort.h; one-half of Lot. 13;: FREDERIC" as recorded .inBook 4; Page ~7, 'Lane 'Count.y Re~ords'. Lane C6unty, O~egon" platted Oregon, and .Plat ( EXCEPT the South 100, feet thereof.. , ' , ALSO .EXCEPT the ,We's't 25.00 feet' ,thereof conveyed to the City of Springf ie ld 'by 'deed' recorded August 12; 196.8, Reception No, 34906, Lane CO,unty Oregon, Deed Records, Lane County, O~cegon . "PRE.SUBMIITAL REC'o :=-=:=> . - ~:-:-~'.. Dat~ ~eceived; ~/2..i?(}06 Planner: AL ? .;... .' } Exhibit '~Cll, . ~ . 'B~(Tir;'riing, at' the' Nor-theast corner of Lot 13, :FREDER:i:C; : as platt,?d and, reco,rded in Book 4'" Page: 67, L:ane County Oregon P1at'Records, ,Lane 'County;: ,Oregon; .':,thence' ,..aJ.ong,ther' Northe'rlyiin~ of>aidLot 13 North 8'90 26',00'; ,'West 35.00 feet' ,to the True, Point ,of Beginning; thence leaving said Norther ly line ' South 00 ,19'" 06 !~, West' 26,00 feet; thence North 89" 26'00",'liest62,90feeti ,'thence North 0019",00" East 26.00 feet to the'aforementionea ~ortherly line bf Lot ',13; thence a10ngsaid Norhtherlyline South' 890 26' ,00" East '62,90 feet to, the True' Point of Beginning. /' . . PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O .- ~ - :..:=::.:.: Date Received: / py.u>"''' Planner: AL ! ,.