HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 12/20/2007 . j (;" .''''i, iCity of Springfield, . Development Services Department . l 225 Fifth Street '. . Springfield, OR 97477 Minimum D~velopment Standards , '. equired ,Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) I Applicant Na~e~ _ ~!I~S__!rl . '8~ 1 ~'~. <SC It''dls Company: \ , , ,'i '\ "2.5 ?if~q.. 6~ \J , IAPPlicant's Rep.:' N:vlh Ii 7)/)< Ill", 'l::-",':~,) .' i'", "\, ; Iphone; .5Q'(', ~4C1 . O"'J{.(" ICompany: ~I _ARc ,: , !Fax: 5'il. 3'1'3 . 15'3'3 f;:::~;.~~::"~:_"Lw~~~,._-, Icompany: Fax: IAddress: '-Alor ' Phone: Fax: II I MAP NO: 1-=to32Lf"i I TAX LOT NO(S): 31902- I PropertvAddress: 2""556 y" l~ I/tr.,{... A0~ . . ISize of Prope~: _q I ::C'f Acres.a Sguare Feet D !!1L\?V:-b!'&21'%LY;;~*,0!%_!lklili:0!'ltLifllijl%.t;:'it4ill1W!&:,fu~imj;*5W)iiAtrPltl;'WPf)~=J;1Ji#'Ji#Fi0U;t;iJti2<!'1t1kmWJ~::ii'i~.~"E:;;;;m!ttili.iK"tt0;l'Mt\11L43tJ0:mRi0~~j~~1'miI%fiJmAl?!HJ&mr7nt1'EiJ Description of If you are filling i'n this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: M..e.w U+;\:~,' ~UilJI''''.J . . I Existing Use: ~hoc::> [ " . Si natures: Please si . -. -. . . I A Associated Cases: caseNo~ib~c~~;.fii~tL I Date: 12..//7/07- [APPlication Fee: $ -::ro '):: ' ITechnical Fee: $ .~ ~ -, l-S- , , --:r Lt D , z..-y- Reviewed by: I P . :O1:"~~ .-ee: $ ~ - TOTAL FEES: PROJECT NUMBER: Date Recelved:~ Planner: MEN! Revised 11/06/07 Molly Markarian 1 of 6 i. Signatures APPlican~~Th~ ~e2~ormation in this application is correct and accurate, ~~ //~ Date: /Z)f4Io7f' ignature ~ - !~'Vlh Print -=>vO( h~ , - j ," I ' . .-..::. ,I J' ,-t .' I .. J "_{. ,....,1.. ",' I ! . ':-1. " ...........,."7-.'...",.-4"....:.-. '- ^.....It:">. Iv' ,~, I , ) ,'j \. , If the applicant is not the owner, t~e'owner ,herebY gran~ p~!TIission for theapJ]lic_ant,ta a~ in his/~er behalf. ..... '. \ . " ,t ." ., .-1._ ... \,"r" ,I I") ~) < , :""'P::~, ,"..- ~, 'VV:.' ~~ 'l-" "Da~e~.~,:/~J'd;'; Si~~~e, , " .1,.";:-"'. c?...../.":..~ ,C;tPfh-rm m. Pu.tJ:~bf:':) T::Ppu4r.1,~~r0:.b,~' ~':~.:- Print ' Owner: ,-: t I certify that I prepared the attached plot plan and that it contains the information specified in'the submittal, requirements checklist. I certify that the plot plan is accurate based upon field locates and the best available information, I understand that City staff wiilrelyupon the plot pian in,making any decisions regarding the Minimum Development Standards application, I accept full responsibility and liability in the event that there are a missions, mistakes, or inaccuracies in the plot plan. ! J".'r\:--:Z~':.:':i Date: I /2'1 ( 0137 Plot Plan /'" Preparation:,../" .. ,.,(:-- /Plot PlalrPreparer Signature .1...' .J_J " ~:. ~."") . .-' . ( k,/;,;;' Print "'51).1,.., .' I l '" \ . \'!:'l ,"'y , , "I" " \ .; :: -.1 ",1 . p'J.~"::l--;:; ;, JL._~--- '. Date ReCeived' planner: GR' I 2:--2.0-ot , ........... I ,! " (. I" 1. I t; ~"""'..lll.~"\ .~..... j ~ ~"''''''..........' r.,).,/, _ ; ....., ,..l~~ !J '~\'S\-,l 'r ..~ , ~.n-"'" "'.i.l\, u.BM """1""'/'" ,.tv. flt.;;,'-t Revised 11/06/07 Moily Markarian 2 of 6 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number DRC2007,00082 DRC2007-00082 Payments: Typeof Payment Check CredilCard Job/Journal Number DRC2007-00082 DRC2007-00082 Payments: Type of Payment Check Cred itCard cReceintl RECEIPT #: " .'>- 3200700000000000818 Description CTY Minimum Dev"Slandards + 5% Technology Fee Paid By SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL' DISTRICT 19 KEVIN K SPAHN City of Springfield Official Receipt lelopment Services Department Public Works Department Date: 12/20/2007 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received tj tj Description CTY Minimum DevStandards , + 5% Technology Fee Paid By SPRINGFIELD SCHOOt DISTRICT 19 KEVIN K SPAHN c 00060989 In Person 82'8943' In Person Payment Total: Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number ,'How Received tj 00060989 In Person tj 828943 In Person Payment Total: Page I of 1 Date Received' Planner: MEM 12.\ 1)>! o-r- , " '" 2:45:02PM Amount Due 705,00 35.25 , $740.25 Amount Paid $705,00 $35,25 $740,25 Amount Due 705,00 35.25 $740,25 Amount Paid $705,00 $35.25 $740.25 12/20/2007 ~ Minimum Development Standard Application .. Yolanda Elementary Utility Building' Project 07-120 1. SUMMARY Date Received: Planner: MEM / . I'l--\ 2Dkr A. Summarv of Reouest This request is for a new utility room for the Yolanda School II. SITE INFORMATION Proiect Name::, Yolanda Elementary Utility Building Size and Location of Prooertv: Property is434,232 square feet, or 9,9 acres, Property location is 2350 Yolanda Avenue, Springfield, Oregon; the North-East corner of the i~tersection of 23rd and'Yolanda' Zoninl1: and Plan Desil!nation of the site and adiacent orooerties: The property ~ . is zoned Public Land and Open Space, The property to the south across , Yolanda is' als6 zoned Public Land and Open Space, The properties 'to the North, West arid East are zoned Low Density Residential ' ProDosed use of the develoDment area and SCODe of Droolised develilDment: The project shall consist of a new utility building located adjacent to the I' , _ existing mechanical room of the sourthernmost classroom building, The new utility building will house a new high-efficiency condensing gas,fired boiler . , " . .' ~ h____, h'" Access:"The new.utility building would only be accessible from within the ~'M_"_'''h''''''~ _..~ ,; ',' ..,~" , fenced school property ~ . '-. .. ,". . '# , Pro Dosed off,site imDrovements: None Current use ofthe site and anv existinl1: imDrovements: The site is currently used by the Yolanda Elementary School. The new utility building would serve this building, SDecial Site Features: The northwestern corner of the property is designated to be within the special flood hazard area inundated by lOa-year flood, The majority of the Northern portion of the site is designated to be within zone X, area of 500-year flood, The area of the proposed utility room addition is - 'I . outside both th'e iOO-year and 500-year flood area, , ' SOLARC Architecture and Engineering Yolanda School December 19, 2007 Page 1 of 2 ~ Estimated auantities and tvoe of materials involved if anv fill or excavation is orooosed: Excavation will only be required for access to existing steam lines, andfor installation of new building footings and foundations, . 'i I . '''I -: i .' -Number. tvoe, and size of anv trees to be removed: None --~+. . ." l.. "\J- , ;'.''''. :,. ...'~. ' ,~i',.N.J'1h.):;~~'- '_.ljnt Exolanatloniof-'a~v I~~d to be dedicated to the citv: None Prooosed modifications beinl! reauested: None Additional olanninl! aoolications reauired for IJrolJosed oroiect: None Justification fororooosed MDS exceotions: The existing property does not -'., , comply with the following SDC standards: A. The existing site does not have a 5',0" wide landscaped planter strip betWeen the siaewalks and parking areas and buildings as specified in Section 4.4-100 and 4,2-140, B, Trash receptacles are,not screened by a structure as specified in Section 4.4-110 C, Bicycle parking spaces do not meet the numerical standards specified in Sections 4,6-140, 4,6-145 and 4,6~155 ' D, Streetlights are n<?t upgraded to standards specified in Section 4,2,145, We propose that these exceptions .are justified given that the proposed building dqes not increas~ the 'number of users nor architecturally impact any existing structure, Time line extensions bei'nl! reauested; None , , 17/lD'o7 Date Reoel,vacI--- Planner: QB M.~ SOLARC Architecture and Engineering Yolanda School December 19, 2007 Page 2 of2 / SlTE801JHDAAY LEXlSTlN~F"ENCE ~EXISnNG'DRAINA~ EASO.lENT!:~17S24 EXlSl1NGEAS!]'lNHTO~ Il.lPRO\oE,CONSffiUCT A"ID MAII'lTAIN A DITCH FOO TIiE PURPOSE or COOlvEYlNG WATER. GlIANTEDBENHAM IRRIG^T10HCO.6001<1l9, PAGE 560 > < ~ " " ,', .... UNE OF 100 YEAR Fl.OOD ~"' " /' ./ EXIST. STORAGE rrE45o,D 455BGROSSSOUARErET HEIGHT:_ll'_O- > ~. \,J~~~i~ ?;.~ OF UTlUTY.BlJILDINGTO NORl1-IERNEDGEor PROPERTY ""'-_"'10'- ;---ExISl1NG FENCE , ~, ~,~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ' / / " \\ 7L . ~,----,L, ~ . I r NEWUl1UTy~J' BUILDING J. ~ ~ FIT 4570 . ~ ~ ~~A'~li?~ET ~ HElGHT:12'-O" ......... o ~, .~ o , LINE OF 500 YEAR flOOD 'w, EXlSTlNG Ul1UTY --:.I EASEl.IEtHE-295-4' II"~ SETllAC~ fllOM j , ~~'oorn'~~'::0~'" , "'~ SOU ERN ED OF ~~ 01' Rn' !;II? '''"-'"''- "-~~~-r:~~ ~~ Of LlTIUTYBUIWINGTO EA$TERNEDGEOF PROPEFlTY ,.........--EXISTINGFrtlCE ~~I,~Il: SITE PLAN. ~8OUNDARY EXlSTING CURB CUT I ~ YOLA/IOA STREET N 89 SO' 20. W BSL~O' "'- "'- """"'- 8 ExISllNGfflEE > < ~ " . . EXISTING POL.EtdOUNTID UGHT IN'PARKINGLOT EXlsllNGFENCE c=::J ~ EXISllNllPAIUl/PARKING AREA EXlSllNG,PEUEsffllAN ClRCULAllONAREA @ EXlsllNGEAsEtdENT EXISllNG CATCH BASIN EXlsllNG SEWER tdANHOL.E EXlSllNGsTORtd ~"'''''-EXISllNGSANITARY -cx'.<tt-EXlSllNGWATEll -"""'~ -cx,,",,- EXlSllNG IiEAllNO WATER SUPPLY ANO RETURN, CONNECTED TO'SCHOOL ACROSSYO\.ANDA,STRE'E'T- NEWUllUTY BUILDING AND ASSOClATEDLANDSCAPINO. REfER TOC-l01. NEWUGHT fiXTURE_WALL MOUNTED ON NORTH'FAC('OFUllUTY lIUILDltI(l,AOJACErlTTODOOR. fOR INFORt.lAllON ON NEW COtI1FEROUSLANOSCAPlNll, REFER TOC-l01 ~ "tIO -m m... ::lID ffi:;o :-1(1) 3:~ mii 3:R- ~ ~ -~ -.-;j ~l ~ d ~j ~ ~l -- ~ ~, es ~j 0' =' :i - ~l ~i =; ~i '~ ~, '-- 3~~ =:--E':'::'::-' '" -... >-0 !.10 "''' >-UZ ",,,,0 O>E "''''c o<C 0>-< :::t:ZCJ ~~3: CwC ~u15 -<al ~Ca:: ZZw Q2::5:::! 0.00 "'>al 8 !;i~ ~ g- H H ~~ ~dF~~ PftOJECTNO' 07.121l ISSUEBO.1'E, l.'~ OMfTBO.TE' 1._ Ol\ll'llltlT KKS CHECKEtltlT, ~.. RSVISIOMNO: YOLANDA SCHOOL UTILITY SITE PLAN C100 SHEET Of Dee 21 07 01:01p SOLARC A/E INC 541 343 1533 p,2 '-'-. '----- .--<";",--: ' -,."./ . ~J . "ii A~ ;lll,~I'11111,11 ' IHI,I'l I' I WJi1 -L, I L_ i \ -- I " ," !,~: jl~ L UNION TITLE INSURANCE CO. 525 Co un Street N.E. SALEM; OREGON Telephone ;581-2565 Policy of Title Insurance 11 _L $ 23,900.00 Premium $ 126,00 No, 62822 .This policy oj Litle in.')urance is issued 'pursuant to the terms of the SCHEDULE A. The land referr~d to in this Policy i. de..cribed'as: in.~UTing agr~ement3 on Page Two hereof. ATTACHED ~JE1-' -- caNed', [' C /l"J. oCJJ oate Re. MEtI/\ \ 01' J ro , p\anner. The fee simple title to said land is vested in: QCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 19, LANE COUNTY, OREGOP The named. insured be SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 19,LANE COUNTY, OREGON SCHEDULE B. PART ONE This policy doe!i not insure against loss 'by reason of the matters shau;n or referred to in this schedule (including the printed exceptions of Part Two on Page rwo) except to the extent that the owner of. any mortgage or deed of lru.stis expressly iri.sured in paragraphs numbered 4 and',5 of the insuring agreements. Easement to improve, construct and maintain a ditch for the purpose of mveying water, granted Benham Irrigation Co _. 'by instrument recorded May 1, 119, in Book 119, page 560, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. Easement for electric transmission line granted city of Eugene by instru- ,nt recorded July 29, 193,7 ,in Book 189, page 541, Lane County Oregon Deed :cords _ /" ~ c power line easement granted City of Eugene by instrument recorded ,October " 1959, Clerk's File No, 81045, Lae County Oregon Deed Records. Rights of the public in and to that part lying within the bounds of the 'unty Road on the West, ~~CEPTIONS ~O~~J:J:WED ~__,::;_CHEDULE_:'B>> ,__.!'.tillT,u!l:"? IN WITNESS WHEREOF, UNION TITLKINSURANCE.CQ, has catlsedits corporate l1ame and seal to be hereunlo affi;r.ed by i1,.'i duly Ilut.hari:cd officers at 5:00 p.m,' . 1964 January 13, . PAGE 1 OF POLICY ND, n'-62822 OREGON LAND TITLS::: ...SSOCIATIO'" ~ STANDARD COVERAGE POLICY FORM By UNION ,TITLE INSURANCE CO. tmf;UfJ /JiJJ V. J. ..-~;.l.:..rn-- Asst. ScCrclQry Thi~ poliq issued 1ft Lllne Counly by CASCADE TITLE CO. 972 Oak St., Eu~,mc, Oregon Dee 21 07 01:02p SOLRRC R,IE .I NC 541 343 1533 p,3 ~ Insuring Agreements UNION TITLE INSURANCE CO" a corporation, (incorporated under the low. of the State of Oregon), hereinafter called the Company, for a valuable consideration paid for this policy of title insnrance, the number, date, and amount of which are shown on Page, 1 hereof, "does hereby insure the parties named as Insured 'in Schedule A, the heirs, de. visccs. pcroonol representatives of such Insured, or if"a corporation, ih; SUCCC6Bors by dissolution, merger or consolida. lion, against direct 1085 or damage not e:xcccding; the amount stated in S'ch13dule A: together with costs, attomeys' fees and expenses which the Compa~lY may be obligated to pOly as provided in the Conditions and Stip?latioD8 hereof, which the lnBurcd shall sustain by rea,son of: 1. Title to the land described in Schedule A being vested, at the dale hereol.otherUJise dlan as herein stated; or 2. Unmarkelubility. at thP. date hereof. of the title to .~aid land of O/1.y vestee named herem, urlle.'ls such un~arkelabililr exists be. cawe 0/ defeclS, liens. eT1cumbrarlce,~. or other maHeTS shown or referred to in Schedule B; or 3. And defecl in, or lictL or encumbrance on, said title exi.~ting at the @te hereof. not shown or rc/crredto itt Schedule B, or e:rclurJ. cd from coverage in the Conditions and Stipulations; or '1. Any defect in the ext!cution oj rmy morfl:uge or dced of trus~' shown in Schedule B securing an illdebtedi1.fHs, the owner of which is inwrcd by {Id.~ policy, but only, insofar as such deject (~Jfccts thc lien or charge of such mortgage or deed of trust upon said land; or 5. PrioriW. at a,C dlde hereof. ovp.r any sUCh mortgage or deed 0/ trust, 0/ any lien or encumbrance upon sai.d land, except as shown in Schedule B su.ch mortga.ge or deed of tr,ust being shown in the order 0/ iL.~priority. ' all subject, however, to SCHEDULES A, and B, and the CONDITIONS and STIPULATIONS herein, all of which are hereby made a part of this po1icy~ SCHEDULE B. PART TWO 1. Taxe.'i: or a.~,'i:c.ssmcnt.~ which nre not shown as e:ri.~ting liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxe.-; or a.~sessments on reul property or by the public:records; pc.nding proceedings lor vacating. opening or charlging 0/ streets or ,highways preced. ing entry of the ordinance or order thereof. ' . 2. Any facLS, rights, interests, or claims which arc not ,shown by tile public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection oj .said kmd or b)' making inquiry 0/ persons in possession thereof. 3. E(L.~e.ments. claims of ea.semeflt oT encumbrances which are not sllown by the public recortb; unpatented mining claim.~; TCSerlJa. {wns or ex~cp,ions in patents or in Acts authorizing the is.sucmcl!:l thereof; water Tight3, claims or title t? wa~eT. 4. DiscTf~pancies. conJlicts in boundary lines. shortage in aTea, encroachments or any other, facts which a cOrTecl suroey would disclose. . 5_ Reservation of easement set forth in deed recorded January 13, 1964, cl~k's File No, 39868, Dane County Oregon Deed Records. 6, Drainage easement over the North 10.0 feet reserved inOption recorded July 11, 1963, Clerk's File NO. 17524, Lane county Oregon Deed Records. { PAGE 2 Dee 21 07 01:02p SOLARC A....E INC 541 343 1533 p,4 Beginning at the angle paint of county Road NO. 681, said point also being the intersection of county Road NO.' 681 and County Road No. 840 (centerline intersection of North 23rd street and Yolanda street); said point being North 2894;1 feet and East, 1305,8 feet from the Southwest corner of the Felix Scott, Jr. Donation Land Claim No, 51, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; running thence North 00 12' 40" East 666.86 feet along the centerline of county Road No. 681 (North 23rd Street) to a point, said point being on the South line of the Westerly extension of the South line of the Plat of FILGOVE platted and recorded in Book 28, page 25, Lane, County Oregon o ' plat Records; North 89 59' 10" East 652,90 feet along the westerly extension of the South line of FILGROVE and the South line of to the Southeast corner thereof; thence South 00 12 I 40" West 668,84 feet to a point on the centerline of County Road NO, 840 (Yolanda street); thence North 890 50 I 20" West 652.90 feet along the centerline of said County Road No. 480 (Yolanda Street) to the point of beginning all in Lane County,Oregon EXCEPT the Sath 30.0 feet of the above tract which lies in County Road No. 840 (Yolanda street) Dee 21 07 01 02p -".71 -, ',., ..p I'- ..-t:.,.,'--t- --;> ...... -Wv ,--,," ,,-- ~ \.....i. 541 343 1533 p,.5 SOLARC A....E INC v <{:,. ;:; -;e.:."..~~.. WARRANTY DEED FOR VALUE RECEIVED WENDELL M. BARTHOLOMEW and GRAYCE BARTHOLOMEW, husband and wif~ ( herem referred to as grantors, hereby, grant, bargain, sell and convey unto_ SCHOOL DISTRICT NO _ 19; LANE COUNTY, OREGON herein referred to as grantees, the following described real property, with tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, to wit: Beginning at the angle point .of County Road Number ,681, sai.d point also being the intersection of County Ro~d Number 681 and County Road Number 840 (centerline inter- section of North 23rd Street and Yolanda Street),said point being NORTH 2894.1 feet and EAST 1305.8 feet ~rom the Southwest corner of the Felix Scott, Jr. Donat~on Land Claim Number 51, .Township ;,17 South, Range 3 West of the Willarnette Meridian; running .thence~ N. 0" 12' 40" E_ 666..86 feet along the centerline -of County Road .Number 681 (North 23rd Street) to a point" said point being on the south line of the west.erly extensi.on of the south line of' the plat of FILGROVE. according to the plat thereof . rec.orded in Book 28 of pIa ts I page 25, records of Lane County , Oregon;, thence N. 890 .59" 10" E. 652~90 feet along the said westerly extensi.on of the south'li.ne of FILGROVE and the south line to the southeast corner thereof; thence s~ 0" 121 40'. w. 668.84 feet. to -s point. on the centerline of County Road Number 840 (Yolanda Street); thence N. 89" 50' 20" W. 652.90 feet along the centerline of said County Road Number 840 (Yolanda Street) to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT: The -South 30.00 feet of the above tract which lies in County Road Number 840 (Yolanda Street) in Lane County, Oregon. (Subject to Easements of REcord). THE GRANTORS RESERVE AN EASEMENT along and across' the North ten feet. (10'), whi.ch Easement shall.be for the purpose of drainage for adjoining property retai.ned by the Grantors, and which Easement shall be in common with the Grantees, their successors and assigns. )'-- ?- .7 '<;:.. ~ ~ i ...:' .0., ~ ":-a , 'El 0 lei , '" U ~ ~ l,a: I .~ ~, r:J Q. <"~ I ~ '" u '" ,.'. ...: u '" '". t3 :r~"'".- ~ -~;; '. I. ;;>,,~,'1"""""-~" TO HAVE.AND TO HOLD the said premises unto said Grantees; their heirs and assigns forever. And the said G:rantors hereby covenant that they are lawfully seized _in.-"f~e_.Bimp'le,.q:e:.sai.~.pr.emises'; that they are free from all incumbrances, . (Seal) . ~ "J"<Z' /Z!tZ~~Z~SO'I) :.,__._.n.nh......_h.......n__....n__nn..n..n.._cu_.n...h_.~h........... (Seal) and that they will warrant and defend the above granted premises ~gains't :aU lawful.claims what- soever, except as above .'stated. ~:t~~~~~/O',I:;)9.~"!;.4".;.,,.":" ;~",r'7---r/2L"""~~. ,CALIFORNIA STATE OF~, County of~ss. (Seal). . . '.' , . Pers.onally appeare-((~tli~~M.Hb~l~ed . ',- ,,' .; .......... ...... .:. - ;-_..:. /I .'". '''~ an'd GRAYCE BARTHOLCMEW, husb:an~..~~~~,~-:.~.f.,~':(..:;'...-:. . _. ':>'''i' ~/'.~,L~!.:0-..:<\L:,':i;.~;-..:_..>\ and acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be .j;b.~.:j.J: VOhint:y!ya , . .al~ei.{~ef4r,~j!ii~}~ i . ~ . II' ' ,.;.. - ",'.' [,I)I ,. ~~ .. - n/~/.~YZe/ _ /~k~~:;.;~,~,/......Tl'~,""~....".E"';J Dated uu;r.m."""y...lQ~,u~.9.9.,...uuumu A,D, 1'Z.-/ uu.m.'u....u......, '''',',~~-0:-~,'~ 'li'fCij'h,._".''fim My Commission Expires 6/5/67 Notary ~e'~I.:ti:'ri~~~-~.e~ion <::......J:'....... =;:0 .... ....~~.... ...., .. .,,,...,: Q o ~ ~ o ~' ~ ~ ., ~ '" ~ o '" = '~.;a~...);"""-------,",,,' o ..... ..... = >- 0- = 4:1: .,." .,." ~ I .~;:" ~\~,\ ',',I :,' '. l l" 1 , I ~t:. . ~,(..> ;-.. \. kl ---9 '-1) ~) ~ ,I, 1".> 11' g I ,. I , I, ....:' I "\' " \ ...~~-4.. ':::~'", '.;:'t. 'C-t t ~, ~) ~ 0 I:, 'to 9-O..<b....- 1!'ii .......'-""":.-..:.-;, .s ~. ~ ~ o - ~. d .~ .~ ~ "O;a - .~ 4) Ql .~..~ ~ 6 U "'d' _e .::: ~'.~';; :~ llIl.g .~ . "'d O'.d AI -& :;.u :a-"'d ...... ... '~..;;; ,.. .s. ~."'~.::jt e ~ ....'...... Ql a:: 0 ~'''~~.~: ~:."~.::, ~ :S - E_'o':,-5 "t:l .... '-'.~ Q.> ,.. "'d"~'~ '.a, ~ '."t:' ~_. ~.9 ~..~ ~. ~ .,; ~. >- -0' 0: u -;; ~ ,....e: Po ~ ~ ~ ~<3 \~ o .J <.) ~ o .... E-4 -S ",-. l::::l ..;....,;, ~ .' .3'::. ~""'-- d.l -......~., '" ~. ',"....., .-'. ~ "- "'" :'"0::;'. 0' -<%" y :::f- lY) "ri ':' .' ~:':~~. ......: ... ;;'U"""< ,.;~..~:A'~) "1'''''''~ . ~ ..-,.i.'t ........ t . "'" ,. 1 g..." aD'. :; ~,.~. 0'.... 'g'.:-.~,. ~.~ .'0 Vj.u . ;E: c- ,-; ~;x ,~~ !:::! ~ "i ~ =" "i ~ <.) ,:;a:, ;~. - '~ '~. - ~ u '" dll!~\E)J1l1Tlri.E COMPANY Dee 21 07 01:02p SOLARC A.....E INC 541 343 1533 p.6 :39868, STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE ) ) ) 55 Pe,rsonally appeared the above ~ameq: Wendell M. Ba.rtholornew and. ~ckn9~1~dged the foregoing ins.trument ~o'be his voluntary act and dee.d. Be,fore .me: Dated' "..,j'ann'''r;y 3, 1964, ." ~"'W.iii".-,, "l;r,. ............ '" ;." ".~:.~....l . -- .....\..~~..~#}\. , \. 0 I A "'", ',-'- " -.~ f ~. _.. _ ; J.... ::......::. f_. '.'~.:~ :~.~.'~.~ ~<~ .,,/ f c ~ ~1l..- ~,;.;JY ,'J'.. n_ .r:_, ..,.....-' .fy ,"",,,I /1? 1 ","':i~ oA'.' 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