HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 10/30/2008 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O OCT 3 0 2008 pplication Type (Applicant: check :o.ne) Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal: ~ Site Plan Review Submittal: 0 Major Site Plan Modification Pre-Submittal: Ma"or Site Plan Modification Submittal: ." . Applicant Name: b/2... MM "P\A~V\~ Phone: k'lI\<1e5'". OUl!; 1 Icompany: Sf''e.\NCt rlaD b'AI-'-\S\S: L\... L. Fax: / !Address: 3q,55 1?,vElBENfl D{{'IIF. SUI'Tl~ ZoO. S'PfGINaFJELD. OR 't7J177 , IAPPlicant's Rep.: cDWA~/) JIJH-NSON Phone: (7.~2) qOI "06Df> Icompany: CHll/6TlJPriER JODD + 1I55oc.tfl-TES Fax: (..2.1~1.. ') "01 . OS-I 0 IAddress: A/4PJ WI tJJS;S;;"D US80N RoAD. ME'NoMDA/'F13 Fl'1t.l..s. WI t:3o~1 , I Property Owner: J'PR.INf:J FI CLlJ Dlftl.. '15/5. LL L Phone: (5"4/) 'IS6'"- Ol/lb"J Icompany: FetiSENIIA5. ME"D/lI'tL CIHZrE Fax: / IAddress: .-=?'356' RIVER.PJEY) ()ew"F...(/AITi;: '7./)0. .(Pfl..INhFI€'L/) /T12... q7477 , . . IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 11- 03- 2.CI "Z. '-IhAX LOT NO(S): II.. ISOO ) "IL / tROD I :t -;10 C:l. ~rr tit-I&><>) Property Address: 3,()!.I (i) STe~T. SPR,IN6FI al) . ~~ "/7477 (T1../..oOJ I Size of Property: 5'3.4 q I (ftPPIlO'X. ') Ac~es 0 Square Feet ~ I Proposed Name of Proiect: Feli"SEA/ltA5 /V1roltftL CflU- S'f'eINtJFltLD I I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal d~scriPtion to this application. Proposal: sa: A-1TALlt1;'f) PrzOJRT NM?/Ul-1/VE I Existing Use: 'VALArvr LDT INew Impervious Surface Coveraae (Includina Blda. Gross Floor Area): 3G!806" sf Si natures: Please si nand rint our name and date in the a ro riate box on the next Signs: Associated Applications: I Pre-Sub Case No.: PRf 2008. 0:008' Icase No.: IAPPlication Fee: $ ITOTAL FEES: $ I Date: I D-3D-OK Reviewed by: I I 3~(p ~ 3 Y-lo 00 Date: Reviewed by: ITechnical Fee: $ ~ I Postage Fee: $ --- I PROJECT NUMBER: fl\f~c:c&-[(X::(c;( _ iii Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 10 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting, Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, ,and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. Owner: Date: Signature Print PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 3 02008 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 10 Christopher Kidd & Associates, LLC Architects and Engineers Project Narrative Project Name: FMC-D.S. of Springfield - Shell Building CKA Project Number: 07192-02 Tax Map/Lot: TL 1500 and TL 1600 '2-10 <l 304 :3$tQStreet Springfield, OR 97477 PRE.SUBMITTAI!REC'O OCT 3 0 2008 Existing Use of Property The existing property consists of two parcels, Tax Lot 1500 and Tax Lot 1600, having one single story residential structure each to be removed, There are multiple accessory structures to the residences to be removed as well. (See Sheet C I) A number of existing trees shall be removed via a tree felling permit, however; all trees that can be kept will be identified and protected properly during construction, (See Sheet C I and Sheet Ll 00) Proposed Use of Property The proposed site plan includes an 11,216 g,s,f, medical office building shell to house a future outpatient dialysis clinic. (See Sheet C3 and A 100) The tenant improvement work shall be performed under a separated contract and separate permits, The site also includes a parking lot for 38 vehicles including 4 ADA compliant accessible spaces, A covered drop-off canopy is provided with vehicular access, A pedestrian sidewalk from the existing street is provided as well as bike parking in a covered area, Proposed Number of Employees 15-18 (including doctors, receptionists, nurses, technicians. social workers, dieticians, clinic manager, training coordinators when dialysis facility tenant build-out is constructed) Future Expansion Plans None, Dialysis facility tenant build-out shall be constructed under separated contract within proposed shell building, . . Prepared by: Thea M. Watters, LEED AP Christopher Kidd & Associates, LLC N48W16550 Lisbon Road Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53051 262-901-0505 Phone 262-901,0510 Fax ~ - - - - - - - - ~-- - - -- - - - - - - - -- , - n.1100 AOJA~TSITEIN.I.C.J PROPOSEDW\TUAALGASMETER LOCATION. OOJ C~H @(l.5PSI CDNNECTEDLOAOMECHANICAL CONTRAcmRTO COORl:)INATE E>V\CTLOCATIONWlTI10V\0NER COORllINATE WITH NATURAL GAs PROVIOER TO ENSURE SUFFLOENT SERIIlCE o 9~ 8~ '" ~~ , OUMPSTERSWI\GENERATORWI- ENCl.OSUREN-IO ENCl.OSURE ~~a CONCRETEP/ID ~ r~~:~ir~:TOf _SEEDETAlL '~IAll0 ,I ~~ \ \ I I I \ I I \ If 1-:--'-;- [-;;' " J ~1111111!l1111111111111~1111111~lllllllllilllllllw"'"111I~ 1111111111111111111111111111!!l111~--'IIIIII~'I,Jl2' ~~~J !ill I I I 'I_~~ ! ;.'.';',::;';:;~~" ~, I I I I II I II II ~/, ! ~L' "~",,a~'=,~ --, 11111111111111111 11111' '--=1= /\,~a~\ I II( I )Ifll ~III /~~ nr~+~8~~~ --f~~~~:: """m'~ ''''''~,o- ~ ~d III " ,,11111 11111> I) [1 ~ 1_ ~~ ;B't:~j~ ~.";;'';i:",:~:::;<, ~~~~~~~~ITY /' ~ ?fLLLUtlJlllllllllllllllfllllllll mYi "t1~11111!.-lllllllllltffilllllllli,~J?fl~ 11111~111111 ~~! ~l~J~I: ~ ~I ~'I.III(\I ~~i 1 I .1 ~ t_ 6:;;:~~~F~:~~~~ I:~;Z~'-~,;' I I I I II I ~!i: "'.~l~rr~~i~~lli~~ }~~ . .., "t' ~.o ~!i .0 ~.o ~ '" /""" ,i, I '" ""." I' ,,~~, / '---~,;r;::~:~::~~:: Cl ,f/ ~:~~~A&E~' J I 28'.0" yo ~''--lANOO~PEISLAN[ - ~. -- ---- ~ HIOHWAVYEllOW 11 ... STl'l1P 9 CENTERED 00 CANOPY WITHCURflANO ...... ~ ~ L-STRIPEilo'Xza. GUTTER l.;> ~ bJJd~<~~ [b]d.... <\~ 6~~~F~I~~T ~.... . I :X(' ".~;f( \~~AR:~g~TOP1 ~~~~;~NEW \SEEDETAlL09IA110 BUILDING \ ,Q;;) I HVACUNITSON_ REINFORCED CONCRETESlABS \~~~~~~~~OO I \"""m~" HVACUNITSON-/ REINFORCED \ CONCRETE SLABS ~-, ~~" * ~"" IQJdJJ I -il ~,..- ~EXISTING SIDEWALK , ~ , ~ i i l l ---S~ECIV<L DAAI'IINGSFOR CURllANDGUTTER DETAILS , i[ '---SEE CIVIL DAAWINGSFOR APPROACH OETAlLS .l.ANDSCAPEAREA \. '-. il --- I- -~I~' "~@"~,, Q "9\,1 ," ~ TL1200CC /W-JACENT SITE IN.I.C'.) Tl.l300CC AOJACENTSrrE{N.I.C.) Tl.'400CC ADJACENTSITE(NJ.C.) ~,~t~ !~J '0' i ,..---EXISTING SIDEWALK :>... .:;'''''-0. \ \ "-- < w " < w '. 1\ !~ r:: zr SITE PLAN ASPHALT PARKING LOT , SEE CIVIL DRAWIN!lS \ 12STAl.LS@9..Q"10S<j" m "",""~O"1'"'" 8 ~-,---.~,,~ rslm ,GESHI.LBEP NTEDH ~lWAY. !YWM tN _________::1 J<L /'. 1',.:0. TLn02CC ADJACENT SITE (N.I.C.) SITEPlANOENERALNOTES I.', GENERALCOOTRACTORTOCOORDINATENEWDRIVEAPRONN-IDSTREETCURBSWITHTHECITYOFSPRINGFIElD ENGINEER,PERCITYSTANDA.ROSA~PERTHECNlLDRi\WINGS 3.GENERALCONTRACTORSHAU.PROVIDECONOUITUN[}ERGROUNOFORAUPHONE,DATA.CAElLE,ANOELECTRlCAl.. UTlllTYCONNECTIQNS .. AU AREAS OF SITE THAT ARE DISTURflED!lY CONSTRUCTION AND NOT NOTED AS ANOTHER SUR~ACE SHALL BE LANDSCAPINGPERCITYOl'SPRINGFlELDANOTHEl.ANOSCAPEPl.AN.GENERALCONTRACTORTORETAINLDCAL LICENSED LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL PER ALLClTY OF SPRlNG~IELDANODESIGNER"S REQU'REMENTS. A SPRIN.....ERIRRJGATlQNSVSTEMSHAU.6EINSTAL..LttIPERlANDSCAPEDESIGNER'SPl.AN.SEEl.ANOSCAPEAND CIVIL ! ORAWlN<iSmRMOREINFORMATlON, ALLExlSTINGTREESTOREMAlNSH"-LLBEPROTECTEDASSHQWNONTIlECIVIL 'l ::::::,~;;,::;:~ "" ^~"'"'' ,~rn"m',,~, ,"""" """'" ,~"'~ '"~'''' w '^"~, 6. GENERAL CONTRi\CTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FORALLNECESSARYDEMOUTIONTOTHESITEFOR THE COMPLETION OF THISPRQ.lECT. SEECIV1LDAAWINGS~QR EXISTI'<GSITECONDITIONS. AL.I. SITE CQNDITIONS SHALL BE VE.RIRED '" F1ELOaVTHEGENERALCONTRACTORANDrHEARCI1ITECTSHAU.6ENOTlF'EDOFANVOISCREPANCIESOR CONDITIONS HINDERING THE COMPLETION OF TH~PROJECTPRlORTOTHECO"''''ENCE''ENTOFCONSTRUCTION - . -- , T1.tWl ADJACENT SITE (N.I.C.) PRE-SUBMITTAl REC'O OCT 3 02008 mTT: ITl K':::.K<I( ~ ~ ::i ~ 'u o ~ <l: o , l 1 , Q! 8~ V ~*I- -a "<I' S2 i !lll' ~.~aH~ Ig.~ i~~ i. .....:"'''..0& "'lilli'l io~Ull III , '0 Qj ;;::: :~ ~ r- Im ... ,... I~~"i: ~'" 1m';, c.q; I~'.!:(/),g: : 1UJ:!_(/)Oj :E500"O ~lD "q-~ i'c:~CI);1j~ '1*V5Ci -~ LL -I cr. o :;: ... '=:'::-1 ,.......""'....-,"'''.. ..--. ....~-- ,:.~......::- :=-.,... Ilo~",," I""....~ .... 1'-.... 1"'""--- 1"'"'_;"".. A100 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT / Engineering Division Fax: (541) 736-1021 STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK n___ (Area below Ihis line filled 0111 by Applicanl) ----- (Please relllm 10 Matt Slonder@ City of Springfield Pllblic Works Engineering; Fax # 736-1021, Phone # 736-1035.) Project Name: flZ,"SE"WI,^5 Mro'LlltCIlU:- -S'P~IN6F,fU)Applicant: Assessors Parcel #: 17 . D ~, 1. UJ z 'l Date: Land Users): I'hMMIAllIlTi (oMMf'/'LG/AL Phone#: Project Size (Acres): ,. 2'2.. WP/Z. 0 'to, ') Fax #: Approx. Impervious Area: 3"5""1 805'" sf Email: Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): I I I ('ZlR'l.. ') 'l 0 I . 0 S' I 0 I e -johni:Cl()@. r_lGiAao.T'lhim4s .CDrV\~ tJ.lfllf;TlJPttVl. it/DD t !'&tJt!f}71F! 10' Z8' 2008 (Zu1.1 '101 . 050~ Sff Stf1:TTS c.J - EO · ,~F:1!~~4ITTAL REC'D nn 3 0200a Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s). discharge location(s), etc. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: SEE StlcET ci)' - S7"ofl.M lA?1+INR(;/I: pLAN Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices: fJ/l./IINRe,€ 5'Wf/G/3"S - SEE' SHa T C S' - STOIZIV/ Oet4II\1lf61G' PLA-N _m_ IArea below Ihis line filled 0111 b. the Ci/v and Relllmed 10 Ihe Aoolicanll __m (At a minimum, all boxes checked by the City on the from and back oflhis sheet shall be submitted for an application to be complete for submittal, although other requirements may be necessary.) Drainal!e Studv TVDe mDSPM Section 4.03.2): (Note. UH mav be substituted for Rational Method) o Small Site Study - (use Rational Method for calculations) o Mid-Level Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) D' Full Drainage Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) Environmental Considerations: o Wellhead Zone: o Wetland/Riparian: o Soil Type: Downstream Analvsis: ON/A o Flow line for starting water surface elevation: o Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: o Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: o Hillside Development: o Floodway/Floodplain: o Other Jurisdictions: Return to Matt Stouder @ City of Sprin2field, email: mstouder@ci.sprin2field.or.us, FAX: (541) 736-1021 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 9 of 10 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS ~omcial Use Only * Based upon the information provided on {hefron! of this sheet. the fallowing represents a minimum o.fwl1af Li; neededfor ail applicatioll-to be complete for submittal with respect to drainage; however, this /ist should not be llsed in lieu of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) or the City's Engineering Design Manual. Compliance with these requirements does not constitute site approval; Aejdifional site specijlc information may be required. Note: Upon .'leaping sheet submittal, ensure completed form has been signed in the space provided below: Interim Design StandardslWater Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3) Req'd N/A D D All non-building roonop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e.g. multi-chambered calchbasin w/oil lihration media) for storm water quality. Additionally, a minimum of 50% of the NBR impervious surface shall be treated by vegelated melhods. D D Where required, vegetative storm water design shall be consistent with interim design' standards (EDSPM Section 3.02), set fOrlh by the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) or Clean Water Services (CWS). D D For new NBR impervious area less than 15,000 square feet, a simplified design approach may be followed as specitied by the BES for vegetative Ireatment. o 0 If a stormwater treatment swale is proposed, submit calculations/specifications for sizing, velocity. flow. side,slopes. bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with either BES or CWS requirements. D D Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3.03.1 of Ihe EDSPM D D All building rooftop mounted equipment, or other lIuid containing equipment located outside of the building, shall he provided 'Yith secondary containment or weather resistant enclosure. ' PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D General Study Requirements (EDSPM Section 4:03) 2 D D Drainage study prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed in the state of Oregon, 0 CT 3 0 008 D D A complete drainage study. as required in EDSPM Seetion4.03.1, including a hydrological study map. o 0 Calculations showing system capacity for a 2-year storm event and overflow effects of a 25-year storm event. o D The time of concentration (Tc) shall be determined using a 10 minute start time for developed basins. Review of Downstream System (EDSPM Section 4.03.4.C) D 0 A downstream drainage analysis as descrihed in EDSPM Seelion 4.03.4.C. On-sile drainage shall be governed hy the Oregon Plumbing Specially Code (OPSC). D D Elevations of the HGL and 1I0w lines for both city and private systems where applicable. Design of Storm Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04) o 0 Flow lines. slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on Ihe plan set. D D Minimum pipe cover shall be 18 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be sufficient 10 support an 80,000 Ib load without failure of the pipe structure. D 0 Manning's "n" values for pipes shall be consistent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All storm pipes shall be designed to achieve a minimum velocity of three (3) feet per second at 0.5 pipe full based on Table 4_1 as well. OtherIMise D D Existing and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing how site drains D D Privatc storm water eascments shall be clearly depicted on plans when private stormwater flows from one property to a'nother o 0 Drywclls shall not receive runoff from any surface w/o being treated by one or more BMPs, with-the exception of residential building roofs (EDSP Seclion 3,03.4.A). Addilional provisions apply to this as required by Ihe DEQ. Refer lo the websitc: www.dea.statc.or.us/wa/2:foundwa/uichome.hcm for more information. D D Detenlion ponds shall he designed to limit runoff to pre-development rates for Ihe 2 through 25-year storm events *This form shall be included as an attachment, inside the from cover, of the storm water study * IMPORTANT: ENGINEER PLEASE READ BELOW AND SIGN! As Ihe engineer of recora. I hereby certify Ihe above required ilems are complete and included with the submitted storm water sludy and plan set. Signature: Date: Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 10 of 10 . ..f K & A Engineering, Inc. 3327 Roanoke Ave., Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 684-9399 Voice (541) 684-9358 FAX .a engineering November 28, 2007 Eugene Springfield Nephrology Association 1200 Hilyard Street, Suite 470 Eugene, OR 97401 Project: 205.07 Subject: Geotechnical site investigation Tax lots 1600& 1700, tax map 17 03 26 24 a Street, Springfield, Oregon PURPOSE AND SCOPE Our understanding is that you are proposing construction of a new medical clinic atthe sUbject project site. Our assumption Is that the facility will likely include conventionally-framed buiidings, parking areas, utilities, and other improvements consistent with light commercial and professional development. As requested, K & A Engineering, Inc. has completed a limited geotechnical investigation of the subject project site, The purpose of our investigation was to characterize site surface and subsurface soil conditions and to make recommendations for the proposed site development with respect to cuts. fills, foundations, pavements, and drainage. The scope of our services included fieldwork and this written report. SITE INVESTIGATION General Site Characteristics The project site is located in northwest Springfield, northeast of the intersection of Beltline Highway and Pioneer Parkway. See the attached Vicinity Map, The site currently includes two tax lots, Both lots have existing small one-story residences, buildings, pavements"and utilities, Site vegetation includes moderately dense fir and hardwoods, scattered native an non-native shrubs, and light to dense grass cover. The ground surface is essentially flat and uniform, with no indications of instability or poor drainage. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O OCT 3 0 ZOOB , , K & A Engineering, Inc. Geology of the area' consists of relatively thick (perhaps greater than 1 DO-feet) quaternary delta fan alluvium over sandstone. The delta fan alluvium includes silts, sands, and sandy-gravels deposited by the nearby Willamette and McKenzie Rivers.' Subsurface Soil Conditions Nine test pits were excavated at the site using a track-mounted hydraulic excavator. The approximate locations of these test pits are shown on the attached Geotechnical Site Plan,' The test pits ranged in depth from approximately 7 to 12-feet. In general the soil profile at the project site can be characterized as 1 to 3-feet of dark brown, loose, organic silt (topsoil with roots and organic matter) over 1 to 3-feet of tan/gray moderately dense/stiff silt, sand, and sandy silt, over dense to very dense well-graded sandy gravels, Groundwater was found at depths ranging from 4 to 12-feet. Graphic logs of the test pits are attached to this report. PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'O OCT 3 0 Z008 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS General Suitability The project site is well suited for the proposed development. There are no unusual geologic hazards associated with this site. Geologie Hazards Slape Slability There is not a significant slope at the project site. There are not any hazards associated with slope lTIovement. Expansive Sails There are thin zones of friable, moderately plastic silts at the site, generally located underneath the ground surtace from 2 to 3-feet. These siits have a moderate potential for volume change with changes in water content. Due to the depth and thin nature of these silts, the overall hazard from expansive soils at the site is low. Our recommendations for design and construction of foundations consider the low hazard of expansive soils and provide measures to mitigate their effects. Earthquake Ground Motion - "Relative Hazard" The project site has been mapped in an area of "low to intermediate hazard" for the combined effect of ground motion amplification and earthquake induced slope movement' Since there are no slopes at the site, the hazard from ground motion is due to the existence of reiatively thick stratum of unconsolidated soils, and the I Ian P. Madin and Robert 8, Murray, Preliminary Geologic Map of the Eugene East and Eugene West 7.5' Quadrangles, Lane County, Oregon; State of Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, Open-file Report 0-06-17, 2006. 'The McKenzie River is approximately 5,000-feet north of the project site, and the Willamette River is approximately 6,000- feet south of the site, The confluence of the McKenzie and the Willamette is north of the site, and in general, this area has been strongly influenced by significant river meanders and flood deposits from both rivers. 'The locations were recorded with a hand-held GPS receiver and are accurate, horizontally, within :t10-ft. 4 Relative Earthquake Hazard Map of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area, Lane County, published by the State of Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, John D, Beaulieu, State Geologist, 2000. Project: 205,07 Client: ESNA Q Street, Springfield, Oregon Page 2 of 11 November 28, 2007 , , K & A Engineering, Inc, amplification of bedrock ground acceieration, The cited study recommends that an amplification lactor lor this area could be as high as 15. Earthquake Ground Motion - Liquefaction With the exception of the southwest quadrant of the project site, the overall hazard of liquefaction at this site is low due to the general location of the groundwater surface below the top of dense well-graded graveis We did find groundwater in a thin layer of poorly-graded sand in test pit TP09 which could be susceptible to liquefaction and strength loss with seismic ground motion. Our recommendations for site development and foundations are made to mitigate the possible liquefaction condition in the southwest area of the project site. Earthquake Ground Motion - Differential Settlement In general, subsurface soil conditions for most of the project site, as determined in the field with the test pit investigation, are relatively uniform and present no significant hazards with respect to differential settlement trom earthquake ground motion. However, we did find saturated, poorly-graded sands in test pit TPOg, and we also observed indications that the groundwater may rise ,in the southwest quadrant of the project site (as observed in test pits TP08 and TP09), If saturated, poorly graded sands (and the sands, silty-sands, or sandy-silts) are likely to be susceptible to earthquake-induced high pore water pressures and subsequent bearing capacity faiiure and settlement. Our recommendations for foundations, below, include specific measures to identify and mitigate this condition in the southwest zone of the project site. This zone is identified on the Geotechnical Site Plan, Earthquake Ground Motion - Faulting or Lateral Spreading There is no known active fault that moves through the project site that could be the cause of faulting or lateral spreading, Lateral spreading is unlikely at the project site. Earthquake Ground Motion - Design Criteria Based on criteria prescribed in Table 1613,5.2 of the 2007 Oregon Structural Specialty Code we recommend that the project site is Site Class "0" based on a "stiff" soil profile. We recommend development of seismic ground motion design parameters, including a spectral response curve, as prescribed in ASCE 7 -05, chapter 11. For design of non-foundation elements (such as exterior retaining walls or "non-structural" elements and anchorages) for lateral earthquake loads, we recommend a design peak ground acceleration of 21-%g (10% probability of exceedance in 50-years) that aiso includes a 1.5 amplification factor due to the mapped local hazard.' Site Development Clearing and Grubbing All areas to receive foundations, pavements, or modifications in surface grading should be stripped of the surface organic silts. The depth of stripping will range from 1 to 3-feet. Strippings should be removed from the iJRE.SUBMllTAl REeD OCT 3 0 Z008 '2002 NSHMP Hazard Mapping. Interactive web site at: hltp://earlhquake. usgs,gov/research/hazmaps/interactive/cm aps/custom2002~ 2006,php Project: 205,07 Client: ESNA Q Street, Springfield, Oregon Page 3 of 11 November 28, 2007 K & A Engineering, Inc. construction area to a suitable disposal area off site, or stockpiled at on site for use as backfill for landscaped, vegetated areas designated on the project site plan, if approved by the project architect. Organic silt strippings are not suitable for structural fill. Stripped areas should be thoroughly grUbbed of roots and all woody debris. Grubbed roots and woody debris should be disposed of off-site. All areas of clearing, grubbing, and general excavation should be managed for minimization of surface erosion and sediment transport off site, Management techniques could include covering during rainfall, sediment fencing, and avoiding concentrated surface runoff, Subgrade Preparation General Site Recommendations After clearing, grubbing, and excavation, the subgrade should be graded smooth to undisturbed native soils at the desired elevation(s). Loose or disturbed subgrade soils should either be removed and replaced with select granular fill or compacted to a minimum dry density of 95% of maximum as determined be ASTM D698 (standard proctor), Compaction may not be feasible during intermittent wet weather or if the water content of the subgrade soil is higher than the optimum water content. K & A Engineering, Inc, should be on site during subgrade preparation to provide on-site recommendations and to approve of the subgrade prior to placement of granular fiils or construction of footings or pavements. Southwest Zone The southwest quadrant of the project site (see the hatched area on the attached Geotechnical Site Plan) may contain relatively high groundwater levels and saturated, poorly-graded sands, silty-sand, or sandy-silt which could experience strength loss from strong ground motion. At locations, in this zone, to receive permanent foundations, the poorly-graded sands, silty-sand, or sandy-silt should be removed' so that the subgrade supporting permanent foundations in this zone is in the dense sandy- gravels, Select granular fill should be placed on the prepared subgrade and brought to the desired foundation elevation. Pavement sUbgrade in this zone should be prepared as recommended in General Site Recommendations, above, with no required removal of poorly-graded sands, siity-sand, or sandy-silt. Cuts Based on our understanding of the nature of the proposed development, it is unlikely that there will be permanent cuts or fills exceeding 4-feet in height. Temporary cuts up to 8-feet in height may be made for foundation construction with slopes not exceeding 1 H : 1 V, K & A Engineering, Inc, should be contacted for additional recommendations if cuts exceeding 8-feet are required. All temporary cuts should be covered during wet weather. Permanent cuts up to 4-feet in height should be designed and constructed with slopes that do not exceed 1.5 H : 1 V, Permanent cut slope surfaces should be grad~d smooth and protected from surface erosion with either a vegetative cover orstonf~l:rT2~&BMITTAL REC'O OCT 3 0 ZOOB Project: 205.07 Client: ESNA Q Street, Springfield, Oregon Page 4 of 11 November 28, 2007 K & A Engineering, Inc. Fills Permanent fill embankments may be constructed with exposed face slopes that do not exceed 2 H : 1 V. All fill embankments should be "over-built" horizontally at least 2-feet and then reshaped to the final face slope, Fill embankments may be constructed using approved native structural filldr select granular fill. Fill embankments constructed with native structural fill should be constructed on a subgrade prepared as recommended above. Native structural fill should be placed in 9-inch maximum loose lifts and compacted using a vibratory smooth drum roller to a dry density equal to or exceeding 95% of maximum as determined by ASTM 0698. Select granuiar fill should be placed as specified below in the materials and methods specifications. All exposed permanent fill slope faces should be protected from sulface erosion with either a vegetative cover or stone armoring. K & A Engineering, Inc. should inspect and approve of materials and placement of all permanent fills. Pavements Subgrade The subgrade under all pavements should be on native non-organic subgrade soil prepared as recommended above and approved by K & A Engineering, Inc., or on fills constructed and approved as recommended above, Pavement Design and Construction We recommend that the pavement structure for driveways and parking areas consist of 8~inches of aggregate base rock covered by 3-inches of dense-graded hot bituminous asphalt concrete (AC) pavement. Our recommendations for pavement structure are based on the assumption of a 20-year design life, a relatively low subgrade strength assuming that the subgrade will be prepared on native plastic silt (M, = 6,000 psi), and an estimate for traffic over the 20-year design life of 63,000-18-kip equivalent single axle loads, Wet Weather Construction Earthwork construction including cuts or fills, during continuous or heavy rainiall or very wet weather is not recommended. Earthwork construction may proceed during light, intermittent rainfall provided that subgrade soils are not saturated or weakened by cyclic wheel loading from trucks and earthwork equipment. Temporary haul routes for trucks (constructed with coarse select granular fill) may be required to avoid weakening of the subgrade from construction traffic. K & A Engineering, Inc. should be consulted for additional recommendations if earthwork construction is to proceed during wet weather. Underground Utility Construction There are no unusual hazards for utility construction at this site. All utility construction should be made with the implementation of safety procedures and methods required by local, state, and federal standards. Backfill in the pipe zone should consist of either fine select granular fill or a granular fill recommended by the public utility installer. Backfill above the pipe zone may consist of native structural fill (if water content and weather permit proper compaction), or select granular fill. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O OCT 3 0 ZOOB Project: 205.07 Client: ESNA Q Street, Springfield, Oregon Page 5 of 11 November 28, 2007 K & A Engineering, Inc. Foundations General Assunlpffons We anticipate that the proposed construction will inciude one or two-story conventionally framed walls. There may be structures with one-story CMU perimeter walls. We anticipate design ioads for perimeter footings in the range of 1 to 3-kips per lineai foot; and isolated interior footing supporting roof ioads in the range of 10 to 20- kips. Foundation systems may include conventional cast-in-place reinforced concrete spread footings, or cast- in-place reinforced grade beams supported by cast-in-place concrete piers constructed in pre-drilled holes. The following recommendations were made to limit differential settlement to V4-inch and satisfy bearing capacity of soils as evaluated in the site investigation. Spread Fooffngs Shallow spread footings should be designed for an allowable bearing capacity of 1 ,500-pounds per square foot. Shallow spread footings should be constructed to bear on approved subgrade prepared as recommended above at a minimum depth below final grade of 2-feet. Alternatively, shallow spread footings may be supported on select granular fill that extends to the subgrade, prepared as recommended above, at a minimum depth below final grade of 2-feet. . Pre-drilled Concrete Piers High point loads or other foundation loads may be supported by cast-in-place concrete piers poured in pre- drilled holes. Concrete piers should extend to a minimum depth of 1-foot below the surface of dense sandy gravels or 6-feet, whichever is deeper, below the final grade, K & A Engineering, inc. should be on-site during drilling and approve of the depth of piers, The allowable bearing capacity for concrete piers is 15-kips per square foot in end bearing only, The minimum recommended pier diameter is 24-inches. Prior to placement of concrete, all pier holes should be cleaned of all ioose soils. Our experience is that the use of a large truck-mounted vacuum system is the most economical and efficient method to remove loose debris, Concrete should be carefully placed in the holes using a tremmie or pump hose so that the concrete is placed in the hole to avoid disaggregation of the concrete. The tremmie or pump hose should be placed below the water level, if groundwater is in the holes, and slowly pulled upward as concrete is placed, displacing the water, All piers should be reinforced for seismic loads and other lateral loads as per the 2007 Oregon Structural Specialty Code. Foundation Area Drainage All perimeter strip footings should be drained with a conventional perimeter drain system consisting of a perforated drainpipe covered with a minimum of 12-inches of drain rock that is completely enveloped with separation geotextile, Retaining Walls We anticipate that short retaining walls may be specified to support loading ramps, We assume that loading ramps will be backfilled with select granular fill and have a level backfill that supports pavement and truck loads, Project: 205,07 Client: ESNA a Street, Springfield, Oregon PRE.SUBMIlTAL RF.('lllage 6 of 11 NoYember 28, 2007 OCT 3 0 ZOOS K & A Engineering, Inc, We recommend that loading ramp retaining walls be designed for a triangular lateral pressure envelope of an equivalent fluid having a density of 35 pounds per cubic foot plus a uniform lateral pressure (to account for traffic surcharge) of 240-pounds per square foot. The recommended maximum allowable passive soil pressure at the toe of the wall is an equivalent fluid pressure of 300-pounds per square foot/foot. The recommended coefficient of sliding friction at the base of the retaining wall footing is 0.4, Note that this value is NOT adjusted by a factor of safety. Retaining wall footings should be designed fDr an allowable bearing capacity of1 ,500-pounds per square foot and should be supported on select granular fill that extends to approved prepared subgrade soils at a minimum depth of2-feet below the ground surface at the toe of the wall. Retaining walls should be drained, at the heel (the fill side) with weep holes that extend through the wall. Weep holes at the heel should be covered with a minimum of 12-inches of drain rock that is covered with separation geotextile. Weep holes should be spaced at 8-feet minimum and have a minimum diameter of3-inches, Surface Runoff Final grading should route surface runoff away from foundations. We anticipate that the site grading plan will include designed systems to collect and manage storm runoff. Drywells Drywells or soakage trenches may be used for limited disposal of surface runoff from roofs. Drywell design criteria are beyond the scope of this report, K & A Engineering, Inc. can provide additional field testing and design and construction criteria for drywells or soakage trenches, if required, SPECIFICATlDNS Materials Select Granular Fill Select granular fill may consist entirely of fine select granular fill or a minimum of 9-inches of coarse select granular fill covered with a minimum of 3-inches of fine select granular fill. FmeSerectGronumrFiII Fine select granular fill should consist of clean, durable, well-graded material with a maximum particle size 013- inches and a maximum of 10% passing the no. 200 sieve, Select granular fill shall be placed in layers not to exceed 12-inches (loose) and mechanically compacted to an average dry density exceeding 95% of maximum as determined by ASTM D698 (Std. Proctor), Coarse Select Granular Fill Coarse select granular fill should consist of clean, well-graded quarry stone having a maximum particle size of 3-inches. Quarry stone should be durable and have 100% fractured faces. Coarse select granular fill should have a water content judged to be near optimum by the geotechnical engineer, and should be placed in 12-inch layers and compacted using a heavy vibratory steel drum roller. Project: 205,07 Ciient: ESNA Q Street, Springfield, Oregon PRE.SUBMIlTAL P~f"'IP\age 7 of 11 Nomb"er 28, 2007 OCT 3 0 2008 K & A Engineering, Inc. Alternatively coarse select granular fill may consist of well-graded "bar-run" gravels from a local alluvial source, "Bar-run" coarse select granular fill shall pass the 4-inch sieve and shall have no more than 10%, by weight, passing the no. 200 sieve, Aggregate Base Aggregate base should consist of clean, durable, well-graded material with a maximum particle size of 1 1/2- inches and a maximum of 10% passing the no, 200 sieve, Aggregate base shall be placed In layers not to exceed 12-inches (loose) and mechanically compacted to a dry density exceeding 95% of maximum as determined by ASTM 01557 (modified proctor). Drain Rock Orain rock should consist of 1 V, to 3-inch clean, open-graded, and durable round river stone or angular quarry stone. Nalive Structural Fill Native structural fill refers to on-site native clean sands, silty-sand, and sandy gravel. These soils may be used for native structural fill if the water content is at or within 2% of optimum as determined by ASTM 0698. Subgrade Subgrade refers to compacted, graded native soils underneath stripped and grubbed organic layers that will receive constructed fills or embankments, The subgrade in the southwest zone hatched on the Geotechnical Site Plan should be in native undisturbed sandy gravels, Separation Geotexlile Separation geotextile should tonsist of a non-woven, needle-punched, polypropylene fabric meeting the following specifications: Table 1 - Separation Geotextile Specifications I Properly Test Specification Method I Grab Strength ASTM >1.4kN 04632 I Tear Strength ASTM > 0.5 kN 04533 I Puncture Strength . ASTM > 0.5 kN 04833 Burst Strength ASTM > 3,500 kPa 03786 Permittivity ASTM > .02 sec.1 04491 I Apparent Opening Size (ADS) ASTM US Std. Sieve 70 04571 I Ultraviolet Stability ASTM > 50% ret. After 500 hours 1 04355 exposure . Project: 205.07 Client: ESNA PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O Q Street, Springfield, Oregon OCT 3 0 Z008 Page 8 of 11 November 28, 2007 K & A Engineering, Inc. A manufacturer's printed certification is acceptable as proof of compliance in lieu of laboratory testing, Fabrics that meet this specification include Amoco Fabrics and Fibers Co. proPex 4545. Separation geotextile should be placed free of wrinkles or other discontinuities. Torn, punctured, or damaged fabric should be replace. Separation geotextile should have a minimum lap at seams of 12-inches. Pavement Gea/exlile Pavement geotextile should consist of a woven polypropylene fabric meeting the following specifications: Table 4 - Pavement ~eotextile Specifications Property Test Specification Method Grab Strength ASTM >1.4kN 04632 Tear Strength ASTM > 0.5 kN 04533 Puncture Strength ASTM > 0.5 kN 04833 Burst Strength ASTM > 3,500 kPa D3786 Permittivity ASTM > .05 sec" 04491 Apparent Opening Size (ADS) ASTM U.S. sieve 70 04571 Ultraviolet Stability ASTM > 50% ret. After 500 hours 1 04355 exposure A manufacturer's printed certification is acceptable as proof of compliance in lieu of laboratory testing. Fabrics that meet this specification include Amoco Fabrics and Fibers Co, ProPex 2006. Pavement geotextile should be placed free of wrinkles or other discontinuities, Torn, punctured, or damaged fabric should be replace: Separation geotextile should have a.minimum lap at seams of 12-inches. Drain Pipe Orainpipe for foundation drain systems shall consist of rigid AOS3000 Triplewall pipe or schedule 40 PVC, Perforations should be either prefabricated by the pipe supplier, or constructed by drilling 'IHnch diameter holes spaced at 8" into solid pipe, Perforations should be placed down. K & A Engineering, Inc, should be contacted to review and approve perforated drainpipe prior to installation. Placement Specification General recommendations for placement of earthwork and specified materials are as follows: . Strip and remove all organic soils including grubbing of root masses in native soils underneath the organic topsoil. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O Project: 205.07 Client: ESNA Q Street, Springfield, Oregon 0CT ~ I) 20(lR Page 9 of 11 November 28, 2007 K & A Engineering, Inc. . Remove any sands, silty-sands, or sandy-silts under foundation areas in the southwest quadrant shown on the Geotechnical Site Plan. The subgrade in these areas should be in dense sandy gravels. The minimum width of the subgrade underneath footings in this zone should be equal to or greater than the footing width plus two times the distance from the footing to the subgrade. . Compact subgrade prior to placing constructed fills, embankments, pavements, or foundations, The subgrade should be compacted to a minimum of 95% of maximum as determined by ASTM 0698. Compaction may not be possible during wet weather or for soils having moisture contents exceeding optimum. . Native structural fill should be placed in 9-inch maximum lifts (loose) and compacted using a vibratory sheepsfoot or smooth drum roller to an average in-place dry density exceeding 95% of maximum as determined by ASTM 0698. . Fine select granular fill should be placed in 12-inch maximum lifts (loose) and compacted using a smooth drum vibratory roller to an average in"place dry density exceeding 95% of maximum as determined by ASTM 0698. . Coarse select granular fill consisting of should be placed in 12"inch maximum lifts (loose) and compacted using a Vibratory smooth drum roller having a minimum dynamic centrifugal force of 30- kips. Coarse granular fill should have a water content judged to be at optimum by the geotechnical engineer, and compaction should continue until no deflection of the fill is observed at the edge of the roller. . Quality control of constructed fills and embankments and compaction of subgrade should be provided by a qualified geotechnical engineer or a materials testing company approved by the geotechnical engineer. A quality control program should have a systematic plan for obtaining 'random samples of sufficient quantity to assure reasonable compliance with these specifications. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O OCT 3 0 2008 Project: 205,07 Client: ESNA Q Street, Springfield, Oregon Page 10 of 11 November 28, 2007 K & A Engineering, Inc. LIMITATIONS ANO USE OF GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS This report has been prepared for fhe exclusive use of Eugene Springfield Nephrology Associates and its design consultants and contractors for the subject project. This geotechnicai investigation, analysis, and recommendations meet the standards of care of competent geotechnical engineers providing similar services at the time these services were provided. We do not warrant or guarantee these recommendations, site s.urface, or subsurface conditions. Exploration test holes indicate soil conditions only at specific locations (i.e. the test hole locations) to the depths penetrated. They do not necessarily reflect soil/rock materials or groundwater conditions that exist between or beyond exploration locations or iimits. The scope of our services does not include construction safety precautions, techniques, sequences, or procedures, except as specifically recommended in this report. Our services should not be interpreted as an environmental assessment of site conditions. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. Please call us if you have questions or need further assistance. Respectfully, EXPIRES ~tr< Michaei Remboldt, P.E. Principle, K & A Engineering; Inc. PRE-SUBMllTAl REC'O OCT 3 0 ZOOB Project 205.07 Client ESNA Q Street, Springfield, Oregon Page110f11 November 28, 2007 "'\ II ~ m., ,> . ~ ~~ . :;c<f"'::-'i,. 'J'l;..t~: . '.\ "J 11\ :-'~\47 -. _ =E'.\1ffi;. "1"- "J"I ., RO k-a engineering geotechnical/clivil engineering Eugene, OR 97440 541 684 9399 541 684 9358 fax I =.= -: :::-f:7-- '\ -'------,"Tf(\l , / ~ ' 447 TP06.r447 ~/ I /"'-,, / 1 ; I / \ L_I I II i ~~ I /' ~'" ~ : I I ~ // TP'b:r1 I j TP04 / ---4 ~~ // 1 / , I: c - ~ TPO~ / I ~ I ' U : I ~ I'. TP05 1 ! ' : \ i --, I : D 'I t,..1 \.-1/ I , , ~ TP08 ~ TP02 140' I . : ._ '.", . . ,.,. ,I" I " ".. .. , '- " " '- ... "" " ' " " " ./ ~ ~ " "'," '" " "r~"" \,', ,', 7,,;:""/ " ',," "" '" '" '", I' '-, " ", " " '\'", " '-. "" ", ,,', "'" '\.', ""."'," '~'" '\" ", I'~'",", "~''';:,I' '":'1,,, , ,'.\.... ,; I', ,,'.... "" ','l'.TPQg, 1" '".,.'.\...." " 'x' "Y(.~' '.. '~ "" '" ",- '" ',,- I' " ", r," ". '- '" '."" '... "" ~ ". ",,,,,,. '\.. 'I' '. Y".'" I '-' I"" ", " " '>. '" I' '" '\ ".~,.", ',"". "- ~ I" "" '~,," '-, ". "... ," '-,", " '-,' ,-', I . " '../ \, "- ... . '- '- ' .. ," " I" " ..... /'" "\ ", ", "... "'-, '\, ""', ',,- '" "', '" / r '. 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I I' r- I I I " , .E..OSSIBLE ZONE OF HIGH GROUNDWATE L AND POORLY GRADED SANDS, SEE REPORT FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT ' RECOMMENDATIONS, -ct 8 ~E~JECHNICAL SITE PLAN LEGEND o TP09 TEST PIT LOCATION AND DESIGNATION EXP IRES Date Excavated: Equipment: I ~- 0.'" w ~ 0= u I 0. <C 0> '" 0 0> ~ .1 Ll. 4 .......~.. ../..:~. -....' '.:..,~ 6 .......... ....~"1 . ft..:..... 8 -~.. 2 - 10 - 12 Date Excavated: Equipment: I ~- 0.'" w ~ 0= " I 0. <CO> '" 0 0> ~ ~ - - - 2 ..I~I-.1 ~ ~ 4 . i6'~J ~ . .boo.. ~ _.~..' Q ":'~:'-'~". " 6 .~ ~ a Z . ........ z .': .' z ..:...... .. " ~ 8 " Q ~ , ~ " ~ - 10 0 ro 0 " 12 g ~ ~ ~ ~ ill 8. ~~Oa 9u n nJn~ ~rlnn LOG OF TEST PIT TP01 11/8/07 Logged by: SS Surtace Elevation(ft): 448,0 Excavator MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Dark brown, damp, loose, ORGANIC SILT. Dark brown, damp, loose to moderately dense, SANDY SILT. Gray, moist, well-graded, SANDY GRAVEL "bar-run" with gravels up to 3-inches. Bottom of hole at 8-ft, LOG OF TEST PIT TP02 w ~ w '" ~ ~ => z U 0. 0 ~ => 8 ~ " z Z ~ >- ~ ~ 5- ~ ~ <C <C w ::2:'~ "' <C w ~ I 0. 0 ~ ~ 11/8/07 Logged by: SS Surtace Elevation(ft): 447.6 Excavator MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Dark brown, damp, loose, ORGANIC SILT, Dark brown, damp, moderately stiff, moderately plastic, SILT. Gray, moist, moderately dense, well-graded, SANDY GRAVEL "bar-run" with gravels up to 3-inches. ~ Gray, moist, very dense, well-graded, SANDY GIiAVEL "bar-run" with gravels up to 3-inches. Bottom of hole at 7.7-ft. PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O OCT 3 0 Z008 K & A Engineering, Inc~ 3327 Roanoke Ave. Eugene, OR 97408 (541)684-9399 Fax: (541) 684-93958 w ~ ~ Cl:::::::' ::2 :z Z <C <C w ~ Io. w '" => ~ ~ 6- "t', ~ ~i;; <C w ~ ~ ~ - '2 t; =>8 >- . ~\:: Eugene Springfield Neprology Assoc. Tax Lots 1600 & 1700,Q Street,Springfield, Oregon 205.07 Date Excavated: Equipment: I >-- ~" W~ 0"'- '" 'i' ~ 0:", co 0 '" ~ 2 .":0-:.:. . ....... 4 ~ ~~~.~ -i~.~ l~'.". 6 ....."'.._.~.. I.... 8 10 12 Date Excavated: Equipment: '" I 'i' >-- ~ a...iU .:( c:l ~~ ffi 9 2 ~ . 4 tlLl1 s )'~'U:o,,- I- -'o.{jO:-,"9'o. c )..'<::j ~- 6 .o'~""C:: ~ - /~:O.:6.1 ~ . - ~:O~~. ~ 8 )~..:.) ~. - ......,. g -,~:.~~ ~ )-~:.-:..1 ~ - 10 -.,.... ~ - ~,:.~:~. ~.~:~.fl -~..-. 8 - 12 ~ >- ~- >- ~ w ik.a '3 ~ ft ~ I ft, ft" _l" ft 11/8/07 LOG OF TEST PIT TP03 Excavator MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Dark brown, damp, loose, ORGANIC SILT. Logged by: SS Surtace Elevation(ft): 447.0 w >- w co ~ ~ 0> Z U ~ " >- 0> '" '" '" z Z '" >- ~ >- 0- g '" 0: 0: w "'~ co 0: w '" I ~ 0 ~ >- Brown, dry, very dense, well-graded, SANDY GRAVEL "bar-run" with gravels up to 3-inches. Gray, moist, dense, well-graded, SANDY GRAVEL "bar-run" with gravels up to 3-inches. Bottom of hole at 7 -tt. LOG OF TEST PIT TP04 11/8/07 Excavator MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Dark brown, damp, loose, ORGANIC SILT. Lightbrown, dry to damp, stiff, friable, SANDY SILT. Logged by: SS Surtace Elevation(tt): 447.0 w >- w co ~ 00 0> Z U ~ 0 >- 0> '" '" '" z Z '" . >- ~ >- 0- g '" 0: 0: w "'~ co 0: w '" I ~ 0 ~ >- Gray/Brown, dry: very dense, poorly-graded, SANDY GRAVEL,"bar-run" with gravels up to 3-inches. Approximately 70-percent rock. Gray, moist, dense, well-graded, SANDY GRAVEL "bar-run" with gravels up to 3-inches, GWL = 12.0-leel. Bottom 01 hole at 12.2-11. K & A Engineering, Inc. 3327 Roanoke Ave. Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 6B4-9399 Fax: (541) 684-93958 PRE.SUBMITTAl ~E:'O OCT 30 ZOJ8 Eugene Springfield Neprology Assoc, Tax Lots 1600 & 1700, Q Street, Springfield, Oregon 205,07 LOG OFTEST PIT TP05 Date Excavated: 11/8/07 logged by: SS Surface Elevation(ft): 447.0 Equipment: Excavator I ~- ~'" w ~ D'=- " I ~ .." "'0 " ~ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Dark brown, damp, loose, ORGANIC SILT. w I- w '" " ~ !g. " " ~ 0 ~ => 2- w ,. z <' w >- ~ I- 5- ~ w .. .. ~ ,.~ '" :3 w w 0: "- 0 I- 2 ..:;: _. i.~. .:......... 4 ...,.... -t:'!~ 6 . .:w:,.:. . ji.q;; :. .~.,:-:~ 8 .~. Brown, dry, vefydense, well-graded, SANDY GRAVEL "bar-run" with gravels up to 3-inches. Gray, moist, moderately dense, poorly-graded, SAND. Gray, moist, dense, well-graded, SANDY GRAVEL "bar-run" with gravels up to 6-inches. Bottom of hole at 8-ft. - 10 - . 12 LOG OF TEST PIT TP06 Date Excavated: 11/8/07 logged by: SS Surface Elevation(ft): 447.0 Equipment: Excavator 0: 1-- ~:;; W ~ D'=- '" I ~ .." "'0 ,,~ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Dark brown, damp, loose, ORGANIC SilT. w .,. ct a ~ 2 Z z .. .. w w 0: ~ w '" => I- W 5- ,.~ I- _ zQ =>2- >- . 15;: w ~ m ~ I- 2 1 Ll Light brownjtan, dry to damp, stiff, friable, SILT. ~. 4 : .....;" Light brown, dry, very dense, well-graded, SANDY GRAVEL "bar-run" with gravelS . ...~ :.sa;' up to 2-inches. f- - -It .b,.... ~. 6 M.. Light brown, moist, dense, well-graded, SANDY GRAVEL "bar-run" with gravels up ~ . : ~~~~ to 2-inches. ~ ..~..:.. 8 . 8 . ":'~~'~ ~ . . ~ 'I Gray, moist, dense, well-graded, SANDY GRAVEL "baHun" with gravels up to fu \3-inches. ~ - 10 - Bottom of hole at 8.8-ft. o r PII!E.SU BMIT AL R':C'D on 3 } ZOOl ~ g 12 ~ 0:. ... ~ w , ~ o - ~~.a _' ~n" I n ~..., __ K & A Engineering, Inc. 3327 Roanoke Ave, Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 684-9399 Fax: (541) 684-93958 Eugene Springfield Neprology Assoc. Tax Lots 1600 & 1700, Q Street, Springfield, Oregon 205,07 LOG OF TEST PIT TP07 Date Excavated: 11/8/07 Logged by: SS Surface Elevation(ft): 447.0 Equipment: Excavator I ~- a.1U w m O'=- '-' 'i' a. <c'" "'0 "'~ . MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Dark brown, damp, loose, ORGANIC SIL 1. w ~ w "' ~ ~ => Z 'G a. 0 ~ => 5 '" '" ;Z ;i '" >- m ~ 6- g '" <C <C w "'~ "' <C w '" I a. 0 ~ ~ 2 . :i~,: Light brown, dry, very dense, well-graded, SANDY GRAVEL "bar-run" with gravels 4 . '.:,':,': .::. ,up to 2-mches. .r ..' . .. ..' Light brown, dry to damp, dense, poorly-graded, SIL TV SAND. 6 Gray, moist, dense, well-graded,SANDY GRAVEL "bar, run" with gravels up to 3-inches. )-:-:~:.. .;i~. 8 _:.a~".:~ Bottom of hole at 8-ft. - 10 - 12 LOG OF TEST PIT TP08 Date Excavated: 11/8/07 Logged by: SS Surface Elevation(ft): 447.0 Equipment: Excavator I ~- "-1ii w m O'=- '-' 'i' a. <C '" "' 0 '" ~ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Dark brown, damp, loose, ORGANIC SILT. w 0; c[ a C :1: 22 <C "" w '" I a. w "' => ~ '" 6- "'~ ~ - zu =>5 >- . ~\i: '" "'~ 5~ 2 :': t J: t Light brown/tan, damp, stiff, friable, SANDY SILT. ~ :i:-:. Brown, dry, very dense, well-graded, SANDY GRAVEL "bar-run" with gravels up to ~. 4 . .oCil'<<. .....)-Inches. r ~ _ _ ;..~~. Gray, moist, dense, well-graded, SANDY GRAVEL "bar-run".with gravels up to g 6 .. ,'., 3-inches. ~. . .fl.. GWL = 70-feet ~ I__a ~":". .. z - .-t:. ...... ~ . . :...~..':~ ". 8 " ~ Bott?m 01 hole at 8-ft. PRE., ;UBN /TTAl RECTI J CT J 0 2 J08 ~- ~ " ~ - 10 - ro o " 3' 12 ~ ii:. ~ ~ w ik$a glen gin ~erjn" K & A Engineering, Inc. 3327 Roanoke Ave. Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 684.9399 Fax: (541) 684.93958 Eugene Springfield Neprology Assoc. Tax Lots 1600 & 1700, a.Street, Springfield, Oregon 205.07 Date Excavated: Equipment: I >-- "-0; w w OC 2 4 .-:-'!..... 6 'fi.~ .... .. . 8 - 10 - 12 ~ S' ~ o " ~ o Z Z Z " < " g ~ ~ " ~ o ~ " o ~ ~ ii: ~ ~ w ~ ~ o ~,.a 9 ~n" I n ~ ~ r inn '" I "- ... '" ceo . '" ~ LOG OF TEST PIT TP09 11/8/07 Excavator MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Dark brown, damp, loose, ORGANIC SILT. Tan, moist, moderately stiff, moderately plastic, SILT. Logged by: SS Surface Elevation(<<): 447.0 w >- w ce ~ ~ => z u "- 0 >- => .eo </> '" Z " </> ,. rn >- 6- ~ </> .. .. w "'''' ce .. W </> co "- 0 ~ >- Gray, wet, moderately dense, poorly-graded, SAND. Gray, moist, dense, well-graded, SANDY GRAVEL "bar-run" with gravels up to 3-inches. GWL = 4-feet. Bottom of hole at 6.7-<<. . K & A Engineering, Inc'. 3327 Roanoke Ave. Eugene, OR 97408 (541) 684-9399 Fax: (541) 684-93958 PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'O OCT 3 0 ZOOS Eugene Springfield Neprology Assoc. Tax Lots 1600 & 1700, Q Street, Springfield, Oregon 205,07 1 . ' Tax lot 1600/1700 Q St., Springfield, Oregon Pavement Design Flexible Pavement Design - Cement Stabilized Subbase' Input Variables Pavement Materials: Surface coefficient, a] := .42 Surface Thickness (inches), Nj := 3 Base coefficient, a2:= .14 Base Thickness (inches), N2:= 8 Subbase coefficient, "3 := .09 Subbase Thickness (inches), N3:= 0 Structural Number, SN:= a[.Nj + a2.N2 + a)'N3 SN = 2.38 Reliability: Design Reliability Level, % R:~ 75 Standard Normal Deviate, Z := qnonn[( 100 - R) 0 I] r 100 " Overall Design Standard Deviation, S '= 045 Z = -0 674 o. . r . Performance: Initial Serviceability Index, Po := 4.2 Terminal Serviceability Index, Pt:= 2.5 LIPS] := Po - Pt LlPSI = 1.7 Subgrade Soils: Subgrade Resilient Modulus (psi): Mr:= 6000 Output Z,So+9.36.log(SN+ t )-.2. J M'SI ) 10, 4.2-1.5 1094 ... (SN+I)'-'9 : 2.32'lo~ Mr)-8.07 W18:= lC- 5 W18=1.l42xlO PRE.SUBMITTAl REC,'O OCT 3 0 Z008 'AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, 1993 Client: ESNA Project: 205.07 K & A Engineering, Inc. 11/28/2007 IE CASCADE ESCRDW 08/07/2008 SPRINGFIELD DIALYSIS LLC . C/O PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL 1200 HILYARD ST, SUITE 470 EUGENE, OR 97401 SELLER: MICHAEL CHAFRAN !l.UYER: SPRINGFIELD DIALYSIS LLC ESCROW NO: EU08-0968 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 270 Q STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 In regards to the above mentioned transaction, we enclose herewith the following: !tOwner's Title Insurance Policy [,r6rigi~al recorded Deed [] [] [] [ ] Original recorded Power of Attorney You have been a valued customer and we appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. If you have future title and/or escrow needs, please give us a call. :-. PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O CV ~ ~I ~t' '-f1'~;;'" ,) - ~.-.~.u6 . --: ":A'_ u. ..__ _.. .'.. J. OTP MAIN OFFICE. 8] I- WILLAM,ETTE ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 9740'] . PH: (54]) 687-2233 FLORENCE . ]90] HIGHWAY 101 . FLORENCE, OREGON 97439. PH: (541) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX: 485-0307 . E_MAIL: info@cascadetitle,com . 'FLORENCE FAX: 997-8246 I "t,;" \ "';' "," " ,.' :.'. . :\ ., \ ',. i " '/. ~Y0f .'. ", "'<... . ':., .>,' . "." .r...., '..J' ," KEEP THIS POLICY IN A SAFE PLACE . ~ i. f~ ,. ,-',- , , . \ - . For faster service onfuiure sales or loans on your property'" present ihisSlip to your broker or ioan company showing: .... CASCApE TiTLE CO. ,'. "':' J Policy No 0258441 ~ We appreciate your business and will continue giving. you the best service.possible, . CASCADE TITLE CO, 811 Willamelte Street ..Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone (541) 687-2233 ! ~! ,','" ST-101:Rev.5/01 I.; ":'. ;"-' " . @.... . ,r,..~, ,~ i ..~, . .@ POLICY NO.: Chicago Title.Insurance Company Of Oregon 0R2026-4 7 -0258441-2008, 73306-7 59204 38 OWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE Issued by Ckicago Title Insurance Company of Oregon Any notice of claim and any other notice or statement in writing required to be given the Company under this Policy must be given to the Compo!!y at the address showll in Section 18 a/the Conditions: - . , COVERED RISKS SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B, AND THE CONDITIONS, CHICAGO TiTLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON, a Oregon corporation (the "Company") insures, as of Date of Policy and, to the extent slated in Covered Risks9 and 10, :afler Date a/Policy, against loss or damage, not exceeding the Amount afinsurance, sustained or incurred by the Insu.red by reason of 1. Title,being vested other thon as staled in Schedule A. . 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the Title. This Covered Risk includes but is not limited to' insurance against lossjrom' (a) A defect in the Title caused by . (i) forgery, fraud, undue influence, duress, incompetency, incapacity, or impersonation; (ii) failure oj any person or Entity to have authorized a transfer or conveyance; (iii) a document affecting Title not properly created, executetj, witnessed, sealed, acknowledged, notarized, or delivered; (iv) failure to perform those ads necessary to create a document by electronic means. authorized by law; (v) a document e~ecuted under afalsifted, expired, or otherwise invalid power of attorney; (vi) Ii documen(not properly filed, recorded, or indexed in the Public Records includingfailure to perfoim those acts by electronic means authorized by law; or (vii) a defective judicial or administrative proceeding. (b) The lien of real estate taxes or assessments imposed on the Title 'by a governmental authority due or payable, butunpaid. (c) Any encroachment, encumbrance, violcaion, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disClosed byan accurate and complete land survey 0/ the Land The term "encrocuhment" includes encroachments 0/ existing improvements located on the Land onto adjoining land, and encroachments onto the Land of existing improvements located on adjo~ning land - . 3. Unmarketable Title. 4. No right a/access to and/rom the Land. . 5, The violation or enforcement of any law, ordinance, permit, or governmental regulation (including thosereltiting. to building and zoning) restricting, regulating, . prohibiting, or relating to - (a) the occupancy, Use, or enjoyment of the Land; (b) the character, dimensions, or location of any improvement erected on the Land,' (c) the subdivision o/'and; or (d) environmental proteciion if a notice, describing any 'part of the Land, isrecorded in the Public Records settingforth the violation or intention to enforce, but only to the extent of the violation or enforcement referred to in that notice. 6. An enforcement action based on the exercise of a governmental police power not covered by Covered Risk 5 if a notice of the enforcement action, describing any part of the Land, is recorded in the Public Records. but only to the extent of the enforcement referred to in that notice. 7.' The exercise of the rights of eminent domain if a notice of the exercise, describing any part o/the Land, is recorded in the Public Records. 8. Any taking by a governmental body that has occurred qnd is binding on the rights of a purchaser for value without Knowledge. 9. Title being vested other than as stated Schedule A or bfdng "-efective (a) as a result of the avoidance in whole or in part. or from a court order providing an alternative remedy, oj a transfer oj all or any part of the title (0 or any interest in the Land occurring prior to the transaction vesting Title as s~own in Schedule A because that p"rior transfer constituted afraudulent or preferential transfer under federal bankruptcy, state, insolvency, or similar creditors', rights laws; or (b) because the instrument a/transfer vesting Title as shown in Schedule A constitutes a preferential tranSfer under Jederalbankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws by reason of the failure of its recording in the Public Records (I) to be timely, or - (ii) to impart notice of its existence to a purchase.rfo~ value 0': to ajudgment or lien creditor. . _ 10. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the Title or oiher maller included in Covered Risks J through 9 that h~ been created or attached or has be.en filed or recorded in the Public Records subsequent to Date of PolicY andprior to the recording of the deed or other instrument of transfer in the Public Records that vests Title as'shown in Schedule A. ".,. The CompC!nyw'ilialso pay the costs, attorneys 'fees, and expenses incurred in defense of any matter insured against by this Policy, bu't only to the extentpr~vided in the Conditions. . . IN WITNESS WHER~HICAGO T7ILE 1M RANCE COMPANY OF OREGON has caused th,s pohcy to be SIgned and sealed by its duly authomed officers / CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON CountersIgned. Aulhorized Signalory PRE.SUBMirrAL REC'D :~::I i ;"lH)~- -. . _. -'- ---'.'--',.. i By 10.., rf)' 'I;~ l'tJ/") Il,(,,;u..- L ~::t : ~DUtU1X\ ;'\8E1U,} ~";~T 7/J. ''\;',;",~1' y<i# L! I 'j Prnklenl 0R2026 0258441 Cascade Title Company, 811 Willamette Street Eugene, OR 97401-3189 Tel:(541) 687-2233 Fax:(541) 485-0307 73306(6/06) &-crolary ALTA qwner's Policy (611 7106) TRANS SI TYPE , IND INF, IND CODE CODE CODE CODE CODE CODE REISSUE AMOUNT ORDER NO. 0258441 POLICY NUMBER 73306-75920438 DATE OF POLICY MAY 30,,2008 AT 1:48 P.M. AMOUNT $220.000.00 PREMIUM $750.00 unJ.'4CAS POLICY 111111111111 ~111111~III)lm 1111111111m. SCHEDULE A Order No,: 0258441 Policy, No,: 73306-75920438 Amount of Insurance: $220,000.00 Premium: $750,00 Date of Policy: MAY 30. 2008 AT 1:48 P.M. 1. Name of Insured: SPRINGFIELD DIALYSIS 'LLC AN OREGON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 2. The estate or'interest in the land described or referred to in Schedule C and which is covered by this,policy is: FEE SIMPLE 3. Title to the estate or interest in the lanq referred to herein is at Date vested in: 'SPRINGFIELD DIALYSIS LLC AN OREGON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY i 4. The land referred to in thi's Policy is described on the attached Schedule lieu and made a part hereof. PRE.SUBMITTAL REeD "".....1' - v -". 0- ~ ..} J:..'J;~Jv ~ . ~ \.. _-'l.. ,,. .j Page No.2 Order No. 0258441 Policy No, 73306-75920438 SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure.against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs I attorneyrs fees or expenses) which arise by reason of the following: 'I. Taxes or assessments which 'are not shown as exi~ting liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the Public Records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the Public Records. 2. Facts,: rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the Public Records but which :could be ascertained by an inspection of. the Land or by making inquiry' of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the Public Records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts' authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 4. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land. 5. Any lien, or r:j..ght to a lien,. for services, labor, material ,equipment 'rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the Public Records, 6. Power Transmission lin~ easement and rigpt of way, including the terms and provisions thereof, as granted to the City of Eugene, by and through the Eugene Water Board. recorded December 30. 1924, in Book 141, Page 521, Lane County Oregon Deed Records, and assigned to Pacific. Power & Light Company, by instrument recorded May 7, 1965. Reception No. 2458. Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 7. Easement, includlng the terms and provision~ thereof, gran~ed Pacific National Bell TelepJ;1one Company,. recorded June 6, 1988, Reception No. 8822.249', Lane County Official Records, 8. Deed o~ Trust (Line of Credit), including the terms and provisions thereof, executed ~y Springfield Dialysi~ LLC, an Oregon limited liability company, to . Cascade Title Co., Trustee, for the benefi~ of HomeStreet Bank, a Washington state chartered savings bank, Beneficiary, dated May 29. 2008. recorded May 30, 2008, Reception No. 2008-030384, Lane County 9fficial Records, to seCUre payment of.a note for $647.000.00, (Includes additional property) . END OF SCHEDULE B i , PRE.SUBMITTAL REC~D V_"! .' -". tJ - -- t :.-:-r.~:0b ~" _..:. I-..L/.i . ..- -_....~ f :-oJ Page No.3 Order No, 0258441 Policy No, 73306-75920438 SCHEDULE lie" The land referred to in the Policy is described as ~ollows: Beginning at the intersection of the East line of' Second Street at the North "line of the Mohawk County Road. said point being 1554.82 feet West and 30 feet North of the Southeast corner of the, Jacob Halstead Donation Land Claim.No. 47, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; running thence East 85 feet to the tru~ point of beginning of the tract described herein; running thence North 130. feet; . thence East 75 feet; th~nce South 130 feet to the North line of Mohawk Road; thence West 75 feet to the true point of beg~nning, in Lane County, Oregon. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O ..w~'" '1' "\- ~]"'. :F\v ~ ..... ;:, :7--';': :tV D , .... .0,. ..;'1. .' EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy, and the Company wi!! not pay loss Of damage, costs, attorneys' fees, or expenses that aris~ by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance, permit, or governmental regulation (including those relating to building and zoning) restricting, regulating, prohibiting, or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land; , (ii) the character, dimensions or location of any improvement erected on the Land; (iii) the subdivision orland; or . (iv) environmental protection; or the effect afany violation of these laws, ordillances, Of g~vemmentai regulations. This Exclusion l(a) does not-modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 5. . (b) Any governmental police power. This Exclusion I (b) does not modify or limit the coverage pro~ideq under Covered Risk 6. 2. Rights of eminent domain. This Exclusion does not modify or \i~t the coverage provided under Covered Risk 7 or 8. 3. Defects; liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or .other matters: (a) created, suffered, assumed, or agreed to by the Insured Claini~t; . (b) not Known to the Cotjlpany, not recorded in the Public Rec~rds at Date ofPoJicy, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not.disclosed iil writing to the Company by the Insured Claimant prior to the date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under this,policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the Insured Claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (however, thisdoes not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 9 and 10); or (e) resulting in loss or damage that would not have been sustained if the Insured Claimant had paid value for the Title. 4. Any claim, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency; or similar creditors' nghts laws; that the transaction vesting the Title as shown in Schedule A, is (a) a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or (b) . a preferential transferfor any reason not stated in Covered Risk 9 of this policy.. .. . 5. Any lien on the Title for real estate taxes or assessments imposed by governmental authority and created or attaching between Date of Policy and the date of recording of the deed or other instrument of transfer in the Public Records that vests Title as shoym in Schedule A. . CONDITIONS I. DEFINITION OF TERMS The following tenns when used in this policy mean: (a) "Amount of Insurance": The amount stated in Schedule A, as may be increased. or decreased by endorsement to this policy, increased by Section 8(b), or decreased by Sections 10 and 11 of these Conditions. (b) "Date of Policy": The date designated as 'Date of Policy" in Schedule A. (c) "Entity": A corporation, partnership, trust, limited liability company, or other similar legal entity. . (d) "Insured":,The Insured named in Schedule A. (i) The term "Insured" also includes (A) successors CO the Title of the Insured by operation of law as distinguished from purchase, including heirs, devisees, .survivors, personal representatives, or next of kin; (B) successors to an Insured by dissolution, merger, consolidation, distribution, or reorganization; (C) successors to an Insured by. its conversion to another kind of Entity; (D) a grantee of an Insured under a deed delivered without payment of actual valuable consideration conveying the Title (I) if the stock, shares, memberships, or other equitY interests of the grantee are wholly~owned by the named Insured, (2) if the grantee wholly owns the nwed Insured, (3) if the grantee is wholly-owned by an affiliated Entity of the named Insured, provided the affiliated Entity and the named Insured are b9th wholly-owned by the .same person or Entity, or. - . -(4) if the grantee is a trustee'or beneficiary of a trust created by a written insn:ument established by theInsurcd named in Schedule A for estate planning purposes. (ii) W-ith regard to (A), (8), (C), and (D) reserving;'however, all rights and defenses as to any successor that the Company would have had against any predecessor Insured. (e) "Insured Claimant": An Insured claiming loss or damage. (f) "Knowledge" or. "Known": Actual knowledge, not constructive knowledge or notice that may be imputed lOan Insured by reason of the Public Records or any other records that impart.constructive no~ice of matters affecting the Title. - (g) "Land": The land described in Schedule A, and affixed improvements that by law constitute real property. The term "Larid" does not include any property beyond the lines of the area described in Schedule A, nor any right, title, interest, estate, or easement in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways; or waterways, but this does not modify or limit the extent that'a right of access to and from the Land is insured by this policy. (h) "Mortgage": Mortgage, deed .of trust, trust deed,or other security instrument, including one evidenced by electronic means authorized by law. (i) "Public Records": Records established under state statutes at Date of Policy for the purpose or'imparting constructive notice of ~atters relating to real property to purchasers for value and without Knowledge. With respect to Covered Risk 5(d), "Public Records" shall also include environmental protection liens filed in the records'ofthe clerk ofth'e United States Distric~ Court for the, district where the Limd is located. U) "Title":'The estate or interest described in Schedule A. (k) "Unmarketable Title": Title affected by an alleged or apparent matter that would permit a prospective purchaser or lessee of the Title or lender on thc Title to be released_ 73306(6/06) . from the obligation to purchase, lease, or lend if there is a contractual condition requiring the delivery of marketable title. 2. CONTINlJATlON OF INSURANCE The 'coverage ofWs policy shall continu.e in force as of Date of Policy in favor of an Insured, but only so long as the Insured rel1lins an estate or interest in the Land, or holds an obligation secured by a,purchase money Mortgage given by a purchaser from the Insured, or only so long as the Insured shall have liability by. reason of warranties in any transfer or conveyance of the Title. This policy shaH .not continue in force in favor of any purchaser from the' Insured of either (i) an estate or interest in the Land, or (ii) an obligation secured by a purchase money. Mortgage given to the Insured. 3, NOTICE OF CLAIM TO BE GIVEN BY INSURED CLAIMANT . The Insured shall notify the Company promptly in writing (i) in case of any litigation as set forth in Section 5(a) of these Conditions, (ii) in case Knowledge shall come to an Insured hereunder of any claim of title or interest that is adverse to the Title, as insured, and tha~ might cause'loss or damage for which the Company may be liable by virtue of this policy, or (iii) if the Title, as insured, is rejected as Unmarketable Title. If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Insured Claimant to provide prompt notice, the Company's liability to the Insured Claimant under the policy shall be reduced to the extent of the prejudice. 4, PROOF OF LOSS In the event the Company is unable to detennine the amount of loss or damage, the Company may, at its option, require as a condition of payment that the Insured Claimant furnish a signed proof of loss. The proof of loss niust describe the defect, Ilen, encumbrance, or other matter insured against by this policy that constitutes the basis of loss or damage and shall state, to the extent possible, the basis of calculating the amount . oBhe loss or damage. . 5, DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION OF ACTIONS (a) Upon written request by' the Ins\lfed, and subject to the options contained in Section 7'ofthese Conditions, the Company, at its own cost and'without unreasonable delay, shaH provide for the defense of an Insured in litigation in which any third party .assertsa claim covered by this policy adverse to the Insured; This obligation is limited to (}nly those stated causes of action alleging. matters inSured against by this policy. The Company shall have the right to select counsel of its choice (subject to the right of the Insured to object for reasonable cause) to represent the Insured as to those stated causes of action. It shall not be liable for and will not pay the fees of any other counsel. The Company will not pay any fees, .costs; or expenses incurred by ~e Insured in the defense of those cau~es of action that allege matters not insured against by this policy. (b) The "Company shall have the right, in addition to the options contained in Section 7 of these Conditions, at its own cost, to institute and prosecute any action or proceeding or to dCi any'o.th~r act that in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish the Title, as insured) or to prevent or reduce loss or damage to the Insured. The Company may take any appropriate action under the terms of this policy, whether or not it shall be liable to the Insured. The exercise of these rights shall not be an admission ofliability or w-aiver of any provision of this policy. If the .Company exercises its rights under this 'subsec~ion, it must do so dili~ently" nnt .~IIDI\"ITT^J'I' ,^'" .(c) Whenever the Company .bnngr~p]tt!ll\S>DW~J"f~ t~~red or permitted by this policy, the Company may pursue the litigatloQ to~ fil)l! detennination b~ a C?urt ofcompeterit jurisdiction,.and it expI~~Y_ r~e.r-:.~s~-~e.~~t.,..i.n its sole dIs.creHon, to appeal from any'a.dverse Judgment-or-order. . GJ:~""l:O;DD . AL T~ O\viier's. Policy (6117/06) '" ,. _. .,)J;.i .-"'-M~.~_a 6, DUTY OF INSURED CLAIMANT TO COOPERATE (a) 10 all cases where this policy pennits or requires the Company to prosecute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding and any appeals, the Insured. shaH secure to the Company the right to so prosecute or provide defense in the action or , proceeding, including the right to use, at its option, the name of the Insured for this' purpose. Whenever requested by the Company, the Insured, at the Company's expense, shall give the Company all reasonable aid (i) in securing evidence, obtaining witnesses, prosecuting or defending the action or proceeding, 'or effecting settlement, and (ij) in any other lawful act that in the opinion of the Company may be necessary or desirable to establish the Title or any other matter as insured. If ~he Compariy is prejudiced by the failure of the Insured to furnish the required cooperation, the Company's obligations to the Insured under tlie policy shall terininate, including any . liability' or obligation to defend, prosecute, or continue any litigation, with regard to the matter or matters requiring such cooperation. '" (b) The Company may reasonably require the Insured ClaiIhaI1t, to submit to examiitation under oath by any authorized representative of the Company and to produce for examination, inspection, and copying, at such reasonable times and places as may be designated by the authoriZed representative cif the Company, all records, in whatever medium maintained, including books, 'ledgers, checks, memoranda, correspondence, reP9rts, e~mails, disks, tapes~ ~nd videos whether bearing a date befor~ or after Date of Policy, that reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. Further, if requested by any authorized representative of the Company, the, Insured Claimant shall grant its permission, in writing, for any authorized' representative of the Company to examine, inspect, and copy all of these records in the custody or control of a third party that reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. All infonnation designated as confidential by the Insured Claimant providedto,the Company pursuant to this Section shall not be disclosed to others unless; in the reasonable judgment of the Company, it is necessary in the administration of the cl<iim. Failure of the Insured Claimant to submit for examination under oath, produce any reasonably requested infonnation, or grant permission to secure reasonably necessary infonnation from third parties as required in this subsection, unless prohibited by law or governmental regulation, shall 'terminate any liability of the Company under this policy as to that claim. 7, OPTIONS TO PAY OR OTHERWISE SETILE CLAIMS; TERMINATION OF LIABILITY In case of a claim under this policy, the Company shall have the following additional options: (a) To Pay or Tender Payment of the Amount of Insurance. . To payor tender payment of the Amount ofInsurance under this policy together with any costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses incurred by the Insured Claimant that were' authorized by the Company up to the time 'of payment or. tender of payment and that the Company is obligated to pay. Upon the exercise by the Company of this option, all liability and obligations of the Company to the Insured under this policy, other than to make the payment required in this subsection, shall terminate, including any liability or obligation to defend, prosecute, or continue any litigation. (b) To Payor Otherwise Settle With Parties Other Than the Insured or With the Insured Claimant. (i) To payor otherwise senle with other parties for ~r in the name of an Insured Claimant any claim insured against under this policy. In addition, the ComPanY will pay any costs, attorneys' fees" and expenses incurred by the Insured Claimant that were authorized by tlie Company up to the time of payment and that the Company is obligated to pay; or (ii) To payor otherwise settle with the Insured Claimant the loss or damage provided for U1ider this policy, together with any costS, attorneys' fees, and expenses incurred by the Insured Claimant that were authorized by the Company up to the time of payment and that the Company is obligated to pay. UpOIl the ~xercise by the Company of either of the options provided for iit subsections (b)(i) or (ii), the Company's obligalions to the Insured under this policy for the claimed loss or damage, other than the payments required to be made, shah terminate, -including any liability or obligation to defend, p~osecute, or continue any litigation. 8. DETERMINATION AND EXTENT OF LIABILITY This policy is a contract of indemnity against actual monetary loss or 'damage sustained or incurred by the Insured Claimant who has suffered loss or damage by reason of matters insured against by this policy. . (a) The extent ofliability oftne Company for loss or damage linderthis policy shall . not exceed the lesser of . - . (i) the Amount of Insurance; or (it) the difference between the value of the Title as insured and the value of the Title subject to the risk insured against by this policy. (b) If the Company pursues' its rights under Section 5 of these Coitditions and is unsuccessful in establishing the Title, as insured; (i) the Amount ofInsurance shall be increased by 10%, and (ii) the Insured Claimant shall have the right to have the loss or damage determined either as of the date the claim was made by the Insured Claimant or.as of the date it is settled and paid. . 73306(6/06) (c) In addition to the extent bfliability under (a) and (b), the Company will also pay those costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses inctirred in accordance with Sections 5 and 7 of these Conditions. 9, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY (a) Ifthe Company establishes the Tit]e, oT removes the alleged defect, lien or encumbrance, or cures the lack of a right of access toor from the Land, or cures the claim ofUrunarketable Title, all as insured, in a reasonably diligent manner by any method, including litigation and the completion of any appeals, it shall have fully performed its obligations with respect to that matter and shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused to the Insured. . (b) In the event of any litigation, including litigation.by the Company or with the Company's consent, the Company shall have no liability for loss or damage until there has been a final detennination by a court of competent jurisdiction, and disposition of all appeals, adverse to the Title, as insured. (c) The Company shan not be liable for loss or damage to the Insured for liability voluntarily. assumed by the Insured in settling any claim or suit without the prior written consent of the Co,!!pany. 10. REDUCfION OF INSURANCE; REDUCTION OR TERMINATION OF LIABILITY All payments under this policy, except payments made for costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses, shall reduce the Amount of Insurance by the amount of the payment 11. LIABILITY NONCUMULATIVE The Amount of Insurance shall be reduced by any amount the Company pays under any policy insuring a Mortgage to which exception is taken in Schedule B or to which the Insured has agreed, assumed, or taken subject, or which is executed by an Insured after Date of Policy and which is a charge or lien on the Title, and the amount so'paid shall be deemed a payment to the Insured under this policy. 12, PAYMENT OF LOSS When liability and the extent- of loss or damage have been definitely fixed in accordance with these Conditions, the payment shall be made within 30 days. 13, RIGHTS OF RECOVERY UPON PAYMENT OR SETILEMENT (a) Whenever the Company shall have settled and paid a claimunderthis policy, it shall be subrogated and entitled to the rights of the Insured Claimant in the Title and all other rights and remedies in respect to the claim that the Insured Claimant has against any person or property, to the extent of the amount of any loss, costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses paid by the Company. Ifrequested by the Company, the Insured Claimant shall execute' documents to evidence the transfer to the Company of these rights and remedies. The Insured Claimant shaH permit the Company to sue, compromise, or settle in the name of the Insured Claimant and to use the name of the Insured Claimant in any transaction or litigation involving these rights and remedies. . If a payment on account of a claim does not funy cover the loss of the Insured Claimant, the Company shall defer the exercise of its right to recover until after the Insured Claimant shall have recovered its loss. (b) The Company's' right of subrogation includes the rights of the Insured to ind~mnities, guaranties, other policies of insurance, or bonds, notwithstanding any terms or conditions contained in those instruments that address subrogation rights. 14, ARBITRATION Eitherthe Company or the Insured may demand that the claim or controversy shall be 'submitted to arbitration pursuant to the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules ofthe American Land Title Association ("Rules"). Except as provided in the Rules, there shall be no joinder or consolidation with claims or controverSies of other persons. Arbitrable matters may include, but are not limited to, any controversy or ~Iaim between the Company arid the Insured,arising out of qr relating to this policy, any service in connection with its issUaitce or the breach of a policy provision, or to any other controversy or claim arising out of the transaction giving rise to this policy. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is in excess of $2,000,000 shall be arbitrated only when agreed to by both the Company and the Insured. Arbitration pursuant to this policy and under the Rules shall be binding upon the parties. Judgmen't upon the aw!U'd rendered by the Arbitrator(s) maybe entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. 15, LIABILITY LIMITED TO THIS POLICY; POLICY ENTIRE CONTRACf (a) This policy together with all endorsements, ifany, attached to it by the Company is the entire poIicy:and contract between the Insured and the Company. In interpreting any provision of this policy, this' policy shall be construed as a whole. .. (b) Any claim of loss or damage that arises out of the status of the Title or by any action asserting suc~ claim shall be restricted tothi~ policy. (c) Any amendment of or endorsement to this policy must be in writing and authenticated by an .uthorized person, or expressly incorporated by Schedule A of this policy. ! (d) Each endorsement to this policy issued at any time is made apart of this policy and is subject to all of its terms and provisions. Except as the endorsement expressly states, it does not (i) modifY any of the terms and provisions of the policy, (ii) modify any prior endorsement, (iii) extend ,the Date of Policy, or (iv) increase the Amount of Insurance. " 16, SEVERAB'Lrf3RE-SUBMITTAL RECiD _'" v~.\ ~~1;~b~~ ALTAOwner'sPolicy(6!t7/06) ~. --.... j 1';' In the event ariy provision of this pol.icy, in whole or in partjisheld invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, the policy shalloe deemed not to include that provisian ar such part held to. be invalid, but all ather provisians shall remain in full farce and effect. 17, CHOICE OF LAW; FORUM (a) Chaice af Law: The Insured acknowledges the Company has underwritten the risks cavered by this palicy and detennined the premium charged therefar in reliance upon the law affecting interests in real property and .applicable to. the inte~retatian, rights, remedies, ar enfarcement afpalicies aftitle insurance afthe jurisdictian where the Land is lacated. . Therefare, the caurt ar an arbitrator shall apply the law afthejurisdictian where the Land is located to. detennirie the validity of claims against the Title that are adverse to. the 73306(6/06) Insured and to. interpret and enfarce' the terms afthis palicy. In neither case shall the caurt ararbitrator apply .its conflicts aflaw principles t9 determine the applicable law. (b) Choice af-Farum: Any Iitigatian or ather proceeding brought by the Insured against the_ Company must be filed anlyin a state or federal court within the United States of America or its territories ~aving appropriate jurisdiction. 18. NOTICES, WHERE SENT Any notice af claim and any ather notice or statement in writing required to. be given to.. the Campany under this palicy, must be given to. the Company at Chicago. Title Insurance Campany Of Oregan, Attn: Claims Department, P. O. Bax 45023, Jacksonville, Flarida 32232-5023. ,. . PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O ::~~'JrJ.~Dg ALTAOwner's Policy (6117/06) (i) RETURN TO CASCADE TITLE CO. . . , . =-= CASCADE TITL.E CD. Division of Chief Depuly Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and Records ~~~~.~J~J~J ~fWIIL~~llt~WW~Jl~IWW III III II III $26,00 RPR-DEED Cnl:l Sln-_l 05/3012008 01: 48: 14 PM CASHIER 02 . $5.00 $11,00 $10.00 TITLE NO. 0258441 fVl to ESCROW NO. . EU08-0968 TAX ACCT. NO. 0218758 MAP/TAX LOT NO. 17032624#1500 WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM MICHAEL CHAFRAN, Grantor, conveys and warrants to SPRINGFIELD DIALYSIS LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, Grantee, . the following descriJjed real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein: Beginnuig at the intersection of the East line of Second Street at the North line of the Mohawk County Road, said point being 1554.82 feet West and 30 feet North.ofthe Southeast corner of the Jacob Halstead Donation Land Claim No. 47, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; running thence East 85 feet to the tru~ point of beginning of the tract described herein; running thence North 130 feet; thence East 75 feet; thence South 130 feet to the North line of Mohawk Road; thence West 75 feet to the true point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LA WFULL Y ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92,010 OR 215.010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAiNST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS,IF ANY, UNDER ORS. 195.300, 195,301 AND 195,305 TO 195,336 AND SECTIONS 5 TOIl, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, Exteptthe following encumbrances;: Cove~ants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements of record. . The true consideration for this conveyance is $220,000,00 Dated this 2q-t'-- day of . ~ '. 2M 8 j1.~ / MICHAEL CHAFRAN"---'" PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O wW'J : j-d ~ : l'"-:j ;1J}" State of Oregon County of 1...."'" e...... OFFICIAL SEAL MELISSA BUTTERFIELD NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSiON NO. 396222 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 16, 2009 . ~^1lt1.'lCt \'\MhL ~/~ .,.. (NotaJjy I'pbhc tor Oregon) My commissioJ\9pires . Cl .'In' (\q .2008 by MICHAEL CHAFRAN, This instrument was acknowledged before me on MICHAEL CHAFRAN 1574 COBURG ROAD #161 EUGENE, OR 97401 GRANTOR'S NAME AI'-!D ADDRESS Until a change is requested . all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: . '''SAME AS GRANTEE"" SPRINGFIELD DIALYSIS LLC C/O PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL 1200 HILYARD ST, SUITE 470 EUGENE. OR 97401 GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS After recording return to: CASCADE TITLE CO,. 811 WILLAMETTE EUGENE, OR 97401 WRD I " .." / ."'.... IE CASCADE ESCROW 04/04/2008 SPRINGFIELD DIALYSIS LLC 1200 IDLY Aim STREET, STE 470 EUGENE, OR 97401 SELLER: THE DECLARATION OF TRUST KNOWN AS THE MIKE STAIHAR TRUST, DATED MARCH 13, 1995 !!.UYER: SPRINGFIELD DIALYSIS LLC ESCROW NO: EU07-2374 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 304 Q STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR DEAR DR. PURVIS . In regards to the above mentioned transaction, we enclose herewith the following: VA Owner's Title Insurance Policy IfDJriginai recorded Deed [ ] Original recorded Power of Attorney [] [] [] You have been a yalued customer and we appreciate the opportunity 'to be of service to you, If you have future title and/or escrow needs, please give us a call. . ROW , PRE.SUBMITTAL RECiO v'1" 0/'. ~i./.. - -::d:- l.~ ,();o , - "; --- -. -...... OTP . ....-,.fJ.:J MAIN OFFICE * 811 WILLAMETTE ST, * EUGENE, OREGON 97401 * PH: (541) 687-2233 , FLORENCE * 1901 HIGHWAY 101 * FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 * PH: (541) 997-8417 EUGENE FAX: 485:0307 * E-MAIL: info@cascadetitle,com * FLORENCE FAX: 997-8246 , " \ . .\-\~ "t .~ ',\.. ~ . , ! '1. ",.f ;c';:-"'/ ','.' ."........ "l ".;. ; ., j ',-. .,' . ., . . i , .". .;; "'. '"." .. .". I.. "..",- . . KEEP THIS POLICY INA SAFE PLACE .. "',~~ " .',,:. j I i " .'1 :,'1 . '" . . '. r. For faster service.on fuluresales or loans on your property. 'present this slipt9your broker or loan. company showing: -.;' .. .' ".:.," ..',. 0"." "..,."" . CASCA[),E TITLE CO. .~. .'. PblicyNo, 0256107 We. appreciate' your business and wiilcontinuegiving. you the best service possible: ' .: . ". '. . . . ~,"', . '. ,'. , ~. ~ CASCADETITLE.qQ: 811'Willamette Street ,'._ .'.c_. . . ..' ,,""_" Eugene, Oregori 9746'1 'Phone '(541) 68722233 8T-101, Rev. 5/01 _.":.l ~--.' 'le J . @ POLlCY NO.: ,Chic'ago Titie Insura!f4~ Com p~~y Of Oregon j~ " 0R2026-47-02561 07-2008.73306- 75464309 OWNER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE Issued bX Chicago Title Insurance Company of Oregon Any noticeo! claim and any other notice or statementin writing required 10 be given the. Company under this Policy must be given to the Company at the . address shown in Section 18 of the Conditions. . . COVERED RISKS SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCm,"f)ULE B, AND THE CONDITIONS, . CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON, a Oregan corporation (the "Company") insures, as of Date of Policy and, to the extent stated in Covered Risks 9 a~d 10, after Date a/Policy, against loss or damage, not exceeding "the Amount a/Insurance, sustained or incurred by the [ns'ured by reaSOn of I. Title being vested other than as staled in Schedule A. 2. Any defect in or lien OT encumbrance O~l the Tifle.'This Covered Risk includes but is not limited to insurance against loss from (a) A'defecrin the Title,calfsed by (i) forgery,jraud, undueinjluence, duress, incompetency, incapacity, or impersonation;; (il) failure of any person or Entity to have authorized a transferor conveyance; , (iii) a document affecting Title not properly cr.eated, executed, witnessed, sealed, acknowledged, notarized, or delivered; (iv) failure to perform those ads ne,!essary to create a document by electronic means authorized by law': (v) a doc~ment executed under afalsified, expired, or otherwise invalid po-o,yer of attorney; (vi) a document not properly filed, recorded, or indexeq. in the Public Records itic.1udingfailure to perform those acts by electronic means authorized by law; or (vii) a defective judicial or administrative proceeding. (b) The lien olreal estate taxes or assessments imposed on the .Title by a governmentai authority due or payable, bui unpaid. (c) Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation: or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate Gnd complete land survey of the Land. The term "encroachment" includes encroachments of existing improvements located on the Land ontoacijoining land, and encroachments onto the Land of existing improv~menls located on adjoining land. 3. Unmarketable Title. 4. No right of access to andfrom the Land. 5. The viola(ion or enforcement of any law, ordin~nce, permit, or governmental regulation (including those r~lating to building and zoning) re.stricling, regula!ing, T' prohibiting, or relating to i: (a) the occupancy. use, or enjoyment of the Land; (b) the character, dimensions, or location of any improvement erected on lhe Land; (c)' the subdivision of land; or (d) environmental protection ifa notice, describing any part bfthe Land, is recorded in the Public Records setJingforth lhe violation or intention to enforce, but only to the exlent of the violalion or enforcement referred to in thai notice. 6. An enforcement action based on the exercise ofagovernmental police power not covered by Covered Risk 5 ifa notice oflhe enforcement action, describing any part oflhe Land, is recorded in the Public Records, but o.nly to the extent of the enforcement rejerred to in that ~otice. 7. The exercise of the rights a/eminent domain ifa notice of the exercise, 'describing any partofthe Land, is recorded in the Public Records. 8. Any taking by a governmental body that has occurred and is binding on the rights.of a purchaser for value wi/hout Knowledge. 9. Title being vested oth,er than as stated Schedule A or being defective . (a) as a result of the avoidance in whole.or in part, or from a court order providing an alternative remedy, ofa transfer of all or any part of the title (0 or any interest in the Land occurring prior to the transaction vesting Title as sho'wn in Schedule A because that prior iransferconstituted afraudulent or preferential transfer lindeI' federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws; or (b) because the instrument of transfer vesting Title as shown in Schedule A constitutes a preferential transfer under federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws by reason oftheililure of its recording in the Pub/icRecords . (i) 10 be timely, or - , . (ii) to impart'notice ofi/s existence to apurchaserfor value or to ajudgment or lien creditor. . . 10. Aily defectin or lien or enclfmbrance on the Title or other matter included in Covered Risks] through 9 that has been created or auached or has beenfiled or'recorded in the Public Records subsequent to Dale of Policy and prior to the recording of the deed or other instrument of transfer in the Public Records that vests Title as shown in Schedule A.' . The 'Company will also pay the costs, attorneys 'fees, and expenses incurred in d~ftnse of any matter insured against by this Policy, but only to theexte1it provided in the Conditions. ~ .' , m ~= WH~~Cmc.<Go 7~a COM"N' 0' OmGON ,. ~.,' '"" ~"O ,,, M "~,' ""' "0",', ," '"'' "0'''''' officers / . ~ounte d CHtCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF OREGON ~ rSlgne \ 0R2026 025:::;nzed Signatory PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O /;.i;'~~:~~~\ 1', ~~Jl1j ~'P);~ L ""i'" Cascade Title,Company "'....,. . i ?/~I'Hg~i!/;~.l :. r..,.I-~'3.'-.'./..~_.. fI..:,.- : : "$JL1.'; ~. i 811,Willamette Street. .1 vb \ ~;"" ,~.:., <' :' Eugene,OR97401-3189 \"'0"';'''''''>- T61:(541) 687-2233"-,,-,.-,-'" Fax:(541) 485.0307 73306 (~/06) ATIl:.ST: ~/j21 Set'rClar:. ALTA Owner's Policy (61J7J06) " , " TRANS TYPE SI IND INF, IND CODE CODE CODE CODE CODE CODE REISSUE AMOUNT ORDER NO. 0256~07 POLICY NUMBER 73306-75464309 DATE OF POLICY FEBRUARY 22. 2008. AT 3:48.PM AMOUNT $806,750.00 PREMIUM $~,8~1.00 OWNERS POLICY 1111I111111I~1II111111~1I~lllllllllllllml SCHEDULE A Order No.: 0256107 Policy No.: 73306-75464309 Amount of insurance: $806,750.00 Pr~mium; $1.811.00 Date of Policy: . FEBRUARY 22. 2008. AT 3:48 PM 1. Name of Insured: SPRINGFIELD DIALYSIS, LLC AN OREGON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 2. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in Schedule C and which is covered by this policy is: Fee Simple 3. Title to the estate or interest in the land referred to herein is at Date vested. in: SPRINGFIELD DIALYSIS ".,LLC AN. OREGON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 4. The land referred to in thifJ Policy is described on the attached Schedule lIe" and made a part hereof. PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O .~~.. _.". :::.-.'-i - --(""-J' . 'fl. -I.. - -- ... Page NO.2, Order No. 0256107 Policy No, 73306-75464309 SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and,the Company will not pay costs, attorney's fees or expenses) w~ich arise 'by reason of the following: 1. Taxes or assessments which'are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the Public Records; proceedings by a p~blic agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of 'such agency or by the Public Records. 2.. 'Facts,,: rights, interests .or claims which are not shown by the Public Records but which ~could be ascertained by an inspection of ,the Land or by making inquiry'of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the Public Records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 4. Any encroachment; en~umbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affect-ing the Title that' would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services:, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the Public Records. .. 6. Right of way, inclu~ing the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of ,Eugene, a. municipal corporation, by ,and through the Eugene Water Board, recorded August 2, 1926. .in Book 150, Page 149. Lane County Oregon Deed Records, The' interest of the City of Eugene has been assigned to Pacific Power and Light Company~ by Assignment recorded May 7, 1965, Reception No. 2458, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 7. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone, Company, a Washington Corporati'on, its successors and: assigns, by instrument recorded July 2,7, 1998. Reel No, 1526. Reception No. 8830182. Lane County Official Records. ' 8. Deed of Trust (Line, of Credit), including the terms and provisions thereof, executed. by Springfield.Dialysis LLC. an Oregon limited liability company. to Cascade 'Title Co" Trustee, for the benefit of HomeStreet Bank, a Washington state :chartered savings bank, Beneficiary, dated February 20, 2008, 'recorded February 22, ~008, Reception_No. 2008-010055, Lane County Official Records, to secure payment of a note for $427.0~0.00. . END OF SCHEDULE B PRE.SUBMllTAl REC'O :~ ~ "-li~l,;Q:~ , , ; Page NO.3 Order No, 0256107 Policy No, 73306-75464309 SCHEDULE "C" The land referred to in the Policy is described as. follows: Beginning at a point 1254,82 feet West and 30 feet North of the Southeast corner of J, Halstead and Wife"Donation Land Claim No. 47. in Section 26, Township 17 South. Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; and running thence West along the North line of Mohawk Road (Q Street) 140 feet; thence North 312.50 feet thence East 140 feet; thence South 3l2.50 feet. to the .point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. /' / PRE.SUBMITTAl RECIO ........." - - f/ " --h:q~:Qr, '" , , , , . , ' , , , , , , , , , , % , , , ~ , , , , , , 900 ~ , l.-j!<.j 'Il -~ ~ i~-o3-2Co-Z.L/ THIS MAP IS TO ASSln LOCATING PROPERTY, THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR INACCURACIES, f iI~ . " :"6! ~ ~.l<j tI l$ v. 5(- ~1~1 .,1. -E.;I s. e~C5.5; '!oJ. . . '" '" ~ (.. , +. N~ '.' ...500' "'C \~~1)7;:",.,P-\ PUBLic. ROAD 'I, ~~ \ 3000 1000 '> '0 1.24 AC. 0 <g , <JJ r '" i2 '- .0 '" 0 0 i 'O.8.CPSB'4.":;"W_ ~o.c.' ~ 1100 'll. );------- . " " ~ 'IT" . ./6<)' -i- 2.5' $TRIP .. '" ..., '" '" 1600 ~ ~%\ i -J 0.. "i;~ '~~I j 2900 1411', 2800 '0 <5 "-( [j)~ -:' vi . . ~ - 'r "' .0 o o ....<"~~&..zl 2703. 268.82" ---- J J I I ii I ~ /7\ " :: 1-8et " <.0.1 II .r" II ~ ~ Ii Sf r. . SUPPLI. I~/~~ r~&~ r. E-<ST 'OO'~' '~~_QSJ_!!.5.:..42':I: :.:._ '.. ~ ~ P.2 1 zl '1". (). ~:f~-.L,--_LLLEli-iP I....' , 1702 :: : '[ a 0.38 AC. l: ['c ~ . ...... r I c ~ XI I;.. , , ' " I ~ (c)\ll II ::t Ci?\~!-.. I r I- ~ ;;:..,@;J2J ~ : : ~ ~)'0 r:: I I '. ~~ $,35575: i . i \ ~~ . "p", , <<(f; (EAST. 100' rt) ! EA~ 3Z3,S . P,RE.SUBMITIALREC'D , ~,",J.~"-h~_1~~~ 1700 t ~.2..' i: tr&1. sres. . i. , .; . f J___ '2..2.- 1200 '60 -~i 1/ ~I i. 137.5 "l 1400 '-1 ~ ~ ~ '" - "'l "1 '<'<> --I4C.--~- 0 <f's' 7;t"' _ Z 1501 1500 C\J ~ () ~ '" 8 - , <00' ~. 1300 /2.t. 11~" . \- ~"""OI'ol.V~E"'" 7'" .0 /4.0' NO.1 t-- Q '. , " '" '" " . ..... . . .', EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE. The f~lIowing matters are expressly excluded from the coverage ofthis poli_cy, and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees, or expenses that arise by rea'son of: I: (a). Any law, ordinance, pe~it, or govemmentalregu!ation (including those relating to building and zoning) restr!cting, regulating, prohibiting, orrelating to (i) the occupancy, us.e, or enjoyment of the Land; (ii) the character, dimensions or location of any improvement erected on the Land; (iii) the subdivision ofland; or (iv) environmental protection; or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances, or governmental regulations. Tryis Exclusion lea) does not modity or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 5. (b) Any governmental police power. This Exclusion l(b) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 6. 2, Rights of eminent domain. This Exclusion does not modify or liri,1it the' coverage provided under Covered Risk 7 or 8. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters: . ' . " (a) creatcd', suffered"assumed, or agreed to by the Insured Claimant; (b) not Known to the Company, not recorded in the PuJ;llic Records at Date of Policy, but Known to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the Insured Claimant prior to the date the Insured Claimant becam,e an Insured undcr this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the Insured Claimant; , (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy (however, this. does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered-Risk 9 and 10); or (e) resulting in loss or damage that would not have been sustained if the Insured Claimant had paid value for the Title. 4. Any claim, by reason ofth'eoperation offederal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that the transaction vesting the Title as shown in Schedule A, is (a) . a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent transfer; or ' (b) a preferential transfer for any reason not stated in Covered Risk 9 of this policy. 5, Any lien onthe Title for real estate. taxes or assessments imposed by governmental authority and created or.attaching between Date of Policy and the date of recording of the deed or other instrument of transfer in the Public Records that vests Title as shown in Schedule A. 1. DEFINITION OF TERMS The following terms wh~n used in this policy mean: (a) "Amount of Insurance";'The amount stated in Schedule A, as may be increased or decreas"ed by endorsement to this policy, increased by Section 8(b), or decreased by Sections 10 and II of these Conditions. (b) "Date of Policy"; The date designated as 'Date of Policy" in Schedule A. (c) "Entity"; A corporation, partnership, trust, 'limited liability company, or other similarlegal'entity. (d) "Insured": The Insured named in Schedule A. (i) The term "Insured" also includes (A) successors to the Title of the Insured by operation Of law as distinguished from purchase, including heirs, devisees, survivors, personal representatives, or next ofkin; (B) successors. to an Insured by dissolution, rrierger, consoI"idation, distribution, or reorganization; (C) successors to an Insured by its conversion to another kind of Entity; (D) a grantee of an Insured under a deed delivered without payment of actual valuable consideration conveying the Title (I) if the stock, shares, memberships, or other equity interests of the grantee are wholly-owned by ~he named Insured, (2) ifthe'grantee wholly owns the named Insured, (3) if the grantee is wholly-owned by an affiliated Entity of the named Insured, provided the affiliated Entity and the named Ins'ured are both ~holly-ow"ned by the same person or Entity, or (4) if the grantee is a trustee or beneficiary ofa trust created by a written instrument established by the Insured'named in Schedul~ A for estate planning purposes. (ii) With regard to (A),-(B), (C), and (D) reserving, however, all rights and defenses as to any successor that the Comp~ny would have had against any predecessor' Insured. (e) "Insured Claimant": An Insured claiming loss or damage. (f) "Knowledge" or "Known": Actual knowledge, not constructive knowledge or notice that may be imputed to an Insured by reason of the Public Records or any other records that impart constructive notice of matters affecting the Title. , (g) "Land": The land described in Schedule A, and affixed improvements that by la.w constitute real property. The tenn "L,and" doe~ not include any property beyond the lines ?fthe area described in Schedule A, nor any right, tjtle, interest, estate, or easement in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways, or waterWays, but this does not modify or limit the extent that a right of access to and'fromthe Landis insured by,this policy. " (h) "Mortgage": Mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument, including one evidenced by electronic means authorized by law. . (i) "Public Records"; Records established under state statutes at Date of Policy for lhe purpose of imparting con~truc.tive notice of matters relating to real property to. Jurchasers for value and without Knowledge. With respect to Covered Risk5(d), "Public Records" shall also include environmental protection liens filed in the records of the clerk )fthe United States District Court for the district where the Land is located. U) "Title": The estate or interest described in Schedule A. (k) "Unmarketable T-itle": Title affected by an alleged or apparent matter that would lermit a prospective purchaser or lessee of the Title or lenderon,the Title to be released 13306(6/06)' , CONDITIONS from the obligation to purchase, lease, or lend ifthere is a contractual condition requiring the delivery of marketable titte. 2. CONTINUA TlON OF INSURANCE The coverage of this policy shal! continue in force as of Date of Policy in favor of an Insu~ed, but only so long as the Insured retains an estate or interest in the Land, or holds an obligation secured by a purchase money Mortgage given by a purchaser from the Insured, or only so long as the Insured shall have liability by reason ofy.rarranties in imy transfer or conveyance of the Title. This policy shall not continue in force in favor of any purchaser from the Insured of either (i) an estate or interest in the Land, or (ii) an obligation secured by a purchase money Mortgage given tothe Insured. 3, NOTICE OF CLAIM TO BE GIVEN BY INSURED CLAIMANT The Insured shall notify the Company promptly in writing (i) in case of any litigation as set forth-in Section 5(a) o{these Conditions;(ii) in case Knowledge shall tome to an Insured hereunder of any claim oftitle or interest that is adverse to the Title, as insured, and that might cause loss or damage for which the Company may be liable by virtue of this policy, or (iii) if the Title, as insured, is rejected as Unmarketable Title. If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Insured Claimant 10 provide prompt notice, the Company's liability to the Insured Claimant under the policy shall be reduced to the extent of the prejudice. 4. PROOF OF LOSS In the event the Company is unable to detennine the amount ofloss or damage, lhe Company may, at its option, require as a condition ofpaymcnt th~t the Insured Claimant furnish asiglled proof of loss. The proof of loss' must describe the defect, lien, encumbrance, or other matter insured against by this policy that constitutes the basis of ' loss or damage and shall state, to the extent possible, the basis of calculating the amount of the loss or damage. S. DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION OF ACTIONS (a) Upon written request by th~ Insured, and subject to the options contained in Section 7 ofth~se Conditions, the Company, at its own cost and without unreasonable . delay, shall provide for the defense of an Insured in litigation in which any third party asserts a claim covered by, this policy adverse to the Insured. This obligation is limited to only those stated .causes of action alleging matters insured against by this policy. The Company shall have the right to select counsel of its choice (subject to the right of the Insured to object for reasonable cause) to represent the Insured as to those stated causes of action. It shall not be liI!-blc for and will not pay the fees of any other counsel. The Company will not pay any fees, costs, or expenses incurred by the Insured in the defense of those causes of a~tion that allege matters not insured against by this policy. . (b) The Compa'ry shall have the right, in addition to the options contained in Section 7 of these Conditions, at its own cost, to institute and prosecute any action or proceeding or to do any other att that in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish the Titl.e: as insured, odo preve~t or reduce loss or damaito the Insured. The com~ny may take any appropriate action under the termMltis I ~Jl~mALr nc~ e liable to the Insured. The exercise of these righrs~,>>" PMdAMrs\btVit~li or . waiver or any provision of this policy. If the Compan,..~ertises ifs iig,hts'under this subsection, it must do so dilig_ently, . . =-=i r;i",;~~~ " (c) Whenever the Company bnngs an action or asserts \a ae~se"i1S'r~quired or pemlitted by this policy, the Company may pursue the litigation to a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, and it expressly reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to appeal from any a9verse ~udgmef!t or or_d~(.. ____ _.. ALTA Owner's Policy (6/17/06) 6, DUTY OF INSURED CLAIMANT TO COOPERA 1"';,;,>, (a) In all cases where this policy permits or requires the company to prosecute or pr"ovide for the defense of any action or proceeding aodany appeals, the Insured shall secure to the Company the right to so prosecute or provide defense in the action. or 'proceeding, including the right to use, at its option, the name of the Insured for this purpose. Whenever requested by the Company, the Insured, at the Compa.ny's ex.pense, shall give the Company all reasoriable aid (i) in securing evidence, obtaining witnesses, pros.ecuting or defending the action or proceeding, or effecting settlement, and (ii) in any. other lawful act that in the opinion of the Company may be necessary or desirable to establish the Title or any other matter as' insured, If the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the Insured to furnish the required cooperation:the Company's obligations to the Insured under the policy shall terminate, including any liability or obligation to defend, prosecute, or continue any litigation, with regard to the matter or matters requiring ~uch cooperation. (b) The Comp.any may reasonably require the Insured Claimant to submit to examination under oath by any authorized representative of the Company and to produce' for examinalion, insp~ction, and copying, at such reasonable times arid places a~ may be designated by the authorized representativ~ of the Company, all records, in whatever medium maintained, including ,.books, ledgers, checks, memoranda, correspondence, reports, e-mails, disks, tapes, and videos whether bearing a date before or after Date of Policy, that reasonably pertain, to the loss or damage. Further, if requested by any authorized representative of the Company, the Insured Claimant' shall' grant its permission, in writing, for ~ny authorized representative of the Company to examine, inspect, and copy all of these records in the custody or control of a third party that reasonably pertain'to the loss or damage. All information designated as. confidential by the Insured Claimant provided to, the Company pursuant to this Section shall not be disclosed to others unless; in the reasonable judgment ofthe Company, it is necessary in the administration of the claim. Failure ofthelnsured Claimant to submit for examination under oath, produce any reasonably" requested information, or giant permission'to ~ecure reasonably necessary information from third parties as requir~d in this subsection, unless prohibited by law or governmental regulation, shall terminate any liability of the Company under this policy as to that claim. 7, OPTIONS TO PAYOR OTHERWISE SETTLE CLAIMS; TERMINATION OF LIABILITY In case ofa claim under lhis policy, the Company shall have the following additional options: (a) To Payor Tender Payment of the Amount of Insurance. To payor tender payment ofthe Amount oflnsurance under this policy,togetherwith any costs, attorneys' fees, ani:! expenses incurred by the Insured Claimant that were authorized by the Company up to the time of payment or tender of payment and that the Company is obligated t,o pay. ' Upon the exercise by the Company of this option, all liability and obligations ofthe Company to the Insured under,this policy, other than to make t_he payment required in this subsection, shall terminate, including any liability or obligation to defend, prosecute, or continue any litigation. (b) To Payor Otherwise Settle With Parties Other Than the Insured or With the Insured Claimant. . , (i) To payor otherwise settle with other parties for or in the name of an Insured Claimant any claim insured against under this policy. In addition, the Company will pay any costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses incurred by the Insured Claimant that were authorized hy the Company up to the time of payment and that the Company is obligated to pay; or (ii) To payor otherwise settle with the Insured Claimant the loss or damage provided for under.th.is policy, together with any costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses incurred, by the. Insured Claimant that were authorized by the Company up to the time of payment and that the Company: is obligated to pay. . Upon the exercise by .the 'Company of either of the options provided' for.in subsec,tions (b)(i) or (ii), the Company's obligations tq the Insured under this policy for the claimed loss or damage, other than t~e paymentS required to be made, shall terminate, including any liability or obligation t9 defend, prosecute, or continue any litigation, 8. DETERMINA nON AND EXTENT OF LIABILITY .TIlis policy is a.contra~t of indemnity, against actual monetary loss or damage sustained or incurred by thl? Insured Claimant who has suffered loss ordainage by reason of matters insured against by this policy. (a) The extent of liability of the Company for loss 'or damage under this policy shall 110t exceed the lesser of, (i) the Amount of Insurance; or (ii) the difference between the value ofthe Title as insured and the,value of the Title subjec.t to the risk insured against by this policy. (b) Ifthe Company pursues its rights' under Sr;;ction5 of these Conditions and is unsuccessful in establishing thc Title, as insured, . (i) the Amo,unt of Insurance shall be increased by 10%,.and (ii) the Insured Claimant shall have the right t9 have the loss or damage. determined either as oCthe date the claim was made by the Insured Claimant or as ofthe date it is settled and paid. 73306 (6/06) (c) In addition to the ext 'liability under (a) and (b): the Company will also pay those costs, attorneys' fees, an.... ~.<penses incurred in accordance with Sections 5 and 7 of these Conditions. 9. LIMIT A nON OF LIABILITY (a) If the Company establishes the"Title, or removes the alleged defect, lien or encumbrance, or cures the lack ofa right of access to or from the Land, or cures the claim of Unmarketable Title, all as insured, in a reasonably diligent manner by any method, including litigation and the.completion.of any appeals, it shall have fully perfom1ed its obligations with respect to that matter and shall not be liablt: for any loss or damage caused to the Insured. (b) In the event of any' litigation, including litigation by the Company or with the Company's consent, the Company shall have no liability for loss or damage 'untilthere has been a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, and disposition of all appeals"adverse to the Title, as insured. (c) The Company shall not be liable for loss or damage to the Insured for liability voluntarily assumed by the lrisureq in settling imy claim or suit without the prior written consent of the Company. 10, REDUCTION OF INSURANCE; REDUCTION OR TERMINATION OF LIABILITY All payments under this policy, except payments mad,e for costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses, shall reduce the Amount oflnsurance by the amount of the payment. II. LIABILITY NONCUMULATIVE The Amount oflnsurance shall be reduced by any amount the Company pays under any policy insuring a Mortgage to which exception is taken in Schedule B orto which the Insured has agreed, assumed, or taken subjec.t, or which is executed by an Insured after' Date of Policy and which is a charge or lien on the Title, and the amount so- paid shall be deemed a payment to the Insured under this policy. 12, PAYMENT OF LOSS When liability and the extent of loss or damage have been definitely fixed in accordance with these Conditions, (he payment shall be made within 30 days. 13, RIGHTS Of RECOVERY UPON PAYMENT OR SETTLEMENT (a) Whenever the Company shall have settled and paid a claim under this policy, it shall be subrogated and entitled lothe rights of the Insured Claimant in the Title a~nd all other rights and remedies in respect to the claim that the Insured Claimant has against any person or property, to the extent of the amount of any loss, costs, attorneys' fees, and expenses paid by the Company. Ifrequested by the Company, thc Insured Claimant shall execute documents to evidence the transfer to the Company ofthese rights and remedies, The Insured Claimant shall permit the Company to sue, cOli1promise, or settle in the name of the Insured Claimant and to use the name ofthe Insured Claimant in any transaction or litigation involving these rights and remedies. If a payment on account of a claim does not fully cover the loss of the Insured Claimant, the Company shall defer the exercise of its right to recover until after the Insured Claimant shall have recovered its.loss. (b) The Company's right of subrogation includes the rights of the Insured to indemnities, gua~anties, other policies of insurance, or bonds, notwithstanding any terms or conditions contained in those instruments that _address subrogation rights. 14, ARBITRATION Either.the Company orthe Insured may demand that the claim or'controversy shall be ,submitted to arbitration pursuant to the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules of the American La~d Title Association ("Rules"). Except ~s provided in the Rules, there shall be no joinder or consolidation with claims or controversies of otherpe'rsons. Arbitrable matters may include, but are not limited to, any controversy or claim between the Company and the Insured arising out of or relating to this policy, any selVice in connection with its issl!anceor the breach ofa policy provision, or to any other controversy or claim arising out of the transaction giving rise to this policy. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is $2,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the optio~ of either thc Company or the In_sured, All arbitrable -matters when the Arno.uilt of Insurance is in excess of $2,000,000 shall be arbitrated only when agreed to by both thc Company and the Insured. Arbitration pursuant to this policy and under the Rules shall be binding upon the parties. Judgment,upon the award rendered by the Arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court of , competent jurisdiction. _ 15. LIABILITY LIMITED TO TIIIS POLICY; POLICY ENTIRE CONTRACT (a) This policy together with all endorsements, if any, attached to it by the Company is the entire policy and contract between the Insured and the Company. In interpreting any ,provision' of this policy, this policy shall be construed as a whole. (b) Any' clairh of loss or damage that arises out of the'status of the Title oj-'by any action ass7rting Sllch claim shall be restricted to this policy. . (c) Any amendment of or endorseme81'Jtt~llqrJii1l1m\ peMLr'jtiR and authenticated by ari authorized person, orexJi-fif1r@~fPW4(4lI~cIiUliilEtptgfthis policy.. . Wy,' 11-'1-.;.of{ (d). Each endorsement to this policy issued at any'tjme.is,m~9~ .~.:p~r:!l1fthis policy and is, subject to all of its terms and provisions. Except as the endorsement expressly states, it does not_(I) fl?odify any of the terms and provisions of the p~licy, (ii) modify any prior endorsement, (iii) extend the -Date of Policy, or (iv) increase the Amount of Insurance, 16, , SEVERABILITY - ---. -- AL TA Owner's Policy (6fl7/06) In the eve;t a~y'provisi~n: of this policy, "in whole I lart, is held invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, the policy shall be l<~~,~ed not to include that provision or such part held to be invalid, but all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 17. CHOICE OF LAW; FORUM (a) Choice of Law: The Insured acknowledges the Company has. underwritten the risks covered by this policy and determined the premium charged therefor in reliance upon the law affecting interests in re~l property and applicable to the interpretation, rights, remed!es,or enforcement of policies of title insurance of the jurisdiction where the Land is located. Therefore, the court or an arbitrator shall apply the law of the jurisdiction where the . Land is loc.ated to determine the validity of claims against the Title that ~e adverse to the 73306(6/06) , " Insured and to interpret an(":f~.;\:rce the tenn:iof'this' policy. I~ neithe; case shall the court or arbitrator apply its cOllf11'6C"bf law'principles to determine the applicable law. (b) Choice of Forum: Any litigation or other proceeding brought by the Insured against the Company must be filed only in a state orfederaJ court within the United States of America or its territories having appropriate jurisdiction. 18, NOTICES, WHERE SENT . . Any "notice of claim and any other notice or statement in writing required to be given to the Company urider this policy mll:st be given to the Compa~y at Chicago Title Insurance Company Of Oregon, Attn: Claims Department, P. O. Box 45023, Jacksonville, Florida 32232-5023. PRE.SUBMITTAL RECIO .""".' . ~.. ~:.~.~ .(/. - -;I-I.._";')....f-:)~ ~ :;:":-:I~::J;I . ALTA Owner's Polley (6117/06) 0) ~ETURNoTO CASCADE TITLE CO. . ?:p4 Division of Chief liepdJ<~' Clerk '" Lane County Deeds and Records 2~~~.~1~~52 ~J]Jm~~m~WWWl~mlmll""" III. $26,00 RPR-DEED Cnt=1 St"n"_-S' 02/22/200803:48:31 PM CASHI.ER 07 $5.00 $11.00 $10.00 -- CASCADE TITLE .CD. TITLE NO. 0256107 /'JfIf3 ESCROW NO. . EU07-2374 TAX ACCT. NO. 0218774 MAPITAXLOTNO. 17032624#1600 WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM . . . NICK J. ST AIHAR, SUCCESSOR CO:TRUSTEE OF THE DECLARATION OF TRUST 'KNOWN AS THE MIKE STAIHAR TRUST, DATED MARCH 13, 1995, Grantor, , . conveys and warrants to . SPRINGI1IELD DIALYSIS LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, Grantee r(lM!'1JNII>1 tf#t#, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein: Beginning at a point 1254.82 feet West and 30 feet North of the Southeast corner of J. Halstead and Wife DLC 47 in Section 26.. Township 17 South, Range 3 West of- the ~illamette Meridian, and running thence West along the North line of Mohawk Road (Q street) 140 feet; thence North 312.50 feet thence East 140 feet; thence South 312.50 feet to the point of beginningj' in. Lane County, Oregon. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197,352, THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE' LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, BEFORE SIGNING OR . AC'CEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE'PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LA WSU'ITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930 AND to INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORSI97,352, Except the follo,w~ng encumbrances: ,PRE.SUBMITTAl RECIO ~_..' - ~-:'d) :.=:[ r ~.JL QD . The true consideration for this conveyance is $806,750.00 . Dated this \ () . day of ~(d- . 'm THE DEcLARATioN OF TRUST OWN AS THE MIKE ST AIHAR TRUST, DATED MARCH 13, 1995 BY?W...! Jt . NICK J. STA\H6i, SUCCESSOR CO-TRUSTEE State of Oregon County of LANE ThIS instrument ~as acknowledged before me on \...0- ~~ . . ,2007 b; NICK J. S~A'IHAR, SCUESSOR CO-TRUSTEE OF THE DECLARATION OF~'tKNl)WN AS THE MIKE STAIHAR TRUST, DATED MARCH 13, 1995. . ~'l aGo \ . ~I I -, OFFICIAL SEAL .) .' ) <0' 1ll'lVOlK, \ . ^ . \ NOTARY PUBLIC _OREGON . _.- '.....' MMISSION NO. 4126B7 (Notary Public D Ore 0 ,_ .~;.."'"' ,_, "" M, oomm'"'o"",<= ~. ~~ I THE DECLARA nON OF TRUST KNOWN AS THE MIKE STAIHAR TRUST, DATED MARCH 13, 1995 . 1ll0VIRGINIA AVENUE MOSCOW,1D 83843 GRANTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: ***SAME AS GRANTEE*** MA T PRUVIS 1200 HILYARD STREET, STE 470 . EUGENE, OR 97401 GRANTEE'S NAME AND.ADDRESS After r,cording return to: CASCADE TITLE CO. 8!1 WILLAMETTE . EUGENE, OR 97401 WRD' @ RETURN TO CASCADE TITLE cr.' , 1 Division of Chief [)f"'ft.y Clerk LaneCounly Deeds' and Records ~~~~.~I~~oJ -- CASCADE TITLE , ce. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $26,00 00977843200800100530010019 ' 02/22/2008 03:48:31 PM RPR-DEED Cnl=1 Sln=6' CASHIER 07 ' $5,00 $11,00 $10 :00 TITLE NQ. 0256107 ~ ESCROW NO: ~EU07-2374 TAX ACCT NO.' 02187'74 MAP/TAXLOTNO. 17032624 #1600., , WARRAN1YDEED -- STATUTORY FORM JANET STAIHAR BARNES, SUCCESSOR CO-TRUSTEE OF THE DECLARATION OF TRUST KNOWN AS THE MIKE STAIHAR TRUST, DATED MARCH 13, 1995, G:antor, conveys and warrants to . " SPRINGFIELD ,DIALYSIS LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company; Grantee, MJ..t/rIrJ'/JfrJfJ/d UrM'" the following d,scribed real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein: Beginning at a point 1254.82 feet West and 30 feet North of the Southeast , corner of J. Ilalstead and Wife'DLC 47 in Section 26. Township ,17 South. Range 3 West of the ~illamette Meridian, and running thence West along the North line of Mohawk Road (Q Street) i40 feet; thence North 312.50 feet thence'East 140 feet; thence South ~12..s0 feet, to the point' of begin~ing( in Lane County, Oregon. - .. . BEFO~E SHiNING OR -:\CCEPTlNG THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197,352. .THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION' OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD dIECK WITH TIlE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO . VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930' AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS I97,35i, Except the following encumbrances: PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D "w~~'o, r" ~]~. .~:()(:',/ .~ _..:4"'.D - .---......,. The tr~e consideration for this conv~yance is .$806,750.00 Dated this 11c.tJr\ day of ~~ 200-+ THE DECLARATION OF TRUST KNOWN AS THE MIKE ST AIHAR TRUST. D'1TIJI MARC~:: " ,.'" BY Washlngt"n, Dist'''llll( ;}i:f~'ri:' " JANET ST AIHAR BARNES, SuccEssqfleG'D....'[lhlI~&ent 6 S bsef'i.'b"" ' d ,,' ,,;,,:;:i1i\,,)1'.~'i;~ nmlYU g- . ""..n .wom,be10I8",,'!i;" , me th1sl~aYOf ,b-n l<Xr(z..d State of ~~\-l ("\j1Qt (~st<?~ h'CV(G'B~.;. ~ ,)1.(\ 00 Q 2,;,1) Notary Public" County of \ Lucelle O'Fla. erty - ) : . commission expires . A '130""'" . '.: 0 ",.,' ; ,,' " This Instrument was acknowledged before me 0 pn , "wi7 hy I ^ ,'lOT STAIHAR,,\::" ',o,,'o,.': ' , .. BARNES, SUCCESSOR CO-TRUSTEE OF THE DECLARATION OF TRUST KNOWN AS THE MIKE ST)\.IHAR ' . TRUST; DATED MARCH 13, 1995. . ""'i;';->'. "';':";-'-'. -." ". \;'-. ~):<' -:,':":,'.: ".-. (Notary Public for ,My commission expires ) THE DECLARATION OF TRUST KNOWN AS THE MIKE STAIHAR TRUST, DATED MARCH 13, 1995 . 1110 VIRGINIA AVENUE MOSCOW, lD 83843 , GRANTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be , sent to the following address: "'SAME AS GRANTEE'" MA T PRUVIS 1200 HILYARD STREET, STE 470 EUGENE, OR 97401 GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS A fier recording return to: CASCADE TITLE CO. 811 WILLAMETTE , EUGENE, OR 97401 . WRD ..;....,,-._:,-..:..,.,.,,_0<. ,..,'", .'..'d~"'~';:;;';~_'_'-':' ;'.'" +:",-..,' .,'-...,' ~ .-'. , . -. . -'.-" -'''''-;' ...~""~,._'", ,., -- '-. @ RETURN TO CASCADE TITLE CO; .=m CASCADE TITLE , CD. Division ofChiL Depuly C.lerk 200B.0100S~ Lane Counly Deeds and Records \1 U\\ III \'\ \\Inl \ \ \'" \ \1 \\\ 1\\\\\\\\ \\l\\"I\. $26,00 0097784..200.:0010054001001602/22/200803:48:31 PM RPR-DEED Cnl=1 Sln=6 CASHIER 07 $5,00 $11.00 $10.00 TITLE NO. 0256107 /'1;tP-) ESCROW,NO . EU07-237:( . TAX'ACCT.'NO. 02i8?74 MAP/TAX LOTNO.' 17 032624 #1600 WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM MARIESTAIHAR, SUCCESSOR CO-TRUSTEE OF THE DECLARATION OF TRUST KNOWN AS THE MIKE.sTAIHAR TRUST, DATED MARCH 13, 1995, Grantor, . convey~. and warrants to ,MIJ.1ffl11Yf./,FlrfdNrfeI SPjUNGFlELD DIALYSIS,LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, . .' grant~e,. the following described reaJ'property free of encumbrances except as'specifically set forth herein: Beginning at a point 1254,82 feet West and 30 feet North of the Southeast corner "of J: Halstead and Wife DLC 47 in ,section 26, Township 17 Soutl:, Range 3 West of the'Willamette Meridian, and r~nning thence West along the North line of Mohawk Road. (Q Street) 140 feet; thence North 312.50 feet thence East 140 feet; thenc_e ~outh ~12 :50 feet to the point of beginning i in Lane County, Oregon. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE ._'.' ".. '_ .1_., .. SHOULD.INQUIRE ABOUT THE:PERSON'S.RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197.352. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES !'lOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION 'OF APPLICABLE LAND, USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED.IN ORS 30.930 AND TOINQUlRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS}97,352. . Except the following encumbrances: The true consideration for this conveyance is $806,750:00 Dated this 26 daYOf"G.epf~4.f,~r . ?O{)7 1;1 . PRE.SUBMITTAL REeD -" ~\" "\' ."]"" .:::0:0 . ~ _ """...-.:....; t~~,: ~. .0 - .-- .... . , .j,. THE DECLARA T:Op,/ TRUS l' K~ AS THE MIKE STAIHAR TRUST, DATED MARCI,[ 13, 1995 'BY (\I\.; M t (, c;. 7....-t:e-Il..-. '. .. MAR.IE ~TAIHAR, SUCCES;OR CO-TRUSTEE Stale of County of Uk >4, ~..~ DC ,"( . "ent was acknowledged before me on )ep --I iJ ~b.-r zC, 2007 by MAR.IE STAIHAR, .. . ", p- TRUSTEE OF THE DECLARATION 7 . THE MIKE ST AIHAR TRUST, , ".<,."" L~ . :1- (Not~r.... ~ . ) . 1';';:,1; ."i~~wj;ti',:,/: e- ' My commission expire M~:E~~~fO~-t~~~;f~~ {~!- i/;: f;1 .,.;ti>ii\x:'c,...,.........,,~J%lQ\.TIONOF TRUST KNOWN Untl1 a change IS requested :: '.c>;t,"AS;THEiMIKESTAIHAR'TRUST, DATED . ,/,..':;.;J;;t;\:R.CtN3!ji 9.95: . .. 'lIlOVIRG.rNlA'A VENUE .'MOSC'pW,jt>~;S3843 .... . .'/c.~kfl'f~R:\S'NAMEAND ADDRESS ,'. .,'.~'Cc~C.:~7:~':;~~,:;'~ .. MAJ,I>RtiVIS'. . .1200HILY ARD STREET, STE 470 . EUGENE, OR. 97401 GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS ". all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: "'SAME AS GRANTEE'" After recording return to: CAS8ADE TITLE CO. S I 1 WILLAMETTE ' EUGENE, OR 97401 "',' WRD hristopher Kidd & Associates, LLC chitects and Engineers TRANSMITTAL PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 3 0 Z008 Date: October 28, 2008 To: via FedEx Standard Overnight Ms, Karen LaFluer City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753 From: Ms, Michelle M, Woggon Christopher Kidd & Associates Architects and Engineers Re: FMC-DS of Springfield -Shell Building 344 Q Street Springfield, OR 97477 CKA Project #07192-02 Dear Ms, LaFluer: Enclosed please find: . . 1. One Partially Completed Site Plan Review Application (the Property Owner shall sign the application prior to the Pre-Submittal Meeting,) 2. One Check #13309 in the amount of$346.00 3. One Project Narrative 4. One copy 'of 8.5"xll "Site Plan 5. Three copies of the Partially Completed Stormwater Scoping Sheet 6. Seven copies of the Civil, Landscape, Architectural, and Structural Plan sets folded into 8.5" x 11" Packets 7. One copy of the Geotechnical Report by K & A Engineering dated November II, 2007 Please note that a copy of the Deed and Prelimimuy. Title Reports will be furnished as needed by the Property Owner prior to the Pre~Submittal Meeting. Please note that a Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application and a Traffic Impact Study were not included since this is an existing site with existing curb cuts on to the right-of-way, If you have any questions or if! may be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~'~>?..-7- Michelle M. Woggon MMW:ayd c: Dr. Mattox Purvis, Eugene Springfield Nephrology Assoc" viafacsimile N..:t8W16550 Lisbon Rood Menomonee Falls, WI 53051-6630 262.901.0505 Phone 262.901.0510 fox - - . . Wwwckiddarchltedscom Webslte arch@cklddarchllects com Email , 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759'Phone' Job/Journlll Number PRE2008-00068 Payments: Type of Payment Check cReceintl RECEIPT #: Cit'~f Springfield Official Receipt De, dopment Services Department Public Works Department 2200800000000001571 Date: 10/30/2008 Description CTY Site Plan Rvw Tentative Paid By CHRISTOPHER KIDD & ASSOC. Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received kal 13309 In Person Payment Total: PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O OCT 3 0 ZOOB Page 1 of 1 6:46:20AM Amount Due 346.00 $346,00 Amount Paid $346.00 $346,00 10/30/2008