HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PLANNER 2/26/2009 (3) L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Thursday, February 26, 2009 9:52 AM GOODWIN Len RE: Lot 8 Partition Plat--Field Site Check I Thanks Len, I can initiate the dialogue with PeaceHealth. Will you be the main PW contact for the agreement, and will a Right-of-Way Use Permit be required? Andy From: GOODWIN Len Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 12: 13 PM To: GRJMALDI Gino; UMBIRD Andrew; TOWERY Jeffrey Cc: MOORHEAD Chris; ERNST Dennis; GRJLE Bill Subject: RE: Lot 8 Partition Plat--Field Site Check Andy: I like your suggestion. Lefs ask Peace Health to escrow an amount that is 110% of an estimate of demolition costs prepared by an appropriate demolition contractor. We should put in a time limit (Philip may be able to estimate what is reasonable), which would be subject to extension by mutual agreement. I would suggest an exchange of letters to document the understanding. Len 1 Date. Received: zj21:UIJL- Planner: AL . L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: GOODWIN Len Wednesday, February 25,200912:13 PM GRIMALDI Gino; L1MBIRD Andrew; TOWERY Jeffrey MOORHEAD Chris; ERNST Dennis; GRILE Bill RE: Lot 8 Partition Plat--Field Site Check Andy: I like your suggestion. Let's ask Peace Health to escrow an amount that is 110% of an estimate of demolition costs prepared by an appropriate demolition contractor. We should put in a time limit (Philip may be able to estimate what is reasonable), which would be subjectto extension by mutual agreement. I would suggest an exchange of letters to document the understanding. Len From: GRIMALDI Gino Sent: Wednesday, February 25,200911:18 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew; TOWERY Jeffrey; GOODWIN Len Cc: MOORHEAD Chris; ERNST Dennis; GRILE Bill Subject: RE: Lot 8 Partition Plat--Field Site Check Thanks Andy... sounds like you are headed down the right path. I trust you to work out the details with public works and anyone that needs to iook at it in D5D. Gino From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 4:45 PM To: GRIMALDI Gino; TOWERY Jeffrey; GOODWIN Len Cc: MOORHEAD Chris; ERNST Dennis; GRILE Bill Subject: RE: Lot 8 Partition Plat--Field Site Check Gino: Philip Farrington said that the 'agreement' might have made between him' (representing Peace Health) and Carole Knapel or possibly Jeff Towery. Philip didn't think there was a paper trail for this agreement. I don't believe there are immediate plans to construct a fully-improved public street within the right-of-way. My suggestion would be to accept an escrow or security deposit sufficient to cover the costs for demolition of the house upon vacancy. Similar to a bond for public improvements, the City could exercise the security deposit if PeaceHealth does not proceed with house removal in a reasonable timeframe. During our phone discussion, Mr. Farrington proposed an escrow deposit of about $5,000, but I don't know if that's a reasonable cost estimate for the demolition. 'In addition to the house and foundation, there may be an underground septic system and other buried utilities encroaching within the right-of-way that would have to be decommissioned and removed. The City could require PeaceHealth to provide a written estimate for the demolition work to ensure the security deposit is adequate. Thanks for letting me share my thoughts on this issue. Andy From: GRIMALDI Gino Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 20094:15 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew; 'TOWERY Jeffrey; GOODWIN Len 1 Date' ~aceived: J-/;.~tJ? Planner: AL / Cc: MOORHEAD Chris; ERNST Dennis; GRJLE Bill Subject: RE: Lot 8 Partition Plat--Field Site Check Andy, Do you have a recommendation? I'd be interested in your thoughts since you are the closest to the issue. I am not aware of any agreement regarding the house and am wondering if we know when and who might have made an agreement with PeaceHealth. Thanks, Gino From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 4:02 PM To: GRJMALDI Gino; TOWERY Jeffrey; GOODWIN Len Cc: MOORHEAD 'chris; ERNST Dennis Subject: FW: Lot 8 Partition Plat--Field Site Check Gentlemen: I spoke with PeaceHealth's Philip Farrington earlier today regarding a structural encroachment onto undeveloped public right-of-way (see Surveyor's field notes below). Peace Health is seeking final plat of a 2-lot partition affecting the large parent parcel containing the encroaching house, but Staff have:not signed-off on the final plat pending resolution of this issue. The subject house was identifiedfor removal in the 2006 Riverbend Pha'se II tentative subdivision plan (Planning Case SU82006-00044) and was discovered during recent field checks by the City Surveyor's Office. The Riverbend Phase II subdivision plat did not contemplate the structure remaining a~ an encroachment onto public right-of-way. Moreover, the house is not connected to City utilities because it was not intended to remain part of the hospital campus. Mr. Farrington advised that the house is being used as a hospice for a terminally ill cancer patient and PeaceHealth has been awaiting the eventual 'vacancy' of the house before demolition will begin. Fortunately (for the patient atleast), the duration of occupancy has been somewhat longer than originally anticipated. According to Mr. Farrington, there were some previous discussions between PeaceHealth andCMO regarding the house and that it would be removed when occupancy ceased. Staff are not aware of a written agreement between PeaceHealth and the City allowing the house to remain on City right-of-way for an undetermined period oftime. Staff are requesting clear direction for a satisfactory resolution to this matter. The options could include, but are not limited to the following: .' 1) Requiring PeaceHealth to remove the structure immediately in accordance with executed agreements and land use approvals; . 2) Postponing Final Partition Plat approval indefinitely, until the house structure is removed; 3) Accepting a security deposit to cover estimated house demolition costs, in lieu of immediate removal; 4) Executing a deed restriction (or similar mechanism) against the parcel containing the house,with a defined date for house .removal or "sunset clausell; S) AllowingPeaceHealth to proceed with the Final Partition Plat with the understanding and expectation that the house will be removed in due time. Please advise as tothe preferred course of action, or contact me if you need more information. Thanks Andy Limbird DSD Planner II 2 , Date Received:-.;.h7J.t:>09 Planner: AL From: MOORHEAD Chris Sent: Monday,February 23, 2009 1:38 PM To: Tod Kelso Cc: 'Andrew Haliburton'; John Davis; Tim Mahoney; ERNST Dennis; UMBIRD Andrew; FARRINGTON Phil (SMTP); Tova Purnell; Keri Scott Subject: RE: Lot 8 Partition Plat--Field Site Check Tod and others: In reference to John Davis' call this morning inquiring about what was required to show the encroaching house and attachments into the "Future Street {not named)", see below, I have met with Dennis Ernst, City Surveyor, and Andy Limbird, Planner. In trying to determine the best way to address the issue, we have found that the structure in question was tagged as "to be removed" per the accepted plans by the City of Springfield for the approval of the plat of Riverbend Phase II. Therefore, due to this fact and that fact that the structure is within City dedicated right of way per Riverbend Phase II, neither the City Surveyor nor the City Planning department can approve the Partition of Lot 8 until the structure is removed from the right of way. If you have any questions please feel fre~ to contact City Surveyor Dennis Ernst, Planner for the project Andy Limbird, or myself. Thanks, Chris Chris Moorhead, PLS SUlveyor, City of Springfield Public Works 22S Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 Tel. 541-736-1011 Fax 541-726-3781 cmoorheadliiJci.sorinafield. or. us ~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: MOORHEAD Chris Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 9:37 AM To: Tod Kelso Cc: 'Andrew Haliburton'; Keri Scott; ERNST Dennis; UMBIRD Andrew Subject: PeaceHealth, Lot 8 Partition Plat - Field Check results Tod, We did the field check on Riverbend Lot 8 last Friday. Here are our'findings: SHEET I: . . We didn't find a monument in the ground at "monument#61" but there was a rebar with a KPFF cap laying on the ground nearby. Maybe it was going to have been reset'and someone forgot about it? Our field crew said it didn't look likely that it had been recently pulled out by construction. . At the monument just above "C115", we found a 1" brass cap instead of a rebar with plastic cap. Also the monument just southerly of this monument, at the other end of "C119", is a 1" brass cap. SHEET 2: . We didn't find the monument which .is at the north end of the "22.71" labeled line, near the center of the sheet. 3 Date Received: Planner: AL z...hr/~(}! , I SHEET 3: o At the monument onthe right of way adjacent to the "PC = 24+09.49" we found a 1" brass cap instead of a rebar with plastic cap. SHEET 7: o At the monument at the southerly end of the "s 67 42 29 E 23.36" course on the north rightpf way of the Future Street,we found a 1" brass cap instead of a rebar with plastic cap. Also at the monument at the northeast corner of'the Future Street right of way next to the text "Lot 9 Riverbend, Phase II" we found a 1" brass cap instead of a rebar with plastic cap. o 'Ajl~,o'\;vl\iLer.gill. ()g.It.1:i~f(~la,she. sB~lSfu!gl~q."6. ve r~. gktli.)!~.V;~1I\q~~~.~l'i~t.":.,~~.Q:['~~ ~ceIWjM,~t:~tlr;tli,:o,f~lie""ea.st.e~d.ofr k"0H;x-"v>;."'.>:~-"""~:"';<P0''''9V-''''",;;v':: :'_. '-::.-._.7:'0""0 '8""+',.:' "...''''''K-...-..:r,.--.'~u'''A.:/..:\':-.-'_..,.:'#.~,.:t'T'4""^w{:0"'-' .... -,.,:,.".,.". ."U.'y"n'.'.....,....,:.., " , """ ~~"~~#~q&~A~!Le!iJ:~i!l~~iBfi~~.isacfliall ":liaJt"L~~Y'i n!8j~!:jj~~rrill"~.9ii~~'t..~,ls.Qjl!l~~[)f,~~L8UjQ.d;"tl\j(!."I\O"Us~gO(!S tl1(tl~ZlijahaifilH~4F -~, . 'fr """~S\;1@l;iE:t~n:S~leQS!]'~I1i1!~Qt~ihto:tt!eTigl\fofyvay need to.~ t'P,:!:~-<>X.,"',Q:c'7;:;~"(7:.0_..1 :f% " ,P"-'\YV~Af"_ _'.V\i%1J"d"nbrL:;-'Lc.-Cs>;." ".7 ,,;.1,' *'","j,._~'1,\;:p:;:y;. r:' '-,<10T~0'" _,. "" .'~:',,, ,~L ~ shown' on:tne1:pl "note"nee '.the" e ncroacnments'statlng"cl;iouse.a ndJence.to" be,removed g~fbf~'l1l~~~I1Jftffi'eHt "" . ..~ Please let me know if you have any questions. When you complete these edits, you are welcome to complete the final plat package(mylars, final plat application and fee, final docwnents, and I xerox copy of the entire submittal) and submit it to us at the Survey section, if you feel you have addressed these comments to our satisfaction. Thanks, Chris Chris Moorhead, PLS Surveyor, City of Springfie/dPub/ic Works 225 Fifth Stree~ Springfield, Oregon 97477 Tel. 541-736-1011 Fax 541-726-3781 cmoorhpi'd(EiJcisorinafieldor.us 4 Date Received: z./u:/UO'l Planner: AL /. ~: L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: TOWERY Jeffrey Wednesday, February 25,2009 10:37 AM L1MBIRD Andrew; GRIMALDI Gino; GOODWIN Len MOORHEAD, Chris; ERNST Dennis; GRILE Bill RE: Lot 8 Partition Plat--Field Site Check Good Morning, I have had a few conversations with Philip about numerous aspects of the RiverBend development but don't recall anything specific to this topic. Typically the themes of our talks have centered around general.descriptions of issues or fairly high level views of plans, certainly nothing that I would characterize as an agreement on any component oftheir development efforts.' Thanks. Jeff From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 4:45 PM To: GRIMALDI Gino; TOWERY Jeffrey; GOODWIN Len Cc: MOORHEAD Chris; ERNST Dennis; GRILE Bill Subject: RE: Lot 8 Partition Plat--field Site Check . Gino: Philip Farrington said that the 'agreement' might have made between him (representing PeaceHealth) and Carole Knapel or possibly Jeff Towery. Philip didn't think there was a paper trail for this agreement. I don't believe there are immediate plans to construct a fully-improved public street within the right-of-way. My suggestion would be to accept an escrow or security deposit sufficient to cover the costs for demolition of the house upon vacancy. Similar to a bond for public improvements, the City could exercise the security deposit if PeaceHeaith does not pro~eed with house removal in a reasonable timeframe. During our phone discussiofl, Mr. Farrington proposed an escrow deposit of about $5,000, but I don't know.if that's a reasonable cost estimate for the demolition. In addition to the house and foundation, there may be'an underground septic system and other buried utilities encroaching within the right-of-way that would have to be decommissioned and removed. The City could require PeaceHealthto provide a written estimate for the demolition work to ensure the security dep'osit is adequate. Thanks for letting me share my thoughts on this issue. Andy From: GRIMALDI Gino Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 4: 15 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew; TOWERY Jeffrey; GOODWIN Len Cc: MOORHEAD Chris; ERNST Dennis; GRILE Bill Subject: RE: Lot 8 Partition Plat--Field Site Check Andy, .1 Do you have a recommendation? I'd be interested in your thoughts since you are the closest to the issue. r am not aware of any agreement regarding the house'and am wondering if we know when and who might have made an agreement with PeaceHealth. Thanks, 1 Date Received: :t-i2-'-/:No,. Planner: AL / I Gino From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 20094:02 PM To: GRIMALDI Gino; TOWERY Jeffrey; GOODWIN Len ~c: MOORHEAD Chris; ERNST Dennis Subject: FW: Lot 8 Partition Plat--Field Site Check Gentlemen: I spoke with PeaceHealth's Philip Farrington earlier today regarding a structural encroachment onto undeveloped public right-of-way (see Surveyor's field notes below). PeaceHealth is seeking final plat of a 2-lot partition affecting the large parent parcel containing the encroaching house, but Staff have not signed-off on the final plat pending resolution of this issue. The subject house was identified for removal in the 2006'Riverbend Phase II tentative subdivision plan (Planning Case SU82006-00044) and was discovered during recent field checks by the City Surveyor's Office. The Riverbend Phase II subdivision plat did not contemplate the structure remaining as an encroachment onto public right-of-way. Moreover, the house is not connected to City utilities because it was not intended to remain part of the hospital campus. Mr. Farrington advised that the house is being used as a hospice for a terminally ill cancer patient and PeaceHealth has been awaiting the eventual 'vacancy' of the house before demolition will begin. Fortunately (for the patient at least), the duration cif occupancy has been somewhat longer than originally anticipated. . According to Mr. Farrington, there were some previous discussions between PeaceHealth andCMO regarding the house and that it would be removed when occupancy ceased. Staff are not aware of a written agreement between PeaceHealth and the City allowing the house to remain on City right-of-way for an undetermined perio'd of time. Staff are requesting clear direction for a satisfactory resolution to this matter. The options could include, but are not limited to the following: 1) Requiring Peace Health to remove the structure immediately in accordance with executed agreements and land use approvals; 2) Postponing Final Partition Plat app(oval indefinitely, until the house structure is removed; 3) Accepting a security deposit to cover estimated house demolition'costs, in lieu of immediate removal; 4) Executing a deed restriction (or similar mechanism) against the parcel containing the house, with a defined date for house removal or "sunset clause"; 5) Allowing PeaceHealth to proceed with the Final Partition Plat with the understanding and expecta,tion that the house will be removed in due time. Please advise as to the preferred course of action, or'contact me if you need more information. Thanks Andy Limbird DSD Planner II From: MOORHEAD Chris Sent: Monday,February 23, 200.9 1:38 PM To: Tod Kelso Cc:"Andrew Haliburton'; John Davis; Tim Mahoney; ERNST Dennis; UMBIRD Andrew; FARRINGTON Phil (SMTP); Tova Purnell; Keri Scott SUbject: RE: Lot 8 Partition Plat--Field Site, Check Tod and others: In reference to John Davis' call this morning inquiring about what was required to show the encroaching house and attachments into the ~'Future Street (not named)", see below, I 'have met with Dennis Ernst, City Surveyor, and Andy Limbird, Planner. In trying to determine the best way to address the issue, we have found that the structure in question 2 ,Date Received: zl.J!P>Of Planner: AL / was tagged as "to be removed" per theaccepted plans by the City of Springfield for the approval of the plat of Riverbend Phase II. Therefore, due to'this fact and that fact that the structure is within City dedicated right ot'way per Riverbend Phase II, neither the City Surveyor nor the City Planning department can approve the Partition of Lot 8 until the structure is removed from the right of way. , If you have any questions please feel free to contact City Surveyor Dennis .Ernst, Planner for the project Andy Limbird, or myself. Thanks, Chris Chris Moorhead, PLS SUlveyor, City of Springfield Public Works" 225 Fifth StreeC Springfield, Oregon 97477 Tel. 541-736-1011 Fax 541-726-3781 cmoorheadli'iJci.sorinafield or. us From: MOORHEAD Ch~is Sent: Monday, February 23, 20099:37 AM , To: Tod Kelso Cc: 'Andrew Haliburton'; Keri Scott; ERNST Dennis; UMBIRD Andrew Subject: PeaceHealth, Lot 8 Partition Plat - Field Check results Tod, We did the field check on Riverbend Lot 8 last Friday. Here are our findings: SHEET 1: . We didn't find a monument in the ground at "monument #61" but there was a'rebar with a KPFF cap laying on the ground nearby. Maybe it was going to have been reset and someone forgot about it? Our field crew said it didn't look likely that it had been recently pulled out by construction. . At the monument just above "CllS", we found a 1" brass cap instead of a rebar with plastic cap. Also the monument just southerly of this monument, at t'he other end of 11(119", is a 1" brass t;:a'p. SHEET 2: . We didn't find the monument which is at the north end of the "22'.71" labeled line, near the center ofthe sheet. SHEET 3: . At the monumenton the right of way adjacent to the "PC = 24+09.49" we found a 1" brass cap instead of a rebar with plastic cap, SHEET 7: . At the monument at the southerly end of the "S 67 42 29 E 23.36" course on the north right of way of the Future Street, we found a 1" brass cap instead of a rebar with plastic cap. Also at the monument at the northeast corner of the Future Street right of way next to the text "Lot 9 Riverbend, Phase II" we found a 1" brass cap instead of a rebar with plastic cap. ~ -'. ,. ;" ...f -', "/'. '-<<R",. "V. .",cT' -.,.-.,-.-','fS' 7~' ,......jj" · 1\,1~oi'tiJiil!'\9~ingtfie . d.' F>?jt':S'''''''';3t~_'k<?:~''~SI;;>d tne;Future:Street.ng '.0 ;.waVils'~.s!!'l~ 3 ' 'f""PYC-v-"'r'D0'~-M..u"'_,-':''"'''f.::.:-''CC'-'''___ ., -,'-'." .- rceh2;' ust.nbJ!Nof the'eaStehdof _:_:-~+:-:-'-"-"""... .... "j ....:.... ..":..-( . around.tne'hblise:goes Date Received:~.r/~1 Planner: AL' / tfrro~u'~n\and;full'M~'rr~ 12"""-'\'''1.' J~.~.:.", l'-;,,:i0d'YJV "0i#lt'k'-'i"~> " '"'h:m-:--ih;%G~f!/;;"4''ih'\d.EF'': -'I ~+"-".:~_-,d;::fb'd"_.,,,__. :". 5 own~on,t e;p at;anu;a:note,nee &4~6F~i~~~~t&~fu:~~tf0~r ~ - .. .... ~^,~.:"':" Please let me know if you have any questions.' 'When you complete these edits, you are'welcome to complete the final plat package(mylars, final plat application and fee, final documents, and 1 xerox copy of the entire submittal) and submit it to us at the Survey section, if you feel you have addressed these comments to our satisfaction. Thanks, Chris Chris Moorhead, PLS Surveyor, City of Springfield Public Works' 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Tel. 541-736-1011 Fax 541-726-3781 cmoorhead!fiJci.sorinafield. or. us 4 DatEli Received: Y2--r//z.oo, Planner: AL L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: GRILE Bill Wednesday, February 25, 20097:58 AM L1MBIRD Andrew; GRIMALDI Gino; TOWERY Jeffrey; GOODWIN Len MOORHEAD Chris; ERNST Dennis RE: Lot 8 Partition Plat--Field Site Check Hmmm. Interesting, If we are to require a security of some type, the old house probably has asbestos and lead based paint. If so, $5k would be way short. Thanks again for keeping me in the loop, ... Bill From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Tue 2/24/2009 4:44 PM To: GRIMALDI Gino; TOWERY Jeffrey; GOODWIN Len Cc; MOORHEAD Chris; ERNST Dennis; GRILE Bill Subject: RE: Lot 8 Partition Plat--FieJd Site Check Gino: Philip Farrington said that the 'agreement' might have made between him (representing PeaceHealth) and Carole,' Knapel or possibly Jeff Towery. Philip didn't think there was a paper trail for this agreement. I don't believe there are immediate plans to construct a fully-improved public street within the right-of-way. My suggestion would be to accept an escrow or security deposit sufficient to cover the costs for demolition of the house upon vacancy. Similar to a bond for public improvements, the City could exercise the security'deposit if PeaceHealth does not proceed with house removal in a reasonable timeframe. During our phone discussion, Mr. Farrington proposed an escrow deposit of about $5,000, but I don't know if that's a reasonable cost estimate for the demolition. In addition to the house and foundation, there may be an underground septic system and other buried utilities encroaching within the right-of-way that would have to be decommissioned and removed. The City could require PeaceHealth to provide a written estimate for the demolition work to ensure the security dep~sit is adequate. Thanks for letting me share my thoughts on this issue. Andy From: GRIMALDI Gino Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 4: 15 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew; TOWERY Jeffrey; GOODWIN Len Cc: MOORHEAD Chris; ERNST Dennis; GRILEBill Subject: RE: Lot 8 Partition Plat--Field Site Check Andy, Do you have a recommendation? J'd be interested in your thoughts since you are the closest to the issue. I am not aware of any agreement regarding the house and am wondering if we know when and who might have made an agreement with Peace Health. I Thanks, Gino 1 Date Received: -;pr~~-'" Planner: AL L1MBIRD 'Andrew, f L1MBIRD Andrew Wednesday, February 25, 2009 7:56 AM GRILE Bill' ' FW: Lot 8 partition Plat--Field Site Check From: Sent: To: Subject: Bill: Here's my response to Gino, and'it looks like you and I are on the same page regarding a security. Andy From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 4:45 PM To: GRJMALDI Gino; TOWERY Jeffrey; GOODWIN Len Cc: MOORHEAD Chris; ERNST Dennis; GRJLE Bill Subject: RE: Lot 8 Partition Plat--Field Site Check Gino: Philip Farrington said that the 'agreement'might have made between him (representing PeaceHealth) and Carole Knapel or possibly Jeff Towery. Philip didn't think there was a paper trail for this agreement. I don't believe there are immediate plans to construct a fully-improved public street within the right-of-way. My suggestion would be to accept an escrow or security deposit sufficient to cover the costs for demolition of the house upon vacancy. Similarto a bond for public improvements, the City could exercise the security deposit if PeaceHealth does not proceed with house removal in a reasonable timeframe. During our phone discussion, Mr. Farrington proposed an escrow deposit of about $5,000, but I don't know if that's a reasonable cost estimate for the demolition. In addition to the house, and foundation, there may be an underground septic system and other buried utilities encroaching within the right-of-way that would have to be decommissioned and removed. The City could require PeaceHealth to provide a written estimate for the demolition work to ensyre the security deposit is adequate. Thanks for letting me share my thoughts on this issue. Andy From: GRJMALDI Gino Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 4:15 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew; TOWERY Jeffrey; GOODWIN Len Cc: MOORHEAD Chris; ERNST Dennis; GRJLE Bill Subject: RE: Lot 8 Partition Plat--Field Site Check Andy, Do you have a recommendation? I'd be interested in your thoughts since you are the closest to the issue. I am not aware of any agreement regarding the house and am wondering if we know when and who might have made an agreement with PeaceHealth. Thanks, Gino From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 20094:02 PM To: GRJMALDI Gino; TOWERY Jeffrey; GOODWIN Len 1 DatE,Received: 01,"",oL- Planner: AL . '.., :' L1MBIRD Andrew From: ' Sent: To: Cc: Subject: GRILE Bill Wednesday, February 25, 20097:51 AM GRIMALDI Gino; L1MBIRD Andrew; TOWERY Jeffrey; GOODWIN LEm MOORHEAD Chris; ERNST Dennis RE: Lot 8 Partition Plat-Field Site Check . Andy: Thanks for the heads up you gave me about this a week or so ago, Isn't "the agreement" Gino inquires about the SDC- required development agreement executed iollowing the land use approval? Unless the encroachment impedes a PW bonfire improvement project (and I don't think it does?), I don't see any benefit by taking a tough stance on this. Wouldn't a right of way use permit go a long way toward reasonably solving this problem. We could secure that with a bond or other assurance if there is anxiety about PH performing at some point. Please keep me in the loop as you work though this. Thanks, ... Bill From: GRIMALDI Gino Sent: Tue 2/24/20094:14 PM To: UMBIRD Andrew;TOWERY Jeffrey; GOODWIN Len Cc: MOORHEAD Chris; ERNST Dennis; GRILE Bill Subject: RE: Lot 8 Partition Plat--Field Site Check Andy, Do you have a recommendation? I'd be interested in your thoughts sinceyou are the closest to the issue. I am not aware of any agreement regarding the house and,am wondering if we know when and who might have made an . ., ., agreement with Peace Health. Thanks, Gino From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 4:02 PM . To: GRIMALDI Gino; TOWERY Jeffrey; GOODWIN Len Cc: MOORHEAD Chris; ERNST Dennis Subject: FW: Lot 8 Partition Plat--Field Site Check Gentlemen: I spoke with Peace Health's Philip Farrington earlier today regarding a structural encroachment onto undeveloped public right-of-way (see Surveyor's field notes below). PeaceHealth is seeking final plat of a 2-lot partition affecting the large parent parcel containing the encroaching house, but Staff have not signed-off on the final plat pending resolution of this issue. The subject house was identified for removal in the 2006 Riverbend Phase II tentative subdivision plan (Planning Case SUB2006-00044) and was discovered during recent field checks by the City Surveyor's Office. The Riverbend Phase II subdivision plat did not contemplate the structure remaining asan encroachment onto public right-of-way. Moreover, the house is'not connected to City utilities because it was not intended to remain part of the hospitakampus. Mr. Farrington advised that the house is being used as a hospice for a terminally ill cancer patient and PeaceHealth has been awaiting the eventual 'vacancy' of the house before demolition will begin. Fortunately (for the patient at least), the duration of .occupancy has been somewhat longer than originally anticipated. , .' 10 ' 1 Date. r"(ecelved' ;;.I;Y, ,Ze'67 / Planner: AL