HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 2/26/2009 , L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: GOODWIN Len Thursday, February 26,20091 :21 PM L1MBIRD Andrew RE: Lot 8 Partition - Remaining House in Right-of-way That would be fine. Len From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 1:20 PM To: GOODWIN Len Subject: FW: Lot 8 Partition - Remaining House in Right-of-way Len: Are you familiar with the escrow agreement form referred to by Philip? If it's acceptable, I'll let him know. Thanks Andy From: Farrington, Phil [mailto:PFarrington@peacehealth.org] Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 1:16 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew . Subject: Re: Lot 8 Partition - Remaining House in Right-of-way Andy, Thanks so much for consideralion by lhe cily and for your collaborative spirit. One question: for lhe 'escrow deposil', could we use the . escrow agreement fOrnl we have previously used for other projects? Philip -----Original Message----- From: LIMBIRD Andrew <alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us> To: Farrington, Phil CC: Goodwin, Len; MOORHEAD Chris <cmoorhead@ci.springfield.oLus>; ERNST Dennis <dernst@ci.springfield.or.us>; GRILE Bill <bgrile@ci.springfield.or.us> . Sent: Thu Feb 2610:34:222009 Subject: Lot 8 Partition - Remaining House in Right;of-way Philip: Staff have determined lhal the residential dwelling still remaining on Lot 8 and partially encroaching within undeveloped public right-of-way can remain for a reasonable period of time. To facilitate this arrangement and 10 ensure the Lot 8 partilion pial can be finalized in a timely manner; theCily requests the following: . I) A letter from PeaceHealth slating the timeframe for occupancy of lhe dwelling, the anlicipated date of removal, and that demolition and removal ofthe structure and appurtenances is entirely the responsibilily of PeaceHeal1? , 2) A written eslimate from a professional contractor for demolition and removal of the structure, foundation, and relaled improvements thal encroach within or otherwise encumber the public right-of-way including, but not limiled to, decommissioning and removal of any hazardous materials (eg. asbestos, lead-based painl), underground utilities, septic syslem,fences, privale well, etc. 3) An escrow deposil in the amount of 110% of the written estimate for demolition and removal ofthe structure and appurtenances. 1 Date f~eceived' Y:J-6,//ac7'l Planner: AL The City may be amenable to extending the timeframe for the current lenant's occupancy by mutual agreemenl with PeaceHealth. However, a change of tenancy would not be supported because the house is not connecled to City utilitie,s and it would prolong the encroachment wilhin public right-ofcway. Please let me know if you have any'questions about this request. Thanks Andy LiIhbird City of Springfield This message is intended solely for the use ofthe individual and entity to whom it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and exempt from disclosure under applicable state and federal laws. If you are not the addressee, or are not authorized to receive for the intended addressee, you are hereby notified that you may not use, copy, distribute, or disclose to anyone this message or the information contained herein. If you have received this message in error, immediately advise the sender by reply email and destroy this message. ~ 2 Date Received: :Z/H/:;-.ftPf Planner: AL