HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/24/2007 \; , City of Springfield.. Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street .. <. ,.. \".,~", Springfield, OR 9747Z" ~t. . ' '" ,-, . . . Land Division Application, Type II t ". ,r. ~ .' ,v. <' ~ ,.~, .~ _ ~ _ _ . ~ :. " . - _ ~ . . Applica"tion'Type '. . .' .', ' " I(Aij'jJlic;iiit:~ch'eclMi;;eiJ'. : .', ~ c' ':", ., '" - ' ..' " . ,. '; . ~ - . . ' " ' \ \ Subdivision Tentative: Partition Tentative: -. . . - tiQ o Subdivision Replat Tentative: 0 Partition Replat Tentj3tive,: 0 . .' Applica'nt Nam~: Dol\. Company:. ."f~lill.' t1;.i1t-. Ms~c....~L IFax: 1 . I Address: " IPJho GJh,,,,,, ()..:<~"~:""" b~ q7lf() I ' 1 :':::~~:~;::'i::i:,~.;zl;;::7:;iXM;::~~'o!'\l:~:6miF:iiD'ii1+/;!~!;;w;;.'-;!!;i!l';~:~:;'!'I.;.j'Z.~.t~~2jr"l Company: I ~lAew-L fhc,o ~''''~.s IFax: I lfRl-fj t:1{.;3( . Address: ' '" rt\.. ' , r~c,<>uP'() l(.ci......-t I I . Property Owner: Company: . '1 Address: I. ASSESSOR'S MAP No':"7--c"2..~32- TAX LOT NO(S): 2l'co , ZI<:> ( prope'rty Add'iess;.:~~;[~.~'5 ''t1~ !S~ ., '" .... , Size of Property: I.I-=t- . Acres J(t Square Feet D .......~r()I>()~E7~N,i3lT1e()f~ub~ivisioll: -s k. J ,r .h.1~' .p cyr k .' . . .'f:;"'r:.:":,:,,.:,,:._,:o::,,',;j,>,"'_,"'>~i:_)::::.':,":;-',,,,.,'.:,::~:~:_,:::_,,;,,,,,_'.,_:___.i.,.',' \','''l:'.',,,,;,..,>",;'''';<:" ." ,,;",.,'.,.. ""'.' p.o" ''''''._ ," ,.' 'i:,,_,"'i"'~ ,,-, ';:'"'''>''' _ """..c'.--" ,..... ',,'" ,,'. "..-. ".,'~o.,.,!:.'... ,n.,'.',. '" ,. --'-'" ,,__ "_,..'c~.",,,..";'" .': -",.' ".' "';' -..... ,,", '.. ';c.-- ,,~...' """-"'''''-'"'.'''" '" . De~c~iPtion^of '. '~l;:,~h'!~" '01'lL- ~o.l v l..+ l z-'*:~Y.'~.!~)~ \'(\-n. . (.. l~~c..~ Proposal: " ,~,'~l~~~. ,~IL t.;t;;. .' '. Existing Use: . {'.&.>~cvl ,!..()!~()!,:,l~a!,Cels:';(;:,'A~(9.Lot/Parcel Size: B 2/78 sf Density:. 5'. z.~ du/acre ;,;:-::>';'},:",:,'i,-~';'::,;-;:,,;:',;"",:,';i;;'!,~'",.",_.",.:,.:,."',;,J.(;.\;"-".:;..-~:,:;::;"c,,;;-,,,,,,-,::;::","}"}:~'~\\!:::';;::~'~'::,:"(~_"_'~:~.~;:;tif)),;Ka)~:,x,.<~(;/i:'1ir;::;-~(;'/o':i"?#;'~C,'j";!f-'f.:~t:;t,':~.-:t':ci;:'ii:''':~.:::~~~'",;,;-'''..:,?S;",{,',;<!J:,V2-:;~';':~~~,",:;.:;'}>1i';,~;:,;;;i",<,:,;~';i2:)~;:f??1~~~i-':.:::S:'I0: '. . . ,~~ Zoning: Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: . . city Limits '0 ~~~jg~)~~,~~~.;~:~g~~~~:~.i..~n!i~.;.;i"""';';;!if";";'"<://y,.",- Pre-Submittal . .. Case No.: r~-6lS1:>1'7 '. . 'overlay District: Plan Designation: Urban Growth Boundary 0 Case No.: ?r~m)':f~ &502:t Date: .. Application Fee: Postage Fee:' ~,:Y;;".?:" :::\';~ )/.;w,-,:,::'~7:j.::"~<(~/:::t;;.;:,i", ,""";;'o"LC:'h\.f., .:_,.;,C;_:'~:'_'?-':, :i:,:_:,:;,: ,;,:,,;~t,:,: r~<i+/;,:~!:;</~",i~1->:~":f&>~{~',;..o,,;: :::;';:,:;-0:i:~~2(l?::~'i';l~S~:,;.,;:K'Y ~ ",}< >,.,- -., ;;;:~r. ~,~ , '<>}~;:;-s.:ht,"..tJ~(~'\~>:':;?,,;:, ^'-c",'. ~',;;"I: Reviewed by: I (initials) ~......" .e..-. Reviewed by:' . .-L' . (initials) IU"vt.... Total Fee: . j ~;\',~~;{':'~; ;';",'.'i'< <'-" ,", >,;.:.,<":';',j):;_~?'':':;:,''':;2/;;:';):-;;::':7,>:;::'_,,,~:':, .g;!~':;:',:~':<:2\:,:,~c"'~;},:':~;i;"j;;:;,':'_:.';,ii:' Date: 'f'~L &f ;/l<.Joq . " < '... .'. ffJ ~~-'~:i.;' . 'Date Received: ~/).~/~1 . PI.mm'!r: AL .;" . '~{r~.t-o A~~~' ~ ... to. !:Steps in the Process: '- 1. The ApplicantSubmits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application """" ,~ 0;,;' ',Y " . ' The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory but there is no additional review fee for this service. The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form. You are required to submit 7 copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal review. Pre-submittal meetings' will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10,:00' am and noon. We will strive to conduct the Pre-Submittal meetin~ within five to seven working days of receiving the application.' . 2; Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly ,encourage you, the owner and design team to att.end the,Pre-Submittal meeting The meeting will be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and ' . Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshail's office, and the Planning . Division. The'meeting will be sdiedufed for 30 ..to. 60 minutes. The Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end ofthe'''meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete-if it isn't already comple~e. You .will then have lBO.days to make the application complete for subn:ittal and acceptance by the City. . 3. Applicant Submits a Complete 'Application . . When you have addressed all of the items on the Pre~Submittal Checklist, please' submit 18 copies of the complete a'pplication to the City. A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will begin. 'When the Planner has prepared a draft land use . decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for their review. At the applicant's request, the planner will schedule a meeting to review the draft with appropriate,staffif certain issues need resolution befbre.ttie final.land use decision is issLied. . ,-'- +l,-.. ~,~ ~.;. ,i"" Owner~s Signature' . . . . 'i .~ This application will be used for both the:required Pre-Submittal: Meeting and subsequent complete.application submittal. Owner!s signatures arerequi'rei;l'at oott,:stages. in the application process. An application without the Owner's sig,:,at~~~:win.riot ~e ac:cepted. .', ..1 . . . . ! - The undersigned acknowledges that the. information in this application is cor~ect.andaccurate for scheduling of the Pre-Submi.ttal Meeting. Owner: .Date: Signature Print ," '. . \ Date Received: '51 7.Jf I ?Do'" Planner: AL . ~ "'!,.: .: r I represent this application to be complete.for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check peiformed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm .the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein . or the information will not be provided if riot otherwise contained within the submittal, and the, City may begin 'processing the.application with the .information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a corilPlete application . Owner: '~~',L Date: 2-/ ?'-:'C; h " DON Print w,' l:l-a. C( s~' ,(. " - . , ~ , ' . , '-. ( '. " '" ,.1. ....- .". . -.. . . , .1 .- ..' ," .~ .'" ~ ... " ,r ,'. ~ :.... .-.:.... " -..-..,. r ., Date Received:~ !).~/Jc;~7 Planner: AL. . ,f..' ~', ..;. ~ ,... " .' Land. Division Submittal Requl..,~ments Checklist "- - . .' .~ ftYf~~~~~1 a~.item does not apply, please state the rea, ,,"why ',Od ,tt"hth, "pl,o"'," to 'V 1. Application fee-refer to the Development Code FeeSchedule for the appropriate fee j/caICUlatiori"form ula. A copy of the fee schedule is available'at the Develo pmen, t Services Department. The application fee and current postage fee is collected at the time of " . ,complete application submittal. ...'. . . .' . . . 2. Copy:of the deed and a preliminary title report-one copy issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. If the applicant is not the property, owner, written permission from the property owner is required. One additional copy of the Land ,Division Plan reduced to8'l2"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification' packet, . . '7' A-- Right- ~f-Way APproaCh, Permit application must be pro,vi,ded, where the pr,~perty has frontage 00, n Qregon D@qrtmen~f T ansportation (ODOT) .ec;,i~ity\.". . '~.(ro . ~ (\,~ ~ Co"'-"-"\., 'tSODT. :n--J' '.. S. Stormwa er anagement System Stu y-four copies ofthe study with the completed . . Storm water Scoping Sheet attached.. The plan, supporting calCulations and . documentiltion must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. . .~ \'-l~ 'j . . Traffic' Impact Study-four copies of a study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance '. with SDC Section 32.020(1)(c). Traffic Impact Studies (TIA) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the. traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIA must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safetY, traffic operati,ons, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIA must also address, if needed, .'City, metro plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives. . - ~.' . I Seven copies of th~ following plan sets for the Pre-Submittal Meeting . .' OR". .' ..' . '. EightE7encopies of the following plan sets for Comple~e'AppiicationSubi11ittal . '",' -' '. . .~. -' . - . 'All of the follOWing plans must include the scale(~PprO-Pria~e to thearea'invcilved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data;;such'as 1"= 30', 1" .= 50' or 1"= 100'), north arrow, and date of preparation.' All plan setsnlus'tbe folded to 8'12" by il" and bound by rubber bands for submittal. . . a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions .' .. . ~ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer " . , 81 Vicinity Map. .' ~', ' .' ...' .'. . . 51 The name, location and .dimensions of all existing site features inchiding buildings; 'curt . . cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and wha : is being removed. .' ' -gJ Required setbacks to the proposed new property lines for existing structures to remair ~ ~~:i~;me, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank: of all wate'rco~rses . . and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Deve.lopment Services Department , " .'s,hiJuo7: " . Date R.eceived:- Planner: AL '. .~ . 'IA The100-year f10~~ain and floodway boundaries on1 site, as specified in the latest. adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter- of Map . . Amendmentor Letter of Map Revision'. . " . , The Time of.Travel Zones, as specified in Article 17 of the Springfield Development Code an'd delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Services Department, , ,~ Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured-4 V2 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubsi riparian areas, wetlands and' rock outcroppings '. - . .. . ~Soil types and water table information as. mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of . Lane County. A Geotechnical R.eport prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils 'Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or'a high water table b. Tentative Land Division Plan Ei9... Preparedby an Oregon Licensed Land Surveyor in accordance with ORS 92 : ,.. 5;1' Location of all existing and proposed easements' . " . . 5Q. Dimensions and' size ,of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building' . site indicating the top 'and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale IiL Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting ..".' .' . !lQ. Location, widths and nam.es of ajl existing and prop'osed streets, alleys, dedications or ' other, right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division ~ Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities ' 18 Location' and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails . '8J. Location, size...and type of plantings ar:ld street trees in any req'uired pfanter strip ~ Locatior:l and. size of existing and proposed u,tilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone,'and cable TV, Indicate the proposed connection points Phased Development Plan required if redivision is proposed. The.plan must include the boundari~san~ s~quencing of each proposed redivision. Any redivision must pro'gress in'a 'sequence promoting street connectivity between the various phases qf the development and accommodating other required public improvements. c. Grading and. .Paving Plan 'fll Prepared byan'-Oregon Licensed.Civil Engineer. 18 Planting plan prepared. by an Oregon Licensed Landscape Architect where plants are. proposed as part of the stormwater management system . .g;j Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations :" 1'B Pervious and imperVious area drainage patterns. '. Jlj- The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater .quality measures;.and natural drainageways to be retained. 1&1 Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot .intervals) .l'E Amount of proposed cut and fill. '. '. '. , ',r--" ; " ~ i ''\ j'.',-; ....' ) /).~~ /;)007 _....,..~..J..'""'jv..;lJ.~ Planner: At . t. ~ I I' , . . " - . 8. Ad( itional materials that.may be rI~quired .J IT lS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL ~TJ .NDARDSI APPqCATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED, DEVELOPMENT.TH'E' I APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING EITHER THE DEVELOPMENT ISSUES OR THt: PRE-APPLICATION REPORT AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 31;030: I . . C. Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement [ : Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster Subdivision proposal as specified in SDC Section 16.100(3) . [: Riparian Area Protection Report For properties located within 150 feet of the top of. bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries ofWQI:.W [. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present \ .' ,[ I Wher.e the development area is within a~ overlay district applicable, address the .~ additional standards of the overlay district . '..' . _ . '.' ~........... [] If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree F,elling Permit as speCified in ." SDC Article 38 . , . . , . [].A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be , submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the proRerty, Any required federal or state permit must pe submitted concurrently ,or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review .' I Where any grading, filling or excavatihg is proposed with the development, a Land and' Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted with the land use application . o Where applicable, any Discretionary Use, Variance or Modification of Provisions as pecified in SDC Article 10 or 11' . ,.-.., . ^. .' -....-., .....:,.1... .~. ~. .. . ,..::';..., .. ',: " I' ; ';~~I'" r " _;. " ... ....,;.,':.J..: _' -:. :~., " , .'~ , " \ ,:',"'\.. DattH~eceived' Sh<i / JP1 Planner: At. I 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-375? Phone Job/Journal Number. 5UB2007 -00027 . 5UB2007.00027 5UB2007-00027 Payments: Type of Payment Check Cash Job/Journal Nu'inber 5UB2007.00027 5UB2007.00027 5UB2007.00027 Payments, Type of Payment Check Cash cReceintl RECEIPT #: ...,!I.."~'!'''~l_~,..,,.,.,..'.'.,. l ., , .:-..," . ." .- - .. , " '- < -,..... .~ ---....,.--...'- .-- -- . ~:ty of Springfield Official Receipt -Jevelopment Services Department Public Works Department 3200700000000000342 Date: OS/24/2007 Description CTY NonLDR 5ub Tnt Pin Per Ac + 5% Technology Fee Postage Fee Type \I - $150 Paid By TWIN BUTTE MORTGAGE INC AARON ZEH Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received tj 5089 In Person tj In Person Payment Total: Description CTY NonLDR 5ub Tnt Pin Per Ac + 5% Technology Fee Postage Fee Type II . $150 Paid By . TWIN BUTTE MORTGAGE INC AARON ZEH Item Total: Check Number. Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received tj 5089 In Pers<:m tj In Person Payment Total: , . ~/:;~/()o07 Date Received. Planner: AL Page 1 of 1 IO,13:55AM Amount Due 9,780.33 489.02 150.00 $10,419.35 Amount Paid $10,419.30 $0.05 $10,419,35 Amount Due 9,780.33 489.02. 150.00 $IU,419,35 Amount Paid $10,419.30 $0.05 $10,419,35 5/24/2007 w l!4SW .'/.... ~~. :1/ . SECTION32, T'''' 7S....R.2W. W.M. , . LANE ,COUNTY SCALE1D . (!JPIY OF SPRINGFIELD SEE MAP 1f 02~7~~2-32-33 TL 2ioo, 2101 ;.. 1112 ---Q--_. 14.13 .........', .. . 2100";'" I'. 0.99. AC.' .,',. '-'. - ' 0.* * ~ '.. '. i.' .,.,...,' ,>',;/ ,SITE .~., ~ 12 25' S~~::~'F_ (il.~T' ~ "5' L.J I03.:.:l0' .. . _ s: 89'26'00. E . ~ ~~'2101 ~~ ~:l 0.19 SIT ;: . Z N "';~~6'OO' \I ' ..:4.-3' . . . ~ J/ f};:-OO~/;- @ C. '. . m -3'. L- ~/1~. _ .~ 47.0e{ l..i ~ \..r> I . - N 9'3.26'00' V'., I . ~I ' '. 2000 " ~\\\ \\';;:?- .~ ,_Ot~L::&'~~~ .: , ! . . 0.06 AC\S . , '40' 2~1211' ~S' 2~.r'... 7"Y'/// '"" //11'82' /11' ~f.{.' ,"-11'775 I'll/'= t,a'~.': -fs' 2408 ~ ,,-..,2407" ' , 2406 240~ 2 ~'20'l__ L____________:._ \1m - 322.;'.' . ~'.<.. ." a; ,. ~ . 404 F~ w 1 1900 ------------------.------ CD !).~.4~.' ~ ~ 2 Q:I .3. ~ - G' 4 ~ ..~ ~ "\:(}"t. 1. " 5 z n ~ 6:1.04" 82" ~.77 S' 77 5' 68' ~ ~ . " , _r.S\~\)~/~I/1 IIII~'I'U ~'tJr t. -(R:~~~~- ~ "iJ'~ ~0 :. I . 83.5' """dI. 83.5' " , '--11 113 " .'1 ~. I '.",; 25' ...;... :. Date'ReceiVe(J:5/2~/)ifJ 7 .' Planner: AL . .' , . . 'EWAY~@ : ,,' ;83.5' *417 2418 2419 I . W I ~ ~ ~~ ~ in : 5 Cl' . 0"' " o,(l , 4: 13 (C 6 g; 7 CI)~ ~ . ~ ~ts.J~'1 -! t ~ 8:J.;i' f . r ' I ~ !il:J.s'. , , , ' '13 9i20 -"'8.1' - 98,J' -----.!, 73.8' 109' -' .__11 s~ ,35!20 ~i ~1003200 ,,33013300 : ~i S! .~~ M-f1~5 i;l!' I ~. ~ I I ",_' ~ I I I 1 ~ :> :..::. t;: .- 144' 1 I ~ a.. "a S8qo29'J2'E . .f-t-~ : &j ;; t S89'29'~~ - _2.l7.lt ~l 35' I .... (I.; I:lU ~"'~-J:J J~IJI.O _...1___ "I .... 8'SI:.?!I,1.-::lll2.9(]'~ 120' - ~ I L\l 1:11 . I 3401 :'If ~;., 3403, : T~ ~"----'621:---------l;, ~ ~ 3402 ,,0.14 AC : l.u 150' . 1_ l~~~ .1 lf~;~~!i ,~r 0 , ~.......-?>. q~..l' ~t:l:l' 80' rJP 1fJ,.~ ~ $.39210 !, rn t62.l' J )V ~I S5.l>>'/ 2 Z . -+-. ..... CAMELLIA i STREET ~ .;." ~ ~~ ,,-" 0 C'l .'1 400 . , ~ 1\ b(i - '- - nJ v_ I I S8'J"30'OS'E ge,.l\J Ie r . . CI .-+---"""'tf;-....,.... . O' Me"'" + r~~7~;~~~-r-:::---rl---;18~I~.40-:;;-..I-----~~~-----~1 30' I~I' 162.1' . _ ('i _........ _ -" .u:...nn "X J::.f"\ '1 I, .,0 oi ,"'" 2402 I I ~! -o--------~::!-=-_':.~-- _______--1 r l"l EAST;;. 132.6' ~""tr) --1----:-----. f-- l----"""-----~-----.........: .' .' -' /' > 1701 ':----_/", ' .. J.:"-> ..,,<,, '~ , , . , , , , , , , '" ~, -M S! NOTE, . / PO[NT LS 42Q.9' - NORTH OF" . .: THE THOH.D.EDVARDS DLe No. 55 ,/.i I EAST ~ 322.1' 162.1' I 1600 . ~ " ~ --~---~~----~ -----~~ I 800 900 .. ,,; ~ 80' eo 1000 i;J 701 ~ 700 -I . SUB2007 -00027 6 Lot MDR Subdivision Site Context . N Datr, fteceived: S/~r-/:Jb07 Planner: AL I' , 'f'j"j\'f ! , tP..lc1<! ! -T.e. w:v...48iT~ LOT '2600 FDCE CORNER ~.&O- ! : 12 : ftNC[ ~u..;m;l r:. .~. ~: I ..-_ I I!lD' ..f""1lf' : e' DIdo... F"__ S .. 2e' ~. E 413.90 r- . S. C'tl:1DnlI r.1'IC* .--o.-'~ j ~-~II' ~~:w<~.,~." ':_~- _ ~,~ Ir~~f:'~/~~I'fi~;J~~it~ I ,~ ~ ~ ~ 2 ~A0.7 : '-co~"-',' "'1~/'" j ~., ____ '~ ll:1 ~ l..__________-' ~7 ~y" .,.... T Ii:. · ' -- ~ ,.~ 1 . I ) . 3 _ .", ~ I'" ': 's'( .tr,.5J i !i~~ 17,01 ~'I i ~I ~ j. .. t <, b I !U I I~h f: ::;';1- ;;;/'<' ~ ;Z ~ ~ ~~A/C' .~ i" ~,,",.,.u' . . V-:~ ~& ij.jL~,A< . . . '" f~ _~ I ,~:~:_:-- '" .~,,:: · ~. ,oom ~ ;;e; '" 00" "",:;:' . 'To. .. eo, ,_ 8.. ~ =tT~9LV..-au7 pLJ\'f ~-=: w.v.~ 13 91 /" II f;flICt< TAX LOr 12000 fRf;D SKYCHIEF PARK TENTATIVE LAND DIVISION PLAN 'T[N1'.aJM: LNfj DMSION """"'."'" """" 1.'AU.. OF THE LOTS'FlEQUIR[ N4 ADJUS1llENT 1'0 THE SOlAR DESIGN SfANDNl:D IN SE:C'nON 3!).Ol0(3Xd)l.b.., ,DUE TO TllE: 0CI$T1NQ RICHT--Clf- w.r.'YS PRf\eIT Tlt[ L.01S FROM-!ItJHG 0fflEHTEl) FOR SOlAR ACCtSS. 2..HOQJT~Fl.L'SF'RCFOSED; 3. "ilGt IS NO 00ST1NG STREET l..IGHfS AO.J,IrCOO TO THE: SITE IK) ~E -,...,.,.,.... <t. tH[R[ oW: NO EX5DtG STREET TRfIS NC) NONE AIlE PROPOSm. 5. PfQIER'N IS ZOtcED WDR-w&DAl DEHSlTY Il:[Sl(l()lTW. I. PRClPERtr' IS .RElATMl...Y F'I.AT WITH A CH.IHQ( IN nLVATION OF I.fSS THNrt 2.0 F'ELI'. 7. THE DaSllNC HOOSE IS SEfNEI) EN' PU8I.JC SNfTARY sarER. a. AU. UTIL.mE$ WILL eE Pl..ACtD UNOEROROU<<). . I i I I I i I, I .nR[-IfYDIWfl----<>--, I I I I I woo: ... """ tHO GI.iWol-ROAO ELlOENE, OREOON 1174()1 17-02-32-3.3 , 2100 . 2101 IlRUSH AND ASSOCIATES 54 """""'" '""" EUGOIt. OMOOH Q7-401 (!l41) eae-1l111 """""'"'- WA'ItR: SUB "'"""''''. S[W[R:CfTYOfSPftINGOO.,D APRIL'1O, 2007 """"""' """""'" IN() "'" "UTIUTIES: '1 "',., ~ LOTOAJATA8LE ~ '.~SCllWlEFOOT.llGESIJLNt~noN '1 7.1114 NQH_SIJLNt I 2 II~ Ntil-SOl.M I I 3 1I~ NON-SOl..AA I -6 a.33i NON_SOl.M I ~ s.Q NON-SOl.M I II 1I..!i17 NON_SOl..AA DCISTlNC 211.00 F'OOT ACCESS, 1lWNT.. AND UTI.JT'( .EASEWENT- t 12 , l 17-02-32-33 # 2100 & 2101 PAGE 2 OF 4 ~ OHP . ~ POWER OHPH ,. OVERHEAD PHONE OHC .. 0I0'ERHEIrlI CABLE EX. .. EXISTlNCl '1M .. WASTE WA~ STW .. ~ w...~ PWR .. PROPOSED ELECTRlAl SERVICE I -@- 1DiU'.... I EDGE A/C'EU.\I.-482.&O --- -_. ... ~ ~, "l ~, "0 Q) >-l '(jj <( U CD ... "'" Q) . "-. C a:; c -ro ro_ Oc. . / I ..=....~1....---; woo......,.. . ./ i I -~- I . MoUMM S. ICItuSN Ii: 'us (;OI..AM::JQ, JCG7 EDGE: A/C EU.\I.-4&3.~ ~""'_'''l.MII:l_ ___ , , Tax Lot N.c. ) o c.> ::J ~ o S 8-Jl :-'UVlo~Cfo BARGAIN 'AND .SALE DEED KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS, that DONALD HAASE, Grantor, in consideration of the acceptance by the City of Springfield, Oregon, Grantee, and the use or holding of said property for present or future public use by Grantee', Grantor hereby grants, bargains, sells and conveys unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, all the following real, property, with the tenements, hereditaments and appur1enances, situated in the County of Lane and State of Oregon, bounded and described as follows: z tfj '" C!J '" w ~ o ... z a: => ~ SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE THE SAME IS HEREBY and for~ver de~icated to the public to be used as PUBLIC ROAD. TO HAVE AND HOLD, the above described and granted premises unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. THE MONETARY CONSIDERATION for this conveyance i:: Tw? Hundred Doll~rs. IN' WITNES~HEREOF, the Grantor a,bove named has hereunto set his hand this of " // a AI ..p . 2006. '. ' . ..2.J) day .Il/~ ~t:r.iLD ttAASE STATE OF OREGON COUNTY 'OF Lane } SS .D\ BE IT REMEMBERED that on this ;:J 0---- 'day of June, 2006, before me, the undersigned, a notary public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the within named DONALD HAASE whose identity was proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and'year last above written. .- --y)rJ .!JA Notary Public for Orego~ My Commission Expires 2/1172UoT-- ~ OfAQAlSEAL KARL L OAKES . NOTARY PUBUC-OOEGON _ COMMlS~"',NO.364. 791 , 18f~~~~ THE CONVEYANCE set forth in this instrument cl;m~eyii1g .title or interest to the 'City of Springfield, a Municipal Corpora~jon of the State of Oregon, is hereby approved, and 'the title or interest conveyed therein is hereby aCC:,8pted. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By: 'LYd~ Dennis p, Ernst. City ofSprlrigfield Surveyor , TUNt" . Z 0, Z,OOc" Date Division of Chi.f Deputy Clerk ~ane County Deeds and Records 2~~D.042~~ 111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111 $31.00 e081619920e60e4285~u(l"CKI"'" 06/20/2006 01:48:48,PM RPR-DEED Cnl=1 Sln=9 CASHIER 04 $10.00.$11.00 $10.00 '~- Date Received: i2~/J.otrJ Planner: AL RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. PUBLIC WORKS DEPT, - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 SEND,TAX STATEMENT TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. FINANCE DEPT.. 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 974n 1,IM;...dlanto..F~\HlIaRD<>od.doc REVISED; July. 2004 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION A parcel of land lying in the Southwest one-qmirter of the Southwest one-quarter (SW 'I. SW 'I.) of Section 32, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Will:ll1ette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, and being a portion of that tract of land conveyed to DONALD HAASE, by that certain deed recorded January 27, 2000, Recorder's Reception Number 2000004918, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED REGORDS, included in a strip of ~and. variable feet in. width lying on the westerly side of the centerlin~ of South 42nd Street as surveyed by Lane County in 2006; the centerline and widths in feet being described as foIiows: Beginning at Engineers' Centerline Station L 37+50.19 PT, said station being 6.00 feet, North and 0.20 feet East of the West Southwest Comer of Donation Land Claim Number 55 in Section 32, Township 17 South; Range 2 West of !he Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon'; run thence North 1054' 39" East, 1,149.81 feet to Engineers' Centerline Station L 49+00.00 POT and there ending, all in Lane .County, . Oregon. The widths in feet of the strip of land herein described are as follows: STATION TO STATION L 44+ 3).33 POT L 48+86.18 POT WIDTH ON WEST'LY SIDE OF C/LlNE 35 ft tapering on a . straight line to 32 ft. The westerly line of the above described strip of land crosses GRANTOR'S southerly and northerly property lines opposite approximate Engineers' Centerline Staiions L 45+45 POT and L 45+58 POT, respectively. ,. The parcel of land to which this description applies contains 178 square feet, more or less. The bearings used herein are based on a bearing of South 00 44' 12" East between L.C.C.M. 1226 and L.C.C.M. 18-02-50 ELL, said bearing based on the Oregon Coordinate System (NAD 83/91), South' Zone. Page 1 of 1 L1394-45 BS LEGAL DESCRIPTION South 42" Street . rr/jes - 06/06/2006 17-02-32-33 2101 Date ~eceived: S/21;OO7 Planner: AL' I . (": OREGON TITLE m Wl Insurance Company -~. . 99076337 State ot Oregon County of Lane- 55. I, the County Clerk, In ;lndfor the ~id County. do hereby cerlUy thallhe w\1hin Instrument WM receIved for record ill After 1la:Xmllng, Ietum to: Dregcn Title Insurarce COnpany, an 450 COOntry Club !bad, Ste 150 Eugene, Dregcn 97401 Until a change is requested, tax sta~,~.~ shall be sent to the follCMing ~~: 'lWin Butte. ...........~, Irx::. 143 Madison St. I:.guene, UK YILlUl '99SfP 1 AHll:32 2587R o Reel l.zIne County OFFICIAL Records lane County Clerk By: U;f>! --1..k'..y County Clerk )"- jf)' ..J..n- Michael G. S'I'An1l'OIrl ~".\&.L ~ (Irdividual ) Hussey ani Barbara O. ra.ey (AtX,(",'Spi.Ce'~Qe!:t~.'/Qb;sl11,e; . ct copy d orici ,I [,yOre~ Ins. Co. conveys and wc........c....:-:. 1:0 . Twin Butte r-......... ~~. Irx::., an oregcn ............~o;;.:.J.a1 the follCMing described real ~-r-~. in the State of ~~,_. and COOnty of lane free of enc.-.:..._-c-s, except as ~fical1y set facth herein: The l'brth cne-half of Lot 13, FREDERIC, as platted ani .~.:.C.J in Bod< 4, Page 67, lane COOnty ~_~. Plat Records, in lane COOnty, Dregcn. EXCEPl' tOO Scuth 100 feet thereof. AlSJ EXCEPl' the west 25 feet thereof a:nveyed to the City of SpriI~field by deed rerorded J\ugUSt 12, 1968, Receptirn l'b. 34906, lane CountyOregrn ~ ""'-u.';", in !.are County, Dregcn, ~7!SEP.Ol'99H04REC 5.00 ~~P.Ol'99H04PFUNO 10.00 !lZZ!SEP.0I'99H04A&T FUND 20.00 Tax Aa:xJunt Nunber( s): 127835 'Ibis l""'-~:'.I' is free of ~,,___.:.-'<'-~~, EXCEPT: L Taxes for the fiscal year 1999-00, a lien in an aIlOJllt yet to be de1;eJ:mirej, rut rDt yet payable. 2. The rights of the p,IDlic, go.=..,~.ta1 lxxlies, ani p,IDlic utilities, in ani to that portirn of the ~ described ....'->= _/ lyirg within the limits of p,IDlic roads ani higtW<iys . The true cx:<1Sideratirn for this a:m~,~~ is $150,000.00 Tm:S ~ WILL M7l' ALLOW tEE OF 'IHE csu.-r.:.n....j. DESaUBED m 'IHIS INS'I'R.I1ENl' rn VIOlA- TICfl OF APPLIcnBLE lAND USE: LAWS AND RmJIATIalS. JX.l'\AU'o SI~ OR ~J..1..I"",. 'IlIlS ms'IlU- MENr, 'l1-IE r~i ~ FEE TITLE ro THE cn.vC':'-"u SfDJlD QIEO{ WITH 'lHE APPROPRIATE CITY' OR a:x..NIY pr.,....~..ou, DEPAR'lMElfl' ro VERIFY APPRO\lEO lEES l\ND TO LlGJ.~'u...'::' 1\NY LIMITS (fl I.J\W- SUITS IlGl\INST Fl\I1MlNG OR FOREST PRl\Cl'ICES AS u""~"'- IN OIlS 30.930. Dl\TED ~ .3l:1S... day of J\ugUSt' 1999. 'Y'A^,V}J9.-\~'1 ~~- Michael G. Hussey IJBarbaraD. ~' (J STATE OF 00=, roJNI"{ OF !.are)ss. '. 21;V n,; for ing j ~t was acknowledged before 1M We 2m day of August, M1 ~ . !JUS' ey ani Barbara 0; ra.ey. ~ I . ~ 1999, by c\fbr '-'.L~' My Catmissirn Expires: Order l'b.: 430275a -."-- 10 OFFICIAL SEAL . VICKIE L BAUGHMAN , NOTARY PUBLIC ."OREGON .,i COMMISSION NO. 316600 : MY COMMISSklN mlm DEe. II lODl -1c:.--------.. -. -..... .,' ,. Date Received: l2.~V7 Planner: AL .' \ WESTERN TITLE & ESCROW COMPANY OF LANE COUNTY EUGENE OFFICE _ 497 OAKW A Y ROAD. SUITE 340 _ PO BOX 10960 _ Eu!,>ene, Oregon 97440- (541) 485-3588 - FAX (541) 485-3597 SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE TWIN BUTTE MORTGAGE ATTN: DON HAASE 1960 GILHAM ROAD EUGENE, OR 97401 Report No: 50,0589205 Your No: n Subdivider, D,oN HAASE SUBDIVISION GUARANTEE $200.00 GOVERNMENT SERVICE FEE $25,(1() Western Title & Escrow Company of Lane County Guarantees The Oregon Real Estate Commissioner, aDd any County or City within which said subdivision or proposed subdivision is located. That, according to the public records which impart c'onstructive notice of matters affecting title to the premises hereinafter referred to, we find: Dated as of May 16.2007 at 5:00 p.m., title is vested in: DONALD HAASE We also find the following apparent encumbrances, which includes "Blanket Encumbrances" as defined by ORS 92.305 (1) and also easement,>, restrictive covenants and rights of way within a period of ten years prior to the effective date hereof: . I. Unpaid taxes for the year 2006-2007 Original Amount: $1,104.13 DUE, plus interest Tax Lot No.: 1702323302101 Account No.: 1744299, Code 19,00 Unpaid taxes for theyear2005-2006 . Original Amount' $1,079.81 Unpaid Balance,. $480.15 DUE. plus interest 2. The rights of the public' in and to that portion of the herein described property lying within the limits of road., and highways. D:':'<', "';0ceived: Planner: AL S / Li/.)<Jd7 I I Order No. 50-0589205 . ~ageNo.: 2 . 3. Trost Deed'to'secure an indebtedness in the amount shown'below, and any othe~ obligations secured thereby, Amount' $100,000.00 Dared: JanuJiry 25, 2000 Recorded: January 27, 2000 Document No.: 2000-004919, Official Records Grantor: Don Haase Trustee: Oregon Title Insurance Co. Beneficiary, Register Guard Federal Credit Union 4. Tenns.;provisions and conditions of easement, including but'oot limited to maintenance provisions containoo in instrument Recorded, February 21,2002 Document No.' 2002-013998. Official Records NOTE, The guarantee does not provide affrrmati ve assurances as to the provisions of ORS 92.012 - 92.190 which requITes that any division of an existing parcel is a partition requiring governmental approvaL We bave also searcbed our General Index for judgments and State and Federal liens against the grantees named above and find: NONE The premises are in Lane County, and are described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" attacbed hereto and made a part hereof, This is not a report issued preliminary to the issuance of a Title Insurance Policy. Our search is limited to the time specified in this Guarantee and the use hereof is intended as an informational report only, 'to be used in conjunction with the development of real property. Liability hereunder is limited to an aggregate sum of not to exceed $200.00. Any questions concerning this Subdivision Guarantee should be directed to Jerrilyn Egger; at (541) 431-3710. cc, KRUSH & ASSOCIATES kanda@willalllcttc.net NOTE: For copies of exceptions please call our Cnstomer Service Department at (541) 284-8011 or email yourrequesttoeul!cne@westerntitle.com Date Received: Planner: AL '/l~/ J(7J7 / Order No. 50-0589205 Page No. 3 EXHIBIT "A" Beginning at the Northeast comer of Lot 13, FREDERIC, as platted and recorded inBook 4, Page 67, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence along the Northerly line of said Lot 13, FREDERIC, North 89" 26' 00" West 15.00 feet; thence leaving said Northerly line South 0" 19' 00" West 117.50 feet to the true point of beginning; thence North 890 26' 00" West 47.08 feet; thence North 500 00' 00" West 82.65 feet; thence North 890 26' 00" West 76.26 feet; thence North 00 19' 00" East 65.00 feet to the Northerly line of Lot 13, FREDERIC; thence along said Northerly line South 890 26' 00" East 103.50 feet; thenee leaving said Northerly line South 0" 19' 00" West 71.24 feet; thence South 500 00' 00" East 53.15 feet; thence South 89026' 00" East 42.60 feet; thence South 00 19' 00" West 12.50 feet to the true point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT that portion conveyed to the City of Springfield by Instrument recorded June 20, 2006, Document No. 2006-042859, Official Records. sl2u/ .. Date, f<.eceived:~/ )-(J07-,:.. Planner: AL :,l/28i 2005 12: 21 FAX 541 736 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW 141 001 ., '.~< i~ SPRINGFIELD -' .. :/ ( '~ City of Springfield Public Works 225 '5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone: 541-726-3753 . Fax: 541-736-1021 0 FAX Date:' \\/V!! oS '--Total Nun1ber of Pages (including cover page) J TO: Name: .0..", p)l'-'1~ Organization: .:;;;~~ g -A$O<:.. Fax Number: <..~ .~o~ FROM: Name: Phone: ~~~ T3.G..~ I,.Q< MESSAGE: I r . k ,}.. -Gr- 1'\ ~luh ~~ i.:> <C...,=",.., wJll ~ ~ J c...e....<'\-N\.,~"^ -fc-o.'l,-,":'r .".,..... 42.-~:;;;tc' .:J.,-. ~~ 0:~ p...~c.t.....11 ~ 1#11 71-b ~ If.:;'l-'t , . ~ .......~ ~i,A.~ _ ~CI\I\ ~ ) Mof>.'t't-- Datel ~1aceived: S /2r. /C}oCn_, , Planner:AL / ! G. , . :.'1/28/2005 12: 21 FAX 541 736 1021 11/23/2005 10:56 FAX 1541"888087 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW Canon ~002 14lJ002 'J." PUBI.lr; WORKS DEPARTMENT / Engineering Division Phone: (541) 726-3753 Fax: (541) 73fi-1021 STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK -- (,4r"" below II,i. finejlllell OI,tby AI'I'lIclUlI) (Pleas. relllm '0 Mati Srolltl,'r (U) Cily afSprlnldield PlIbJ/<o Work>' J;;nKineerinn; /o'ux # 736-10:l1, Phon. # 736.1035). ~muil,'m't()udl!K!~,...'fprint:ficld_o".lIs . ProjecIName:~k:f.c.rW) ~':.?~", . ....Applicant: D-.. L~a':- /Cl!:>l2~~~. ASSC5S0rs Parcel ll-b2. - 3;Z-;:l'::' T~'5 2lDQ i.2.l0l I)ato: \\<l3 .oS ,; D........ o!:l<.,M""CA\C LandUse(s): go.\...~...1o.- Phonc#: I G2>2Y- 2.~~ I Project Size (Acres): r I. I T- I Fax II: .;. ~~. ~2>f Approx.lmpervious Area: ').."7 2:>70 ~F Email: d.~\....~....""....),llP.lI!!'.3''''<ll.''''~' ~ Project Description (Include a c"py of A.sessor's map): 5\'l( /-0'/ ~"'13t;o,,}\.$\"''''-' - ,0 i~L. P,~I)f...';:'-Y~O u-'.," O.,Pl,.':>-'> ,. '. Drainage Proposal (T'lIblic connoclion(a), di~ch.rgc 100.li<1n("), 010, At!J1ch a<kllli"nal .hocl(') irnccL"'.arYl ~"'.." -,,0. ~;;~ S""~EiK ,"" l.j\ ~ ?L-Ai..1l:. ~ 'i';l,"o ~':.n' ('!:oa ~"r'IA<'I,l":::t> ~T~""'''''''(..'' ~.<"I':,W,:'AJ'I. ~i..AAJ) I Pronosed !;tormwatllr BMt MSnStzllmllnt Practices, br>-A:..~.'f> $~w::. I Co'l.. 1MblTo:.~~ l:.t'.p':..""~ ~.I,,"'LI'o.~A$\~ , fA"". below Ihis lille fli/ell Old b.lhe Clio unrl Rlltu,",J Ip II,e AD.fIlicunlJ (AI" m,'.lm"m. ,." ~,.,,<<,.. ""."k.rJ by ,h" CU.. ,In Ilrejronl untl h"ck oj Ih/$ sheelohull b".bmltleri lOf ull rUJI,]ic:aliu" /ubt! c;u/noh!/f! lor ~ubmWcil. u/L/Jc1jl'fh uth~r rlU/uil"f'me,,'s muy be m!.{.'e.....~ury.) Drains"B Studv TVDe lEDSPM Section 4.03.2): (Note. UlJ mav be substilUtedfor Rational Method) liB Small Site Study - (use Rational MeUIOd for calculations) [2 Mid-Level Development Study - (u~c Unil HydrOb'lllph McthodJor r;.1Iculatinn~) o Full Drainage Developmeht Study - (u.o Unit HydrQglUph Method for caloul.tioM) Environmental Considerations: !!iiWeUhcad Zone; 10 ~,.6 '1tIJ-... TYIIt"J ~ _.wfHillside Development: Ii} Welland/Rip_rian: wJ'/\. iii J1loodway/r:loodplain: ~ Soil Type: Inl - o,..l'J l.Lr1oll"" 1..fl.I,& L.~. Other Juri~diclions Downstream Analvsis: ~ II/A - 1?1 Nt ^ o FI"w line for starting water surface elevation: o De~ign HGL to use fur starting water surface elevati"n: o Manhole/Junction to take "naly~is to: . Raturn to Malt Stouder@ City of Springfield. emall; ms/ourJei@.el.sDrinafield.or.us. FAX: (541) 73fi-1021 Date f.(eceiV~d:-S../]..'I/ :Mo7 Planner: AL / ,l/28)2005 12:21 FAX 541 736 1021 11/~a(~UU5 1U:56 PAX.154)"666067 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW Canon ~003 @003 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS I I'nr Offio;\;IU50 Only: . !'I'f.Ar fI Ba.ru:d upon.'he ;"f{wmut;oll provided all the/ron! fJ.{'fli,)" ,)-1u:t:f, t"~ff,JlhJwingl"tJ"f1!st:ntsa 11Ilnilll"maj'wllat Ilneeclt!tlji>J' (Uf upplic:atioll to lHJ (!()mplfftt;/Qr ~:lfb",iIlul witlll'l!...pet."' If) dt't'lnag~: ho'K'cvc,', rhis Usf should II0t b~ It,\,(tfl in lieu nflll. Sp'-'"Sfiefd Developmelll Code (SDC) 0"the City's J::"l9o.erillg l~s;glf Malll/al. r.ompUanr.. with the,," I'"q,tlrem.nr,r dues IIul r.un:;/Ilut,. fl/. (lpl'rf)\la/,' AddWnna[ site .'iPl!cific Infnrmatioll may bf! rt:!qutred, Nu/e; UPU1l 8C.:UJJ'''J: .~J",!tH .t"blllil1aJ. I!"S""~ cQmp'~'tfrl.rQrm ha,~ heen ,'vif.{m:d ilJ.th~. XpUIr'e fmw/Jt.'J lidow: Interim I)..ign Standard./Water Quality (EOSPM Chapl"r 3) Rcq'd N/A __ 0 AU non-buildtoS rooftop (NBR) imporvjpu& surfacos slt~n be pl'~.treated (c.g, multi~ehi!rnbcrcd catchbasln w/fJil tilt~til1n medln) fnr~tC'lrmW~1er qUillity. Additionally, i') mllllmunl nfSOVll, nfrhe NBI( Imf'W:l'rviOUR ~urfacc !'lh:s.1l be trotlt~ by v.:gt:tjllcdln~lhods, . " ' II 0 WhIne requimd. vGgemtive Rtonnwater de.~ign shaH beeonld~tent with' interim d~lIiBn ItBndards (EDSPM Sccrion 3.02), :set forth by the Bureau of Bnvlronmenral Services (lIIiS) or Clean Water Services (CWS), III [1 rnr now NIiJ~ irnpcrviou5'arcilleslI than IS,OlllJ Ilquuz;o fect, a !fimplificd dC!liign aPflmach fn:ilY bc followed WI Hpccificd by the BES ror vegelalive lruulmenl,-:IlF ~~,... ~ ,. .fiB DUu Kwnnwu\l,:r 'NK\lIII:lI~ tiwalc i~ p~puscd, submil,culuuIMlil.'lIl~~pUl,:ifiC;Uli01\S ror lIi~illgt vlol'lodlY, now,slde Sloru!I$, bottom ,fopc. and seed mix consistent with either BES or CWS requirements. iii 0 Wittl;r QUHlity.calcuIHrio"" tiS r~qujr~ in Sl::l:tion 3.03.1 of'thc:nnSPM o fIW All bl1i1ding rooftop m.ounted equipment, or other tluid conroining equipment located outside afthc buildlng. !thHlI he,pl"Ovli1.:d with ~CQ()UdRry coruainrnel1l or werathor roeni~18nt ~nclofiure. Geno",,1 Study R"'IlIlremenlli (EDSPM Section 4.03) iil 0 Dl'1linuge study prupl1TUd by ol'roloislonol c.;ivillingineer licensed in Ihe stale of Oregon, . 0 ^ complete drainage study, as req'.'il'ed ill EDSPM Seclion4.03.I, including a hydroloQical sludy map. Ii] DCalcu1atiom, Hhawing NYHt<'"m capacity for a 2..ycar Ntorm event anu ovcrntlW effects of a 25-ycar Nlnnn event. o . Thc rime of concentration (Te) shall bcdctcm,incd using a 10 minule start time for developed basins. Roviaw of Down51r.au:. System (EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C) o fill A downstream drnlnage analysis as described in EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C. On..ilo drainage shall be governed by ,h. Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSe), . o rJJ. Elevations of the HGL and flow line& for bDth city o.nd private .o::ystems where o.pplicable. D..i~D Dr Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04) jj 0 I'lnwlin." ,In~", rim eleva'ion., pi~e ry~e "nd si?,es clearly IndlCll.ed on Ih. pl"n sel, o Ii Minimum pipe' cover Hhall be J 8 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 in,"hcA for plain concrete and plArftic pipe material~. or ~mflCr cnginonrins .0Icul..i"05 .holl be provid.d wh.n I.." The cover ShAll be sullicienllo support An HO,OOO Ib lOAd withol.ll fuilure of the pipe structure. D . Monning's"n" valuos for pip., ,holl b. consiSlenl with Tobie 4,1 or'he F.OSP, ^" Sloml pipes shull be doslgno.lI 10 ..hieve a,minimum velochy oflhree (3) reel per second ot 0.5 pipel'ull ba,ed on T.ble 4.1 .s well" Other/Mis" Ii 0 L!xlstins and proPUl't:tJ cuntouJ'U, IDcated ilt one' foot interval. lnc]ud~ IIpDt ehwutions Ilnd Rite grades !IihDwing how Jilte druinR Ii DPrivule lilormwilll:r t;uscIIlcnll) l)hnll bl: ch.:urly lIupictl:d un plum; whl,..'n privldc stonmw.lcrfluw8 frum unc.prupcrty tu another . o iii nrywell,; 5hal1l'l('JI recc1ve I"unoff from ""y 8\Jrl~,Cl w/u beinG" In:Rtcd by une' or mun.: aMP" with the cx.c~:ption orreHidl,..'TlhRl building roofs (F.PSP Se.tion 3:0J.4.A). Addition.l provi,ion, apply 10 Ihln.. ",<iuirc~ by Iho DEQ. Ror.r 10 Ul<: web,itc: wWw.dQq.~r..tc.or~uf\l/wq/gmlll1c1wnlllicholnc.hcmtormore)nfl.ll.lnRlion. o .Detention J'lond5 shall be dc.'liigncd to limit runofftn l'rc-dcvl."llnpnumt r~-tQH for.thc 2 through 2S-ycnr :dorm cvenL~ "Thi~ fo,.m:i"ufl IN: inc.-Im/lfd q$ un ~dtfu;hmenl, ;m"iJe the frvm ,'Ul)ftt'. ufthe ~'lqrnllll4"" "udy "IMPORTANT: ENGINEER PLEASE'READ BELOW AND SIGN! ^, lho engineet uf recuN. I heteby CIltdfy the above re4uired itern. .re -C;-r) I n eompl"'. IUld included wilh tho oubmilted stormwat.r study IUld pion ,et Signature P~l""""'.....v'-v#-~.t,. Q -6 'D~ " Form V....ion 2: March 2004 Date i"~eCejVed:-.ih/~D(j"f Planner: AL .vI."" . "j , ~"~.......--,,.......t, . \. 2535B Prairie Road Eugene, Oregon 97402 (541) 688-8322 Fax (541)688.8087 .1 EGR "..~ Associates, I-~c. Sky Chief Storm Water Calculations, November 21st, 2005 ..."',.".... "-. / /';i";'~';:;:::';(~~~> '. . v~j -~rr~ " ",., OREGON ...., 1\-:/.\'''<5 ~ ~. /1.11 .(\:l ",>1 ""~~~:..iL 'to )'-' .../..;:r .c,)!! L '\t \;...\~;b~ ~".__I 'iL \.....1....- ...... -L.__.."'........ I':~.. rz. /3./06 Prepared by: EGR & Associates, Inc. 2535 B Prairie Road Eugene, OR 97402 Phone (54]) 688-8322 Fax (541) 688-8087 Date Received:~/.7<>D7 Planner: AL - -------.--.- .----' ....:...- ~ - - --.- " . j Off Site Peak Flow Capacity Calculations City of Springfield Stormwater System Fo~ Lots 1,2 &i 6 (2yr event) Date Received:~,i/ :fIi"7 Planner: AL I. ", ""~:,.'- .-, '. SKY CHIEF DOWNSTREAM ANAL VSIS 'tI0 illS. :J'1l :J - (I);7.J :1 Q) o ):>~. r< '(1) !=!- \ 't " .... =' ~'!'~.,~: ./,.,"~;~~~~r\ :i]f ~ ;<~~ )\'~ .' ....,,'.;;;,~,;;.~ ~z,,",,",,:';.~&)P';?'f"41"'~ . .."l;Hj(j~oO" .. ,-' '1''' M""''''''''''~'' ,,:' ....... ," .,.,,4!tf'... ','...1:-<''''0.'''"'' . ", '41'7..... ;"';'{l.4 ." /.3\.' ".",.ru.. , " .,"~ ~y ",,~..... ....".... '. " ., ., ...... ,'.. ~ ~~; tS-.k ~~ IJ'"'''''''''' ) ~. i;>' .F" ~' \ '\ I.. ......\',...".. 'lIi'f"~ ~ ,<.,,:y(' X}? ~~''0~' '<.,'-'\..r3..', \....lq'".. ~'F" T. ~I \,' , " 0 X<t\'l., .: ~ ) :(", ,',':. '\~'\,' ~ , , , ";-,, ~ \ \\'\ ,,\\oq' \(';,~ t . . :,;,z'i:,'~::' .. 1 ,c, ,(,y(,;<." {:?-1.,..,' "'~,~\' \ID"~. . '\\ \ '\ ,li,~,";~ ':.:+\'''-, l . "",.., '" ' 8" '. ." " " , , , ", \' .. . r : coJ'" "" ,'" ,,'" ~,'-, <"- "t":J'" i' .1 9+82j' '~':~", . , , , , " ":r~" ~,'o' ' en ,." fR2.a . fH"", .' , . U.;;lS4192"i ~''''J'' ' , _':,. '. ' ~~ "'-.: _ '-.. '-.. "" 'j ~,_"P frFt.W479.1.1 - \ }-:z--.J11j" , . .. " , "-. 41l,~ f'l'~' . "'FL,"~11":'9f~~1 RCOp,n , , , ~ ,~ .. ~e2, 1....'<'T ,fi.;;i'!' \fAll . "" ,I .{..J'" r' J \I J~ '0,1, "', "- ", \" .0' ."', ,.t. j-, ..79 4' ~\'" JI......., 0., '.' .", '. "''''......' ", }'..t..... '-.. 11""\ '- - \.): \ I .J \J.J . '4~O~: i"a~.J2-i , r\ ' I v.; ,'(:E~~1;~ r I . J . '[f]J' I',' ,,< 43"'~_~(11).J' I .,~! : ~ ~ ~! ~ t;i ~~~!:: 't~j .6~~ ;,.1 91!1" ""=~. ( I't]" .'t! -2i:aaC-f .. ._ I : '- -.'\."-'..c/ Er: "kSfifr ~ ~ig~MW'''E' .~U-8TE<.'C~.' ,,,- ~'rl"\~- ".'" rSTEtvI ::,1 -) 46Z.6 - - \' , . . . ....: ,'" ;t~ I ( 1P, ~ D "'" , ~: It...... l'~')-; L _____' _.:::,~ ..,,,,,~~\:I ,.1 {~.. ~ l ?r-7 ":;.1 ," _..1' 1 _I ;- I , '"'Co -Ill lll_ :J!l) ffi;;T.l :1ro (') )> ~. r< 11l c.. -k I'" f /,.,''2,0 4.17..7. . - - -~- _.'___ _ _ ~.."._.a... . "_' ~'.':- '""'.' . ~ -:. - _.,T: fi' \n i:~ I L I! ~ J.O ..rl GJ"~ i. I ~;1i~ . ,~;. -....... I i.. ~ f. 1- . : ~ fl~ \. -..:. -' . 182'1 ~ U;j 4.th? J J\ " ~r~!Ybf ,', ::.:: d~/~~ 1~1' ,.48:,h,L- """3 :::~ A: . . "'-~~ 4/9,,- d''t'.,!" ... ---' ~ -- ---=-n'-" - . -- ....",..""'1. ,. 4AJ 'I 4.83 2 ~\. . ,', ~ I _-P'" . -- - =~~ . ~.- :~~\ i:. .~...~.. 0....... I t'= . . -_.: . \ ."" '.t\:.' ,. J'" ~1 .'/'4~ti- "l,-::'..... , .... .' z j 48J 17 I'x ~4'...q,~ od.l~~ ':: dJ37 ~4.;".7 IJ' I ' 3'lll '4-1 ~ ;, 111 ~ >: d.;~ , : ~r--l ""l4.. ~'~.~t , ----~ _.._----.;. .. - , 7"r . ''''u ":1:4.1205 ~4.12.7 SKY CHIEF DOWNSTREAM Ct\,PACITY & FLOWS (AC) I PRE -DEVELOPED POST -DEVELOPED PIPE No.1 SIZE I SLOPE 10 FULL (CFS) TRIBUTARY AREA C I i (2 vrIN/HR) I o (CFS) C I (2 vrIN/HR) I 0 (CFS) .1 15" 0.00231 3.10 5.56 I 0.57 \- 0.72 I 228 0.59 0.72 I 2.36 t . .' :1 13" n nn'1c. 5.:25 556 I 0.57 0.72 2.28 0'.59 072 2.3G I' r ;;;;~ I I I I I r 3 18" 6.30 7.94 055 0.72 3.14 0.56 0.72 I 3.20 ". ,---... - ..." - BASIN AREA (AC) C VALUE v//~ A 2.99 05 '~ A 2.01 0.7 ~ A 0.56 05/07 ~""""j B 2.38 05 " " " " " 200 ~ EGR & Associates. Inc. '!' Engln...,. and G.ologllll WEIGHTED C VALUE A PREDEVELOPED= 0.57 AC /,-, POST DEVELOPED= 059 /'-,C B PRE/POST = 0.50 AC PREPARED BY. 1 00 0 1 00 'SCALE 1" = 100' 2$.359 Prolri~ Flood E\lgen., Or.gan 97402 (541) 688-8322 rax (541) 688-8087 S:\P,ajecls\5406\03-0080\slarmwoter703.dwg Aug 08. 2003 - 1 0:54am LAYOUT~ 11 x 17 Vert Title LR '-., ., Time of Concentration "Tc" For Off-site City Study Project: Sky Chief Rain intensity curve: Designed by : Date Tc;:: K'l^,6'n^.SII^.4'S^.3 2yrs City of Eugene 10F curves used Dan Olmstead 8f4/2003 Overland sheet Flow K = -,93 L ::; overland flow (ft) n = manning roughness I ::. rain intensity (inlhr) S :: average slope Area BasinA Basin B Lenqth 1 .Ift} . _ ~QO.OO LUO.OO Pavement City Business Graveled Apartments Industrial Urban >6unilslacre Meadow.>. Rural <6units/acre playgrounds, light turf Parks, heavyTurt Woodland & Forests .try till they match on hydrograph n "I (inlhrl 0.150' 0.75 0.150 0.75 5 (ft/ft) 0,0,1 0.01 "n"faclor 0.014 0,014 0,02 0.05 0,05 0.08 0.15 0.24 0.24 0.4 0.4 "Tc(min) 31.97 3197 Shallow concentrated Flow. Len th2 ft 100,00 100.00 100 "("Ir) 0.83 0.83 'I . Date Received: ~/;;~/.2P07 Planner: .AL J I l d I " I I I I I I I I I I . [ I I ~ . /;i/ /1 ..~ I --Wft!~ L., I -. . . I --- I ------- . ~ I. ' . i Ii I IL :J: *-! . 1-1 !--,=l=-t-I#k ; " I I I "I !! ". I -/ I! '::i i i . I I I I . I I I! I II.'. I I I lit). I II I I . I I I' I If / /1/1/ / I I II I ! I __+---l++~_L,--t--4 I" -;; ~ . ill, I I I I i I I /%t1!1 I i I I ~ ~ III I I I . . II ..! / 11 I I I I .~? · III I 1,1 I I I / I 1.1 I'~ ~ .. 1'1 I I II I I I '-..:... II i I I I I I !! i I I I <: I ! . ! L ! - I'!! ! ~~. · r-H+-= . =--+-1 I ,I I ~ ~ . 1I1II I t I I' I I I \::\~ I -- I --Ti, 'I I ~ e::r -~ ~ I'. ~ :~ . Ij ~ ~ ., ~' I I II L ,I i I I i I I I I I' ~ 1;:;, . Ill' . I L 7- ' I , I I I , , '-tt-' I I '" . . I I...,L.L ' LITHt' -D-LL I ~~...J II-IV', IIII 111.1 I 'j'~ 'ffi~. IIIVN/;~I 111,1111111 I I ,,~! . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~. ~. ~ ~ , R.4/NfALl INTE;\IS/TY (lnchesjllr.) . , - III fiGURE 4./ 08f:::l f ~~~"c"..c. l?oii7J'OI/ /l7fens;/ij, [)u/OliO/7 om I n cO ~l~ .. Frequel7c/~ .Curves." to" Eugens /h::rrod "",,,. .-......,.. ....- 00'''''' ,,,,,,,,~,; 7:; ........,"-::;' IC'l..~___"""""I:-:a,~:::J7 ir1I . ,,f:~~;l' , . .J . ' . , . I . I ~ I ill III Detention Calculation~ ~ 5 for Lots 3 & 4(Draimng to ODOT System (lOyr event per ODOT requirements) Date Received: ~/J)'/./;}O07 Planner: AL '/ ' 0.16 0.14 0.12 ' 0.10 "' - u 'i'0.08 ' .Q u. 0.06 0.04 1""" J. '" / 0.00"-'. . ""." " ,.,/- o 120 240 360 8/-3/2003 l Sky Chief Lots 3 & 4 Stormwater Hydrograph -;.5 . '*' . U~UIIIIIIIIIIIIU~UIIIUIIIUUUU' I '"",' ",." IIIUIUUUUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIUUII, .. ."....,""... ' . " "I , -.,";". 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 Time (min) ,... '" '0 g!..J 'q; <( () Q) ~ 1lCa> a.J 2 -ro lll_ ca. . Post Developed Inflow -+- Post Developed Outflow -+- Pre Developed Outflow 1440 detention.lot3.xls _..~ hydrogr~ph (Pre) '. Skychief Lot 3 & (5 Predeveloped Hydrogiaph, 10yr 012 " 3,51 0.70 acres 15Y' 3,6 inChes inches 10yr 4,56 inches min 100vr 6A8inches Impervious Area acres Area'" o acres CN := 98 S~ 0.20 2'S= 0.04 Gi~t:n TOlalArea 10yr 24tH lotal = Tc= "w":= PerviouBArea Area'" CN:= S~ 2'5:= 0,12 4.56 5 0,50000 threatining Time Type 1 A.SCS J Precipitation Accumulated J . p",o", I Imp'~""' I Total J Instant J Design Depth Precp, Depth Acc, RunoH Inc. Runoff Acc, Runoff Inc. Runoff Inc. Runoff Flow FI~ ~min) (%24hrTotal) (in) (in) Depth (iri) Depth (in) Depth (in) Depth (in) (inches) (cfs) (cis) 0 0 0,0000 0,0000 0.0000 0,0000 0,0000 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0,00 10 0,4 0,0182 0,0182 0.0000 0.000 0,0000 0.000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 20 OA 0,0182 0.0365 0.0000 0,000 0.0000 0,000 0.0000 0,00 0.00 30 0,4 0,0182 0.9547 0,0000 0,000 0,0009 ,0,001 0,0000 0,00 0.00 40 OA 0,0182 0.0730 0,0000 0,000 0.0044 0,003 0,0000 0.00 0.00 50 OA '0.0182 0,0912 0,0000 0000 0.0100 . 0,006 0,0000 0.00 0.00 60 04 0.0182 0,1094 0,0000 0,000 0.0173 '0,007 0,0000 0.00 0,00 70 04 0.0182 0,1277 0.0000 0.000 0,0259 0.009 0,0000 0.00 0.00 80 04 0,0182 0.1459 0.0000 0.000 0,0357 0.010 0,0000 0.00 0,00 90 OA 0,0182 0.1'642 0.0000 0.000 0,0465 0.011 0.0000 0.00 0,00 100 OA 0.0182 0:1824 0,0000 0,000 0,0580 0.012 0.0000 000 0,00 110 0,5 0,0228 0.2052 0,0000 0,000 0,0733 0,015 0.0000 0.00 0,00 120 0.5 0.0228 0,2280 0.0000 0,000 0.0895 0,016 0.0000 0,00 0,00 130 0.5 0.0228 0,2506 0,0000 0,000 0.1065 '0,017 0,0000 0.00 0.00 140 0,5 0,0228 0,2736 0,0000 0.000 0.1240 ',0,018 0,0000 0.00 0,00 150 0.5 0.0228 0,2964 0.0000 0,000 0.1421 0.018 0,0000 0..00 0.00 160 05 0,0228 0,3192 0.0000 0.000 0,1606- 0.019 0.0000 0.00 0.00 170 0,6 0,0274 0,3466 0.0000 0.000 0,1834 0.023 0,0000 0.00 0.00 160 0,6 0,0274 0,3739 0.0000 0.000 0,2066 0.023 0.0000 0,00 0.00 190 06 0,0274 0.4013 0.0000 0.000 0,2302 0.024 0.0000 0.00 0,00 200 0.6 0.0274 OA286 0.0000 0,000 0,2541 0.024 0.0000 0.00 0.00 210 0.6 0.0274 OA560 0,0000 0,000 0,2784 0,024 0.0000 0:00 0.00 220 0.6 0.0274 OA834 0,0000 0,000 0,3029 0,025 0,0000 0.00 O.OC' 230 07 0.0319 0.5153 0,0000 0,000 0.3318 0,029 0,0000 0.00 O.OC' 240 0.7 0.0319 0.5472 0.0000 0,000 0.3609 0,029 0,0000 0.00 O.OCI 250 0.7 0.0319 0,5791 0,0000 0,000 0.3903 0,029 0,0000 0.00 O.OCI 260 0.7 0,0319 0,6110 0,0000 0,000 0.4199 0,030 '0,0000 0.00 O,OCI 270 07 0.0319 0,6430 0,0000 0,000 0.4497 0,030 0.0000 0.00 0,0(1 280 0,7 0.0319 0,6749 0,0000 0.000 '0.4797 0.030 0.0000 0.00 0.0(' 290 0.82 0,0374 0,7123 0,0000 0.000 0,5149 0.035 0.0000 0,00 O,Ol' 300 0.82 0.0374 0.7497 0,0006 0.001 0,5504 0,035 0.0006 0.00 0,0(1 310 0.82 0.0374 0,7871 0,0020 0.001 0.5860 0.036 0.0014 0.00 0,00 320 0.82 ,0.0374 0,8244 0,0041 0.002 0,6217 0.036 0.0021 0.00 0.00 330 0,82 0,0374 0:8618 0,0069 0.003 0,6576 0.036 0.0028 0.00 0.00 340 0.82 0.0374 0,6992 0,0104 0,004 0,6935 0.036 0.0035 0.00 0.00 350 0,95 0,0433 0,9426 0,0153 0.005 0,7353 0.042 0.0049 0.00 0.00 360 0.95 0,0433 0,9859 0,0211 0.006 0.7772 0.042 0.0058 0.00 0.00 370 0.95 0,0433 1,0292 0,0278 0.007 0,8192 0.042 0.0066 0.00 0.00 380 0.95 0,0433 .1,0725 0,0352 0.007 0,8613 0.042 0.0075 0.01 0.01 390 0.95 0.0433 1,1158 0,0435 0.008 0,9035 0.042 0.0082 0.01 0.01 400 0.95 0.0433 1.1592 0,0525 0.009 0,9457 0.042 0.0090 0.01 0,01 410 1.34 0.0611 1.2203 0,066-4 0.014 1.0055 0.060 0.0140 0.01 0.01 420 1.34 0:0611 1,2814 0,0818 0.015 1,0653 0060 0.0154 '0.01 0,01 430 1,34 0.0511 1,3-425 0,0985 0.017 1,1252 0,060 0.0167 0.01 0,01 440 1.8 0.0821 1.4245 0.1230 0.024 1,2059 0,081 0.0245 0.02 0,01 450 1.8 0,0821 1,5066 0.1497 0.027 1,2867 o,oal 0,0267 0.D2 0.02 460 3A 0,1550 1.6617 0,2056 0,056 '1.4396 0153 0,0559 0.04, 0,03 .470 SA 0.2462 1,9079 0.3078 0.102 1,6831 0.244 0,1022 0.07 0,06 480 27 0.1231 2,0310 0,3644 0.057 1,8051' 0,122 0,0566 '0.04 006 490 1.8 0.0621 2,1131 0,4040 0.040 1,8865 0,081 0,0396 0.03 0.03 500 1.34 0.0611 2,1742 0,4344 0.030 1,9471 0.061 0.0304 '0.02 0.03 510 1.34. 0,061.1 2.2353 0,4655 0.031 2.0078 0,081 0.0311 0.02 0,02 520 1.34 0,0611 2,2964 OA973 0.032 2.0585 0,061 0.0318 0,02 .0,02 530 0.88 0,0401 2,3365 0,5186 0.021 2.1063 0,040 0.0213 0,02 0,02 540 0,88 0.0401 2,3767 0,5402 0.022 2148'2 0,040 0.0216 0,02 0.02 550 0,86 0.0401 2.4166 Q,5620 0.022 2.1880 0,040 0.0219 0,02 0.02 560 0,88 0,0401 2.4569 0,5842 0.022 2.2279 0,040. 0.0221 0,02 0.02 570 0.88 0,0401 2.4971 0,6066 0.022 2,2678 0,040 0.0224 0.02 0.02 580 0.86 0.0401 2.5372 0,6293 0.023 2.3077 0,040 0.0227 0,02 0,02 590 0.88 0.0401 2:5773 0,6522 0.023 2.3476 0,040 0.0229 0,02 0,02 600 0.88 0.0401 2,6174 0,6754 0.023 2.3875 0.040 6.0232 0.02 0.02 610 0.88 0,0401 2.6576 0.6988 0.023 2.4274 O~ 04 0 . 0.0234 0.02 0.02 620 0.88 0,0401 2.6977 0,7225 0.024 2.4674 0,040 0.0237 0.92 0.02 630 0,88 0.0401 2,7376 0.7464 0.024 2.5073 0,040 0.0239 0,02 0.02 640 0.88 0,0401 2.7780 0.7706 0.'024 2.5472 0,040 0.0242 0.02 0.02 B18/2003 Date Recei"ed:.~o/;lf/JO~7 Planner: AL . I detention-lot3,xls l. .'. ,c. hydrograph(Pre) ,> 650 072 0.0328 2.8108 0,7905 0,020 25799 0033 0,0199 0.01 0.02 660 0,72 00328 2,8436 0,8106 0,020 2'6126 0,033 0.0201 0.01 001 670 0.72 0,0328 2,8764 0.8308 0,020 2.6453 0,033 0.0202 0.01 0,01 680 0.72 0,0328 2.9093 0.8512 0.020 2.6779 0.033 0.0204 0.01 0,01 690 0,72 0.0328 2.9421 0,8717 0.021 2.7106 0,033 0'<J205 0.01 0,01 700 0,72 0,0328 2,9749 0,8924 0,021 2.7433 0.033 0,0207 0,01 0.Q1 710 0.72 0,0328 30078 0.9132 0,021 2.7760 0.033 0.0208 0,02 0,02 720 0:72 0.0328 3.0406 0.9341 0.021 2,8087 0.033 0.0209 0.02 0.02 730 0.72 0,0328 3.0734 0,9552 0.021 2,8414 0,033 0,0211 0.02 0,02 740 0.72 0,0328 31063 0.9764 0,021 2.8741 0.033 00212 0,02 0,02 750 0.72 0.0328 31391 0.9977 0,021 2.9068 0.033 0,0213 0.02 0,02 760 on 0.0328 3.1719 1.0191 0.021 2.9395 0.033. 0.0214 0.02 0.02 770 0:57 0,0260 3,1979 1,0362 0.017 2.9654 0,026 0.0171 b.Ol 0.Q1 780 0,57 0,0260 3,2239 1,0533 0,017 2.9913 0,026 0,0171 0.01 0,01 790 0.57 0.0260 3,2499 1.0705 0,017 3.0172 0.026 0,0172 0,01 0,01 800 0.57 0.0260 3.2759 1.0878 0,017 3,0431 0.026 0.0173 0.01 0,01 810 0,57 0,0260 3,3019 1,1052 0.017 3,0690 0,026 0.0174 0.01 0,01 820 0.57 0.0260 33279 1.1226 0,017 3.0949 0.026 0,0174 0.01 0,01 830 0.57 0.0260 3.3539 1.1402 0018 '3:1208 0.026 0,0175 0,01 0.01 840 0.57 0,0260 3.3799 1.1577 0.018 3,1467 0,026 0.0176 0,01 0.01 850 0,57 0,0260 3.4059 1.1754 0.018 3,1726 0:026 0.0177 0.01 0,01 860 0.57 0.0260 3.4319 1.1931 0,018 3.1985 0.026 0,0177 0.01 0,01 870 0.57 0,0260 34578 1.2109' 0,018 3,2245 0.026 0,0178 0,01 0.01 880 0.57 0,0260 3.4838 1,2288 0.018 3,2504 0026 0.0179 0.01 0,01 B9q 0.5 0,0228 3,5066 1.2445 0.016 3:2731 0023 0.0157 0.01 001 900 0,5 0.0228 3.5294 1.2603 0,016 3.2958 0.023 0.0158 0,01 0.01 910 05 0.0228 3,5522 1.2761 0,016 33186 0.023 0.0158 0.01 0,01 920 0,5 0,0228 3,5750 1:2920 0.016 3.3413 0023 0.0159 0,01 0.01 930 0,5 0,0228 3,5978 1.3079 0.Q16 3.3640 0.023 0.0159 0.01 0,01 940 0,5 0.0228 3.6206 1.3239 0.016 3.3867 0.023 0,0160 0.01 0,01 950 0.5 0,P228 3.6434 1,3399 0,016 3.4095 0,023 0,0160 0.01 0.01 960 0,5 0,0226 36662 1.3559 0.016 3.4322 0,023. 0.0161 0,01 0,01 970 0,5 0,0228 3,6890 1.3721 0.016 ,3.4550 0,023 0,0161 0.01 0,01 980 0,5 0.0228 3.7118 1.3882 0,016 3.4777 0,023 0.0162 0.01 0,01 990 0.5 0.0228 3,7346 1.4044 0,016 3,5004 0.023 0.0162 0.01 0.01 1000 0,5 0,0228 3,7574 1.4207 0.016 3,5232 0,023 0.0163 0,01 0,01 1010 OA ,0,0182 3.7757 1,4337 0.013 3.5414 0.018 0,0130 0.01 0.01 1020 OA 0.0182 3.7939 1.4468 0,013 3.5595 0.018 0.0131 0.01 0.01 1030 OA 0,0182 3.8122 1.4599 0.013 3,5777 0,018 0.0131 0.01 0.01 '040 OA 0,0182 3,8304 1.4730 0.013. 3.5959 0,018, 0,013'1 0.01' 0.01 1050 OA 0.0182 3,8486 1.4861 0.013 3.6141 0.018 0,0131 0.01 0,01 '000 04 0.0182 3.8669 1.4993 0,013 3.6323 0.018 0.0132 0.01 0,01 1070 OA 0.0182 3.8851 1.5125 0,013 36505 0.018 0.0132 0,01 0,01 1080 OA 0,0182 3.9034 1.5258 0,013 3,6687 0,018 0.0132 0.01 0.01 1090 04 0,0182 3,9216 1,5390 0:013 3.6869 0.Q18 0.0133 0.01 0.01 1100 OA 0,0182 3,9398 1.5523 0.013 3.7051 0.018 0,0133 0.01 0,01 1110 OA 0,0182 3.9561 1.5656 0.013 3.7233 0.018 0,0133 0.01 0,01 1120 04 0.0182 3.9763 1.5790 0,013 3.7415 0.018 0.0133 0.01 0,01 1130 OA 0.0182 3.9946 1.5923 0,013 3,7597 0,018 0.0134 0.01 0.01 1140 OA 0,0182 4,0128 1.6057 0.013 3.7779 0.016 0.0134 0.01 0.01 1150 OA 0,0182 4.0310 1.6191 0.013 3.7961 0,018 0.0134 0,01 0.01 1160 OA 0,0182 4,0493 1,6326 0.013 3.8-143 0.018 0.0134 0.01 0,01 1170 OA 0.0182 4.0675 1.6460 0013 3,8325 0.Q18 0.0135 0.01 0,01 1180 OA 0.0182 4:0858 1,6595 0,013 3,8507 0,018 0.0135 0.01 0,01 1190 OA 0.0182 4.1040 1,6730 0.014 38689 0.018 0.0135 0.01 0,01 I 1200 04 0,0182 4.1222 1,6866 0.014 3.8871 0.018 0,0135 0,01 0.01 1210 OA 0,0182 4,1405 1.7002 0.014 3.9053 0.018 0.0136 0.01 0.01 1220 04 0.0182 4.1587 1.7138 0,014 3,9235 0.018 0.0136 0.01 0.01 1230 04 0.0182 4.1770 1.7274 0,014 3.9417 0.018 0.0136 0.01 0.01 1240 OA 0.0182 4.1952 1.7410 0.014 3.9599 0.018 0.0136 0.01 0.01 1250 OA 0.0182 4,2134 1,7547 0.014 3.9781 0.018 0,0137 0,01 0.01 I 1260 OA 0,01~2 4,2317 1.7684 0.014 3.9963 0.018 0,0137 0.01 0,01 1270 OA 0,0182 4,2499 1.7821 0.014 4.0145 0,018 0.0137 0.01 0,01 1280 OA 0,0182 4.2682 1.7958 0,014 4.0327 0,018 0.0137 0.01 0.01 1290 OA 0.0182 4.2864 1.8096 0.014 4,0509 0.018 0.0138 0.01 0.01 1300 04 ,0.0182 4.3046 1.8233 0.014 4,0691 0.018 0,0138 0,01 0.01 I 1310 04 0.0182 4,3229 1,8372 0.014 4.0873 0.018 0,0138 .0,01 0,01 1320 0.4 0,0182 4,3411 1.8510 0.014 4.1055 0,018 0.0138 0,01 0,01 1330 OA 0,0182 4:3594 1,8648 0,014 4,1237 0.018 0.0138 0.01 0,01 '040 OA 0,0182 4.3776 1.8787 0,014 4,1419 0.018 0.0139 0.01. 0,01 1350 OA 0,0182 4.3958 1.8926 0,014 4,1601 0.018 0.0139 0.01 0.01 ~ 1360 OA 0.0182 4.4141 1.9065 0.014 4,1783 0.018 0.0139 0.01 0.01 i 1370 OA 0.0182 4.4323 1.9204 0.014 4:1965 0.018 0,0139 0.01 0.01 1380 OA 0.0182 4.4506 1,9344 0.014 4.2147 0,018 0,0140 0.01 0.01 I 1390 OA 0,0182 4,4688 1,9484 0.014 4.2329 0,018 0,0140 0.01 0.01 1400 04 0,0182 4.4870' 1.9624 0,014 4,2511 0,018 0.0140 0.01 0.01 1410 OA 0,0182 4.5053 1.97&4 0.014 4,2693 0.018 0.0140 0,01 0.01 I 1420 04 0.0182 4.5235 1.9905 0,014 42875 0.018 0.0140 0,01 0.01 1430 04 0.0182 4.5418 2.0045 0,014 4.3057 0.018 0.0141 0,01 0,01 1440 OA 0.0182 4.5600 2.0186 0.014 4.3239 0.018 0.0141 0.01 0,01 Maximum = ( 006) I I 8/8/2003 Date Received:__sp.fol detention-loI3.xls Planner: AL . . -- I I :... ~ -' Ilydrograph (Post) f 650 0.72 0,0328 2.8108 0.7905 0.020 2.5799 0.033 0.0327 0.02 0.03 r 660 072 0,0328 2.8<136 0.8106 0.020 2,6126 0.033 0.0327 0.02 0,02 670 072 0.0328 2.8764 08308 0,020 2.6453 0,033 0.0327 0,02 0,02 680 0,72 0.0328 2.9093 0,8512 0,020 2.6779 0,033 0.0327 0,02 0.02 690 0.72 0,0328 2.9421 0.8717 0.021 2.7106 0,033 0.0327 0,02 0,02 700 . 0.72 0.0328 2.9749 0.8924 0.021 2.7433 0,033 0.0327 0.02 0,02 710 0.72 0.0328 3.0078 0.9132 0,021 2.7760 0,033 0.0327 0,02 0,02 720 0.72 0.0328 3.0406 0,9341 0,021 2,8087 0,033 0.0327 0.02 0,02 730 072 0.0328 3.0734 0.9552 0,021 2:8414 0,033 0.0327 0.02 0,02 740 0.72 0.0328 3.1063 0.9764 0,021 2.8741 0,033 0.0327 0.02 0,02 750 0:72 0.0328 3.1391 0.9977 0,021 2.9068 0,033 0.0327 0.02 0,02 760 O~2 0.0328 3.1719 1.0191 0.021 2,9395 0,033 0.0327 0.02 0,02 770 0.57 0.0260 3,1979 1.0362 0.017 2,9654 0,026 0,0259 0,02 0,02 780 0.57 0.0260 3.2239 1.0533 0.017 2,9913 0.026 0.0259 0.02 0,02 790 0,57 0,0260 3,2499 1.0705 0.017 3,0172 0.026 0,0259 0.02 0:02 I BOO 0,57 0.0260 3,2759 1.0878 0.017 3,0431 0.026 0,0259 0.02 0.02 " 610 0,57 0.0260 3:3019 1.1052 0.017 3,0690 0.026 0.0259 0,02 0.02 820 0,57 0,0260 3,3279 1.1226 0.017 3,0949 0.026 0.0259 0,02 0.02 830 0,57 0.0260 3,3539 1.1402 0.018 3,1208 0.026 0.0259 002 0.02 '40 0.57 00260 3,3799 1.1577 0.018 3,1467 0.026 0.0259 0,02 0.02 '50 0.57 0,0260 3,4059 1.1754 0,018 3.1726 0,026 0.0259 0.02 0,02 ~ 660 0,57 0,0260 34319 1.1931 0.018 3.1985 0.026 0.0259 0.02 0.02 , 670 057 00260 34578 1.2109 0.018 3.2245 0.026 0.0259 0,02 0,02 i 660 0.57 0,0260 34838 1.2288 0.018 3.2504 0,026 0.0259 0.02 0,02 ~. 690 0.5 0,0228 3,5066 1.2445 0.016 3.2731 0,023 0.0227 0,02 0,02 900 0.5 0,0228 3.5294 1.2603 0.Q16 3.2958 0.023 0.0227 0,02 0,02 910 0.5 0,0228 3,5522 1'.2761 0,016 3.3186 0.023 0.0227 O,O? 0,02 ;>. 920 0.5 0,0228 3.5750 1.2920 0,016 3,3413 0.023 0.0227 0,02 0.02 Ii 930 0.5 0,0228 3.5978 1.3079 0.016 3.3640 0.023 0.0227 0,02 0,02 ~ 940 0.5 0.0228 3,'?206 1.3239 0.016 3,3867 0.023 0.0227 0,02 0.02 950 0,5 0.0228 36434 1.3399 0,016 3,4095 0.023 0.0227 0,02 0.02 960 0.5 0.0228 3,6662 1.3559 0,016 34322 0.023 0.0227 0,02 0.02 970 0.5 0.0228 3,6890 1.3721 0.016 34550 0.023 0.0227 0,02 0.02 980 0.5 0.0228 3.7118 1.3882 0.016 34777 0,023 0.0227 0.02 0.02 990 0.5 0'.0228' 3.7346 '1.4044 0.016 3,5004 0.023 0.0227 0.02 0,02 1000 0,5. 0.0228 3:7574 1.4207 0.016 3,5232 0.023 0.0227 0.02 0,02 .1010 04 0.0182 3,7757 1.4337 0.013 3,5414 0.018 0,0182 0.01 0.01 1020 04 0.0182 3,7939 14468 0.013 3,5595 0.018' 0.0182 0.01 0.01 1030 04 '0:0182 3,8122 1.4599 0.013 3.5777 0,018 0,0182 0.01 0.01 1040 04 0.0182 3,8304 1.4730 0.013 3,5959 0.018 0,0182 0.01 0.01 1050 04 0,0182 3,8486 14861 0.013 3,6141 0,018. 0.0182 0.01 0.01 1060 04 0.0182 3,8669 1.4993 0.013 3,6323 0,018 0,0182 0.01 0,01 1070 04 0,0182 38851 1.5125 0,013 3.6505 0,018 0.0182 0.01 0.01 1080 04 0,0182 3,9034 1.5258 0,013 3.6687 0,018 0.0182 0.01 0.01 1090 04 0,0182 3.9216 1.5390 0.013 3,6869 0,018 0.0182 0.01 0.01 1100 04 0,0182 3,9398 1.5523 0,013 3.7051 0,018 0.0182 0.01 0.01 1110 04 0,0182 3.9581 1,5656 0,013' '3.7233 0.018 0.0182 0.01 0.01 1120 04 0.{j182 '3,9763 1.5790 0.013 3.7415' 0,018 0.0182 0.01 0.01 1130 04 0.0182 3.9946 1,5923 0.013 3.7597 0.018 0.0182 0.01 0,01 1140 04 0.0182 4.0128 1,6057 0,013 ~.7779 0.018 0,0182 0,01 0.01 1150 04 0.0182 4.0310 1.6191 0.013 3.7961 0.018 0.0182 0,01 0.01 1160 04 0.0182 4,0493 1.6326 0.013 3:8143 0.018 0.0182 0,01 0.01 1170 04 0.0182 4.0675 1.6460 0.013 3,8325 0.018 0,0182 0.01 0.01 1180 04 0.0182 4,0858 1.6595 0.013 38507' 0.018 0,0182 0.Q1 0.01 1190 04 0,0182 4,1040 1.6730 0.014 3,8689 0.018 00182 0.01 0,01 1200 04 0,0182 4.1222 1.6866 0,014 3.8871 0.018 0,0182 0.01 0.01 1210 0.4 0,0182 4.1405 1,7002 0,014 3.9053 0,018 0,0182 0.01 0,01 1220 0' 0.0182 4.1587 1.7138 0,014 3.9235 0.018 0.0182 0.01 0,01 1230 04 0.0182 4.1770 1.7274 0,014 3.9417 0,018 0.0182 0,01 0,01 1240 04 0.0182 4.1952 1.7410 0.014 3.9599 0,018 0.0182 0,01 0.01 1250 04 0,0182 4.2134 1.7547 0.014 3.9781 0,018 0.0182 0.01 0.01 1260 04 0,0182 4:2317 1.7684 0.014 3.9963 0.Q18 0.0182 0.01 0.01 1270 D.' 0,0182 4,2499 1.7821 0.014 4,0145 0.018 0.0182 0.01 0.01 12BO 0.4 0.0182 4,2682 1.7958 0.014 4.0327 0.018 0.0182 0.01 0.01 1290 0.4 0.0182 4:2864 1,8096 0.014 4.0509 0.018 0.0182 0.01 0.01 1300 04 0.0182 4.3046 1,8233 0,014 4.0691 0.018 0.0182 0.01 0,01 1310 0.4 0.0182 4.3229 1.8372 0,014 4.0873 0.018 0.0182 0.01 0.01 1320 04 0.0182 4.3411 1,8510 0,014 4.1055 0,018 '0.0182 0,01 0,01 1330 04 0.0182 4.3594 1.8648 0.014 4.1237 0,018 0.0182 0.01 0.01 1340 0,' 0,0182 4.3776 1.8787 0,014 4.1419 0,018 0.0182 0,01 0.01 1350 0.4 0,0182 4,3958 1.8926 0.014 4,1601 0.018 0,0182 0.01 0.01 1360 0.4 0,0182 4.4141 1.9065 0.014 4,1783 0.018 0,0182 0,01 0.01 1370 0.4 0.0182 4.4323 1,9204 0:014 4.1965 0.018 0,0182 0.01 0,01 1380 0.4 0.0182 4,4506 1.9344 0,014 4.2147 0.018 0,0182 0.01 0,01 1390 0.4 0.0182 4.4688 1.9484 0,014 4:2329 0.018 0,0182 0,01 0.01 1400 0.4 0.0182 4,4870 1,9624 0,014 4:2511 0.D18 0.0182 0,01 0,01 1410 04 0,0182 4.5053 1,9764 0,014 4.2693 0.01a 0.0182 0.01 0.01 1420 0.4 0,0182 4.5235 1,9905 0.014 4.2875 0,018 0.0182 0.01 0,01 1430 0.4 0,0182 4.5418 2,0045 0.014 4,3057 0.018 0.0182 0.01 0.01 1440 04 0,0182 4.5600 2.0186 0.014 4,3239 0,018 0,0182 0.01 0.01 Ill8/LOU3 D<ite Received:. 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Overflow lower Orifice unsub. orifice actual Depth Weir now Orifice actual cw weir orifice !ft) ~ (efs) Cefs} lefs} lefs) (ds) O. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 0.00 0.00 0.1 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 0.00 0.00 0,' 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,35 0.00 0.00 0.3 0,00 0.03 0.03 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 5.35 0.00 0.00 OA 0,00 0.04 0,04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 0.00 0,00 0.5 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 0.00 0.00 0,6 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 0.00 0.00 0.7 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 5,35 0.00 0.00 0,8 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 0.00 0.00 0.9 0.00 0.06 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 0.00 0.00 1 0,00 0.06 0.06 0.00. 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 0.00 0.00 1.1 0,00 0.06 0.06 0.00' 0,00 0.00 0,00 5.35 0.00 0.00 I,' 0.00 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 0.00 0.00 1.3 0.00 0,07 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 0.00 0.00 I.< 000 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 0.44 0.83 1.5 0,00' 0.07 0.07 000 0.00 '0.00 0.00 5_35 1.25 1.17 I,' 0.00 0.08 0.08 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 5,35 2.30 1.44 17 0,00 0.08 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 3.54 1.66 1.8 0.00 0.08 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 4.95 1.86 1.9 0.00 0.08 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 6.51 2:03 , 0.00 0.09 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0:00 5.35 8.20 2.20 -- I'" ,d;, Orifice Area Cen. Eleva'. weir h J Tolal full pipe actual Outflow lefs) (cfs) (cfs) 0.001 0 0.00 7.60 0 0.02 8.88 :1 0.03 10.01 0.03 11.05 :J 0.04 12.01 0.04 12.91 0.05 13.76 0 0.051 14.56 0 0.051 15.33 0 0.061 16.07 0 0.061 16.78 0 0.06 17.47 0 0.07 18.13 0 0.07 18.78 0.443 0.52 19.40 1.174 1.25 20.01 1.438 1.52 20.60 1.661 1.74 21.18 1.857 1.94 21.75 2.0341 2.121 22.30 2.197 2.281)( . , ~;- hydrograph (Post) 650 0.72 0,0328 28108 0.7905 0,020 2,5799 0,033 0.0327 0,02 0,03 660 0.72 D.032!! 2.8<136 0.8106 0_020 2.6126 0,033 0,0327 0,02 002 670 0,72 0.0328 2.8764 0.8308 0_020 26453 0.033 0,0327 0,02 0,02 680 0.72 0_0328 2.9093 0.8512 0,020 2.6779 0.033 0,0327 0,02 0.02 690 0.72 0.0328 2.9421 0.8717 0,021 2.7106 0.033 0.0327, 002 002 700 0;72 0_0328 2.9749 0.8924 0,021 2.7433 0,033 0_0327 0,02 0.02 710 0_72 0,0328 3.0078 0,9132 0021- 2.7760 0,033 0.0327 0.02 0.02 720 0.72 0,0328 3_0406 0.9341 0.021 2.8087 0,033 0.0327 0.02 0,02 730 0.72 0.0328 3.0734 0.9552 0,021 2.8414 0033 0.0327, 0,02 0,02 740 0.72 0.0328 3.1063 0.9764 0.021 2.8741 0,033 0,0327 0,02 0,02 750 0.72 0,0328 3.1391 0.9977 0_021 2.9068 0033 0,0327 0,02 0,02 750 0.72 0,0328 3.1719 1.0191 0.021 2.9395 0,033 0,0327 0,02 0,02 770 0.57 0,0260 3.1979 1.0362 0.017 2.9654 0,026 0,0259 0,02 0,02 780 0.57 0.0260 3,2239 1.0533 0.017 2.9913 0.026 0.0259' 0.02 0,02 790 0.57 0.0260 3,2499 1.0705 0.017 3,0172 0.026 0.0259 0.02 0,02 800 0.57 0.0260 3.2759 1,0878 0,017 3.0431 0,026 0,0259' 0,02 0,02 810 0.57 0.0260 3.3019 1.1052 0,017 30690 0,026 00259 0,02. 0,02 820 0.57 0,0260 3.3279 1.1226 0,017 3,0949 0026 0,0259 0,02 0,02 830 0,57 0,0260 3.3539 1.1402 0.Q18 3,1208 0,026 0,0259 0.02 O,O:? 840 0,57 0.0260 3.3799 1.1577 0,018 3,1467 0.026 0.0259 0,02 0,02 850 0,57 0.0260 3.4059 1,1754 0,018 3.1726 0.026 0.0259 0,02 0,02 860 0,57, 0.0260 3.4319 1.1931 0,016 3:1965 0.026 0.0259 0,02 0.02 870 0.57 0.0260 3.4576 1.2109 0,018 3.2245 0,026 0,0259 0.02 0,02 880 0.57 0.0260 3.4638 1.2288 0,018 3,2504 0,026 0,0259 0.02 0,02 890 0,5 0.0228 3.5066 1.2445 0.016 3.2731 .0.,023 0.0227 0,02 0,02 900 0,5 0,0228 3.5294 1.2603 0.016 3,2958 0.023 0.0227 0,02 0.02 910 0,5 0,0228 3.5522 1.2761 0.016 3.3186 0.023 0.0227 0,02 0.02 920 0.5 0.0228 3.5750 1.2920 0,016 3.3413 0.023 0,0227 0,02 0,02 .30 0.5 0.0228 35978 1,3079 0,016 3.3640 0.023 0.0227 0,02 0,02 940 0.5 0.0228 36206 1.3239 0,016 3.3867 0,023 00227 0,02 002 950 0.5 0.0228 3.6434 1.3399 0,016 3,4095 0,923 0.0227' 0,02 0,02 960 0,5 0.0228 3.6662 1.3559 0.016 3.4322 0,023 0,0227 0,02 0.02 970 05 0.0228 3.6890 1.3721 0.016 3.4550 0.023 0.0227 0,02 0.Q2 960 0.5 0,0228 3.7118 1.3882 0.016 3.4777 0.023 0.0227,,' 0,02 0,02 990 0.5 0,0228 3.7346 1,4044 0.016 3.5004 0.023 0.0227" ,0.02 O,O? 1000 0.5 0,0228 3,7574 1,4207 0,016 3.5232 0,023 0.0227 0.02 0,02 1010 0.4 0.0182 3.7757 1.4337 0,013 3.5414 0,018 0.0182 0.Q1 0,01 1020 0,4 0.0182 3.7939 1.4468 0,0~3 3,5595 0,018 0.0182 0,01 0.01 1030 0.4 0.0182 3.8122 1.4599 0.013 3,5777 0,018 0,0182 0,01 0.01 1040 0.4 0.0182 3.8304 1.4730 0.013 35959 0.018 0,0182 0,01 0.01 1050 0.4 0,0182 3,8486 1.4861 0,013 3.6141 0.018 0,0182 0,01 001 1060 0.4 0,0182 3.8669 1,4993 0,013 3,6~23 0,018 0.0182 0.Q1 0,01 1070 0.4. 0.0182 3.8851 1.5125 0.013 3,6505 0,018 0.0182 0.01 0,01 1080 0.4 0.0182 3.9034 1.5258 0.013 3,6687 0,018 0.0182 0,01 0.01 1090 0.4 0.0182 3.9216 1.5~90 0.013 3,6869 0.Q18 0.0182' 0,01 0.01 1100 0.4 0,0182 3.9398 1.5523 0.013 3,7051 0.018 0.0182 '0,01 0.01 1110 0.4 0,0182 3,9581 1,5656 0.013 3.7233 0.018 0,0182 0.01 0.01 1120 0.4 0.0182 3,9763 1,5790 0,013 3.7415 0,018 0,0182 0.01 0,0" 1130 0.4 0.0182 3,9946 1.5923 0013 3.7597 0,018 .0.0182 001 0,01 1140 0.4 0.0182 4.0128 1.6057 0.013 3.7779 0,018 0.0182 0,01 0.01 1150 0.4 0.0182 4.0310 1.6191 0.013 3,7961 0.018 0,oi82 0.01 0.01 1160 0.4 0,0182 4,0493 1.6326 0.013 3,8143 0.018 .0.0182, 001 0,01 1170 0.4 0.0182 4.0675 1.6460 0,013 3.8325 0,018 0.0182 0,01 0,01 1180 0.4 0.0182: 4,0858 1,6595 0,013 3.8507 0,018 0.0182 0,01 0,01 1190 0.4 0,0182 4.1040 1.6730 0.014 3,8689 0,018 0,0182 0,01 0.01 1200 0.4 00182 4.1222 1.6866 0.014 3,8871 0.018 0,0182 0.01 0.01 1210 0.4 0,0182 4.1405 1.7002 0.014 3,9053 0.018 0.0182. 0,01 0,01 1220 0.4 0.0182 4.1587 1.7138 0,014 3.9235 0.D18 0,0182 0,01 0,01 1230 0.4 0.0182 4.1770 1.7274 0,014 3.9417 0.018 0.0182 001 0,01 1240 0.4 0.0182 4.1952 1.7410 0,014 3.9599 0.018 0.0182 0,01 0,0; 1250 0.4 0.0182 4.2134 1.7547 0,014 3.9781 0,018 0.0182 0,01 0,01 1260 0.4 0.0182 4.2317 1.7684 0.014 39963 0,618 0,0182 001 0.01 1270 0.4 0.0182 4,2499 1.78::!1 0.014 4.0145 0.018 0,0182 0,01 0.01 1260 OA 0.0182 4:2682 1.7958 0,014 4.0327 0.D18 0.0182 0,01 0,01 1290 0.4 0.0182 4.2864 1.8096 0,014 4,0509 0,018 0.0182 0.01 0,01 1300 0.4 0.0182 4.3046 1.8233 0.014 4,0691 0.018 0,0182 0,01 001 1310 0.4 00182 4.3229 1,8372 0.014 4.0873 0.018 0.0182 0,01 0.01 1320 OA 0.0182 4,3411 1,8510 0,014 4.1055 0.018 0.0182 0.01 0,01 1330 0.4 0.0182 4.3594 1.8648 0,014 4.1237 0,018 0,0182 0.D1 0,01 1340 0.4 0.0182 4.3776 1.8787 0.014 4,1419 0,018 0,0182 0,01 0.01 1350 0,4 0,0182 4.3958 1,8926 0.014 4.1601 0.018 0.0~82 0,01 0,01 1360' 0.4 0.0182 4.4141 1.9065 0,014 4.1783 0.018 00182 0,01 0,01 1370 0.4 0.0182 4.4323 1.9204 0.014 4.1965 0,018 0,0182 0.01 001 1380 04 .0,0182 4.4506 1.9344 0.014 4,2147 0,018 0.0182 om 0.01 1390 0.4 0.0182 4.4688 1.9484 0,014 4.2329 0.018 0,0182; 0,01 0,01 1400 04 0.0182 4.4870 1,9624 0,014 4.2511 0.018 00182 0.01 0,01 1410 0.4 0.0182 4,5053 1.9764 0,014 4,2693 0,018 0,0182 0.01 0,01 1420 0.4 0,0182 4.5235 1.9905 0.014 4.2875 0.018 0.0182 0,01 0.01 1430 0.4 0.0182 4,5418 2.0045 0,014 4.3057 0.018 0,0182 0.01 0.01 1440 0.4 0.0182 4,5600 2,0186 0,014 4.3239 0.018 0.0182 0,01 0.01 Date R.ecei\jed:_~f9..7_ 8/812003 Planner: AL detenlion.lo13.~ls 2 stage outflow Detention Calculation Sheet (10yr) .....- inches rriflcedia.= 1.5 in ID,mow roo . .di, N" 0.012271836 sf Pipe, L:: 5ft Orifice Area add outflow Oft Dia= 10 Cen. Eleva' loverflOWdi3.= 10in area = 0.545414931 sf weir h Area = 0.545414931 c~ 130 J 10y< Max Outflow: 0.06 ct, Hp,lohl3rrl = 1.3ft outlelinvert= -0.2 (assume o for inletl Head over Stage One flow, Orifice . Stage two flow. Orifice r"" Th<" ftow, O."ftow Tolal lower Qrifice unsub. orifice actual Depth Weir now Orifice actual Cw . weir orifice full pipe actual Outflow [fil (ds) (ds) (cIs) (cis) (ds) lets) (ds) (ds) 0 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 ; 0.00 0.00 O.OV' 0.00 5.35 0.00. 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.1 O.UU u,02 0.02 o,oa 0.00 0,00 0.00 5.35 n.oo 0,00 7.60 0 0.02 0.2 0.00 0.03 0.03 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 0.00 0.00 8.86 0 0.031 0.3 0.00 U.U3 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 0.00 DOn 10,01 0 0.03 OAJ 0,00 -,~,~ 0.04 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 5.35 0.01) '00 11 n~ 0 0.041 0.5 000 U.U4 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 0.00 n.oo 1201 0 0.04 0,6 . 0.00 0,05 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 0,00 0.00. '12.91 0 0.05 0.7 0.00 U.U:J 0.05 0.00 0,00 0.00 0_00 5,35 O.O{l n,OO 13.16 0 0.05 , H U.UU 0.05 0.05 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 0.(1) oon 1.4.56 0 0.05 , '0 0.' 0,00 U,Ub 0.06 0,00 0,00 0.00 0.00 5,35 0.00 n.oo .15.13 0 0.06 Gl 1 0.00 0.06 0_06 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 5.35 0.00 0.00 1607 0 0.06 >...J f- "! U.UU 0,06 .0.06 0.00 0.00 0_00 0,00 5.35 O,on ""0 107R 0 0.06 'w <( 1.2 0,00 U.Ui 0.07, 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 5.35 O.On (100 17,47 ~I 0,07 u I 1.3 O.UU 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 0_00 coo 1Rl1 0.07 (j) ~ U.UI a:: Gl I 1.4) U.UU u,07 0.07 0.00 0:00 0_00 0.00 5_35 0.4.1 n.83 18.78 0.4431 0.52 III C 1.5 U.uu U.UI 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 5.35 1.2.5 \ 17 19.40 1.174 1.25 - c: ...-' mill I 1.6 u.uu v_DB O.OB 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,35 2_:>on 14.l. ?0.01 1.43B 1.52 I 1.7 ~.~~ u.08 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 5,35 3.5.1 1.~~.?~ 1.661 1.74 o a.. r 1.8 U.OO u_08 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.35 4.~'5 1 ~6 21:18 1.857 1.94 1.' O.UU 11_0B 0.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,35 65' ':1:.03 Z1.75 2.0341 2.12 2 O.UU u.V'<l 0.09 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 5.35 B.20 2.20 72.30 2.19il 2.28 J( tr detention-lot3.xls , " ,~., Sky Chief Lots 3 & 4,5 Volume Vs. Depth. Grassy Swale Volume Vs Depth determined graphicaly using eagle point Slope of channel 1 % Side Slopes = 4: 1 Starting bottom width = 2' New site impervious cover = 55% Correction Value = 32.5% Elevation Depth Volume "Corr"Volume 480.91 0 0.00 0.00 481.01 0.1 1.08 0.73 . 481.11 0.2 4.86 3.28 481.21 031 12.42 8.38 481.31 OAI 24.30 16AO 481A11 . 051 43.741 29.52 481.511 0.61 76A11 51.58 481.611 0.71 122.041 82.38 481711 081 180631 121.93 481.811 09i 252.721 170.59 481.911 11 340.201 229.64 482.011 1.11 437671 295A3 482.111 1.21 540.001 364.50 482.211 131 591031 398.95 Date Received: s}~/JO'? Planner: AL 8/8/2003 :. l' <~t .l1"" ilf ',.~ .'.1\ ",Il "r'r~ {.\.~ '~!,., "j 81B12003 Storm Eve{\\ " Max outflow = Time I Inflow HYdrograPhl (cfs) (miol O' 0.00 5 0,00' 10 0,00 15 0.00 20 0.00 25 0.00 30 0,00 35 0,00 40 0.00 45 0.00 50 O,DO 55 0,00 60 0.00 65 0.00 70 0.01 75 0,01 80 0,01 85 0.01 90 0.01. 9S 0.01 100 0.01 105 0,01 110 0,01 115 0.01 120 0,01 125 0,01 130 0.01 135 0.01 140 0.01 145 0,01 150 0.01 155 0.01 160 0,01 165 0.01 170 0.01 175 0.01 180 0,02 165 0.02 190 0.02 195 0.02 200 0.02 205 0.02 210 0.02 215 0,02 220 0.02 225 0.02 230 0.02 235 0.02 240 0.02. 245 0.02 250 0.02 255 0.02 260 0.02 265 0,02 I 270 0.02 r-27s 0,02 280 0,02 285 0.02 290 0.02 295 0,02 300 0.03 305 0.03 310 0,03 315 0.03 320 0.03 325 0.03 330 0.03 335 0.D3 34() 0.03 .145 0.03 350 0.03 Sky Chief Lols3&4,5 StormwaterDetention Calculation Sheet 10 a,06efs InfJowVolume I CFper5mln 0.001 0.001 0.00"' 0,00"1 0.00"1 0.00-, 0,101 0,1O"! 0.48"1 0.481 0.991 0,991 1.40'1 1.401 1.741 1.741 2.01 2.011 2.241 2.24 2.42"1 2.42"1 2.93 2.93"1 3.441 3.441 361[ 3.61 3.161 3.761 3.88'1 3.881 3'''1 3,98 4.491 4.491 5.001 500"! 5.101 5;101 5,181 5.11' 5.251 5.25 5.311 ~.311 5,821 5,821 6.321 6.321 6,38"1 6.381 6'''1 6.43 6471 64i/ 6,51 6,51 7.101 7101 7.70 7.701 7.741 7.74 7.7il 7.771 7.801 7,801 7.Bil 7,821 8.4il Volume in lank I (CF) 0.001 0.00"1 0.001 0,001 0.001 0.00"( 0.101 0,10"1 0.481 0.48"1 0.991 0,991 1.401 1.40"1 1.741 1.741 2011 2.01 2.24 2.24 2.421 2.421 2.931 2.93"1 3.441 3.4-41 3,611 3.61 3.761 3,761 3.881 3,88 3,981 3,981 4.49"1 4.491 5,001 5.001 5.10"1 5101 5,181 5.18 5.25 5,25 5.31 5.311 5.821 5.821 6.321 6,321 6.381 6.381 6,431 6.431 6.471 6.4il 6.51 6.51 7,101 7.101 7.70"1 7.701 7.741 7.741 7.7il 7.771 7,801 7.80"1 7821 7,621 8,471 Depth Iftl 0,00001 0.0000"1 0.00001 0,00001 0,0000.1 0,00001 0.0000 0.00001 0,00001 0.00001 0.1000 010001 0.10001 0.1000"1 0.1000'1 0,10001 0,10001 OJOOOI 0.1000'1 0;10001 0.10001 0,1000_1 0,10001 0.1000 0.2000'1 0,20001 0.20001 0.2000 0.20001 0,20001 0.2000-1 0.20001 0,20001 0,2000.1 0.20001 0.20001 020001 0,20001 0.2000"i 0,20001 020001 0.20001 0,2000i 0,20001 0.2000-1 0.20001 0,20001 0.20001 0.20001 0,20001 0,20001 0.2000r 0,20001 0,20001 0.20001 0,20001 0,20001 0.2000"1 0,2000 020001 0.2000r 0,20001 0.2000.1 0.20001 0,200q, 0,20001 0,20001 0,2000"1 0,2000 0,20001 . 0,30001 Outflow rate (efs) JOUtflOW Vol~me IActualOUl11OW (cfper 10mm,) Rate (cfs) 0.00001 01 0,0000 0.00"[ 0,01 0,0000 0,00"1 0,01 0.0000 0,00"1 0,01 0.00001 0.001 0.0"1 0,00001 0.00) 0.01 0,00001 0,001 0'11 0.0003 0,001 0,1 0.0003/ 0.001 0,5 0.00161 0.001 0.51 0,00161 0.021 1.01 0.00331 0,021 1.01 0.0033 0.021 1.4 0,00471 0.021 1.41 000471 0.021 1.71 0.0058 0,021 '1.il 0.0058 0.021 2.01 0,0067 0.(12\ 2.0\ 0,0067 0.021 2.21 0.00751 0.02"1 2.21 0.00751 0,021 2.4 0.0081 0021 2,4 0.0081 0.021 2.9"1 0.0098 0.021 2.91 0.0098 0.03 3.41 0.Q115 0,031 3.41 0,0115 0.031 3,61 0.0120 0031 3,61 O,01"j 0.03 3,8 0.0125 0,031 3.81 0.Ol25 om", 3.~1 0.012!l 0.03 3,91 0,0129 0,03 4,0", 0,0133 0031 4.0 0.0133 0,031 4,51 0.0150. 0.03! 4.51 0,01501 0,031 5.0! 0,01671 0.031 5.01 0.01671 0.031 5.11 ~ on~1 0.03 5.11 0,01701 0.031 5.21 0,01731 0.031 5.21 0.01731 0,03"1 5.21 0,01751 0,03' 5,2, non."1 0.031 5.3 0.01771 0.03 5.31 0.0177 0,031 5,61 0.01941 0.031 5.8! 0.01941 0.031 6,3"1 0,02111 0,031 6,31 0.02111 0,031 6.4 0'0213j 0.031 6,41 00213 0.031 6.41 0.0214 0,031 6,41 0,0214 0.031 6,5 0.02161 0,03 6.5 00216 0,031 6,5 0.0217) 0.031 6.5 0,02m 0,03 7.11 0.02371 0.031 7.1 0,02371 0.03! 7.71 0.0257 0,031 7.7J 0.0257 0,031 7.71 0.0258 0.031 7"71 0.0258 0.031 7.81 0.0259 003' 7,a) 0.0259) 0,031 7.S\ 0,0260 0.03") 7.81 0.02601 0,031 78"1 0.02611 0.031 7,8 00261( O.03l 8.5 0, 0282 ~ Date. FlE)(:;eived:2,/J~L-' Planner:' AL .' detenlion"lotJ,xls 785 0,02 5641 5.64 0.20001 0,031 5.61 0.0188 790, 0,02 5,64 5.64 '0.2000"1 0,03) 5.6"1 0.0188 795 0,02 5.64 564 0,2000"1 0.031 5.6) 0.01S8 BOO 0,02 5,64 5.64 0,2000"1 0.03"1 5.61 0.0188 B05 0.02 5.64 5.64 0.2000) 0.03) 5.6) O.O18~ 810 0.02 5.64 5.64 0.20001 0,031 '5.6.1 0,0189 815 0,02 5.64 5.64 0,2000"1 0.03"1 5.6) O.OlBa 820 0,02 5,64 564 0,2000' 0.031 5.61 0.01881 825 .0,02 5,64 5.04 0,20001 0.03"1 5_6"1 0.01881 830 0,02 5.64 5.64 0,2000"1 0.03.1 5.6) 0.01881 635 0,02' 5.54 5,64 0,2000"1 0031 5.61 0,01861 640 0.02 5.64 5.64 0.2000) 0.03. 5.6) 0,01881 645 0.02 5.64 5,64 0.20001 0,031 5.6.1 0,01881 650 0.02 564 5.64' 0.2000) 0,03"1 5,61 0,01881 855 0,02 5.64 5.641 0.2000) 0,03) 5,6) 0,01B81 860 0.02 5.64 5.641 0.20001 0.03.1 5.6\ a.alse 865 0.02 5.64 5.64 0.2000"1 0.03.1 561 0.0188 870 0.02 5,64 5.64 0.2000"1 0.031 5.6 0.0188 B75 0.02 5.64 5.64 0,2000.1 0.031 5.6) O.Olsa 880 0,02 5.64 5.64 0.20001 O.O~I 561 0.018a~ 885 0.02 5.64 5,64 0.2000j 0.031 5.6 O.Ola':! 890 0,02_ 5.30) 5,30 0,20001 0.031 531 0.0177 895 0.02 5.30 '5.30 0.20001 0.031 5.3" 0.0177 900 0,02 4.95 4.95 0,2000" 0.03.1 5.01 0.0165 905 0,02 4:95 4,95 0,20001 0.031 5.0) 0.0165 910 0,02 4.95 4,95 0,2000"1 0.031 5.0.1 0.0165 915 0,02 4.95 4,95 0,2000"1 0.03' 5.0.1 0.0165 920 0,02 4.95 4,95 0,2000"! 0.03' 5.0.1 0,0165 925 0,02 4,95 4:95 0,2000'1 0.03.1 5.0.1 0,0165 930 0,02 4.95 4.95 0,2000"1 0.03.1 5.0.1 0,0165 935 0,02 4.95 4.95' 02000) 0.031 5.01 0,0165 940 0,02 4,95 4.951 0.20001 0.03.1 5,0) 0,0165 945 0.02 4'.95 4.951 0.2000-1 0,031 5.01 0.0165 950 0.02 4,95 4.951 0.2000"1 0,03 5.01 0.0165 955 0.02 4.95 4.95 0.2000"1 0031 5.0' 0.0165 960 0.02 4,951 4.95 0.2000"1. 0,03" 5.01 0.0165. 965 0.02 4,95 4.95 0.2000) 0,03.1 5.0" 0.0165 970 0.02 4951 4.95 0.20001 0,03.1 5.0 0.0165 975 0.02 4.95 4.95 0.2000"1 0.03.1 5.0 0.0165 980 0.02 4.951 4.95 0.2000) 0.03.1 5.0 0.D165 985 0.02 4,951 4.951 0.20001 0.031 5.0.1 0.0165 990 0.02 4,~~ 4.~~ 0.2000'1 0.03) 5.01 0,0165 995 0.02 4.!:I~1 ".~:;'I U.lUUU 0,03.1 5.0) 0.0165 1000 0.02 4.951 4.951 0.2000) 0,03.1 5.0.1 0,0165 1005 0.02 4,951 4.951 0.2000.1 0.031 501 0.0165 1010 0.01 4.461 4.461 0.20001 O,OJ" 4.5 0,0149 1015 0,01 4.461 4.46'1 0.20001 O.OJ.I 4.5" 0,0149 1020 0.01 J,961 3.96.1 0.20001 0.03.1 4.0.1 0,0132 1025 0,01 3,961 3,96.1 0.20001 0,03.1 4.01 0,0132 1030 0,01 J,961 3,961 0.20001 0,031 4.0) 0,0132 1035 0,01 3,961 3,961 0.20001 O.OJ-I 4.0.1 0,0132 1040 0,01 3,961 J,961 0.20001 0,03. 4.0.1 0,0132 1045 0,01 3,001 3,961 0.20001 0,03 4.01 0,0132 1050 0,01 3.961 3,961 0.20001 0,03 4.0-1 0,0132 1055 0,01 3,961 3,961 0,20001 0,03. 4.0-1 0.01321 1060 0.01 3.961 3,961 0,20001 0,031 4.0\ 0.01321 1065 0,01 3.96"1 3.96) 020001 0,03 4.0) 0.0132 1070 0,01 3.96"1 J,961 0.2000"1 0031 4.01 0.0132 1075 001 3.96" 3,96 0,2000"1 0,03 4.0'1 0.0112 1080 0,01 3.96 3.96 02000.1 0.03.1 4.0-1 0.0112 1065 0,01 3.96 3,96 0,2000"1 0,031 4.0"1 0.0132 1090 0.01 3.96 3,96 0,2000"1 0.03) 4.0"1 0.0132 1095 0.01 3.96 3.96 0,2000-1 0.03.1 4.0"1 0.0132 1100 0.01 3.96 3,96 0.2000"1 0.031 4.0) 0.0132 1105 0.01 3:96:1 3.96-1 0,2000-1 0.03) 4.01 0.0132 1110 0.01 3.96_1 3.96"1 0,2000"1 0.031 4.0) 0.0132 1115 0,01 3.96.1 3.96"! 0,2000 0.03'1 4.0.1 0.0132 1120 0,01 3.961 3.96 0,2000"1 0.D3"1 401 0.0132 1125 0,01 3,961 3.96 0,2000"1 0'03"1 4.0 0.0132 1130 0,01 " 3,961 3.96"1 0,20001 0,03 4.01 0.0132 1135 0,01 3,961 3.961 02000"1 0,03 4,01 0.0132 1140 0.01 3,961 3,961 0.20001 0,03.1 4,01 0,01321 1145 0.01 3.96"1 3.961 0.20001 0.031 4,01 0,01321 1150 0.01 3961 3.961 0.20001 0.031 4:01 0,01321 1155 0.01 3.96 J,961 020001 0.03.1 4.01 0.()n2~ 1~eo 0.01 3.96'1 3.96J '0.20001 0.03) 4.0) 0.0132 1165 0.01 3.96"1 3.961 0,2000"1 0.031 4.0.1 0.0132 1170 0,01 3,96-1 3.96) 0,2000"1 0.03) 4,01 0,01321 1175 0,01 3,961 3.961 0,2000"' 0.03) 4,01 0,01321 1180 0,01 3,96.1 3.96-1 0,2000) 0.031 4,01 0.01321 1185 0,01 3,96"1 3.96:1 0,20001 O.O~I 4.01 0.01321 1190 0,01 3,961 3.961 0.2000 0.031 4:01 0.01321 1195 0,01 3,96"1 3.96.1 0.2000"1 0,03 4.01 0,0132 1200 0.01 3,961 3.961 0.2000'1 0,031 4.01 0,0132 Date R.eCeived:~vj)A>07 8/8/2003 Planner: AL delenlibn.lot3.xts STORKWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL FOR THE PUGET SOUND BASIN' " FIGURE III-1.l Volume COrrection Factor to be Applied to' Streambank Erosion COntrol BMPs Based on Site Impervious Cover 20 '0 SITE 1t.PERVIOVS COVER (J() 60 eo 100 .111-1-3 Date Received: s~./ ;)vo7 Planner: AL -----'74'- FEBRUARY, 1992 , .. ;", ~ '\ \ Design information (cont) .. City of Eugene design storms' From Eugene area wide Drainage Master Plan (June, 1990) ~~:~~~~~~~~~~::';"''''r'';~''~~'~;';~;~;''0~)'''T.........._...m.............................m.............--...............................-...-.-.........1 (year) i i 1 _____d...................._.::.._.. ___...._..__.;....._.._.......___........._._._..._._..._....._ _....____ .-: ::0 ........................;....... .::;~.._...........+._.._...___.__................_m........ _J ...-.-...-...........................:...............-.............-..-..-..-!...............-.-..-.......-.-................-..-....-. -_.._......_....~ 25 ! 5.28 ! i -.-...c=w=".......:.:::::::j=- 4.56 )l-D;~~.a~~ area ~;~~;~;.;~~n 40 acres ....-..__.._..m.......1 "-- _ .......................~.. ."":"_r.;:;:~_.~.. ...__....._..........n......._ ......_.. _._._._.._n,;.~ . 5 ! 3.60 1 Drainage area less than 40 acres ! -..--................,.........................-..t.........-....................._.,;._.......~......._..,;....~......_............~..................:.._......;..._..;........n,;......:.....-..-_..---...----.-..--~ 2 i' 3.12 i! ._...................1..............................r..........._;:.~~..................r......m....m..~..m...........................m....m...................m:....................................'~l ............_.......-...............................~......................... ....~...-.....-......_.._..-:....._..................................-.-........................................-'--"""""l _....2!.~.~.~.!~.:..~.X:.~!:.............Lm....,.......:.:.?~.................L~~!::...~~.~!!~.~=:!.~~.m............................................................................1 , SITE CONSERVATION MEASURES Construction scheduling and phasing. Schedule components Initial grading Construction activities type.. date.. responsible party .. inspection. Erosion Control Sediment traps Inlet protection Straw barriers fence Gravel access structure Terracing Other' EroSion Prevention mulching soil coverage temporary seeding Blankets/Nets/mats permanent seeding. planting paving minimal disturbance fenced off areas of no disturbance Date Received: S/ltJ/a-007 Planner: AL I Clean Site immediate cleanup of sedimentation proper storage and disposal of materials Table 2.2a.-Runoff curve numbers for urban areas' Cuver description Curve numbers for hydrologic soil group- Cover type and hydrologic condition Plverage percent impervious ~rea2 D B A C Fully del'el()pc~d Ilrhuu area..~ (ll('g('/,(Jtio"/l established) Open ~pace (lawns" park:::" golf cuurse~, eemetcries, ete.)": , Poor condition (grass cover < SOf,7,,) , . . . . . . . . . . . 68 '79 86 89 Fair condition (Kra~s cover 50% to 7591.). , . . . . 49 69 C0 84 Good conclition, (grass cover > 75%).......... . 39 61 80 Impervious area...:.: Paved parking' lots. !"Oofs, driveways. etc. (excluding right,of,wayJ. . . . . . " . . . . . . . . ... . . 98 98 98 98 Street. and .'oads: Paved'; curbs ami storm sewers, (excluding right.or.way), ."'..........._ . . . . . . . . . . 98 98 98 98 Paved; open clit(.'hes (including right-of.way) . . . 83 89 92 93 Gravel (including- l"ig-ht-of'W3Y) ................. 76 85 89 91 Dirt (including right'of.way) ..................... 72 82 87 89 ) Wl:'~tern desel't urban areas: Natur-dl llesl'rt landscaping (perviou~ area~ only)4... 63 77 85 88 Artifkial d(;'s{~rt landscaping (impervious weed haJ1"jpr, de:-;erl shrub with 1. to 2.inch sand ot. gravl.." molch and basin 'borders). . . ... . . . . . . . . . 96 96 96 96 lJ,'han districl": Commen'ial and business. . : . . ..................... 8.5 89 92 94 95 Illcl.u:-:trial......,.... .'....................... .'..... 72 81 88 91 93 Re~id{'ntial di:-;tril'l:-: by averclge tot size: lJ~ acre OJ" 1(>;..;:-; (town houses)............ 65 77 S5 90 92 1/4 acn' . . .. . . . .. . .. ... .. ...... . .. . ........ :18 61 75 83 87 1/;{ acre . . :JO 57 .') 81 86 ...................... ,- 1/'2 a{'}'e .. . .. .. . . . ... . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 54 70 80 85 1 acre...................................... . 20 51 68 79 84 2 ,,"ere:; .......................................... 12 46 65 77 82 f)(,I'e/opill!J U/'hflll u/'eas Newly g-rallell areas (pc>rviousarea.s only, 110 veg-eLation}:'>... .'........................... Idle hllld:-: (eN's 411"(' dt,terinined using l'uver types :-:imilal' to lhllSt' in tahle 2-2c). 86 7i 91 94 1 A \'erage runoff l"tlllrliliun, and 1;1 '" U.2."'i. :I'nll' ai..('l"a).:"(. JII'I"t"I'nt jll1l't'I'\"iou~ an'a :-:hOWll .....a:-; u:,t.d to d{'\'(.loJllhe ('omptl~iV' eN':,. Oth(.,. :1:':'Il111ption:-: art' a:-: follo.....:-:: imJ'l'n'ioll...; ;tn'a:, al'{' dil.(.(.tly ('Olllll'dt.d to lhl' dt';tinOlj:(' ..;,\':.:.t('I11, impen'iou:, un'a:, haw' a eN of!ll". alld !H.'n'illu:o: ,111':1:' art' (,,'in..;iden.rJ t-'qui\'aJ!;,lit Lo Ilpt'll ,"]l<lt"t' in g'ood hydl'nlug'it. {'OlHlitiUIl. eN'... fill" IIth/'r {.lImhill<ltiull:-: of conditiul1:' mll.\! ht:"computl'd U:,illJ! figUl'(', :!-:i 01" 2.4, ' :I( 'N'~ :-:hll~\'Il ;II'{' I'LfIJi\':dl'nt 10 thusl;' of pa:-:tur('. (~llll1pl/sitt' CN'~ mil.\' !)(' {'ompult'd fflr other L'omhilliltiun... ',If open ~Pd{'t' l'l/\,t:'r-1YpP, ~(~lIlllpll:-oitl' ('N':-o for Il;tLlIl'al dl'~'lt landsl:<I]lillJ,! :-oh(Juld 1)(' {'onll'uLed using Ii,l!un..;:-: :(:{ or 2-4 hast'l! on the impen'ious dol.t'rt !J(,I.(.t'nL<lue I.C~ = H>'i) and thl' pt'l'villus ill"',l ("N. Tht, pt'r\'inus al't'il eN's .11'[1 assurTll:'d t'qui\'illi!nt to dl'st'I1. :-;hl1Jh inpllor h.\'dl"ulo,L,ric conditioll. . :,( 'Illllpn:-oill' CN\ LII ll.-.;t' for tht, dt.:-;i,L:"ll or It'mIHlI";tI"Y ml'asures dUl'ing ,l!I"lHling and constn.lctiull shllul!l he l'ompult'd using fiJ!url' :!-;~ 1)1" :!.-l. h,l.-:t.c! Ill) the c1I'J!I't'I' qf dt,\'t'lllpnll'lIt (imjlt'l'\'il1u:-o an'a pl'rct'IlUlg't') and tht, eN.... fIll" lht.. Ill'wl,\' J!!";ldt,d PI'li'IUU:-; an...a:,. (21O.VI,TR,55, Second E&, June 1986) Dp~t('l ~ecAeiLl/ed: ,anner: s/J'/ / ;Jt>07 / / 2:5 -co iifa ::3ro ~D ~CD o )>!!. r< (\l c.. .~ ~ ~ I' ~ _ ""... __.... _.~>~~:~:!~,,:,.i;, l!llr~f~~~"~.~~~~;~J~~~~~i~~1~~'~'~~~ "-:.Ochrepts.";'. . - ..,_. . Urrbrepts. lOO----~---~--~--- C None-------- Oxley (101"' - ~ =---..., ~]ey------------. C )ooe-------- Urban larrd--. .------ 0.5-1.5 Perched Nov-May 0.5-1.5 Perched Nov-May > 60 > 60 l02C-~------------. Panther 'None-------- 0-1.0 Perched Dee-Ape 40-60 o 10 3C *: Panther---------- o None----..,.--- 071.0 perched Dee-Ape 40-60 Urban land. 1048. l04G-------- Peavine ) 6.0 c None-------- lOSA-------------- Pengea 1.5-2.5 Perched Nov-May o None-------- 1 06A *: Pengra----------- 20-40 > 60 o None-------- 1.5-2.5 Perched Nov-May >60 Urban land. 107C, lOBe, l08F-- Philomath ") 6.0 o None--;------ 1 09F.: Philo~ath-------- None-------- > 6.0 o Urban, land. 110*. Pits "U"lD, -"111 F-------- Preachet" None-------- ) 6.0 B 11 2G*: Preacher~-------- None-------- ) 6.0 B Bohannon--------- None'-------- ) 6.0 c See footnote at end of table. 12-20 12-20 40.-60 40~60 20-40 150ft ;5oEt Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft Soft ,High---~-!Moderate. "High-----'Moderate. ( " "High----- High. H l"'-.., NJIo High----:-- High. H igh-'---- High. Low~----- Ii igh. w OJ '" ~~~,,,,,,..,,.~~~m.~)/!,;:~~i1l'~~~~~~~'-.~~~,ji ;"" ~',' . ,,;?"'.. ','-" . .,- ~". o!.' ,," -',' .' ~,. -.' . . .:'- _ ,.... -.' .~.. ", 'CC;,r" , ", _", '. ~ ._~..-' ~'''' ,""-~'. .:: .". :','_ ',_ ,"", ,..,. . '. ':.,., '~-"'_.. .'.::::. - .'.... .".., ,,' -"... 1',. " '-, . . ( StiCE' VOlUME' Results Original Svrfoce Model: swate bottOM FinoL Surfo.ce Model: Constant Ele>vation: 482.16 Cut COMpaction Foetor: 0.000000 Fit( Cormoction Foetor: n.oooOOO t> Eleva tion Inter-vot Cut Area. (rt^2) Cut V olunE' (Cn Fill Areo (ft^2) Fill' VOluME' (Cn Cunuto tiVE' Cut (Cn CUMulo tive Fill (CY) ,I 480.91 . 481.01 0.00 0.00 10.19 0,04 0.00 0.04 l.ot;iO ,.... 481.01 . 481.11 0.00 0.00 39.00 0.14 0.00 0.18 '-\. 'i!.b .,. 481.11 . 481.21 0.00 0.00 75.00 0.28 0.00 0.46 \'t..~"'L. .'\ 481.21 . 481.31 0.00 0.00 119.00 0.44 0.00 0.90 '2.14. > ., 481031 . 481.41 0.00 0.00 195.28 0.72 0.00 1.62 ~I "!>,,Lj .J,. 481.41 . 481.51 0.00 0.00 326.96 1.21 0.00 2.83 ,(,..'-1.\ ..., 481.51 . 481.61 0.00 0.00 454.86 1.68 0.00 4.52 LZ.:Z.. OI-i ... 481.61 . 481.71 0.00 0.00 584.74 2.17 0.00 6.69 I iloC'.b) .'1 481.71 . 481.81 0.00 0.00 72298 2.68 0.00 9.36' -:z.5'2..'z... "" 481.81 . 481.91 0.00 0.00 873.97 3.24 0.00 12.60 ~40.'7..0 ..\ 481.91 . 482.01 0.00 0.00 974.59 3.61 0.00 16.21 Lt 3""l .67 I.~ 482.01 . 482.11 0.00 0.00 1022.24 3,79 0.00 20.00 :r'-lC I.) 482.11 . 482.21 0.00 0.00 512.26 1.90 0.00 21.89 5~I.o3 < .; ., '130 -ll) ll)_ 5!l> (ll;l:l -, -m ." 0 )>om r< (ll 0.. ~ ~ .. -...I ',. I: tt " .> On Site Stormwater System Sizing Calculations 2yr storm event Date Received: Planner: AL 5 A,;j .lOti 7 I I \.JY EGR & J-islotiates, In;;; ... Engineers, Geologists' and Surveyors PROJECT So \1:y Cv-I,,",f' SHEET NO OF ~~. DATE CALCULATED BY CHECKED'BY nATF 25358 Prairie Road (541) 688,8322 Eugene,Oregong7402 Fax (541) 688.8087 "CALE ::1,1 : :! L__~I ,~:'-':'-, : : ,;~T~Fr--4'.r f'f .tT"~'r-":,~-;.~:::_:r-'--;::_:":"". L_: __L~_J _J _ _ ~.__!_ t___~~.:~'~..,_F~~~_~~4"f'~~~_ 1_ 1. i t.- t ~...+-I--..i", ,i..-'-~--;,-.t--' i--++-!-il"._T"!",._."J'--'.j~~+,-'-+'i-+-i"+"'r'T""';..1- i....", I r I ! i I:; + i I j --.i~..-. i '- I I i I I ; I .J. ...1-1 ! I "TT[{C ~:.:+=,~~:i i [:r'I=-L!'--c-._;':_+J=!-ri'~'I.:I+::___,.._L. I., ._1.. I Lk~ 11,]2., jB1i i . L -L.,__" _ iL..L_L.._J"i..U! !.."'___I_L,,.; I .- - -, -~-l' "I' "', i.~---.~~~r; - -- ._~j=..~L J-,._~ "-,,-i._-t---~_._~'----1 - ]_-_t~n_L)- [_ _LJ.. i' .4.....: L_l..22.J4~,'.t2 _~ 9, ;'--i'~..L'''Ii.Z.''A~,~ -'3, !. _.. L.:, I, :,;,,1. I' ! I ! i : ; : I ! I l' I! I!;:!:: --""-- -1-- ~ - -~-- - _U,_ i _~ _____J _____ .___ _\ r _ _ - _,_ __ ~~ _ ~ _. , I I I 'I' I r i ~ ! 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' . -!._-,.~~ ~r-,",..,j.. -- t L H--'r+"T+n+"!":-++"r-f'~i'-+ :.~-:-; --:,_.'..;..1. : -; i--, j,...:,'_..,_~_ f'T.r t--j'-'!1-T=trT,'; "'+-l~,~':::~:!. ~;:.-'.:~~_ L_,___....,l_ ,+.-+., 'j~~ :...., '. . ~,+...!..1 +"-~'T.. :..:-,il~-j- _: '" '''1 .L, '~.,-".;-"'~'i.~<-..~...-;r-" 1-- L., '-;'_h_.!-~,.-l--+-..!- f i ; ~ 1 I l i! ;.' - _ _ 1. . '.'~"'''. '1' . '~"'_'-; _..L_.1. _: . / 1 r,':i:',:r'rrI-:::',::.=L-~:r"'---"'r "H' Date Rec~i\l~d.i /;J~iJDDi :"'.......1....1...j. _~..j."L..L,LL .....L__~...:..._~,;..._....i... :_ ..J~!i3!]!J5l.f:..8.!.,; ..i.... , .-t.-.. . , i" " , i' i' J..,,:. i '! '--" Q. -:1.b"T~ 0'" b" Culvert Calculations Lots 1,2 & Ib Equations from ODOT Hydraulics Manual Inlet Controlled Submerged D<ft~l<'T ~.,.~"'~ I-\,.,,)r I.bi' HW/D=C(Q/AD^.5)^2 + Y -0.55 y= 0= A= Q= c= Slope = Q/AD^.5= HWID= .Unsubmerged lI~l . ~d2Jft 0.19625 ft^2 cfs HW = Headwater depth above inlet control section invert, ft 0= Interior height of culvert barrel, ft Q = Discharge,. cfs A = ~ull cross sectional are;:! of culvert barrel. ft^2 K. M, c, Y = Constants from Table 4.3 S = Culvert barrel slope, ftlft tuft 5.40 1.61 ft HW Il!UiIIj;jl~ft HW/D Goal = 3 ft .1!1!Jf!.5J II.lllIWI~ 5.40 0.131445 ft Submerged HW ='Headwater depth above inlet control section invert, ft D = Interior height of culvert barrel, ft ' Q = Discharge, cf? A = FuJI cross sectio'1al area of culvert barrel, ft^2 K, M, c, Y = Constants from Table 4.3 . S = Culvert barrel slope, flIfl Hwl 0 = K(Q I AD^.5) ^ M K= M= Q/AD^.5= HW/D= Eq ok?? = Outlet Controlled rlL = (1 + Ke + 29n^2 LI Rh ^1.33)" (V^2/2g) Ke= n = L = ft 0= 0.5 Rh =. 0.125 fl Q = 0.75 cfs A = 0,'19625 ft^2 V = 3.82 ftlsec HL = Headloss through Culvert Ke = entrance loss Coefficiant, table 4.4 n = mannings roughness coefficient L = length of the culvert, fl Rh = hydraulic radius of the full culvert barrel = AlP,ft V = velocity of flowing full in the barrel"ftlsec 9 = the acceleration of gravity, 32.2 ftlsec^2 V^2 J 2g = 0.23. HL = 1.60 HWO+Vu/2g=TW+Vd^2/2g +HL HWo = headwater depth above the outlet invert,ft Vu = approach velocity, fUsec TW = tailwater depth above the outlet invert, fI Vd = downstream velocity, ftlsec ' HL = sum of all'lossed, ft Vu= ~~.J!jftlsec Vu^2/2g = 0.029909 fI TW = ~clIIfiillJ19J ft Vd= ~t1r~lfUsec Vd^2 { 2g= 0.029909 ft HWo= HW= 1.79 ft (1T71l) Date Received:.. ~J.'/..!~g.1._ Planner: AL /.e . 25358 Prairie Road (541) 688.8322 Eugene, Oregon 97402 Fax (541) 688.8087 SCALE -~r- 'I ,i I I i i- .1 i -~r~r': ; ~i~-'T~-r-I"-TK_;--T~-~r"I"'--:-'..r-:'~-~--'i"--~-i . i i "I-'-"r-l'---ic --"~r-'--'1"1^'-.-t--i---i-T i--~-+- 1 "1' _+-~:h 1- -; ;--- i-I ---~- ~--.j.."-rH.1 . - ~, - , _._mu. -". ---j-_'''-P1-~~\~f-+F~~I~~~4~~-<::Jl! T-, -~,-~ -1-~! :.'-~+-l .._' ,'.'I,'",..l,.I..,.,. ,___'! _ ! :': t I Ii" i! I: .. : ( . , ,,- 1-" ,,- -:--~-- "-'''{''---r : : ! ;... +---'{-~--'l'----- -..-".r.--i'-."~f-'---i"."".",,-ll'._.--.j...-:._...:..-+._~!~m .. -!.. 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I .1. _ L_~. ~-.-L-T-'~['''.'}"-,'~'' 'r ,u _.-. ; - , .': ].~,.I~.:r~T-I:L"[F~i-'='...F;.=I.~+'" .... .I]~-'t::I:':!." J.."",J:r ,::!:.:~ :'"',~!.~., ..: . . ;"; i Iii ; I :: _ i ! ii' J I i j ; l , r ~ I i .:; -!m"r.t:t"T::rjj~:1'."'''i'''L]:.I_~:Il]'=:j=T ::C:,.t"i,..:-.'t"l.":l'''''''' \, ,~' i_ 1 ! J' LI j :_ : _L~.: J,_.! ....~ .t- _LJ.... ';__'__"H f' ,._ i ."'."_ ~i..-.. '-" _:......!__ J ifj:r~~:q:I'.:~iJ~i-i:;hftT]"_LT: . J.. ~ i~-+ : .~,,[-" l--,+,,--~..~-i-~--;-,~ "'r '.~ .:-- --;-'--'-1 ;,-:~~<.- -;--";"'f ,;.,. ,,;,--,--,-,,,,-,,- L"._L_~.L",_!"~,, I' 1 ;_._ L ;,_.__~~..,!......J.~.__;._. it!; Sl)~/ i 1 ,..~t. :',~':!.J':';==~':.,:' , ";~I~,;~~f,~~td:~7 ,:~-'--;,"--~~" ,- I,. ..~-j"."- " r r I. - ;~ -.... -... --- ..~,L_...L.".,_~,,__~..,. T."~'~'I~~C~~~I~=L.=).__. .L,_..~._ ".....^~.~.. _ "~~_"'_ . .".... ".. ~ ~. ~ EGR & f1.<sl!Jciates, Inc:. Engineers, Geologists and SUlV~yors OF PROJECT s ,,"y LvI,ri\~ SHEET NO CALCULATED BY ~. t.!). DATE CHECKED BY DATE ,.' "'l"~' " Q. :7b..t~~ D" b" Culvert Calculations Lots 1,2 & l' b Equations from ODOT Hydraulics Manual Inlet Controlled .Submerged DwI"~'" ~.,.~..~ 1-1'0>..,)" \,b7' HW/D=c(Q/AD^.5)^2 + Y -0.55 y= 0= A= Oe c= Slope = Q/AD^.S= HWID = ,,~ EJJlI9i!!,29i' ~ft 0.19625 ft^2 cfs_ HW = Headwater depth aboveinlel control section invert, ft 0= Interior height of culvert barrel,ft Q = Discharge. efs A = Full cross sectional area of culvert barrel. ft^2 K, M, C, Y = Constants from Table 4.3 S= Culvert barrel slope, tuft 5.40 1.61 ft HW 1!!i!!ll$;1RIDft HW/D Goal = 3 fI Unsubmerged Hw I D = K,(QI AD^.S);'" M K= M= Q/AD^.S = HW/D= Eq ok?? = Outlet Controlled ~1 ,~11 5.40 0.131445 ft Submerged HW = Headwater depth above'ihlet control section invert, ft 0= Interior height of culvert barrel, ft Q =Discharge. cfs A = Full cross sectional area of culvert barrel, ft^2 K, M, c, Y = Constants from'Table 4.3 S = Culvert barrel slope, ft/ft HL = (1 + Ke + 29n^2 LI Rh ^1,33) ~ (V^2/2g) HL = Headloss through Culvert Ke = entrance loss Coefficiant, table 4.4' n = mannings roughness coeffi~ient L = length of the culvert, ft Rh = hydraulic radius of, the full culvert barrel = AlP,ft V = velocity of flowing full in the barrel. ftlsec 9 = the acceleration of gravity, 32,2 ftlsec^2 Ke= n = L= ft 0= 0.5 Rh= 0.125ft q = 0.75 cfs A = 0.19625ft^2 V = 3.82 ftlsec V^2 12g = 0.23 HL= 1.60 HWo+Vu/2g=TW+Vd^2/2g + HL Vu = ~1Jft9.jftlsec Vu^2/2g = 0.029909 ft TW = If'dI,,&pi1lil ft Vd = fJ_1J~flIsec Vd^2 12g= 0.029909 ft HWo= HW= HWo = headwater depth above the outlet invert,ft Vu = approach velocity, flIsec TW = tailwater depth above the outlet invert, ft Vd = downstream velocity,JUsec HL = sum of alllossed, ft 1.79ft (f.67ft) Date Received: 0'i.~7-- Planner: AL 'j~ Project Description Worksheet Flow, Element Method Solve For f-, b Lots 1,2 & tf Grassy Swaler"';~'Y( Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel Trapezoidal Channl Trapezoidal Channl Manning's Formula Channel Depth Section Data Mannings Coeffic 0.030 Slope 010000 ftIft Depth 0.19 ft Left Side Slope 0.25 V: H Right Side Slope 0:25 V: H Bottom Width 2.00 ft Discharge 0.75 cfs untitled.fm2 08/08/03 09:26:38 AM ~ ----- _____ ~ft 209 fl I ~ I 01 b-. H:1 NTS Date Received:_o/J.1 )OoL Planner: AL @ Haestad Methods, Inc EGR & Associates Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engineer: Shane Hughes FlowMasler v6.0 [614b] (203) 755-1666 Page 1 of1 r' G Lots 1,2 & iGrassy siN, Cross Section fclr Trapezoidal Channel. MA,.. CAfl'w:.'...... Project Description Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For Trapezoidal Channl Trapezoidal Channt Manning's Formula Discharge Section Data Mannings Coeffic 0.030 Slope 010000 ftIft Oepth 0.50 ft Left Side Slope 0.25 V: H Right Side Slope 0.25 V. H Bottom Width . 2.00 ft Discharge 4.70 cfs ~ e-, ~ I I ~ :: .00 f~ ----------- I , 0.50 It .....l. .------- V:1~ H'1 NTS Date Received:~).~/ &co'L Planner: AL untitled.fm2 08107/03 03:35:20 PM Project Engineer: Shane Hughes FlowMaster v6.0 (614b] (203) 755~1666 Page 1 of 1 EGR & Associates Inc @ Haestad Methods, Inc. .37 Brookside Road Waterbury: CT 06708 USA Culvert Calculations Lots 3&4 . .5 Equations from oOOT Hydraulics Manual Inlet Controlled Submerged HW 10::: c ( Q/AD ^.5) ^2 + Y - 0,5 S y= D= A"= 0= c= Slope ::: a/AD^,S ::: HW/D= Unsubmerged 111ft 0.348191 ft^2 efs' HW::: Headwater depth above inlet control section invert. ft D ::: Interior height of culvert barrel, ft Q::: Discharge, efs A::: Full cross sectional area of culvert barrel, ft^2 K, M, C, Y ::: Constcmls from Table 4.3 S ::: Culvert bi.lrrelslope, tuft tUft 2.74 0.93 ft HW ~~~r$jft HW/D Goal::: 2.252252 ft Hw/D::: K (Q I AD^.S) ^M K= M= Q/AD^.S ::: HW/D= Eq ok?? = Outlet Controlled III 2.74 0.033907 ft ok HW::: Headwater depth above inlet control section invert, ft o ::: Interior height of culvert barrel. ft a ::: Discharge, efs A::: Full cross sectional area of culvert barrel, ft^2 K. M, C, Y::: Constants from Table4.3 S ::: Culvert barrel slope, fUft rrll = (1 + Ke + 29n^2 1I Rh ^1:33) * (V^2/2g) Hl = Headloss through Culvert Ke = entrance loss Coefficiant, table 4.4 n = mannings roughness coefficient l = length of the culvert, ft Rh = hydraulic radius of the full culvert barrel = A/P,ft V = velocity of flowing full in the barrel, fUsec 9 = the acceleration of gravity, 32.2 fUsec^2 Ke= n = l = ft o = 0.666 Rh = 0.1665 ft Q = 0.78 cfs A = 0.348191 ft^2 V = 2.24 fUsee V^21 2g = 0.08 Hl = 0.95 HWo +Vu /2g = TW + Vd^2/2g + Hl Vu = ~o;991ftlsec VU^212g = . 0.015172 ft TW= .11. Vd=; , pi'9~ftlsec Vd^2/2g= 0.015172ft HWo= HW= HWo = headwater depth above the outlet invert,ft Vu = approach velocity, Wsec TW = tailwater depth above the outlet invert, ft Vd = downstream velocity, fVsec Hl ='sum of al/lossed, ft 1.04 ft 0.69 ft patE'! Received:_..i)'~/:;Dt>L. Planner: AL if ~' r ill,' tl ~. t P. Lots 3 & 4 Grassy Swale 2y'-' ./ Cross Section for Trapezoidal Cl'n' .nel Project Description Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For Trapezoidal Channt "Trapezoidal Channt Manning's Formula Channel Depth Section Data Mannings Coeffic 0.030 Slope .010000 ftJft Depth 0.09 ft Left Side Slope 0.25 V: H Right Side Slope 0.25 V: H BotlomWidlh 8.00 ft Discharge 0.78 cfs ~ft 3.00 f. V1b,. H.1 NTS Date Received:~/)oo7_ Planner: AL . untitled.fm2 08/08/03 09:47:46 AM EGR & Associates Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engineer: Shane Hughes FtowMaster v6.0 [614b] (203) 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 @ Haestad Methods, Inc,. fa . ~ I ~ Project D~scription Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For Trapezoidal Channt Trapezoidal Channl Manning's Formula Discharge ~I t' ~ Section Data I I. Mannings Coeffi( 0.030. Slope 010000 flfft Depth 0.50 ft Left Side Slope 0.25 V. H Right Side Slope 0.25 V. H Bottom Width 8.00 ft Discharge 13,72 cfs ~ ~ , I I ; ~ ----- " , ~ g I ~' I I'" I [, I ~ i I untitled.fm2 08/07/03 03:34:31 PM @ Haestad Methods, -Inc. EGR & Associates Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury; CT 06708 USA .~';;>:: , Lots 3 & 4 Grassy Swale . Cross Section for Trapezoidal Ch~el. MA" C."'"",L ."r'( 3.00 fl ____ ~ft I V:1 b,. H:1 NTS Date R.eceived: Planner: AL S/U/M7 / / Project Engineer: Shane Hughes FlowMaster vS.O [614b] (203) 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 ____..=_.'-""'-""-'----.___~_.c.... _ " "'; ::'.::~.,'t.{ :-~:,~,:","!:::;.\':)"~~;~:.~1i~;~:' ~ .' ," ...,!;...<f-<.-.,....}r,l,:y'. ;l,'~'':.~cJ.(~''~'t. ( , "J':;;'.,",;,il<"~~l,'; ....1_'.:,;/ ;..-;:..,./.,j . '1:....~,,'i' '.., 'I~ri , "(;,:0 ..-. t;; ;".1 ~ 'i, 1.', :.>' - ~. 1 . C' .. ':'~;^'{" 1\'''.l...{\e..7~'!;;i' "tt<.' '1'" rh, .. '. '?~:rl)" ':~J" ,....,;. t .....,. t. ;' f '''';--''~".''-'\.~A'''':.~''..4.ll.'...~,;:;.Jl.!'.:', 'vi;;,':)> ,'-,.... :""h ~ ~ I" ..~;.."'r).j'l~ -'~~. -Ii,'", :'~ ",....". 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",," ,~'.A'~l-,,,,,,~)'\"""J~j;;l,\'; i~ ''''<:. "I"".S.> ~ "'.:;{ft-tilJ"";:t"".' .". V,. , " Quall'ty Calculatl'ons :.' ,+ ':;,;C;'fY:~\l;.':e;'. . I:. <I..:''>..,.: .~:,,\'y:""'d" :::i,*,,: ',:;ti;.'" l' ,'~ ' '.' ~)/'-;.'J;:l"'iI"I:""'i~""',,~:'r''f' ~~~" },1....,..1 ,'. ~ .' , i',: "J;.1<<(J\Lht~'::"I\ 'o:'!,' >,/.f'.l,.., j,t; "i-'\ eli.,City of Portland LDesign' Manu'ali.(';~~~,::.,,~:<:{.,ii :t:; "';( '''is':, Hpr.>>~'..~, " '.f~ 1 ' '.{ ...j't.~~\"qIJlf"':\,.\'r'~" ,,".;!i'iA~~....t ,~' (if'. ";"11';" i,:Simplified Approach. . 1;';.;lf?)!.~:.\1~;, ,t."W,o.'" , ~i.i~ :t '" ' 0 - o' ..... ~-..' ',):~"" 't 1..... ~ J . p;'i' ;. ," . ~ - f"':'}''''"~{'"}' ,:~...,~.r '.t. . ;,..;..1' t'ol:'\ . ~,:5{,0-:,'.j~~,.~:"'n':1 :'.~"i'IV':1, '-.;'. ~,. -;. 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The. city has produced this form to assist with a quick and simple approach to manage stormwater quality, flow rate, and volume . , 'on projects. Facilities sized with this form are presumed to comply with stormwater quality and flow control requirements. New or Redeveloped Impervious Site Area 'I \ '-\ . "b \ 0 Column 1 INSTRUCTIONS 1. Enter square footage of new or redeveloped impervious site area in Box 1 at the top of this form. 2. Select impervious area reduction techniques from rows 1 '3 to reduce the site's resulting stormwater management requirement. Tree credit can be calculated using the tree credit V><)rksheet on th~ next page. 3. Select desired stormwater management facilities from rows 4.12. In Column 1, enter the square footage of impervious area that each facility will manage, 4. Multiply each impervious area from Column 1 by the corresponding sizing I factor in Column 2, and enter the result in Column 3. This is the facility surface area needed to manage runoff from the impervious area. 5. Total Column 1 (Rows 1.12) and enter the resulting "Impervious Area Managed" in Box 2. 6. Subtract Box 2 from Box 1 and enter the result in Box 3. If this number is less than 500 square feet, stormwater quality and quantity requirements have been met. ,Submit this form with the application for permit. , 7. If Box 3 is greater than 500 square feet, add square footage or facilities to Column 1 and recalculate, or use additional facilities from Chapter. 3.0 of the Stormwater Management Manual to manage stormwater from these remaining surfaces. water Manapement M:mn::J1 ',,= IBox 1 Column 2 Column 3 sf ....~,_ . r . "C'I '," :,~ ,:'~I~.; n .sf . .,-. Total Impervious Area Managed I l'-\3\D IBox2 Box1-Box2 S-CC> IBox3 Dat~ Received: r?-1;}O()L Planner: AL P~HlF' 'L 1 L1 ~ LO\::, I:Z.. ~ b 111'''.'.~. "'..,."',_, '. ',~\ ~.' '~.', '''''S'IM' "I.' "'.,w"-."<!:,I)\,m',,'.'I:.'"w..,.....,.'r'.,.w,"',;;J,.t''\\ ;:J;, ""&::', W,'''''t,mH"~'Bli.' ' .it1llI.'.." ".''''1' ."',... '11""~" ',' . ~~W'c~{;, . F^~',:' N y'h_ t; k,~,;li~>-,,~~t~h~j ,.~~~sg~~~J,~~I!!I~e;\~$eu;t~l~tr)IJl\sl;le~ei'i';; - ~~:< '~-.~~, _ ')f 'N ~"" ~fii _<~ ",' t. / .,Ji -:-~:%;I:i&i_P'#;ilL _ '"''i. _ ;~ Jyj"'J!l~s"",ijiJ)l.~1li&~""',J~:ilfd%&'ii,""$1it!trdJ#idh,:At;try&Z;ti:-~~~!VD1-~it1tfJi~__,f:!. , ,};..__"fl """",>.om___itx.Y1 _ c"", ~ee. PaQes2.66 through 2-68 for more Infonnation on tree credits. ." '\,''21:;0 , " ;!:::'T~~:~~~:~:~~~l-f.' 'IS 'G"~"""" , ox ,""', .:':!':, 1 ~",. '{. .' ,{ ")'>~ :>",~. .~~".:; '~": .;~ ,'. .-, ;, '. J~\~~tBcix+1 " ~ -' ,.,",''':.,:''' ;I'~DD ,lSoxl , :'D6t~ Received: :;-rrj~7 Plaml;;;r. AL rmuHltpr M~n~fJP~pnt M~nll~l P~uP?~l::; Iqrf'i!1~~~Jt~$&1lEOii'iiSIMf,fSiin,'~"mi.ti.l; leCli~"[oac,t:i~foi:1St, o,'i'.lwate,r;),Mana"'eme,nt'~~~~~""l~!ll"iFii' ,'~'. l :"!l.W~;'li'A!i:\:'i_";'''''''''''''',"LJ~'iW_(ii'',\!ijl~ti\.'"_tm.R'''''''''''''31_~''''$''-'it='i!'""'i:t'r...."'.-'i"-'"'_!J.-.......1lli\;i~il'J!\\~Ji!~,i. ::s . . ._._ _~,P:':'.f.;' . . -- "::";(i":_"<' . ! The city has prooucea(I"~ fonn to assiS>f';(flh a quick and slmp,e ap>"oach to manage s'!!'Cvater quality, flow rate, and volume f on proj(;cts. Fijcilities sized IMth this fonn are presumed tq comply IMth stormwater qualitY and flow control requirements. \ \306'0 I 1\2. . """'1...:;> M Column 1 ~c..J'.7 ,---.. " '. \: ~; I Box 1 Column 2 Column 3 New or. Redeveloped Impervious Site Area , ; ) , INSTRUCTIONS .. 1. Enter square footage of new or I redeveloped impervious site area in j Box 1 at the top of this fonn. D 1 \ \ 2. Select impervious area reduction I , techniques from rows 1.3 to reduce' . I ! the site's resulting stonnwater management requirement. Tree credit can be calculated using the tree credit IMJrksheet on the next page. 2) ContairiedPlanter Box (;) sf ~ " 1 ,. 1 ~ , ~ ~ ti J ,~ ~ l ~ ~~ ~i n ~ l3 til ~~ ('~1'. $ ~~ ) :; ';~1 .,...., ~~ '" I ,~ ~ ~ - f:,~ I I - ~ . tormwater Management Manual 3) Tree Credit (See Next Page) ~sf' '1~",' Note:PorotJs'Paverrie~iaieas do notn~d to beil1ciuded.inBox l' - . 6. Subtract Box 2 from Box 1 and. enter the result in Box 3. If this number is less than 500 square feet, . stonnwater quality and quantity requirements have been mei. Submit this fonn IMth the application for pennit. I sf 3. Select desired stormwater management facilities from rows 4.12. In Column 1, enter the, square footage of impervious area that each facility IMII manage. I 4. Multiply each impervious area from . Column 1 by the corresponding sizing factor in Column 2, and enter the result in Column 3. This is the facility surface area needed to manage runoff from the impervious area. '.' sf .\1 s9 \\~1,~ 1 sf. 5. Total Column 1 (Rows H2) and enter the resulting "Impervious Alea . Managed" in Box 2. :".',1:" .sf _,<_J..... . . ~"'.,. '12)'West Sid~$(jakage - ',~,.: .' -, = I sf x '0,08 = I . sf. I sf 7. If Box 3 is greater than 500 square . feet, add square footage or facilities to Column 1 and recaiculaie, or use additional facilities from Chapter 3.0 of the Stonnwater Management Manual to manage stonnwater from these remaining surfaces. ".,';'- ,- "...'.'" -.-,.. - -" -- Total Impervious Area Managed 1\2..5& 'b !Box2 Box 1 . Box 2 6l::O \ Box 3 pate. Received:~/JO"7- Planner: AL . Page 2.14 ~ L- bT:> -.../ - I.' '-" 'rs;~Mffiii~~t;Wllt~~~~"o~.-",'Sllllli(~ag~!gl:~fflire~~Gredm,^,o;ili'S';heetpi1$.'fW;'\\til~~;~~%l~~~' ~~!f~~Uj~,kiw~'~ " ~iP'~~d~ii~~~l:"~~:;~~.H.t~SI':4\7~1f ~~\'ir~~~~j~!-t{.Dm~' Pages 2-66 through 2-68 for mar" IIlformation on tree credits. . ,- . w Evergreen Trees .,' ~" receive stormwater manageme~t ;;"edit, new evergreen trees must be planted ;"';thiri 30 feet' of impervloussurface. . . . .. 'mum tree height to receive credit is6 feet. '. er. number of new evergreen trees that meet qualification requirements in. Box A I Box A ltiply Box A by 200 and enter result in Box B IB~XB New Deciduous Trees To r~i~e 'storin~er management 'Credit, ne~ deciduous treeS must be planted within 30fe~t of impervious surface. fljnim~in tree caliper tei receive credit is 2 inches.' .. ,< ..' . ,,' ,:c.' il. ,r' ' '. . Enter number of new deciduous trees uiat meet qualification requirements in Box C '. . ,"", -. f . :':~. ';..' ,.".:i~. - ,,'., (. ., .. ;',""" -,-".-'.. . ,,,,,, ,." .. ,. :",,::..{. ',,_', -,J- -:" Multiply Box C bY1~;~enter res~lt,in,~ox~" . ,~ <) ....: :',,~ .','" i' .'. ~-::" f :% blBoxC . .... '. . 6l:P ,1'~I,Box'D " 1",' .' , . Exi~~ingI~~,~'-9~~~PY::':?:'~:::':;,,~,,;~:,;:~,~;,. '~<<:-,;,~.',:'. '.. ;.,' <,:.. , . '.' .'. . .... To recelve.stormwater..management ciecllt;..existing.tree'canopy must-be preserVed'during and after cxinstruction:.. '.,', ',,' . , ,_, . _ :',' " :.. ,,), ~ '.': ".';: '{'7\;';':;' _" ,," ~_~: ,,',.1., ">,,,,-"_::) '_ ..... ,j-,,'.:" ,,<:,_;"1~ ,f-;",;;:: "", - _:i, i-'::~:,l-; ,';<;;', c.'' "_ ,i:'!;~:";:;-<': 'J' ..',; ":;- . -, , :', - -,,:' ,,"--, ::,' -',. ::..':." . .' :1:_:-.: Existing tree canopymust'b8 wittiin20}eei6fiinperVibussurfaces\;Minimurri tr'eecilliper to, receive' ciedit is 4inciies~'~;.~ . N~ a'eiJii ~II' ~'giv~ri:;oi~J~~ng:ir~~'ca~cl';:I~t;Q;~thi~e~~roiihi~~;ai'zoii~.Y <.'. "\?' ,p\.0i ~ :'ii4 ~~ '" ?'B~I~~:" ~Ir~~~;~"~~~' T{::{~~~~{~ Multipli/Box E.by 0:5 ana:enterthe result in' Box E.. ~ ,;,c,' ,;':':, ,:,r '1.2!oz.:. IBoxl'; . .;i):~;~;:),i}:C:;,;~,>~:')""'" <~:':;"J;~:/L'; :,t:i:'~:~;::/"" '.' 'i" ......,;::, ;,.... '. Total'lre'eCredit": . :' :;::;;..;~ ,,:; ;~:~, c!:;>~8;.";t~;'{;1.'.:"';Z{);~<li: '" ~i;~~~t71~~!~'i,*'.t:;t;,j~,;,f . a: . For sites .withless tha~5,iiOO s.q~a..;;;tktof'~~w :~r ~ed~"-~ioPedi.:npervio~~~~: " _, j ",.. ;:--':' ';:<;, .-',._~'.'t :"'- ':-:::'."~,:";>._';~::!:'."i;': ",,:-':,.;,r; --,:~:.~--~",,: . .' ,,; <,.,,>:-'. The amouiitinBox Gis to.re.enteredas ''TieeCredii" oii:Forri'l'SIM: "; StopHere:~. ..' .. .,..~ ~':.;~; f ':0,::;}~'Li:j:~i~"._>~,~,:i,],,;,ji;';Jj:'~!~;'i;f;:#?!a.'~}~,i~,;\?..:,;~~ ,', ,.:i;;;:f$'~!" ,.' For siteS~wittimore thah'S;OOO squa~.fliet:oriiiiWcir";.edevel(iped'imPerviotislirea: , ,,' .',_, ;....:.- :-: '''. .. _,:':'- '.. '~'", ',._ . ,:.-.: "."" ,h ;=", j , > _ . "', ';'-'.' 'r~:_:"' ." MultiplyB9x.1'of Form SIM by 0.25 ahd enterthe'result in,BoxH' ,,' ,. . _, __, ' ". _ ~ "":,':,,_,:,. ".-, '. f J ~IB~~9 .9 ~'z:-.' . .. .,,: '-', ~{ ! <'.' J"';;,,'" ....,'. ,'.1. :,"- -. '0; - ,.....> Enterthelesser'of,Box G and H inBo~J.'. ',,~::. ."' '. ' ",__,' i.;' "' This is theamouf]t to be entered as "Tree Credit" on Form SiM. "StopHare-- , . -' . . - ~,.' ..' ,,' . '- '; -, . - l~\2>2>IBoX'W .', ~ .," "I": (,'I 't>l:;O ,I Box','''' . ~0' Date Received' Planner: AL JjZ.'tjJo07 i~ ~ .,_", M=~m'M M..~, . Pa.e'2.!S _m"___._'.'__~ .,.'-'. - . - ~ I.') 'i Simolified AODroach Desilm Criteria: GrassV Swale General Description:,Grassy swales are long narrow facilities integrated into site landscaping. Swales are planted with a dense grass mix. Flow through the grass slows the water and facilitates sedimentation and infiltration. General Specifications: Sites with more than 15,000 square. feet of impervious development footprint area call1lot use Form SIM simplified sizing forgrassy swales. For these larger projects, the design criteria presented in Chapter 3.0: Alternative Methods for Stormwater Management shall be used, and additional facilities may be required to meet flow.control requirements. Acceptable for all soil types. All swales will require additional means for disposal. Maximum swale slope is 5%, while minimum slope is I %. Swales using these design criteria will not need to include a bypass of larger storms. Required setback from property lines is 5 feet. Checklist of minimal information to be shown on the permit drawings: (Additional information may be required on the drawings during permit review, depending on individual site conditions.) 1) Facility dimensions and setbacks from property lines and structures 2) Profile view of facility, including typical cross.sections with dimensions 3) Growing medium specification 4) Impermeable fabric specification (if applicable) 5) Filter fabric specification 6) All stormwater piping associated with the facility, induding pipe materials, sizes, slopes, and invert elevations at every' bend or connection 7) Landscaping plan (See Chapter 5.0) Landscaping requirements: See Chapter 5.0. * Liuk to facility-specific planting requirements Inspection requirements and schedule: The following table shall be used to determine which stormwater facility components require City inspection, and when the inspection shall be requested: : . ' I Facility Component I Swale grading I Piping I Filter fabric I Growing medium I Plantingsl seeding! sod Inspection Requirement Call for inspection Call for inspection . Call for inspection Date Received:_6: 1.l4 /:k,,, 7_ Planner: AL '/'" ! . Stormwater Management Manual AdoptedJuly I, 1999; revised September 1,2002 Page 2-45 , i.l .,1 I ~,~ i!) ~ ~ '. ~i ~ I ~" I~, t ~; ~ '(ji; 1i!\ ~ ~ ~ ~ sl i?r!, 1',)1' .;'r ~, ~ ~ ,~ ~;,~. r., $.." ~ 1~' ~"; .'t Kr. ". - i:i ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~~ ~ ~ ;~ ,J " " \.:" ~.. .. Simplified Approach Design Criteria Grassy Swale Grass Mix Typ. fl -. f1" _ .6. !II. . . ..611 Illo . fI' ~1 6& .,ft. I~ . 1 ~ ~. I I $; ~ ~ ! ~ j 1 I I J 1 " ~i:,~,' t:; ~, i ~ , - 6" min: swale depth 2 ft. min. flat Bottom for private, 4 ft. min. for public I I ; d 6 ft. Minimum, I2 ft Maximum Section Not to Scale . ~ Growing medium. /. 12" depth min. ~:.. "", ,~, , " . .. __ L. ~,,'_., _ .,... " , .. i ~ ! i 11 - I I Dab Received: ~/2JI//fXJ7 Planner: AL Storm water Management Manual> Adopted July 1, 1999; revised September 1 , 2002 . Page 2-44