HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PLANNER 10/5/2007
JONES Terry (Tara)
JONES Terry (Tara)
Friday, October 05, 20072:42 PM
'Jeff Bond'
RE: McKenzie Willamette Medical Center Facility Improvements - DRC2007-00044
I just spoke to Jim Donovan and he said it was fine to show the phasing on the final
plaps. Just remember that you will need to abide by the timeframes set by our code.
Regarding, the Final Equivalent Map, Jim said it would be best to show it all including
the phasing lines and estimated times.
I hope this helps. We hope Linda will be feeling well enough to come back next week.
Tara Jones
Planner 1
City of Springfield
Development Services' Department
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Phone: 541 736-1003
Fax: 541 726-3689
-----Original Message~---- .
From: Jeff Bond [maiito:j.bond@satrepc.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 3:54 PM
To: JONES Terry (Tara) .
Subject: FW: McKenzie Willamette Medical Center Facility Improvements - DRC2007-00044
Below is my question to Linda Pauly and her response.
Given that we have an approved site plan modification that did not include any phasing,
and the owner (McKenzie Willarnette Medical Center) does' not ,want to do part of the work at
this time (the new entry and various parking improvements north of G Street), what can we
do to allow the parking lot to be built on the south side of G Street without submitting a
new modification application?
Linda "s suggestion was that we add phasing to the final. dra\1ing's, if that is ok with the
. planning manager.
Related to this would be what dQ we then show on the Final Site Plan Equivalent Map?
Should the one we turn it at this time show all the approved work, pr just the first phase
of work. I think it makes more sense to just show the first phase, but I'm not sure how
you guarantee that when, and if, the second phase is constructed that the FSPE Map is
updated. .
Jeffrey S. Bond ASLA
Senior Landscape Architect
Satre Associates, PC
132 East Broadway, Suite 536
Eugene OR 97401
(541) 465-4721 Z Fax (541) 465-4722.
-----Original Message-----
I 0- S~o1
~ From: . PAULY Linda [mailto:~~auly@ci.springfield.or.usJ
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 11:25 AM
To: Jeff Bond
Subject: RE: McKenzie Willamette Medical Center Facility Improvements - DRC2D"o7-00044
Jeff, I've been out sick since last Monday but am now checking my email from home. Please
'call for the POD to confirm with the Planning ,Supervisor before proceeding... If the
Final SP hasn't been submitted yet, you may be able 'to include a Phasing' Plan with it to
separate all the work on the lot south of G St. (including the sidewalk, crossing, etc.
PIP). That way they can defer the north side work without holding up occupancy of the
first phase, within the time frames stated in the Code. The.PIP project would need to be
cornpl~ted in Phase One. .
~----Original Message-----
.From: Jeff Bond [mailto:j.bond@satrepc.com]
Sent: Fri 9/28/2007 2:42 PM
To: PAULY Linda
Subject: McKenzie Willamette Medical Center Facility Improvements - DRC2007-~0044
If the following is a question for the planner on duty, just say yes...
Remember how Wilfiams Bakery kept changing things so that we had .to do multiple Site Plan
Modifications? We might have a somewhat similar situation with the hospital.
The latest I've heard is that they want to eliminate any work on the nor~h side of G
Street (at least ,for now), other than pavement repair and striping, activities that 'don't
require Site Plan Review. They want to build the parking lot on the south side of
G.. . starting next week.
Would this require a new modification, even though functionally the two pieces of work are
largelyunrelated? If a modification is required. would it be asking for a modification of
the approved modification, or essentially going back to' the beginning and applying for a
modification from the existing conditions? The final site plan for the modification
hasn't been submitted yet.
Sorry to do this to you, again.
Jeffrey S. Bond ASLA
Senior Landscape Architect
Satre As~ociates, PC
132 East Broadway, Suite 536
/0 ~5~o7
Eugene OR 97401
(541) 465-4721 * Fax (541) 465-4722