HomeMy WebLinkAboutSite Visit Report Miscellaneous 11/3/2008 , -I f~~ .' [~f~l.. Information · ~,~IJ 'eTo Build On EngIneering. Consufting . Testing Geotechnical Investigation Report For the Proposed Jasper Meadows 1h Addition Springfield, Oregon 97478 Prepared for Hayden Homes 2464 SW Glacier Place Redmond, Oregon 97756 Prepared by Professional Service Industries, Inc. 1040-A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Telephone: 541.746.9649 August25,2008 PSI REPORT NUMBER: 722-85031-1 Date Received: /f/,)Cpf _ Planner: AL i . l ~$;l lnfonnation t:!..'liJiPS .To Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing August 25, 2008 Mr. Roy Hankins Land Development Director Hayden Homes 2464 SW Glacier Place Redmond, Oregon 97756 Subject: Geotechnical Investigation Report Proposed Jasper Meadows 7'h Addition Springfield, Oregon 97478 PSI Report No. 722-85031-1 Dear Mr. Hankins: Professional Service Industries, Inc. (PSI) is pleased to submit our Geotechnical Investigation Report for the proposed Jasper Meadows 7th Addition Subdivision in Springfield, Oregon. Our evaluation was completed in general accordance with our agreement which you signed on July 9, 2008. Please contact us if additional assistance or observation and testing services are needed for the project as it progresses through design and construction. Respectfully Submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. 4U~ ~\ 'jL '" &J l\.l'j B~Y PE Senior Geotechnical Engineer Raymond V. Aliperti Project Manager Distribution: Addressee (5 copies) RVNMW/BLH:rva Date Received:~/,)<h7f Planner: AL Professional Service Industries, Inc.. 1040-A Shelley Street. Springfield, OR 97477. Phone 541/746-9649. Fax 5411746-7163 , i iASLE or:: CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION ........ ... .............. ......................... ....................... ...... .... ................1 2 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK ......... ................................1 3 SITE CONDITIONS........................................... ............... ................................2 3.1 Site Geology............................................;....................................................2 3.2 Seismic Setting and Local Faulting ..............................................................3 3.3 Surface Conditions ...................................................... ............ ..... ................ 3 3.4 USDA Soil Survey.....................................................................................4 3.5 Subsurface Conditions ... ............................................. .......... ..... ..............,... 4 3.5.1 General... ........................ ............................. ... ................................. 4 3.5.2 Expansive Soil............................................. .................................... 5 3.6 Groundwater........................... ............ ........~. ... ......... ....................................5 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........:..............................................6 4.1 General .......................... ......................................................... ..........:.......... 6 4.2 Site Preparation............................. ........... .................................. .......... .:......6 4.3 Construction Recommendations .............................. ............... ..................... 7 4.4 Expansive Soil................................................. ........................... ..................8 4.5 Excavation Safety ......................................... ................................................ 8 4.6 Trench Backfill..................... .......... ......................................................... ......9 4.7 Structural Fill ................................................................................................9 4.8 Seismic Considerations and Design Factors.............................................. 10 5 RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL SERVICES........................................................11 6 LIMITATIONS .......................................................................................................11 APPENDICES Appendix No. A. Site Location, Test Pit Location, Site Photograghs B. Field Explorations and Laboratory Testing Date Received: ///J/~oF' Planner: AL / I i Proposed Jasper Meadoho 7'" Addition Subdivision PSI Report Number 722-85031-1 August 25, 2008 Page 1 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORT JASPER MEADOWS 7TH ADDITION SUBDIVISION SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 1 INTRODUCTION The proposed Jasper Meadows 7'h Addition Subdivision is located in Springfield Oregon. The site relative to surrounding features is shown in Appendix A. A site plan titled "Jasper Meadows 5th, 6th, & 7'h Additions - Public Improvements," dated August 6, 2006 was supplied to us. Based on the site plan and our conversations with Mr. Hankins, we understand the project will construct as many as forty six (46) single family residential lots (Lots 264 through 309). The site plan is shown in Appendix A. The conclusions and recommendations contained in this reportare based on our understanding of the currently proposed utilization of the project site, as derived from layout drawings, written information, and verbal information supplied to us. Consequently, if any changes are made in the currently proposed project, wf? may need to modify our conclusions and recommendations contained herein to reflect those changes. The following paragraphs summarize our site reconnaissance, subsurface investigation, and geotechnical findings, conclusions, and recommendations for development. 2 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF WORK Our geotechnical inv~stigation provides recommendations for project design and construction. The following proposed scope of services is intended to satisfy the City of Springfield Code. The specific scope of our services is summarized below: . Observe nine shallow test-pit explorations to depths up to 8 feet below the existing ground surface. Maintain a log of soil, rock, and groundwater conditions encountered' in each exploration and obtain soil samples for laboratory testirig. Determine the moisture content of selected samples in general accordance with guidelines presented in American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) D 2216. . Date ~eceived; //i~"f Planner: AL .. Proposed Jasper Meado,," 7'h Addition Subdivision PSI Report Number 722-85031-1 August 25, 2008 Page 2 . Determine Atterberg limits tests of selected samples in general conformance with guidelines presented in ASTM D 4318 and fines content of selected samples in general conformance with guidelines presented in ASTM 0 1140. . Determine Expansion' Index tests of selected sample in general conformance with guidelines presented in ASTM D4829. . Provide recommendations for site preparation, wet-weather earthwork procedures, cut and fill slope criteria, procedures for use of on site soils, fill type for imported materials, and compaction criteria for both on site and imported materials. . Provide recommendations for backfill materials, and backfill compaction. . Provide a discussion of groundwater conditions'on the site and recommeCldations for subsurface drainage of foundations. . Evaluate the seismic activity near the site, seismic design criteria and liquefaction potential of site soils, in accordance with the 2007 Oregon Structural Specialty Code. . Provide a geotechnical report summarizing the project explorations, findings, conclusions, and recommendations to comply with the City of Springfield. 3 SITE CONDITIONS 3.1 Site Geology The subject site lies within the southernmost portion of the Puget Lowlands that extends from Vancouver, British Columbia to just south of Eugene. The Willamette Valley portion of the province is a narrow alluvial plain approximately 130 miles long and 20 to 40 miles wide (Orr and Orr, 1996). Bedrock in the southern Willamette Valley is the Eugene Formation that dates to the late Eocene period, about 35 million years ago. The Eugene formation is a generally well- consolidated to cemented, tuffaceous sedimentary rock deposited in a near7shore marine environment. Low energy streams and lakes that formed in the later Pliocene epoch covered the Eugene Formation with fluvial and lacustrine deposits of silt and clay to variable depths. , The rock was later folded and compressed during the Miocene and Pliocene epochs that uplifted the Cascade and Coast Range Mountain Ranges and depressed the Willamette Valley (Yeats and others, 1991). Date Received: /A/~tJ.r Planner: AL , i . Proposed Jasper Meadow, 7'h Addition' Subdivision PSI Report Number 722-85031-1 August25,2008 Page 3 Uplift of the Cascade Mountains in the Pliocene epoch steepened stream gradients causing rapid erosion of the Cascade Mountains and deposition of thick gravel layers that cover the Eugene Formation. During the last ice age, 10. to 40 thousand years ago, the Missoula Floods filled the Willamette Valley to a depth of approximately 350 feet with silt, clay, sand and gravel deposits (Allen and others, 1986). 3.2 Seismic Setting and Local Faulting .The Springfield area is subject to seismic events stemming from three possible sources: the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) at the interface between the Juan de Fuca plate and the North American plate, intraslab faults within the Juan de Fuca plate, and crustal faults in the North American plate, Maximum magnitude for a CSZ event is expected to be in the range of Moment Magnitude (MW) 8.5 to 9.0. Known and suspected crustal faults in the region have been characterized for the United States Geological Society (USGS) and the Oregon Department of Geology. There are no quaternary crustal faults mapped in the immediate vicinity of Springfield. The nearest mapped faults with quaternary displacement are approximately 25 to 40 miles away and include the unnamed faults near Sutherlin, the Upper Willamette River fault zone, the Owl Creek fault zone, and the Corvallis fault zone. The contribution of potential earthquake-induced ground motion from all known sources is included in the probabilistic response spectrum provided. in the 2006 International Building Code. Seismic site characterization and design recommendations in accordance with the 2007 Oregon Structural Specialty Code are provided in the Seismic Considerations section of this report. 3.3 Surface Conditions Currently the site is relatively level and covered with low lying grasses, tall weeds, and blackberry bushes. One tree is located on lot 298. Public streets and utilities have been installed. The site is approximately 30 acres and is bordered to the north by Jasper Meadows 6th Addition, on the east by Bob Straub Parkway, and the south and west by undeveloped property. The streets that are included in the 7th addition of Jasper Meadows are Mineral Way, Mica Street, Orchard Way, 57th Pace, and 58th Street. DatEO>I'{eceived; ~/;~f Planner: AL r Proposed Jasper lVIead~Vvo 7th Addition Subdivision PSI Report Number 722-85031-1 August 25, 2008 Page" 3.4 USDA Soil Survey United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides near surface soil information for agricultural and land use planning. The USDA soil classification system is adapted for agricultural purposes. The mapping shows the site is overlain by two soil complexes. The Hazelair silty clay loam (52B) and the Dixonville-Philomath Hazelair complex (43C). The Hazelair silty clay loam (52B) is a moderately deep, moderately well drained soil that forms on convex foot slopes of the Coast and Cascade Ranges with slopes ranging from 2 to 7 percent. It formed in colluv'ium overlying sedimentary rock. According to the survey, the surface is typically very dark brown silty clay loam about 11 inches thick. The subsoil is dark brown silty clay about 4 inches thick. The substratum is dark brown and light olive brown, mottled clay about 21 inches thick. Weathered bedrock is at a depth of 36 inches. Depth to bedrock ranges from 20 toAO inches. Permeability of this Hazelair soil is very slow. The Dixonville-Philomath-Hazelair Complex is a moderately deep and well drained soil that is typically found on rolling foothills and toe slopes. It is formed in colluvium and residuum derived from basaltic rock. According to the survey, the surface layer is very dark brown silty clay loam about 14 inches thick. The subsoil is dark brown silty clay and cobbly clay about 12 inches thick. Weathered bedrock is at a depth of about 26 inches. Depth to bedrock ranges from 20 to 40 inches. Permeability of the Dixonville soil is slow. 3.5 Subsurface Conditions 3.5.1 General " We explored subsurface conditions at the site b~ completing nine test pits to depths up to8 feet below the ground surface (bgs). The locations of the test pits are shown in Appendix B. Soil samples were obtained for classification, verification, and laboratory testing. Descriptions of the field explorations, laboratory testing program, test results, and the boring logs are provided in Appendix B. Near'surface soil on the site is stiff to very stiff silty clay ahd clayey silt up to about 2 feet thick. The heavily rooted zone extends to a depth of about 12 inches below the surface. Date Received: Ills /Jpp f Planner: ,AL -17 Proposed Jasper Meade;.; 7'" Addition Subdivision PSI Report Number 722-85031-1 August 25. 2008 Pags 5 Underlying the near surface clay is stiff to very stiff elastic silt that varies in. thickness from 1 foot to 3 feet. The silt is underlain by stiff to very stiff plastic (fat) clay. In test pits TP-6 and TP-8 we encountered dense to very dense clayey sand with gravel beneath the fat clay. Our detailed interpretation of the soils encountered at the site is shown in the exploration logs provided in Appendix B. 3.5.2 Expansive Soil Expansive soil is a known hazard in the Springfield area and requires consideration for soil use in the support of structures, fill embankments, retaining wall backfill: and beneath pavement. We performed an Expansion Index (EI) test of a select sample of on site clayey soil. The EI determined from t.he test was 158. An EI of 158 il'\dicates the soil is very high or critically susceptibility to shrink and swell with changes in moisture content. . Results of . the EI test are provided in Appendix B. 3.6 Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered in any of the nine test pits we excavated, during our subsurface exploration. The exploration occurred on July 24, 2008 and may not reflect grOl-!ndwater conditions at other times of the year or in other climatic periods. Seasonal variations will cause groundwater fluctuations and perched water could be encountered in discontinuous zones within the near surface soil. We recommend that the earthwork contractor verify actual groundwater levels at the time of construction. Continuous groundwater or perched groundwater may be near the ground surface later in the wet season or after periods of prolonged rainfall. Date ie~eceived' //I,wi' Planner: AL Proposed' Jasper Meade',"," 7'h Addition Subdivision PSI Report Number 722-85031-1 August 25, 2008 Page 6 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 General / Based on the results of our reconnaissance, explorations, laboratory testing, and analysis, it is our opinion that the site is suitable for the intended development. We find no geotechnical conditions that restrict development. Key geotechnical considerations are summarized below and are addressed in detail in the following sections of this report. . The presence of nigh plasticity, expansive clay near the ground surface ,will require particular consideration during design and construction. This soil is not suitable for direct support of buildings. Expansive soil should be removed from beneath foundations to a depth of 2 Yz feet below subgrade elevation. In fill areas the expansive soil should be covered with at least 2 Y, feet of non-expansive structural fill. . Theon site clay will be difficult to use successfully as structural fill. 4.2 Site Preparation We recommend intercepting and diverting sources of surface or near-surface water away from construction zones before stripping begins. Because the selection of an appropriate drainage system will depend on the water quantity, season, weather conditions, construction sequence, and contractor's methods, final decisions regarding drainage 'systems are best made in the field at the time of construction. The existing vegetation and rooted soil zone should be stripped and removed from the site in all proposed building, fill, and pavement areas (not yet constructed) and for a 5- foot margin around such areas. Based on our explorations, the depth of stripping in these areas will average about 12 inches. Greater stripping depths may be required to remove isolated deeper zones. The actual stripping depth should be based on field observations at the time of construction. Stripped material'should be transported offsite for disposal or used in landscaped areas. Trees, shrubs, and brush should be removed from all building, fill, and pavement areas. Root balls should be grubbed out to a depth such that all roots or parts of roots greater than Yz-inch in diameter are removed. The depth of excavation to remove root balls of trees could exceed 2 1/2 feet bgs. Depending on the methods used, considerable Date Received: /~/Jdp.f Planner: AL . Proposed Jasper Meadows',. Addition Subdivision PSI Report Number 722-85031-1 August 25. 2008 Page 7 disturbance and loosening of the subgrade could occur during site grubbing. We recommend that soil disturbed during grubbing operations be removed to expose firm, undisturbed subgrade. The resulting excavations should be backfilled with stryctural fill as described below. The test pit excavations were backfilled using the relatively minimal compactiv~ effort of the track hoe bucket; therefore, soft spots can be expected at these locations. We recommend that these relatively uncompacted soils be removed from the test pits located within the proposed building and paved areas to a minimum depth of 3 feet below finished subgrade. The excavation should extend the full depth of the test pit if a foundation element will be positioned within 5 feet of the test pit. The resulting excavation should be brought back to grade with structural fill. . A member of our geotechnical staff should observe the exposed subgrade and excavations after stripping, grubbing, and site cutting have been cqmpleted to determine if there are areas of unsuitable soil. Our representative should also observe a proofroll with a fully loaded dump truck of all subgrade and the areas of the site that will receive structural fill. If areas of soft sailor excessive yielding are identified, the soft soil should be excavated and replaced with compacted materials recommended for structural fill. ProofrolJing of the subgrade should not be performed during wet weather or if wet ground conditions exist. In these instances, the subgrade should be evaluated by probing. Soils that have been disturbed during site preparation activities, or soft or loose zones identified during probing, should be removed and replaced with structural fill. 4.3 Construction Recommendations , The fine-grained soils at the site are easily disturbed during the wet season. If not carefully executed, site preparation, mass grading excavation, and utility trench work can c'reate extensive soft areas and significant repair costs can result. If construction is planned for the wet season, the construction methods and schedule should be carefully considered with respect to protecting the subgrade to reduce overexcavation of disturbed or softened soil. If construction occurs during the wet season, site preparation activities may need to be accomplished using track-mounted equipment, loading material into trucks supported on granular haul roads. A geotextile fabric should be placed in the haul roads on undisturbed subgrade below the granular haul road material. Geotextile fabric should have a minimum Mullen burst strength of 250 psi for puncture resistance and an apparent opening size (AOS) between the U.S. Standard No. 70 and No. 100 Sieve. Date Received: //h/'?-&&.f Planner: AL -n . Proposed Jasper lVIeadci\._ {" Addition Subdivision PSI Report Number 722-85031-1 i\ugust25,2008 Page 8 4.4 Expansive Soil We encountered high plasticity clay soil at the ground surface in all areas of the site. It can be expected that clay will shrink and swell with changes in moisture content Expansive clay can cause differential movement in building foundations, roadways, slabs, patios and other on-grade structures if allowed to desiccate in dry-weather periods. Expansive clay should not be used behind retaining structures, or placed within five feet of the outer edge in compacted fill slopes. Where it is excavated, ilishould be removed from the site or stockpiled for use in non-structural areas or as topsoil. Expansive clay soil should be re~oved from beneath foundations, roadways, or other structures to a depth of 2 feet below subgrade elevation. 'In areas that will receive fill, there should be at least 2 feet of non-expansive structural fill cover between structures and the expansive soil. 4.5 Excavation Safety Temporary earth slopes may be cut near-vertical to heights of 4 feet. Excavations deeper than 4 feet should be performed in accordance with Department of Labor Occupational Safety and.Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines. Job site safety is the responsibility of the project contractor. In Federal Register, Volume 54, No. 209 (October 1989), the United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety ~nd Health Administration (OSHA) amended 'its "Construction Standards for Excavations, 29 CFR, Part 1926, Subpart P". This document was issued to better insure the safety of personnel entering trenches or excavations. It is mandated by this federal regulation that excavations, whether they be utility trenches, basement excavations, or footing excavations, be constructed in accordance with the new OSHA guidelines. It is our understanding that these regulations are being strictly enforced and, if they are not closely followed, the owner and the contractor could be liable for substantial penalties. The contractor is solely responsible for designing and constructing stable, temporary excavations and should shore, slope, or bench the sides of the excavations as required to maintain stability of both the excavation sides and bottom. The contractor's "responsible person", as defined in 29 CFR Part 1926, should evaluate the soil exposed in the excavations as part of the contractor's safety procedures. In no case should slope Date Received:~/,7P()!, Planner: AL Proposed Jasper MeadQ\,o 7th Addition Subdivision PSI Report Number 722-85031-1 August 25, 2008 Page 9 height, slope inclination, or excavation depth, including utility trench. excavation .depth, exceed those specified in local, state, and federal state regulations We are providing this information solely as a service to our client PSI does not assume responsibility for construction site safety or the cOr:1tractor's or other parties' compliance with local, state, and federal safety or other regulations. 4.6 Trench Backfill Trench backfill should consist of well-graded granular material with a maximum partiCle size of Y. inch and less than 8 percent by weight ~assing the U.S. 'Standard No. 200 Sieve. The material should be free of roots, organic matter, and other unsuitable materials. , . Backfill of the pipe embedment zone, including the bedding zone and pipe zone, should be placed and compacted in maximum lifts of 6 inches. Trench backfill above the pipe zone should be placed and compacted with a minimum of two lifts. A minimum cover of 3 feet over the top of the pipe' should be placed before compacting with a hydraulic plate compactor (hoe-pack). Within pavement areas, trench backfill placed within 3 feet of finished grade should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM D '698. In all other areas, trench backfill should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the standard, or as recommended by the pipe manufacturer. 4.7 Structural Fill The native clay soil will be difficult to moisture condition and compact as structural fill. We recommend using imported granular material as structural fill on the project site. Imported Fill Material' During dry weather, structural fill material may consist of virtually any relatively well-graded soil'that is free of debris and organic matter and that can. be compacted to the specified density. Typical structural fill materials include clean sand, gravel, washed rock, crushed rock, quarry spalls, well-graded mixtures of sand and gravel (commonly called "gravel borrow" or "pit-run"), and miscellaneous mixtures of silt, sand, and gravel. Recycled asphalt, concrete, and glass, which are derived from pulverizing the parent materials, are also potentially useful as structural fill in certain applications. The maximum particle size for structural fill should be restricted to 6 inches. Fill material placed during wet weather must generally consist of granular material with fines content Date. Received:~01.w"'J' Planner: AL . . . , . Proposed Jasper Meado,.o ?,h Addition Subdivision PSI Report Number 722-85031-1 August 25. 2008 Page 10 of less than 8 percent by weight. Soil containing more than about 8 percent fines (by weight) cannot be consistently.compacted to a firm, unyielding condition when the moisture content is more than about 2 percentage points above optimum. For fill placement during wet weather, we recommend using granular material with fines content of 8 percent or less based on the soil fraction passing the US NO.4 Sieve. Silty fill material should be placed in lifts with a maximum uncompacted thickness of 8 inches. The initial lift should be approximately 12 inches in uncompacted thickness and should be compacted by rolling with the roller operated in static mode (without vibration). Granular Jill should be placed in lifts with a maximum uncompacted thickness of 12 inches. Fill material should be compacted to not less than 95 percent of the maximum dry unit weight density as determined by ASTM D 698. Regardless of material or location, all structural fill should be placed over firm, unyielding subgrade prepared in accordance with the "Site Preparation" section of this report. A PSI representative should verify the condition of all subgrade before filling or construction begins. Fill soil compaction shot:Jld be verified by in-place density tests performed during fill placement so that adequacy of soil compaction efforts may be . evaluated as earthwork progresses. When fill material is inconsistent or when particle size is greater than 1-:;' inch in diameter, fill placement should be observed and compaction evaluated by observation of proof rolls or the operation of heavy rubber tired construction equipment. 4.8 Seismic Considerations and Design Factors For this site, we find no credible threat posed by soil liquefaction; surface fault offset; or seismically induced landslides. Neither our investigations nor published reports by the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) suggest an elevated geologic hazard exists due to any of these factors (Black, et. ai, 2000). In accordance with paragraph 1613.5 of the 2007 OSSC, mapped seismic acceleration parameters were obtained from the United States Geological Survey for the project site. The acceleration parameter Ss is equals 0.62g and the acceleration parameter S, equals 0.29g. The seismic'soil profile for the upper 100 feet beneath the site conforms to the characteristics of Site Class "q." The PGA (peak ground acceleration) for this site is 0.26g. The return interval for these ground motions is 2 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years. Date I'~eceived.. Planner: AL //)~ct?r ." . . Proposed Jasper Meado\^._ ,<h Addition Subdivision PSI Report Number 722-85031-1 Augus't 25, 2008 Page 11 5 RECOMMENDED ADDITIONAL SERVICES It is recommended that PSI be retained to examine and identify soil exposures created during project excavations in order to verify that soil conditions are as anticipated. We further recommend that structural fills, if any, be continuously observed and tested by our representative in order to evaluate the thoroughness and uniformity of their compaction. If possible, samples of fill materials should be submitted to our laboratory for evaluation prior to placement of fills on site. Costs for the recommended observations during construction are beyond the scope of this current consultation. Such future services would be at an additional charge. . 6 LIMITATIONS This report is for the exclusive use of the addressee and their representatives for the proposed development described herein. The data may not be appropriate for other structures or purposes. We recommend that parties contemplating other structures or purposes .contact us. In the absence of our written approval, we make no representation and assume no responsibility to other parties regarding this report. Services performed by the geotechnical engineer for this project have been conducted with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in this area. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made. OatEl Received: /I/;?M Planner: Al 17"'" . . '---- ~\~ Raymond V. Aliperti Project Manager Respectfully Submitted, Professional Service Industries, Inc. . Brad L Hupy, P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer This report reviewed by Richard W. Hanford, PE, Principal Consultant Date ~eceived: J;!;:(l(lf Planner: AL Proposed Jasper Meadoif~::'T1th Addition Subdivision PSI Report Number 722-85031-1 August 25. 2008 Page 13 References Bonell, J.A., 1980, Influence of Expansive Soils on Structures in the Eugene Area: M.S. Thesis, Oregon State University, 135p. Frank, F.J., 1973, Ground Water in the Eugene-Springfield Area, Southern Willamette Valley, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Supply Paper 2018, 65p. Day, Robert W., 2005, Foundation Engineering Handbook, Design and Construction with . ., the 2006 International Building Code United States Department of Agriculture, 1987, Soil Survey of Lane County Area, Oregon Black, G., Wang, Z., Wiley, T., Wang, Y., and Keefer, D.,2000, Relative Earthquake Hazard Map of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area, Lane County, Oregon, IMS- 14: State of Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries John D. Beaulieu, State Geologist. l., Datel f~eceived: /tffrtJl' Planner: AL APPENDIXA SiTE LOCATION TEST PIT LOCATION MAP SITE PHOTOGRAPHS , Date ~eceived: /Pbpf Planner: AL I , ;~ r~~:!:l~~" I'~- i I I '(.I) ,.!ut ,', i:::f .=OF 114 " , I '. I .,.-' \ ~IQgg<:rest Dr~ .-- ~ ,n . . I [, ..',.... ._,'.-:::~~~.......~. . Mt Vernon Rd j ~~_; _' Mt yernon B~f' '<~.j:f.<'- - -:' -:..~ - - -,,-,~-- -;~ ;;!s: :"c.: .'" :i5' MAPlI.\,jES'1'. iU"l : ::r ..,::2 0: .20{]m 1 60D 1't \~~;~:~:~~... '.':~ :1 \!f" ! I -"-~!i ,-.;;gii \,:'~) ~ C1naerSt . U1:' ,',;.1" ". \-$ :', '. '-~~~:' "'-. ...~. -'.',~ '.J' . ".IS ".'~ '.--,t{:. ',_-~~t)Ld_LI] Subject Property Y~~J~'!~_ Ct Ql!~:~.~~. ",.~0'! ';",.-. .:.~~ -::--0 "?~ ~ 2008 MapQuofI5t Inc. Map Data Co 2008 N~VlE-Q qf TeleAtia$ II Source: Mapquest Project SITE LOCATION MAP Proposed Jasper Meadows 7th Addition Springfield, Oregon Project No. Date 722-85031-1 August 7,2008 . Professional Service Industries -1040-A Shelley Street - Springfield, Oregon 97477 - Phone (541) 746.9649 - Fax (541) 746-7163 Data Received: IA~ol' Planner: AL Y- , ' .<Z :~;::':"l I ..~ _---r::' "'--" -\" :;-\_.:\ k.....\ ~) \. (T~-8 ,..t--- ~, c. TP-9 ('..".cJ, '''':'V' ~; \ ._;.' ',~, -* (, ,or' ~ L...Wf:7U.ND~'-' "9P) "_' ~ ",,6TIl :Oi.; IJi1 '.1 . (fJ _ \ '-f: 2'sa:EET C6 t \' ( 'M'CCHUN~\; \:,/ I . - ~,:~~ ~'" '------'" I '. ~,,-t~) Y(' \ -:~~){ f ~P3 (~ 1 11 I' ,. \ . ~ . 'I . I TP-1 ~\, . ' @. I ~!\ '~e; .' i ~ ""._ @l -I - H. ~~ ~ I ~ 8 I @)~ IiI ~u. 8 . :~ "~ . @ ~,i -~~ Q : I~~~' :g . I~ ;11 ". ~ e .,t>; I;:: g\, ~ ~ I 280 I ,.i ~~EDES~..W~AY IF. I'" !ll . i~ <e;J · tll----;::1': P ~! _ ;~~k I~@l 11! . S @ l:~ j : \ ':: TP 4 QI! -f-. f ~ :"'''''''' Of'1@-0'I'lS@i8: 811-'~ Ii i 1 8 i ,,11_-.1 ('-" Q@JjlGTP-63P-j '-', ~- _ ., ,,'eJ '1,1 I II1f\ l;r , .;:: S "" ~ 111 I ~ . ,,,-~<, * HUNE 258 //, ..;J~~@ S 57rH PL8~N! \ Q . (;;, /; 1 TP t:; I:I.~! 5 ~':M 8'1 " . SHE1T CB"/ "ey %2'h..!:' -\."..: I!I W, :..tIY' . ,'. -- . " .J:: .' 8111 " . r (,) =_._ _ _ ' ,,-,1' lie ~c-l '~~-;.}+OO 12-t~ 11 -::':.. -----~' '~l ((]~ " ;; ~' +00 "+,,,,- -11"'OO,n...."y, Ii,. ,.. /. - . .. 13 J<'" 1// IMATCHUNEI, , . \ I!~ .Ar1~~ 8 8 8 Et @ ~~~~>,,: & @l e TP-2' -..~ ~ C> C> " a. <( :2: z o i= <( u o ....I l- ii: I- en W I- w ro o "" o o N ,...:- .... IJJ :J Cl 8 :J .... <( <D v .... v ~ x ~ ~ ~ t: , ,... M I;J; o ~ '" c "" 0 . .c N Q. C'l .... ..... .... .; ~ '" c ~ en w jg en >. w W 6 rc; !- " :(/) l.~ '" ~ c w u ~ w en ro c o :'w "00 " a 0: ci z <3 w '0 0: s:: o :e "C "C <( .s:: ....s:: .....0 IJJCl ~ell 0'" "Co '" - ell" :2; a; lo..:+:: ellOl c.S:: (/J"i: "'a. -om "C ell IJJ o C. o ... c.. Date Received: 'I I;~,f Planner: AL I;'"~ = L'- Professional Service Industries - 1040-A Shelley Street - Springfield, Oregon 97477 - Phone (541) 746-9649 - Fax (541) 746-7163 Date Received: 1/:/,lRP/" Planner: AL ~:,j,,~l~ic',i~~-'%ffu: Photo #1 :Test Pit TP-1 Photo #3: Test Pit TP-61 Lot 291. Project Proposed Jasper Meadows 7th Addition Springfield, Oregon Photo #2: Test Pit TP-1. . ,I Photo #4: Test Pit TP-7. SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Project No. Date 722-85031-1 August 7, 2008 -, FIELD EXPLORATION PROGRAM General We explored subsurface conditions at the site by completing nine test pits (TP-1 through TP-9) at the locations shown in the Site Plan, Figure 2. Test pits ranged in depth.from 7 'h to 8 feet below existing site elevations. The test pits were excavated on July 24, 2008, using a John Deere 310SG backhoe equipped with a30-inch wide smooth bucket. The backhoe was operated by Kipco Inc. A member of our geology staff was present throughout the explorations to record soil, rock, and groundwater conditions encountered and to obtain select soil samples for laboratory testing. Sampling Procedures Disturbed soil samples were collected from the test pit sidewalls or base using the backhoe bucket. The samples were placed in sealed bags and transported to our laboratory for further testing and classification. Field Classification Soil samples were classified in the field in general accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D2488 Visual-Manual method. Where used, the term "general accordance" means that certain local and common descriptive practices and methodologies have been followed. Consistency, color, relative moisture, degree of plasticity, peculiar odors and other distinguishing characteristics of the samples were noted. The terminologies used in the soil classifications are defined in the Soil .Classification. Exploration Logs Summary exploration logs are presented in this appendix. The left-hand portion of the logs gives our interpretation of the soil encountered in the test pit, sample locations and depths, and groundwater information. The right-hand, graphic portion of the boring logs shows the USCS soil classification and sample water contents. Soil descriptions and interfaces between soil types shown in the logs are interpretive,. and actual changes may be gradual. Duk, i'ieceived' /~Pf Planner: AL . \ LABORATORY TESTING General The soil and rock samples obtained during the field explorations were examined in our laboratory. The physical characteristics of the samples were noted and the field classifications were modified, where' necessary. During the course of the examination, representative samples were selected for further testing. The testing program included visual-manual classification, sieve analysis, natural water content, and Atterberg limits. The testing procedures and results of the tests are summarized in the following paragraphs. Unless noted otherwise, all test procedures were in general accordance to applicable ASTM standards. "General accordance" means that certain local and common descriptive practices and methodologies have been followed. 'Soil Classification. The soil samples obtained in the field were examined in the laboratory to confirm field classifications. Where warranted, we changed the 'field classification to more closely agree with guidelines presented in ASTM D-2488, Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure), with PSI's descriptive terms such as the relative density or consistency of the soil deposits, and with current local engineering practice. In determining the soil type (that is, gravel, sand, silt or clay), the' term that best described the major portion of the sample was used. Natural Water Content Natural moisture content determinations were made on selected samples. The natural moisture content is defined as the ratio of the weight of water to dry weight of soil, expressed as a percentage. The results of the moisture content determinations are presented on the test pit logs in this appendix. Atterberg Limits Atterberglimits were determined on selected samples in accordance with ASTM D 4318. This analysis aids in soil classification.. The results of the Atterberg limits test, which include liquid and plastic limits, are plotted in the Atterberg Limits' Results page, located in this appendix. Expansion Index An Expansion Index test was determined on a .selected sample in accordance with ASTM D 4829. This test analysis aids in determining the potential. expansiveness of the soil. The result of the Expansion Index test is located in this appendix. Date Received" /1/(Jt'Of Planner: AL , ",""':'.,-., LOCATION: Spriugfleld, Oregou 97478 LOG OF TEST PIT NO. TP-r DATE OF EXPLORATION: 7/2411008 EOUIPIVIENT: John Deere.310SG with 3(1" wide smooth LOGGED BY: Ray "Jip~rt'Fkel BORING LOC.,;,TION: between lots 268 and 169 CLIEi-.,T'r: Hayden Homes PROJECT: Jasper lvleadows 7th Addition PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 712-85031 SURF. ELEV.': c.. SOIL DESCRIPTION ~, u)(/} -'(/.j m ~< ::;: UJ...J >-- =:;u UJ Qi;;';: ~ - ~- .~ E 0- 26 v -- .=:~ ~- .~.;::: ....J.:= ...J .~s ].~ c...,.:: ..J '.~'~' ;J::-' .- ~ 'if. oj ~-:; C:::..=: 0. ::JIJ ;;- ::: ~ "U:C/J ~ w~ 0..=0 '" :-c I.l.l u:. ~.:::.. UZ OW ~c.... L:... UJ UJ ..J r- c.. UJ o ::;: < UJ -1 silty clayey/ clayey silt topsoil, dark brovm to black:moist, stiff, organics to 12 inches (grass - roots) ~iRAl: ~--.~ t.!".y./, .\\li:\ -7 sa~~~~kS~T,~~led~~brow~~~--1 -MH---~-------------------- liRAl\--w~~~b~o:r:~~s~~:~-=-t~_________ . ___ --34-'-u=t-- -3-3------ --(2-.----1;5--- sand)' fat CLAY, gray, wet, medium stiff to stiff ~ CH - l.0 ~ ~ ~ ~ S'.'~t 'I 2.0 _0 -3 -4 ~ iRAJ ; l.0 -5 -6 -8 -9 -10- Test Pit was terminated at 8-feet below existing site grade. The test pit was loosely backfilled at the end of exploration on 7/24/08. Groundwater was not encountered on this date. -12 Stratification lines/depths are approximate. Actual soil conditions encountered during construction may vary from those described above. -11 -13 -14 ""--15- !~16 , t.:L-17 0' u ~~18 .. c m ~ 19 N N ~ '3 ~ 20. " z u: u. m u. ~. l- ~ :;' ~~11040A Shelley Street Fl.:::. I! Springfield, Oregon 97477 ail (541) 746-9649 Date Received: II0.0co- Planner: AL . -. LOG OF TEST PIT NO. TP-2 DATE OF EXPLOK,,-TION 7/24.'2008 EQUIPJ\ilENT: Jobn Deere 310SC with 30" wide s11100tb LOGGED BY Ro)' AlipBllclcei . BORING LOCATION: between lots 264 and 265 CLIENT: Hayden Homes PROJECT: Jasper Iv1eadcl\\'s 7th Addirion LOCATlON: Springfield, Oregon 97478 PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-85031 SURF. ELEV.: ~ C/O - W -' - <0. ~ 2: "- w < ::0 CIJ 1 -0 -3 "4 -5 - -6 -7 -8 '-9 -10 - -11 -12 _13 -14 -15 - -16 -17 -18 -19 , j -20- SOIL DESCRIPTION silty clayeyl clayey silt ropsoiL dark brovm to black: moist. stiff, organics to 12 inches ( grass roots) -.J u:i UJ ,-,' ,"if; CD ~ < 2: CIJ-, >- ::) u CIJ " 'I." .~ ~"11-1, ',1 Ii.. ~ ~'-.'0' IV ;': ~= .- <U .2-= L..0 u -::; ~;. ~- :J';= :J .:: -' 'J::'':'. .. - ~':: c.... .= -' -- :...::...... '~ ~ c;-;:; C::..= " ::l!J:;" = ILi v. u: " ~:=> c..o N bJ-;: "':::. uz 2g: 2.0 sandielaStiCSILT,;;;Otlledred-:-b7o-;;:,;,grny;---U-MH ------- ____ white, brown, moist" to wet, stiff sand);-t'at CLAY, g;.ily ;-wet, rnedi;;-n1sriffto Stiff - ~- eEl - - - -- - - - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ Test Pit was terminated at 8-feet below existing site grade. The test pit was loosely backfilled at the end of exploration on 7/24/08. Groundwater was not encountered on this date. Stratification lines/depths are approximate. Actual soil conditions encountered during construction may :vary from those described above. l?;:!l ~ .. I040A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 746-9649 1.5 ----{oB--- . Date Received: Planner: AL 1;1~r '. CLIEl'-TT: Hayden Homes .~'.':j'_~u", LOC OF TEST PIT NO. TP-::' DATE OF EXPLOR'\.TION' 7/24/2008 E(lUIPMENT: Jobn Deere 3] OSG witb 30" wide smooth LOGGED BY f,O\ Abp,g,1:\:i;et BORING LOCATION: between lots 275 and 276 PROJECT: Jasper Meadows 7tb Addition LOCATION Spnngfield, Oregon 974n PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-85031 SURf. ELEV.: C- UJ ...J ~. ~ !.:.l ui - - 0 en ';J - u "" > - ....J en - ~ 0 - .~ ;: u l.r..l -' OJ :..: < " v. -'C "- SOIL DESCRIPT]ON .g if. UJ "" ..... 2: 2: UJ ....J v. ~.- ~ v. v. -'" ~ => U Z "" >- U ......l.:: "- 0 '" < ::J ....J "- "- => 2 '" UJ UJ :;: ~ ....J ~I c:, :.., -] silty clayeyl claye.y silt topsoil, dark brown to ~.",i black.. moist, very stiff, organics to 12 inehe:.; ( :i..~\I1 - grass roots) :\\Ii:~ (iR.A..lr------------------..:...-----. --- ------- ---- sand1' elastic SILT, mottled dark gray, black, lv1FI - white, red-brown, moist to wet, very stiff ji~ 23 ----3:5--- _0 3.0 -'3 -4 -5 sand)' fat CLAY, oray, we~ stiff ljRAJ)' '-' ----------------------- - --- ------- ---- ~ CH .~ 24 69 27 65 1.5 -6 -7 -8 -]0' Test Pit was terminated at 7 ]/2-feet below existing site grade. The test pit was loosely backfilled atthe end of exploration on 7/24/08. Groundwater was not encountered on this date. -9 -]] Stratification lines/depths are approximate. Acmal soil conditions encountered during construction may vary from those described above. -12 -13 -14 ~:-15 . ~, ~. " E:-16 " oc. o U-17 ~ , ~-18 M ~ ~ -19 ~ o ~ -20- z a: <L "' <L . l ~ ~!.jJ ] 040A Shelley Street D. f/:/IJ Springfield, Oregon 97477 ilL _Ii (541) 746-9649 Date r~eceived: /1 i ~pr Planner: AL 11;0 '. . , LOC"OF TEST PIT NO. TPA CLIE-r,l: Hayden Homes PROJECT: J3sper Meadows 7th Addition LOCATION: Springfield, Oregon 97478 DATE OF EXPLORJ\.TION: 7/24/2008 EQUIPMENT John Deere 3lOSG with 3(1" wide smooth 'LOGGED BY: Ray _~ilpJrt1;:;ket. BOlliNG LOCATION: between lots 270 and 271 PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-8j031 SURF. ELEV.: en l.:... u.; - ..J ~ :2: s: l!J < 0 en - 1 _0 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10- -11 -12 -13 -14 :g-15 ~ b-16 '" n: 0: o 0-17 " ~ ~-18 ~ o ~-19 :0' , ,0 -. ,0 " cn en u " u ;~ oL , C ."" cn ~:;;'. .::: = ~ iu CD U ~ SOIL DESCRlPTION < ~ ~ If. '" "v.: U) "" ~ (J) -' .~ (; :::7'-- ~ If ~ If L. ~.~ ~ ~ '" '-' Z >- ::i v co :::; ~ 2 "- "- 0 0 OJ en - '" '" "- v silty clayey! clayey silt topsoil, dark brown to black, moist, very stiff, organics 10 12 inches ( grass roots) ,"t.".' ~'.',\-I; 3.) :\1 li:'~ ~~d~lart~S~T,m~~dda~~m~bl~C-- white, red~brown, moist to wet, very stiff . ~--- ------- ---. MH 3.0 ------------------------ ._-- --------1.:5--- clayey sand with gravel, yellow-brown, moist to wet, dense to very dense X % % X % %11' 24 1}RA]j T est Pit was terminated at 7 feet below existing site grode. The test pit was loosely' backfilled at the end of exploration on 7/24/08. Groundwater was Dot encountered on this date, Stratification lines/depths are 'approximate. ActUal soil conditions enco~ntered during construction may vary from those described above. o ~-20- z 0: ~ "' ~ c 12~fl 1040A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 746-9649 Date Received: 1~1/,?dO Planner: AL LOb'OF TEST PIT NO. TP-::>- DATE OF EXPLORi\TION: 7'24/2008 EQlTIPlvI:ENT: John Deere 3 I OSG vv'ith 30" \vid::- smomh LOGGED BY: Ray AlipJrtlickel. CLIENT Havden Homes PROJECT: Jasper Meadows 7tb Addi[iOn LOCATI01'~: Springfidd, Oregon 97':;7~: PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-85031 SURF. ELEV.: "- (.0 w ....: -' ..... 2: c... w <( 0 C/J - 1 _0 -3 -4 -5 6 7 8 9 lO- II 12 13 14 ~ 15 - '" ~ 16 D " a: '" 0 " 17 u; ~ " 18 '" ;;; ~ ~ 19 " N ~ 0 ~ ~ 20 - " z ~ ~ w ~ r SOIL DESCRIPTION silty claye.y/ clayey silt topsoiL black. dry to moist. very stiff, organics to 11 inches (grass and blackberry roots) BORING LOCATION: between lots 308 and 309 ::::, c:r,~ CD V < 2: C/J ' >- ::i0 C/J ~' '.,.. .' ~ ",I-If .~\ l;,:.~ ------------------------~--- ~~fty fat CLAY. gray. motst to wet, sttffto vel)' ~ CH ~ ~ ~ I (iRAl. Test Pit was terminated at 8~feet below existing site grade. The test pit was loosely backfilled at the end of exploration on 7/24/08. Groundwater was not encountered on this date. Stratification lines/depths are approximate. Actual soil conditions encountered during construction may vary i!om those described above. [p-?;il 1040A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 . (54t) 746-9649 QJ"'" If. - V ~- ~ -'-~ u ~~ .~.;: -l.:: -' ~ " ~ -' .;:J::.... .~ b c::;-:::; 25 Date Received' Planner: AL U :>JI :;.. " If. C/J " .F ~, -r:; ~u: '" .~z 2w 2.5 3.0 2.5 3.0 I/~pr '. CLIENT: Hovden Homes LO'G'OF TEST }lIT NO. TP-t. DATE OF EXPLOR.t;,TION: 7/14/2008 . PROJECT: Jasper !v1eaciows 7th Addnion i..uCAT10N: Springfield. Oregon 07.:r?i; EQUIPMENT: LOGGED BY: John Deere- 31 OSG \"\'lth 30" \vide sll1(loth r:O\' ^ lr'upu::keL ,-Ll. _ >. . ,-,'u BORING LOCATION: between tots 291 and 292 PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-85031 SURF. ELE\T.: ",,'-- </) uc -' ~ :2 < (/) son. DESCRll'TION -' >, , u :) cr.. cr. u .- ~ '" ~ c- - -::;"'. '..; (/) - ~ " l..:2 .'0 en < "- ~ v. ~ '" :;:; ~ .~.;::: r. ~ v. (/) (/J ...J .s r. ~ V ~ ...J.:: =- - r. is '-.! Z ;>< ::0 ~ ...J "- "- ? OJ '" L. ...J N V <L -I silty clayey/ clayey silt topsoil, black. moist to '.~' :'-...~ wet, ver,' stiff. organics to 12 inches, no I/",U; vegetation on surface due to, recent standing water :~i ;i.":~ 3.0 ~6 ------------------------~'-- sandy fat CLAY, gray, wet, stiff ~ CH ~ wet, dense to very dense . % ? ? /, 34 2.0 -2 -3 -4 -~_:...-_-- ---- -5 -7 -8 -9 Test Pit was terminated at 7-feet below existing site grade. The test pit was loosely backfilled at the end of exploration on 7/24/08. Groundwater was not encountered on this date. -]] Stratification tines/depths are approximate. Actual soil conditions. encountered during construction may vary from those d~scribed above. -10' -12 -]3' -14 0-15- ~: . , :=-16 c. o' cr' c. V_I 7 ~ o ~--18 ~ o ~- ~:-19 ~ o ~--20 - z '" ~ w ~ >- [~~n 1040A Shelley Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 (541) 746,9649 Date Received: Planner: AL I:~~F . CLIEl'--lT PROTECT Hayden Homes LOG- OF TEST PIT NO. TP:',' DATE OF EXPLOR.i\TION LOC~;'TION: Springfi.:.id.OregouC)7-i7B Jasper Meadows 7[b Addition PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-85031 SURF. ELEV.: v:: "- L:.1 - - ~ "" "" l!l -< 0 (/) -I -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10- -11 -12 -13 -14 ~-15 - " 5-16 '" <L '" o u-17 ;;; ~ ~-18 ;;; o ::J 19 N- " o ~-20 - z '" ~ on a ~ SOIL DESCRIPTION silty clayey! clayey silt topsoil. black: dry to moist. very stiff, organics to 12 inches (grass and blackberry roots) 7/24/2008 EQUTPII1ENT:. John Deere 310SG with 30" wide snw0tb LOGGED BY Ra\ Ahpdmcke' BORING LOCATION: between lots 297 and 298 -, en u; '-' ."(/) CD ~< :f (IJ~ >- :)\....1 (/) .0,.--~ !!-/-I, ,I/i", u ~;: ~- u: :: .- ~ c. -' 2 ~' v.. -- ~=>-. ~- W'- :J .~ .~ ~::: cr.::::" ...:;:";= c.... .= ...J ------------------------~-------------- ~~ft fat CLAY. gra)', mOIst to wet, suffto very ~ CH ~ ~ Test Pit was terminated at 8-feet below existing site grade. The test pit was loosely backfilled at tbe end of exploration on 7/24/08. Groundwater was not encountered on this date. Stratification lines/depths are approximate, Actual soil conditions encountered during construction may vary from those described above. l" .;;i~~~~~ 1040A Shelley Street "'.S.!! Springfield, Oregon 97477 l!il:;;;;"" l/I/I. (541) 746-9649 ~ ~ - ~:...... "ii ~ ~] \1 v :;IJ;:" = u .;; V3 v. n :;::. "- =' N ~-;;. :L=- ::....;z ::)l:.! "-"- 3.0 2.0 <' Date Received' /#'1" Planner: AL . LOG OF TEST PIT NO. TP-b DATE OF ExPLORJ\.TION: 7/24/2008 CLIENT: Hayden Homes PROJECT: Jasper h1eadows 7tb AddiTion LOC.L:..TION: Springfield, Oregon 9!~-7f; EQtJTPIVlENT: John Deere?' 1 OSG \vith 30" wide smootb LOGGED BY: RJ\ .s..hp&Yi:tel. BORING LOCATION: between lots 306 and 307 PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-85031 SURF. ELEV.: '-- cr: 0-. ~ L '" ~ if:. If. " " ~ OL '-- -.J cr.; ~ v::' ~ ~ E.:.; -'" ~ ~ '-- "- SOIL DESCRlPTlON CD < .3 ~- ~ ~ v. "" "" ~ ~ .~.~ ~ v. ~ ~ L If. ~ ~ ~ v. V Z 0- L >- U 0 ..J.:: c.. :::; ~ 25 < ::J "- 0 w.J W (() " 3 -' N C/) L "- c.. <:l :..0 -1 _0 :......3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10- -11 -12 ~13 -14 ~:-15 - .. ". silt)' clayey! cl~ryey silt topsoil, black. moisT to ,\ ',:.~ weL very stiff. organics (0 12 inches: no ~'. ,\.I; vegetation on surface due to recent standing water .;, ;i:~ 4.0 ~'.-~ sWdif~CLA~~Y~~l~ff--------~-CH--------~-- liRA] . ~ ~~ ------------------------~-------------- clayey sand with gravel, yellow-brown, moist to ;% wet, dense to very dense ~ ~ ~ % ~ % % 82 81 2.0 2.0 Test Pit was terminated at 8- feet below existing site grade. The test pit was loosely backfilled at the end of exploration on 7/24/08. Groundwater was not encountered on this date: Stratification lines/depths are approximate. Actual soil conditions et;Lcountered during construction may vary from those described above. b-16 " a: Ir o u-17 in ~ ~ -18 :; ~ ~ ~ -19 N ~ Q ~ -20- z Ir ~ W ~ >- 1.~~~~#j1l040ASbel1ey Street P. 4!'!!!0.... i!J Springfield, Oregon 97477 ~/111 (541) 746-9649 Date Received: 1&,#01' Planner: AL " . L0...; OF TEST PIT NO. TP~f CLIENT: HavdenHornes DATE OF EXPLOR.i\TlON: 7i:?4:2008 Pf(OJECT: Jasper Jvleado\\'s Itb Addition ~-()C_!.\TI0N: Springfield, Oregon 9747E; PSI PROJECT NUMBER: 722-85031 SURF. ELEV.: w.... VJ '" -' -' "- ~ 2: U3 < co VJ -1 -0 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10- -11 -12 -13 -14 :5 -15- "' " b -16 " a: '" o u -17 u; ~ ~ -18 ;;; o ~ ;z 0-19 ~ o lli -20- z '" ~ on ~ ,.. SOIL DESCRIPTION silty clayey! clayey silt topsoiL dart brown 10 black. moist, stiff. or2:anics ro 12 inches ( !!rass roots) . - . - E(lLTIPlv1EKT: John Deer~ :,lOSG ,\:1,'ith 30" wide smooth LOGGED BY- R~:. .'-\lip:hl1ckel. BORING LOCATION: between lots 300 and 301 -' ,=' vi rr:; - .. CIJ ::lJ ~< 2:..',~-.J ;;- ::JU VJ " ',: .~ !i"Yo/; .,' Ii.. ~ !!....~ ~~ ~ -; u: = "3 ~ ~5 v ~:.::. ,,~ .~.;:: -l.= , .~ ;:::. -. - :..>:::.....- ,- >': ;:.1l.J C:;U " "'" = (J -u:C/3 ~ 00 "-0 >', ~ - c::.:: ' -' ,;nd)-:-elaStic S):i..: T, ;;ottled red-=-bro-;;:';;: gra)':- - -1 - MH - - - n n -- - - n - u -- ;~i~:~~~;;~~~~t~~di~rOstifftoStiff- ~-CH _nnn _n_n_ ---- ~ ~ ~. ~ Test Pit was terminated at.8-feet below existing site grade. The test pit was loosely backfilled at the end of exploration on 7/24/08. Groundwater was not encountered on this date. Stratification lines/depths are approximate, Actual soil conditions encountered during construction may vary from those described above. lr!~~ ~~q 1040A Shelley Street D. ~. I/lSpringfield, Oregon 97477 .::::.... QgPIl (541) 746-9649 ~~ iLJ-v. ;::.::::=- UZ OlD c....:::.... 2.0 1.5 ---HJ--- Date Heceived: :lIJM4 Planner: AL '. 100, 9: I 90 85 I 80 75 70 i 65 'f- 'I '0 ,- 601 'w s >- 551 ;lIl 'IX 'w 50 z U- f- 45 itij :~ 40 .w :0- 35 30 25 201 151 10 5 0 I U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVENUMBERS HYDROMETER 6 4 3 21.5 13f4 112:18 3 4 6 _81014162030405060100140200 I I '~~:~~'~~ I I I 'I . I I ". I I -....:::---e~.1 '___1___1 ~.......... -'~;J!- ~" r'''-'' 1 ,', ,,~ -'::; " ~....... , ..-..... ' " "~ . ""- , "- "- " "._ J ~. ,~ in 1 1J . 1 i: J 100 I COBBLES I I 1_ GRAVEL coarse I fine I coarse I Specimen Identification G TP-1 at 2.5' , '1%1 TP-3 at 5.0' A TP-8 at 3.0' ~ ~* TP-8 at 5.0' ~ f- o ~ Specimen Identification 0' . "0 TP-1 at 2,5' in ~ 1%1 TP-3 at 5,0' ~ S A TP-8 at 3.0' M i2 * TP-8 at 5.0' ~ " z a' ~ "' W N Vi Z ~ ~ ~ o. D.O. 0.001 I SILT OR CLAY I ----------- LL PL PI Cc Cu 67 33 34 69 27 42 GRAIN SIZE IN MilliMETERS SAND medium 1 fine Classification sandy elastic SILT (MH) sandv fat CLAY (CH) sandy elastic SILT (MH) sandy fat CLAY (CH) D100 060 1ft:;;' IJ,~_,..~ Engin.eering Consulting Testing 1 040A Shelley Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone (541) 746-9649 Fax (541) 746-7163 . These results apply only to the sample tested. D30 %Gravell %Sand 3.0 . 35.0 4.0 I 31.0 3.0 15.0 2.0 I 17.0 I I I GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION I %Clay 62.0 65.0 82.0 81.0 D10 'IoSiIt Client: Hayden Homes Review By: Project Name: Jasper Meadows 7th Addition Projed Location: Springfield, Oregon 97478 Report Number: 722-85031 '" .. ~ "'-'::' .::::' '0 Q) >...J 'Qj <( o n, .. ':1.1 '- ..]!' Q) .:: c: l:Jc ;.~ co: CIa.. '. . ~ , ~ ~ p. ~ , oc 0 u " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ :1 ~ z ~ ~ '0 ~ Ql ~ ~ >-1 ~ a;<( ~ 0 ~ (l) L: oc w 1r Q) ro oc ill c W +-' C ~ m..!!! Da. ~ o TP-1 ,~ Tp-3 60 50 P L A S T I C I T Y I N D E X 40 30 20 10 CL-ML o. o 20 . 40 60 80 100 LIQUID LIMIT LL PL PI1Fines Classification 67 33 34 62 sandy elastic SILT(MH) 69 27 42 65 sandy fat CLAY(CH) Specimen Identification at 2.5' at 5.0' 1~~iJ Engineering Consulting Testing 1040A Shelley Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone (541) 746-9649 Fax (541) 746-7163 IA TTERBERG LIMITS RESULTS '(ASTM 04318; Client: Hayden Homes Project Name: Jasper Meadows 7th Addition- Project Location: Springfield, Oregon 97478 Report Number: 722-85031 e , l",.. ~ ;ZInformation ,.,~. .To Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing Expa'nsion Index. Uniform Building Code Standard 18-2 (ASTM 04829-95) ~project Name Laboratory Number ISample Description Jefferson MS Project Number 08-394 (Sorinafield 08-171) Date Tested Clav 722-85031 I 8/4/2008 I I I I' I IM()IS;r;URE"CONT:ENTi:;\!";~'i',~t;j~;~!';;':M.ii!@~;.::i,;\;t; INITIA8'V"',,i',,;,j 50%;S;,I";:':", BeforeTesl),,: ITare (9), fel 113.3 113.3 . IWet Weiqht + Tare (II) f!l 174.81 174.8 ID~ Weillht + Tare (Ill Ill) 166.3 166.3 IWeillht of Water (II) lh=f-~l 8.50 8.50 IWeillht of Dry Sam ole (II) II=\t-ej 53 53 [MOisture Content (%) n=(h/l)*1001 16.04 16.04 IMoisture @ 50% Saturation m= 50(168.48-k)/ikx2.7) I I -~ . . lOry back Moisture should be aoorox 2% hillher than moisture <11150% sat. IWeillht of rinll (II) a 364.071 364.07 IWeill,ht of rin\! + soil (ll) b 707.77 707.77 IWei5!~t of soH (Ill . c 343.70 343.70 IWeillht of soil (Ibs) (453.611/lb) 0.76 0.76 IVolume of mold (fti) v 0.00727 0.007271 IDensity wet d = clv 104,231 104,231 lOry Density fk=d/(1+(j/100m 89.821 89.821 I I I ISaturation S= (2.7x j x k)/((62.4x2.7)-k) 49.451 49.451 IWeillht Retained #4 Sieve IWeill'ht Passinll #4 Sieve 1% retained #4 I I i I I 1 I ".'.'",',,> " .,' 1!\:.'T:iine;':'Fi..;; Heillht::i'I/,,'df Eli,;, ~,.-!I 01 0.17811 01 0.51 0.1753 31 0.751 0.17411 41 11 0.17231 61 21 0.16611 12 41 0.15821 201 81 0.14981 28 151 0.1422 361 301 0.13291 45,' 601 0.1211/ 571 1201 0.10541 731 2401 0.0831 951 13801 0.021 1581 14401 0.01981 1581 I I II IEI=((Final Heillht-initial Heiaht)/Initial Heillht))x1000 I I. I I I: I I I I I I I 1 I I '1 I I IExoansion Index @ 50% Saturation I IHammer: B010 IBalance: 0016 IMold: G054 /Exp. Index Rinll: G054 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I Tesled By JH Date 8/4/2008 Reviewed By AW Dale 8/6/2008 (",~;':~:rt_).;:'i'i;;}? A.fter~test~}}:: 119.641' 533.181 413.31 119.88 293.66 40.821 Date ReceiVed:~/Ip20.c,f Planner: AL J. '. l~~;l Informalfon I:!'..ViaIiJ .To Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing GENERAlNOTES , SAMPLE IDENllF1CATlON The Unified Soil Classification System is used to identify the soil unless otherwise noted.. SOIL PROPERTY SYMBOLS N: Standard "N" penetration: Blows per foot of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches on a 2-inch O.D. split-spoon. . Qu: Unconfined Compressive Strength, TSF. Qp: Penetrometer value, unconfined compressive strength, TSF. Mc: Water Content, %, LL: Uquid Umit, %, PI: Plasticity Index, %. ad: Natural Dry Density, PCF ~ Apparent Groundwater Level at time noted after completion of boring, . DRILLING AND SAMPLING SYMBOLS 5S: Split-Spoon -1 3/8. LD., 2" O.D" except where noted. ST: Shelby Tube - 3" O.D., except where noted. AU: ~uger Sample. DB: Diamond Bit CB: Carbide Bit WS: Washed Sample: TERM (NON- COHESIVE SOILS) STANDARD PENETRATiON RESISTANCE (SAFETY HAMMER) 0-4 4-10 10-30 30-50 Over 50 '[ 'I 1 1 I I I I 1 Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Very Dense TERM (COHESIVE SOILS) Very Soft .--Soft Firm (Medium) Stiff Very Stiff Hard I . I Qu - (TSF) . 0-0.25 0.25-0.50 0.50-1.00 1.00-2.00 2.00-4.00 4.00+ PARTICLE SIZE Boulders Cobbles Gravel B in.+ B in.-3 in. 3 in,-5mm Coarse Sand Medium Sand Fine Sand 5mm-0.6mm O,6mm-O.2mm 0.2mm-0.074mm STANDARD . PENETRATION RESISTANCE (AUTOMATIC HAMMER) 0-3 3-7 7-20 20-33 Over 33 j I 1 I J I J I J j 1 I J Silt Clay 0.074mm-O.005mm' -O.005mm ,/,~ Data Received: / 'i'~ 'rJa',f Planner: AL Professional Service Industries, Inc. . 1040A Shelley 81. . Springfield, OR 97477. Phone 541/746-~649. Fax.5411746-7163. / , .'? . '.. l ~~ll Infonnadon . It!!.oWI1lif .To Build On Engineering. Consult!:rolrl'eLASSIFICA TION CHART . MAJOR DIVISIONS COARSE GRAINED SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS LARGER THAN NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE FINE GRAINED SOILS' MORE THAN 50% OF MATERIAL IS SMALLER THAN NO. 200 SIEVE SIZE GRAVEL AND GRAVELLY SOILS MORE THAN 50% OF COARSE . FRACTION RETAINED ON NO. 4 SIEVE SAND AND SANDY SOILS SYMBOLS I GRAPH I LETTER ~O~O"'o"" aD" a > a 0 C> t GW '?o'?o?o? 7'.7.:-,7"' ,-_.. ' CLEAN GRAVELS (UTTLE OR NO FINES) ........10.. ~t!t!t! ~1~f~l~ GRAVELS .......' WITH FINES . ; . ; . ; . APPRECIABLE AMOUNT (:!11-':~ . OF FINES) ..~~?t .~V~/~/ CLEAN SANDS :~~~~)~!i~~~~!~!j~l (LITTLE OR NO FINES) . . . ' . . . 0' '." '. '. . . . . . . . . . . ',1 . " '. '. MORE THAN 50% SANDS WITH ~:A~~~~~E FINES ~.t,.(~'~;:; ~.,~. . '... .' PASSING ON NO.4 APPRECIABLE AMOUNT Y// 'W SIEVE OF FINESI . ,: .~ LIQUID LIMIT GREATER THAN 50 . ;//:/;/j;///;/ / // // //" ;f//f/:/f//}. /////////// //f//f,r/f// II GP GM GC SW SP SM SC ML SILTS . LIQUID LIMIT ~ CL AND LESS THAN CLAYS 50 ---- . ---- ---- , OL ---- - -- - < ---- -.---. ---- SILTS AND CLAYS MISCELLANEOUS FILL SOILS MH CH OH TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS WELL-GRADED GRAVELS. GRAVEL- SAND MIXTURES, LITTLE OR NO FINES POORLY,GRADED GRAVELS, GRAVEL - SAND MIXTURES. LITTLE OR NO FINES . SILTY GRAVELS. GRAVEL - SANO- SILT MIXTURES . CLAYEY GRAVELS. GRAVEL, SAND, CLAY MIXTURES WELL-GRADEDSANOS. GRAVELLY SANDS. LITTLE OR NO FINES POORLY-GRAOEO SANDS. GRAVELLY SAND. LITTLE OR NO FINES SilTY SANDS. SAND - SilT MIXTURES CLAYEY SANOS. SAND - CLAY MIXTURES INORGANIC StLTS AND VERY FINE SANDS, ROCK FLOUR. SILTY OR . CLAYEY FINE SANDS OR CLAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY INORGANIC CLAYS OF LOW TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY. GRAVELLY. CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS. SII:'tv CLAYS, LEAN CLAYS ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SILTY CLAYS OF LOW PLASTICITY INORGANIC SILTS. MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS FINE SAND OR SILTY SOilS INORGANIC CLAYS OF HIGH PLASTICITY ORGANIC CLAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PLASTICITY. ORGANIC SILTS FILL SOILS, CONTAINING VARYING AMOUNTS OF DEBRIS. NON,ENGINEERED FILL NOTE: DUAL SYMBOLS ARE USED TO INDICATE BORDERLINE SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS It/. f ~~tEl Rec:ived' ~ /1 ;tJtl Professional Service Industries, Inc,. 1040-A. Shelley Street;Springfield, OR 974n. Phone t'1~J~!~~9.'F'lx 541f746-7163