HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 11/22/2006 . .-..;..J '".. City of Springfield Development SerVices Department' 225 Fifth Street SpringfieJd, OR 97477 ',., . " 'I Land Division Application, Type II' .1~.,./,". _. ",,""."-- "',,......1'. ...... ..~ .'~l~ ..~... ''''',. .I., Ap~l_icat!on ;r,ype -' ,,' ':, ;-';.' '(l,J.pplica~t;'check dneJ '-,' :,',' ' ":,,:--; ,'; .- ' Subdivision Tentative:' .:' ~ Partition Tentative: 0 -. . . - Subdivision Replat Teritative: '0 .. Partition Repla't Tentative: 0 . . Applicant Name: bQl'\. '\1n.,..J..lZ.- Phone: Company:.' I ~-Un~- ID_.':........ ,', ,IFax: I '~;:::;~::i;:'::::;:}:{X"P;I:ji::~~:~~)~[':~'~i~I':::~t:1:~:~~"~~~9~~; Company: I \L......<..k -A<.,,;"('~ IFax: I ll.~l{-%3\ . Address: fou, I I --'1 ' . :?,'~~j:,,' I Property Owner: Company: . Address:' ASSESSOR'~ MAP NO: \,-c>"2::..:t>2 - '3-0 TAX LbTII!()(~):., '21~ ~ Zlro.l Property Address: 232.-~. Y2~ ~4-n& ,: . .....:~"h.~-:c-, .- -'1 Size of p~operty: '!..t7,. .. Acres,BJ.... Sq'uare Feet 0 Pr~p.os.~,dNcu11eof ,Subdhlision: i! -:;~C~Lt' fo...>rlC . ". . ':<\8'.",-m,:"'':,',:,:,/,' i':":''''''",',~',;.~'i;, ,oj;:, ,:.,;;":<;j.'. ,.~":',{"~~",,.,. ".-" "I."'> ,'''''''~CO'":,!,, "',,:,,,?,:,,,, ,:....,'.,.,'."'.0; ".:' :,~'e':;.;';.'_",,, "'CO' ....'r..""-..::>,,,,..,.,, ',co';' -.. -,' - ;,., ..... " .. ,,-,,"'''''- . ,. -, -""."- _,..__.,._."_n...,, ,-- "'~""",~".' .. ""'.<<.cc"_,,,,'"'';';.v'.'.'''.''-''' . ---,..<, ".,;,.>".. ,','''',''''_'C ""_"'"'~'''':''' ."""c_ ,"'_',,_'_' . D~SC~iPtio~eOf To, ~~..a....t +~'f c,-ts{ i-~ ~-tLl^~A:~:,;~~+;dli:--n I S. ' . Proposal: . b-t- ~'^-~..k ~';\\~ ~~1cL.s c~~....n:-<iL'Qp..':"'~. ' . Existing Use: ~~L:,,~j~ 0 ""i~...~:":,::~",,"Ol. b 2-' J #ofLotsjparcels: b,' A~9.' Lot/Parcel Size:~ 'sf 'Dei'i~'it\f: '~ du/acre ~GSiiYt-:;/:;':i!:?};;:;(;-;;!.:r/:?,!,t-,(r:;;t';.,<:",.::t::;':~i,~~:'i';,:lt';:,,'.-:i;g;:':.;.:!/;tf~';;".."i2.',;'f;:'f~~{~'<:~;T'<.":~.\'i(/K@;~ti?;";;n/i:;':f5:0',:~;~'.';::p:::i,\:,'~;;"f:\_::,>f:i__I;(",X~::;;!;:);~,,:~~'::_':::"":':'i,;!;~'i_:(S+fY,i:;:;,t:x,..\;;,::,::':,r:;i~??;;'i':!';;'':::-c.'''''Zi'':,'1,,~Ji',,(i,3i'ii;Bt~;,t!.;;~':\;::;':y).' <,.~ ,,~ UffbibA"t Phone: Fax: ",I . , - - Zoning: , Applicable Refinement ,Plan: Location: City Limits, 0, , AS!iociated Applications: . I ' Reviewed by: ' I Case No.: ,'. ,'. ,. Date: " (initials)' , i'jg~,!l~~S'~'~~'~'~'~':""i;" ., i~";"'i":i~~,~~,~~p~~j~i~~~~,IX~i;'~}"iW"'''''''''''{'C,",:.-! flLjJI)(jp- tIJJ/J~: ==,,-~:-.._- DateR~CejVed;.....2#/)?O. ,. ,. " Planner" AL Overlay District: '-' Plan Designation: ' Urban G~owth BoundaryD I .I! " .," '...., Steps in the Process: 1. The Applicanfsubmits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application . ' . . , , The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory but there is no additional revie'w fee for this service. The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form. You are required to submit 7 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre~submittal review. Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 am.and noon. We wil'l strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal me~ting within five to seven working days'of receiving t~e application. ' , 2., Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting. The meeting, will be held with representatives from Public Works Erigineering and , , Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's,office, and the Planning Division. The meeting will be scheduled for 30to 60 minutes. The Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal 'Checklist at the e'nd of the meeting specifying the items required to ' make the application complete-if it isn't already compl~te. You will'then, have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. , .. ,.,' '. r ~. ~ __ > _ , 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application. " When you have addressed all of.the items,o,n the, Pre"Submittal Checklist, please submit 18 ' copies of the complete application to the City. A'fee will be collected at that time and the 12C , day calendar review period will begin:' When the Planner has' prepared a draft land use ' decision, thedr'aft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design tear:n for,.their review. At the applicant's request, the planner will schedule a meeting to review the draft with :",' appropriate staff if certain issues need resolution before the final land use decision is issued, . . :J ... .'; -'" Owner's Signature --, . This application will be used for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting andslJbsequent' . ." .' . . . ---, /:,;,,";complete application submittal, OW:her;'s sig,natur~s are Tequired at,both stagesinthe applicatior , 'process, An application without.the Owner's signature will not be accepted.' '. : ._' .. I.,' ,. ......... . , The undersigned acknowledges that ,the information in this' application is correct and accurate fo' . scheduling of the Pre-Submittal Meeting.' Owner: ~f)~r'~ _ . " ~~~tufe-Y . ,Date:~j/';"/?-;? -6 'fJ i?,,/ /A./.-' ;'///1,0 (. ~ Print ' , . '. .PRE~SUBMITTAl RECIO . " !,j.-'.... i ~:i~:~;~:<~~:t:l~: ' .' - , ..,:::::.::.:~ , Dat€l,ReCeived:...::;/z/.7<'OI Planner: AL I I . . I represeht this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the" completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the . information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the : City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This.statement serves as writtenn'otice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application owner:!J~W""I}-I)..,; . Date: //-/ 5" ~6;6 ,g1gnatu~'~., - <,., . .". 'Il DON , Print . . ./.4-'..' "H;'~{'; <;,R '. . -' . I ; "1 '.' " '"r' ",.'\.l .::. ~ . .. - I' . . ".., , 'e.-,_ . . ,~>: -:\':"; " ... -', '. , . ,,-' ;1. .,'. , .,' DatE" Received: Planner: AL 111].t/~tJt, .1 I ,\>::.' t', . .. " ',' . \' .~.; ;; .: , .'" '; <lj~1 il~Fiivj.\!tJ(:..1~q . >r { -~ :. "'--:-.. . . PRE.SUBM/TTAL REeD . . . :=:::::.': - :-::-:-:"z . I,. ~ '., + . .. 0. ,Y:', Land Division Submittal RequIrements Checklist *If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. 1. , , Application fee-refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee ,'calculation formula. A copy of the fee sche.dul~is available at the Development Services, Department. The application fee and current postage'fee is collected at the time of , complete application submittal. ' , ' , Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report-one copy issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. If the applicant is not the property owner, written permission from the property owner is required, ' , - 1 ' One additionall:;oPY of the Land Division Plan reduced to 8'h"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet., ' r\K 4. Right-of-Way Approach Permitappiication must be provided where the property has / frontage on an Or~gon D~par1;ment of T~ansportation (ODOT,) facilitY-\,.L ' ' , '1ht- ."0> 'v(\l.b<.s V\;;\I'\o.~ ~M'''''''< 0.... ~ COtX, -&-c.\. \I: \ , " . storm~a{e~anagement System studydlour copies of the study Wi~ the completed ,Stormwater Scoping Sheet attached. The plan, supporting calculatio8s and ' documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. ' '. . /'f lit. Traffic Impact Study-four copies of a study prepared bya Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC Section 32.020(1)(c). Traffic Impact Studies (TIA) allow the City'to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation syst~m. In general, a TIA must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and /irnmediate' and adjoining street systems, A TIA must also address, if needed, City, metro , plan ap,d state lan,d ~se a~d transportation polici~s ~\ld obie~tives. '--t-.' ..Q('\~ ' ....-\ lr.') ~~~ul'>.r.f\ wI \\ 'AA.Jr c.~_ "'- ,~\:)l~"",,\. 'I'\L~ I'i\WJ"t:.<.. 7. Seven copies of the following plan sets for the Pre-Submittal Meeting .. ,h, ' .': .,., OR ' Eightee~ Cbpi~sof the following plan sets for Complete Application Submittal All of the following plans must include the scale (appropriate to the area involved'and sufficient to show detail ofthe plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', '1" = 50' or 1" = , 100'), north arrow, ana date of preparation. All plan sets must be folded to 8V2"by 11" and bound by rubber bands for submittal. ' '" ' , ,.,,- ,,---, ' a.Site Assessment of Existing Conditions 00 p~e'p~redbY an Oregon Iicen~ed Landscape Architect or Engineer ~ VICInity Map, ' " ' , ' , Ii] The name"location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curt cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, dearly indicating what is remaining and wha : is being removed , " ' [gJ ReqUired setbacks to the proposed new property lines for existing structures to remain , ' , on site " , , " " '.' " ,", ' ' ~ Ttie"nam~, loc~tio~;dime~sions, direction of flow and top of ban,k of,all, watercourses and reqUired npanan setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited ", Watercourse Map on file in the Development Services Department '\ "'"., . . MITIALREC'D ' . 1 " _r; "J!I"'" PRE SUB .J /, ,I. ,il:" ';\;11l;:;;.,~. '. . " Date~eceived;~ ~(1t ===:='- ~= Planner: AL , :: .:;.....:..~; .- -.. . .... *"::~ . , " Q9:. The ,lOO-year flooaplain and floodway boundaries on trlc site, as specified in the latest , adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision' , . ' . ~ The 1;ime ofTrayel Zones" as specified in Article 17 of the Springfield Development Code and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development, . Services Department' .," , , , ~ Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 '/2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian , areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings , ~ Soil types and water tabl\= information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of , Jane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted' . concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water'itable jl b. Tentative Land Divisi~r Plan -g] Prepared byan Oregon Licensed Land Surveyor in accordance with ORS 92. iiS] I.,ocation of all existing and proposed easements " ' . ' " fia Dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building . . site indicating t\1e top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale EQ Locationan'd type'of eXisting and proposed street lighting ~ Location, vvidths and names of all existing and proposed streets, all~ys, dedications or " ' other right-of-ways withill or adjacent to the proposed land division. ' . " , '!2';I Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants; power poles, , transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities, ~ Location and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, peejestrian access ways and bike trails . ., . , -KJ Location, size and type of plantingsand stre'et trees in any cequired planter strip , 'liD Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and ,adjacent to the site including , sanitary sewer mains, stormwater maf)agement systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV.: Indicate the proposed connection points Phased, Development Plan required if redivision is proposed. The plan must include the boundaries and sequencing of each proposed redivlsion.: Any redivision must progress in a sequence promoting street connectivity between, the various phases of the development and acqlmmodating othe'r required publiC improvements;, , c. Grading and Paving Plan ',__ '" ,; __' , , ~Prepared byan Oregon liCensed Civil Engineer ' '--': '.". . , ' . ". ' ,gj Planting pl~ln prepared by an Oregon LicensedL.:andscape Architect where plants are . proposed as part of the storm water management system.' . ~ Roof drainage patterns arid discharge locations., . . ' 5SI Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns '. " , . IiQ The size and location of storm water management systems components, including but , . ! " . not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ,ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained 6a Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for, land with a slope over 10 percent, the~Qqt?p~ Jin~r' .'71~y ,b;E!.at 5 foot intervals) IfI Amount of pro posed C~t and fill . :.}:1., :111: :,'<' ',. '. . , ' .'.. ,,' ,",., ," PREtSUBMllTAl REC'D:~Y' , '"-~ - ~ .. !:___::.;, - :~-:::::= Date 'R~eelve.(LII.z7/.u>P6 Planner. AL .'. . 'h~__:"~'-"~:,,,,',:~,__,.._ ~ '. 8. Additional materials that maybe required' IT IS THE 'APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL , STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE · ,APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING EITHER THE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES OR THE PRE-APPLI,CATION REPORT AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 31.030: . ' o Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's AssoCiation Agreement o Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster Subdivision proposal as 'specified in SDC Section 16,100(3). , , ' o Riparian Area Protection'Report For properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQlW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW o A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present ' o Where the development area is within an overlay district applicable, address the , additional standards of the overlay district ' o If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC Article 38' """ o A wetland delineation approved by th'e Oregon Division of State Lan,ds ,must be , submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property, ' o Any required federal.or state' permit must be submitted concurrently .or, evidence the permit application has 'been submitted for review ' , " ' , o Where any gradin'g, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Landand Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted with the land use application o Where applicable, any Discretionary Use; Variance or Modification of Provisions as ,specified in SDC Article 10 or 11 '" ,. PRE.SUBMmAL REC'Ij ---=-=-::..:.- :~~:;~~ ,l~':'t _ ' , ,DatE1R,a,ce,lve'd'-17' /, PI ,;;. ko,(' , )'" ,< ..,Bryner; AL " "1_ .,it It,,:..Mf.. . , ~ i. . {i< \':, ;, ,-~..:.--::..:.! ,', ...-- ':" .-. ',-',-. ,'-" 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number PRE2006-00099 Payments: Type of Payment Check cReceinll RECEIPT #: S~N...O.~..~!..m:o..,,_,.,...... ,.. ',.' ., _. .. -,. .,,",,~' .'."' ...,.. ":. . .1 -; 1', . .1 -~ . ~ ~ ~------:",.~, ; ~4~L"-'_,.l 3200600000000000588 Description CTY Subdivision Tentative ,PIn " Paid By KRUSH AND ASSOCIATES r.y of Springfield Official Receipt' ~"velopment Services Department Public Works Department Date: 11/21/2006 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received emm 1263 In Person Payment Total: . ~' Page 1 of 1 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O v :==;.~- Date Received:~/z/ )00' Planner: AL 2:53:32PM Amount Due 325,00 $325,00 Amount Paid $325,00 $325,00 11/2112006 I MDR I, .. ~, . . ..,~ '~ ~_ -u.. -;. " 'i,~ f''",- ;.-r.. " w.. , " .,;"~, - , i';'~. PRE~lI06-00099 6 Lot MDR Subdivision Site Context '.:.,;~,. : Q) , i Q) , '('Ji~' -= .~': - ,- :__1", . Cf), ' . """,'i!, ;,'1': ,1-, , IN' ; :-q- "i I' ~ , Cf)' it r ! ,<l ,: i' , i cc ".'.~Jb. I -. f 0:. ~ '';)I ,.. .~,~ ,CC:;',:~:.: ,:{~.. ...~...-h': !,' .' - :', '.,.~" - , !.' ,~(,~{::~::~~::..:;.:.~........... ................. ...... ~II..": , ~.' . "~: '-: ',. : SITE. .' I,". .' c- A: . ' -. ...~- . ,," ,;.... -4' : iD d: --~ ---' -~u I: .. M,D~".. ---J, l-'t' ,............... .............................. ::.~.... , i~.')' I -r- ~il' -. 'le'" -q- 1J;. > .. . ~ 1-"" .., '. Cf) MDR I :' ___(, ~ H I' . I I' .1 61~- .' ''''l-. . - - . .. i ,,:,.~ .' " .. .~:, 'I; 'If- i;':~ .'.....'+.. ~. ...~'-'-'fBii:j.ebelle Way' . , ....,.. ; .... .., h, ~':~:..:( . t t ~ - ,.~._J ...... 1KfI ",,"':': ::~'~:'- . MDR PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O - ~= -::-:--:::- ~, ..!lIlo.. ; , " ~ ; I I ;,. J'~;l~~I' !, " ,,' . , -~:I ~ . r,:S'l . . , i f i .~. ~ .;t,. Yo"",,"" '. .... .. : "'~"'-', '.' cc , \ ! '. , 1. '0 ..s ,...-1 CC t( 'I 'II "I , I; Ii _, Iii, I,! L' J I j I 1'1 .11,'" it , '.... I j I '/ J..[ MDR --: ., "", :-.....: -- ~ :~7'~ ~"'~'-:-;'1>~ '\ . I, 1 . . N Dato Received: ,/n!;WJ6 Planner: AL w 1/4 SW 11 12 --~-_. - 14 13 '-- 2100 I~ 0,99 AC, ,- 25' ~,-.- [WAY "%,G) jS3S 2417 I , I : 5 4113 ~~" 9,20 ''t ) , ) ) 1 in ~ in ~ -~;,l 3100 '; ii Ij , :. > :a. "';- '" Q ~ 1/ SITE 395' 5ECTION32 T.~ 75. R.2W. W.M. , ' , ' ' LANE COUNTY SCALE 1" = lL~l Y OF SPRINGFIELD SEE MAP 1i 02 ~7~~2-32-33 TL 2ioo, 2101 12 , )..-'1 /13 3300 '^'" 1~5 -- ~ SQ' !?' 80' '-----------< ------. I 800. > !.! ~~ .. in N "'IT 900 in ,; ~ l Ii;: 701 .. "1JC -0: ll3 ~ o.",:::J~~ :::J ,~ ',(1)'/, :-!a. 1;. ~r! r-< (l c SKYCHIEF PARK TENTATIVE LAND DIVISION PLAN 1tNLVM:.lJiIC) DM5ION """""- CUHf, fIlE ..............- 1 I I I I ..,., ... ..... '180 QIJtIM AlW) EUOEJC. 0Rm0N 07401 17~' 211>> &,2101 --"""""'" 54 ~ LOOP EUODE. ClftfDt 07401 (541) 81&-0211 """""""- -.... ....... ... S[W(R: an' OF SPAIGfELO trC:WDEER7,2OOIB "'""" t, AU. Of' THE LOTS REQUIRE AN AOJt.ISNDCT 10 THl!: SUM DESICN SWDlIlD INSECD::JI Ja.01O(3)(d)l.b.,. OLE: 10 llC DlSlMl RDfl'-Gf- ~ ""l'<<WT THE uns m:w bbG ORDTED RlR UAR ACCESS. 2. NO an OR FI.L tI PMlPOSED. 3.. THERE IS NO DlSfIIO SlRED' I.DfrS IAIlICOfT to TME SI1[ MD NOlIE: -- 4.1HDtE ARE NO EIlI5mG 5TIIEE1' lREES~ fOE ME PIU"D5ED. 5. JlRCfIUm' IS ZONED ,." '.. iii DOtSm' Il!SIDOCnfIIL e.::.:yr.&r~ 1'1AT'" A ~.. OEIIAtDl rE lE5S lDCI>lD< ~ -- """""' PAGE 2 OF 4 - QMI-CM:Jlt<<H)f'OWlER CtflH-OWlltIE'AOflHOfr€ OHC .. ~,CNU Ell'.. DSrWlI .. .. WlS1[ WilER STW .. STOMlI aQ'[Jt PWR .. PADPOSEll El.Ecnl:W.. SEJMC[ -c A:lI rn . \fI ~ 'I' ( ::s: -:::;' I~ -~ ' 'r- ~ ;1\ A:lI ~ "~'2 -=--~~. ~' ,I ~ m~0I"~~ It i 'ld . , I I.. Iii! ~ I ~. 11- bt~ :'_0~Y~~ . I_~~~:-_O== , I i I i I I I I 1 I I pJclC l'~f IlOSINl ..... """ ....... : t fJ1.~P1: ' _._U1aIIY"""""'- 12 ': I f'AX LOT I3ZOO . I I i I . ~-- ! t --!-or'- s -... r E~,"Tr&j~:.~'OJ71ij~r. ~:t ~ ~ II '=' lT~~ji -~'}~"~~i' ~ .~;, - l~~__J' .' . .' .~/ ~,,, ;- ~ ____ 3 // I. k'B . ..... /.:~ ., U; 1! ['. .~I.fI,t't;~'f" Irffi:~~-~"':_ ~.. ~ .t1!rJAIt 11D.OO _ _ #."_"'- _tt Ii OJ: , ~., N_WOt1'W 4'J,.IO 4'~l"""- I I o~'f IS: I · r i , 'm~ . , 3 ~~~~ ~i&iiW i~;.& 1C!t--V- e:;$f4 Idt-MLUI i.-i4 tOf:,.SILIIIR a.:b:2 __SOMr l.. __!iCJlM i.!lo11 ___!d.Nt . . . rAX 1m f2600 ff.".,..,._ "... ... "- 17.0. ~pJc1< ,pjp rAX 1m _ 17-02-32-33 , 2100 & 2101 " -~- I -- r UIIi ~ . , . . I -~- I _L_ .... . "III ---:alL.. .~. .))) OREGON TITLE III i',j Insurance Company 99076337 ~, I State 0' uregon County o' Lane - 5S. I, the County Clerk, In ~nd for the Sllid County, do hereby certtly thallhe withIn Inslrummt was received for record III After ~, letum to: 0regcx1 Title lnslJrarce u....1~..z, an 450 CWntry Club Road, Ste 150 llugeIs, Oregcn 97401 . 'g9SEP 1 AKl1'J2 2587R ~ Reel until a charge is requested, tax ~;,..~,~.;S shall be sent to tho folla.n.ng address: Twin 9Jtte .........~, Ioc:. 143 Madison St. t:guene, UK':;U4Ul Lane Counly OFRCIAL Records Lane County Clerk By: U;P 4 ~uf..)l. CounlyOerk :;- /0' ;;...- Michael G. Hussey and 8aJ:bara 0, Ie.ey S"ml11l'CIlY WIlRRANlY DEW ( Individual) " ct I ns.Co. a:nveys and ._____..:-. to 'Twin a.tte ~....."""""" lOC., an, Oregcn _~~t.im " (N:O..e' Sp8Ce' ~GeMiflili1zat; alfl copy of origi B~ Ore~ tho following described real ~....-"--~, in tho State of 0rega1 and CWnty of lane free of ~,-":""~~c.,. e>ca!(lt as specifically set forth he<ein: The North cre-hal.f of IDt 13, r=-u=lC, as platted and .~.:..J in I300k 4, Page 67, lane CWnty 0rega1 Plat Records, 0 lane CWnty, Oregcn. EXCE:PI' tho Sa.1th 100 feet ~f. =~, tho West 25 feet ,";~~f ~ to tho City of &pr!.r'Jfie1d by deed .~~ August 12, 1968, Ilecepticn No. 34906, rare Camty v...."...' Deed ie:=ds, in rare Camty, Oregcn. " 577~EP.OI'99"04REC 5.00 577jSEP.OI'99"04PFUNO 10.00 ZZ1!SEP.01'99"04A&T FUND 20.00 Tax l\o::nInt Nl.Inber{ s): 127835 " 'Ibis _'-'r~:',i' is free of enc...:...:-...-~, EJ<<:EPT: 1. Ta><eS for tt-e fiscal year 1999-00, a lien in an em:unt yet to be 00_, but mt yet payable. 2. The rights of tho public, g<:II-=..,~.~..-.1 bcxIies, and public utilities, in and to that porticn of tho t-erein described ....~~. lying within tho limits of public mOOs and highways . The true <X:l'lSideraticn for this ~..c,~~ is S15O,OOO.DO 1KIS INS'l'Rl.I'!ENl WILL tm ALU:M lSE OF 'lHE .:......:~&'" DESaUBED Df THIS INS'l'Rl.I'!ENl IN VIOIA- TIm OF.APPLICABLE LAND tEE lJ\IoS AND REGULATIaB. ~l..In-6 ~""""U..IOU' OR ~..........." THIS INS'mJ- MENl', 'IHE PERSCI'f ~ FEE TITLE TO THE C.:u..IC~...Ji. SRXJID QIED{ wrnt 'llIE Acc~ctuATE CIT'i OR CXXJN'lY PI-..l.....~ DEPAR'IMENl' TO VERIFY APPROVED USES I\ND TO "'~"'~.u.&u::. ANY' LIMITS CN LAW- SUITS AGAINST FARH:IH; OR rvru=-3.1. PRACTICES AS LJ~.uu=.&.l IN ORS 30.930. Dl\TED ~ ~ day of AuguSt, 1999, ':Y'f\~~\) _~\"^'-^ ^ "'1 ~ ~ Michael G. Hussey . "l) Barbara 0, Ie.ey 0 lXXJNI"l OF r.ar..)ss. 21 ,y- twas!, acl<r-<:Mledged before .... this .2ffi day of August, 1999, by and 8aJ:bara D. Ie.ey. c Oregcn My Cam1issicn Expires: PRE.SUBMI1TAl REC'D Order No.: 430275a ~ 'f- . v~c~,~rC~it~~MAN :-:?-; ~ ;~~:;i .: NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON .,,"" COMMISSION NO. 3t6600 . u -"~~'~'~6~i,; _ed i;h?.,al Planner: AL ~-' ,. '! WESTERN TITLE & ESCROW COMPANY OF LANE COUNTY EUGENE OfFICE _ 497 OAKW A Y RqAD, SUITE 340 . PO BOX I 096(). Eugene. Ore!o!on 97440_ (541) 41l5-35RR _ FAX (541) 4R5.3597 FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE TWIN BUTTE MORTGAGE ATfN: DON HAASE J 960 GILHAM ROAD EUGENE, OR 97401 Report No: 50-0589205 Your No: -- Subdivider: OON HAASE SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE $200,00 GOVERNMENT SERVICE FEE , $25,00 W~tern Title & Escrow Company of Lane County , Guarantees The Oregon Real Estate Commissioner, and any County or City within which said subdivision or proposed subdivision is located. That, according to the public records which impart constructive notice of matters affecting title to the premises hereinafter referred to, we find: Dated as of November 6, 2006 at 5:00 p,m" title is vested in: OONALD HAASE We also find the following apparent encumbrances, which includes "Blanket Encumbrances" as defined by ORS 92,305 (I) and also easements, restrictive covenant' and rights of way within a period of ten years prior to the effective date hereof:': I, Unpaid taxes for the ye.ir 2006-2007 Original Amount: i $1,104,13 DUE Tax Lot No,: 1702323302101 Account No,: 1744299, Code 19,00 Unpaid taxes for the year 2005,2006 Original Amount: $1,079,81 Unpaid Balance: : $480.15 DUE, plus interest 2. The rights of the public in and to that portion of the herein described property lying within the limits of roads and high~ays. PRE-5UBM/lTAL REC'O . ===:::-:- Date n,,,,ceived' II !;ftlb Planner: AL / ~I . Order No, 50-0589205 Page No. 2 3. Trust Deed to secure an'iindebtedness in the amount shown below. and any other obligations secured thereby: Amount: $100,000,00 Dated: January 25, 2000 Recorded: January 27,2000 Docwnent No,: 2000-004919, Official Records Grantor: Don Haase Trustee: II Oregon Title Insurance Co. Beneficiaiy: Register Guard Federal Credit Union 4, Terms, provisions and conditions of easement, including but not limited to maintenance provisions contained in instrument:1 Recorded: February 21, 2002 Document No.: 2002-{)13998. Official Records NOTE: The guarantee does not provide affInnative assurances as to the provisions of ORS 92,012- 92,190 which requires that any division of an existing parcel is a partition requiring governmental approval. We have also searched our General Index for judgments and State and Federal liens against the grantees narned above and find: NONE The premises are in Lane CouotJ:. and are described as follows: SEE ATIACHED EXIIIBIT"A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, This is not a report issued preliminary to the issuance of a Title Insurance Policy, Our search is limited to the time specified in this Guarantee and the use hereof is intended as an infonnational report only. to be used in conjunction with thedev~lopment of real property, . Liability hereunder is limited to an aggregate sum of not to exceed $200.00, Any questions concerning this Subdivision Guarantee should be directed to Jerrilyn Egger, at (541) 431-3710. cc: KRUSH & ASSOCIATES kanda@willamctte.net NOTE: For copies of exceptloris please call our Customer Service Dep .. . . at (541) 284-8011 or emaj] your request to euuene@westerntitle.com PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O :.=:::. ~ - :..:=:;.:. ,~-- ~,~~- Date r~eCei'led:~~Do' Planner: AL .,. .. ,. Order No, 50-0589205 Page No, 3 EXHIBIT "A" Beginning at the Northeast corn~r of Lot 13, FREDERIC, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 67, Lane Connty Oregott Plat Records; thence along the Northerly line of said Lot 13, FREDERIC, North 89' 26' 00" West 15,00 feet; thence leaving said Northerly line South 0' 19' 00" West I 17.50 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 89' 26' 00" West 47.08 feet; thence North 50' 00' 00" West 82,65 feet; thence North 89' 26' 00" West 76,26 feet; theoce North 0' 19' 00" East 65,00 feet to the Northerly line of Lot 13, FREDERIC; thence along said Northerly line South 89' 26' 00" East 103.50 feet; thence leaving said Northerly line South 0' 19' 00" West 71,24 feet; thence South 50' 00' 00" East 53,15 feet; thence South 89' 26' 00" East 42,60 feet; thence South 0' 19' 00" West 12.50 feet to the true point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the City of Springfield by Instrument recorded June 20, 2006, Document No, 2006-042859, Official Records, . PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O v :.=-- -~--- -. ............ :.-....,. :;. Date Received: rrot Planner: AL I II '" <.> g c ~ i a: a; ~ ~ ~ bU-UDIo--cJo Tax Lot N.o. 17-02-32-33-02101 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that DONALD HAASE, Grantor, In consideration 01 the BCOOptance by the City of Springfield, Oregon, Grantee, and the use Of holding 01 sold property lor p"",ent Of future public use by Grantee, Grantor'hereby grants, b~ins. sells and conveys unto the said Grantee. Its al.....~..."'..w,... and assigns, all the foflowlng real property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances. situated In the County of Lane and Sial. 01 Orogen, ~Undad and dascrlbad as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND ,INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE THE SAME IS HEREBY and forever dedicated to the public to be used as PUBUC ROAD. TO HAVE AND HOLD, the,ebove desaibed 'and granted premises unto the saId Grantee, "s successors and assigns forever. THE MONETARY CONSIDERATION lor this conveyanca I.: Two Hundred Dollars, IN WITNE~HEREOF, the Grantor above:named has hereunto set his hand this of ~M.Q ,2006, .2.. 0 day A{.(jj?-. 0_ STATE OF OREGON COUmY OF Lane 1 SS , ' ~ BE IT REMEMBERED that on this 01 0.::='- dey of Jun., 2006, before m., the undarslgnad, a notary public In and IOf said County and Stala, personally appeared the within nomad DONALD HAASE whose Idantlty was proved to ma on tha bSsl. of satisfactory avidanca and who axacutad the within InstnJment and acknoYt1edged to me that he e~ecuted the same freely and voluntarily. " IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I hava hareunto set my hand and afflxad my ofIIcIal seal the day and year last above written. ' l'~~(~~l -r/ld,aA Notary Public lor Orego~ My Commission Expires 211 ~ THE CONVEYANCE set lorth In this Instrumant conveying title Of Inta"",t to the City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregori,'ls hereby approved, and .the title or Interest conveyed therein I. hareby accepted, ' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BY~.....d-._ Dannls p, Emst- City of Springflald SurvOyor ,Tu"t< Z 0, z.oOr.. Date Diviaion 0' Chlof';! Deputy Cl....k ~ tll~aUJ -, Lone Counly _, and R_da 'Wfl"'J'I~ Wlll!~l~I,Wl~'~lmll"""'" $3i,QO ~ Cnl.1 SlnaII CAS~'~~ OI:4B:48 PI! 810,00 811,00 810,00 '- . RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRtNGFlELD. PUBlIC WORKS' DEPT.. 225 F1':TH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ff1477 SEND TAX STATEMENT TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD -'FINANCE DEPT, - 225 FIFTH STREET -SPRINGFIELD, OREOON 87477 1~~o.1doc UVESmJllly,XlOoI PRE.SUBMITTAL RECID v ~-'- Date I~aceived: ///;.'hooc Planner: AL / I ~ -. EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of land lying in the Southwest one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter (SW \4 SW \4) of Section 32, ToWnship 17 South, Range 2 West of the WiIlamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, and being a portion of that tract of land conveyed to DONALD HAASE, by that certairi de,ed recorded January 27, 2000, Recorder's'Reception Number 2000004918, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS, included in a strip of land variable feet in width lying on the westerly side of the centerline of South 42nd Street as surveyed by Lai1e County in 2006; the centerline and widths in feet being described as follows: " Beginning at Engineers' Qenterline Station L 37+50.19 PT, said station being 6,00 feet North and 0.20 feet East of the West Southwest Corner of Donation Land Claim Number 55 in SeCtion 32, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the WiIlarnette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon; run thence North 10 54' 39" East, 1,149,81 feet to , ' Engineers' Centerline Station L 49+00.00 POT and there ending, all in Lane COllDty, Oregon, ' The widths in feet ofthe stripofland herein described are as follows: STATION TO STATION WIDTH ON WEST'L Y SIDE OF ClUNE' L 44+33.33 POT L 48+86,18 POT 35 ft tapering on a straight line to 32 ft. The westerly line of the above described strip of land crosses GRANTOR'S southerly and northerly property lines opposite approxim~te Engineers' Centerline Stations L 45+45 POT and L 45+58 POT, respectively. The parcel ofland to which this description applies contains 178 square feet, more or less, II The bearings used herein are basJd on a bearing of South 00 44' 12" East between L.C,C.M. 1226 and L.C,C,M, 18-02-50 ELL, said bearing based on the Oregon Coordinate System (NAD 83/91), South Zone. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D ~ :_~~=. ~ - ;:-:'~~':: Page I of I LEGAL DESCRIPTION L 139445 BS South 42"" Street - rr/jes - 06/06/2006 17-02-32-33 2101 Date Received: ',u~/.?-oO( Planner: AL T' 'I' " " " DECEARATION OF JOINT USE ACCESS EASEMENT AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RECITALS: 1, . Declarant: This Declaration of Joint Use Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement is declared and granted by TWIN' BUTTE MORTGAGE, INC" an Oregon Corporation ("Grantor"), in favor' of Mccabe Investments Limited Partnership, and Twin Butte Mortage Inc"McCibe Inve~tments Limited Partn~~ship is the owner of Parcel I, as desc'ribed on Exhibit "A", Twin Butte Mortgage, Inc, is the owner of Parcels 2 'and 3, as described on Exhibtt "A", 2, .SubjectPropert,y: Grantor is the owner of fee title to the real property described on Exhibit "B", 3, Purpose: This Declaration for acc~ss and maintenance. Exhibit lie". :r establishes a private easement Said easement is described on 4, Consideration:" The consideration for this easemen't is other than monetary, WITNESSETH: NOW, THEREFORE, in:; consideration of the foregoing recitals, which are expresslt made a part of this Declaration of Joint Use Access Easement and Maintenance Agreement, the undersigned herebyideclares as follows: (I) Declaration of Access Easement: declared, g~anted, Iconveyed and created a exclusive easement'as a means of ingress from Parcels 1, 2, and 3, as described on There is hereby perpetual and non- and egress to and Exhibit "A", (2) The property crossed ("burdened") by said easement is de'scribed on. Exhibit "B", (3) The properties served ("benefitted") by said easement lS described on Exhib:i!t "A", (4) Extent: The easement personal or in' gross but the property benefitted, created by this declaration are not are appurtenant to every portion of Oat., f'1eCeived:~/.z!.2-Dot Planner: AL . PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O , ~ ,,' ~~: - :~..:..:.:: ~---- Division of Chief Depuly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and Records ,~~,.m~~~ ' .~'h~_'_'_' 1111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111 00264878200201139980050056 02/21/200201:57:00 PM CASHIER 08 $46,00 After recording re~~rn to: Twin Butte Mortgage'" INC, It{ 'l1{fL.lr 5 c~ N :; f- ~ j,C-, r,;-1 r, ''',-''1 /',<) RPR-ESMT Cnl=1 Sln=7 $25,00 $10,00 $11,00 (5) Exclusive: Said 'easements shall run with the properties herin described an'd shall b<:, binding on and inure to the benefit of the pa~:ties hereto,' their' heirs, . successors; or ass~gns. (6) Maintenance: Any party may cause the Access Easement right of way or. any portion thereof to be maintained or repaired, The party causing said maintenance or repair to be done shall pay fori sllch work, and other persons using the Access Easement shal'l' be liable for contribution based' on that party's relative use proportional to the total roadway use, This payment ~hall be made in a timely manner, not' to exceed 30 days, from the date of receipt of proof of expense. (7)' Taxes: Real property taxes shall be paid by the owners of the property upon which the ea~ement is located. (8) Indemnification: Each party.shan indemnify and save any other- of the part:i'es harmless from any liability, loss or expenses reslllting' from that parties agents and employees, any independent contractor hired by that party., and that parties permi tees, invi tees, 1 icensees and guests un-less that injury is .caused in part by any of the other parties" failure to contribtite to'the expenses. of maintenance of the Access Easement, (9) The' easements 'created hereby shall manner consistent with applicable local, regulations and permits and with all easements, and restrictions of record, be exercised in a state, and federal other conditions, ~" '~I ' 7' , '. f}~ Dcl'h Q:!:2? President 'of ' Twin Butte Mortgag~, Inc" an Oregon Corporation I, :L ~,2 ( - 6 ::2-. Date State of Oregon)ss County of Lane) Personally appeared before' me Don Haase, president ot" 'Twin Butt1 t10rtgage, Incl., an Oregon Corporation, on this"..;) / day of ;q-J.h-1-I~ ", 2002, and acknowledged the roregoing instrument trl be hi's voluntary act and deed. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O AJ)~)(~ -=:::=:;.:.: - ,~.=:::.:::;: . "- ~, ~ -. - '- . Notary Public fc!r Oregon )lJ.}?j)t/ 'I' _~_~_________U_h_H" h", , OFFICIAL SEAL , " MARIE GONZALES : ' ; NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON \" ,...-- COMMISSION NO, 336781 . MV COMMISSION EXPIRES OCT. 17,1004 ~;''-'~r'''''~ My Commission Expir~s: D~t", ~eceived: j,/ "--I;;-oct Pic.",J.\L ~ < , Exhibit "A" / Parcell: Beginning at the Southwest cor,ner of Lot 12, Frederic, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 57, Lane County oregon Plat records; thence West 220,00 feet; thence North 115.83 feet; thence East 2~O,OO feet; thence South 115,83 feet to 'I . . the Point of Beginn{ng in Lane County, Oregon. Parcel 2: ii' Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 13, FREDERIC, as , ' ~ . platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 57, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; then de along the Northerly line of Lot. 13 ',North 89" 26' 00" ',West 35,00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thebce l~aving said Northerl~ line South 0" 19' 00" \-lest 15,00 feet; thence North 890' 26' 00" West 50,00 feet; thence South 5'00 00' 00" West 76,88 feet; thence North I , 89026"00" West 81'1.38 feet; thence North 00 19' '00" East , 65.00, feet tei the. aforementioned Northerly line of Lot 13; thence alopg .said !,/ortherly line South 890 26' 00" East 190,00 feet to the T!ue Point of Beginning, Parcel 3: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 13, FREDERIC, as platte~ and recorde~ in Book 4, page 67, Lane County Oregon P la t, Records; thence along the Norther ly 1 ine of Lot 13 North 890 '26' '00" ,West 35.00 feet; thence leaving said NOl.-therly Line South" 00 19' 00" West 15,00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; t.hence South 00 19' 00" West 115,00 feet:; thence North 890 26' 00" West 190.00 feet; thence North 00 19' 00" East 65,00 feet; thence South 89" 26' 00" 'East 81.,38 feet; the,nee North 50" 00' 00" East 76,88 feet; then'ce South 89? 26'1100," East 50.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning, PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O =- -=-,:.... ,~~.,~-~::: , ,--,-",.~,".,:'--..-, DatE' Heceived: Planner: AL /r/~Pt ./ Exhibit "B" The North one-half of Lot 1'3, recorded in Book 4, Page 67, !, Records, Lane County, Oregon. FREDERIC,. as Lane County ,platted .and Oregon Plat EXCEPT the South 100 feet thereof.' ALSO EXCEPT the West 25.00 feet thereof conveyed to the City of Springfie ld by ,deed recorded Augus't 12, 1968,. Reception No, 34906, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, Lane County, Oregon, ., PRE.SUBMITIAl REC'O .._-..'-,-- ,---':-'~ DatE' i'<ticeived: ,Ip-I.}-o~( Planner: AL. .. ' , Exhibit "c" Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 13, FREDERIC, as - I' platted and record~d in Book 4, Page 67, Lane County Oregon Plat. Records, Loine County, Oregon; thence along the Northerly line of iisaid Lot 13 North 890 26' 00" West 35,00 feet to the True, Point of Beginning; thence leaving said , Northerly line South 00 19' 00" West 26,00 feet; thence' North 89" 26' 00" 'West 62,90 feet; thence North 00. 19' 00" East 26,00 feet tq the aforementioned Northerly line of Lot .13; thence along said Norhtherly line South 890 26' 00" East 62,90 feet to the True Point of Beginning, /, PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O v ~ -- . - ~'~P~"- ----.:.:--':. :~: Date Received' / / ~/ ~"6 Planner: AL ;-< I / :'1/28;'~005 12: 21 FAX 541 736 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW 141001 . Ii , City of Springfield Puqlic W orIes 225 '5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 - ..... , ~i SPRINGFIELD Phone: 541-726-3753 . Fax: 541:-736-1021 FAX Date: IY-ZS I ",s'" Total Nun1ber of Pages (including cover page) .3 I . . TO: Name: .D.,."": p),,",,~ OrganizatiQn: ~~IE:.. i., -A$O<.. Fax Number: <..1i\ -'a"O"M-1- if FROM: Name: Phone: ~~~ 7-'J.~- L-o~ MESSAGE: ~"'" ~(~ct-~ , w',l( k ~ -Gr- ~ ~lu6. <:S' --if p~ ~du..11 ,6J ~~"^ -f""','\<J'T "'" i..{2..-dA.:;;tc' .:!- ~~ I: 1" 7''}..b ~ 11d'T''i +;;- ~ d...,......iAs - ~e.I\" ~ " , ., PRE.SUBMIITAL REC'O t-A... pt- , y ~ ';:--~~-~.= Date f'tecei"ed:4~ 1?~?c(J.b Planner: A.L 1'1I28/~005 12 :.21 FAX 541 736 1021 , " 11/23/2005 10: 56 FAX 1541611%1t087 II CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW Canon !lID 002 raJ002 ,OLD PUBI.IC WORKS DEPARTMENT I Engjn~'ering Division Phone: (541) 72/j.J16J Fax: (541) 736-1021 STORMW ATERMANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK --- - Vl~....lxdo,,'''i.line j//kd out by AP/l//~IUIt) ---.- (Plea.. relllm 10 Mall Srolld,<r (ft) Cil)' orSprlnWi~/dPublit' Works J;nl4ifleerifl~'- Fw: # 136-/0~1, FIIOIl. # 136-1035), l' ~mdi'r'nutaud~r(Wri..'fprin.Rficld_ol'.11S - " Project Name: . ,~k:f"C'r\lr~ j',>""i 't.:; "" ,._ Applicant: Assessors Parcel IHi2. - 3<?'~~ T~:~ 21DQ ',2.101 Date: Land Use(s): ~~,,,,..... ..,.."" rhone #: Project Size (Acres): I I. I T- i Fax ": Approx.lmpervious Area: 1)..7 ~7D .::;.FEmail: , 0...... ~\....~."- /E~~.A_.o.::., 11- 23 - oS ,,- \:l...... l!:lI.Mb'':-'''C .I be.~ ~~2.2... L .."~ ~~. Bo2:>7 d,~~..........,......~IlP<!!'j'''''.tIl.!loSb.:. ~ Project Description (Include a copy of,Assess,ol"S map): '5 \'I<! c....e.1 ~ '-'5t;o",.\.$\,r,l...., _ it:> ii:t:. i:>.:W.L,AY~\) v-l'~ l-l O"",PL,l2""-" I, Drainage Proposal (T'lIblio oonnool;oll(o), di~ohaTgc localinn(s), clo, Allllch aLlLlilional Mhccl(M>'ifncCl,"Maryt C-",-,,,,,.,, '"1b ~j."- S!'P~EM. IN "II t!" i'L-At.-i. ~ '"t';J.."" ~.::~ (~a. "'~\-l":t:> ,e.T~"""""Y.~ ~.~\':,W":"-'.J'l ~i-M)) I Prtlno~od' !;tormWlllter BMt Msna!!ement Practices: ,. ~~~''1> $~l-~ /4=>\.L.. ~~~~ ~"~.:.,,,,,$. ~! .c"'''\LlI., ~A$\~ (Area below tlriv lille filled Ollt bv ihe Citv and R<<tu""ri{ tp ilJ~ A"VfiC:ll"t~ (AI a mM~"'m. ,,/I P"I'<<,' "h.ck.,1 P,Y Ih. C:II,Y l'n IheJront Ulld back oJlh.. .'h.., shull b. BII/lmlll.d lor unUf)Lf/icaJiull Iv b~ {;u/fIo/eUf! (or ~rlbmitlu.l. ull}JuURh alitaI' rH#ujrwmentJi mall be /1.f!(:~'(surv.J II Draina!!.. Stndv Tvoe (EDSPM Section 4.03.2): INote, UII mav,be substituted for Rational Method) 1ft Small Site StlIdy - (use Ralional Med,od for oaleuIDlions). , Gl Mid-Level Ilevelopment Study - (~.e Unit HYdTl>~"h Method far ""Iculal;on.) o Full Drainage Development Sludy,,- (uo. UnU HydroglUph Mothod forcalcnlatlollS) Environmental Considerations: 10-:&06 ~ ~"J ~ ,.,./'^- Inl - OoLILj", t'.Lr1ou-. I i.6Ilil. Dnwnsrream ,Analvsis: tJtJ N/A o Flow line for staiting water surface elevation: o Design HGL to use tor starting water surface elevation: D Manhole/Junction to take llnal,ysis"to; , ~ Refurn to Matt Stouder@' City of SP('lngflGld. emell; mstourieiriilei.sorinafield.or,us, FAX: (54') 736-1021 -i! Hillside Development:' ~ . r1oodway/Floodplaln: II/A l...~. Other Juri~diclions PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O - !il Wellhead Zonc: iii- WellundlRiplorian; \t Soil Type: ,v :.:.=.:-::. -~ - ;P:::-~.= Date Received: Planner: AL /lh,/ ~ot / / ;;:;';28/'2005 12: 21 FAX .541 736 1021 . 11(~3(~UU5 1U:56 ~A! 15416P"'087 CITY OF. SPRINGFIELD PW Canon Ig] 003 Ig] 003 COMWLETESTUDYITE~ I l'nr Officill.l U6D Onry-: /lIAr · 8mu:d upon the 1"~fiJrmu/i(}1l provided tJlltJre/frcml '!flf",)' :,'Iu:e.(, tht-flJ//()wing l't!f)Nl.vl!nts'a mlnilllll1" "lwha, is rreltllerlj"J' en upp!i(."utiotl tv ~ (~t)mpl~t~/(lr .mbmWt.iJ with 1;~"pf!C.'IIO dN,lnagc: Ilow(lvcr, this Ust sfr"uJd II0t b~ ",\,(<<1 in li~1t nftlle SI'"lngfie/d Dcvclopm(!1lt Code (SDC) 01' fh~ (."lty's /;"ng;nr;;t:ritrg Design Manllal. c;nmplia,.".:f: with these n.'quiremtmts dues !wl cunstllutL' il/t! Qm>Nwal,' Additinnal,v;Ie ,vpccijic Infol1PJutimr may be required, NU/f:: Upun a,..upln~ .~JllJtJt ltul1lllittaJ, ("nSII1'(! r:omp/~'f.frl.form h".'i been :~i1{n~d ill l!Jt' .\./Ju,"e IJrollltlt.,'d bdlrH"I,' . I!i . . Iii D Interim Ue.ign 8tandardB/W.ler Quality (imSPM Ch.ptor 3) Ri.'l} 'd N/A ~! __ 0 All non-building rooftop (NBR) impol"Viou& sUJ-facos shall bepl't-treated (c,g. multi..-chaJl\bQrcd cotchbasiil w/oil til!rlltltm medln) fOr ::;tnn'\"lwater qUi\1iI)', Additionally, i1 mlnlmun1 or~(;u/n oftha NBI( Imf\arviOl,ul' surface shilll be treated by veg~latc:d 11lcthods, II o Wh~re requirl!d, vegetative stormwater design shall be eonRiRtent with interim. deaiBri sta.ndards (EDSPMSccrion 3.02), 5Ct tbnh by theUureall of Bl1vlrolllnenrnl Serv;ces (llIiS) or Clean WAler Service. (CWS), U rOT new NliR impervious area Ie!! ;;th:m IS.lIOn Aquaz;c feet, a simplified dmoignapproach may be fonowcd WI NJ1c:~ific:d by lhc BES for vcgcilltive treulmenl,-:,:IlF" -fl-rtr"pri ~ o Ifn ~\Urmwall,:r h\:alllll,lllt liwulc: i:;p,ruposcd, submit cllluull1liul1~!~pu~ifil,.'Ulion:; fOl' sl~ill~l VI:IQc;ilY, now, side 9101"0$, bottom slope, and seed mix consistcnt.wtth"cither BES orCWS requirements, D Wator Quality caloulation' "' r.qulf"" in So<.;tion 3,03,1 ol"lh" npSPM ~ All'bl1i1ding rooftopmolJntod equipment, or other tluid containing equipment located outside ofthc building, shttll , he pl'ovided with Sel;:OUdBry contAiri1men1 or wea.lhor t'efll~'ant e,:u::loflure; . General Stu<ly ROtJuiremenlli (EDSPM Sodion 4,03) . 1iI 0 Dn<innge study I'rep...odby. I'rol;,o,on,1 Ciyil engineer licensed in lhe .lale of Oregon. . 0 ^ comple'e drainage .tudy, lISrequ.!I'.d iu EDSJ>!\.1 Sectioll4,03,l, including a hydl'ologicalstudy map, . riJ 0 Calcu)ationH.Hht,wing NYHtC."Tn clI{lilcity fur a 2..ycar stonn event ant! ()Vcrflow effects of 11 2.5..ycar toltnrm'cvcnt. o Ii]. Thc time or cone,entrntion (Te) sha\! bc dctermined using a 10 minule s!art time Ibr develDped basins, Review of Down.tream System (EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C) o III ^ down,tream dminage analysis as~:deserib.d in EDSPM Seetion4.03,4,C. On-si", drainage shall be govem.d by'h. Oregon PlumbingSpcei.lty Code (OPSe). o ~ Elevations of the HGL,and flow lines forbDth city And pdvate .:;;rstems where applicable. Design of Storm S)'lltem. (EDSPM Seotion 4,.04) . ii 0 I'lnw line~, sl(l~e~, rim elevation~. pipe ty~e nnd ~i?,es clearly indiOllled Oil ,he plnn ~el, o iii Minim~lm pip~ cover :ihall be 18 in~hcs tor reinforced pipe nnd 36.inchcs for pl:lin concrete and plORtic pipe material.:;;, or pm~or enginooring calcul;itin.. ~h"lI be provided when 1m, The cover shall be sullicient to support nn ~o,ooo lb load without fuilure oftheptpe structure~ o III Manning', "nu value. for ~ip.' shall b. cOnsi.len, with Table 4-1 Oflh.'F.DSP, ^" slonll pipes shall be de,Iglled to IlChiove a minimum velocity of three (J) feet per s,,"ond"' 0,5 pip. roll bu.ed on T.blo 4.1 .s well,. ' I. -. ." Other/Mise II 0 llxlsting and prop(J~cd contlJurli, Ig~mtcd at Dne fool inteJVaL Include spot .,li~Qticns and site grades !'ihowinG'how site drainR Ii , iii 0 Pl'iviHe $lOllllWdtt:r l.:'tlscnll:nl~ :dmlli1bl: cll.lurly c.IeJpiClI:d un plum; when privatc,,:'1orrnw.I:ltcr fluWH frum "DC pr~pcrty tu anuther ' . o iii [)rywell~ 5halll~(''' receive l"\lnOn'Ii'~m Hny'gvrl~eo w/o bt:iri'j; In:alcc.l by une- ur mUN 13MP5, with the C'X.C4..'Ption af I'Clliid\.'lltlal buHding roofs (P'PSP Section 3,03,~.^), Additionlll provi~iolll> apply to Ihi. "" "-"Iuirod by tI.e DEQ, Rerer to the web.iIC: w,+,w.doq,!;r~lt!,or,uli/wq/gmlll1nw{ll'lichornc.hcm tor more infntl'l'1ntion. o IiIIDctcntionponds shall he dc~ib'1lcd k, limit runofTtn prc-dcvolopmgnt ratas for the 2 thrnugh 2S.YQU Ktorm event... "This form:;l1ulllH; ;nc.""~e" A~ A" "fffu"'hme,,tl ;n:iiJe ti,e from (,'ol'ttl'. uJtJ,e ~.tt),n..~~' $tl~d)1 .'MPORTA.NT, eNGINEER PLEASE READ BELOW AND STGN! As the engin.",r of roourtl, I hereby cerufy the .beye required ilcln~ lire r,C+-fJ I n complete IU\d included with tho submitted stonnwater ,tudy and pion sot Signaturc 'l:)~L,./--"'--:VI--_____ _J/Oale 12-6-CS:- Form V...inn 2; March 2004 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O ,. / ' _ ._v. _ ,=: Date Received: ,tlZI ~ot . ----=-: . --, - Planner: AL -t=; h .-0 :~ III I I I I I I I I . I I . I I I I ~-' "", ,'---'" ECR& Associate0, Inc. Sky Chief Storm Water Calculations November 21st, 2005 ~~~ ''2. I:s'J~ Prepared by: EGR & Associates, Inc. 2535 B Prairie Road Eugene, OR 97402 Phone (541) 688-8322 Fax (541) 688-8087 25356 Prairie Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 (541) 688-8322 Fax (541) 688-8087 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O . ~__::.:- ~ - :':7~.z Date Received: 1/2-/)006 Planner: AL . -. l , . I . r . ~ ~ I ,. ~ -. I r ""l ~ '1 r ~ r -, . ..4 I I ... I ... I r: ~ C ~.... ~-,-::! , < '. I ir, " r.r,~ ~ Off Site Peak Flow Capacity Calculations City of Springfield Stormwater System For Lots 1,2 &1 6 (2yr event) PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O v ~==:~ ~ .... ::~:~:':: Date Received: 1/2-/ JdJt Planner: AL ......... SKY CHIEF DOWNSTREAM ANALYSIS 4"',;" "j'" -l. \ \ j ) . iii.'" C.P, ~ ~ ~---=-- I ,,--, w] " .,' -- ~:"",/ . -......."'- . ',"11 IticJiao; -,' . ,," .. . Mi't tH~~S) . + ~ . II'T"I " . . i~ c.n c:: IC:J :~: ( s: I i;! :1 .-- . :::0 " ~ i ti -00 -lll lll_ :J n> :J m7.l :-1 CD () )> !:!!. r< CD c.. ~::::: ~ ........ ~ '" '---'~'- , " , '. ; c, -00 -tl) tl)..... :J!J) ffiA3 :1 ro o )> !J1. r< . CD a. ~ ~ ~ '" - .'?:~ j" :----, ."- ~ (I i( '" t1 i.'-" ./. "-. I; ~/ i ~1~~~ oi:="oLdYfi,iT~g (~:'2,o . ' ~)-' 4-/ t. j iI :1 " ~r.~", "iJ 4./~Z-- I d.({,(,. 4.I.'f"~, ! '8<~~, ' 4/7.7. ',' . <!h4. I' .1-1 fit! I;j" I ""D~' ,'..,~c.3 --~::;,--=-"":"r:'" ." ,i~ ' , . -~~ -V=tJ) idl9Z ~rfir:f:: ;;. ~~ I ~8~}., ,~~\ ;"'" ..,".,,/ D~F~==~r.::_d.JL: , I' I - ....- ::::.Ii. " " ,"),~;" - '<-----.l ,'-' . . ~._-~-1~.l.. 7: I it4.i2-5 o~,,~~, ~ d./3? ["'-I'!;"'7 . <j.JSI '.:} 48'77' lifX ,I ~4-/:"1 <4--13~ .; 4./~ >l;d.;dA -A'~-' -,~:~r---l ~"/4" 4A3 ' S,I<Y CHIEF DOWI\JSTREMvl C,LIP AC ITY & FLOWS PRE - DEVELOPED I POST -DEVELOPED PiPE NO. SIZE o FULL (CFS) . TRIBUTARY_AREA (AC) C (2 yrIN/HR) I 0 (eFS) I C (2 vrll,/HR) I 0 (,CS" I ! I ,-,' -) -- I IS" 3,10 5.56 0,57 072 2.28 0.59 0.72 I 2.36 2 . Q" ~ ')~ 5.56 0.57 072 I 2.28 059 0.72 2.36 I. I , 3 IS" 6.30 7.94 055 072 3.14 0.56 072 3,20 -c~ A:JI rn \11 ~ .Ij.(~ ,.. ;;:::1 I> :1'\ ~ ': ~ tll ~ o - _.J""'~ - __-..... 100 0 SCALE BASIN AREA CAC) C VALUE V//~ A 2.99 0.5 ~ A 2.01 0,7 ~ A 056 05/07 [,- '- ..... ..... ..... j B 238 0.5 ,-"", --. --.".' 100 200 1" == 100' WEIGHTED C W.LUE A PREDEVELOPED~ 0.57 A,C A POST DEVELOPED~ 059 AC a PRE/POST ~ 0.50 AC PREPARED BY. ~ EG~",,~~ ~"~:,~o~,~~tes, [nc, S:\Projects\ 5406\ 03-0080\storrnwoter703dwg Aug 08, 2003 - 10:S4am LAYOUT ~ 11 x 1 7 Vert Tille LR 253SB Pralrle Rood Eug.ne, Oregon 97402 (5-4') 688-8322 r,,~ (541) 688-8087 18 II II Project: Sky Chief Time of Concentration "Tc" For Off-site City Study Rain intensity curve: Designed by : Dale: 2yrs City of Eugene IOF, curves used Dan Olmstead 8/4/2003 I Te = K"L^,6"n^.6 { 1^.4"S^.3 Overland sheet Flow II K = .93 L = overland flow (ft) n = manning roughness I = rain intensity (infhr) S = average slope I Area Basin A Basin B Lenqth 1 (ftl n I 200.00/ I 200.00 I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I II 11 "n"faClor I Pavement City Business Graveled Apartments Industrial Urban >6unilsJacre Meadows Rural <6unils/acre playgrounds,lighlluri Parks, heavy Turf Woodland & Forests I II 11 11 I I I I I 'try till they match on hydrograph * llin/hr) 0,1501 0,75 0,150 0,75 I S fftlft) 0.011 0,011 I 0_014 0,014 0.02 0.05 0.05 0,08 0.15 0.24 0.24 0.4 0.4 *Tclmin) ~ 3,,97. 31.97~ . , , , . . . Shallow concentrated Flow Lenqth 21ft) velocitv Iftls) 100.001 2.001 100,00 2,001 I I I Date Received: Planner: AL S 1%) Tc {minI ; .001 0.83.1 1.001 0.83f I I I I Tolal Te ~ 32,80 32,80 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O '~::..~- -~-- II hi.2-00(. / / 9:' ::t /11/1 /! ~ I, II /,//1/ //1 , I I/Y! /1 I I Ii' 11/ ' Ii / ll- I I I I I I J J I J II 1 I I I I i I II I 1/ Y I, : II I: I/vVI I A/II/I : . I I I I I I lit I ( I I ! ~ , I II ill i 1/1 11 I ~ I i I: II Vf/f;/l/ / I 1. ~ I I I i I i I II ~ ~v /jJ 1/ I ,i.:~ ~ II ) I I~ ~ I I I 'I I.~ ,f;; II I I 1 ~ I I I( IV;1 I 'I I I I I J ;::: I I !. YY;l / I! Y I I ! j ! I ) ~ ~ I . I I / 1/ 1/ 1 VII I I 1 I I /11 II 11 I 1 I I~ ~ I I / /' /1{11 Ii I I II i ! I ~;5 : V /.. Iii / i : I: ! I! I I :: <::l I /#11, / i Iii I i I. I ~ I~ j ~ bIY)', D~ ~ :1 ~~ ! r / I 'Q ". /~// I; = ~I i I I I I Ii' / I I I I Ii i I I I I , I 1- S2 -0l ~c... II I I I / I /i / I . /1 , I I II I' I I I I I I I \j) ~\'- ~- I , I II / / r / / I I II! I I Iii I I J ~ -0 "I . I II I II 'IV / I /11 II I I I I I I I l~ Ii ~ II ~ V! f ~ ~ ~ I ~ III l' \C) I ~ III ~I J ~ ~ ~ . '<i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ----: ~ ~ 'J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~E.Sl$MITTAL~~'[) J R.4/NrALL INTE/VSITY (!ncl7f!S/IIr.):==;:- ;~" , u J---....... 1?00rlJv// Ffn~~:tlj~'~UrotliJ/l om oa'<. :0..".... ; Frequency CUiVes fff EU98i7s ChgO/7 :':'=~"~:=~:::'';'~''''.'' it1l d" II It '''i [ " II II II I II I II I I I "l ~ I "l ... I , I II' I I I I I I I Ii I I III I I' " II I I I,' " , I I I I II I i I I II I I I I I II i I I i III I I I ! I J I , I , I I III I. IIIII IIII i I 1.1 I I I I I ! I III I i i I i I I ! ' I , I I I I II I i I i I I I I II i I I III' I . .~, ~4;''''' .,' ,'..' " I I !I " I~ ~" .... . --1 I ( ~ I I ~ . . . I ~ I t.--:" ~' ,. ~" Detention Calculation~ li 5 for Lots 3 & 4lliaining to ODOT System (10 yr event per ODOT requirements) - - 8 - .- ~ PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O - =~ - ::-.: - ~'~:'-:':. Date Received' l:bltl<J06 Planner: AL ~- _-__~. u'__fII-'-{),,~~ "'---',- .Jj Sky Chief Lots 3 & 4 Stormwater Hydrograph -':'5 0,16. 0.14 0.12 ..0 rTI , . I~ ~010 ,'I" s:: "j ( jJ m fi 008 d 0.06 -00 -'0) Dl_ :::l(!l ~:::o ~(l) o :l> Q!, r< (1) R- ~ , '- ~ " 004 002 o 120 240 360 480 600 Time (min) .8/8/2003 -'II;, s -, ~I~~~. ~~IIIIIlIHlllllllln-% ""'~:;,.:..., ,,-, .":"""""1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ................. ... .'~. .........~ II I.. &.4.1 u~, 1..,:_I,OIU~.~:U-U':''''=-;.. 720 840 960 1 080 1200 1320 1440 ------ , , .! Post Developed Inflow ----t---' Post Developed Outflow , ----+- Pre Developed Outflow detention-Jot3,xls II ., hydrograpll (Pre) I Skychief Lot 3 & 4, 5 II Predeveloped Hydrograph, 10yr Gi~en' Total Area 0,12 acres 15Y' 3,6 inches lOyr 24hr total = 4.56 inches 10yr 4,56 inches Te:: 5 mm 10Dvr 648 inches [I "w"= 0,50000 Pervious Are.;! JmpeIYious Area Area = 0.12 acres Area = o acres eN" 74 eN" 98 s. 3_51 S. 0.20 2"S: 0.70 2'5= 0.04 I threatining Time J Type 1 A,SCS I Precipitation Accumulated I Pervious I Impervious I Total Instant J Design Depth Precp, Depth Ace, Runoff Ine, Runoff Ace_ Runoff Ine, Runoff Inc. Runoff Flow Flow I ~min) (%24hrlolal) (in) (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) (inches) {cis) (c(s) 0 0 0.0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0,000. 0,0000 0,00 0.00 10 04 0_0182 0,0182 0,0000 0,000 0,0000 0,000 0,0000 0.00 0.00 20 0.4 0,0182 0,0365 0.0000 0,000 00000 0,000 0.0000 0.00 O.OC. 30 0.4 00182 0,0547 0,0000 0.000 0,0009 0.001 0.0000 0,00 O,OC, I 40 04 0,0162 0.0730 0,0000 0_000 0.0044 0,003 0,0000 000 0,00 50 0.4 0,0162 0_0912 00000 0,000 0.0100 0.006 0,0000 0,00 0,00' 60 0.4 0,0182 0.1094 0,0000 0,000 0.0173 0,007 0_0000 0.00 0,00 70 0.4 0.0182 0,1277 0,0000 0,000 0,0259 0009 0,0000 0.00 0_00 80 0.4 0_0182 0,1459 0_0000 0.000 0,0357 0.010 0.0000 0.00 O.OCI 90 0.4 0,0182 0,1642 0,0000 0.000 00465 0_011 0.0000 0.00 O.OC' " 100 0.4 0,0182 0_1824 0,0000 0.000 0_0580 0.012 0,0000 0,00 0,00_ 110 05 00228 0,2052 00000 0,000 0.0733 0,015 0,0000 0.00 0,0(;1 120 0.5 0,0228 0,2280 0.0000 0,000 0.0895 0,016 0,0000 0.00 0,00 130 0.5 0.0228 0,2508 0,0000 0000 0,1065 0.017 0,0000 0_00 O.OCI 140 0.5 0,0228 0.2736 0.0000 0,000 0,1240 0_018 0_0000 000 O_OC' I 150 0.5 0,0228 0_2964 0,0000 0.000 0,1421 0.018 0.0000 0,00 O.OC' 160 0.5 00228 0.3192 00000 0,000 0,1606 0.019 0.0000 0,00 0,00 170 06 0,0274 0,3466 0,0000 0,000 0.1834 0,023 0.0000 0_00 0001 180 06 0,0274 0,3739 0,0000 0,000 0.2066 0,023 00000 0,00 0,0(1 190 0.6 0.0274 0.4013 0,0000 0,000 0,2302 0,024 0,0000 0_00 O,OC- 200 0,6' 0,0274 0.4286 0.0000 0,000 0,2541 0_024 0.0000 0,00 0.00 . 210 0.6 0,0274 04560 0_0000 0.000 0,2784 0.024 0.0000 0,00 O,or, 220 0.6 0,0274 0.4834 0,0000 0.000 0.3029 0.D25 0.0000 0.00 O,OCI 230 0,7 0,0319 0.5153 0,0000 0,000 0.3318 0,029 0,0000 0.00 0,0(1 240 0,7 0.0319 05472 0,0000 0,000 0.3609 0,029 0,0000 0,00 O,Ou! 250 0.7 0.0319 0,5791 0.0000 0.000 0_3903 0,029 0.0000 0,00 O.OCl g 260 0.7 0,0319 0.6110 o OODD 0.000 0.4199 0,030 0,0000 0.00 0,00' 270 0.7 0,0319 0.6430 0,0000 0,000 0.4497 0030 0,0000 0.00 0,0(1 280 0,7 0,0319 06749 0,0000 0,000 0.4797 0,030 0,0000 0.00 0,0(1 290 0,82 0.0374 07123 0,0000 0,000 0.5149 0.035 0,0000 0.00 0,0(. 300 082 0,0374 0,7497 0.0006 0_001 0,5504 0,035 0.0006 0,00 0.0(1 I 310 0,62 0,0374 0,7871 0.0020 0.001 0,5860 0,036 0,0014 0,00 O.Oll 320 0_82 0,0374 0,8244 0,0041 0,002 0,6217 0,036 0,0021 0_00 Oor 330 0,82 0,0374 0,8618 00069 0,003 0,6576 0.D36 0,0028 0.00 0.00 340 0,82 0,0374 0,8992 0,0104 0,004 0,6935 0.036 0.0035 0,00 0,00 350 0,95 00433 0,9426 0.0153 0.005 0,7353 0.042 0,0049 0,00 0.00 360 0.95 0,0433 0,9859 0,0211 0,006 0,7772 0,042 0,0058 0,00 0,00 I 370 0.95 0,0433 1.0292 0,0278 0,007 0.8192 0,042 0,0066 0_00 0,00 380 0,95 0,0433 1,0725 0,0352 0,007 0_8613 0_042 0,0075 0.01 0.01 390 0.95 0.0433 1,1156 0_0435 0,008 0,li035 0.042 0.0082 0,01 0, 0 ~ - 400 0,95 00433 1.1592 0,0525 0,009 0.9457 0,042 0,0090 0_01 0,01. 410 1.34 0_0611 12203 0,0064 0_014 1.0055 0,060 0,0140 0.01 0.01' I 420 1.34 0,0611 1_2814 0,0818 0.015 1_0653 0_060 0,0154 0,01 0.01 430 1.34 0,0611 1.3425 0,0985 0_017 1.1252 0,060 0.0167 0,01 0.0 ~ - 440 1.8 0_0821 14245 0.1230 0,024 1.2059 0_081 0.0245 0_02 0.01 450 1.6 0_0821 1.5066 0,1497 0,027 1,2667 0,081 0,0267 0,02 O'''j 460 3.4 0,1550 1.6617 0.2056 0.056 1.4396 0,153 0,0559 0,04 0,03 I 470 5.4 0,2462 1.9079 0.3078 0_102 1.6831 0.244 0.1022 0.07 0,06 480 2.7 0.1231 2,0310 0,3644 0_057 1,8051 0,122 0,0566 0,04 o,oe, 490 1.6 0,0621 2,1131 04040 0_040 1.8865 0,081 0,0396 0,03 003 500 1.34 0,0611 2,1742 04344 0030 1.9471 0_061 0_0304 0.02 0.03 510 1.34 0_0611 2_2353 04655 0,031 2,0078 0,061 0,0311 0,02 0,02 I 520 1,34 0,0611 2,2964 04973 0.032 2,0685 0,061 0,0318 0,02 0,02 530 0,88 00401 23365 0,5186 0.021 2.1083 0.040 0.0213 0.02 0.02 540 0_88 0,0401 2,3767 05402 0022 2.1482 0.040 0,0216 0,02 0,02 550 0,88 0.0401 2,4168 0,5620 0,022 2,1880 0,040 0_0219 0.D2 0.02 560 0,88 0.0401 24569 0,5842 0,022 2_2279 0,040 0,0221 0,02 0,02 570 0.68 0,0401 2,4971 0,6066 0,022 2_2678 0.040 0,0224 0,02 0-02 I 580 0,88 0,0401 2,5372 0,6293 0.023 2,3077 0,040 0_0227 0,02 0,02 590 0,86 0.0401 2.5773 0,6522 0,023 2.3476 0,040 0,0229 0,02 0,02 600 0,88 0,0401 2,6174 0.6754 0,023 2,3875 0,040 0,0232 0,02 0.02 610 0,88 0,0401 2,6576 0,6988 0.023 2,4274 0,040 0_0234 0.02 0-02 620 0,88 0,0401 2,6977 0,7225 0,024 2.4674 0,040 0,0237 0,02 0,02 I 630 DB8 0.0401 2.7378 0.7464 0,024 2,5073 0.040 0,0239 0_02 0-02 640 0,88 PRr:SUBMITfAL'REC"D 0.024 2,5472 0_040 0,0242 0_02 0.02 v Date ReCeiVed:_~,!/ri~/.?-<V.t I 8/812003 :----=~.~ .... '-'~'- ... detention-lot3.xls Planner: AL . L I " ~', hydrograph (Pre) I 650 072 0.0328 2.8108 0,7905 0,020 2,5799 0,033 0,0199 0.01 aDZ' I 660 0.72 0,0328 2.8436 0,8106 0,020 2,6126 0.033 0,0201 0,01 001 670 0.72 0,0328 2,8764 0,8308 0,020 2,6453 0_033 0.0202 0.01 001 680 072 0,0328 2_9093 08512 0,020 2,6779 0,033 0,0204 0_01 0.01 690 0,72 0,0328 2.9421 0,8717 0_021 2.7106 0033 0,0205 0.01 001 700 0_72 0,0328 2,9749 0.8924 0,021 2,7433 0,033 00207 0,01 0,01 710 0.72 0,0328 3,0078 0.9132 0,021 2.7760 0,033 0,0208 0,02 007 I 720 0,72 0,0328 3.0406 0,9341 0,021 28087 0,033 0_0209 0.Q2 002 730 0.72 0,0328 3,0734 0,9552 0,021 2,8414 0_033 00211 0,02 0.02 7<0 0.72 0.0328 3,1063 0,9764 0,021 2,8741 0,033 0,0212 0-02 0,02 750 0.72 0.0328 3,1391 0.9977 0.021 2,9068 0,033 0.0213 0.02 0,02 760 0,72 0,0328 3_1719 1,0191 0,021 2,9395 0.033 0,0214 0,02 002 I 770 0,57 0,0260 3,1979 1,0362 0,017 2,9654 0,026 0.0171 0.01 0.01 780 0.57 0.0260' 3,2239 1.0533 0,017 2,9913 0,026 0,0171 0,01 0,01 790 0_57 0,0260 3.2499 1.D705 0,017 3_0172 0,026 00172 0,01 0,01 800 0,57 0,0260 3,2759 1.0878 0,017 3,0431 0.026 0,0173 0,01 001 810 0.57 0_0260 3,3019 1.1052 0017 3,0690 0_026 0,0174 0_01 0.01 I 820 0.57 0,0260 3.3279 1.1226 0017 30949 0,026 0,0174 0.01 0.01 830 0,57 0,0260 3,3539 1.1402 0.018 3,1208 0,026 0,0175 0,01 0,01 840 0,57 0,0260 3,3799 1.1577 0018 3,1467 0,026 0,0176 0,01 0.01 850 0.57 0.0260 3,4059 1.1754 0,018 3,1726 0_026 0,0177 0.01 0.01 860 0.57 0,0260 3.4319 1.1931 0,018 3,1985 0.026 0.0177 0,01 0,01 870 0,57 0,0260 3.4578 1.2109 0,018 3,2245 0,026 0.0178 0,01 001 I 880 0.57 0,0260 3.4838 1.2288 0,018 3_2504 0,026 0,0179 0,01 001 890 05 0_0228 3.5066 1,2445 0,016 3,2731 0_023 0,0157 0.01 0,01 900 0,5 0,0228 3_5294 1,2603 0_016 32958 0,023 0_0158 0,01 0,01 910 0.5 0_0228 3,5522 1.2761 0,016 3.3186 0,023 0,0158 0_01 0.01 920 0,5 0.0228 3,5750 1,2920 0,016 33413 0.023 0,0159 0,01 0.01 I 930 0.5 0,0228 3,5978 1,3079 0,016 3,3640 0,023 0,0159 0,01 0,01 940 0.5 0_0228 3,6206 1.3239 0.016 3,3867 0,023 0,0160 0.01 0,01 950 0.5 0.0228 3_6434 1.3399 0,016 34095 0.023 0,0160 0.01 DO', 960 0.5 0,0228 3.6662 1,3559 0,016 34322 0,023 0,0161 0,01 0,01 970 0.5 0_0228 3,6890 1.3721 0_016 34550 0,023 0.0161 0,01 001 980 0.5 0,0228 3,7118 1.3882 0.016 34777 0,023 0,0162 0.01 0,01 I 990 0,5 0,0228 3.7346 1.4044 0,016 3,5004 0_023 0,0162 0,01 001 1000 0,5 0,0228 3,7574 1.4207 0,016 3,5232 0,023 0.0163 0,01 001 1010 0.4 0.0182 3.7757 1.4337 0_013 3,5414 0,018 0,0130 0.01 0,01 1020 0.4 0,0182 3.7939 1.4468 0,013 3,5595 0.018 0,0131 0,01 0,01 1030 0.4 0,0182 3,8122 1.4599 0.013 3.5777 0,018 0,0131 0.01 0,01 II 1040 0.4 0.0182 3,8304 1.4730 0,013 3,5959 0,018 0,0131 0.01 0.01 1050 0.4 00182 3,8486 1.4861 0,013 3,6141 0.018 0,0131 001 0,01 1060 OA 0,0182 3,8669 1.4993 0,013 36323 0,018 0.0132 0.01 0,01 1070 OA 0,0182 3,8851 1_5125 0,013 3.6505 0,018 0,0132 0,01 0,01 1080 0.4 0,0182 3.9034 1,5258 0,013 3,6667 0.016 0,0132 0,01 o,or I 1090 OA 0,0182 3,9216 1.5390 0.013 3,6869 0018 0_0133 0.01 0.01 1100 0.4 0,0182 3,9398 1.5523 0,013 3.7051 0_018 0.0133 001 001 1110 OA 0,0182 3,9581 1_5656 0,013 3,7233 0.018 0,0133 001 0,01 1120 OA 0,0182 3_9763 1.5790 0.013 3,7415 0018 00133 0.01 0.01 1130 0.4 0.0182 3,9946 1,5923 0,013 3.7597 0.Q18 0,0134 0,01 0,01 1140 04 0,0182 4,0128 1.6057 0.013 3.7779 0018 0,0134 0,01 0,01 II 1150 OA 0_0182 4,0310 1.6191 0,013 3.79S1 0,018 0.0134 001 0.01 1160 OA 0_0182 4.0493 1,6326 0,013 3,8143 0.018 0,0134 0,01 0,01 1170 OA 0,0182 4,0675 1,6460 0.013 3,8325 0.018 0.0135 0,01 0,01 1180 OA 00182 4,0858 1.6595 0013 3_8507 0,018 0,0135 0,01 0,01 1190 OA 0_0182 4.1040 1,6730 0,014 3,8689 0.018 0.0135 0.Q1 0,01 II 1200 0.' 0,Q162 4.1222 1.6866 0.014 3,8871 0,018 0.0135 0_01 0.01 1210 OA 0,0182 4.1405 1.7002' 0,014 3,9053 0,018 0006 0.01 0_01 1220 04 0.0182 4,1587 1.7138 0_014 3_9235 0,018 0,0136 0,01 001 1230 OA 0,0182 4.1770 1.7274 0.014 3,9417 0.018 0.0136 0,01 001 1240 OA 0,0182 4.1952 1.7410 0,014 3,9599 0,018 0,0136 0.01 001 1250 OA 0.0182 4,2134 1.7547 0,014 3_9781 0,018 0,0137 0,01 001 I 1260 OA 0_0182 4.2317 1,7684 0,014 3,9963 0.018 0_0137 0.01 0.01 1270 OA 0,0182 42499 1.7821 0,014 4.0145 0,018 0,0137 001 0,01 1280 04 0.0182 4,2682 1.7958 0_014 4,0327 0.018 0,0137 001 0.01 1290 0.' 0.0182 4.2864 1,8096 0,014 4,0509 0.018 0.0138 0_01 0,01 1300 OA 0,0182 4:3046 1.8233 0,014 4.0691 0018 00138 0,01 0,01 II 1310 OA 0.0182 4,3229 1.8372 0,014 4,0873 0.018 0.0138 0_01 0,01 1320 OA 00182 4.3411 1.8510 0014 4.1055 0,018 0,0138 0,01 0,01 1330 OA 0,0182 4,3594 1.8648 0_014 4,1237 0_018 0,0138 0,01 001 1340 OA 0_0182 4,3776 1,8787 0.014 4,1419 0.018 0,0139 0,01 0,01 1350 0.' 0,0182 4.3958 1,8926 0.014 4,1601 0018 0.0139 001 001 I 1360 0.4 0,0182 4,4141 1.9065 0.014 4,1783 0_018 00139 0_01 0.01 1370 04 0_0182 4.4323 1,9204 0.014 4,1965 0,018 0.0139 0,01 0,01 1380 OA 0,0182 4.4506 1.9344 0.014 4,2147 0,018 0.0140 0_01 0,01 1390 OA 0,0182 4,4688 1.9484 0,014 4,2329 0,018 0,0140 0,01 0,01 1400 OA 0,0182 4.4870 1.9624 0.014 4_2511 0,018 0.0140 0.01 0,01 1410 OA 0,0182 4,5053 1.9764 0.014 4,2693 0,018 0,0140 0,01 0.01 I 1420 OA 0.0182 4,5235 1,9905 0,014 4.2875 0,018 0.0140 0,01 0,01 1430 OA 0,0182 4,'5418 2,0045 0_014 4,3057 0_018 0.0141 0,01 001 1440 OA 0,0182 4.5600 2.018G 0,014 4,3239 0,018 0,0141 0_01 0,01 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O Ma~imUm= ~) I Dat':1 f{eCeived:~/ .?--<Joe ~ ~-....:~~: - - . ...-,... Planner: AL - 8/8/2003 delentjon.loI3,xl~ . ,.-, ; \ hydrograph (Post) . SkYChief Lot 3 8. 4 ' 5 . Postdeveloped Hydrograph Given: TolalArea 0.12 acres 15Y' 3.6 inches 5yr 24hrtotal = 4_56 inches 10y! 4,56 inches Te: 5 m," 1001'1 6,48 inches I "w"= 0_50000 Pervious Area tmperviousArea Area = 0 acres Area = 0.12 acres eN= 74 eN: 98 S~ 3_51 S~ 0,20 ,2'5= 0,70 2'5 ::: 0,04 I Time J Type 1 A,SCS I Precipitation Accumulated I Perviolls I Impervious I Tolal J Instant Design Depth Precp, Depth Ace, Runoff lne, Runoff Ace, Runoff Ine, Runoff Ine, Runoff Flow Flow I (min) (% 24hrTotal) (in) (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) Deotll(in) Deplh(in) (inches) (cis) (cis) 0 a 0,0000 0,0000 0,0000 0_0000 0,0000 0,000 0,0000 000 0,00 10 0.4 0.0182 0.0182 0.0000 0_000 0,0000 0,000 0,0000 0.00 0,00 20 04 0.0182 0.0365 0,0000 0_000 0,0000 0,000 0,0000 0,00 0,00 30 0.4 0,0182 0,0547 0,0000 0,000 0,0009 0.001 0,0009 000 0,00 . 40 0.4 0,0182 0,0730 0,0000 0000 0_0044 0,003 0.0035 0_00 0,00 so' 04 0_0182 0.0912 0.0000 0.000 0,0100 0,006 0.0056 0,00 0,00 60 0.4 0,0182 0,1094 0,0000 0,000 0,0173 0.007 0,0073 0.Q1 000 70 0.4 0,0182 0,1277 0,0000 0,000 00259 0_009 0,0087 0_01 0,01 80 0.4 0.0182 0.1459 0_0000 0,000 0,0357 0,010 0.0098 0.01 0,01 90 04 0_0182 0.1642 0.0000 0.000 0,0465 0,011 0_0107 0,01 0.D1 I 100 0.4 0,0182 0,1824 0,0000 0.000 0.0580 0.012 0.0115 0.Q1 0.01 110 0.5 0,0228 0.2052 0_0000 0.000 0,0733 0.015 0,0153 0_01 0,01 120 0,5 0.0228 0.2280 0,0000 0,000 0,0895 0,016 0,0162 0,01 0,01 130 0.5 0,0228 0_2508 0.0000 0,000 0.1065 0,017 0.0169 0,01 0,01 140 0.5 0,0228 0,2736 0,0000 0.000 0,1240 0.018 0.0176 0,01 0,01 I 150 0.5 0,0228 0.2964 0,0000 0,000 0.1421 0018 0,0181 0,01 0,01 160 0,5 0.0228 0_3192 0_0000 0,000 0,1606 0,019 0,0185 0,01 0,01 170 0.5 0.0274 0.3466 0.0000 0000 0_1834 0,023 0.0227 0.Q2 0.01 180 0.5 0,0274 0,3739 0.0000 0.000 0.2066 0.023 0_0232 0,02 0,02 190 0.5 0_0274 0.4013 0,0000 0,000 02302 0,024 0,0236 0,02 0,02 . 200 0,5 0.0274 0.4286 0,0000 0000 0,2541 0,024 0,0239 0,02 0,02 210 0.5 0_0274 0.4560 0.0000 0,000 0,2784 0,024 0_0243 0,02 0,02 220 0.5 0,0274 0,4834 00000 0_000 0.3029 0.025 00245 0,02 0,02 230 0.7 0,0319 0.5153 0,0000 0,000 03318 0,029 0,0289 0,02 0,02 240 0,7 0.0319 0,5472 0_0000 0,000 0.3609 0,029 0.0292 0,02 0,02 250 0.7 0.0319 0.5791 0.0000 0,000 0.3903 0,029 0.0294 0.Q2 0,02 I 250 0,7 0,0319 0,6110 0,0000 0_000 0.4199 0030 0,0295 0.02 0,02 270 0,7 0.0319 0.6430 0,0000 0,000 0.4497 0,030 0,0298 0,02 0,02 280 0,7 0,0319 0,6749 0.0000 0,000 0,4797 0.030 0_0300' 0,02 0,02 290 0.82 0,0374 0,7123 0.0000 0,000 0,5149 0.035 0_0353 0,03 0_02 300 0,82 0,0374 0.7497 0,0006 0_001 0,5504 0,035 00354 0.03 0,03 . 310 0,82 0.0374 0.7871 0_0020 0,001 0,5860 0,036 0.0356 0,03 0.D3 310 0,82 0.0374 0.8244 0.0041 0.002 0,6217 0.036 0_0357 0,03 0,03 330 0,82 0,0374 0,8618 0,0069 0_003 0,6575 0.D35 0,0359 0,03 0,03 340 0,82 0,0374 0,8992 0,0104 0,004 06935 0,036 0,0360 0.03 0,03 3SO 0,95 0.0433 0.9426 0.0153 0,005 0,7353 0,042 0,0418 0,03 0_03 360 0,95 0,0433 0_9859 0_0211 0,006 0.7772 0,042 0,0419 0,03 0,03 . 370 0.95 0,0433 1,0292 0,0278 0_007 0_8192 0.042 0,0420 0_03 0,03 380 0.95 0,0433 1.0725 0,0352 0,007 0,8613 0,042 0,0421 0,03 003 390 0,95 0,0433 1.1158 0.Q435 0008 0_9035 0,042 0_0422 0,03 0,03 400 0.95 0,0433 1_1592 0.0525 0.009 0.9457 0,042 0,0423 0.D3 O,O~ 410 1.34 0,0511 1,2203 0,0664 0,014 1'.0055 0.060 0,0597 0.04 0,04 . 420 1.34 0,0611 1_2814 00818 0,015 1,0653 0060 0,0598 00-0 0.04 430 1.34 0,0611 1,3425 0_0985 0_017 1.1252 0,060 0_0599 0_04 0,04 440 1.8 0.0821 1.4245 0,1230 0,024 1,2059 0.081 0,0807 0,06 0,05 450 1.8 0.0821 1_5066 0,1497 0,027 1.2867 0081 0,0808 0.00 0.06 460 3.4 0,1550 1,6617 0,2055 0_056 1.4396 0,153 0,1529 0,11 0.08 I 470 5.4 0.2462 1,9079 0,3078 0,102 1.6831 0.244 0,2435 0,18 0,14 480 '.7 0.1231 2,0310 0,3644 0,057 1.8051 0122 0,1220 0,09 0,13 490 1.8 0,0821 2.1131 0.4040 0.040 1,8865 0.081 0.0814 0,06 0,07 500 1,34 0.0611 2.1742 0.4344 0,030 1.9471 0,061 0,0606 0,04 0.05 510 1.34 0.0611 2.2353 04655 0.031 2.0078 0,061 0.0607 0_04 0,04 /I 520 1.34 0,0611 2.2964 0.4973 0,032 20685 0,061 -0,0607 0.04 0,04 530 0,88 0,0401 2.3365 0,5185 0,021 2.1083 0,040 00399 0,03 0,04 540 0,88 0.0401 2,3767 05402 0.022 2.1482 0,040 0,0399 0,03 0.D3 550 0,88 0,0401 2.4168 0.567.0 0022 2,1880 0,040 0,0399 0.03 0.03 560 0,88 0,0401 2,4569 0,5842 0,022 2.2279 0,040 0,0399 0,03 0,03 570 088 0.0401 2,4971 0,5066 0,022 2.ZB78 0.040 DDJ99 003 0.03 I 580 0,88 0.0401 2,5372 06293 0,023 2,3077 0.040 0,0399 0,03 0.D3 590 0.88 0.0401 2_5773 0,6522 0,023 2.3476 0,040 0.0399 0,03 0,03 500 0.88 0,0401 2.6174 0,6754 0,023 2_3875 0,040 0,0399 0_03 0,03 510 0,88 0.0401 2,6576 0,6988 0,023 2,4274 0,040 0_0399 0,03 0,03 620 0,88 0.0401 2,6977 0,7225 0,024 2,4674 0,040 0.0399 0.03 0,03 I 630 0.88 0,0401 2.7378 0.7454 0.024 2,5073 0,040 0_0399 003 0,03 640 0,88 PRE-SU8MIITAL'REC'D7706 0,024 2.5472 0,040 0_0399 0_03 0,03 U;.;t\", Y(ii:JCeived:~/ hoof. v ~..;..- ~-~,. . ~ - ~ - -- 8/8/2003 Planner: AL I detrmlion-lot3,xls I ,.-...... hydrograptl (Post) / ~ 2,5799 0,033 0.0327 0,02 0.03 I 650 0.72 0_0328 2,8108 0,7905 0_020 660 0,72 0.0328 2,8436 0_8106 0,020 2,6126 0,033 0_0327 0.02 0,02 670 0,72 0_0328 2,8764 0,8308 0,020 2,6453 Q,033 ,0,0327 0.02 0.02 680 072 0,0328 2_9093 0_8512 0,020 2,6779 0,033 0.0327 0,02 0.02 I 690 0,72 00328 2.9421 0.8717 0,021 2.7106 0_033 0,0327 0,02 0,02 700 0,72 0,0328 2,9749 0,8924 0,021 2,7433 0,033 0,0327 0,02 0.D2 710 0,72 0,0328 3_0078 0.9132 0,021 2.7760 0,033 0,0327 0,02 0,02 720 0,72 0.0328 3.0406 0,9341 0,021 2,8087 0,033 0.0327 0,02 0,02 730 0,72 0,0328 3,0734 0_9552 0,021 2,6414 0,033 0.0327 0,02 0,02 740 0_72 0,0328 3,1063 0,9764 0,021 2,8741 0.033 0.0327 0.Q2 0,02 750 0,72 0,0328 3,1391 0.9977 0_021 2,9068 0.033 0,0327 0,02 0,02 760 0_72 0,0328 3,1719 1,0191 0_021 2,9395 0.033 0,0327 0,02 0,02 770 0.57 0.0260 3,1979 1.0362 0_017 2_9654 0,026 0,0259 0.02 0.0' 780 0.57 0.0260 3,2239 1.0533 0.017 2.9913 0,026 0.0259 0.02 0.02 790 0,57 0.0260 3.2499 1.0705 0,017 3.0172 0,026 0.0259 0.02 0,02 BOO 0,57 0_0260 3,2759 1.0878 0,017 3.0431 0026 0.0259 0.02 0,02 ",0 0,57 0,0260 3,3019 1,1052 0,017 3,0690 0,026 0,0259 0,02 0.D2 .y 820 0,57 0,0260 3,3279 1,1226 0,017 3_0949 0.026 0.0259 0,02 0,02 . . 830 057 0,0260 33539 1.1402 0,018 3,1208 0,026 0,0259 0,02 0,02 840 0,57 0,0260 3,3799 1.1577 0_018 3,1467 0.026 0,0259 0,02 0,02 850 0,57 0_0260' 3.4059 1,1754 0_018 3,1726 0.026 0,0259 0,02 0_02 860 0.57 0.0260 3,4319 1.1931 0.018 3,1985 0.026 0,0259 0,02 0.02 870 0,57 0_0260 3.4578 1.2109 0.018 3_2245 0,026 0.0259 0.02 0.02 ",0 0.57 0.0260 3.4838 1.2288 0.018 3,2504 0,026 0.0259 0,02 0,02 890 0.5 0,0228 3.5066 1.2445 0,016 3_2731 0,023 0.0227 0,02 0_02 900 0.5 0.0228 3_5294 1,2603 0,016 3_2958 0,023 0.0227 0.02 0.02 910 0.5 00228 3,5522 1,2761 0,016 3,3186 0.023 0.0227 0.02 0,02 920 0,5 0,0228 35750 1,2920 0,016 3,3413 0,023 0,0227 002 0.D2 930 0,5 0,0228 3,5978 1,3079 0,016 3.3640 0_023 0,0227 0,02 0.D2 . -' 940 05 0,0228 3_6206 1,3239 0.016 3,3867 0.023 0,0227 0_02 0,02 J 950 0.5 0.0228 3.6434 1.3399 0.016 3.4095 0,023 0_0227 0,02 0.02 960 0.5 0.0228 3,6662 1.3559 0,016 3.4322 0,023 0.0227 0,02 0.02 ~ 970 0.5 0,0228 3,6890 1.3721 0.016 3.4550 0,023 0.0227 0.02 0,02 980 0.5 0.0228 3,7118 1.3882 0,016 3.4777 0,023 0.0227 0.02 0,02 990 05 0,0228 3.7346 1.4044 0,016 3.5004 0,023 0,0227 0.02 0,02 ~ 1000 0.5 00228 3,7574 1.4207 0,016 3.5232 0,023 0.0227 0,02 0,02 1010 04 0,0182 37757 1.4337 0,013 3.5414 0018 0,0182 0,01 0_01 1020 0.4 0,0182 3,7939 1.4468 0,013 3,5595 0_018 0,0182 0,01 0,01 1030 0.4 0.0182 3,8122 1.4599 0,013 3,5777 0.018 0,0182 0,01 0,01 1040 0.4 0.0182 3,8304 1.4730 0.013 3_5959 0.018 0,0182 0_01 0,01 1050 0.4 0_0182 3.8486 1.4861 0.013 36141 0,018 0.0182 0.01 0.01 1060 0.4 0.0182 3.8669 1.4993 0,013 3.6323 0,018 0.0182 0.01 0,01 I 1070 0' 0,0182 3,8851 1',5125 0,013 3,6505 0,018 0,0182 0,01 0,01 1080 0.4 0,0182 3,9034 1,5258 0,013 3.6687 0.018 0.0182 0,01 0.01 1090 0.4 0,0182 3,9216 1.5390 0,013 3,6869 0.018 0,0182 0,01 0,01 1100 0.4 0,0182 3,9398 1,5523 0,013 37051 0,018 0,0182 0,01 0,01 1110 0.4 0.0182 3,9581 1.5656 0,013 3,7233 0018 0,0182 0.01 0.01 1120 0.4 0.0182 3,9763 1.5790 0.013 3_7415 0,018 0.0182 0.01 0,01 1130 0.4 0,0182 3_9946 1.5923 0,013 3_7597 0.018 0_0182 0,01 0,01 1140 0.4 0,0182 4,0128 1.6057 0_013 3.7779 0.018 0.0182 0,01 001 1150 0.' 0,0182 4,0310 1,6191 0,013 3,7961 0,018 0,0182 0,01 0,01 1160 0.4 0,0182 4,0493 1,6326 0,013 3,8143 0,018 0.0182 0,01 0.0', 1170 0.4 0_0182 4,0675 1.6460 0.013 3_8325 0,018 0.0182 0.01 0_01 1180 0.4 0,0182 4.0858 1,6595 0013 3.8507 0,018 0.0182 0.01 0.01 II 1190 04 0.0182 4.1040 1,6730 0,014 3.8689 0,018 0,0182 0.01 0,01 1200 0.4 0,0182 4.1222 1_6866 0,014 3,8871 0.018 00182 DOl 0,01 1210 04 0,0182 4,1405 1,7002 0.014 3,9053 0.018 0,0182 0,01 0.01 1220 04 0.0-182 4,1587 1,7138 0.014 3,9235 0_018 0,0182 0.01 0.01 1230 0.4 00182 4.1770 1.7274 0,014 3,9417 0,018 0.0182 0.01 0.01 II 1240 0.4 0,0182 4_1952 1.7410 0_014 3,9599 0,018 0.0182 0.01 0,01 1250 0.4 0_0182 4,2134 1.7547 Om4 3_9781 0,018 0,0182 0,01 0.01 1260 0.4 0.0182 42317 1,7684 0_014 3,9963 0.018 0.0182 0,01 0.01 1270 0.4 0.0182 4.2499 1.7821 0,014 4,0145 0.018 0,0182 0.01 0,01 1280 0.4 0,0182 4.2682 1.7958 0,014 4,0327 0,018 0.0182 0,01 0,01 1290 0.4 0.0182 4.2864 1,8096 0,014 4,0509 0018 0_0182 0,01 0,01 I DOO 0.4 0.0182 4.3046 1,8233 0_014 4,0691 0.018 0,0182 0,01 0.01 1310 0.4 0,0182 4,3229 1.8312 0,014 4.0873 0.018 0,0182 0.01 0,01 1320 0.4 0,0182 4.3411 1.8510 0,014 4,1055 0,018 0.0182 0.01 0,01 1330 04 0,0182 4,3594 1,8648 0.014 4,1237 0.018 0.0182 0,01 0_01 1340 04 0.0182 4,3776 1_8787 0.014 4.1419 0,018 00182 0.01 0,01 I 1350 0.4 0,0182 43958 1.a926 0,014 4.1601 0.018 0,0182 0_01 0,01 1360 0.4 00182 4.4141 1.9065 0,014 4.1783 0,018 0.0182 001 0.01 1370 0.4 0,0182 4.4323 1.9204 0_014 4,1965 0.018 0,0182 0,01 0,01 1380 0.4 0.0182 4.4506 1,9344 0,014 4,2147 0_018 0,0182 0.D1 0.01 1390 04 0.0182 4.4688 1.9484 0,014 4.2329 0,018 0,0182 0,01 0.01 -<l 1400 0.4 00182 4.4870 1.9624 0,014 4,2511 0,018 0,0182 001 0,01 1410 0.4 0,0182 4,5053 1.9764 0_014 4,2693 0,018 0.0182 0.01 0,01 1420 0.' 0,0182 4,5235 1,9905 0,014 4,2875 0.018 0.0182 0,01 0,01 ... 1430 0.4 0,0182 4:5418 2,0045 0,014 4.3057 0,018 0,0182 0,01 0,01 1440 0.4 0.0182 45600 2,0186 0,014 43239 0,018 0,0182 0,01 0,01 I PRE.SUBMIITAL REC'O /If /:HJo6 '-=. Dat!;1 F~eceived: II M_,______ ,-, 8/8/2003 Planner: AL de(ention.IOI3,xl~ ~'A ..."'Ifr r -, ~ ~ "1JCJ -!ll Ql- ::J!j) al;;o :1ro 16 )> _. ri15 Cl. ~ ~ '" '" r " ~ .J . lOy, Max Outflow =: -0 ~ rn . ill ~ ~~: ( :s: ;;:::I 'I' ~ ,1 ~ ;,: (I) d . ~ 1 .J . . r l ~ I . . 2 stage outflow Detention Calculation Sheet (1 Oyr) inches IOrifiCedi8.: A'" add outflow lovernOWdia.", Area '" Heiaht3rd: 1,5 in 0.012271836 sf o. lOin 0_545414931 1_3 ft jOUtflOW Pipe,l = Dia=: area'''' c~ outJetinvert'" 0.06 ct, IHeadover StageOnefloW,Oriflce Stage two flow, Orifice lower Orifice unsub, orifice actual Depth Weir flow Orifice actual m, (efs) (efs) (efs) 0 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0001 0,1 0.00 0.02 0.021 0.00 0,00 0,00 0.2 000 0.03 0.031 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,31 0,00 om 0.031 0.00 0,00 0,001 0.41 0,00 0,04 0.041 ,0.00 0_00 0_001 0.51 0.00 0.04 0.041 0.00 0.00 0.001 0,61 0,00 0,05 0.05. 0,00 0.00 0.001 0,71 0,00 0_05 0.051 0,00 0.00 0,001 0.81 0.00 005 0_051 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.91 0.00 0,06 0,061 0.00 0.00 0,001 11 0,00 0,06 0.061 0_00 0,00 0.00 1.11 0.00 0.06 0,061 0.00 0_00 0,00 1.21 0,00 0.07 0.071 0,00 0.00 0,00 1.31 0,00 0,07 0.071 0,00 0.00 0,00 1.41 0,00 0,07 0,071 0.00 0.00 0.001 1.51 0.00 0,07 0,071 0.00 0,00 0.001 151 0.00 0,08 0.081 0.00 0,00 0001 1.71 000 0,08 0,081 0_00 0.00 0,001 1.81 0.00 008 0.081 0.00 0.00 0,001 1.91 0,00 0_08 0.081 0.00 0.00 0.001 21 0,00 0.09 0,091 000 0.00 0,00 . . . 5ft 10 0.545414931 sf 130 -0,2IassumeOforinletl . - - - Oft^2 ft o. Istage Three now. Overflow Cw weir orifice (efs) (cfs) 0_00; 0.001 0.001 0,00 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.00. 0,001 0_001 0.001 0,001 0.001 0,001 0,001 0.001 0_001 0.001 0,001 0.001 0,001 5,35 5.35 5.35 5.35 5,35 5_35 5,35 5.35 5,35 5,35 5.35 5.35 5.35 5,35 5.35 5,35 5_35 5.35 5,35 5,35 5.35 0.00 0,00 0,00 0_00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0_44 1.25 2,30 3,54 4:95 6,51 8,20 ITolal full pipe actual Duffiow (efs) (efs) (efs) 0.00 o'OOf 01 0.00 0,00 7.60 01 0.02 0,00 8.88 001 0.03 0.00 10,011 0,03 0,00 11.051 01 0.04 0,00 12.011 01 0.04 0.00 12.91 01 0.05 0.00 13.76 01 0.05 0.00 14,561 01 0.05 0,00 15,33 01 0.06 0,00 16.07 01 0.061 0.00 16,78 01 0.061 0,00 17,47 01 0.071 0_00 18_131 01 0.071 0,83 18'781 0.4431 0,52 1.17 19.40 1.1741 1,25 1.44 20,01 1.4381 1.52 1.66 20,601 1.6611 1.74 1.86 21.1~1 1.8571 1.94 2,03 21.7512.0341 2.12 2_20 22,30 2.1971 2.28 x - - ~ 1 I I I I I I , , , I , ~ y I I ........ "1--- ...-~ ~ J~ ~,_. ~. )~ ~( ...-'~ ~r' ,l~ ~( ...-'~ ....0 ,J. detention-lot3.xls ,,--, , \... SkY Chief Lots 3 & 4.-5 Volume Vs. Depth - Grassy Swale Volume Vs Depth determined graphicaly using eagle point Slope of channel 1 % Side Slopes = 4:1 Starting bottom width = 2' New site impervious cover = 55% Correction Value = 32,5% 'Elevation Depth IVolume "Corr"Volume 480.91 0 0.00 0.00 481,01 0,1 1.08 0.73 481.11 0.2 4.86, 3.28 481.21 0.3 12.42 8,38 481.31 0.4 24.30 16.40 481.41 0.5 43.74 29.52 481.51 0,6 76.41 51.58 481,61 0.7 122.04 82.38 481.71 0.8 180.63 121.93 481,81 0.9 252.72 170.59 481.91 1 340.20 229,64 482,01 1.1 437.67 295.43 48211 1,2 540.00 364.50 482.21 131 591.03 398.95 J PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D =-====- -" - ."'--:':: Date Received:-L!h,I.h196 Planner: AL 7 7 J 8/8/2003 I :c ;; ~... )~ '" . ) .~ ~ ... J 'i , . I .- i III ,. -- " \.~" Storm Event = Max outflow = Time J Inflow HYdrograPhl (efs) (minl o 0,00' S 0,00 10 0,00 15 0.00 20 0.00 25 0.00 30 0.00 35 0,00 40 0,00 45 0,00 50 0,00 55 0,00 60 0.00 65 0.00 70 0.01 75 0,01 80 om 65 0,01 90 0,01 95 0.01 100 0,01 105 0.01 110 0.D1 115 0,01 120 0,01 125 0,01 130 0,01 135 0_01 140 0_01 145 0.01 150 0,01 155 0,01 160 0,01 165 0.01 170 om 175 0,01 180 0,02 165 0.G2 190 0.G2 195 0.02 200 0.02 205 0.02 210 0_02 215 0,02 220 Q,n2 225 0,0.2 230 0.02 235 0,02 240 0.Q2 245 0,02 250 0.02 255 0_02 280 0,02 265 0,(12 270 0,02 275 0.Q2 280 0.02 285 0.02 290 0.02 295 0,02 300 0,03 305 0,03 310 0_03 315 0,03 320 0,03 325 0.03 330 0.03 335 0,03 340 0,03 345 0,03 350 0.03 8/8/2003 Sky Chief Lots3&4,5 Storm water Detention Calculation Sheet '0 0_06 cfs Inflow Volume I CFper5 mm 0,001 0,00'1 0_001 0,001 0_001 0.00'1 0,101 0.101 0.48"1 0.48"1 0.991 0.991 1.401 1.401 '.741 1.74 2,01 2,011 2.24 2.24 2.421 2.421 2.931 2.93 3.44 3.44 3.61 3_611 3.761 3.761 3,88'1 3,88'[ 3,98 3,981 4.491 4.491 5.001 5,001 5,10 5,10'( 5,18-1 5.181 5.251 5.251 5,311 5,31 5,8il 5.821 6.321 5_321 638-1 6,38'1 6.43-1 6.431 5.471 6.47) 6.51 6,51, 7,101 7_101 7_701 7.701 7.74 7,741 7.771 7.771 7.801 7,80 7.821 7,821 8.4il Volume in Tank J (eF) 0.001 000'1 0,00 0.00/ 0,001 0,001 0,101 0.10"' OAB:I 0.48.1 0.991 0,991 1.401 1.401 1.74 1.74 2_01 2.01 2.24 2.241 2.421 2.42/ 2,931 2.93 3.44 3.44 3,61 3,51 3,761 3.761 3,881 3,88'[ 3.98 3.981 4.491 4,491 5,00', 5.00 5.10'1 5.101 5,181 5,18 5.25 5.25 5:31 5.311 5.821 5.821 6,321 6,3il 6.3B'1 6.381 6.431 6.431 6,4il 6.4il 6.511 6,511 7,10) 7.101 7.701 7,701 774 774 7771 7.771 7_80'J 7.801 7,82.1 7,821 8.4i, Depth Iftl I 0_0000'1 0_0000'1 00000-1 0,0000"1 0,0000 0,0000'1 0,0000'1 0,0000'] 0.00001 0_00001 0.10001 0.10001 0,10001 0,1000" 0,1000'1 0,1000 0_1000'1 0,10001 0,10001 0.10001 0_10001 0,70001 0.1000-1 0'1000"1 0_2000 0_2000 0.20001 0.20001 0,20001 0,20001 0,20001 0,2000 0.20001 0.20001 0,20001 0,20001 0,2000-1 0.2000 0.2000'1 0.2000/ 0,20001 0,20001 0,2000 0,2000-1 0.2000 0.20001 0,20001 0,20001 0,20001 0.2000'] 0,20001 0.20001 0,20001 0,2000"' 0.2000'j 0,20001 0,20001 0.20001 0_2000 0.20001 0,20001 0,20001 0.2000 0,20001 0.20001 0.20001 0,2000, 0,2000, 0_2000J 0,20001 0,30001 Outtlowrale (efs) J jOUtflOW Volume IActualOUtflOWI (efper 10 min.) Rate (tIs) 0,00001 01 O,OOOOJ 0.00-1 0,0'1 0,00001 0.00'1 0_0-1 0,0000 O,OO'J 0_0-1 0,0000 0.001 0.0"1 0.0000 0.00) 0,01 0_0000 0.001 0,11 0.0003 0.00-1 0'11 0.0003 0.001 0,5 0,0016 0,001 0,5_ 0,0016 0,021 1.01 0_0033 0,02.1 1.01 0,0033 0.021 1.41 0,0047 0.02_1 1.41 0.0047 0.02l 1,71 0,0058 0.021 1,71 0,0058 0,021 2,01 0.00671 0,021 2,01 0,00671 0,021 2,21 0,00751 0,021 2,2 000751 0,021 2.4 0,00811 0,02J 204 0,00811 0_021 2.9 0,0098 0,021 2.91 0_0098 0.03) 3.4 0.0115 0.031 3.4, 0,0115 0,03 3,61 0_012C 0,031 3,6) 0.0120l 0_031 3.81 0_01251 0,031 3_81 0.01251 O,03'j 3.91 0,01291 0.03 3,9, 0,01291 0,031 4,01 0,01331 0,031 4,0 0.01331 0,031 4.5 0_ n 1fjn~ 0.031 4,51 0.01501 0.031 5,01 0.01671 0.031 5,01 0,0167 0,031 5,1 0,01701 0.031 5.1J O,0170J 0_03 5,21 0_01731 0.03 5,21 0.01731 0,031 5,21 0,01751 0,031 5_2" 0.01751 0.031 5,31 0.01771 0.031 5.31 0,01771 0,031 5_8l 0,01941 0,031 5.8'1 0,01941 0,031 6.31 0.02111 0.031 631 0,02111 0.03'j 6.41 0,02131 0,03 6,4 0071.11 0,031 6,41 0_0214 0,031 6.41 0.0214 0.031 6,51 0,0216 0.03 6,51 0,0216 0,03'1 6.5 0.02171 0,031 6,51 0,02171 0,031 7"1 0,02~ 0.03 7.1 0,0237 0,031 7,71 0,0257 0,031 7.71 0,0257 0,03, 7.il 0,02581 0031 7_71 0,02581 0,031 7,81 0.02591 0.03] 7.8'1 0'025m gg;: ;:: .;;':0 UBMITtAl REC'O 0.031 7.81 :JfP.1_~1i 0.031 7.8, 1~611 0.03. 8_51 0_02821 /p!/U~' . ~.':- ;..~ - Date Heceived' Planner: AL delention,lo!3,xls I - '>.--. , 355 0_03 8.47 8.47 0,30001 0,03 8,5 0.0282 360 0.03 9.11 9.11 O,300~1 0,03 9' 00304 I 365 0.03 9.11 9,11 0,30001 0.03 9' 0,0304 , 370 0.03 9.14 9,14 0,30001 0.03 9.1 0,0305 375 0,03 9.14 9,141 0,30001 0.03 91 0,0305 380 0,03 9,16 9,161 030001 0031 9,21 0.0305 385 0.03 9.16) 9,161 0.3000) 0,031 9,21 0.0305 I 390 0,03 9_161 9,161 0,30001 0.031 9.2:1 0.0306 395 0,03 9:18'1 9,18'1 0.3000'1 0,031 9.2) 0.0306 ~ 400 0,03 9,19 9,19-1 0,30001 0,031 9.21 0.0306 405 0_03 9.19) 9,19'1 0,3000'1 0,03 9.2) 0_0306 ... ~ 410 0,04 11,10_1 11.10'1 0,30001 0,03 10.01 0_0334 I 415 0.04 11.101 12,18'1 0,3000'1 0.03) 10.0'1 0.0334 I 13.02:1 0,3000) 10,0) 420 0,04 15,16 0.03 0.0334 1"'-'1 425 0,04 13.02 18,15 0,4000.1 0.04 11.6) 0.0386 430 0,04 13.04 19,60 0.4000) 0.04 11.6.1 0,0386 "--r'" 435 0,04 13.04 21.06 0.40001 0.04 11.6.1 0.0386 440 0,05 15,31 24.79-1 0,4000.1 0.04 11.61 0.0386 445 0,05 15.31 28.51 0.40001 0.04 11.6 0,0386 I 450 0,06 17581 34.511 0,5000'1 0.04 13.0'1 0,0432 455 0,06 17581 39.131 0,5000" 0.04 13.0-1 0,0432 460 0.08 25.451 51,631 0,6000'1 0,05 14,21 0,0473 465 0.08 25.451 62.901 0.6000"1 0.05 14.21 0,0473 ! 470 0.14 43,171 91.881 0,7000'1 0,05 15,31 0,0511 , 475 0.14 43.17.1 119,731 0_7000.1 0,05 15,31 0,0511 , 480 0.13 39,80.1 144,211 0,80001 0,05 16,41 0,0546 485 0.13 39.801 167,631 0.8000) 0,05 16,41 0,0546 490 0,07 22,15 173,391 0.90001 0,061 17.41 0,0579 495 0.07 22.15, 178,171 0_9000_ 0_061 17.4) 0,0579 500 0.05 15471 176,251 0.90001 0,061 17.41 0.05791 M 505 0.05 15.47 174,34 0.9000'1 0,061 17.41 0.05791 510 0,04 13.21 170.171 0_8000.1 0_051 16.41 0.05461 515 0,04 13,21 167.00.1 0.80001 0,051 16.41 0.05461 ....... 520 0,04 13,21 153,8il O.BOOO"I 0,051 16.41 0_05461 525 0,04 13.21 160,65 0,80001 0,051 16.41 0.05461 530 0.04 10.95 155.221 0.8000) 0,051 16,41 0.05461 I 535 0.04 10,951 149.78'1 0.80001 0.051 16,41 0.05461 540 0,03 B.681 142.08'1 0,8000'1 0.051 16,41 0.05461 545 0.03 8,68'1 134.38') 0,80001 0.051 1641 0_05461 550 0.03 8,681 126_68'1 0,80001 0.051 16,41 0,05461 555 0,03 8,681 118,981 0,70001 0,051 15,31 0,05111 I 560 0,03 8,691 112.34 0.10001 0.051 15.31 0,05111 565 0.03 8,691 105.701 0,70001 0.051 1531 0,05111 570 0,03 8,691 99.061 0.70001 0,051 15,3 0.05111 575 0.03 8.69.1 92.421 0,7000.1 0,051 15,31 0.05111 580 0.03 8_691 85,781 0.70001 0,05 15.31 0.05111 . 585 0.03 8.69) 79,141 0_6000 0,05 14,21 0.04731 590 0.03 8_691 73,651 0,6000,1 0,05 14.21 0.04731 595 0.03 8.69 68,151 O_SOOO) 0,05 14,21 0.04731 600 0,03 8_69 62,651 0,6000 0.05 14,21 0_04731 605' 0.03 8,69"1 57,151 0,6000 0,05 14:21 0_04731 610 0.03 8,69 51.66.1 0,6000'1 0,051 14.21 0,04731 I 615 0,03 86il 46_161 05000) 0_041 13'01 0.04321 620 0,03 8,69 41.901 0,50001 0.04 13.0 0,0432 625 0,03 8,69"1 37,641 0,50001 0,04 13,0 0,0432 630 0,03 8.701 33.391 0.50001 0.04 13.01 00432 635 0,03 8.701 29,131 0.40001 0,04 11,61 0,0386 I 640 0.03 8.701 26,241 0.40001 0.04 11,61 0,0386l 645 0.03 8,701 23.351 0.40001 0.04 11,61 0,0386 650 0,03 7,911 19,671 0.40001 0.04 11,61 0,03861 655 0.03 7.911 1600"1 030001 0.03 10,0-1 0,03341 660 0,02 7.12) 13,08"' 0,3000"1 0,03) 10_0'1 0.03341 I 665 0,02 7,121 10,171 0,30001 0.03 10,0 0.03341 670 0,02 7:121 7,25 0_20001 0,031 7,3 0_02421 675 0.02 7,121 7.121 0.20001 0,031 7,' 0,02371 660 0,02 7,121 7.121 0.20001 0,031 7,1 0,02371 685 0.02 7.121 7,121 0,20001 0.031 7,1 0,0*1 690 0,02 7.121 7,121 0,2000.) 0.03) 7.11 0,0237 I 695 0,02 7.121 7_12'1 0,20001 0,03 7,11 n m.vl 700 0,02 7.12'1 7,121 0.20001 0,03 7'1 0:02371 705 0,02 7.121 7.121 0.20001 0,031 7' ,0,0237 7iO 0_02 7.121 7.121 0.20001 O.QJI 7.11 0.0237 7i5 0.02 7,121 7,121 0,2000-1 0_031 7,11 0.0237 I 720 0.02 7,121 7,12.1 0,2000"1, 0.031 7,11 0,0237 725 0.02 7,121 7_121 0.2000'1 0,031 7'1 0,0231 730 0,02 7,121 7.12 0.20001 0,031 7,1 0,02371 735 0,02 7.121 7,121 0,20001 0.031 7,11 0,02371 740 0,02 7.12' 7.121 0,2000 0.031 7'1 0,02371 745 0,02 7.121 7,121 0,2000'1 0.031 7.11 0,0237 I 750 0,02 7.<1 7121 0,2000.1 0.03 7,11 0,02371 755 0.Q2 7.121 7"1 0,20001 0,03 7'1 0,0237/ 760 0.02 7.12) 7.12 0.20001 0,031 7,' 0.Q23~ 765 0.02 7,121 7.12) 0.20001 0,031 7,' 0.0237 770 0.02 6,381 6_381 020001 0.031 541 0,02131 . 775 0,02 6,381 6_38J g,?gggJ 0.03'1 641 0_02131 780 iiRt.~UBMffiA~R[-cU ;;" U,LUUUI U.U:J 5,61 0_01881 Date Received: Il/,.!)-tJOL v ~ :~;-~ - :-':'::'::.i 8/8/2003 Planner: AL I delenlion-loI3_xls ~~ ~-'-. II , ,~ , II 785 0.02 5,641 564/ 0,2000.1 0.031 5,61 0.0180-' , 790 0,02 5,a.{1 5,64 0,20001 0.031 5_6") 0.0188 795 0,02 5641 5:64 0,2000'1 0.031 5.61 0.0188 III 600 0.02 5.64 564 0.2000 0_031 5,61 0.0188 605 0.02 5,64 5.641 0,20001 0,031 5_61 0,0188 810 0,02 5,64 5,641 0.20001 0,03 5.61 0,0188 , 815 0,02 5,64-1 5.64 0.20001 0,03 5,6-) 0.0188 820 0,02 5,641 5,64 0,2000'1 0,03 5.6'1 0,0188 . 825 0.02 5,641 5_64 0,2000'1 0,03 5,6'1 0,0188 830 0.02 5641 5.64 0,2000'1 0,03 561 0,0188 835 0.02 5_64 5,64 02000_ 0,03 5,61 0,0188 I 840 0,02 5,64 5,641 0,20001 0.03 5_61 0,0188 I 845 0,02 5,641 5.641 0.20001 0,03'1 5,61 0.0188 ~ 850 0,02 5,641 5,641 0.20001 0,031 5,61 0.0188 III 855 0.D2 5641 5_641 0.20001 0,031 5,61 0.0188 I 860 0.02 5.64 5,64) 0.2000,1 0.031 5.6') 0,0168 ~ 865 0.02 5_64 5,54 0.2000) 0.031 5,6'1 0,0188 .' 870 0.02 5,641 5,641 0,2000 0.D3) 561 0,0188 ! 875 0,02 5,641 5,641 0,20001 0,03 5,61 00188 . 860 0,02 5,641 5,641 0,20001 0,03 5,51 0,0188 885 0.02 5_641 5.64 0.20001 0,031 5,51 0,018E. 890 0_02 5'''1 5;30'/ 0,20001 0.031 5.31 0,0177 895 0.02 5,30 5.30 0,2000 0031 531 0_0177 900 0,02 4,951 4,951 0,2000 0,03 5.0 0.01651 III 905 0,02 4.951 4.951 0,2000'1 0,031 5,01 0,01651 910 0,02 4951 4.95 0.20001 0.031 5,01 0,01651 915 0.02 4.95 4.95 0,20001 0.03) 5_01 0_0165 920 0_02 4,95 4,951 0,20001 0,031 501 0,0155 r 925 0,02 4,951 4.951 0,2000 0,03 5.0 0.0165 930 0,02 495/ 4,95 0,2000:1 0,031 5,0'1 0,0165 II 935 0.02 4.95 4,951 0,20001 0,03-1 5,01 0,0165 940 0.02 4,95 4.95 0.20001 0.031 5,01 0_0165 845 0.02 4.95 4.951 0.2000.1 0_031 5_01 0,0165 950 0,02 4,951 4,951 0.20001 0,031 5.01 0_01551 955 0,02 4.951 4,95) 0,2000'1 0,03'1 5.0'1 001651 II 960 0_02 4.951 4.95 0,2000'1 0,03'1 5,0'1 0,01651 965 0.02 4.95 4.95 0.2000, 0,031 5,0-1 0,01651 970 0.02 4.951 4,951 0.20001 0_031 5,01 0.01651 975 0,02 4,95 4,951 0,20001 0,031 501 0,01651 980 0,02 4,951 4.951 0,2000') 0,031 5,0 0,01651 985 0,02 4,951 4_951 0,20001 0,031 5.01 0,01651 II 990 0.02 4.95 4.95 0.20001 0.031 5,01 0_0165J 995 0.02 4,951 4,951 0.20001 0.03/ 501 0.0165 1000 0,02 4951 4.951 0,2000.1 0,031 5,0 0,01651 , 1005 0,02 4,951 4.951 0.20001 0,03 5,01 0,01651 1010 0.01 4,46'1 4.46-) 0.20001 0.03 4.51 .0,01491 II 1015 0.01 4.46'j 4.46-1 0.20001 0,031 4.51 0_01491 1020 0.01 3,96 3,961 0,20001 0,031 401 0.01321 1025 0,01 3,961 3,961 0.2000'1 0,031 4.0 001:1?1 1030 0,01 3,961 3.961 0.2000 0.031 4,0'1 0,013il 1035 0.01 3,961 3.96'1 0.20001 0.031 4.01 0,0132 II 1040 0.01 3.961 3961 0.20001 0,031 4.01 0.0132 1045 0.01 3,96'1 3,961 0,20001 0,03 4,01 0,0132 1050 0,01 3,961 3,961 0,2000 0.Q31 4:01 0,0132 1055 0,01 3.961 3.96"1 0,2000'1 0_031 4_01 0,0132 , 1060 0.01 3.961 3.961 0.20001 0,031 4.0'1 0,01321 .- 1065 0,01 3,96'1 3,961 0,20001 0,03"1 4.01 0.013~ 1070 0,01 3,96'1 3961 0,2000"1 00'1 4_01 0,0132 1075 0,01 3,961 3_96 0,2000'1 003 401 001321 1080 0,01 3.961 3,901 0.20001 003'1 4,0 0,01321 1085 0.01 3.961 3.901 0.20001 om'l 4,0'1 0,01321 1090 0,01 3.96'/ 3,961 0_20001 0.031 4,01 0.01321 II 1095 0,01 3.96/ 3961 0,20001 0,03/ 4,01 0.01321 1100 0,01 3961 3.96 0,2000 0,03 4.01 0,0132 1105 0,01 3,961 3,961 0_2000) 0.Q3 4.01 0,01321 1110 0,01 3.96'1 3961 0,2000 0.031 4:0'1 0,01321 1115 0.01 3.96'1 3_96 0,20001 0031 4,01 0011:> 1120 0.01 3,961 3,961 0.20001 0,03 4,01 O_(J13il I 1125 0.01 3.961 3,961 0,2000') 0,031 4,01 001321 1130 0,01 3.96-1 3,96.1 0,20001 0031 4,01 0,0132 1135 0,01 3,96'1 3.961 0.20001 003 4.01 0.0132 1140 0_01 3.961 3,961 0,20001 0.031 4,0/ 0,0132 1145 0,01 3,961 3,96.1 0,2000'1 0031 4_01 0_01321 I 1150 0.01 3.96'1 3.961 0.20001 0,03 4.01 0,0132 1155 0,01 3.96'1 3.961 0,2000) om'l 4,01 0,0132 1160 0,01 3,961 3,961 0,2000 0,031 4.01 0.0132 1165 0.01 3,961 3,961 0.20001 0,03 401 0,0132 1170 0.01 3901 3.961 0.20001 0.031 4.0 0,0132 1175 0,01 3.96 3,961 0,20001 0031 4:01 0,0132 I 1180 0.01 3,961 3901 0,2000 0,03 4.01 0,01321 1185 0_01 3,96) 3.96, 0.20001 0_031 4,01 0,01321 1190 0,01 3_961 3961 0.2000.1 0,031 401 0'0132j 1195 0,01 3,90'1 3961 0_20001 0,03"1 4.0 0,0132 1200 0.01 3,961 3,96 0,20001 0,031 ~.Ol 0,0132 I PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D Date Received: /f/ ~b v :_:~-:- ,... -- - Planner: AL I 8/812003 detp.ntion,lot3.xl~ , ''-- STORHWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL FOR THE PUGET SOUND BASIN I FIGURE III-lol Volume COrrection Factor to be Applied to Streambank Erosion Control BMPs Based on Site Impervious COver . I I 50 ~5 ~o ~ v co 35 0 t; ,,;>').9' ~ .. u. 30 Z ~ t; w 25 - a: a: 0 u 2C C 15 - 10 0 . I I " .. .~; ~ '. I .. I 20 .0 60 80 100 SITE 'loPE~IOUS c:::c:J\.'ER eX) I I . I . I; PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O ~ :_-~'~ ~ - '-~""~-~':-: Date Received:~hl,;>aJb' Planner: AL III-1-3 FEBRUARY, 1992 I I I Design information (cont) ~_.......,......,._,_................m'mf!.!?,~,E,~~,~,~~.,~;~...~.~~~~~;~~;;,~~~~,;;;~!.~0,.1~!f.~'~!m~,gg.9.Lm....'_....m......_..._..,..........,......" : "":~:~:~~~j;:~~~;1~~~~~~~~~~==-~ j 50 : 5,76 : : 1....,..,-,...,-'-;~........m'........m'...r.......m....;:;8..'-'-.........r...............,............'.......m....m..........'.....,..,-..._......m......'-....,..'-'......'.......'1 _..._-:___..u.~,._~"'u~,.~~....:::::::.:~:::::=-~ . _ _~..~_...-.-----_.._._..-.__..._._........................- .....-...------....-..-..~~ ( 10 -! 4,56 ) i Drainage area greater than 40 acres' 1 .-'......,.....~-,.....,.""....,......': -..~3:6;--~"....1..'D;~~~~~-~~~~..i~~~'~h~~..~~ acres .'......-..--....'..'-'.."..".1 _..~.......-..._..._..............._.................._.:..............................-...-.......!.......-..............-.......-.....................,...--.....--.-....................._..-.._.__..._-_.__......~ I 2 !. 3,12 ! ! .....-...............................................t..............-...............-...........:......................,...................................-.....-....-......................_.....-........._...._....-..~ '. 1 ! 2,88. ! '! ;..........;....n._....n..n..........n..u..............t......~..............n..., .._:.........._._~_n.n._.._....._............n...n.................._.............................:............_.n._.~ I 1/3rd the 2 year i.. 1,04 i Water Quality Design. : -.............................................................,.................................................................--.....................-..............-.......-...........-...................,.............---- I I , . * I , I I I I ~ . " \ ; SITE CONSERVATION MEASURES Construction scheduling and phasing. Schedule components Initial grading, Construction activities type - date.. responsible party" inspection Erosion Control . Sediment traps I nlet protection Straw barriers fence Gravel access structure Terracing Other. ErOSion Prevention mulching soli coverage temporary seeding Blankets/Nets/mats permanent seeding - planting paving minimal disturbance fenced off areas of no disturbance PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O v .. --...., -.-... -----::: .~:: Clean Site immediate cie:anup of sedimentation proper storage and disposal of materials Date Received' I;h-;IHM Planner: AL I I' . \ , I I I , I I , , I ~ I I) I , I , , I ~ Table 2-2a.-Runoff curve numbers for urban areasl Cover description Cover type and ~ydrologic condition A verage percent impervious area2 A Fully deJ1elopnd lahuJ/ area.'i (vegetatioll e~fabli.'ihed) Open ~pa<.:e (lawns. park::;, golf cuurses, cemeteries, et.c,)': Poor c:onditillll (g"ra.<.;s c9ver < ,10f/~') Fair (:onrlition (glass cover 50% to 75%). Good l:ondilion (grass cover> 75%) . . . . I mperviuus area...;: Paved parking' lots, roofs., driveways, dc, (excluding- rig-ht,of.way), , , . , , . , . . ' , , , , . , , , . , , . . , . Streets and roads: Paved; curbs and storm sewers (excluding l'ight-or.way). . , '. . .. . . .. .. . . .' .. . . .. . . . Paved; Ol}!;>!) dill:hes (including right-{)f-way) Gravel (indllding- right-of.way) . .. .. . . . , . . . . . . .' Dirt (inelu'ding right-of. way) ..........,........., Wt-':-ilern dt'~ert urhan areas: N.llUl'ul de~t'l.t landscaping (perviuu~ area~ only}4 '"' Artificial de~(',.t land~caping (imperviou~ weed haJ"rit.'r, dl'serL ~hrub \\.;ith 1. tu 2-im:h sand 01' ,l{ra\'el mulch and b~in 'b()rder~), ......,....... Urhan db;trid:-.;: Commt:'rtial and bu~int:'ss, . . . , . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IlIdu~trial. .. . .. . . , . .. , . ... ' , . . . . . . . . . fh':o:idt'ntial dislrit'L:o: b,v aveidge lot stze: 1/:-l acre 01' 1l':O:~ (tov.n huuses). . 1/4 acr!:' .......' , . . .. .. " .. lI:l acre. . .. . ' . .. . , . . .. . ... .' , If:! acrt' . , . . . . . ... , ' I acrt' ... . ... , 2 ..H:rt:'~ ..' ......,. 68 4~ 39 98 98 83 7n 72 63 ~6 85 n 8~ 81 65 :J8 30 77 61 57 54 51 46 25 20 ]2 f)(,/le/OfJ;U!f urll(lII art!f1s Nt'w}.\' g-I'aded al'eas (peT\'i~us area,,,; only, 110 \,t'g-t't.aLionY',. ,.......',...... Idll' lalld:o: (eN's art. determined using cuver types :-;ill1ilar lo lno:-:'l' in table ~-2c). 77 Curve numbers for hydrologic soil group- B c D 89 84 80 98 98 93 9] 89 88 96 95 93 92 87 86 85 84 82 94 1 A \'l'rage runuff l.lIllC\iLion, and 1;1 ::; U.~'-l. 1'11lt' ;1\'C'l'ag-I' JlI'ITI'llt illlflt'l\'lllU:-; arl';l :"huwlI wa:-; u:"l,d tu dC'\'l'lop Lht' ('omp\l:"ilt- CN':-;, Otht'r a:-;:-'lllllptions aft' as folluws: imlll'f"\'io\ls arc'as an' din'c'tly ('lIllllt'I'h.d to Lht' dl';l;IlOlJ.:"I' ...;y.-.;tt'JI1, imperviolls an.'a,"; ha\'l' iL eN IIf W"i, and /K'J'yiIlUS ar't'a:-; are nm,..;jdel"t:,cl t-'tjuivalel1t to opt-'n ...;pan' in good hsdrnlugil' t'ollllitiull. eN':, for ntht'r t'lImhjnaliol1~ of condition:, ma.V ht:' cumputl'd U...;illg' fig-un' ~-:~ OJ' ;!'4. 'I( 'N's ,..;hllWIl an' l'ljU;\';l!t'nt LlI'thosl' of pa...;tun'. (~lllllpU:-;ilt- eN's m;l.\' h(- {'nmput.ed for uther comhil1<1tion:-, of opell :-;puce co\'t'r t,\')lt', ~(:'llllIHl:"itl' ('N's ['(11" Jl:itul,;d Ik'~'lt latHbc;lJlillj! :-ihllullllw {'UlllllUU'11 using- tigun's 2;;~ or:!-4 basel I un the illllH:rviuus <1'.(,<\ )l<.>t'n'nlagt:' (('~ I::' !Il'\) and ttl\' pl'l'\'iOllS an',l ('N, Tht, ]ll.rviolls art'a eN':, art' assullll'd l'qui\'alt-nt to cll'Sl'lt shruh in-poof hydruloj.,';c cUllditiull, :,( 'lIl11po:-;iLI' C:N....; Lu 11:-1' flJr tIlt" dl'sig-llllf Ll'mpol';lI)' measures durin,C" ,L':"l'adin,C" and l'on:-;truction Shllldd he mmputl.d u:-;ing figun. ~;{ or :'!,-1. Ila:-;(.d (Ill thl' dl'j!l'l'I' Ill' dt'\'(.lllpnli'lll (illlpl'r\"il111:' ,wet! Pt'f'l'l'IIl;lj!l') and tht, eN's foJ' the Ilt'wl,\' g-l';ldvd )ll'I'\'illUS ;wea...;, PRE.SUBMITTAV REC'O 79 69 6] 86 C0 ~ (2JO,VI.TR,55, Second Ed" June 1986)[1[.1;" :-';;;ceived: J;J:/.h7PG Planner: AL :~:; ~ -- 98 98 98 89 85 82 98 92 89 87 77 85 96 96 92 88 94 91 85 75 72 70 68 65 90 83 81 80 79 77 86 91 '- n - _'0 lOO---~----------- Ox ley ;B '0", - ,--., ~ Oxley------------ ~~one-------- c:= Ueba n latT-d-r CO s: ~ :::::0 M'"I n d ill ~ ~ ~ ( ,I' " '"00 -\l) \l)_ ::Jm ::l :.:;, ([) ,1;; :1(1) () )> ~, r< CD 0.. "- , "- ~ - "- ~ o '" Umbrepts. l02C-----~-------- Panther 1 03C.: Panther---------- Urban land. 1 04E, l04G-------- Peavine lOSA-------------- Pe ng r a 1 06A *: Pengra----------- Urban land. 107C, lOBe, l08F-- Philomath 1 09F*: Philo~ath-------- Urban land. 110* . Pits 1110, IllF-------- Pre a che r 112G *: Preacher--------- 60hannon--------- c None-------- 0.5-1.5 Perched Nov -May. > 60 High-----!Moderate. , , 0.5-1.5 Perched Nov-May' > 60 High-----.Moderate. 0-1. 0 Perched Dee-Apt" 40-60 Soft High----- High. 0-1. 0 Perched Dee-Apr 40-60 Soft H ) 6.0 20-40 Soft L 5-2.5 Perched Nov-May > 60 LL-v Iblv 1.5-2.5 Perched Nov -May > 60 ) 6.0 12-20 Soft > 6.0 12-20 Soft D None-------- D None-------- c None-------- D None-------- o None-------- D None-------- o None-------- B None---..;.---- ) 6.0 40-60 Soft Bigh----- High. B None-------- > 6.0 40-60 liigh----- High. Soft c None-------- ) 6.0 20-40 Low------ High. Soft See footnote at end of table, '" '" en -III 480,91 - 481.01 481.01 - 48LlI 48Lll - 481.21 481.21 - 481.31 481.31 - 481.41 481.41 - 481.51 481.51 - 481.61 481.61 - 481.71 481.71 - 481.81 481.81 - 481.91 481.91 - 482,01 482.01 - 482,11 482.11 - 482.21 -00 -Ill Ill_ :J!ll ~A3 ::m o )> !]!, r< m Cl.. J:: ~ --.., ~ ~ - - - -- - . - 482.16 Cut VOlUME' <Cn Fill Area <Ft^2) rill VOlUME' <cn ICUMUlo.tiVE' Cut <cn CUMulo tivE' Fill (cn 0,00 10.19 0,04 0,00 0,04 l.o..tz:, 0.00 39,00 0,14 0.00 0.18 '-\' 'Cb 0,00 75,00 0,28 0.00 0.46 \"'Z...oli,- 0,00 11900 0.44 0,00 0.90 '2.,1-\0> 0,00 195,28 0,72 0,00 1.62 L' ,!>,"7"1 0,00 326.96 1.21 0,00 2.83 7t..,'-tl 0.00 454,86 1.68 0,00 4.52 \'L'Z..04 0,00 584,74 2,17 0.00 6.69 1 e.c>,b3 0,00 722.98 2.68 0,00 9.36 -:z.5'2..'z... 0,00 873.97 3,24 0,00 12,60 ~'-IO.'2..o 0,00 974,59 3,61 0,00 16,21 ~3c'-.~7 0,00 1022,24 3.79 0,00 20.00 :r4<'> 0,00 512,26 1.90 0.00 21.89 S~I,C>3 , \1\ q. ( ;;g rn ~ c::: CCI :s::: ~ ...- ;:::a p) d ;1 " On Site Stormwater System Sizing Calculations 2yr storm event PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O >> :_-~=-; - ::"':"~.= Date Receivect:.$/J-006 Planner: AL \JT EGR &n.ssociates, Inc. PROJECT S. \-ry Lv-I'",f' Engineers, Geologists and Surveyors SHEET NO OF DA.J <9, DATE CALCULATED BY CHECKED BY DATE 2535B Prairie Road (541) 688,8322 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Fax (541) 688,8087 SCALE r-T-..T-"----;--T~~-;""-'"T, i i j i '-r~-'-"~-"-~'''~..i.. ~~ l '~I - T T - '-":~ P""T--j -~ '7 '--1". ~~'''''~r' ...7..'~'.;._- !_=C:I:.. "i-':",:i~, :Htj;+~:~,~tJELL.rZ::j:j~;t;~j:, ,"-::--:-1. ,. 1--- ~- i _L...~~ -~+~-+- ".[ - --J'-"-1--"~~~~j.'-'f-.'''~ ...".L.--!.--,l---l--~--.. .i l~--~ ,..-f...+----L,-.!--.-.j,...-l- 1.. ! 1...---.1--,-1 ;___; 'I t i---L-l [ 1 ' jf 1 __1 I I i J : J; L.-.J.I i,..L I ... .'T ~_"tL:=J=l.i_"':.-"-i --"'(---' - ---'--:-. -r~l~~tr._jH __L~'~~~~C.~~~~.~. ~::,',~~::',i:'...~,."_. L.J-: ..1 Lhd.U.::L, . L,I.", -II--L ... J.... ',' "Il . i_J,_I.! I:.__J__I__L i.; .L' " I ' ' ; . !, I r i, I I! I j I !:!, I ! ._~i"~--lH..-i-:. t----i- if.,,,. ! [""--j--"j "-1---I---f--t-ul'"'''' I \ -i-..-t---~,-,,-..L.-- "-..+- i ~ -; i :-- '+'.. I, 1-- ':. I I ii". :-.,3214"-1 "f+9i'+;~'r'P.~A~ €-[3l,-" "--:: il , '--'i- ;'--1' . i--',+--, _.j..~. +, +-- I'-r-'+-h,...i-:---! ': .~,L . + . .!, c. . : '''__ ___L,,".~~__Lt-_l_.~ '__ML_. _ __)_~~::f! =1, 24 ,:,_~ '--k _~f?~661 "_:.__:",_",L_,,_~,..~"~..-l-. H .,"J._~i__iw._J __~. ..~L _ !,._i_.,L_~,_~-- ,. ....1":'+-)-+,.,15 4,~,..,!-lL'!'+-!--"li""w",,-t,w~'+I! .,- ""I~ "~I J----i,.,-l-,-i. _._L, i.,," i L.T+ I ILi'!--+--:~'+-f--f-L- i +'-,-,-+,"':"-:1--11 ,1--:: I 1.-'--I"-I----t-" -::L)--i~-(~i: i,--',,:,H i 'j"! I 1 ~!,-.,,- -,_,__),,_,,__~_ 'Q,2,-it"" ~. iQ.-~4-~-.,-!::l,~J,:). ,5bJ,__==-_!, ",'?=-1-5< L ~.> ~__n !_,_. +~,_~_~_-! " . , .. J i , ! ,~ _ . '.1" i' I' " ~_.L.,.._ _""+,,_..J.~ I: i ~~_,.,~,,_.L_. r~_L'M_.L'~"'t_....,L~~,l_~_.~"t_,_j"".~., "~,~"",,t..~-.L._. ^,__L~,r_ ,:,..,J _~ J.__._~... ..,L.., '''I ! Iii I f I! I! i i ! ' I I ; i 1 1,_ f i 1=+-1 !,.t-I'-!'T\-i,~t=I"=r:'t"..=.Fl--1--LL":lT, '.-1"r .,.1- .',.( i. I---I-,~~ \. i ~ ~ ~~~ ---l'-!"'!'Tj--ir .1,,+,+++.1- I. r T ; f .' : ' ' "ri-r:-'EI' U ! ~~[~j'9 l'l--t~--i'eJ tl-'j-I:'-:':--l--; '-.. : I'J=t~tt='-~.i,..t:t~P - )"'- CL_J -!,:'i'~:!-" -=f~ j:~~.,"=":=l].T:T~t=C~t"~'!'1 i ! I L: I , . i ' I I I I I " ! I I! 1 I~}.. i: 1'1 '+ I ..~3r.5:t;"'~!:\;'~"I""'-'''b;-~5-H'' --, 1..;-" ,.: i,.'--L...,....Li "T':'.i 1.,J, +,;;=.-7+'1'+"1 ! i,ll' ! i II' - -- !"--~-~,,- ___'Ii -".., -J.,,-~. -"..t"--+--'-I~-"""' 1"-"'"'''' r"-"+-~"j ; ~ : -L.-r+- I" . ~"""., l ~T"-+il-'-'J-_,..,L_i,~-- 1-- : ,__...L_L",.,,~_~L.~L: f 1__I_.L-..:.-1_Z I ,~._L_.l_.J_~_~..-\~~~_~".__L_ j,",_!~,..... ..~_ I ' I. i I F--.,I i I! i ! , , : ~ . , , bl71::, , I I ' > I ....,.1.~i",,-'!f,L..C.~'--.2+::-r' ::!:.,_i:-''--r-'<!-- _.<-1':...--, ' ! i---rl,_L,_J.J,-I..l,....i- L l I , I I '_, . I L: __ 1-,.1..1. ... ; ! I ~ j I I ' , t i i C.i=,:.;::--, ~_t::t=C::I".:::= ='1'-; ...'.1 --~:r ' ._,.', .,.1..,:. r .:... I I, I '; I:, I ! I ~ ~ , ! ! i j r..~i.~hl--~ : I ! '-~-+~"-~""'''.+~''"'+'-''.f-''J'- "~r~t---i----r-'t' l .u"~"~-t-~~~'.-1".'''~~;,,..~w,~.-!~' "~j'-'" -'+----t-.'-r.-- ---"r" "i ) ' ; '''~,,-~-''-i------'t""' f' -r--'-'or-"'-- ,I j Iii i I ) \" :: I L__i l"~.'''',rr"---l I ". -il-"T---T-""" ~"" -T Ii" >. :' "1 -T-.-..... i! ~ ,-. !- - ..-.'" __..I "_,~.i____I",_,,.....w ..._"' ._-~.._-_.. ,], . '''':''-.'-j-'--.'' ..L ''''-r'''-- ,"wi.. - .. r ' I !, l' ! i I j j- ! --,,'--...' '.':"--"i-._,u~'--i ,...... _.._..~ -.. T' ,.-t. ..! - ..,-f I I ! j t 1 j l 1 I : ;1 ! ! I I ! I ; i : . ! r-.,T~~WT-~..r-"--..~r'~"T'--i~-~ --r"'- ---t.-"; "--.j--"~~. i j-' "W-i.~w'-'r..T ...r--r-~....1-..[-..T'..."....~ ..T--:".... --."..--.- I f- I ~i'_u ~'l~ '---r--r ...1.. -- ,- --,-- ~- '-r--r--.T~'...rn.r-..I,. r i 'T t: ,t:t=,:I--::CtTJ ',;,~.:==j'~l=~~:-- . . i':L:~t,' f' i'PRt~SUBMlriAI: REC'O i, " ' !, i I I :, t . I 1 ;, "" . 1 I) ; 1 ": r III j I '" l : r-"-"f'i'-' !"-'~T-' -- ~~<,,~~~.~~~~..-~..~ I..~~=_r~.J ._ ~ .. _ ..~ ..~_~. ._ .:.__~~^. .~~,-_L~'.)~,._.;~.. J~~'..-^[~~:r.~."..-,:.-:~-.: ~-t. --~-:-~' = i' r--T"-r."-f"-~-T-- ! '_,:___,L.J,...!' f i!' 1 ' r! f, f'" ;....--r i- '~I-.--- i r 'r" f' I i ',ru..__.I" __._,',' ,...L.. j ,,___ i i l I,' I . - r"",,,-wi. ,r." ',_L~"_"_I .Ptlta ~~9~iVed:'/f-/loot .L_LL.L,...,._.. .L ...L.PJ~r:1f.1!;!.r:.:,8L' ,. 1. ..,! __, ~_ _u .. ~ _J . ! ! i i i ., .._..,~.._,_,,~.__..._.H'_... f ' , \ , ' I ! , , i 'i \ +-.' ~"._.i.~",+ ..-1 ; i . ! ',i '-...~"._~,.. "'j' ..'1 ~..._"-,._J-...l_._L ,.' ~ l!lld ~ I I , , I I , I I I I Culvert Calculations Lots 1,2 & l' b Equations from OOOT Hydraulics Manual Inlet Controlled Submerged HW/O=c(Q/AO^.5)^2 + Y -0,5S y= D= A= 0= c= Slope = Q/AO^,5 = HW/D= Unsubmerged .~~ (.: Qls ft 0.19625 ft^2 cfs 5.40 1,61 ft HW HW/D Goal = Hwl 0 = K (Q/AD^.5) ^ M K= M= Q/AD^,5 = HW/O= Eq ok??= Outlet Controlled _0.,;0094045' 1IIM/2j 5.40 0.131445 ft Submerged "rlL = (1 + Ke + 29~^211 Rh ^1,33) * (V^2/2g) Ke = n= L= ft D = 0,5 Rh = 0.125 ft Q = 0,75 cfs A= 0.19625fl^2 V = 3.82 flIsec , , , , . I , V^2/2g = 0.23 HL::: 1,60 HWo+Vu/2g=TW+Vd^2/2g +HL Vu= ~1J~~]flIsec Vu^2/2g = 0,029909 fI TW= liiil!il!Mi,l"'l91ft Vd::: f.ll~~J~lft1sec Vd^2/2g= 0,029909 ft HWo= HW= 1,79 ft ~ ,- a":7b...,-", 0'" b" D<.;II'~I:"", ~,.~..~ I-\w.. 1.1::>7 J HW = Headwater depth above inlet control section invert, ft 0::: Interior height of culvert barrel, ft Q = Discharge, cfs A::: Full cross sectional area of culvert barrel, f1^2 K, M, c, Y = Constants from Table 4.3 S = Culvert barrel siope. ftIf1 HW = Headwater depth above inlet control section invert, ft 0= Interior height of culvert barrel, fl Q ::: Discharge, cfs A = Full cross sectional area of culvert barrel, ff^2 K, M, c. Y = Constants from Table 4,3 S = Culvert barrel slope, fUft Hl = Headloss through Culvert Ke = entrance loss Coeffidant, table 4.4 n = mannings roughness coefficient l = length of the culvert, ft Rh ::- hydraulic radius of the full culvert barrel::: AlP,ft V = velocity of flowing full in the barrel, fUsee g ::: the acceleration of gravity, 32.2 ftIsec^2 HWo = headwater depth above the oullet invert.ft Vu = approach velocity, fUsec TW::- tailwater depth above the outlet invert, fl Vd ::- downstream velocity, fUsec HL ::: sum of alllossed, ft Pk[-~UI3N ITIAl REC'O ~ :-_:::- ~ - Dat,,) Received:~h~tJb Planner: AL I I , , ! . " b Lots 1,2 & ff Grassy Swa.",2yr Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel Project Description Worksheet Flpw Element Method Solve For Trapezoidal ChannE Trapezoidal Channl Manning's Formula Channel Depth Section Data Mannings Coeffic 0.030 Slope 010000 IUft Depth 0.19 ft Left Side Slope 0,25 V: H Right Side Slope 0,25 V: H Bottom Width 2,00 ft Discharge 0.75 cfs - ----- ____ 0.1~ft ~ 2.00 f~ V1 b:, H:1 NTS PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O . :::-~'.-:.: Date Received:~hool Planner: AL Project Engineer: Shane Hughes untitled.fm2 EGR & Associates Inc FtowMasler v6.0 [614bJ 08/08/03 09:26:38 AM @Haestad Methods, lne 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 * .- I - ~ I - I , G Lots 1.,2 & iGrassy S",_.e Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel M..,.. c..""",-,""I" Project Description Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For Trapezoidal,Channl Trapezoidal Channl Manning's Formula Discharge Section Data Mannings Coeffic 0,030 Slope 010000 ft/ft Depth 0,50 ft Left Side Slope 0.25 V: H Right Side Slope 0.25 V: H Bottom Width 2,00 ft Discharge 4.70 cfs - -------- I --------- , 0,50 It ----.L 2.00 It vll~ H:l NTS PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O Oak1 f~eceived:-*I/)'?p{ Planner: AL 7 Project Engineer: Shane Hughes unlitled.fm2 EGR & Associates Inc FlowMasler v6.0 {614bJ 08/07/03 03:35:20 PM @Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 Culvert Calculations Lots 3&4 . .5 Equations from OOOT Hydraulics Manual Inlet Controlled Submerged ~_P;6~1 _lFjJ~lft 0.348191 f1^2 ct, HW::: Headwater depth above inlet control section invert, ft 0::: Interior height of culvert barrel, ft Q ::: Discharge, cfs A = Full cross sectional area of culvert barrel, fl^2 K, M, C, Y = Constants from Table 4.3 S :: Culvert barrel slope. tuft HW 10 = c ( QIAD ^.5) ^2 + Y - 0,5 S y= D= A= D= c= Slope = Q/AD^.5 ::: HWID= .Unsubmerged 2.74 0,93 ft HW _11.5]ft HWID Goal::: 2.252252 ft ~~i 1lIUf~ 2.74 0.033907 ft ok HW::: Headwater depth above inlet control section invert, ft 0::: Interior height of culvert barrel, ft Q ::: Discharge, cfs A::: Full cross sectional area of culvert barrel. ft^2 K, M, C, Y ::: Constants from Table 4.3 S ::: Culvert barrel slope, fl/fI Hw I 0 ::: K (Q I AD^.S) ^ M K= M= Q/AD^.S ::: HW/D= Eq ok?? = Outlet Controlled Hl = (1 + Ke + 29n^2 LI Rh ^1.33 ) .. (V^2 12g) Ke= n = L = ft 0= 0.666 Rh = 0,1665 ft Q = 0.78 cfs A = 0.348191 ft^2 V = 2.24 fUsec I I I Hl = Headloss through Culvert Ke = entrance loss Coefficianl. table 4.4 n = mannings roughness coefficient l = length of the culvert, ft Rh = hydraulic radius of the full culvert barrel = NP,ft V = velocity of flowing full in the barrel, ftlsec g = the acceleration of gravity, 32.2 ftlsec^2 V^2/2g = 0.08 Hl = 0_95 HWo+Vu/2g=TW+Vd^2/2g +Hl Vu = VU^2/2g = TW= ~li11ljl!]D:9gl ftlsec 0,015172 ft l!Jr.9iP,~Jft Vd = _"IQJ~~ftlsec Vd^2/2g= 0.015172ft HWo = headwater depth above the oullet invert,ft Vu = approach velocity, ftlsec TW = tailwater depth above the oullet invert, ft Vd = downstream velocity, fUsec Hl = sum of all tossed, ft HWo= HW= 1.04 fI 0,69 ft PRE.SUBMIlTAl REC'D v .. -~-~- ----- Date Received: Planner: AL / I ~,j')OVt l"';- -- Project Description Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For Section Data :~ 5 Lots 3 & 4 Grassy Swale 2yr Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel Trapezoidal ChannE Trapezoidal Chanm Manning's Formula Channel Depth Mannings Coeffic 0.030 Slope 010000 IUft Depth 0,09 ft Left Side Slope 025 V: H Right Side Slope 025 V: H Bottom Width 8.00 ft Discharge 0.78 efs untitled.fm2 08/08/03 09:47:46 AM 9,00 t ,v,v~,ft ~ V1~ H:1 NTS PRE.SUBMITIAl REC'D , v ===:.:-' ~ "'" _w~-:._:';; Date Received: I/hl ~(/( Planner: AL I 7/l @ Haestad Methods. Inc. EGR & Associates Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engineer: Shane Hughes FlowMaster v6,Q [614b] (203) 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 I ~ ?: Lots 3 & 4 9rassy Swale Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel M...,. C....f\I,L ,'t'( I F"roject Description Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For Trapezoidal Channl Trapezoidal Channl Manning's Formula Discharge I I Section Data I Mannings Coeffic 0.030 Slope 010000 Wft Depth 0,50 ft Left Side Slope 0,25 V: H Right Side Slope 0,25 V: H Bottom Width 8,00 ft Di~charge 13,72 cfs I I I I I I ------ I 3,00 fl _____ ~ It I I I V1 b" H:1 NTS I I PRE.SUBMIITAl REC'O I .. :_.=;:-:::.-:': I Date Received: IP:/;-~b. Planner: AL I R untiUed.fm2 08/07/03 03:34:31 PM @ Haestad Methods, Inc, EGR & Associates Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 0670a USA Project Engineer: Shane Hughes FlowMaster v6.0 [614b] (203) 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 . . On Site Stormwater Quality Calculations per City of Portland Design Manual Simplified Approach PRE.SUBMITTAL RECIO ~ ===:::- : -- ::-:-:.~ I " I Date ~ecejved; ilA,t/flPb Planner: AL I' On Site Stormwater Quality Calculations per City of Portland Design Manual Simplified Approach II PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O v :~::-:: =' :~~~~.:: I I , Date Received: II./' J-I ~f)h Planner: AL -;; L-Ol=:, \,""2., t G ,~~~~~~6;ornn~SIM:0: .,jr'lifiea~~"foacli1}foi1St6r:m, ..tEir11Ml'fifcf~emebf,ff#f'~!;l~~'~l~hi\;i'Fj;- .J1<<lf~~llfY-!f;~,;:lfj;6,f@W'f5lfjbt:.'2e'('r!N:ifu'ti,~2~ji>&:1i_~iW:;J?~'f-L-mS~4'BhMii.~~1f;6~\f,lli14i~;T'ii~i;1'J.,y,Zf;[,-ll~~;9ti\f0;!!:'ffr~~tt1rlt:!~~~""mf!R;;t"~;':~:IJ.h:'~iitth:~-T1~4:",~'!,~'r:Jf''II;' The city has produced this fonn to assist with a quick and simple approach to manage stonnwater quality, flow rate, and volume on wojects. Facilities sized with this form are presumed to comply with stonnwater quality and now control requirements, New or Redeveloped Impervious Site Area ~,.= IBox 1 Column 2 Column 3 " - -~j;\~'{'~1~\~:?96~:~ '1j.,,,~,'I,, ~t;.l{~ '1W' ~~~1~~f ,~,t.';f~?L - ".' .'. INSTRUCTIONS '1, Enter square footage of new or redeveloped impervious site area in Box 1 at the top of this form, 2. Select impervious area reduction techniques from rows 1-3 to reduce the site's resulting stonnwater management requirement. Tree credit can be calculated using the tree credit worksheet on the next page, 3, Select desired stonnwater management facilities from rows 4-12, In Column 1, enter the square footage of impervious area that each facility will manage, 4, Multiply each impervious area from Column 1 by the corresponding sizing factor in Column 2, and enter the result in Column 3. This is the facility surface area needed to manage runoff from the impervious area, 5, Total Column 1 (Rows 1-12) and enter the resulting "Impervious Area Managed" in Box 2, 6, Subtract Box 2 from Box 1 and enter the result in Box 3. If this number is less than 500 square feet, stonnwater quality and quantity requirements have been met. Submit this fonn with the application for pennit. 7, If Box 3 is greater than 500 square feet, add square footage or facilities to Column 1 and recalculate, or,use additional facilities from Chapter 3,0 of the Stonnwater Management Manual to manage stormwater from these remaining surfaces, tormwntcr Management Manual !!J1R,ep.'< -.-,..g. ~"'f:_''';!''''''',~",t',...;..!l'_. 'Rei:luctitrrit17edin -..,....._________<- ',,__"-_ h,_'" '1VEcO;Roofl Roof'(;a'rdEm'/ ,,' '~r~l~~~~~':,.,.',',!l:,":,,::;~~.., " '2);Contained!Planter,!Box',"', ,\! .D'>:":.\~:s(",;, i~-:' ~,' .,r',: ';;.':"."--~"-, - .,.. ,. -,': ,'''=' -";'. '-r-:~-"" ; - -.,.",., -;. . '. ~ - , .".'., ,3)J;ree!Credit'(?eetNextF?age)'" . .~....sf li:,',",'~f::~~j;:~:":'.~',;~j'5'~i;:~;':~~~;;"t ,"..' '.' . ".:' ". '.....~.,.' lN6ted=1orous'Pavemehfareas di:Fnot.neEidto be'jn-C1udea in Box,1 1 ---- I' sf =1 I' sf . "I' - " --" " sf = I 1,3.51 sf MY.,) IVC:W~ " = I ," '1 sf sL.x 0.09 = I I sf ';...., x ,0.06 -I sf - , "', ....,. ;". :101)East Side Soakage Trench'- sf x 0.06 = sf l ,"':'_ ,:'!:;':,'" ,~ " "" . ", ,', ~, ~12)West Side Soakage Trercn '0,08 = .sf x sf Total Impervious Area Managed I BoPRE.SUBMIITAL REC'O v t <-\3 \ c> ==-:::. ~ .,.., ::-:-~'~ Box 1 - Box 2 S-co I Box 3 Date Received' Planner: Al !//;..Ikbl / P;IPt' ?_14 , I I I I I ltormwatcr Management Manual . ;d'lll' ~ ... .J 1 ~., 10../ .,.-' '" ... .J I ... ): L. ' I,~',~~b cr, -' ~--,;c- I t!Nl""""""')>11'11""'11'J:'llIf:.'t,!, "'Il:f:, :XXllb"""~"S'1 M' "'(~"<"'"W'2)';!.iffi,y~",.t:""~a' 't'~' ," "'k"I-<"""t"I.'I\'";"l"i''':i'''''''''~'''''-'''''''''''':''!\l'''''',", %: ;;j,~4~1T\;t&~lJs~jWi --,,,,,"' ";::ft ,'_ ,)tf.,i':; >:/~:'!;m4, :& !ltiiat:1e~ ';~"!;\R mee,z.sr:e . I .. _ '>~I'i suee ,W>!i~L-~:~~~j~~1}~i~T\f,l,::]f~"lJJW7,~~'~r~;h;,b;}plf!fi?ZJ:?' k' ",,",'. "(,-\101&\2. "..~' ..1r0!'rt .f"".'<.,~"..",X't^. ~'*'-4""""='" ".~s-..::J':~:_;$'--'" _:Ji ,.j, .0y-"".J"_"'"''I{.,..';''''''' >-.0".= '. j-~~...,._;:i:,:c"-,-,~.>J!i~\!. "';'~"" ..ft"~!'i'!' _."tr",.\::Ir' i1.1?":tl%. .~,%]:&:~~"~~=,.="fi2~.j.€d&,~5S1j~~~1'!,,,,:0?ffi~t'+;k"'d:.:,,,,Mrh,,,iUl.~,,,,,1),,~,d!?;~:ti!i:S:1'i1iJ;;Pi\"~1-';G;,~",::;;.~".<:,!gJ'if"..,,;t'-f~-~,;;:dtfi"'"tt"J'.J",,~(1.':~"i'-~;':'C'0-"~""'l~'1,:';~)f:,)~f4~;:;:' See Pages 2-66 through 2-68 for more information on tree credits. ' . .. New!E~erg~~en. T:rees, .' ,'. , To receive,stormwaier management,credit,'new evergreen trees must be planted within 30 feet of impelVious surface, " .r' .' .;'.1 ",.,' - . '~fr ;'" '., J..' "" '.', _ . Mininiuni:t;ee'height:t~.receivecredit is'6 feeL, H'r,. .. . .' ': ,.,,:L: '::'\"C .... ..,.,,~~..: ,~::<~~;;,'i;'/:;~::'.":' ....:\.::1:,',:".- ,Ent~r 'n~~~~r~f';" 'gtee";',trees'itialiT,eeiqualificationreqiJiremeriis hisbxN.j ... "j::.?C;' . ;~.;;,":.,~::",:.;,,~~,?:,.,. ,.,. ". '.' "';~: Multiply,Box y, ; 'sntsr'resulf'in'Box ' .' ",,",-"{!Y. :!.;.\ ':~~~'::3;~t;i~~'[:!:"~i6:-:,,~~,~~f:li:::::i~~:~~~~~f:~:i~'~i:2:f';' :,::~:~~-:~'~~_~j!,:~ ' 'it '.'.1" ":;H , ;1 IBoxA Isox.s .'....,' ',. New DecidiJo~us:.;rrees,::. ',. " ,r ; I "~;: ,) j~,'";~>~;'~:,:n~p,.::,:i,~~f~;i:f:li;:.;_;i:~~i11;.~:J~;,\~ti;<~~: ~{~LJi,:~~c~~~ 1. ';;L ~ : j~>'" ,~ ""F:'~;~;"~~':;~: :,: ,,_ l:?'r~~e,iy;:~\q~WatEf,:rji,~p~g~r;n'i'~1c,,,... ;~,,:a~.cl#~~us tr~s m~stbe,pl~!).ted ~~~I~ 30 (eet of impelVious surface, ,~jnimd~it~~~:i_~li~~t~"tb;i'fe"~1~~,;:b~~TIn~:;:2rii1th~S}7(;:Aj"~~::!t#,=,~:I~'-'::;'~:.-i': ';',~ '~~-0;',~ -f ~. t ~ I " \: ' , ':;',: . '.Isoxe" F'j ~'-'."":::~~/:;:';':.;1).' ,:~-" " ~.! ..c 1..:'\:. .' "-f -', ij',,,,"'-,' , :"""'~. ,4 ,I 'lsoxE' '~"~, ::~:;.H;';;;~~~11j~\~i~)~:if:' ~I 'S~xF Totahifree;CreClit~.''-:' ':t . ";~'".:, ;;, '. ':~ ': -,:,,:1 )A;""_"~!i)':-.:':r;:'." _ ~f" "i;'~'c5,,~;"_:~/:-!i~~:',,!,:, c,,~ Add,b6~e;; B:'b, an ,_ enter iil~f~s~itfn"Box G . , ;""";~:-';:~!;:' :;~~j:;'::kr;,~'+~;~i;,,:'i:~, . .' , . Fodlites with lessthan:S;OOO square,fee(of new or redeveloped impervious area: -'~::", c'>" 1,~.:,-'i,:::;I' _' '~~'i"':::'::':J~P"':l!:~':~~l:':("1f:'~~:' _'~:i+;;!t~;':lf':';~i~:~., >,}-<.'" . '; "" :,"'", -,.,.~", ." - , . The al'T1<iuntil1'Box,G.is;fo be'entered as.:'Tres'Credit" on Form 81M:.;' Stop Here," : ,1,-' /)'~":~,:" _:'o'L.., :'~:" I:f:)~'::::~:?;:;~~'~';:':"~:~;:':"~.~}~r'~':;,~~,~~.~:~~tf~r~::~9.' :";.-., 1~;: '. , ',,'- -,' :. > ," f . - , . , _ . '. - .~~,,:, _"" ',' " ,,(~. ,,~,;,~;i "lC-i::':,.';':' ,~";;:f ":;6;::; I ':;~\;i . ". '_, ' , For ~iie5iwith more'than '5~riOOCsqltare.feet'of new or redevelopedhnpervious area: " ":,; "",,' . ~". .!,,",,,-;:,",,(-,,_." ",", _~"t, ~~;;'" < -':" --': .- - ' . Multiply B~x1'of FOam; 81M by:6:Z5 ajid enterthe result in Box H <, T ., ,-'" /~-.- t' . .',~ IsoxG I .2-a? PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O ~:--_:- ,13 \2:>2> ISoxH -- '7 . ~ . ',,", '. " , _" '';'-'.:'. ""., EntsrthelesserofBoXGaniJ:H'in BOld. ':~'~ .' ,,;i:: ';,'~~'jJ- :',." .. t,' This is the amount to be entered as "Tree Credit" on Form SIM, **Stop Here** I 'boD I Sox I //u hoOb / I D~te Received' Planner: AL Pal!c2-15 I I I t . I , I I I I I LD'S. ~ ~l..\ -t,5 1[:~?';W~'i!li!"ti:'j%~~F,ormtSIM, Jm '~lifieCl~~"~~oac/:1~fo~iStolT.*tciter!)Mana"ementft:,i;');~1~i,)\~;v~;~~'Uii!fi?: :.-<;,';,t+tJ::fi'!f,1Ji::V~~f!::~'!t7"0/'1I;:!3!i;tm_qfi:)).\m~.'VJ!ifL\'o";}gl;;Wfff~"F''i;'jt,;',;ff~.J?;i1'1-:'71h%:!1i,'jx:i*;:;,.l')/7.~1.';/'r,1\16:.:';'~,~1~.;!'tii'\..t!HA'j;'i;.l'':'~i:l\':;~1lfffr;;llY'Yl-,-:,Jt~j~J<;~,~,,,!';;.1.L'S~''f.\'\''~'''';',;,~1f:i\~.'f..f;"f,'i~J!?":~~: The dty has produced this form to assist with a quick and simple approach to manage stormwater quality, now rate, and volume . on projects, Facilities sized with this form are presumed to comply with stormwater quality and now control requirements. .. \30b<6 New or Redeveloped Impervious Site Area f ;-:. , ----; <:.:. :'-.- I Box 1 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 INSTRUCTIONS' '1, Enter square footage of new or redeveloped impervious site area in Box 1 at the top of this form, 2, Select impervious area reduction techniques from row.; 1-3 to reduce the site's resulting stormwater management requirement. Tree credit can be calculated using the tree credit v.orksheet on the next page, 3. Select desired stormwater management facilities from rows 4-12. In Column 1, enter the squarefootage of impervious area that each facility will manage. '4, Multiply each impervious area from ' Column 1 by the corresponding sizing factor in Column 2, and enter the result in Column 3, This is the facility surface area needed to manage runoff from the impervious area. I I -. I I I I ~ l- I I I t^r_.~m'^~ I\,f"~n~~~^~. ,. A~_,._l 5, Total Column 1 (Rows 1-12) and enter the resulting "Impervious Area Managed" in Box 2, 16. Subtract Box 2 from Box 1 and enter the result in Box 3, If this number is less than 500 square feet, stormwater quality and quantity requirements have been met. Submit this form with the application for permit. 1 7, If Box 3 is greater than 500 square feet, add square footage or fadlities to Column 1 and recalculate, o~ use additional facilities from Chapter 3,0 of the Stormwater Management Manual to manage stormwater from these remaining surfaces, ImJl!!!j)().P!!.~.!, "':'\b"~:";h4"t"l.t\i"h;;"'":, Rei:!i@ionjTI:!i:: n.ct 1 ) Eco-R~f / Roof Garden 2) Contained Planter Box o sf 3) Tree Credit (See Next Page) ~ sf '. ..... '7-02- Note: Porous Pavement areas do not need to be included in Box 1 1 llac:1J ~)'lrlfHtrationPlanterBox: ." .' ',' ;..>...,' .~,~ . "';'<~' .' ~"'S'.(jt;",:;o,., Eaclhty;:}:'l.r',:~ . !-~~W1r~jL9;};~i~~~Il*~i,:;~ urface.. "'... , " .' ,,~:'lWf;;::~);-.: Area ',:,t\"Umt '1;;-:'- ,!. 6)iV~g~tiied:Swale . " ',~. .~;~.::~. ','" f,;' '. ':.< . ,;t:\>,,' . . ~"1:' ~:_: , '.,-" , ' ',~'" fi"":" : ,:.., "l< 0" .',. 7) Grassy.S\Nale;,}; .'; . 1 '~~,-;~::t~':::;'~-,":-':;-~'i,::' ': ': "~i~:-;-~:?~T~:,:' .~;:,,:',":;::,:,'":~' ~; .':' 8jV~g~tated:FllterStrip!'i'" , -";.,,:,'" ""." , "', .,i":::,:;".:',. )')", 9):,\le~eiaied:l;'fiI::Basin'. ' }i:,2/,~-'; ,:;' /:',/:';:< '~:",--~,/: ;:t:;"";i;~:;:~~:,,,,~:~~:>" ~'1:t~:::. 10)'Siind,FHter . 11) East Side Soakage Trench 12) West Side S<?akage Trench Total Impervious Area Managed 1\2..5&'0 P~~~fiBMlrrAl REC'D v ~==~:;..: ~ .... Box1-Box2 600 I Box 3 Date. Fieceived: Planner: AL /A~tI{ , /'--'.0.,-:;, "2>-",-\1'3 ~ lo,""!""i,'j.;"o'''''!!!\!'~!\\J'~'!''*_';'f''k'''! ;:m.SIM'.(....a--o.g.'~e--!2).."!-:r . 'j' "C."''' 'd.~' ~"'h' ',! .t~"'t,.,';;';;..".,'):l!":,:ji.f"'it--,.~'"','NfJ.iii.'! ;:1Ji~!~{r,!'f,J,'fu'X~;}:~;t~~-:!i!i~4\'f,B;:,\~;1j'ZLi,}tt_.",p,mn". i{ '1':'{': .. .it ..' .';~mreeJ;, '.' re 1~~'IOu\s ee ~.~f~\-rt:1:"(.,:'!t;;:,:;':!:b:,,;i'i..:1::1';i;~-A';'l.,'+;r}!"H;7:1w: ::~::.;,~:4!;~U.,j{.:.~,~.~it-:f,.;~46r;?3:~~:,..;~f:rJfu~X:['r,i:~#,;.;>2Yje:...i0~'1X":~":?jg,, r;:+-5Y:€JL>,{vt;n:;I.,;:i!W:O~':f!i,*1.l"'':,!;~~''1 ";ff.:i!'~~!;~,[\~!P;"I,';,-i'S'ft_A.:U.~.'fi~Fi:i:,';:OT:t:r';>,\;tfi~ ~;:'~ ,'.~"!.': .,":;; :J.'t/:'-r;.':<l-!.,\ ,1;'1~~'::'~:':';~'~;t;.~';;-};;I'r/. See Pages 2-66 through 2-68 for more information on tree credits. . .. New Evergreen Trees To receive stormwatermanagement cr8dit, new evergreen trees must be planted within 30 feet of impervious s!-,rface, Minimum tree height to receive credit is6 feet. Enter number of new evergreen trees that meet qualification requirements in Box A I Box A Muitiply Box A by 200 and enter resuit in Box B IBoxB New Deciduous Trees To receive'storm~ter.rnariagement credit, new ~eciduous trees must be planted within 30 feet of impelVious surface, Minimum tree ,caliper. to receive credit is. 2 inc~es. Enter number of~ewdeciduous trees;that meet qualification requirements in Box C $b IBoxe 6bt? I !JeO I Box 0 Multiply Box CbY: 106 and.emter resultin BoxD ' Existing Tree'Ca'rlopy. ,:;~)., . '. '/." '. ,'":.":'::';;:i'~r--:Y"2::';_~~:Y:." . ~--"','-~ "-_"';e':' :":' . .... c . . To receive:stormwateirmilnagem~ntCl1ldit;existingilreecanopy mustbe preselVed during'and after construction, , , '-'.J-:," '-', ,.:' ,; ':.;;, .-c..; _':' :I'"~.'::,~:::,;,,, '. .';:.~ _ '. .,< ',! ", ,':' . . _, ' , . ~','_'_'" ',:' ;';-,', '.' :,' -';,-.' , . . "', . . Existing;tree canOJiy ri1ustoowithin20feefofimPervious surfaces; '"Minimum, tree caliper to receive credit is 4 inches, , ".~ ,;,::,,':k~", :-,;: ;,:7.,;;:0'; ",,)',:'::i:]::n:,;:;~..~~:~._,:.;:~,;~':! :~i::,,;j:;:h;:::.,: ;:/i~'::' -' .":-~;':'~,7r' ,,';:~~:' t_ '":. - - i, "~,,, ',,,' . . " Nocredit'!Viil be,giyento'eXisting tr~cari6py l~ted,y,1tniri~rlVir<inmental. zones, ;" . \0" P \ ,u (;' = ::, I '-\ ..... ;,,<",\;;,!"::;1~~~:i';;~~:';~; ..: ;,.,,;; .................j.,~is?;''',L.,r:;''. . .": . \"L" MJ,~Uf~ L45D Entersquare',footage,Q[existing.troo'cariopy,thatmeetsqualifieationrequirementsin Box E .1 '76L\ I Box E ;'~:;;~~;:;::l~].;!;\;';j~~j)(::l\'[;~~:'iff!i~'\'i;:j:'~;u,::;:'i;;:';;;~:~:;':1:j: ~;I" .',;'" " ,'i"'" MultiplyBoxEby'O:5aJidenter,the"resiJitin'BoxF ' ':;2>Z,. IBOX F ," ,:'" .~~,;::~~~~.;~(f~t.:1.~~:?~~f;~';,~,:~;:,:'~,.~\~ )~.~',: '. ; '~'::~':~~2.i,~~.;" ~~~, j,:}:~~~\:~ ,":1 ' TotaHre.~~redit:. . " ',r:,,,,,;,., ":_~:,,_..,,, '-;;:"":_~'.:_. '< ,~<,;,:j(;i'- . Add boxesB, D~ a~d'F'~ndenter ,-I I y;C6 lBOXG 9&Z--- PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O ',','i,.' ..'.. .. ."-"" '! '.. ,,' "".' '." ,.,..:.': ' " '.:: "C".:~ ;; , ., ': .. For. sjt~~Withle5;it~a~;5:ooosquar~;fti~t~ornew or rede,:,eloped impervious area: """,'" ":, -::" '.' --' ,'. ' ".". -' '.' . , The amouniinHox G'isi6,beentered'as."Tree Credit" on Form 81M. ~ Stop Here" .. ." ,..'. , . . v :===:::: - :~-:~~-~ ','J ~-'.., ,.'; ',", _ . : ,_" _,:. 1 ;~,; i . For site~,with:rnoi-e iha~'5;OOO square-f:et of new or redeveloped impervious area: \" ". '..., MultiplyBox1'~fForm~lf'1 by 0.25 .and enter. th; result in Box H. I~ \2:>2> IBoXH , ' " Enter thelesseiofBox G'and H in Box I. I '(;,f:;D I Box I (I/;j)fr)1 ~'o9 I I . . This'isth~ amount-to be'entered as "Tree Credit" on Form SIM, ~StopHere~ Date Received: Planner: AL t^r~"'''t",.-II."........"",.,......",...t II.A.--.,""..1 n___., It: \ I I i , ~ I I , I I ~ I I ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ . ,.) Simplified Approach Design Criteria: Grassv Swalc General Description: Grassy swales arc long narrow hleilities integrated into site landscaping. Swales are planted with a dense grass mix. Flow through the grass slows the water and facilitates sedimentation and infiltration, General Specifications: Sites with more than 15,000 square-feet of impervious development footprint area cannot use FOlln SIM simplified sizing for grassy swales. For these larger projects, the design criteria presented in Chapter 3.0: Alternative Methods for Stormwater Management shall be used, and additional facilities may be required to meet flow-control requirements, Acceptable for all soil types, All swales will require additional means for disposal. Maximum swale slope is 5%, while minimum slope is 1 %. Swales using these design criteria will not need to include a bypass of largcr storms, Required setback from property lincs is 5 feet. Checklist of minimal information to be shown on the permit drawings: (Additional information may be required on the drawings during permit review, depending on individual site conditions,) 1) Facility dimensions and setbacks from property lines and structures 2) Profile view of facility, including typical cross.sections with dimensions 3) Growing medium specification 4) Impermeable fabric specification (if applicable) 5) Filter fabric specification 6) All stonnwater piping associated with the facility, including pipe materials, sizes, slopes, and invert elevations at every bend or connection 7) Landscaping plan (See Chapter 5.0) Landscaping requirements: See Chapter 5.0, * Link to facility-specific planting requirements Inspection requirements and schedule: Thc following table shall be used to determine which stonnwater facility components requirc City inspection, and when the inspection shall be requested: I Facility Component I Swalc grading I Piping I Filter fabric I Growing medium , I Plantmgs! seeding! sod 1 Call for IIlSpectlon ~E.SUBMITTAL REC'D Inspection Requirement Call for inspection Call for inspection v :--==.' ~ - ~:-:-:':" Date Received: //~./~00 P"'>nnAr' AI Page 2-45 Stormwater Management Manual Adopted July I. 1999: revised September. 1 , 20Q2 \ I , , I i I I I I I I I ,1:'_ ,,;,r '. .. I Simplified Approach Design Criteria Grassy Swale ~ I I I I I I I I I I , I J - I - Grass Mix Typ, 'Ill t!trJ JJlQ l1!I _ 'Ill w IJll ~""'>' &l..""-i I!'" <ll \il<'~ii\ I I@I <!II!; . II> '1m> ~~ ~ Jlf?!tll:lllJr" 4l4ii' ~'4l 'fil ' ~::i?--;;:'" ~~rr.:~ At: 'f~. 10' ,I ! - 2 ft, min. flat Bottom for private, 4 fL min. for public 6" min, swalc depth ~ Growing medium- -' 12" depth min. / 6 ft. Minimum, 12 ft. Maximum Section Not to Scale PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O v :--=;~ ... :.~:'-:'= Date Received: / :fr;ft.oPb Planner: AL Stonnwatcr Management Manual Adopted July I, 1999; revised September 1,2002 Page 2-44