HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWT 9/25/2008 .1,0 ..). f.. - ! Memorandum City of Springfield Date: To: September 25,2008 Lisa Davis, Planner II Judith Johnduff, Senior Transportation Planner DRC2008-00063 Main Street/Dutch Bros. MDS From: Subject: The Transportation Division has reviewed the materials provided with the subject application, The corrunents below are provided for your use. . General The subject property is a 5.4 acre parcel located east of 42nd Street and south of Main Street. Approval of this proposal would allow for an expanded Dutch Brothers Coffee Kiosk, Transoortation Svstem Imoacts Main Street (McKenzie Highway) abutting the development site is a five-lane arterial streetthat is under aD aT jurisdiction. The street is fully improved with asphalt paving, curb/gutter, sidewalks and street lighting that support multi-modal travel. . The roadway provides two lanes in each direction and a two-way center turn lane. Regular bus transit service to this area is provided by Lane Transit District Route 11 operating along Main Street. Traffic volume passing the site on Main Street is approximately 22,900 vehicles per day, Findin,!: Based on ITE Land Use Codes 935 Fast"Food Restaurant with Drive-Through Window and No Indoor Seating, the proposed site development would generate additional traffic volumes as follows: I I Coffee Shop Size (1,000 S.F.) " .353 Trip Rate Daily/PM Peak Hr. 1400/60 Trips Daily/PM Peak Hr. 494/21 In addition, assumed development may generate pedestrian and bicycle trips. According to the "Household" survey done by LCOe; in 1994, 12,6 percent ofhousehl,lld trips are made by bicycle or walking and 1.8 percent are by transit bus. These trips may have their origins or destinations at a variety of land uses, including this site, Pedestrian and bicycle trips create the need for sidewalks, pedestrian crossing signals, crosswalks, bicycle parking and bicycle lanes. Site Access and Circulation Finding;: The existing vehicle access to the site is provided by a 36' foot driveway entry to Main Street. No driveway. revisions are proposed as part of this application. Date Received:, Ie) t/O.6_ .., A'~ Planner: lID &~ CJ/I\.,/IV\.IJ/Y"'~ . . I ffJrP- , . ., Finding: Two pedestrian connections between. the Main Street sidewalk and site are being proposed, one serving.the proposed coffee kiosk and one to the A TM structure, Comments: The Transportation division cannot recommend approval of the proposed project as submitted. The Transportation Division requires service lanes to be 70 feet in length for drive through facilities to accommodate the vehicles generated by each service window. The proposed ,service lane for the drive-up window on the north side of the structure is only 40' in length and only able to accommodate two vehicles. Additional vehicles waiting in this line would block the access aisle creating an unacceptable situation possibly affecting the Main Street entrance. The service lane on the south side of the structure is only 20' in length; however it appears that vehicles may be able to be accommodated without affecting access to on-site parking or drive aisles. This will need to be shown on the plans. Please revise the site design to provide for the required '70 foot service lane for the drive- up window on the north side of the k.iosk. Please use shading to show the location of the service lanes. Please provide dimensions for the service lanes (width and length). Please revise the site plan to show where four vehicles will be able to be accommodated waiting for the south service window so that vehicles will not block access to parking or drive aisles. Directional signage or striping will be required to be provided on-site to direct drivers into the appropriate access aisles. Please show aU proposed on-site pavement markings (arrows etc...). Please add a note to the plans that indicates that the proposed pedestrian access leading from the Main Street sidewalk to the coffee kiosk will be constructed per ADA requirements. . Please revise the site plan to relocate the proposed pedestrian path adjacent to the service aisle. Staff recommends that the path extend through the patio area and cross the service aisle at a perpendicular angle. Date Received. , 0 \ .J ~. _. -t; Planner. L4:J j (a;v..b ~~ ~) MAIN s I .J \ ---' ~:--- , ' ...- . ,~- NE:UJ cUf(5 S 00'19'561/ E 3.94' SITE ~~~H::-'\,.~ \, ... ""C::~..__..;~~..,. . _ ~. Ai-.. .' .' 113:' , ~. .,.. .... .... . ......'... 'J ,.,' - ......,. :HWY.12t . -. ..,1,.. .'. .. . . .' ......... . ~~'. . ..... ..... '4. 'y' . '., ...' :. '.. ..... . ,"" .... . . . . C"'/"'N ~.- '. . IAIIt ...". " :':., ..', " . .<...' .,.... .' 40 _. ",".. ~/Vj .... ,,' . . , .' :4LKrrf1 . .... .4 . . '. , ' .. . ,.IN.'' .. ". 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