HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Septic Tank 1966-7-28 ",,,,,~' -" /', :-6 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, ' ,- D . SPRINGFIELD, OREGON -:^ f'(Y~^-' 97477 ~ IV' July 28, 1966 ~ q' CITY HALL --:;. FOURTH AND NORTH A STRln. PHONE 748.4428 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Memo To: Joe'Reeves From: Frank R, Smiley, City Manager ~ .~ ~ Subject: Septic Tank Approval for Leavitt Freight Lines. The Springfield City Council at the July 25 Council meeting authorized the issuance of " building permits to Leavitt Freight Company for development of their property at the intersection of 42nd and Mohawk Road. The Council approved the use of a septic tank at this location with the limitations on its use as proposed by the County in their memo of October 19, 1965, namely, that there can be no more than 7 employees working at the Leavitt Freight operation; that the septic tank will provide for rest room facilities only; and that all employees will be limited to an 8 hour "a day basis. These limitations are to exist until sanitary sewer service is available to this area, and no expansion of the facilities will be allowed and no employee activity exceeding that mentioned above until such sewer system is available and in operation. You should provide some type of control and notation in your building permit files to issue this permit to Leavitt Freight and make some provision for an annual check or inspection to see that the terms of the permit are not being violated. I will notify Leavitt Freight of Council's action and would assume that they will be in shortly for building permits. /" ~ MEMORANDU~ SI-L DESIGN ASSOCIATES 17 02 30 Out of 1900 T 0 ____~_~~.Y..~~~Jr:.<<:~..!l~!__~~~_~~~_i_9~_~~~~=_i_~~~. DA TE___!l_c:!~_~~:,_!1l_~n!1l_~5 FROMn__~:_f:_!l!.C?~_~'n~~_I!!!~!.i_~~!__~~p}_,-~LHeal th and San i tat ion S UBJE C'L____~_~_:,___~L~~_~).~,a.P_~!'~.Y..~~__~~__!~: 17 Range 02, Sec:t ion 30, Out of 1900) Rec:eipt No. 12221 The northeast corner of the above property c:an be approved on the basis of seven employees with restroom fac:ilities only and an eight hour a day basis. There is 8 to 10 feet of fill in this area and surfac:e water is diverted on the above side by Mohawk and High Banks Road. City water is available to the site. No expansion of are available. the subsurfac:e fac:ilities will be allowed until suc:h time that sewers Spec:ific:ations will appear on the buIlding pennit for' sewage disposal system. o~ c.,1? r~/ C. P. K~~tarian ~ ~;;5? , , ' ,r-Y..,n"t--, R:$W7)~ O?j, M."....,<t9"'''' . .y';.'Z5;, ~ 6 ~ '"'" d. ~ J .. ' ;. I , ...'. ," ..,. J ,tt:'~,/k/, ,44,..., ;;noj1f ~6D,:"I./i~ Le&t(//~I'Ydl'eY~; ,Hi'. KHd/7 .." . fh.~e~ :rk s......,e. ",-!,PYlJv...1 4>V1J1A./a' tSO/t(D~G -,1.14-/ ~,(e ~Wl/~ &;-~~ S~D..../~INl. ,,~ ,t~fZ.~,,-It ,d( t4~"p'rorY& ,"-'ltere' ,~~("G44 ~d I 'f.J. ,1e/<s-lree:r~ee.1 (ref) b.. ........e 0"'0- ...../,/ ~/-1:, ~,""ey'''''$ ~vf11 /able.) J4rJ ..,.".'" 6: y~',,"r~ ' Joe ~~' " ' ~. .,. 2 . . "\ ' ", ~" \: I. F. "/l " " " "," .r,-,:-: " " ' . " ," " io', . ...."7.. '):)~:~~~" " , ';~t:'" .."'1....: ::,. .'r.:"~' ,-.r- ',V' ,,0'. ',.' . t...... '-. . ~ i '. .( , , .,"-' ^ '.' j' {, ," ,; \' ~ " ,-';. ,"',,- . " " .......... , -",' 'j', , lj ';.""''': /" " "'-"-. ..'" 1:- , " ,.,"" . .' " " . "'.. ',::, ~~t." ~<~ '.t' , , i ,', " " --' ~ ....., ,'.,' '::t', :." .,'.. .,h.' " . ~~ '- , . c' ., , ' , \' , , ~'j ", '.... .' , .. . .;.,:~," ,,c"' .' .'.~~,'''{' _J ,,( '-, ..l',', ~;. ~'tA'" ~. l l' ,.., "w"';l;~ ~ . . v, .; . ',~ . . ~~', ",".- >.. ,',," ", .~ .... ........, t,. " , , ...... J I ! ,,' -'-+ , '~ . " ..\..'~).' " ,', :~_.'j ......',~ " '.. '/,' .... ;',' ..., " .... . '.' " c' " .. .', , , " '1,-, r~ \.. " ."" r ," " 1. > ~,7' / '," ..,.,..7' I ",J,', ~:,. ~ . "July,~8;,W66 ,",' , . , .. :.' ..... .:,~:;.::~,.\...\,<..z;'~":" '. ~- < ~.' '. ',:. ,','- " ~. .: , , . . . ~ . " , , .' .". ~: ",' .,. ,. c " ," ".'.,- , . ;,' " :;~. . ....-;. '" ,< H,: .. , ':', ~" \. " " .:' ...., \'. -~;. ....1'. ....., ~ . ,,'" " ' . ...l' ....... ~' ~ r,," _' :. . ~.,',' ,- r'.. _: , : "'".:. I I'~, . ,', Leavitt fretglit':Co~Pll!1Y, ':, \ .,.' ; i.'i'''-'' ;., ,'RoUte,:f,~ox.J7,O B, vituS troi~" ',,' .',' :Sprlrigfiel!i.,,9r~gb1i, 97477 ' ,..,', ", ;, ~ . .. . " . .i, ,":' _. \\ k .,.' . ~r ,~lrs:' ,.~ , , " ; " .' , ". ,,\.- , \.,,(1-\ 0, .' .-I~ ' , , :".....,\.;...,..,:. ,'. . .,',', -...:;',;..:....'\....;:..., ... , ' , ,~" ", , '~. " ;'..' _ J'" ~., ."- '",.-,, ;-.1 . ,:r.-:,:,. " '. .\~ ';' , . ~-, "',' .;.: "'.';> ,c .- " ,.",' " ';,. ~" , ,':',' '.i, .'" , '." " . _. I; '. ." ,l~' " . ' . , ,.' , .." . , " ' 'This,!;; to ~dvtse you. that ,the' ~pmigfleld C!tY, counClh '.at ~el~;.~eet1hgo , July 25. authoriZed the~use:'of. sePt,lctankBfc:!r deyelopmeIit of your property at the " 1nters~~o~, of Mohaw!l, end 42rt4StJ:eet aspr~~81y reque'sted!>~ Mr:, ~o~an. .':: ' ll~~er:,: ',:::~~ '~~~~~t1~n: f~r ~~~C~~~k~ iL/~a11ri~~ ~~'Coori~U .~~~~. ,; ,.'~" . · '~;: :sanie'extent ~coJnJrien~ed;bYthe,pbunty~,a~~~th1s PIlei bc~,ber.l~" tl~";"elY~'",' J, ; ,r" ,that the use of , the property w~,b6 limited ,to '7 ,e~ploye~s, m,cl~ltieil wlUb,6"f~r:" .,. '\' ;,"',i> :yJ;' . 'rest room' useol11y, and operaU,oIi: of the' Freight ~eJ.'viceand employee actlvitYwUl;'. " ' . be.'bn .'en.B hour claybas.s, ol11y~ " Th,e~e rE1s~lctlO1lEl: aretQ apply until clty sewe~', ,:""',)0., ,'sertlce Is avallab1e and connecte<I t~ thep~oPerlYlmd'bU11t1tngs., " ..,:.':'> '. -:;:,:f.,'.' .::<, ',. '. " '. :':,'~:' ""~"!".:~, ''',:-',.'~'..' ".-. (" '..-,:".:;': i:..,>.<'._::..... '-::,~:. , :'l"J"'~. "j , , ." ,,' .: .~e .PltyBu1l,d111g Department 'hall be~n advilled of this acUon end,y'ou, . ... .', " .'.. . \. '. '....... '. "'.' . ','. '.' " .' " ~Il:~ ~,1i~~~~ec.~~,;lll1')':ln1,U~g; pe~lt8: upon:appl:1~.atfon~..,~t o,moe,,' ,~ ( '.1 . '~,l'. li I .;: ~ ,,('" {~'''.'' Po '. ,. Veri t1i.ilYJyours. "',..' >:.,'~~": ~'~~''<~.',':s';~' .... ~ ",' .'{ .. ".-0', '. ".' , ..,.....-....;: .. ' I" ,'.. '!~ ", " :, :'<~~ i(snili", :,".><:~; " : ' :\cuy' :Man~ger ' .: . -.' '.. .r~ .:, ' '~ '. .... .:_.' ....\..;1 ",' \''; " 1, ,"'" , ' ..,,' " .~ ',' '.:" ..... .",.,,, , , .' . '" ..'" ..~ , ' " ',;:,'f" .;.. '~\ ': ,\: , " " " 'f :;'0 "," .' _.41, " ~, ".. , "').. .. ' , . ,., ..'\ " , ., ",' ,l ',,' ~ ; :.-> , , " ..'1 . ";:':, '.' '. " , '. .,~ " .">, ." .' '" >.... ( " " .~ .'t." '. " r ,~ 'oP :'. .",1,' ',' ,,' . ~ " , . ' :.:b', ;. . >.... ..' ,,' ~ ~ ,'. .. ~.: . " " . ~.' '". .. " . .-. ". ,'_ .' . . 'c, ~. ~ .' '" FRSimp, ", " ." ~ " . , ',; ,'. " ", " " ,;.:,,' ".': " , .. .... '." '. , ",' .. , ~. . ....-,. ,:' ,~ .~.. "':':~' " ", QO" Jcc,Reeve'iJ<"'..: , ~le::'" < ','"" C', '\ .' ~ . ,.. ,> " - :l:: , " ,~ ., "'. ...~ '~1' '. , '. \, :, t,;" .", , " " '..t, .~. ': ". " '.j,Y. ,:;'!;.,. " " '--.. .... " , ' " ; :. , . ". ( ,..'-'..' ..... :, .'-:, .". ,I. . . \:., " : , .c' .,,0;'" -I,,:' , " ~. " . -.". ',. ,1' ./ ~, . :" ' .. ~ , .. ~: , " . '.,~ . , ..... ." ~." ." l " : ,.-' . , " " " ) i, ':'. "'. .,,' " _-.t. ' ,. '. , ......- "," " . , '1,.,.;.-';,,: " \,. '" ~'.\' ':.:'" '"l/. .....: . " , ,.......~ ", '::;. '..' ... . ~. ~". .... : .' \'.;' ,'...,'. -, t: - ./1- , '. " '.' :-~ ~:. . . t, . I, '.,' " '..-' " ~ .' '. '. '. }' . .' ',4c..;,:" . , :'~'::,; ~ > ,:" .~ ~. '..; ..... ',., , ,:~.'.. .. ' -.' ;1 \. '~, " ,. """'... j.. ,~".. . , "., " ". . :;' .' / to' .. .... ..' "'(, '. .' , " ". "';.' ~ '" , , . ',' " C'"' ~ ~ . . \. .-'\:,'. .~, <)" t. iI''' t~:, ."~- ',' .. , .... ",