HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 8/6/2007 L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc:' Subject: CURTISS William Monday, August 06,200710:09 AM L1MBIRD Andrew; SINGLETON Todd PASCHALL Jeff; WRIGHT Denny RE: Case number SUB2007-00027 Andy, With the improvements for 42nd Street this property did receive weep 'holes. The weep holes are not active and are stubbed beyond the curb. Your assumption is correct. Let me know if you need a~ything else. Thanks, Billy --~--Original Message----- From: LIMBIRD Andrew Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 9:24 AM To: SINGLETON Todd; CURTISS William Cc: PASCHALL Jeff Subject: FW: Case number SU82007-00027 I can address the issue of site drainage for the adjacent property. However, I need some input for the comment about the drain pipes under the sidewalk. I think this person is referring to drainpipes were probably installed with the recent street upgrades and are weepholes to the curb along South 42nd Street. They are intended to have water drain out to the street, not the other way around. If anything, they should help the drainage.issue on this property. The property being referred to is at 276 South 42nd Street. Please let me know if you have any comments that- I can forward to Ms. Tong. Thanks Andy ---~-Original Message----- From: Janet Tong [mailto:mamatong4@yahoo.com] Sent: Saturday, August O( 2007 7: 40 PM ' To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject: RE: Case number SUB2007-00027 I looked over the papers se~t to me at my 'parents address today and thought of another question/concern. Back a few years the person who lived ,on that 'lot had many dump trucks of dirt brought in .and dump~d on t~e back of the property. This changed the water table and caused flooding in the winter time of my parents property. Will this development do anything t~ rectify that condition? I'm not sure if you are the person to address this next questio~ to or not, but after visiting the prQperty today I saw that drain pipes have been placed under the sidewalk in . front of my parents property that will empty on to their front yard. Since the incident I p~eviously mentioned happened, drainage and flooding have been a serious concern. Other drain pipes in, that area along South 42nd do not drain onto property. I appreciated your previous'" response and look' forward to hearing from you again. Thank you in aQvance, Janet Tong Date Receiveci:_g~/,)otJ7 . Planner: AL Y..!:.j . Home address: 3137 SE 157th Ave., Portland, OR 97236 1 Phone: 503760-5888 _C_ LIMBIRD Andrew <alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us> wrote: > Thank you for providing comments on this development proposal. Your > feedback will be included in the staff report and decision on this > application. .Additionally, you will be mailed a copy of the decision > when it is issued. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Some of your concerns can be addressed through Planning approval conditions and Development Code requirements, but some are 'related to the activities of property owners (or tenants/visitors) and would.be considered enforcement issues. If you have specific'concerns about trespass onto your property or illegal activity_ in your neighborhood, I would encourage you to contact the City's Code Enforcement division (eg. ' improper use .of private property, derelict vehicles, neglected properties, dumping of trash, etc.) or Springfield Police (crime-related issues) . The City will recommend' to the developer that a unifor~ screening fence is installed along the south property line to address the" concerns about broken and missing fencing between ~he two properties. Typically, fencing is a civil issue that is handled by adjoining property owners. The City has" regulations for the height and style of' fencing, but construction and maintenance of fences are the responsibility of the' benefiting property owners - in this case both the proposed development site ,and your property. There will be a requirement for joint maintenance agreements for the private driveways and utilities serving the subdivision area,' and fencing could be inc"luded in this agreement if the dev~loper chooses this,option. Regarding South 42nd Street, the City is curre~tly undertaking a Capital Improvement Project to widen the street and add curb, gutter, sidewalks, street lighting and othe'r improvements to handle the increased traffic. ' Because this street is designated as a" minor arterial-road in the City's street hierarchy system, it is expected that most 'traffic from the adjacent neighborhood (including the proposed subdivision area) will be directed to this road and out to Main Street/I-5 or south to Jasper Road. I qope this addresses your questions and there will be a formal response to your comments in the staff report that is prepared for this application. If"you have any further questions please contact by email or at'726-3784 direct. me' Sincerely, Andy Limbird City of Springfield -----Original Message----- From: Janet Tong [mailto:mamatong4@yahoo.com] Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 12:55 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject: Case number SUB2007-00027 Re: Don Haase/Twin Butte Mortgage Property at 232 So. ,42nd sf. Date Received:J~/.1t1P7_ Planner: AL / 2 " > > Received notice of subdivision plan application on this property. > > > > > > > > > > > >, > > > > > ;; >' > > > > > > > My parents on the deed live at 276'S, 42nd to this property. and my brother .and I are also listed My main concern about this development is that it not become a run down dump that the development on Bluebell has become where drug" "dealers, and pets are a large problem~ The properties on Bluebell "have not been kept up and are in very poor condition. The fence separating those properties and.where my parents live has been falling down for years. Kids and pets trespass through the borken fence leaving messes and sometimes damages. My par~nts are elderly and n~t able to do everything for themselves. Will there be a fence separating. this new development from my parents property and will there be some ordinances for maintenance ? 'r think it is a real mistake to add more traffic to the already busy south 42nd St. Sincerely, Janet Tong > > Choose the right car based on your needs. Check out Yahoo! Autos new > Car Finder tool. > http:((autos.yahoo.com(carfinder( > .Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when. http:((tv.yahoo.coml.collections(222 Date Received:_ii~l. Planner:AL ' ----. 3