HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 4/7/2009 \., ....~ ~' ~Ir . rDlvlsion or Chief o.put.y C'-. ,... Lane COyn~y D..d. and Recc 2009-008981 \111\111\111111\111111111111111\1111\111111111111 $36.00 010542812009000119870030031 02/23/2009 03:35:35 PlI RPR..oEED Cnl=1 Sl",,8 CASHIER 07 $15.00 S11.00 S10;OO " Recorded al the request of and after recording retumto:. for Lands described in Exhibit A Send Tax Statements to: for Lands described in Exhibit 8 Send Tax Slatements to: Branch Engineering, Inc. 310 5th Street Springfield. OR 97477 Lane County School Dist # 19 S25MilISI Springfield OR 97477 Relief Nursery, Inc. 1720 W 25. Eugene OR 97405 Th,e true consideration for this conveyance. is other than monetary. PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DEED The parties to this transfer are (I) Lane Coun1y School District Number \9, Springfield, Oregon, hereinafter teferred to as Party \ and being a Grantor/Grantee herein and (2) Relief Nursery, Inc., an Oregon Public Benefit Non-Profit COlJ'Oration hereinafter referred to as Party 2 and being a Grantor/Grantee herein. This Deed is intended to adjust the boundary line between a parcel of real property owned by Party \ and an adjoining parcel of real property owned by Party 2. The parties are enteting into this Deed to agree on the property line separating their parcels to comply with City of Springfield Land Use Regulations and the provisions of Oregon Revised Statutes 92.\90(4). The legal description of Party \'s property prior to this adjustment is all of those lands conveyed in that Correction Deed recorded on August 8, 2003 as Reception Number 2003-074564 in the Lane County Oregon Official Records. The legal desctiption of Party 2's property prior to this adjustment is all of those lands conveyed in that Warranty Deed-Statutory Fono .__".~cj on October 5, 2007 as Reception Number 2007- 069049 in the Lane County Oregon Official Records. The line being adjusted herein is the entire common line between the lands owned by Party 1 and the lands owned by Party 2. WHEREAS the Parties desire to. adjust said comnion line and WHEREAS the Parties are . agreeable to execute a transfer of property through means of an approved Property Line . Adjustment and this Deed. THEREFOR, for purposes of accomplishing this Property Line Adjustment: Party 2 hereby transfers and conveys all of its righi, title and interest in and to the property described on "Exhibit A" to Party 1 as said exhibit is attached hereto and made a part hereof. And Party 1 hereby transfers and conveys all of .its right, title and)nterest in arid, to the property described on "ExhibitB" to Party 2-85 said exhibit is attached hereto and made a.part hereof. The description of Party l's property aftet this adjustment is deScribed on "Exhibit A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. The description of Party 2's property after this adjustment is described on "Exhibit B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. . I Before signing or accepting this instrument; the person transferring fee title should inquire about the person's rights, if any, undet ORS 197.352. This instrument does nol allow uSe of the property described in this instrument in violation of applicable land use laws and regulations. Before signing or accepting this in~trument. the person acquiring fee title to the property should check with the apprOptiale city or county planning. department to verify apptoved uses, to detenoine any limits on lawsuits againsl farming odorest ptaclices as defmed in ORS 30.930 . . and t~ i~'il(itf awut the rights of neighboring ptOperty owners, ifany, under ORS 197.352. Date ReceIVed:.-J./..II.~'n'1 Date Re Planner. ()) ~ . (7 LA Property Line Adjustment Deed - 9 2009 Page \ of3 1__1:- _. 'J , . . f} . D,ated this q Party 1 day of (j)~ ,2008. Signature: ~~ Printed Name: "I~ 'n'j1Wi . Title: . ,-~r0:wr~C.b('" STATE OF OREGON ) County of Lane )SS W 0\, 2008 personally al?peared the above named fr~ , as the ~ of the Lane County School Distrib r 19 Springfield, Oregon and acknowledged the fotegoing to be hislher voluntary act and ~ OFACIALSEAl.. , THERESA JAMES . NOTARY pUBUC-oREGON COMMISSION NO. 40S466 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AP1l27, 2010 ~~ Notary Public for .oregon . Party 2 Signalure: ~HMl ~AJ~ hV\~ A \ ~-I-t_Ji' (if J..lttuh\ie.. \)i~ Printed Name: Title: STATE OF OREGON ) County of Lane' )SS Oll ,)?...tttWIW '(), ,2008 perslll'ally a~peared the above named fv~ -lUW"LtV as the 12J1Ut..ul>\J.t..~of the Relief Nursery, Inc., an Otegon Public Benefit Non-Profit Corporation and acknowledged the foregoing to be the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. _ OFFlCIAL SEAl I' , THERESA JAMES NOTARY PUBU~ " '. COMMISSION NO fo~N. . , MY COMMISSION EXPIRES APR. 27, 2010 j ~~ Notary Public forf(}tegon Date Raeelved: -+ l-:}-Ioq Planner:UJ~p L~~ Property Line Adjnstmeot Deed Page 2 00 . 1"', .. " EXHIBIT A LANDS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER 19 (PARTY I) AFTER PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT SITUATED in the City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon in the West 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 5, Township 18 South, Range 2 West of the Willamene Meridian and described as follows: ' COMMENCING at the most.-southerly southeasl comer of those lands surveyed in County Survey File Number 37770 filed on November 5, 2002 by Rex A Betz; THENCE along the south line of the lands in said survey West, 25051 feet to a point on the southerly extension of the north.south portion of the northerly line of the lands in said survey, said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE along said southerly extension North 00'03'00" East, 357.04 feet to a point on a line lying 40,00 feet southerly, by perpendicular measurement, from the southerly east.west portion of the northetly line of the lands in said survey; THENCE along said parallel line East, 25551 feel to the west margin of South 42" Street as dedicated in that Declaration of Dedication recorded on April 10, 2007 as Reception Number 2007.023540 in the Lane County Oregon Official Records; THENCE along said wesl margin North 00'03'00" East, 40.00 feet to said southerly east.west portion of the northerly line of the lands in said survey; THENCE along said northerly line West, 255.51 feet .to an angle point; THENCE continuing along said northerly line North 00003'00" East, 150.00 feet to an angle point; THENCE continuing along said northerly line West, 259.27 feel to the northwest comer of the lands in said survey; THENCE along the westerly line of the lands in said survey South 00003'00" West, 547.04 feet to the southwest comer oflhe lands in said survey; THENCE along the southerly line of the lands in said survey East, 259.27 feet, RETURNING to' the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. . EXHIBIT B . LANDS OF RELIEF NURSERY (PARTY 2) AFTER PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT SITUATED in the City of Springfield, Lane County, State of Oregon in the West 112 of the Northwest 114 of Section 5, Township 18 South, Range'2 West of the Willamette Meridian and' described as follows: -'" ~ BEGINNING at the most southerly southeast comer of those lands surveyed in County Survey File Number 37770 filed on November 5, 2002 by Rex A Betz; THENCE along the south line of the lands in said survey West, 250.51 feet to a~point on the southerly extension of the north-south portion of the northerly line ofthe lands in said survey; THENCE along said southerly extension North 00'03'00" East, 3~7,04 feet to a point on a line lying 40.00 feet southerly, by perpendicular measurement, from the southerly east.west portion of the northerly line of. the lands in said survey; THENCE along said parallel line East, 255.51 feet to the west margin of South 42"" Street as dedicated in that Declaration of Dedication recorded on April 10,2007 as Reception Number 2007-023540 in the Lane County Oregon Official Records; THENCE along said "west margin South 00003'00" West, 344.98 feet to the northerly east-west portion of the southerly line of the lands in said survey; THENCE along said southerly line North 89057'00" West, 5.00 feet to an angle point; THENCE conlinujng along said southerly line South 00003'00" West, 12.06 feet, RETURNING 10 the POINT OF BEGINNING. . Property Line Adjustmeol Deed Page3of3 . ""- Date ReceiVed; 4-1 ~rf oq Planner. LD 7!iit ;r-~t1 {OUJ,- W'JcR