HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 2/3/2006 .. , . ',. ,......,.' . ,'- ,- .' . ,4 , r "-..' . "", . , " ,PRE-SUBMITTAL DISTRIBUTION LIST: ' Date Distributed:'cJ c.- 3:-Q G , ' ~Dave Puent -,Building , / Gilbert Gordon/Melissa Pechtel-Pire ' / Gary McKenney - Traffic , ", ' r/' ftfattStouder-Public Works/Engineering, ' c/ Eric Walter '- Public Works/Engineering Dennis Ernst, Surveying , Pl~nner: '. "/j/K~ " '" . r " ..... .' Oat~; f~ec~jved:, l/J/;l<<J( Planner: AL I / , ,. City oJ Springfield ,Development Services Department' 1225 Fifth Street Springfield; OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone (1-726_3689 Fax lPre~Submittal Meeting ~ . -: Case Number Assigned: PRE2006-00016 Date Submitted: 21212006 j " ", , '" rOlect Name: Project Description: .~ Pre-Submittal for .6 lot MDR subdivision (Sky Chief Park) ~ Application Type: Job Address: . Assessor's & Tax Lot #: Subdivision Tentative 232 S 42ND ST 1702323302100 .' DISCLAIMER: Applications will not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur _ between the time of the' Pre-Submittal Meeting and Submittal of the Application for Development Review. Please contact our office at 541-726~3753 with any-questions or concerns, A Planner will be assigned the following business day and will contact you to confirm the meeting date and time. ... Oatl. ~',0cei\leu: 2.h ~6 Planner: AL ' I 2/2/2006 3 :05 :51 PM ," . , Pre-Submittal Meeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMITTAL MEETING DATE: Friday, February 10, 2006 1. PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2006-00015 (Site Plan Mod Ma]) PEACEHEAL TH Assessor's Map: 17-03~22-00 TL 902 Existing Use: Vacant Address: River Bend Hospital Site Applicant submitted plans to constmct a SOO-car above-grade parking garage attached to the hospitaL ' Meeting Date/Time: Friday, February 10,2006 DSD 616 10:00-11:00 a.m. Planner: Linda Pauly 2. PRE-SUBMITTAL MTG #PRE2006-00016 (Sub Tent) HAASE/TWIN BUTTE$500 . Assessor's Map: 17-02-32-33 TL2100,2101 Existing Use: Residential Address: 232 So 42nd Street Applicant submitted plans to construct a 6-lot MDR subdivision, to be known as Sky Chief Park Meeting Date/Time: Friday, February 10, 2006DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner: Andy Liinbird r Date Receiveu:-#. Planner: AL ritv' of Snrinofiplrl -.-[ _. -r-....:::;I..-.-. Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 land Division Application, Type II . Subdivision Tentative: Partition Tentative: '.=' . '" llf o Subdivision Replat Tentative: ...mn'........~ ~ .~,1'~~.:.:.:.:':':':':':.:.:'~ D' Partition Replat Tentative: 0 n,n",:..qi~, Phone: 11'3"/.1 - ')..] 2.1, IFax: I NtJN..p I I , , ;~ II ~ go ~;~,,~ " .A._....... Applicant Name: I 0/, N f--I- I'i Ii (' -+' Company: Tu/ / tv' f] irj-l.1" tJ$ .7/11 [i Address: I q ;: (') .At / It ,I ~ ;:( of ~p~li~~~ltIS R~p.:I" "'M~~-,~ ~~s'" Iphone: Company: I ty-UJ'..~ I1~AsS",(:ij:{.') iFax: . Address: 1......~~.....~-\:e~l.~.r~\..~f.,...S~~...b~ Q74c ( Property Owner: I . <; t:!f ""MA -P a <: 'a Yl,t!Jo"-v I~h~~~: Company: I IFax: Address: ,; v (,/?, (> '11../ J Lf Bl{ - '16<'1 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 11- OJ.. -32 - 2., ~ Property Address: 2"1,'2 S. Y 212 C:;~J: Size of Property: . 1. 2.~ .Prop~sed ..I'lCll11e()f. Su I:l<liyision: Description of --t~ b.~"':&,.... 1- Proposal: TAX lOT NO(S): I I I n .........................1. I. I I Z.lc,b~ 2.16,1 I Square Feet 0 ..............-....... ....."..... Acres ~ e...v-lc \~<.., ~ lu-t. l2- T<-\'- \Q~ '),,,,'"Th s~.. ck:J- \,. k~\. RD~ lot<,. Existing Use: ~.,~~d;':-.J.. I # of Lots/Parcels: · to Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: ~ J... '17 ~f' Density: . i'b' du/acre j miif~~ ~ji Zoning.: Overlay District: Applicable Refin.ement Plan: Plan Designation: I Location: City Limits 0 Urban Growth Boundary 0 I t\~~oci~t~d.Jl.~j)I.i~ati~?s:./~YJt.. pp,.",,, . ~.:0:~Je~I~~~/:";e}....~..~.-.+r.~.':"'."':.~./1~4 4 Pre-Submittal I Reviewed by: Case No.: .\\.<..ZnDI,.,-CGo}0 Date: ~7jo!t? (initials) Reviewed by: (initials) Total Fee: Case No.: Date: I I Application Fee: . . . Postage Fee: .--................ .....--,.......... ....:::1 ~'CJ 1--1/0 f 0 Co II ~: 0\J"'-/v, , Oat':') ~eceived:~/.1tJO" Plar;i;,A'; ,.,L '- Steps in the Process: 1. The Appli<:a~t Submits a Pre~Submittal Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory but there is no additional review fee for this service. The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form.' You are required to submit 7 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review. Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10: 00 am and noon. We willstrive to cOnduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within five to seven working days of 'receiving the application. 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre-Submittal meeting: The meeting willbe held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire f'.larshall's office, and the Planning Division, The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete-if it isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to 'make the application complete for supmittal and acceptance by the City. , 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application' When you have addressed all of the items qn the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit 18 copies of the complete application to the City. A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will begin. When the Planner has prepared a draft land use ' decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for their review. At the applicant's request, the planner will schedule a meeting to review the draft with appropriate staff if certain issues need resolution before the final land use decision is issued. ,Owner's Signature This application will be used for both the required ,Pre-Submittal f'lleeting and s'ubsequent complete application submittal. 0wner's signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. ' The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre-Submittal f'lleeting, Owner: riQ:!req~ Date: /2"'1 A. -0<,-- (/' -riUiN 8;m Mtq Print D ON H~o... {'.e J/?/(PS/clNV't- Go.l',,' /;dceived' z-h/;.oo6' Planner: AL / / !";,'.{:;Jh.l:,)'iiJi'" lffll:~;!~ ~~"""~-"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''i>'('''1:~Bl;~iI\1jrnIJ.i9''!l!. 1-" _ ,..~... .J." l"!B ~i.lrr:'0/e'6.~t.~~;;;(:'~'(f:i~'~~~!k'f5~,'f. ,. . . '" ......'lo.... ,.n '~.M~, 'Iij!~ mHlm: .~~.'!lmm "" . ".""='"'''''''l!.~?'I':::?IoIIi''''r~lHt.st;/'''l\'i!&'''''''''""'!t;'!t--:"~'.'!m~ ISubmittal: 0 '_ ,lease Number: Date Submitted: I I represent this application to be' complete for submittal to the City, Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the sl!bmittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: Date: Signature Print ~~t~~~~c~~ed: r;l~6 1. , (f'J ~9Y'- V;. .~ 0C v{ p/.h. ,/7. land Division Submittal Requirements Checklist *If you feel an item does not apply, please stat~ the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ' Application fee-refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula, A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department, The application fee and current postage fee is collected at the time of complete application submittal. Copy of the deed and a preliminary title report-one copy issued withiri the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. If the applicant is not the property owner,. written permission from the property owner is required. One additional copy of the land Division Plan reduced to 8'h"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. Right-ot-Way Approach Permitapplicatlon must be provided where the p'roperty has frontage on.an Oregon Department .of Transportation (ODOT) facility. Stormwater Management System Study-four copies 'of the study with the completed Stormwater Seoping Sheet attached, The plan, supporting calculations and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Ma'nuai. ' , Traffic Impact Study-four copies of a study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC Section 32.020(1)(c). Traffic Impact Studies (TIA) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIA must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system 'in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIA must also address, if needed, City, metro' plan and sta~e, I?nd us.e and tran,:/pot!at'E.n poli<;~e~d objectives. ~~'" s,",,-\)~I,""''':.\oJt.; v.J~~\ nc;t 'ffl'la....;..::tl... ~~~llh' <G;uA.:...c -~n.\..H-~~L . Seven copies of the following plan sets for the Pre-Submittal Meeting OR Eighteen copies of the following plan sets for Complete Application Submittal , All of the following plans must include the scale (appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related'data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = lOa'), north arrow, and date of preparation. All plan sets nlust be folded to 8'1,' by 11" and bound by rubber bands for submittal. ' a., Site Assessment of Existing Conditions , J'8.-Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer B Vicinity Map ill The name, location and dimensions of ali existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, dearly indicating. what is remaining and what is being removed D}Required setbacks to the proposed new property lines for existing structures to remain on site ~ The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of ali watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse JIolap on file in the Development Services Department Date Received' 2;J/;Mc6 Planner: AL 7/, - E$ Tti~ lQ()-y~r flQQQpIElin ilnQ flQQQWilY bQuIlQilri~? on the ?it~; il? ?p~cifi~cJ in th~ latest _,J..........~..J CCI'II'^ CI.........J T............__............. n.......... ...".........~ __ ecru, ^ ..........._....;........;.( I ...-t4-..._,;.,~ ..."........ A"'"--..............._.__............ auvl--Jleu ,CI'IIi(JUUU HI~UI QIIU::: r\QU:: I'l~p~ VI n:rlf"\ OJ-JI-II UVtU Lt::llt::1 UI 1~lal-1 MlllellUlllellL or Letter of I'lapRevision , ES The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in Article i 7 of the Springfield Development Code and delineated on the Wellhead' Protection Areas Map on file in the Development . , Services Department I] Physical features' including, but not li,mited to trees 5"in diameter'or greater when measured 4 V2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings bfl Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified ,in the Soils Survey of Lane County, A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted . concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table' , b. Tentative Land Division Plan 18 Prep'ared by an Oregon Licensed.Land Surveyor in accordance with ORS 92 o Location of all existing and proposed easements ' ~Dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each bUilding' site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale . ~ Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting .'. . @ Location, widths and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-ohvays within or adjacent to the proposed land division "gj Location of existing and required traffic control devices,fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities ~ Location and width. of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails . ' DiJ. Location, size and type of plantings 'and street trees in any required planter strip W Location and si?e of existing ilnd proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV, Indicate the proposed connection points ' Phased Development Plan required if redivision is proposed. The pian must include the boundaries and sequencing of each proposed redivision. Any redivision must progre'ss in a sequence promoting street connectivity between the various phases of the developm~nt and accommodating other required public improvements. c. Grading and Paving Plan r'B Prepared by an Oregon Licensed Civil Engineer , o Planting plan prepared by an Oregon Licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as 'part of the stormwater management system ca Roof drainage pattenis and discharge locations ' rn Pervious and impervious area drainage pattems EiJ- The size and location of storm water management systems components, including but not,limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained @ Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot interJals) 1:t;I Amount o(proposed cut and fiil '. , " ' Date Received:-#"o", Planner: AL 8. Additional materials that may be required' IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. TH~ APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING EITHER THE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES OR THE PRE-APPLICATION REPORT AS DISCUSSED IN SDe 31.030: r(F,..6 Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement . .J Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster Subdivision proposal as ,specified in SDC Section 16.100(3) , " IJ Riparian Area Protection Report For properties located within 150 feet of the top of . bank,of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top cif bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW o A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present '~ 0 Where the development area is within an, overlay district applicable, address the ~ additional standards of the overlay district . ~ I] If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as 'specified in' SDC Article 38 " . , . I] A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Divisi6n of State Lands must,be , submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property l1J Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrentiy or evidence the 1" permit application has been submitted for review ' , [J Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and , Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted with the land use application . [J Where applicable, any Discretior;1ary Use, Variance or Modification of Provisions as specified in SDC Article 10 or 11 Dato i'~",ceived: ~/:MM Planner: AL . / .Wi,/4 SW 1 /'.SECTION32 T." 7S. R.2W. W.M. LANE ,COUNTY SCALE 1~= (lJPIY OF SPRINGFIELD SEE MAP 17 02 ~7::l~2-32-33 TL 2ioo, 2101'. 11_ 12 14 13 '-- S89'26'[ <PLAn 12 13 109' ---I) -:- 35:20, 3300 : ~ e"" : ,I ~~ ~ 'T~5 ~. 162.1' .~" '1600 ~ ~ J m ~ ? ~:~ .- ]44' --J-~ ~ gj ~ . do ' S8'3'29'32'( 0 I ..Jl I (!J a ~ $8'9'~'3':lEE - .2L7.!r <u 35' I ~ ,'-'34"0 1 ~r:/.~,c,'( I~a:~ -:20:- . :, .....t!~ 1 ~ ;r,a. . I ~ ~ 3402 ~o~1"rc' i f15 ---1-5--0-0162J~--~-~---~i ~ ,,,,' "0 t2 AC-6lIS2Sll FT ,I W :> ;sis, " PCL 2 w '" , 0:: .' rell:~))l~\\ i~ ~~ pcL;lV~ :Si: f-~ ~ ~\:) "'~8 ~ -: V) z I 5 ~ I - . IV' 9Rl' ORI' SO'' I'". - 'iJ,'f; S,39210 I fn 162.1' CA 1 r.,; ~~.,;~ ~";.r" _J20' z 1400 +" 1\ MELUA;ISTREEr -\1) ~ . ii:~_ _~_~~_ S89.3~i!..5:'E 98.10q: r ~. a . ~ 'f J::~IO!~~~~~T~~-T~~:~~4o~~-r-;:~~;~-----C"1 30 ~~, 1 ,,,~21' [ 83.5' 2417 , 1 I : 5 4:13 !..sfl.';j', 9120 52' ) ) ) ) J..,J Uujj:so' ~ 3'35' , s: 89"26'00' r "> . ~& 2101 g;. ~ . '" ,~'" 0.19 S1TIE"' " Z N 8'3"26'00.1.1 c.' I . <<5L~~ y~~~ -@~ ~ "," 2000 ~1:;j;~~'0 ""~~'~\11 ~ ~~.::o~:.~~ .' . . ~ ~ 0.06 AC, \) - I i-40' _ 2~J2Q' ' . ' :'5.' 2~'/ , I 75." / I .. / / I '82' / / /., / / / / F I - 77.5' I 'n.s' J,/I , -: Gl!'/" J M 2408 '" 2407 in 2406 2405 ,2404" 5'! 2'.l__1_____~_____,-----~~~~~-~2~~~-----m____~ g .~ ~ g: ~ ~ ~.~,~ : I 1900 ,//'i7 ~ g; 2 00 3 . g;, .Q f 5~_ ~ i,' M ,6:\,01' Be' 775 ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~"~':' ,775',..LLL...: ,f~" "h! E WAY "%,'Gl ~ ~(~ ' .Kl ~I rR\~\)' - .... ~J ::i {~Qi.i. .. '" , 83.5' <31 83.5' I 2418 2419 2402 2100 0.99 AC. r13 " ~ SITE Date Received:.44~..6 Planl')er: AL 7 3200 III: I 73.8' I. 3301 I~ i_VEST - 2l5' J( I , ~~~ r~.E~~~!E.6~~~~;,-;;'<;------~t-~~-----~ , , .......---'--'....... '\ '? ""'.. "~'<P- ?-, , , , , , , , , 1701 in in_ ~ '" in '"- ~ m '" ~ ~: ~ 00 6 ~ 7 z '" rn 00 .:1/ II ':78.1' 83.5' f II r .J III }l3.5' 9&.1' M ~, _M ~ 3100 / NOTE, . PO[NT IS 420.'3' - NORTH or THE THOM.D.EDVARDS OLe No_ SS /I. 1 EAST - 322.1' ---- ~___~~__'__i:J_____8a' 900 I '80a .. v; ~ .80' I so. 1000 Kl 701 " 70a '1]: Cl -'Ql Ql,- :J'!ll . :J, CD::1.l :: (1) ,(1 )>,91. ,,< .CD t r CL!ECIT: SKY TE~JT I\FlVE FlRE HYDR'" CHIEF Pt,RK- LAND DIV1Slmi PLAiJ DOlt HAASE 1960 GIL~AM ROAD EUGENE. OREGON 9740, LOCATIOlt: 17-02-32-33 # 2100 & 2'01 KRUSH At,D ASSOCIATES 54 CENTEIJNIAL LOOP EUGENE. OREGON 97401 (541) 686-9211 I //--:~ / \ \, .i . "~J , l~ORTHV '~"~~ -~ ~~ ~w )l ~5 gs ..;~ M~ g - t:::t:: 'z ~;;; SUiVEYOR; LJ.ND US,,; RESIDENTIAL LJ7IUTIES: WATER: SUB PO'IIER: SUB SEII"P.: crr, OF SPR'IIGFIEeJ. DATE: DECE\~B~R i 2, 2005 PRvPcSD '/ARlABLE-.W\iJTH JCiNi -L'SE ,l,CCESS AND lfT':l...tTr EASMENT AND ' ---<JIL-tv pcu: , i, I - WJN'1B~CE'-AGREf},(ENT:1 I: i; ~- ..J___- EX. 8" .$A..... / ......"DI~ S 89" 26' 00. E ., I ' _, ~__... ~ ~ SEHER ~},r:-;- ---- 2C..iJ- s' ev.::!one FenCf' 41.3.90 s' ~O_; tl()CJ l __E:(.....;t4'.~.- :. '. i . " IE :R.o.w~:f tl"d() , "',(,).JIJ' ..L _ I. ::LQ..,. HA'lCICJoi' PAif-j ; I 'J~A..~ \' ///i~/';W~,,/, '/'// < l~CO. - ~~"'.,:.'..~ :-~'~I:.I.'.::...':r;'~""~::--~~- ..3o..:il.. 11 :16,O'~ '--fH;"~('//?f' .'''7--~ :i5 ;;~/,/" "''//0:' .....:."...+..~.._. -:J..c~-~.-:. i i, I ~.. IT . , /~' /. . M/ / /- '/_'~ ..... ,.' ", :t'! ;'i=~_.._..~.. ~~4.... .--l1 8"00' PU.E.-,,- ,l,jC: -: ~,~ ~~. I' )~'// ~ 7 " ,/; 'co,' './:-//1 ~ ~ .:>::;..<:.JOj~ .,.,;:";, +'.~ I:: ~ ~,' I~ " :1~ /!~ ,<-,,,,,,. /F ~~. 1'-:'J1 12 '"/,.?-:,., w ~ 3 G~ylj^'~f~,_,', II L_,.". /. ~.~ '11 J.- ~', n?, ;//,1 -)~:----.L_------"l ~ ,>;;'; ,;.'",: r . . ". ,1 I'~, --- 'I . -';-w' ~... ';;':J;~:;j f / / I' I <l 't~;:;C' i 'Ii: 'g Gill ....~. : t5,! ~ ~ ," //' / j ,/ 87.01 l'lD .&.. r~T-~i-"'----' : . ~ i~,~ . -' ~ 10', I , >i' /,' ,"--I---T---- Z~ "..la .,;;/~ / ~ 4 ~ I! ~ 'z';, i~ii ~! Pii:llill .. 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J State of Oregon County of Lane -~s. l,'lhe County Clerk, in and for the said Cou~iy. do hereby cer!\fy that Ihe within lnslrumenl was received lor record at .',., OREGON TITLE m I Insurance Company " After 1'a:nIdirq, fletum tn: 0regCn Ti tie rnsurance Call>anY, an 450 CDmtry Club fload, Ste 150 Euger>>, 0regCn 97401 'gSsfr 1 ANll:32 2587R '0 Reel until a ....;.-=..~ is :tequested.. tax sta.v::;.,c.o.~ sh1D.l te sent to the follcIDng address: 'lWin Butte t."--,,,,;~r Ire. 143 Madison St. tguene, UK 9/4Ul Lane County OFFICIAL Records Lane County Clerk By: uP A ..d..J'.Ji County Clerk ~- /D' ,;2;>- Michael G. = WllRRl\Nl"l DEm ( Irxli vidual ) crxweys and' .___.c... to . '!Win Bu~ ?-J...JJ. ~O::F' Ire., an Oregc:n ...............1^-'-'-o;..lcn i~' s,,;.a..~':. :..,Qetti{!ililJQt' al11 copy of oriei By: Ore~ the following described real p.a.~"~ in the State of- ......oo.~__ and 'CaJnty of !..are free of eI1Cl-:...._--"" exC.,pt as specifically set forth herein: 'n'e l'brth a-e-half of lot 13, FREDERIC. as platted and .~..:..d in Bock 4, Page 67, Lare CDmty 0regCn Plat~. in Lark CDmty. 0regCn. Hussey and Barbara D. r:e..ey ct I ns. CO. EXCEPI' the sOOth 100 feet thereof. . IUSO EXCEPl' the vest 25 feet thereof ~ to the City of Sprirqfield by deal .~..:ad August 12. 1968, PecEptimNo. 34906. Lane Camty Oregrn Leed Reamls, in Lane Camty, 0regCn. . "'":'~"':"f')..";,,. S77~EP.Ol '99n04REC 5.00 S77~P.Ol'99n04PFUNO to.OO ~J!SEP.01'99"0~T FUND 20.00 Tax J>a:x:unt Nunber( s): 127835 'Ibis p.a.~ LY is free of erx::s..-Lc-~, EXCEPT: 1. Taxes for tie-fiscal ,year 1999-00, a lien in an arro.mt yet tote ..:.:..:...:-:...1n9d, rot rot yet payabie. 2. 'n'e rights of the PJblic, !JO'o~..,~.ta1 txxlies, and PJblic utilities. in ard to that j:Ortim of the' herein cJescr::il:e:l '"'~ Cy 1 yiIg wi thin the limits of PJblic roads ard highways. ' 'n'e true ccnsideratim far thiB a:nveyance is $150,000.00 'ffiIS rn:sl'RtMENl' WILL KJr J\LI.,CM USE OF THE- Cl€Vuc..:..,....ll. DESC1UBED IN nns INSTRIJEN'l' m VIOIA- TlCli OF.APPLICABLE U\ND USE U\WS AND REL't.TI.ATICNS. ~\...\N..ro SI~. OR A.....u:r.l-.!.J'G 'llUS n6I'RU- MEN!', THE PER5(W' ~ FEE: TITLE TO THE .l'.l;\.U"~",,, SlUJID QID:]{ WITH 'llIE lu-rNJrcUATE CIT'f OR CUJNT'i PLn..........tu DEPAR'IMENl' 'lU VERIFY APPROVED USES AND 'lU DE't'EFlMINE ANY LIMITS ~ IAW- SUITS AQ\lltST ~ OR l'uru:..::..l- PRACI'lCES"AS U~_.l_l'U::.LI m ORS 30.930'. '. DATED ~ ~kl\ day of ,AuguSt. 1999. "W\Ah.~\)9r-.-\~'I' ,~~ Michael G. Hussey \J Barbara D. rieo.ey (j STATE OF CI1ElXN, <XXJNl'Y OF Lane)SS. Tl-;i, f~irq ~t was ocl<r1cW100:jeJ tefore rre this Jl=t( day of August. ~~e- My Cam1issim Exp~:. 1999. by Date Received' Planner: AL ih/:h>O( II Order No.: 430275a '. .. - OFFICIAL SEAL L VICKIE L BAUGHMAN , . NOTARY PUBLIC. OREGON COMMISSION NO 315500 ~ v _ + _ _ . ~~ CD~Ml~S~N mIKES DE:? :DQ2 _ Theodore R. Kulongoski., Governor Department of Transportation , ODOT District 05 , 644 'A' Street Springfield' OR 97477 (541) 726-2552 Fax: (541)726-2509' jetrrey,r.lange@odot.state.or.us February 10, 2003 Don Haase Twin Butte Builders 143 Madison St.. Eugene, OR 97402 Subject: Notification of Satisfactory Construction arid Transmittal of Permit to Operate, Maintain and Use a State Highway Approach Highway Number 222, (Springfield-Creswell), at Milepoint .09 Application Number 955 Your approach has been satisfactorily constructed. OOOT can now issue the Permit to Operate, Maintain, and Use a State Highway Approach. Upon notice from you, ODOT has inspected the completed approach and has, determined that the approach was constructed in a satisfactory manner. Thus, a Permit to Operate, Maintain, and Use an Approach can be issued, and is enclosed. . NOTE: The approach(es) can now be legally used. The effective period of the Permit to Operate Maintain and Use an Approach is set forth in OAR 734-051-0300, as follows: 734-051-0300 Effective Period of Permit to Operate, Maintain and Use an Approach (1) Except as otherwise provided in the Special Provisions, a Permit to Operate, Maintain and Use an Approach shall be in effect for an indefinite period of time from the date of issue of .... the Permit to Operate, Maintain and Use an Approach, unless: ' , (a) Sooner revoked by mutual consent, or by the Region Manager for failure of the applicant to abide by the terms and conditions of the Permit to Operate, Maintain, and Use an Approach;, (b) There is a change in use of the approach, as set forth in OAR 734-051-0nO; (c) There is a significant increase in the volume of traffic using the approach, a change in the cbaracter of the traffic using the approach, or a change in the highway facility such that the approach can no longer be operated without undue conflict with other traffic, as set forth in OAR 734-051-0380; , (d) The highway facility is significantly improved to meet classification of the highway and the highway segment designation objectives, highway mobility standards, spacing standards and safety criteria that are inconsistent with the approach; or , . , 7_1. / (e) By other operation oflaw. Date Received:~/.2?<>6 , Planner: AL' , ~"r""''1 , DateJ Rf~cOj./,,~{~ PlanneL' !\ L. .. . ..;-: ,1;iii!;\ ';i .,....:~ :~-i: '..t Notification of Satisfactory Construction and Transmittal, of PenniUo OpefClte. Maintain and Use a , State Highway Approach Highway Number 222, (Springfield.Creswell), at,Milepoint .09 Application Number 955. Monday, February 10, 2003 Page 2 (2) The Permit to'Operate, Maintain and Use an Approach, the privileges stated therein and the obligations of the applicant thereby shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the applicant, including successors in interest to the property being served by the approach. (3) The operation, maintenance, and use of an approachis'subject to the control of the ' legislature over the state highway system. The Permit to Operate, Maintain, and Use an Approach shall not be deemed or construed to be beyond the power or authority of the legislature to control the state highway system. The applicant in accepting the Permit to Operate, Maintain, and Use an Approach acknowledges that the rights and privileges maybe changed or relinquished by legislative action. . ";,,:,, If you have any questions regarding the operation, maintenance or use of your ,",'" _ ..... approach(es), please contact me at (541 ) 726-2552.1 welcome the opportunity to assist. ' you, Sincerely. /2d~ ',J(~ Jeff?e;7~~, P:rmit Specialist ODOT District 05, Maintenance Office Attachments (Pennit(s) to Operate, Maintain and Use a State Highway Approach) , Date Received: ;;./3/;zao, Planner: AL { / .~ . PERMIT NO: 50948 PERMIT TO OPERATE, MAINTAIN-AND USE A STATE HIGHWAY APPROACH MlIePolnt: 0.09 . Reason for Requ9!!t: Change In use 1 O"Qon Depertment of rr Application Id: 955 Highway Number: 222 Applicant Information I ND~n Haase I ComPlny; Twin Butte BulldeMl Property Inforr)1atlon I A;;;~South 42 sOt. Sorlnofield OR 97478 1 CL;~e T17hP: Highway-: Sprln9f1eld-Creswell MilePolnt: Engineering S\slion: tilde or HYIy: Nail !-oreln: I 0.09 4+81 R N Lendmerlla: J Approach CIL Is 481' South of McKenzie Hwy: I Addr.~I: 143 Madison SI. Eugene OR 97402 ,. R1nllll: 02' Route: Section" 32 I P'(541) 484.2326 1_;" FAX: (541) 345.9706 Effective Period , , A ~rm~t ,to opel'llte, maintain and u!le an approach8haU be in effect (or,an indefinite period oC time unleu: (a) revoked by mutual conlent, or cancelled by the Regional'Manager for faih.1te of the applicant to abide by the terms ll!'d condirion'j , _. (b) there-ill a change in the ~8e of the approach. asset forth in OAR 734-051.0110j (c) there is II. curi'ent or potential safety or operational problem at th~ approach invohring;the volume of traffic uei.i1.g the approach, a change in the character of the traffic using the approach, or a change ,in the highway .facility Buchthat tbe approach can no longer be operat~.d without due conflict with other ~ffic, 118 let forth in OAR 734-0~1-O380; (d)'the highway faciJiityil lignificantly improved to meet classification oftbe high'IWY and the highway segment designation' objectives, highway mobWty ltaodards, spacing standards and safety criteria that are incomisteot With the approach or (e) by other operation of law. Failure of the applicant to comply With any of th~ terms-and conditions of the permit shaD be IUfficient caulIe for caiicdation of the permit and may result in removal of the facility by the Oregon Department of Traosportation. . The Permit i~ iSlued subject to the provision! of Oregon Adminiltrative Rules 734-051.0010 through 734-051-0480, which are by reference made Ii pan of thill permit; and whicb are-in-effect at any particular time in the duration of the permit. Plan View I ( I Ii \6 _=::~i--=--t~;;- . ~ea, Dd.~.1'--=\.~~'=;;;~7 ~-=;;::~:~:.~._._;- HW ~f1I~ l, ~. s..1:10 i! .,-,......~:.~~.......~. ........\,...,...,...,.,-...- ... '''','I' , '-,,., :1> ". , Specification I Width (W): Angle (A)' 24.00ft 90 I Radius t(R1): Radius 2 (R2): 30.00ft 30.ciofi, I Paying Lml (P1): P8ving- Lml (P2): 84.00ft 30,OOft I Surf (Da): Ditch (Od): R/IN (Drw): 16.50ft .00ft 3.50ft I Culvert: Diam: Len: I Sub Beae ern: Thickness: .001n I Ba.. Cl1Ie: ThlcknelS: 19mm .0 AQQreQate Base 13/4" .0) 12.001n I LHY~~~:;::DUtv Class 'B' Asohalt Concrete T~~i~ I Wear Cr-1a: ThIckness: Heavy Dutv Class 'B' Asphalt Concrete. 2,OOln Vlalntenance of Approach Prior to performing any maintenance work on the approach;.which will interfere with or interrupt t,raffic'upon or.a_long the highway, the applicant shall obtain.approval and necessary permits from the District Office. In all cases where t~amc signals have, been required, signal maintenance will be performed by the Oregon Department of Transportation or as assigned by a CooperatIve Cost Agreement. I This permit Is not valid until signed by a duly authorized representative of the Oregon Department of Transportation. AUlh;?;:;ure~~ D.~~ V Property Owner Information 'I Name Don Ha_ase I Compsny: . . Twin Butte Builders Tax Lot Information l2100 Address: 143 'Madison St. Eugene OR 97402 USA I pr~l) 484-2326 I eM~i!: FAX: (541) 345-9708 CHAMPS - d_rpt_permICapprch_use Page 1 of 1 >,!lBI' ~t' 11 ELl' Printed; 02110/2003 03:48:37 PM '<> '" ~ ~~ ","' -c Q) >...J '(jj <( o <D't...: !l::Q) <I) I:: .....1:: CO..!!! OD.. -j'.". OJ'"" .';.,. WESTb.:KN If . \<: &; b.:SCRO\VCOMPA_NY (' ,ANE CUUNTY 1'.L:"_;~'.r'!I'. '~.'I'I'I(.:I'.. .;1'-0: ("."\1, "..,', I,P,\I\, :il'!1 1'1-: ,;-1!',. 1'(' i'.: i.\ I(",":.i,. l:lI!-,('IK .- )rq~"n "'/-i_H'. I. c'l ._~I;' ".'.:;(:. 1''-'0_\ i~.J I, ..:r.,_,.o".' SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE TWIN BunE MORTGAGE ATTN: DON HAASE 1960 GILHAM ROAD EUGENE, OR 97401 Report No: 50-0589205' Your No: --~ . Subdivider: DON HAASE SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE "," GOVERI'I'MENTSERVICE FEE '... $25.00 $200.00 Wcstern Title.& Escrow Company of Lane Couoty Guarantees 111e Oregon Real Estate Commissioner, and any County or City within which said subdivision or proposed subcli'~sion is located:-'"'''''''~''''::'~''''''''' " '. That, according to the public records which impart constructive notice of matters affecting title to the premi?es hereimifter referred to, we find: Dated'as of December 9, 2005 at 5:0Q p.m., title is vested in: DONALD HAASE We also firid the following appare'nt encumbrances, which inCiudcs "Blanket Encumbrances" as defined by ORS 92.305 (1) and also casements, restrictivc covenants and. rights of way within a period often)'ears prior to thc effective date hereof: . , L Unpaid ta:>;:es for llle year 2005-2006 Original Amount: $1,079.81 DUE, plus intercst Tax Lot No.: 17 02 32 33 02101 ' Account No.: '1744299, Code.19-00 Unpaid taxes for lllC year 2004-2005 Original AmOlmt: $598.49 DUE, plus intcrest Unpaid taxes for lllc ycar 2003-2004 Original Amount: $519.03 DUE, plus intcrest Unpaid taxes for the year 2002-2003 Original Amount: $5l2.13 D.UE, plus interest " 2, . 111e rights of the public in and to llmt portion,of tile herein described propertv lying witilin tile limits of roads 'and highwavs. . . . Date Received: ' 2hp""6 Planner: AL / .. ":'0 .. Order \iO. :,U-():\8'~;1(r- r);I.~C .)"-iCl, ]. .'. Trust Deed to. secure an indcbtcdllcss ill the amounLshmYIl bclmy, and ail)" other ,obligations secured thereby:' Amount: $] 00.000,00 ' Dated: January 25, 2000 Recorded: January 27,2000 Dbeument No,: 2000-004919, Official Records Grantor: Don Haase . Tnistee:. Oregon Title fJlsurance Co. Beneficiary: Register Guard Federal Credit Union 4, ", . NOTE: . ~. Terms, provisions and conditions of easemen, including but not limited to maintenance provisions 'contained in instrument Recorded: Document No.: February 21. 2002 2002-013998, Official Records 111C f,'1lMantee does not provide affirmative assurances as to the provisions ofORS 92.012- 92.190 \"hich requires that any division of an existing parcel is a partition requiring governmental approvaL We have also searched our General Index for judgmenls and State and Federal liens against the grantees named above and find: . NONE The premisc~ are in'UmeceOjl:IlW"al'fcFai'e'dcscribcd as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" atlached hereto and made apart hereof 11\is is not a report issued prcliminary to the issuance of a Title Insurance Policy, Our search is limited to the tirne specified in this Guarantee and,tl\c use hereof is intended aS,an informational report only, to be used in conjunction witl! tl!f development of rcal property. ' t~~bility hc:clmder is limited to an aggregate sum of not to exce~d $206.90: , , . ':,' An)' questions concerning this Subdivision Guarantee should bc'directed to Jcrrilyn Eggcr. ,it :(541) 43l-37JO. ' . " ' For copies of exceptions please call our Customer SerYi~eb'cpartment at (541) 284-80 I 1 or cl11a;f ,your request'to eugcne@wcsterntitle.com . Date Received: ~.) /',:;.c06 Planner: AL I ~ , ' , Order)\.jo :~.O-(;)8 EXHIBIT "A'" i"a.~c f'JO. Begimling at the Northeast corner of Lot 13, FREDERIC, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 67, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thencc along the Northerly line of. said Lot J3, FREDERIC, North 890 26' - 00", West 15.00 feet; thence lea'~ng said Northcrly line South 00 19' 00" Wcst 117.50 feet to the true point of beginning, thence North 890 26' 00" West 47.08 feet; thence North 50000' 00'"West 82.65 feet; thence North 890 26' 00" West 76.26 feet; thence North 0019' 00" East 65,00 feet to the Northerly line of Lot 13 FREDERIC; tllCnce'along said NOllllCrly line Sou\h 890 26' 00" East 103.50 feet; !hence leaving said ' -NOrtherjyline South 00' 19' 00" Wesl 71.24 feet; tllence Soutll 500 00' 00" East 53.15 feet; tllence South .89026' 00" East 42,60 feet; tllence South 0019' 00" West 12.50 feet to the tnrc point of beginning, in Lanc County, Oregon. - . "';/-' ",'" Date Received' .?A ~6 Planner: AL ? ~ .' Sr:4IF"I" " -',-" , .;j -' SEE,MAP 17 02 32 32 226.:1' 11 12 1413 '-- :>:A9"26'[(PLAf) 12 > - ~ " 2100 0.99 AC. g;.., f~ IO:t.50' :>89"26'00"[ > it31 J<.l;i' 2101 0.19 AC. g;.- :~ " C " C 226.5' ':..111'1;89'3'.0(3"'" ~ 2.364 , . ~ 2304 0.43 AC~ ~ 19697 sa, n. ::.. , " PCL, 2 ",'I"fi" ~ 'ci S.35766. "",fl';'.. ~ 3'" ~"iII ~ './1 ' ~97X'" E 152.oY ~ B5.JS' f /S;.~s,-nj\/~y 162.3011 ;1 IN[T[AL.: POINT ~ 25' 25' z N El9'26'OO' V ~,~ (c;))'> ~.J O~~O~C.~~~~~ . ~ -(WI) )\0' 0,06 AC. ~ 7.08 J'l 89'26'Q{l' v ~I ,; "" ",,_,' r'';'~s" 6><,,00. '''''s_ (,"..00- c. " @ ~ u' ;. ~ " ~ 1"1/ 77.5" /If /llf"f' 77.5' {,g.'1 2~' f20' ..1\5 ! 20 c= L____~__________~~:~:_ :122.1' I ----------- . ~_ I o w, "'...."'1 ~~; ~i 10 ~e Received: Z,/;/JiJP6 ru. 'Ip AL--77 ~ ~ anner: ~ : I u , I {' r--' vC:r - 21S' )( I . 1-- ~~E~~~-=_-~j~_~_~-~,~;~~------~,f----' 1701 ',,----/;, J.).r ~e_ ?'\ 1900 /1/'62" / I' 2410 2409 ~ 2407 30' ~ "~ ~ 2,2408 ~'" ~ 2406 'ft...... m'V ~ ~'. '" 4 ,)(L~_ ' ,-f" z 0> '0 ..""" 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' ESE' COR" W$W COR:o Warn I IPCL2~illRL a;,.,p1 O'-~ OJ . o~ , g I ,.f!>'@""mRf"O 11 AC~ ~ R,R. HARF ER .1 THm. ED""ARDS 861" _"~ 10000 r z I ~I'';- ~ -21\Q) g P 2 -J p. NB9'3S'<6\J "',; ~ 19(20 Il~~~;o5~'/J~:Jl:, f",,"n ~2'.57~oJ~~__ 217.9' AL.e." 57 ~'f"C,,-. 55! 2 ~ -rr--777T--rrrr---T77:S---I-r.s.r---n';" ',~\i'g. ___ I~ 3501 ohO-= _-=-----~-~-:...-------;;;----------~~-- -----;::T-v;)o( - ~ --""' ~T.!i.w~?;[:{/r. 7777- . 0 .sago44'E - 217.a' ru~'-f.)-----r EAST .:. Sir ,. - - . ,il""'~__. VIRGINIA AVE'~9U.~v '90S< ~ .~[--- - ---r k81~Y"STREITun-Tur <<-.',j,~ ~'D~'\.3",1 \ .::lb.4r 'JO.J' ;.Ill,l' ".=:. 'S~~I' so,' '1 - sa917V I I'- 90.99' , :,7' ]1' '1.154' g.~ 00" ~U.l' "'" I "' ~ 7"' J D.6S.4. II}' 5\.. :O-N8a"n20iJ7" g ci ~ Q ,'i.11 ;-O:-~I' 76:tl'l"" 'I '1r.22 ~c 33' . 37 II 5300 ~::: . .TY.' " ~ 0 ~ 0 "" 00 tT> m J'. O"I~ ~~o,!) <> '\ I <1 1\ D l ;9 S~ g n l[) ~ g "-J ~ :t ~ ,~~ .~ i J~, '- 4200 ~~'~1 i;~: ~ ~~ ~_v~ ~<n~~:~~ r:;1.' 21,1-. , 7'3/'" " ~.40' 2405 2404 ~ {D~ 5 '.'" 77.5'", 1 ,,6.~o, , 83.:3' " 2415 2402 0' . 6 . < [ 7 ~: ~ :::;: ~ '" ~ It " c, -~ 3 . ~ 83S , "f/ '')8.1' 2800 . ~ " ru 1'.62", ' S89.290WE BU,OO' en' w --------fJ.!!'hOJ' 1100 111 3901 , ~ < ;" "' ~