HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments SUB 7/19/2007 JUL-19-2007 04:51 P,01/03 ti' . . i."' SPRIN(;FILLD UTILITY BOARD \V..\TI.H ,~["H.\'h r !.':E:-"'.II:I~ 202 South 18th Sll=l~t Sprinijfield, OR 974"i1~5i40 Tel 541.72b,?,:,;I96 Fa>: 5-11.747.7348 WWw,Hlbutil.corll 'July 19,2007 Dear Linda: RECEIVED . _~L)1=> --bRLeo-YY\~ By: 1-lQ-ol Io-P~ Linda Pauly City of Springfield 225 N. 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 SUBJECT: WELLHEAD PROTECTION RESPONSE TO SITE MODIFICATION -MAJOR #DRC2007-00044 McKENZlE-WILLAMETTE HOSPrfAL, Tax Map 17-03-36-22, Tax Lot460] & 7100, 1460 G Street The proposed dcve]opmcnt is within the adopted. Drinking Watcr Protection Area. Th.is area i, highly. susceptible to contamination from chemicals that may be o'pilled or leaked onto the ground surface. Any chemica] spills or leaks must be cleaned up immediately andc1eanup materials disposed off-site and in accordance with Lane COlUlty and DEQ requirernents. In ewry case, care shall be taken to prevent grotmdwater contamination. . The hospital property overlies portions of the 1-.5 and 5 - 10 year time-of-travel (TOT) zones to the 16'h & Q Street WeH. Please note that no new uses c1 DNAPL chemicals are permitted at this site. (DNAPL . and Exempt Lists artached.) GENERAL CONSTRUCTION: The contractor and all subcontractors are required to provide the engineer with copies of MSDSs for all chemicals proposed for use on-site prior to use or delivery to the property. Based on these MSDSs, the engineer will determine ifthe chemical is approved for use on this site (i.e., whether or not the product contains DNAPLs). A copy ofthe MSDS for all chemicals used on.the project will remain on the job site as required by law. All chemicals should be: p]ace:d in adequate secondary containment Contractors/developers shaH be responsible for tne safe handling and storage of chemicals, petroleum products, and fertilizers, and the prevention of groundwater and storm water runoff contamination. Care shall be taken to ensure that no chemicals used during construction, including paint or cleaning materials/wastes, enter the soil or be washed into the storm water system. Care<shall be taken to prevent fluid-containing equipment located outside from leaking. A dedicated area for fueling and maintenance of equipment should be provided. This area should be prepared and maintained such that, in the event of a leak or sp:ill, no fluids will migrate into the soil or storm water drainage system. No fill materials containing hazardous materials shall be used on this site. S:\Sl1'EPLA.N\146t) G Street McKenzie-Willarnette HD.b-pital site: plan modification DWr 7-}9aO?doo;;; JUL-19-2007. 04:51 P.02/03 . . OPERATIONS, If applicable, dumpster areas should be covered and contained to avoid wastes from leaking into the soil or storm water system. These containment plans need to be approved by the City of Springfield. Vehicle storage areas should be constructed such that they prevent any leaks or spills from entering the soil or storm water drainage system. Runoff from parking areas should pass through a system of catch basins, oil/water separators, and bio-swales before entering the City's stoml watcr drainagc system. These plans need to be approved by the City of Spring:field. Rooftop mounted equipment and other fluid-containing equipment located outside the building should be sealed and provided with secondary containment or a weather resistant enclosure. In the event of a ''PilI or leak. this will prevent any fluids from migrating into the storm water drainage system. If applicable, chemicals stored outdoors (fertili7.ers, pesticides, etc.) should be covered and placed in secondary containment. STORM WATER: Storm watcr from parking and ]andscapc areas should be routed to discharge to an infiltration system that incorporates vegetative treatment methods. The!c plans need to be approved by the City of Springfield; Bio-swa]cs arc an excellent way to retard the infiltration of runoff. Soils lining the swa]e(s) should bc amended with clay as a means of further reducing their permeability. A sub-surface laycr of heavy clay soils beneath the planting beds would also serve the purpose of directing excess moisture containing fertilizers and/or pesticides from porous planting media into the bio-swa1e(s). Loading docks must be designed to contain spills ofh32llt'dous substances and prevent contamination of stormwater runoff. Catch basins at loading docy.s should be connected to the sanitary sewer. Areas directly oyer loading docks and the catch basins should be covered. Cut-offtrcnchcs should be installed up-gradient to the catch basins to divert rainwater from entering the sanitary sewer. Drains should be equipped with emergency va]ving to prevent the accidental discharge of hazardous materials. Injection wells (if applicable) must be approved by both the City of Springfield and DEQ based on proximity to domestic/public drinking water wells, soils type, and depth to groundwater. Because storm water recharges the aquifer, SUB requests that wcllhead protection signs be placed adjacent to loading docks, t"lltranccs, parking lots, and elsewhere on the site to alert contractors, subcontractors, eml'loyees, visitors, and others tuthe importance of reporting and cleaning lip any spills (sign standard attacbed). Please contact Amy Chinitz (541-744"3745) if you prefer to purchase signs directly from Sm3 at the cost of $15/sign. Feel free to contact me at 541-744-3745 for further details or with any questions. Sincerely, Q d L.~ Amy E. ChlOltz Water Quality Protection Coordinator S:ISlTEPLANI1460 G Street McKenzie-Willamette lIospilal sile plan modifio.tion DWP 7-19-07.doc JUL-19-2007 04:51 P.03/03 , . . AEC:mk cc: Rick V.rnum, McKenzie-Will.mette Medical Center, 1460 G Stree~ Springfield, Oregon 97477 Jeffrey S. Bond, ASLA, Satre Associates, ~C, 132 East Broadway, Suite 536, Eugene, Oregon 97401 S:\SITEPLANl1460 G Street McKenzie-WiIl.mene Hosp;tal s~te plan modifiCOlion DWP 7.i9-07,doo TOTAL P.03 JUL-17-2007 22:21 P.03/04 .J\I~; . .' SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD ~I.\ IN, '1'1"11 '\", 250 A Street, PO Box 300 Spr"ingfielcl, OR 97477-0077 I,~I 541."/46.8451 ;-;1:>: 541.746.0230 TO!) 51li .744.3659 www,$llbutil,r::nm July 18,}007 Linda Pauly City of Springfield 225 N. 5th Street Springfield; OR 97477 Dear Linda: SUBJECT: SITE MODIFICATION - MAJOR #DRC2007-00044 McKENZTE-WTLLAMETIE HOSPITAL, Tax Map] 7-03-36_22, Tax Lot 4601 & 7100, 1460 G Street. Listed below are our comments for the above referenced development proposal: L The Springtie]d Utility Board Water Division has no objection to the proposed new primary building entrance to McKenzie- WiIlametle Hospital. Sincerely, . PI,. ~. z;~ Rebecca Templin, r.E". Civil Engineer - Water Division RAT:mkm cc: Rick Vtlrnum, McKenzie-Willameue Medical Center, 1460 G SlIcet, Springfield. Oregon 97477 Jeffrey S, Bond, ASLA, Satre Associates, PC, 132 East Broadway, Suite 536.. Eugene, Oregon 97401 RECEIVED By: l-l~/o7 S:\SITBPLAN\1.c160 G Strc~t McKenz~e..Will"met:te Hospho\\lsite plan modificatiol'\ 7-18-07.do(;~ .' (.i 1'001 /v1,ain SfreetSpringfield, OR 9?477-{S.19 'l.cl'541.726.'2395 ;Piixi541..72~,'2399 YJww;sdb,utiLcom 7/10/2007 TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMITTEE RECEIVED PLANNER: Linda Pauly By: 1-, 0-01 16--93 JOURNAL #: DRC2007-00044 I. [ X JOVERHEAD SERVICE [ ] UNDERGROUND SERVICE II. LOCATION OF NEAREST ELECTRICAL CONNECTION: North property line III. EASEMENT LOCATION AND WIDTH: 7ft along the North property line IV. COMMENTS: The property owner will be responsible for the cost of moving the pole.' Bryan Brewster ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD . .... . - -.. - . LKNE COUNTY . '''''00 See Map 17 03 25 3 3 ,.- I ~RINGFIELD j STREET; CITY OF SPRINGFIElJD /'17 -03-,~.t~2 .~~ .44~?,151.J l1 00 <lb... 300 I ". 10o'L -200- ; _ '5lH> l- . ~tlL, I, W /_.~ I L .\~ . I :J.04p 1 t; ,t?'" 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