HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-9-27 CITY OF SPRIrIGFI,LD lNIORt!ATlDN LINE II COMBIIATlON APPLlCATlON/PERI1IT 726-3753 !La4~ . II 4 n ,_. . "'.....Ar--. IEnergy Sources: Isq. tt. m'.ln & accsy. biOS ?I-I~ IV~ ~ heat ~T ~";oo-i:. (IDO I 0 ~ter heater ~ r::;r-'f" _newX-add-Yalt.er._rep ~ legal Oescription \'''1 02 ~(") "Ii" 0 ranoe __".... fence .reinol1tl0n f $ 7Z ~ change/use other AAl:5I.'nZL lU:>1A/"JU 'fio2..alU""""'-l1 _ lue 0 work: ,000 - - ~ 'oJ-tru> ' ulldlng pernnt lnfo.: descnbe work (1.e., bUlld I Owner (name/address/~) ~L"D ~~ ;;nole fam. res. with detached aaraae) ::s.f1t;; Afl>t2.U::u> ~ ~~ ~~J;.~1:. I JZ1o.Ig.t.,6 s.1'eJ~'fi~ t:L t'/?4-11 ~s. ~ l'.bJ..)~ccr ll,.,...t:') 1,"\ Construction lender (name/address/phone) / -r2> LeIJ~. I I {ohane no. I . ~. IlIlSPECTlOll LlIIE 726-3769 Job Address Ut~lliN itAr., Primary Structura 1 Electrical Mechanical CONTRACTORS Genera 1 Plumbina Electrical ~lechanical ~ . f0~e.. {nameJ (address I (exoires) , ~//J\-_. "': .,,' ~~\ ,; v (1 ics. no.) ~~ (name) (addrp'is) (ohonf> no.) (1;e5. no.) (exo;res.) ~~ \t ~ M --PL.0Mt;l~ G'" S ~~Cte.lL ::;:PDAA ~ ~:nL- >s~,; ~ f "':Re.. Z 140 (J::\.,.-n;:;,..11JJtL. ~. .Ht;>~1 ~ ((of~. 2~. ~ 1~.~z. 344-- zz~ s+-;. "S71v PlUI!BIIlG MECHAIIICAl ELECTRICAL FEE CHARGE NO. I FFF rHARGF NO r1-lARr.F ~iEach single fixture Relocated building (new fix. additional) TOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE lAW REQUIRES shall not be valid until the S.F. Residence (1 bath) Ouplex (1 bath) each Additional bath ~later service I Sewer I Storm Sewer '" 3~ I{.J..PD 'f furnace/burner to /..!;>!?""J?'? BTU' s /b~ noor. furnace and vent New circuits alts. or extensions Res i dence of ~16~ SQ. FT. Recessed wall SO<lrp hPrttpr rtnrl vpnt ISERVICES 1 3 I Appliance vent 1 c;poari'ltp Stationary evap. I I cooler Vent fan with l..,c;P 1 /c;1fit) sinole duct IL Vent system apart from I 1 heatina or A.C. Mechanica 1 exhaust I 1 ..et:> hood i'lnd duct ~... I I 1 1 I I I I 31J9 '4~~:;- 9"OTAl CHARGES Electricaf Contractor, the electrical portion of this Supervisor and returned to the Building Division. perm; t ITemporary Construction IChange in existing resJ ~f!.nce Imultifamily, conm. or Indu<;t.r;al ~IIOf ~ ICOMM./IIID. FEEDERS I Install/alter/relocate r1ic;:trih fpprlprc;: 10f amps. 1 INew circuits, alts. nr py.tpn<:.inn<:. I I{~G I I 1 I I amps.j I Wood stove/heater I SSUANCE OF PERI1lT I 1/,;z@ TOTAL CHARGES that the Electr;cal work be done by an label has been signed by an Electrical I HAVE CAREFlILl Y EXAMINED the camp 1 eted app 1 i ca t ion for penn it , and do hereby cert i fy that all i nfonnat i on hereon is true and correct. and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work describe herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure With:~ ,t:7issi,oln..:'~ .:he, Buildinq Division. I 1\, ., DATE '~~2'l}'"7Q NAME (please print) ~ \~ ~l'< SIGNATURE ~.'" 'If' /~ -r~ 01ttL.P LeW~~ I Zonest1...~. P-R 77X . Deey Load BUILDING PERfHT Charges and Surcharges PLUt4BING PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges ElECTRIC~.l PERI1lT Charges and Surcharges 11ECHANICAl PERMIT Charges and Surcharges FOR OFFICE USE OIlL Y Sq Ftg. 1IfJJL/.If'!v Sq Ft.g..:]1Jnf'J I1I."'P?h. ~' Value~'7-7 Value ... c .. Flood Plain Bdrms Type Const. !!-AI Deey Group ,fl-Z- Stories I Units ACe U U N T SUM MAR Y Plan Ck. COllll1iInd \~ \~0 "... ______~:s.f'_~Q 65%/Rlda ~er 'ee \J. ) '?Y7J-H Plan Ck. Res 9.:1if 30%lBldQ Per Fee "'-tl Jf':f' Fence _______Lc_2;d_ ;. b II I Sprinkler System Storm Sewer Connec. Other Other _ _ _ _ _ _ .1t1S.fJ.9_ Demo. 11&1 /,)(".,.: .~ Oth~..;:/..;,*;.: :1-);:y.t1o I ' T9ta1 Comb. Permit r I <,0/ DC ._ /r:. I 1 TOTAL ~~-- ~~ . t J.. ~ '- ..:.;. ':""'." . . d.c!?~ A/C Paving ~ . . .' __~~~~ Curb Cut I./~~,.-{j I Sidewalk ~ 7ijo. '1'1 J . COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. 'A~Pllcant~ t~>'f~rn1Sh '1~ ~~j'''J.',;:/ A. 'Job Address - : '\ ,#,. B. Legal Description' ~ . 1. example- Tax' tot.lOO, :lane County,Map Refere.nce.. II 03 43 . 2. example- Lpt 1. Block 3, 2nd Addition to . ~pringfi_eld ~s~ates .,.... .' ".... r G:' 'Name, 'etc. of ow'ner and 'construction. lender D. Energy Sources ' . .' )..,... l.",>"examole:- heat/electrical'ceilinQ/or forced air Qas 2. example- wa~~;heat~rlelectrlcalior solar E. Square footage .or valuation, etc. . 1. examole- 1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot garage 2. examole- if new project, check-new - if addition, check add, etc. F. Building permit information: 1. example. construct single family house with an attached gar.!lge 2. examole - remodel existing garage into f~mily room 3. examole - convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the Structural Specialty Code H. DESIGN TEAl.' AIIO CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays. Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate I ~' ~ persons regardi ng des ign i n,fc.fmation. or .job ..s i te . corrections, etc. . . . - . H;. 'Abbreviated Plumbing, ~lech51n'ical, &'~Electric.a'.l Schedu1'es A. Except where blank spaces occur in the description. . portion of. the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need fill.in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item(s) to be installed B. Full Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the, permit form the schedules have been abbreviated' . 2. If the item(s} to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the full schedules C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES D. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to the electrical contractor for signature by his electrical supervisor. The general contractor is not authorized to sign the electrical label. --- III. Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible, the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. Where possible. Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. I' IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application, and no plans will be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. . . ~' \ V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: name signature ~ , . - .'"'.~~ PERMIT VALIDATION . \. ., '. . BP Q..:5 ( .00 -. ,.....\ , 40/0, C'f.14- .,. '. rP 47.00 4610 .1 ;iPB 'rP ~'5. ()O .. CfD)D 2..00 hp Z<c .00 qoJ15 IIT~ 5DC -e, <-Vi. 60 - ~. :136.40/ ~ ....- ". - . , - . ?d q~'G1-19 Permit Cl erk ~ " . _ da te .